Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, August 07, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Flo ad oa
timo., at
Something now nil tho
fountain. Tho most popular drlnkever
eerveil in Salem has boon and. still is
k OoUcction of Important Para
graphs for Your Consideration.
"THE SUMMER, ailtli."
Wo load, others follow1. Our ico cream
has that tasto that is a littlo bettor
than seems necessary, but wo bolicve
nothing Is too good for anybody.
' 4GO-400 Stato Stroet.
Hookor soils our Ico Orcam.
Buggy Robes
For Cool
We havo somo very choice medium
weight worsted sumraor robos, just tho
thing for cool ovonings. Pattorns vory
dosirablo, and colors that won't -soil
Ask to
See Them
Somo good whips from 2uc up to $1.
Best values wo'vo ovor ownod.
Spocial buggy lubricants in ono-pint
-cans with spout. Tho sort of oil that
lubricates; yet doesn't gum. ,
Dixon's graphlto groaso plonty of
graphlto with just onough groaso to
hold it togotbor. Try a can and if you
lon't liko it got your monoy back.
F. A. Wiggins'
Implement noose, 255-257 Liberty It
Farm Ia.plea.onta, Wheels, Automo
biles, Sowing Machines and Supplies.
Bull Chased Boof Foddlor.
A boof poddlor from Elmira, whoso
namo was not learned, had an exciting
oxporionco with nn onragod bull this
forenoon. As ho was bringing his load
-of boot, to town a bull la a field along
tho road smollod tho blood of his own
kind, and, jumping ovor tho fonco, took
after tho poddlor 's outfit, following it
Into tho city. Tho poddlor stopped at
1'rofossor B. J. Iluwthorno's rosldonco
at West Fourth and Lnwronco stroots,
and wns cutting off stenks for Mrs.
Hawthorne, when tho bull was 'soon
coming bead on toward them at full
speed. Mrs. irnwthomo rnn into tho
yard just in timo to escapo being run
down by tho maddenod beast. The
poddlor protected himself witli clubs
and rooks, nnd tho bull was. finally run
into Dr. It. L. Willoughby's barn noar
ly. Eugcno Quard.
Tho omploymont offices in tho city
i-u . goou uemand for all classes of
labor, at good wages. Tho demand is
greater than tho supply.
Salem Elks will attend Elks' Day
in Portland, Wednesday, tho 10th, In a
North Salem is to havo a steam laun
dry, located on tho corner of Oak and
Broadway streets.
Givo the children Hollislcr's Ilocky
Mountain Tea this month. It makes
them grow nnd gives thorn rosreheoks.
Thcro is noothormedlcinoln tho world
so god fqr tho children. 35c. Tea or
Tablets. Stono's Drug Store.
Workmen nro busy today unloading
ono of tho now 100 horso power boilers,
and somo now machinery that Is to bo
nddod to tho equlpmont at tho olectrlc
light plant.
Hundreds of thousands of peoplo
uso Iiilllstcr a Rocky Mountain Toa as
a family tonic. If takon this month It
will kedp tho family weoll all tho year.
If It fails got your monoy bock. 35c.
Dr. Stono's Drug Store.
Tho flro department was called out
Saturday evening to put out a chimney
nro in tho Pntton block. The fire diod
out of its own accord, nnd no wator or
chomicols woro turnod on.
Mothers bo careful of your chll
drno. Thoro is no baby mcdlclno in
tho world as good as Holllstcr's Rocky
Mountain Toa. It makes tho littlo
ones strong, healthy and active 35c.
Dr. Stono's Drug Store.
Rev,. Chnrlos M. 8holdoto, of Topcka,
Knnsaa, will glvo. a reading Tuesday
ovening at tho Prosbytorlan church, un
der tho auspices of tho local Y. M. C.
Tho Oregon asylum
fresh milk cows.
wants to buy
bantu llw Kind You Han Attrjrs6niiM
Notice of Assessment.
Notice is horoby givon that tho Com
mon Council of tho City of Salem, Ore
gon, will, at 8 o'clock p. m., on tho ISth
day of August, 1005, at the Common
Council chamber irr tho City Hall, at
Salem, Oregon, proceed to assess upon
each lot or part thereof or tract liable
therefor its proportionate sharo of tho
cost of Improving tho following do
scribed part of Commercial street, ai
provided for in tho plans and specifica
tions of said improvement now- on filq
In thooffico of tho City Recorder in
said matter, and will proceed at said
time and placo to bear any and all ob
jections to said assessment and appor-tionment,to-wit:
Beginning at a point in said street
where tho south boundary lino of the,
donation land claim of W. II. Wilson
nnd Chloe A. Wilson, his wife, inter
sects said Commercial street, tbenee
Along said street to the south boundary,
line of said city, excepting therefrom
eight feet wido along the center of the
aforesaid part of said stroet.
By order of the Common Council.
8-3-10t City Recorder of Salem, Oregon.
Herbert Nash was pinched early Sun
day morning for being drunk nnd dis
orderly, and wanting to, lick everything
that camo in sight. Whon. Policeman
Murphy attempted to arrest him Hash
put up a roslstanco, but not enough to
prevent tho officer from landing him In
tho city jail. ITo.wno fined $15 this
foronoon, which' n frlond put up for'
him, and he was relonsod after a heart
to heart talk to him by Recorder
Moorcs, who told him triat if ho over
camo up beforo him again tho full pen
alty would bo handed out.
Leo Acheson spent Sunday in Port
land. Miss Mae Smith Is vlsltlnir friend
at Bprlngfleld.
Mrs. J. S. Holt Is taking in tho fair
for a fow days.
Miss VinatAbrnm8, of Boston, is the
guest of Mrs. II. D. Thlclson.
Miss O. Bernardl is visiting frlonds
at Portland for a short timo.
Hon. J. M. Brown, of Silvcrton, was
a Salem business visitor today.
Lyman Pennel wns among tho num
ber taking in Woodman day at tho
Mrs. Sarah E. Jones nnd daughtor,-
Mary, are homo from on outing at Wll
holt. M. I. Caps, of tho Capital Improve
ment Company, went to Portland this
Fred Legg wont down to Qladstono
Park Saturday to spend Sunday with
his family.
Miss Jennlo Booth, of Salompont
Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Allin.
Independence Enterprise.
Mrs. Laura Townsend and daughtor,
Miss Liuda, of Indianolo, la., aro
guests of Dr. and Mrs. D. D. Ecolcr.
Samuel Ramp and daughter, Laura,
of Yates City, Illinois, aro visiting S.
D. Ramp and family for a few days.
Miss Gertrudo Holgato returned' to
her homo at Cottago Grove Saturday,
aftor a visit with friends in this city.
N. Keitgos, of Ida Grove, la., stoppod
off today to call upon his old-time
frlond, Col. L. K. Page, while taking in
tho Wcstorn country.
Rex Tumor spent Sunday with his
paronts in this city, and roturnod to
Portland this morning, to tnko up his
duties nt tho fair grounds.
. Miss Arllno McMnnles, of Portland,
who has bcon visiting hor undo, J. W.
Hunt, in tho Waldo Hills, Is in tho city
today visiting Miss Lena Mclntlro.
Miss Carrlo Hurst returned to Port
land this morning, after an over-Sun
day visit with her paronts in this city.
Miss Hurst is employed as stenographer
,for non. Jefferson Myors in tho Oregon
A. S. Windol, a cnttlo oporntor of
Sioux City, Iown, Is In tho city today,
accompanlod by Mrs. Windol, to visit
If Yot Want Quality Come to the Woolen Mill Store
Good News
It 's not our charitable disposition, by a long shot, that induces us to soil
Clothing nnd Furnishings at a loss this timo overy year.
Wo'ro simply pursuing a reasonable and sonslblo buslnoss polioy.
Wo'vo determined to havo bright, fresh now stocks at tho commencement
of overy yoar. Wo '11 not offer our trndo old stock, carried from
to season.
Wo'vo got to got rid of tho old beforo tho now comes (n and wo'ro
Ing to
It's a botter chanco to got good clothing for littlo monoy than you'vo
ovor had before; nnd bettor than you'll probably havo again. You can't af
ford to miss it.
Como in and at least inspect tho offerings, whother you intend to buy or
not. m
A Few Items
Mon's two and throo piocet Sack Suits ia light and heavy weights, single, or
doublo breasted, xnada np In tho very latest stylos by high grade tailors; re
ul&r prices 910.000 to (25.00.
Sale Prices, $6.50 to $18.00
Salem Woolen Mill Store
H. H. Penborthy, of Kent, Washing
ton, was in tho city yostorday. Ho is
assistant chief of tho Kent flro depart
ment, and Is taking his vacation mak
ing a journoy on his whool to tho south
orn part of tho stato. Ho stops off at
tho larger places and visits tho flro do
pnrtmonts. to not in touch with tho
dlfforont methods employed in fight
ing flro.
It pays to do business gener
ously. The proef: Schilling':
Best. Full-strength and pure,
and the prices only enough to
pay for the quality.
Money back.
Tom Now that xour engagement Is
broken, nro you going to mako Claris
sa send back1 your lettcrst
George You bet I ami I worked
hard on thoso letters; thoy'ro worth
using again! Detroit Free Press,
his old timo friends', A. S. Smith nnd
Col. L. K. Page. They will tnko in tho
fair at Portland.
Bon Ling returned Saturday from
Spokane, where ho has been employed
as clork by tho Western Union Tolpgraph
Co. Ho will again assumo his old posi
tion as operator at tho local ofllco. His
many friends will bo glad to seo him
Mr. and Mrs. John II. Hold en, of
Chicago, who havo spent about two
months with their rolntives, Mr. and
Mrs. Goo. Mcltwn, left for Portland
this morning, accompanied by the lat
ter, and will return homo after a week
spont at tho fair.
Walter Young, of Nowhall, Callfor
nla, arrived in this city Sunday and
joined his wlfo nnd daughter, who havo
beon visiting at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. M. Jones, on 18th street, for tho
past throo weeks. Mr. Young is super
intendent of tho Btandard Oil Co's wolls
located in Peco canyon, near Los Ange
ituiniimrnii ruaLiiu
Pennyroyal pills
-r""V Snt'ul Of
F-OSUNSAVB. llrriuu. I.
KlV flUllll
r.r-lUkU llKUllinliM
U 1UE1) u G.I4 UUII) Uim. MtiI
Ilk Mm liktoo, Tk. urn .Ik.r. JjUAu
RUT f I 4I," to lr,lr r
t U.ll. 14.MTMliMll4ta. S4
lH Drauttu. CkUkMlur CkMaUal C,
KMtlM UtJ Mf. JH.tll.a Sawn. I'M. LA-. FA.
Repairing a watch of the finest
workmanship is a branch of oar busi
ness' that we give special atten
tion to. Oar repairing department
is conducted with the otmost care and
sktfl: diamonds are reset and ewelry
of af 1 1rt arf t rftoaif cd in the most perfect manner. We
also make a specialty of optical work.
Jeweler and Optician. 36 State Street
Big Day for Rattlesnakes.
One day last week Mr.' and Mrs.
W, W. Woods, who llvo in tho Pine
Grove section, established a record for
killing rattlesnakes. During tho fore
noon, while Mr. Woods was working In
his field, i succeeded in killing a good-
sized rattler. On returning to tho
houso for dinnor ho boastlngly in
formed his wife of whnt he bad done,
Mrs. Woods Immediately Informod her
husband that ho was not In it when it
came to killing rattlesnakes, and
showed him two that sbo had killed in
tho chicken stablo during his absence.
Aftor dinner Mr. Wood's attention
was attracted to tho barn by tho
barking of a dog, and upon investiga
tion found another rattlo making its
way into a hole. Mr. Woods called his
wlfo to watch for tho appearance of
ILo snake, and h returned to bis la
bor. The good housewife, armed with
a club, and in company with two dogs,
began tho wateb. In a short timo tho
snako crawled out and met his fato at
the bands of the trio. This made four
snakes for the day, and tho last killed
was five feet four inches long. Elgin
Real Work.
Bedd I hear bo's out of college. Is
he doing any workf
Greene I ho! Why, he worked for
threa boars this morning trying to get
fllO out of tho old manl Yonkersi
Evidences of a Culture and Civilization
Equal to tho Egyptians.
Long beforo the day of Columbus
indeed, thousands of yqars beforo a
rnco of peoplo hardly less culturod
than tho nnciont Kgyptlnns, nnd oven
moro religious than they, lived in
Yucatan, Chiapas, Guatomola, nnd
Western Honduras In Contrnl Amor-
icn. Thcso peoplo woro quite distinct
from tho Aztecs, who scttlod In tho
vnlloy of Moxlco ntd roared great cities
thoro, and tho '.potocaa, rollcs of
whom nro found Iv I'm western part
bf tho Mexican peninsula,
Thoy nro known ns tho Mayas, wor
shipped ono groat dotty, erected pal
ncos and temples, established colloges
and. "convents, had confessionals nnd
recjeonod timo by years comprised of
305 days, just liko our own.
It has long been known thnt a won
derful rnco onco mado Its homo in
Control America, but tho oxtont of tho
culture attained by it is just now bo
lrig ascertained. A report just mndo
to tho Smithsonian Institution nt
Washington, by Cyrus Thomas, an nr
chncologlsLof moro than passing noto,
sots out tho result of recent study In
to tho heiroglynhlo writings loft by
tho Mnyas.
It is shown by tho hieroglyphics, Mr,
Thomas nsserts that tho Mayas had
mado greater advance In culture than
wns known provlously. "It would bo
somewhat difficult for any ono at tho
present day, except a mathematician,"
ho writes, "to calculato back 34,039
years nine months and 13 dnys from a
particular day In tbo' present yoar,
using our Gregorian calendar, and de
termining tho exact month, dny of tho
month, and day of tho week that will
bo reached. Yet this was accomplish
ed by tho Maya pdiests according to
their calendar and with their cumber
somo vigesimal system."
In tho light of recent revelations
the arts and industries of tho Mayans
astonish the delvor into archaeology.
Thoir books reveal evidence of much
skill in glyptic and plctographlo writ
ing. The system of computing and
koeplng time was so aecurato that tho
Mayans are believed by somo studonts
to have borrowed' cortain parts of it
from Eastern countries. In grammati
cal construction their -language re
sembles English to a greater degree
thun any known tongue.
A great number of ruined cities,
onco inhabited by this people, are to
be found in Yucatan and the Stato of
Chiapas, to the southeast. Two ex
plorers alcyie have discovered the re
main of fifty-four. Among tho most
remarkable of thcso are Palanque, Ux
mal and Chichen, the name of each ono
being carved on the palaces contained
in them,
. Abundant evidences that the Mayas
paid considerable attention to educa
tion and religion are to be found. They
had colleges for both sexes of the high
er class, and also convents. The nuns
lived-like the vestal virgins of Rome,
the ones who failed to keep their vows
being slain with arrows.
Some of the manuscripts left by them
in European museums, and efforts
to translate them are now being
made. These manuscripts aro on a
kind of paper manufactured of the
mnguoy plant. A description of ono
is practically a description of nil, al
though tho size and numbor of pages
A manuscript at Madrid consists of
a strln of mngdoy paper about fourteen
foot, long and nlno inches wido, both
surfnecs of which woro first eovorod
with a whito paint or vnrnlsb, Tho
two focos wero thort divided by black
or rod lines into spaces about six Inches
wido, on to which tho characters woro
paintod. Tho strip wns thon folded
liko a pockot map, Into thirtyflvo
folds, oorrosponding with tho cross
lines, presonting, whon pressed to
gether tho nppoaranco of nn ordinary
octavo volume. Philadelphia North
Tho Russian Volunteer,
It Is often anid thnt Russians aro
soldiers "born;" occasionally, how
ever, ono Is mado to order. An English
visitor to Moscow wns in ono of tho
sldo stroots recently, when his atten
tion was attracted by tho scuflllng of
foot, tho swish of a whip, nnd tho
sound of loud words.
Looking across tho way, ho saw a
stocky fellow in n blouse flat on tho
ground stoutly roslstlng the offorts of
two soldiors to sot htm on his foot and
muko him go along.
Tho Englishman turned to a man in
official uniform at his .sldo, who also
was watching the struggle, but without
oxoltomont or intorest.
"What's the trouble!" asked the
Tho official
" Thoro 's np
"It's only a
chrugged his. sbouldors.
troublo," ho replied,
peasant turning volun
teer." Youth's ompanlon.
"You seem bound and determined to
llvo right up to my salary."
"Im morcly trying to llvo up to the
diamonds and- things you gave mo when
wo wero engaged, doar," Houston
&i(" ''( 7u 'UvrV
"Thcbcrt remrdy I aa preterit for your h
llgetllon. madam, JOrcn' Augint Flower,
I know ol acrrrat other pbyticiana who pre
scribe It regularly."
(JIndlgcstion is making an awful record
.as a cause of sudden deaths. It is beat.
Ins heart-ffMliirn In its ghastly Uarvist,
JYou read in the papers dally of appar
cntlv healthy and even robust men being
suddenly attacked with acute indigestior
after enjoyiiig a hearty meal, and of theli
dying in many cased before a puysidac
could'be called in.
HfTliIs should be a warning to you whe
suffer with regular ur periodical attack
of indigestion. If these unfortunate vie
tiuis of acute indigestion had taken o
small dose ol Green's August Plotter be
fore or after their meals they would not
liave fallen a prey to such sudden seizures.
August l'lower prevents indigestion by
creating g(xd digestion. It alto regulates
the liver, purifies the blood and tones up
the entire system in a natural way, t
qTTwo sires, 35c and 75c. All druggists,
Sold In Balsa by B. C. Stone.
hard RiDnra IN nobthwest.
Halfbrood Who Mado Ono Hundred and
Twenty MUea In Tea Hours,
"You pooplp who enmo horo slneo
tho railroads wero built havo an Idea
that we mod to havo a bad time of ltJ-T
gottlng about Washington torrltory,"
said tho old timer tho othor day.
"That's where you aro wrong. Dis
tances woro no greater thon than they
nro now. Truo, wo didn't always go
so fast as you do now, but we mado
spood that would astonish you.
"I romombor ono trip an old frlond
of mlno mndo, a big cattleman frora
Kittitas county, afterward tho owner
of considerable proporty) in Seattle.
His divorced wlfo was living hero, and
sho took It into her head to go nfter
him throuirh tho courts for non.nnv.
ment of alimony. Thoro woro a numbor
of rensons why ho shouldn't pay, but
ho didn't caro to stay hero and arguo
It out with tho court, so gottlng a tip
on vhnt was doing, ho decided to go
back to tho cnttlo In Kittitas. About
0 o'clock ono ovening, accompanlod by
his horso wrangler, who hnpponod to
bo licro with him, ho struck out horse
back for Ellonsburg. Tho two rodo all
night it was in midsummer and at tho
full of "tho moon and tho next morn
ing they ate breakfast In Ellonsburg-
110 miles iiwny. And thoy didn't thluk
It wns much of n rldo at that,
"Rldest Why, I could talk all day
about rides in thoso days. One of the
best ever done In tbo territory, how
over, was that by a young hnlfbreed
during tho No Porcos uprising in
1877. When Joseph wont out with his
band ono of tbo first things thoy did
was to cut tho military tolcgrapb be
tweon Fort Lapwal, up tho Clearwater
river from Lcwiston, and Walla Walla.
Fort Lapwal wantod to send dispatches
to Oon. Howard at tho post at Walla
Walla, and wanted to send them bad.
At that timo nearly all the Indians on
tho reservation had a halfbred or at
loast ono pretty good horso in his
riding string. This particular hnlfbreed
boy bad an oxtra good one, and ho was
soleeted to carry tho dispatches, being
a reliable fellow. Well, he rode
through to Walla Walla In ton hours, ft
distance of 120 miles, and during the
rido he never slowod down from a
gallop. That wns in midsummer, and
if you ever have been In that Snako
river region at this season of the year
you can Imaglno that wns somo rid
ing." Seattle Post-Intelligencer,
, A Portunato Young Woman.
A western railroad assigned to Miss
A. E, McOrao of Chicago, tbo general
supervision of tho landscape gardening
and architectural remodeling noeessary
to beautify the passongor stations flu
all of its main ond branch lines. This
is n big undertaking, and Miss Me
Cu Is to bo sllowed t erry on the
work entirely in accordance with her
own idoas and her own judgment. A
special private ear is to bo assigned to
t. . .... a. .1 alia .111 l.i.H.1 awlanlillldtlf
over nine different states,
Broach of Promise Defence,
In an action for breach of promJs
rocently bronght against an American
mayor, tho defence set up by tho de
fendant was that bo bad discovered
after engagement that the prospective
brldo was suffering from tuberculosis.
This defence was h.el-t to bo good by
tho Judge. British Medloat Journal,