DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST C, 1005. o WlMS W 'A hi Tlio Kind You Have Always Bought, mut which has been. In uso for over no years, has horno tho slgnaturo of ona has hecu mado under his por Jwrtlfa, S0linl supervision slnco its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" nr Tntfe Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho hca wi of infants and Children -Exporlcnco ngulifst Expert eut. What is CASTORIA Gostorto is a harmless suhstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops ami Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ife contains noilhcr Opium, Slorphlno nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fovorlshncss. It cures Dlnrrhooa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, gh ing healthy and natural sloop. Tho Childron's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signaturo of kffc&C The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. IMS OINTUIH OOMMIfT. TT MURAV STIKKT, NCW VOMH OtTV. e o a e m 0 m m Jt ( v . W Itist in Our now Uno of 1005 wall pa per lias just nrrlvod. All latost patterns nt reasonable prices. Call and soo our stock nnd bo convinced tbnt our paper and prices nro right. Itemombor the placo. E. L. Lemmon 299 Liberty St. Phone 2475 JOHN HOLM WAGONMAKER AND BLACKSMITH All kinds of ropalr work. Good rigs nnd gontlo borsoa for litre., 781 Center Stroot, Balom. omri Boston jj B Brown B Bread B FLOUR FOR PANCAKES, MUXTINS AND PLUM PUDDINO. Package for 7 loaves 20c 10-pound Back 05c ASK YOUR GROCER TOR IT. ALLEN'S B. B. B. FLOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory, San Jose. EXCURSION RATES During tho Lewis and Clark exposition tho O. O. T. Co. will mako tho following ratot Salem to Portland, ouo way, 76 cents; round trip, $1.00. Tickets good for ton days. Boats leaving dally at 7 a. m., except Sunday. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. Dock Foot of Trado Streot. SUNDAY 1 1 SERVICES Central Congregational. All services tomorrow nt the Usual hours, P. S. Knight in clinrgo at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sundny school at 10 n. m. Endeavor meeting at 7 p. m. Christian Scionce. First Church of Christ, Sciontlst. Bervlccs: Lesson sermon and chil dren's clnss nt 11 a. in. Subjoct of lesson sormen: 'Soul.' Wcdnosday evening meeting nt 8 p. in. Heading room open doily except Sunday. Chris tian Sclcnco Hall, corner of Court and Liberty streets. ' Christian .Scionco. Sccondl Church of Christ, Scientist, 140 Chomeketa street. Servlcps: Sun day at 10:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject of lesson sormen: school nt 11:45 a. m ing testimonial meeting nt 8 o'clock. Reading room in tho church, open each afternoon except Sunday. All nro cor dlolly invited. "Soul." Sunday Wednesday ovon Dr. Stones Drag Store does a Btrictly cash business, owes no one, and no ouo owes it; carries large Btock; its shelves, counters and showt casos nro loaded with drugs, modleinos, notions, toilet articles, wlnoa and liquors of alt kinds for medical pur poses. Dr. Stono ia a regular graduato la medicine and lias had many roars of oxporlonco In tho practice Consulta tions aro frco. Prescriptions nro froo, and only regular prices fos medicine. Dr. Stono can bo found at Ills drug storo, Salem, Oregon, from 0 in tho morning until 9 nt night. Different Ideas. "Mike," entd Plodding Poto, "if you wus ns rich as llockfcllor, what would yous dlo wit do money!" "Oh," answered Moandorlng Miko, "I s'poso I'd try to bo a good' follow, too. Only I'd sot 'em up to breweries instead o' colleges." Washington Star. 4 I II I irl I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I M I New Lange Hotel i i Cornor Sixth and Washington stroots, Portland, Or., (noxt to ! ! Imperial). Strictly flroproof and ; ; modern. Rntos lowost for firsts ; ; class service Steam boat and . . olovntor, olognnt cafe- and bar ', in connection. On diroct lino to ; ; fair grounds. F. Lango, proprlo- tor; 8nm Bauman, mnnagor, for- ! ! morly' of Omaha, Neb. ' HHI 11 II Ml Ml HI Hills W. O. T. U. Woman's Christian Tompornnco Union will me'ct at their hall, corner of Forry and Commercial streets, Sunr day August Oth, nt 4 p. m. Subject: "Braver and Its Application to the Tompornnco Cause."" A cordial invita tlon to all interested. United Brethren. Quarterly meotlng nt tho Yow Park U. B. church. Communion sorvlco nt tho service at 11 a. m. Preaching at 8 p. m. Presiding Elder Rev. A. J. Ware, of Oregon City, will conduct all ser vices. All nro cordlaly invited. Bish op Barkloy and wifo, of Portland nro oxpected. A.- R. Laudy, pastor. First Presbyterian. Church street, near Chomokotn. Rov. Henry T. Babcock, pastor. Preaching In tho morning only bceauso of Union sorvlco in tho Baptist church in tho pvonlng. Prcnchlng by pnstor In tho morning. Sunday school nt 12 m. C. B. nt 7 p. m.. To those services nil are cordtnlly invited. First Mothodist. Rov. W. II. Bollock will preach at 10:30 on "Four Ways of Loving God." At 8 p. in. Prof. Roberts will play'a se lection on tlio-iIyo orgnn. Mr. Roberts played! n.plpo organ for sovornl years In Philadelphia. Miss Boss Tillson will play n violin solo accompanied by Miss Wollor on tho orgnn. The choir is in chnrgo of Prof. Drew and will furnish omo special numbers, unir tho pastor will preach brlofly on tho "Mis sion of Music." All nro cordially iu vited to theso sorvlcos. WATER COMPANY. AW SALEM WATER COWPAN OFFICE CITY HALL. For water sorvlco apply at ofllco Bills payablo monthly in advance. Mako all complaints nt tho ofllco. w 4HISHiHIitHMIIffMmiMiHniHMftfi Classified t miMWM WtlMIIWItBIMlMllitlwMHmMmiHmHH I' ICE Call Wagon or Telephone 45 1 Black Bay Coupons and Save Money. Salem Ice Co. BRICK Brick furnished In largo or small quantities. Fressod brick mado to or dor. Yard on Stato street, south of ponltontiary. SALEM BRICK YARD. A. A, BURTON, Prop. College of Music-Willamette University Opens Sept. 26 Helen I. Calbreath, B. M., Dean, piano; Frederick W. Goodrich, London, piano and pipo organ; Wm. Wallace Graham, Berlin, violin; M. Evelyn Hurley, Now York, voico; Eva Cox, B. M., Salem, piano. New pianos, nowly furnished studios, new faculty. Hall's. .Fetxy Road and FERRY Shortest line to all points in Polk Cotmty. No Aotos or Steam Engines ran on this road A. D; PETTYJOHN AbrSrr ,' 'v 'Prop, Ferry They say are a double blessing. So is our stpek of groceries, for their qual ity is very high for tho low price that Is asked. To help you repeal the hot spell we offer goods and prices, Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harrttt Lawrence, YOUR MEALS will bo all right this hot weathor if you got thorn at COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 206 Commercial Stroot FLETCHER'S CmLDBEN CRY FOB CASTORIA. K LIC San Francisco's leading con venience and family hotel centrally locntcd. Con venient to nil car lines, and places of ntnusement and in terest. Cafe and Grill at tached. Rates $1.00 per day and up. Street cars direct to hotel from and to all depots. HOUSE San Francisco, Cal. n ABr, ClTil !!U" f"lfltTTuiDWl.TOim. I U KlVtl IINOWII TO rU. S.""J SwlISiU- M fotlljOON 11. ur,HKlUnMlrll,tkMlilw II b.o tll.t.1. HnlOfM. lr)Mldrv(UtdmMl J UWITIPMCDICtC0..li0T4.UwTtw. r. B Bold In Salem by O. 0. Stone. HOLLICTCn'S Rocky Mountain Toa Nuggets A Bur Medlclat for Bur Pecplt. Srlosi Ooldtn Health n4 Renewtd Vigor. A div-Wo rnrConallpiitloii, fmllgeHlon. I.Ito Ami Khiipy Troulilc. I'lniplpi, Kctenin, Impir Ulool, Il.ul Ilrontli. HliiKalxli Ilowrl. Kriulncli mil lltokiu-he. U'm Hockr tlnuntnlii Tea In tain let furin, 3.1 contn a Iwx. Ornuluo mndtf by II t.i istkii Dnea Coui'Atv, Mmllion. Wli, o.i new NlinOETS FOR SftLipW PEQP DO YOU" WANT TO BELL YOUB FARM7 Do you want to buy or sell any. thing! ' Here Is your opportunity to insort youij advertisement In two nowspapors for tho prlco of one. For a limited time nil "For Salo," "For Ront," and nil "Want" ads will bo insortod in Tho Portland Daily Journal nnd Tho Capital Journal for Ono Oont a Word. The Portland Journal is thobost clrculatod nowspapor in Orogon. It goes daily into 23,000 homes nnd reaches that largo army of poople who nro constantly buying nnd soiling something. Whon you go to Portland call at the Journal ofllco and soo the largest and best nowspapor pross in Orogon. It will print, paste, cut nnd fold papers in our colors with ono impression at the rato of 24,000 an hour. Visitor! wel come Tho Capital Journal is tho loading paper in Oregon outsido of Portland, and this combination advertising rato will produce mora roturns for tho small cost than any othor in the stato. Send your ndvortisomenta to tho Capital Journal office and wo will sond copy to tho Portland Journal. Hollo. Hero I am ncnln with a fulf lino of crockery to bo sold at three gallons for' 25 cents. Also tontsy camp stoves nnd nil klnd of now nnd secondhand household gooOi; Qivo mo a. call, cornor of Stato and Llborty Btrcot, Salem. Conrad Dill man. 8-3-lm. Tho Tillson Co. Dealers In ehoppod feed, seed bran, hay, flour drloa fruit, etc. High, street, adjoining opera houso. 0-1-yr. Davoy ft Savago. Beal Estato, Loans and Insurance, Convoynncing nnd Exalnlng Titles. Notary work dono. Bring ns list of your proporty for; salo, 402 Stato stroot, near High. 3 8-tf Hotel Ocott Nowly furnlahod, ovoryJ thing clean nnd first cIaso. Rooms at roosonablo prteos, in CotUs block, Balom, A. Bcott, prop, 7-6-tf. ! Ill .. !.! I...LIIH. . II ... ,, Bay nave you tried H. H. Tnuls for meats! Ho bns too best oausngo ia town. Como and try it, and be eon' vlncod. 410 East Stato atrot. Ship Your Oroam To tho Comntor clal Cream Co. Wo aro paying 224 cont not to the shipper. Egg, 18c dozon. OSTEOPATHS. FOR SALE. For Balo. Sovon-room rosldonco, barn, largo hnlf block, electrlo lights, bath, hot and cold city wator. E. Hofor, Journnl ofllco. For Balo. Bmnll dry flr wood, nt 3.25 por cord. Phono Black 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Morntngslda 1-20-tf The Cltib Stables .First-class Llvory and Cab Lino. Funeral turnouts n spoclalty. Tally-ho for picnics and ozcurslon parties. Phono Mnln 241. Corner Liberty and Forry. Cfas. W. Yannlce Prop. !& ! Gold Dust Flotft Mado by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sldnoy, Ore gon. Mado for family use, Ask your grocer for It Bran and ihorta clwara on hand.' For Salo. Two lots, with now houso and barn, good Improvements. At a bargain. Inqulro of Glover & Pat ton's .blacksmith shop, 430 Court stroot. 5-22-tf OstoopatbDr. W. L. Morcor, graduate of tho American School of Osteo pathy, Kirksvllle, Mo. Office Brey man building, Commercial street. Booms 25 and 20. Phono Bed 2413, Now rcsldonco, 410 North Summer stroot. Phono 883 Bod. 0-10-ti PHYSICIAN AND 8URQE0N Dr. E. O. Dalton Physician and Bur gcon, Booms 12-13 Bush Bank building. Phono Main 701. Rcsl donco Wlllntnotto Hotol. Phono , Mnln 2001. 7-20-tf I : i. . i ! ..' t I II FLT7MBBBB. Ihoo. M. Barr Suceossor to Barr & Potzel, tinner nnd plumber. Hot air wator and steam heating a specialty, Salem, Orogon. 8-2- For Balo. Now and old buggies, hacks, farm wngons, buckbonrdu and carts, Snlom Onrrlngo and Wagon Factory, North Llborty streot. Wornor Fen nol, proprietor, 8-l-3w For Salo. Jersoy cnttlo, Twonty head. Including olght milch cows. Would ront two frosh cows. Walter Morloy, CO Court streot, Snlom. 8-3-3t Farm for Salo. Half soction six miles wost of Salem, nil under fonco. Oood buildings, plouty of fruit. 4WIII solj part or nil of it on good torms. This is ono of tho best fttrmtt In Polk coun ty. Inqulro M. I. Cnpps, Salem, Or egon. 8-3-3t P. B. Wallace AGENT For Salo. An upright Wobor piano, In oxcollont condition, Original cost $060. Will sell for $200. Inqulro nf Honry W. Moyors, enro of Moyon & Sons. 8-4-tf FOR RENT. hAUASi For Bent. A oovon-room house. Call on A. Schrlober, 424 High stroett. 0-13-tf Edison Phonograph Agency. Oaioline Lamps, Mantels, dasollns. Tyiownters, Now, Second-nand. Bent. 214 Oom'l St. Phone Main 401. 4-tVwl44 'l,IBI,l),t,t111- jj Books by William J. Long!; Ways of Wood Folk 75c Wilderness Wats 75c. Secrets of the Woods 75c Wood Folk at School 75c Beasts of the Field $ 1 . 75 Fowls of the Ah $1.75 School of the Woods Net $ .50 Following the Deer Net $ .25 A Little Btothe to the Beat Net $1.50 GINN & COMPANY, publishers Trade Department, 29 Beacon St., Boston For Kent. Furnished and unfurnished rooms, also good.slzed barn. Inquire of M. A. Dico, 700 Commercial streot, threo blocks below Marlon squaro. "7-15-tf WANTED FEMALE HELP. Wanted. Chambermaid at tho Willam ette Hotol. 7-14-tf WANTED. Wanted. In every town and county In Orogon, Washington and California, good, rellablo canvassers to sell Ohria ty Hoe Safety Baxor. Artlclo of real merit, SelU for . Big mon oy for rustlers. Address Paclfle Agency, box 540, Portland, Or. 8-l.lwk 3P Wanted to Bent, ;A 7 or Biroom house after October 1st. Apply at oneo to Thos. Hall, at Mitchell, Lewis k Staver Co's. 8-3-3t Wanted. Oood shipping apples, pears ' and all farm and dairy produce want ed. Capital Commission Co. Phono Main 2231, opposite Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon. MIBCELLANE0U8. Shirt Waists and Bummer Qownd Mado in tho boat style and workman ship. Terms reasonable. Address or call on Mrs. II. Mllnor, 20th and Cunter streets. 5-20-tf Salem Iron Works Founders, maehin ists aad blacksmiths Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery, Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the O, K, Grubber. Bband & Marcus. 11-21-lm BAKERIES. CapJtal Bakory Ullom & Buthorford, proprietors, 430 Court stroet. Fresh bread, pies and enkos dally. Mrtcca roons, lady flngors, nngol and devil's food cako, candlos, nuts, etc. Dellr orios made to nuy pnrt of the elty. Phono Whlto 321. 6-1-tf OLEANINq AND DYE WORKS. Wlion Your Best Qlrl Says sho will bo a slstor to you, glvo her your clothes to pross. Thon you will bring thorn to your stepmother, and got thorn flxod right, no matter what tlioy need. Suits prossed by the month. Gloves, nocktics, silk gloves or nny fabric, no matter how doll en to, inn Jo to look llko now. Mrs, O. H, Wnlkor, prop., 105 Commer cial stroot. f ASH AND DOOB FA0T0BIE8. Fralk M. Brown Manufacturer of s&sh, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hardwood work. Front stroet botween Stato and Court A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of all kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood work, houM finish and ofllco fixtures. Estimates furnished. Cor. Mill and Church stroet. Phone Bed 211. ABOinTEOT. W. D. Pugh Architect and superin tendent, plans furnlshod for all class es of building and structural work, Office. 110 Stato street, Tioga block, Salem, Oregon. -I DRAYMEN. Whlto & Cummins, do a general dray and transfor business, meet all trains. 'Phones, down town, Mala 2181, residences, Bluo II, red 2071. Stand 218 Commorsial atroot 8-1 Ma LODGES, Balom Camp, No. 118, Woodmon of tit World Moots In Holman Hall every Friday at 7:30 p. in. L. B. Stlnson, consul) P, li, Frasor, clerk. Foresters of America Court Sherwood Foresters No. 10. Meets Friday In Turner block. Ira Jorgensen, O, B.t A. L. Brown, Bee. Oontral Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Cactls Hall In Holman block, corner Stats and Liberty streets. Tuosday of eucb week at 7:30 p. m, T. J. Cronlse, O, O.j W. I Staloy, K. of B. and S. Modern Woodmen of Anioriea Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. 6240. Meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Holman Hull. E. E. Matten, "V, O.J A. "L. Brown, Clerk. f WHHHWfll""f MI11MHHMM ffl1