DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8ALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1005. fcl,'l"'Hlni,- 'I I. k BY IFBB BEOB. ' If $VlVjl! oztxozal census salem. ,-. MAY, 1004, 13,287. Tho Death of fcho riowors. (.Wltb, proper, apologies to the memory I bf) VfillfonV Oullcn Bryant.) Tho niolancholy days aro come, tho eaddoet of thorn all, Of fronted flnanco, cxposod graft, and ' ' ' schAiwSs foredoomed "to fall, " , Heaped -on tbo ourbs,, .of . Wall and Broad, whero onco tbo lambs did play, Tho forms of "captains of flnanco" ,. llo In grand' disarray. fyhe i 'sucWrf'' fronv those haunts . hayp, flown, and gono the "easy 5ar." And Trinity's doop booming chimes Bounu tnrougn tmo gloomy any. Whoro are tho lowers, tho fair young flowcra, that onco did horo abldo Schwab, Alojcamicr and Dopow and ckb iho sporty BJydoI Aiasl all .wlltodi now they llo, a bunch of jPaped lowers That brjvo .boon, pluckod. and thrown asTdo, tho proy of vastor powers, . Tho olurft is flirty whoro thoy llo, and gono thntr fragrant bloom, And no no Is left to h6d a tour aboro iholr slushy tomb. Tbo steel flower and) the poach 'a bloomy they perished long ago; Tho. eorcus, bight-blooming Uy&o, has lost ita waxen glow; Aid on tho curb tho others lie, ex posed to moors and jeers, iWIhlla not a withered petal is rofroshod by falling .tears. As foil the frost from the cold clear voky, so fell tho wrath of man, And they who woro onco groat and strong aro now tho "also ran." Bad Habits In tbo Country. Tho grasshopper chews tobacco, The quail gots out his pipe, Tho flsh hawk is so awful poor .-, Ho has to hunt a "snipe." Tho roosler1ha his cocktail, Tho orchard gotspluro fulJ, Tho onion (squanders ovcry scent And tho radish Jias n. pull. "Songs of tho Santiaw." Bo many doctors of loyr aro being created that it docs .soemi tno Jaws ought to bosuulciontly doctored .to con trol tho "trusts. "Tho docttfra have a good constitution to work on. Tho Southern Pacific has changed its time tabid slightly, 'but as trains never arrivo on timo, it was a wastb of print- br's ink and energy to publish, tho fact. Th6 Fogg famlljy aro to havb a re union is Boston next month. Revoral members of tho trlbo rcsido in Orogon nud Washington, but,, owing' to. all iance, many ot nenv wy.i rnps uuomi. Thoy -will boclowd & tho "Orogon mlssdV" -- Krnest Stnrr got so Interested In dodging United States deputy marshals that ho forgot all ho know about tho V7llllAiUon case. SHE KEEPS ? mmw fe. Mrs. Emma Murray, of Santa Bosa, BEDTJ 7 OED EXCUESION BATES. W ToVtbo Scasido and !rinteinJos,ortaJ , ' for tno Btunmor yacaupns. 'On and ""after Juno 1," I&05, Iho Southern Pacific, in connoction with tho GorTallls k Eastern railroad -will ft PLEASED ndtfsBwiyES ABE THOSE iwjup USE A OAIiEM BBQOM. lIUl'll.illl Tl'llllilllf- ia SPATTEB JBErORT. Ohamber of Commcrcolssacs Interest- lag Pamphlet on Roads. thiokly And wh on I giute upon thein now don't think I wail nnd ocrooch For 'Alexander, Schwab, or Hyde, or cko for "Chnuneo tho Poach." Wo'll lay thorn hi Mio warm, moist earth for all of futuro time, And o'or thoi'r" mounds wo'll tl (drn'w d&VdOrlzlncr llmo. 'Tls not unuioot that thoy should fndo thby novor" should hnvo bloomod, And not a tear will drop nbovo tho "flowers" thus ontombod. "Will M. Maupin in tho Commoner. .q, 1000MILE8 FItOM NOW1EEUE. Midway Island, Our SmaUest Territo rial Posaoualon. Tlio grontost ttttrnotlon of Midway island is its windmills, wnoso enormous helglit iuuko .the inlle-lougCh coral Jul nnd Jook froin shipboard smaller tlian it really is. Although Midway island belongs to tho United Bttttca .and' is n cablo station, thoro nro about a dozen Atnorlcnns only on it. Sevornl of theso Inhabitants hnvo becothj through iso lation, moro afraid of .etrangcra, than . tho milllonM of tamo gulls thnt make tho Island lliolr home. The history of almost ovory whtto man on Midway island may bo writton in tho ono un kempt sonUnqe: "I ran uway from n whaler," Midwtiy.' is nu island that was born upon the. bosom of an hu menso waVo that followed an oarth (imko fthotjkx Jmt bow old it is no living man in tho Pacific soems to know. There is no vogotatlon on tho island booauM) thero is no soli. Mid way is iv hunk of coral roof, around which a ring of ocean bronkers contin ually laH'n? ihuuiolvos into a tnlst of , creamy foam. Strike! Still Grows, '- . Itloa, Itussla, Aug. 1. AH tho ship la borers hUvo joiofil tho strikom. . ail, , , . . Save Something Its the suro way to sue cu. KvurV.oJy caa ssvo somothlng, if only a small Amount, nnd tho small sums saved and deposited KEQU. IjAIILY soon yield largo results. It May Mom the Building of a iicme, tho roundttloa of a Buslnteii br a( College Education, 1jV rocelvo deplU of one , dollsr or mora at any tlmo and psy Interest at tho taVo of throo per tiii per' annujH, v crajKUB,4l sml- BRBUjlly, Slv2flfS D(MlHlKtt CAPITAL NATIONAI BANK Suoh a demand lips arisonfor copies of tho report .of tbo transportation com mittoo of tho Qhambor of Commerce, ,whieh was published by tho local press onrlior in tho piontb, that tho commit- too docldod to issue tho statement in pamphlet form. Tho first copies of thp report in thnt ahnpo were distributed today, Tho unhesitating wanner in will oh tho persons compiling tho roport laid bnro tho facts regarding tho .rnllroad ilovelopmont in Orogon, tho manner in which Mr, Hnrrlmnn and his associates hud npjHMiscd tho Wobfootites with promlsos of facilities in tho undovolopod roglons, nnd tho gonornl bnckwnrdnoes of t'he-stnto in that rospoct as com- parod with otlior domains in iho West, aro conditions whlch'eeemod to.havo api peajed'tifho mwso judging frpm the call fdrtfho book.TclogTam. T-P " 1'BATjp EXPOSED. A fow countorfoltor,i ' bavo latoly boon making nnd trying to sell imita tions of Dr, King's Now Discovery or iQonsumptlon, Coughs nnd Colds, nna ,otnor mcMicinoo, tnorooy ueirnuu- Jug tho public, Tills is' to wnrn you to bbrara of nuch people, vwbo seek to roflt, through stoallng tljo- reputa tion of remedies which bavo boon suc cessfully curing dlsoaso for ovor 35 yoars. A sure protection to you ib pur namo on tho wrapper, Look for ,1 on all Dr. King's; or Bucklen's romedlos, ns nil others are moro imi tation. Hv E. BUOKLEN & CO. Chicago, 111., nnd Windsor, Canada. For sala i!by J. 0. .Perry, Salem. M I !! I I "Oatholio rorostors Moot. Boston, Maas.r Aug. 1. TUo blon nlnl tiitnrnitttnnnl eonventlon of tho b'ntholic Ordr of Forejto'r opened' in Boston tolay with an attendance of about 360 dologatos, who eomo from various parts of this coiuvtry and Cniy dn. Tho bcadqunrtew of tho con- voutiou urct tho AtnorUiftti bouse, but tlui Jtotnionn nro being held iti Fauoull iinll. Tho, ormal opening of tho cOnvcn' tlon'.trna precwld by the celebration Of solemn nis St. Stephen's ourfth.f tbo delogates attending In fc botV' Tho, delegate then marched to uvl nail, wbcro tye regular bus How f tho convention Avas begun. The reports of tho various oftlcors bIiow that tho ordur is the largoat Catholic fratornnl iiu'urnnco pfgaulmitloa in America, comprising some 117,00p membora in 1500 subordTjmto court. Tho pesont high eblef ranger is Thom as A. Cannon of Chicago. i ' ' Orojon Suburban Auto Co. Ajitpmobllo car leaves WllUroetto Hotel for Independence, week days, at 7 "a, m. and 3sS0 Y. id. Beturnlng leaves Independence at BiBO'ntad 6"p.fea. Sua days leaves 8lem at 6 a, uu and 3:SO g. m. vLe&ye Independence at 0;), a. in. anil 5 p. m. Connects at Indfi pendeueo with. ti)ptpr for Mpnmpntl Dallas and all point on tbo West Sld. Special for eventog parties. 6-irtf 4C I, BALDWIN, Mgt, Cab, won in tho oupromo , court yoster- jhave on sale round trip ticnets irom day in tho suit brqtight.agalnst her by pots on their lines to Newport, i Sam Casto for tho" possession of the'qnina and Detroit at very low rates, pacing stallion Diablo.- Oatto claimed good for return until Octbbor 10, 1005. tho right to possession ofe tho horse Throo day tickots to Newport and under a contract of employment with , Yaqulnagood going Saturdays and re Mx larra, tho owner, and under a turning, 'Mondays aro also on sale from contract with Sirs. Murray, after her & & points Portland to Eu husband's death. iRono lnclnslye, and from all weet side About a yoar ago Mrs. Murray, Dr. pelntc, enabling people to visit their T. B. Strong ana E. DCrockham broko famiuea ana spena Bunaay ai tns w tho loelo on tho stable door at thn atato e'de- fnlr errtmniU nnA T'nnV f hn inr gwnv. SoOSeh tickets fr6m all Cast side ThiiJ ropWn "suit waa then brought, 'points Portland U Eugeas inclusive, A trial before Circuit Judbro Qcoriro U. ' and from all wost sido points are also Burnett resulted, in a vor.dict for Mrs. on sale to Detroit at very lew rates Murray and Casto nppoalod. " top over privileges at wu uuy Tho supremo court holds that what- Wr ' poi east ehibllng lttrlsta to pvor right Casto hadl to tho possession Iit tho Santbun and BreitanbwOj Hot of thp borso was nndor his contract Springs in tho Cascada jneunloinf, with Mrs. Murray, but, as tho alleged wW n reached in ons day. .contract was mndo after tbe husband's Bcaaon ticKpta wl bo gos ror ro- loath, and before the appointment of furn from all points until 0tpber 10. nn (administrator, no tltlo was convoyed ThP. 47 tickets will b good going theroby. Mrs. Murray, as an heir, had Satnrdays and returning Mondays a right to tho posaceslpn of tho horso, ' 9t Ticketa from Portlaad and vi ponding tho appointment of nn ndminis- inlty will tbo good for ret.arn ylo the trator, but no tltlo coufd bo secured by , or woe) "M t option si paoscn anji person except in punraanco of or- B0''' TlekpU from Eugon and visinity dors madd by tho county court, in duo wiH bo ff01 Soi.nS Tin tho Lebanon fcOurso of administration. Tho opinion Bprfngflold branch, if desired. Baggage on Newport ticket cnockod tnrougn to Newport; on Yaqulna tickets to Ya qulna only. Fablo of this PansV. I trains eonneet wltn tbe U. ft B. A protty fnblo nbout tho pansy is 8t Albany and Corvattis for Yaqnlna current among iTCncn nnrt Uormsn " "i. . " u .." . .. chlldron. Tho flower has fivo petals '" DtfwH will loavs Albany at 7f'8d and fivo aonals. In most nansics. cs- ta- enabling tourists tbe Jl6t pPclally of tho oarllor and less highly ' ePrinC reacb thero tb same day. dovolopod vaHetios, two of tbo J11 .frtn an1 te Corvallls eohnoct petals oTo plain in color and throo ftro w " f41 Idt trtn8 on thk a gay. Tho two plain petals fcavp a sin- 'a lafeimatiPn as U rates, time glo sPpal, two of tho gay petals havo 'abV, et., e4n bo obtained en appli a sopal each, nnd iho third, which is eat,m to' J- "T Oon " AR - of tbo supromo court was written by JumIUo Mooro. OALIFOBNIA OUTS' OUTPPBTliAND j - .i Big Klamath Country's Trade Qooa tol San rnvncisco.i Klamath Falls, Or., Aug . 1. The steamer on tho now Klamath-Falls-1 Laird's Landing- run, tho Klainatb, which was successfully launched Satur day forenoon, will begin her regular run between horo nnd Lnlrd'o, Landing, on tho lower ondi of Llttlo, Klamath Lake, about August 10 or 15. At Laird's Landing tho steamer will con nect by stage over a 40-mllo wagon road with tho present terminus of the McCloud Ktver railroad nt Bartols. From tho latter point tho McCloud rood funs up to Upton, on tho Southern Pa clfld, in Siskiyou county, California. .The McCloud pcoplo say thoy will havo their road built to Lnird'a Landing by July 1st, next yoar. This now lino will give a morO direct routo from this region to Sacramonto and San Fratieiscp. Tho Klamath is 80 foot in length; boam, 15 fept; drnft, 2 feet; capacity, 75 tons; will develop 150 horse-power and will probably show a speed, of 15 miles an hour. Bho (has a freight had passenger deck, a dining room and four staterooms, will bo allowed to carry from 75 to 100 passongcra on regular trips, and cost approximately $10,000. Ilor propollor is 44 inches in dlamotor. Aftor tho ropos woro Put, tho boau tiful now craft slid gracefully into tho water amid tho npplnuso of tho as sembled spectators. No formal corp nvony attended, tbo launching; it was strictly a business affair. Tho now 8tonmer was hauled up to tho wharf after tho launching, where tho finishing touches will bo put on her. OUR BU Sness S m - r- inrtr K..k . "'l .v,.,, uk no r0allZa that j, mon. womon nni (.tu. ' -- --- vuiUr(a-(g ,., uUU.D, hod coma and 'J havo a bank account, .l uovcr ueposiieoi one cent in i' Wo aro now after this d,,, , daily, and will not bo i.iu.l til wo bavo Interested tUn, nuui. ira io .call and inv..n... mothoda Tand bo convinced ll w your aavnntage t0 tli UV.V.UUUV nitu UB. :' -i'- " i"i . SdUto State L. K. PAGE, PfcsW 4i. W. HAZARD, I L . . Bi Cm I - - - . ' Toachorn'",JExkui Toacbora' JNotico Is horoby given tk J cdunty supprintondont of iliri1 ty, ,Qr.6g9i; will bold the reni nmlnntion of applicants for tuJ pounty papprs at tho Mothodtit boginning Wednesday, Auimit i at 0 o'clock ,a. m. and eontlnnisa Saturday, August 12th at t " E. T. UOOI 7-2B-5t County SeateJ tho largest of all, bos two sepals. St E. B. It.,. Albany; W. E. Ceman, Itato from Salem to Newport $5.00. Rato frsm Salem to Yaqnlna $1.50. Bate from Salem to Detroit $3.00. i Throo-day rato from Salem to Ya- il'nWioTOSwfSa-JSSb. - 0-1-tf i j r ..' -. MARKET QUOTA TIONS tOBAY Mko Saem Good Home Market" ' -"- -- l . .t. I .. Tho fablo is that tho pansy Topro- V Av l' - 1'ortiana or to any acnts n family conslotintr of husband o- . or u. ju. agent. and wifo and four laugbtors, two of tho lnttor boing stepchildren of tho wifo. The plain petals nro tho atop chlldron, wltlr ionlyMOBo-chnlr; tho two small, gay potnln aro tbo daught-, ots, wfth ja-fbnlrjcbj anatho largi gny poiui is tno who, wiin two cnairs. - To find tho father ono must etTlp ftway tho petals until tho stamens and postals nro bnro. Thoy have a fanciful rosomblnnco -to tho. old man. with a flnnnel ."wrap about his ncck? his sjiouldorS upraised and his' feel in a bath tub, Thp story is probably of French origin,. boonuso tbb French call tho punsy tho stepmother. . .. i vr .Tvi -n- i I,. - ,. , HOW'S Tins? Wo offer Ono Uundrod. Dollars Ho ward for anycaso of catorrh that can not bo cured by Ilnirs Cntarrh" Ciiro, F. J, 0UENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undoraljrnod, havo known F. J, Ohonoy for tho last 15 yours, and bellovo him porfectly honornblo in all business and financially nblo to carry out any obligations mado by his firm. Wnldlng, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholosalo Druggists, Toledo, O. nail's Catarrh Curo Is takon inter nally, acting upon tho blood nnd rail cuous surfaces of tho system. Testi monials eent free. Prlco, 76o nor bot tle Bold by DruggUts. Tako irnll's Family Pills for con stipation, - 'V How Much Sbo Missed nim, Boston Herald, Tho Into Mary A. Livormoro likod to tell a .story of a young friend of Itors, in Melrose, for sho believed in this story lay a lesson for husbands. Mrs. Livormoro 'a frlond was pass ing, a month alono, her fato having boon summoned to. Europo on a busi ness mntttor. "And you aro very lanoly wltboutj your husband now-l" the eldor. said to tho younger woman one morning.. "A lltttlelonoly," was tho.quallfied answer. But Burqly,' snid Mrs, Llvermprp,! "you miss pur husband very, muoh, no who i away," ,. Tlio .other laughed rather bitterly. "Qb, no, she said. "At breakfast ? just stand bis .nowspannr up In frput of bis plato, ami half the timo J forgqt bo isnX thero." HOtXlSTER-3 Rocky Mountain Tea Ntrggets A Bajy ModJcia for Doir PeopU. Srlari Qolden Htlth snd Beaewed Vltor, A iipM(1o forConslInntloii,lDdlByiUon, Mre un ih'mivi .luuHiOTt luiyieo bccilin, AIiiJU(a lllood. Jt.vl Dreath, Kluenleli 11owls, 1cAdaclie and n.tckneno. n itocky tlonnuin ' llmplcs, Uciemk, Itnpura cky let form, 81 penis a box. Qrnuloa msda by inu.isrcn unco uummnt, Jiniuson, wis, Tea In tbb. 71 the! STOP White House Restaural want tho best niti affords. Everything it yon markot class and up-to-date. GEORGE BROS. Pro! Phono Main 2421. BttteH ...,...-! i n rnpm;tifJriii-ti,twiFfiriMi7iM Reduction Sale of Mtislm XJndettm . Ppnltry atStrfnor'BMarkot. Egga-Por dozon,38c. Hons 010c. Frys 12jc. k Baker, Lawronco ft Baker. Eggs Por dozen, 18c. Prults, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 83c. ,Ontons 50. Txropleal Prutta. Bananas 5o lb, Cocoanuts, $1.00 per dor. Oranges $2.002.50. Lemons $2.763.60. live Stock Market. Stoors 33. Cows-33$4. Sheep 1c, Dressed vool Oc Fat ,hpg 5V4c. Baled Clover $0$10. Bran,-$22.eb. BhorU-$24.CO. Eggs, Butter and Cream, 'By .Commorclal Cronm Co. Buttor-21. Butter fat 10c at station. t Grain, Hops and Plonr. Oata Choice white, $1.30. BaVloy $2323.50. Flour $05. Wieut-0770c. Muslin drawers worth 40p, for 25o Muslin drawers worth 50e, for 80c Muslin drawers worth 75o, for 60a Muslin drawers worth $1.00, for 80a All $2 skirts for $1.00. 75c or $1 chemlso for 60c. Corsot covers worth iOt, fa Corsot oovors worth 50a, la Corspt eoyoTB worth 75a, f Cprsot eovprs worth $1.00, fa AU $15 nightgowns for Wt $1.75 skirt chemlso for 1143 anrCiDiuar 6Ky fob fUBXCHEB'S OARTOUL. Osor Takes Advice, St. Petersburg, Aug. 1. Tho special counsellors of tho I'snr nro called to moot at Poterbdff today to consider tho projeot for a proposed national assem bly, Baiting of Jews, continues in many parts of tha country, and tho Jews aro in a srtato of groat alarm. Xlaor Is Quiescent. Copeahagen, Denmark, Aug. L.TThe' i,l.CaUer rpmalnpd indooro at ,tho castle this warning, and ;lunched la tho boob lag lodgo near ErenUtagoa. TpVo was no prlvato cpnferenco between the two klngu tday. Portland Market, Wheat WaUa Walla, 8384e. Valley 85rc, Flour Vploy, straights, $4.10: era- ham, i$l.00. ' -Hay, reed, Etc. Balod Cheat $10. Oats Cholco white, $1.351.40. Millstuff Bran, $19.00. Hay Timothy, $13.00. Potatoes $1J5U0. Poultry-Ohickens, mixed, J24 iocj per id; baas, 13c per lb; roosters, old, 10c per lb; fryers, 2fic per lb; ducks, $1.00(9.00 per dor.; geoso 8 0c per lb; turkeys, 1718c per lb; dressed, 021&e per lb; squabs, $2.50 3.00 per doz. Fsrk-Tresipd, 78c Beef Dressed, 26c. Veal B8c Mutton Dressed, 67yjo. ilopftContraet; J005,.)6ci 1904 eron. 25c for choice! 2384c fpr primes and Wool-1905 clip va,lley, coarie to medium, 24(25ftpj fine, 2023e; Eastern Oregangiga'e. MohnKronUnalJO31e. Butter Fancy creamery, 2021Vje dairy, 18H17; store, 1515Hc ' Baby Clotiies at Reduced Prices Baby dresses, 40a gr&do for 25c JUaby robes, ?l.U5 grids (or I Baby dresses, 60a grado for 30c Baby skirts, 60s grade fa Baby drosses, 75o grado for 60o Baby skirts, 76c grade for Baby dreesos, $1.25 grado for 08c Baby robes, $1.25 grade for BABY SKHtTS, DBES8 Ott KOBE FBOM 25c UPWAED8. Itoduced prices on Millinory; cloaning up of tho soasoa. JVij not carry any goods ovor. So our formor low prlcos arc not I lower. A n!co lino of trimmed hats to seloct from; also flowers, AS bucklos and nil ha) trimmings. 1R0STEIN & CREENBAUM. DEY GOODS, OLOTHINO AND MILLniEBY. 298 and 300 Commercial St. raWtMMMMWWMptKMMiB8MI Going East? Listen: When you reach Ogden you can go aboard through Standard or Tourist Pullman, runnicj via Rock Island System by way of the Scenic Route through Colorado,, thence to Kansas u St. Louis or Chicnno. DaaI. TaImm . Tm..aJ9mb. ..1...am ammm "li! iOIUIIU 1UUI1BI 04CCpbl,a uww... , home" in their cornoletelv comfortable and rep- 4r-ful atmosphere. They are aa neat as wax, i -manned by Pullman conductors, and porters inaddition to thls&?ey. &r; in charge of !, Rock Island excursion manager. The Rock Island has three Eastern gatew; Chicago, Kansas City and St. Louis, PM connection in Union Stations at all three, for important points in Eastern and Southern staW R..4 rM. ... r.ji.... ., ... & tf..l.n. Ir a TnuriSl Sleeping Car." and ask all tho questions you ! f I A. II, kcDOK ALD, tSeneraTAKent,"Rock Island System, 140 Third Street, Portland", Ore. - ' m oV Phens: Main 2953, A1LI, WORK DEuypteoi PROMISE!) 2'7 & Coomtrttaiit, I BUAQTVS SAFg Hop JlCKE Printea oil Lasting Grade Cord Pl j?mcEs liionTi .quick smyai psoors suamrttA nx-iti unm. tHfe N.b.-lFi i afr PHINTE ax7 8. Commercial St. S1 vrarinMurna,