ygvit4ljFv(' "" r '"; - - . vol . , , - . - "laT-SDITIOHr 3.'30i l TTON JUST ONE PENSION LEFT & k h. - fe " assa a jhi sh im m ih w jm ! - u ,7-kw -- i in m i . JLyJUTAiJjUlj JAN AL SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1005 " ' v, x I u. AFTER UTAH LANDS Long Line Waits AH Night at the Land Office to Make Filings TANNER - Wants - PLACE LAND FRAUD CASES DIRTY LEAK .;..,. FARCE LICK -SPITTLE UnM4.r 1 hfiVliCnerai muuuy iu M ' ww i 1 ies that wo Laws liayei Been Yioiaiea -. rBr. N. Y. Aug, 1. Attornoy- I ifoodr consulted with iho Pre loty, wB on tho Dol?nl , dedwo certain transactions 11 it .1i rnA(l fflinAn,,ah ft (OBXinueii iu.uuu, ""' .A to bo wrong it doos not nccos- olloff that any lawB havo boon Tie itatutc, unfortunatoly, do sr si! classes of wrongs. . AS RUSSIA feford, Sweden, Aug. 1. A i ural boat, wbllo engaged in twi todaj-, struck a (submarine ! wis blown to pieces. Seven be IMcd and eight wounded, ' Mrs. Fslher Sumner Damon ucts Paid for Husband's .Services In Revolution uiiupoiicr, vt., Aug. 1. At Lor horao In Windsor county, this stnto, Mrs. Esther Sumner Dnmon. tho Inst er the "n Investigation nor on rtho roll of fodoral pensioners as n dtoreWMrBucaip wl(ow of tJ0 V anytning xor puui.c- ,.,, . , .. . " JjToodr. "Tho publlo is too ' ' """ "" "evynrsi oirtu- "AUnt Eethor," ns sho Is familiarly known, is tho widow of Noah Damon, whoso sorvico as a Revolutionary sol dier Is shown by tho records In tlin Bureau of Pensions to havo boon as follews: Six dajfc from April 10. Q 1 I ' 177C, In Capt. Tucker's company; 25 OAli ; da, from April 17,1777, In Capt. com numnor'a company, Col. Bonja min Gill's regiment; two months, flvo days, from May 15, 1777, In Capt. Moses French's company. Col. Jona than Titcomb'a rcgimont; two months, twonty-throo days, from December 10, 1777, In Capt. Thomas Whlto's com pany, Col. Edward Proctor's rcgimont; two months', Awcnty-flvo dayji, froirt April 9, 177ft, In Capt. Benjamin' Lapham's company, Col. . Jonathan Rccd'o reglmont; ono month, eeven days, from July 20, 1778, in Captain Nathaniel Clapp's company. Col. Ben jamin Ho wo 'a rogimont; nlno days, from Pobrunry 5, 1770, In Copt. AU ner Crano'fl oompany, colonel not stat ed; ono month, ono day, from August Keat Dealers Morgo. . Bapids, Mich., Aug. lyUn- ligni go astray tho convention 1 wieners begun Hero touay iH in an amnlganuttlon of tho Retail Butchers nfcd Men Protective Association and Uie EeUil Butchors of tho West, re Kparato organizations, bar boo alma and purpose. Tho Miatioas whom united wiB 3 of the strongest orgnnizn- bujiness limn In tho United nd it Is Lellovod will boin ') (o otituln many uuucvbmIuuh ie benefit from tho railroads k the so-callod beef trust Tho on, which has its headquarters liTiagston hotel, will bo In tliee or four days. Salt Lake, Aug. 1. Eight hundred and olghty-two people were In lino at midnight at Provo, Utah, awaiting for tho oponlng of tho Uintah reservation registration office. Mrs. Isabcll Miller, a' widow, was tho first in tho lino, and registered at 0 o'clock this moraine. aftor which tho long lino waltodi its turn, and is boing increased ranidlv as tho day advances. Orders woro rccolvod from tho interior departmont to allow all registered persons to onler tho res ervation through Strawberry vnlloy, to soleot tho homes to bo filed on August 28th. Claims He Is Certain to. Be Elected Commander of : , t the Grand Army Washington, Aug. 1. "Corporal" Tanner Is confident ho will bo oloctod to succeed Oeneral Blackmar ns command er of tho Grand Army. Ho savs ho hoi tno unanimous support of Now York and a majority of tho Department of tho Potomaci. Burrows, of New Jersey i Brown pf Ohio; Burton, of Missouri, candidates." Buffalo, Soyal Arcanum Protest. N. Y., Aug. 1. Tho grand, council of tho Real Arcanum of Now, York atato assomblod in special ses sion hero today tot protest against the now ratos of Insuranco recently tab ulated by the supremo body of tho ox d)er. It, 1b itho first timo in 28 years that a grand council of tho Boyal Ar- It Olovo WorkerB In Convention. Chicago, 111., Aug.. l.-Tho Interna tional Glovoworkers' Union of Ameri ca assomblod in annual convention in ChicaCTO lodnv W-ltKi ilnlntrnlna .M iKin.l from varln nn. t !, TIU CM.. I CIUmm h?8 mt ' VM BCSalon. Tho convention will last about a week,!19 0Xp0flc,1 fj "? ?f In8ur: and will bo devoted to tho consideration an? rftt" " bo huEhlr discussed anu aiouio oi raies aoomeu. xno sur premo regent will bo petitioned to call an extraordinary session of tho su premo council at an early date to take Defense. Closes Its Argument Today and Case Goes to Jury Tomorrow Portland, Aug. 1. Attornoys for tho dofonso will occupy tho ontlro day in tholr closing arguments in tho land fraud trial of Congressman William son and his associates. Tho caso will probably not roach tho jury beforo to morrow afternoon. ZIONISTS FALL OUT of various quostions relating to wages nnd conditions of labor la tho glovo maklng Industry. Keports show tho or ganization to bo in good condition. I action on tho Toport. ascll Sage Noar Nlnoty. fork, Aug. 1. Desplto tho fact plysiclans advised against Ma Us jummer horao at LawTencd 'a I., Bussoll Sago today Ha his cottngo on Lawronco . Ho plans to stay a monthi le insisted on coming to Manr iinl returning nightly, physl- . aim that ho would havo to a the city If ho carod to llvo, ge lias ignorod them, Tho p nnaaclor will enter on" bis Jar next Friday. Eedata Wet Lands. ob, Minn., Aug. 1. Tho Min- wainago Leaeuo beiran its here today with a largo "Mauvo attendance. Tho "M perfect Its organization M ta best methods of drain- Madreds of thousands of mmp lands in tho northern I' Minnesota. a, inv, in uapt. Josppii juchard's company, Col. Gill's rogimont, and olght months, from May 11, 1780, in Capt. Caleb Ohampnoy's company. Damon entered tha servico as a mlnuto man when about sixteen years of a co. Ho was nearly 22 when his lant recorded sorvjeos hm completed. His period of intermittent enlistmont covered a period of noarly flvo years and sovon months. Tho irregular troops of tho Continental arnw wore assomblod and disbandod ns occasion requirod, which oxplains his frequent changos of ossignmont to companies and rogimonts. Ho was noarly four sooro yoars old whon ho was married to Estlior Sumner, tho widow who survives him. Mrs. Damon has boon confined to hor bed) for noarly a year, and has lost to a great extent tno uso oi npr iimos. With tho excoptlon of a slight deaf ness, howovor, sho retains her faculties romarkably. Last AprH hor ponslon waa Increased by tho government to $24 per month. o Moral Baco Mooting. Logansport, Ind., Aug. 1. Owing to tho attitude of Governor Hanly and the stato authorities tho Gas Bolt circuit Taco meeting which opened hero today ia dovold of gambling and pool soiling. A special Invitation has boon sont to tho governor asking him to attend tho mooting to seo how tightly the lid Is kept down. Tho mooting will con tinuo "throo days and from nil Indica tions will prove successful. Packing IIouso Fire. ' St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 1. The beef bode- in tho cattlo chuto of the Swift Eoloaaod from Quarantine. Now York, Aug. 1. All of tho Pro- packing plant burned early this morn'- tus' passongcra detainod In quarantine Ing; loss, $50,000. woro roleasod this morning. I WH I I A latfe stock of children's clothing to be sacrificed at G. W. JOHNSON & Co. Come early and get the pick VWWT ALMOST COMMIT MURDER it Received Di t Fom theFacr y The most complete line of "Velvet Grip" Hose Supporters It00 h the city. Tho new "Pad Front" stylo produce tho propr Kt front effAf . ......v j.i.... t .t-it.t. muil Tho "Yelvet I 7tener i tho only satisfactory fastener on tho market. You W them ... .... - vu uBjr oiner maxo oi noso sunporior. &&&& (dp- Two Boys in Los Angeles Make Murderous Attack on a Guard Los Angeles, Aug. 1. In attemplng to deliver SO inmates from the juvenile dotontlon homo hero this morning two bovu. Bvorott Burrett, aged 10, and Clydo Gribbjo, aged 14, attacked Ma jor Oliver, the guard, and beat blin over tho bead) with a hoavy chair. Oli ver Is severely wounded. Tho boys woro armed with revolvers. Tho matron closed the Iron door's on tho boys, called tho sheriff from his office across the street, and, after a severe scuffle, the disturbance waa quelled! Oliver's scalp was torn nearly from Lis head. WILL BUY OR BUILD BIG STRIKE TONIGHT St. Paul, Aug. l.-Unlcss Hill inter feres personally 1000 tolegraph. opera tors omployod on the Groat Northern and Northern Pacific systems will strike at 0 o'clock this ovonlng. Tho Northorn today followed tho action of tho North orn Paciflo Monday, requiring tho men lo accept its torms or leavo its employ, Perhan, president of tho Ordwr of Hall way Tolographers, wired President El liott and President Hill for o personal conferonco, which if not granted will result in a strike. z4A'JMe& lv- r . Jir0mifh . swe .v , , JJ our pries ,jght' pB iytxJ lUU in ths store, beeauie our rf lnuli Portland. Or., Aug. l.-H. S. Wallace, head of tho Ccroperatlvo Obrisuan Federation, announces that if ho ia ua- abla to purchaso tho CorvaUia iast ern. ho will buildi a railroad through tha Willamette valley and into South ern and Eastern Orogon. Chicago Markets. Chicago, Aug. 1.-September wneai 84 Vj corn 52; oats, 27. acts tnable us to undersell 'regular stores. OUR NEW DRINI$ "THE SALEM GIRL" Like all Salem Git Is is better tlian any otficr The Spa, 382 Stato Street. W- T. 8T0LZ. F. O. iUJrtata. BURIED TWENTT-FIVB YEAItfl. Russians Capture American Sailors and Pnt Them In the Mines. San Rafael, Cal., Aug. 1. Capt. Jar rltt, of a San Francisco schooner, was In the city yesterday making prepara tions to send petitions to the authori ties in Washington in bobalf of his brother and four f rlondtj, who wore cap tured by Russians in 1881, and exiled for lifo to work in tho mint of Si beria. In 1881 Benjamin Morso, Hoiv ly A Long, Ohaa. Jerritt, Joe Redding nnd Joe Smith, of this county, and two other sailors from San Franelsoo and Oakland shipped! on a sealing vessel bound for Behrlng Sea. A year later the wholo party was reported lost. Last week a Russian exilo called upon Thoa. Irwin, of Oloman, and informed him he had escaped from tho Siberian nifties, and that be was exiled with boys from! this country. He promised! the sealing party that if he reached California he would look up Irwin. The Russian states tho men were in the mine 23 years, and seldom see the light of day, They were subject to all kinds of cruel ty- TAFT PABTV AT NACJABAXL Welcomed by AU OMciAls and Enter- Uined by oOasol. Nagasaki, Aug. 1. The etamer Man churia arrived at 7 o'clock this morn ing. Tho governor, mayor and other officials went abo&rxi and extended of ficial welcome to Secretary of War Taxi and Miss Roosevelt, Tho party buaded at 0 o'clock ajad lunched at the American eoxwulate. t Baso), Switsorlandy Aug. 1. Tho split botwoon Uho territorial rJonlsta and tho rJonists, over tho rojoction by congress of tho Britieh offer of terri tory for tho colonisation in East Af rica, is coraploto. Tho torrltorlalists havo founded a soparato organization cnllod tho National Jewish Territorial- 1st Longua. Thirty of tho former dolo- gatos and .300 spectators ,havo..allIed tlhomsolves, and aro now holding meet ings in a hall adjjacont to tho original congress. SINKING AT COAIi BUNKERS. Steamer Spokane Llsta at SeatUo and May Go to Bottom. Seattle, Aug. 1. Pacific Coast Steam ship Company's stoamer Bpokano is sinking at tho foot of Dearborn atreot and, unless sho is towod to drydock within tho next two hours, sho will go to tho bottom. Tho vossol was taking on coal, whon sho suddenly listod to hor port side and the wator rushed: In through an open seacock. ThoSpoT5Jnearrlved in Port yesterday from Southeastern Alas ka. Tho steamer OHy of Topeka eank un der similar circumstances about a year ago. Dr. Robert Stuart McArthur Rills Down and Worships Rockefeller Springfield, 111., Aug. 1. Gov. JLa Follotto'a violent attack on Rookofol- lcr boforo tho Baptist Chautauqua hero todays caused Dr. Robert Stuart MoArthur, of Now York, to proporo a resolution for adoption, deploring La Follotto's speech, disclaiming responsi bility on tho part of tho assembly, and stntlng that "when Rockefeller's crit ics aro dead, Ids namo will bo honored as a man of itranscondont genius, a hu manitarian, a churchmnn and tho world will como to boo that tho lendora of now forma of business in tho endeavor arena aro tho benefactors of tho human race." About That Bennington Explosion. San Dlogo, Oalr, Aug, 1. Tho naval board of Inniry in tho Bennington dis notor is now in secret session on board tho cruiser Chicago, It Is ropoitod tho board liaa boforo it for examina tion tho safoty valvo of tho boiler which exploded. A story ia curront that it was rusted fast, nnd would not havo blown off at a prenuro of S00 pounds. It Wns sot to blow off at 140 pounds. Thero were no now deaths today. Millionaire Arrested. Paris, Aug. 1. II is reported that Juluseotf who lost 16,000,000 franca in tho sugar panic, has been arrostod, ow ing to circumstances connected wltli tho financial crisis. Tho Boycott Bugaboo. Washington-, D. O,, Aug. 1. Consul Harris, of Nagasaki, cables that tho Ohinoso merchants tliCTo havo decided .to co;Qporato with Shanghai and other cities in boycotting American goods. Taka Over Sakhallon. Tofcio, Japan, Aug. 1. Military ad ministration over all of Sakhallon Island waa proclaimed July 30th, JM rei&3$ Tomotftfow Only Special Bargain Sale No. 239 Special bargain evont for Wednes day only, Don't expect to get thorn Tuesday or Thursday at -theso prlcoa as they aro for Wednesday only at quoted prices. Evory garmont ia of thla son son's fashioning nnd aro made under tho most sanitary factories, insuring cleanllnoas, Gowns 98c In all now styles, valued at $1,50 eaeh Gowns 73c Newest and best stylos, rogular $1 value Corset Covets, Drawers 39c An exceptional value at 30c tho gar ment. Como early nd you won 't be disappointed. IIM Wash Goods Fancy Embroidered India Linen shirt waist patterns.Begular 12 val ues. Special $1,50 Fino all linen, Eylet Embroidery shirtwaist patterns. Regular 44.00 values. Spocial $3.15 Fancy French Volloe, Sljk Organ dies, English Botlsto In now weaves and patterns. Values range from 60c to 89c. HalfPrke Hosiery Specials 60o Ladles' Block Laco nose, Spe cial ,30t $1.00 Ladles' Black Lace Hose. Spe cial G5 Just Received The now flexible metallic CURTAIN BODS Fit all windows, from 80 inches wld . to 42 151 XADEBS' SUTXS-STXX, AND MOHAIR. CLOTH. This soason's best styles in a great array of eolorlngo. Nobby and this, for vacation wear. Yon get two ttiU tot tho price of ose. HaffPfk Outing Stiits for Men AT A GREAT SACRIFICE Nobby new suits of newest designs and patterns, especially made for comfort ou your outing or in tho city during tho warm wcath or. Lots of wearing time ahead, $ 8,50 values reduced to $ 5-75 $10,00 values reduced to 050 $12.60 values reduced to 8.50 $10,00 values reduced to 10-00 $10,60 values reduced to 1JJ.50 Straw Hats Men's Straw lints aro getting low, but evory number is right up to date, $1.00 qualities now . -. -75c $2,00 qualities now fl.00 i taat Uin an fraS m 8s wit Hllal ed Ml r.-a a. Mi a