.J111 'HWJBifl -ftS .,1 r i! r. !I ikha: ! . ;i'. S 1 w H M I I km r V tf r J DAILY CAPITAL J0U&NA1, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1800. sac 0 Afctfcfable Vt CDarolionforAs- slmilallng ihcFoodaruincgiiJa Uiu ihcStoinachs andDowcls of Promotes DigcslIon.Chccrful ncss and I?cst.Con!nln3 neither Opiiim(Morpliine norlfinwal. Not "Nauc otic . roui-sAivu.mcj!xn Jmpkin Sent' BAKtimjm CASTOBIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MARION COUNTY'S EXHIBIT JkMUSJ IKrrpSttJ-hinyyrmruircK A perfect Remedy forConsllpn Tlon, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Conviilsions.Fcvcrish ncss nnd Los9 OF Slekp. FacSimilo Signature or NFAV YOniC. "IMHiW Jr$f M 1f exact copy or wrapper. In fll IV Wf USB 'I m A. W Jr For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt Of NTAUR SOMMNV. Nt VOB OfTY. Portland PaperSays it is One of the Largest and Best on the Grounds MMlBBHfl0ieKI!XfllIiaBtIK9MIlMlfK9M . red seal gas SIRE OF JO DEAL, 2:ll. Slrod by .Bod neart 2:10V, Uio Biro of Chain Shot 2:00t. Eod Beal 2:10, Etc. Dam .ALICE M.' (trlnl) 2:2fi....by Mark Field (ion of Geo. Wilkos), Dnm of Hod 8onl 2:10 A! itro of Daisy Fields 2:08, Mara lawood 2i10Vj. brlno flold, 2:llVi, etc. Seip&d dnm DAY BULL ly Advance, slro of Malraskn 2:25,otc. Dam of Vorltas 2:104, V-dox 2t20Vi. Third dnm daughter of Tlppo LLib, a thoroughbred. BUD HEART is by ltod Wilkos, out of Swoothoart, by Sultan; second dnm Minnelinlm, the dura of Iloautlful Dolls, etc. RED 'SEAL stands 15.1, compactly built, with great quality and a suro sire of groat snood. Ho will mnko tho sonson of 1D0S nt the OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS Terms $40 Season With the uaunl return privilege Good pasturage at ronsnnnblo rates to mares sont from a distance SAM CASTO, Fair Groands, Or. WMMMWHMMHtlHHMtlHMIHUH k EPPLEY'S PERPECTION BAKING POWDER TRY IT i Last night's Telegram has tho fol lowing description of Marlpn, county's exhibit nt tho Lewis nnd Olnrfc fair: "Sncnjnwen in grains-ami nstrldo n coal black steed novcr looked down upon a fairer scono than that of the Marlon county, Oregon, booth in tho agricultural building, Lewis and Clark exposition. Anil to lond to tho dignity of tho stnto capital to tho oxhlblt and to also roprcsont tho wealth that grows in tho sell of both tho county and tho state, a great seal Of tho stato of Oregon, is mounted in grains on ono of tho lofty beams of tho booth," "Thoro nro but fowor larger 'reser vations lit tho building than thai of Marion county, and but fow oxhlblta which bIiow a greater variety ofcpro. ducts nnd manufactures. On tho counters encircling tho display arc mammoth cabbages, somo 'of , which weigh moro than 35 pounds; beets, wax beans, potatoes, turnips, pio plant, poaches, apples, cherries, plums, prunes, chestnuts-., ami wnlnuts& And in thA center of tho booth nro pyra mids and cases containing spqclmons of dried onions, parsnips, potatoes, carrots and mushrooms. Tho display of canned nnd prcscrvod fruits is magnificent. Tho designing of, tho walls In grains and grasses is, both beautiful nnd unique "Heavy luxuriant stalks of alfalfa six foot long, stalks of votch, of cheat hay, of flnx, of wheat, of timothy and of onts, nnd lastly, of hops, aro nr rnngod in such u manner as will best bring tholr good, points in rcliof. I'm no portiorcs grnco ono ond of tho booth, nnd roprcsont nnolhor giant in dustry of tho county. Oroat Industry. An ludlcntlvo of another groat in dustry there is shown nn oxtromly beautiful Angora goat floeco. On top of a glass cabinet thorp-stands as if In life nn Angora buck nnd a Cots wold sheep. In tho cabinet nro shown lap robes mudo of very flno mohair, nnd in another caso aro shown blank ots and samples of broadcloth '"and suitings 'inndo of Mnrlon county wool nnd by Marion county mills. Of tho other products of tho soil of Marion county nnd of its factories aro samples of almost 40 dlfToront kinds of woods, of which thorn Is now standing about 3,330,000,000 foot; harness mado of leather secured from Mnrlon coun ty cattlo, nnd by Marlon county work monj chooses of all kinds, beautiful couohos and bits of furnlturo mado of Marlon county woods and by Marlon county tumors, nnd firebrick. Nothing moro convincing can bo said than that in 100-1 Marion county yielded grain valued at $1,421,850 and numbering 2,300,760 bushols, nnd that tho total value of hor farm products for that yoar was 15,323,000. And .of tho gold uuder tho earth thoro shown samples of rich oro. AN UGLY THREAT A TINSMITH ALARMED BY THE TREMBLING) OF HIS LTMB8. Finds Out How to Regain Control of Ills Norvcs and Is Freed From the Greatest Anxioty. It is a much easior task to mrHtho attack of an opon onomy thattodwoll in constant dread of an assault in th,o dark that is vaguely hinted at and may como at tho first ungunrdod mo ment. Hints of posslblo norvous break down may well terrify any worklngman for his command ovor his norves is a largo part of his capital. Mr. William Browno, of No. 1010 Lincoln street, St. Joseph, Mo., is nn oxport tinnor in tho employ of tho National Biscuit Co. Ho tells tho following story of a trying oxperionco: "In tho spring of 1092," ho says, "whllol was rogularly working at my trado, I grow somowhat careless in my habits of eating and drinking, and finnlly found that my appotlto was flcklo, a bad tasto lingorod in my mouth, my norvos twitched and woro beyond my control, my kidneys woro out of order, nnd cold sweats, would broak over my body at odd times. Per haps, whllo I Btood talking with somo ono, this trembllug of tho limbs, and profuso sweating, a sovero chill would solzo mo. I becamo alnrmod at my condition and, hnvlng road an advor tlsomont of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I got a box and began using them. Thoy holpcd mo nt once. After I had used ono box tho twitching of tho norvcs, tho trouble with tho stomach nnd tho cold sweats stopped and havo not reappeared, nnd my npppotlto Is good. I havo told sovcral friends that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills aro all right nnd I rccommond thorn to every body." Much has boon said and written ro contly about modiclnos that contain alcohol, nnd, while most of tho criti cism has bcon unnecessarily alarming, it is ovfdont that a remedy in pill form is certain to froo from objection on this score Furthermore, Dr. Williams fl'lnk Pills for Palo People aro abso lutely guaranteed to bo entirely harm less to tho most dollento constitution and may bo takon without fear. Thoy havo on rod thousands of cases and if you will writo to Dr. Williams Modi clno Co., Schonoctndy, N. Y., stating your troublo, you will rocolvo a frank roply. If tho pills will cure you, proof will bo furnished; if thoy nro not suit od for your troublo, you will bo hon estly told so. Oslor to Blamo. Doctor Jim, nn Indian 100 years of ngo, was murderod by unknown par- tics nenr Evorott, Wnsh. Ho was shot through -tho head and tho body hid den on tho banks of tho Stllaguamish m n Classified $HIHMHM DO YOU WAWX J.u SELL YOUR FARM? Do you want to buy or sell any. thing! - Hero Is your opportunity to Insert your advertisement In two newspapers for the prlco of ono. Fer a limited tlmo all "F6r Salo," "For Itont," nnd nil "Wnnt" ads will be insortod in Tho Portland Dally Journal and Tho Capital Journal for Ono Cont a Word. Tho Portland Journal is tho best circulated nowspapor in Oregon. It goes dally into 23,000 homos and reaches that largo army of peoplo who aro constantly buying and selling something. When you go to Portland call at tho Journal ofllco and sco tho largest and best nowspapor press In Oregon. It will print, pasto, cut and fold papers In four colors with ono impression at tho rato of 24,000 n hour. Visitors wol como. Tho Capital Journal Is tho leading paper in Oregon outeldo of Portland, and this combination advertising rates will produce moro returns for tho small cost than any other In tho stnto. Send your advertisements to tho Capital Journal ofllco and wo will sond copy to tho Portland Journal. FOR SALE. For Sale Sovcn-room resldonco, barn, large half block, electric lights, uatu, hot and cold city water. E. Ho fer, Journal ofllco. For Sale Small dry fir wood, at (3.25 por cord. Phono Black 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Mornlngslda 1-20-tf For Salo. Two lots, with now houso and barn, good improvements. At n bargain. Inquire of Glover & Pat ton's blacksmith shop, 430 Court stroot. 5-22-tf For Salo. Orders taken for wood, In lots of fivo or moro cords. Salem Stoam Laundry. 7-25-lwk FOR RENT. For Rent. A eovon-roora houso. Call n A. Sohriober, 424 High stroett. 0-13-tf aro Greatly In Demand. Nothing Is more In demand than a medicine which meets modern roqulro inonts for a blood and systom cleanser, such as Dr. King's New Life Pills. They nro just what you need to oure stomach and liver troubles. Try them. At J. O. Perry' drug store, 25e, guaranteed. Standard Liquor Co. ! StKxcssors to Wholesale J; P. ROGERS and Retail Dealers 143-1 56 South Commercial St OUR BUSINESS 18 TO rURNISH EVERY nOMB IN SALEM WITH THE BEST BRANDS OF LIQUORS-CALIFORNIA. AND IMPORTED WINES-ALL KINDS OF CORDIALS AND BITTERS-BOTTLED BEER IN QUARTS AND TINTtt, ALSO THE FAMOUS SHASTA, WUTCE ROOK, APFOLINARIS AND UTRTA WATER. QIVE US A TRIAL ORDER AND BE OOXVIN013D, ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY, AS WE HAVE TWO nn. LXVKRY WAGONS. " STANDARD LIQUOR Co., A. G. Magers, Mgr. WHWv BWBW AIOm HOLLISTCR'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bait Hedloln for Hair PmdU ... Ml .. ." f"- jirugi uotata ueuta sad Benowe .MR' Vigor. n-lflQ for CnnutlfUlf Inn fn.llitAjtU.. T I.. m J J.kW."YtTrouleS "'"Pies. Kcwran, linpur Uloo.1, 1UJ Dreath. Blwrelsh UowitU, HoiuliclK nd Uacksrhe. It's Hocky Mountain Tea In tb. let form. !W cMa a box. Ornulue mada br lIoMJsrrji Dnco Comi-ant, Madlaon. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PE0P. BRICK Brick furnished in large or small quantities. Pressod brick mada to or der. Yard on State street, south of ponltontiary. SALEM BRICIC YARD. A. A. BURTON, Prop. For Ront, Furnlshod and unfurnlahod rooms, also good.sizod barn. Inqulro of M. A. Dlco, 700 Commorclal streot, throo blocks below Marlon square 7-15-tf WANTED FEMALE HELP. Wanted. Chambermaid at the Willam ette Hotel. 7-14-tf vvuubuu. -juan rnr ...!. Willamollo Hotel steady job7 Ta atoopHli-Dr. W. L. MoTc of tho American School ft pnthy, Kirksvlllo, Mo. 0ffi .? bulling, CommerclU 2 man xtooms 20 and 20. Phon foj Now rnnldnnixi Jm . .. " ..::. r,c::rL:z ?ot w m stroot. Phono 883 Red. PHYSICIAN AND 8iJSyj? DTXIOaltopi goon, itooms 12-13 Bush uunuing. .Phono Main 761. donco Willnmetto Hotel, Urn In OrtAI -!-- 7 ho. BAKERD3S. vrtit! uojiery uilom & Kntli proprietors, 430 Court street r broad, pics nnd cakes daily. M.- roons, lady flngors, angel and itM uuu cuko, Canutes, nuts, etc. Dd xies mnuo to any part of tee i uuuo uuue oBi. 5.ltj OLEANINO AND DYE WORxT tho Salem Dyo Works ! want your clothes cleaned, djeirJ j.uirou or prosseu, rollned, velrttii lara on; also suit pressed bj ft month. You can got nnythlag diu od, from.o pnlr of glovos to tit dm uiuuornio siik gowns. Mrs. a 1 Walker, Prop., 105 Commercial itr f ASH AND DOOR FAOTOEnaT Frailc M. Brow-Manufactur ssb, doors, mouldings. AH kinds J houso finish and hardwood wot Front atroot betwoon State and Cm a, m, juanaon Manufacturer of kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wJ woric, uouso finish and office fixtcj Estlmatos furnlshod. Cor, Mill i Church stroot. Phono Rod 211. AROHITEOT. vr. u. i-ugn Arcnuoct nnd nptnfl tondont, plans furnished for all iM os of building and structural nM Ofllco 110 Stato streot, Tioga UM Salem, Oregon. DRAYMEM. Whlto & Cummins, do a general dnl and transfor business, meet trains. 'Phones, down town, V 2181, residences, Bluo IS, red !07l Stand 218 Commorslal street 8-Ull MISCELLANEOUS. unart waists and Bummer Gowns Mado la the best style and workman ship. Terma roaeonablo. Address er call B Mrs. n. Mllner, 20th and Center sUreota. 5-20-tf Lost. On slough road, about a weok ago, a pair of single buggy lines and part of bridle cauio runaway. Find er return to Journal office for ro ward. 7-20-3t ICE Call Wagon or Telephone 451 Black Btry Coupons and Save Money. Salem Ice Co. The Tillsou Co. Dealers ia ohopped feed, s4 Wan, hay, fle.r dried fruit, ets. High street, adjoining pera kese. 6-1-yr. IIMIIHMIIimHH I Gold Dust Flout 1 Mads by THE SIDNEY POW. ER COMPANY, Rldney. Or gon. Made for family use. Ask your rrocer for It Bran and horts always, on kand. P. B. Wallace AGENT Strawberry Orates TU tops and hot Isoks at lowest prices. Capital Com mlssUa Oe. Phone Mala 2231, oppo- wmasastu Hotel, Balem, Oregon. LODQE8. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of (I World Moots In Ilolman Hall enl Friday nt 7:30 p. m. L. B. StluJ consul; P. L. Frasor, clerk. Foresters of America Court Bbcwf Forosters No. 10. Meets Frldr Tumor block. Ira Jorgenacn, 0. l A. L. Brown, See Central Lodgo I7o. 18, K. of r.-C3 nail In Holman block, corner 8tf nnd Llborty streots. Tuesday of & weok nt 7:30 p. ra. T. J. CronlM.1 P.; W. I. Stoloy, K. of B. and a Modorn Woodmen of Amerleav-0; gon Codar Camp, -No. C2W. M evory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'eto Holman Hall. E. E, Mattes, Y. t A. L. Brown, Clork. Balem Iron Works Founders, machin ists aid blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery, nop and fruit drying stoves, eta Manufacturers of the O, K. Grubber. Bhand & Marcus. 11-28-lm Hotel Scott Newly furnished, eTory thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices, in Cottle block. Balem. A. Scott, prop. 7-4f. Say-Have yen tred h, tj. VauU for meats! He has the best sausage In tewa. Oemo and try It, and be con vinced. 410 East State stret. cyj&Sj Edlsoa Phoaograpa Arencr. Gasollao Lamps, Mantels, Gasoline, Davey ft 8aT8go.-Real Estate, Leans and Insurance, Conveyancing and Exalnlag Titles. Notary work done. Bring us list of yoar property for sale, 403 State street, near High. 3-8-tf Lost. Lady ' leather nurse. eoiln. Ing small pnrse with some gold and silver coins, eye glasses and other valuables. Finder please leave at Journal offiee and receive reward. 7r24.1wk T?iiit0W 8eeon,I-H'd. Beat. , Wo Are-New paying 16. fer eKM. I 814 Coml 8t PhoeMatn40L I Ceameral W 6e I In u WATER COMPANY. SALEM WATER C0MPAN OFFICE CITY HALL, For water service annlr at C -T .44 . Bills Davable montblv in sdrul Make all complaints at tho ofice. Just In J Our now Uno of 1005 wall K q per has just arrived. All lt j m patterns at reasonable price j Call and see our stock and tj convinced that our paper sal pricos are right. Remember t" place I E, L Lemmon 299 liberty St. Phone 2475 9m Htiie Wing Sang j All kinds of fancy Dry Goods, m Embroideries. Laces. Make up C! atmtn unri TjkIIm' romlshlns 09 Suits, Wrappers, Skirts, White TJJ wear. Sale cheap. Court street, SJ Orogon. 'Phone llack 216 Court St, cecaer alley. OASVOR IA'. aWstk. TbsltellfMHJWWS' fcVatai f &&& l.