Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 28, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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New Orleans Waking Cop-
certed Effort to Stamp
Out the Disease '
T -u-
New Orleans, July 28, Governor
Blancbnrd has returned to thof stato
capital, and has cbmplotcd n porfoct
jtato organization to combat yellow
ever and mosquitoes in nccordanco
with tho suggestion of tho medical au
thorities. Beginning this morning tho
ward organizations will bogln n con
certed movement to stamp out tho dis
ease Every now enso will be isolated
and all physicians will bo notiflod. The
citizens' committoo nssosBod ovory bus
incss man in tho city, according to his
commercial rating, and none refused.
Tho yellow fovor hospital is now filled
with pationts, and now cases nro boing
received as thoy dovolop. -Tho quaran
tine l apparently vory effective
Tho stato board of health has decid
ed to quarantine tho stato' ngainst Now
Orleans, At 11 o'clock this morning
two suspicious casos wero discovered in
tho American quarter. Tho houses
wcro immediately quarantined. The
marlno hospitnl servico today began
an examination of nil steamboats. Thir
teen cases aro in Tho hospltnlB today.
. i - n !-
Counterfeiter Arrcetod.
Seattle, WaBh., July 28. li. B. TnU
ley, a paint merchant of Ccntrnlla, was
arrested by Captain Bell, of tho secrot
service, last night upon tho charge of
aiding and abotting countorfoiting. It
ii claimed that Talloy ngroed to locate
for tho officers, for a toward, a band of
countorfoltors who wero making spuri
ous five-dollar gold pieces. Ho -wan
put off, and an investigation satisfied
tho authorities that ho himself was the
party to tho counterfeiting; Bis arrest
followed. f"
Talloy doclarcs his arrest is splto
work, becauso after ho rccelvod pay
from Bell ho was unablo to locato tho
counterfeiters. Bell loft for Centralia
this morning1 with three warrants, said
to bo for a banker, a saloon man and a
retired merchant, all of that pfaco. All
aro said to bo implicated. ,
Tulloy was arraigned beforo Commis
sioner KIcfer, and his bondB wore fixod
at 13000.
San Francisco Matron Chosen.
Kugcno, Or., July 28. Tho commit
teo from tho board of regents of the
University of Oregon which had in
hand tho ttolectlon of a matron for the
dormitory has at last decided upon
Mrs. 8. C. Church, of San Francisco
She has accopted tho position, nnd'will
aisumo her duties early in October. The
preeent matron, Miss Etha "Williams
will open tho dormitory at tho begin
ning of tho school year, and conduct it
until Mrs, Church's arrival. Mrs
Church comes highly recommended.
Sho has had largo oxpcTlenco in con
ducting collego rooming and boarding
Visited tho Consumptives,
Coney Island, N. Y.-, July 28. Presi
dent nnd Mrs. Boosovclt paid a noon
day visit to Sea' Breeze nomo, on insti
tution for tho treatment of tuberculo
sis. Thoy made tho trip on the Sylph,
t tho invitation of Jacob Reis.
Pace for Democracy.
Madison, Wis., July 28. Colonel Will
lam J, Bryan, who is horo to address tho
-Monona laka assembly, is to bo given a
complimentary reception and ban
qnet thijevenng'-by-the-Dmocrntsof
Wisconsin. miiabVIliiftvdltKaWthiroc
ession will be tho most important ns
lemblage of Demorcats in tho north-
Shifts? OvtaIIs. lumpetSf
Cotton Pant?;, Shoes
Everything you need in work clothes at extremely low prices. Those
Conklin'e Horsehide Gloves at $1.15 remain soft and pliable after the
roughest wear, and arrf "worth soveral pairs of ordinary floves. We havo
them in either Jlght," taodium or extra heavy weights.' you have extra'
short fingers we can fit yon with an extra short-fingered glove.
We are dosing out line of fien'a
west for many years, and it la regarded
in n way tho opening gun for tho Dem
ocratic campaign of 1008. Besides
COionol Bryan tho speakers will In
cludo T. E. Ryan, -Democratic nntlonal
committeeman for 'Wisconsin; Martin
L. Luock, representing tho Democrat
ic stato central eommlttco; J. M.
Orowloy, representing tho Democratic
members of tho stato legislature, and
Congressman Charles H. Wclsso of
Drowned In Columbia.
Portland, Or.', July 28. May Fisher,
aged 18; Ednn FiBher, 10 and Llllic
Zieglcr, 20, were drowned yesterday af
ternoon in tho Columbia river at Fish
ers' landing, Washington. They wcro
wading in tho river with two other wo
men, when they got beyond their depth.
Their companions tried to rescuo them,
but could not swim. All wcro residents
of Fishers. Fishers' landing is nino
miles abovo Vuncouvor, aud it is the
shipping point for Mill Flain, and tho
big wheat farms of Clarke county. Tho
bodies' wero recovered.
Corbett and Attall.
Philadelphia, Pn.; July 28. Unless
all signs go nstray tho patrons of tho
National Athletic Club will bo treated
to a rattling good fight tonight when
" Yotog Corbctl" mid Abs Atalle come
togother for a six-round bout. Thero
is considerable personal feeling bo
tweon tho two littlo fighters, each
claiming for several years that tho
other was afraid to meet him. Tho
two aro regarded as pretty evenly
matched and aro counted on to put up
ono of tho liveliest fights seen herea
bouts in n long time.
Yachts for Maclnic Race
Chicago; III., July 28. Sixteen
yachts aro expected to start in tho
Chicago Yacht Club's annual cruising
rnco to Mackinac Island tomorrow.
Tho Detroit Country Club bonts will
leave Port Huron at tho samo timo as
tho Chicago yachts, tho plan being
for tljo two divisions to meet in Maokl
nac. Arrangements havo been modo for
tho reporting of tho yachts by tho keep
ers of tho lighthouse amUlfc saving sta
tions along the coast.
Of .Oourso Its a.Bluff.
Victoria, B. O., July28. Tho threat
ened boycott of American goods in Chi
na is a bugaboo, according to Dr. Mor
rison, tho Pekin correspondent of the
London Times, who arrived horo from
tho Orient this morning. IJTo says the
agitation Is compnrativcly.of small pro
portion, i
Revolutionized Photographs.
Philadelphia, July 28.-John Car
butt, well-known photographer, and in
ventor of tho "Cnrbutt dry plate,"
which revolutionized photography, it
dead at his homo In this city, dying at
7:30 this morning.
Of Course He Did,
Portland, July 28. Dr. Van Gcsnor,
partner and co-defendant of Congress
man Williamson, took tho stand in his
own behalf today. Ho mado n eompleto
denial of tho alleged land fraud con-
Russians Pcrsocuto Jews.
Vlonna, July 28. Tho persecution of
tho Jews is spreading in Western Rus
sia. At Viina 32 Jews wcro shot, and
at Czonstehau the army reservists
lynched 13.
No Yellow Fever in Mobile.
Mobile, Ala., July 28.-Dr. Wasdln,
of the marine hospital servico, has just
completed his Investigation and reports
thero is no yellow fever in this city.
, o
Yellow Jack Takes Three.
Washington. July 28. Governor
Mngoon, of Louisiana, reports three
more deaths Irom yeiiow jevcr.
Cnicago?MarkeU; .
Chicago, July 28.-Wheat, 8094
85; corn, 5352; oats, 2628H
ft y jr tv
good wool summer outing suits at
Tonight and Saturday, partly cloudy .and
Monty for Appeal Raised at
10.30 Else Would Have
Hanged at 12
Chicago, July -28. At tho eleventh
hour Johnnn Hoch, tho convicted wife
murderer and arch bigamist, received
a ray of hopo that ho will not bo exe
cuted for tho murder of his wife,
Mario Walker Hoch. . Ho was sched
uled to hang between 10 nnd noon to
day, but tho march to tho scaffold will
bo delayed to tho last moment, pond,
ing tho result of tho heroic efforts of
friends to Obtain $000 to complete, tho
$1100 necessary to mako his appeal to
tho supremo court.
Dr. L. II. Montgomery, a well known
physician, and Mrs, May Wilson, a
woman of wealth, called nt tho jail at
10:30 nnd announced they had raised
the amount needed by Hoch, United,
Stntcs Attorney Heady informed thorn
ho would communlcnto with tho gov
ernor. Montgomery has takon tho in
torest ho has from a scientific point of
view, asserting that, In his opinion, the
nnalysls was incorrect, nnd Hoch could
not hnvo committed the crime
Chicago, July 28. At 11:30 Hoch's
attornoy.was assured by-tolophone"that
tho governor would issue another ro
prlove, providing tho effort to obtain
money was made in 'good faith.
Chicago, July 28. At 12:45 Governor
Dcnecn reprieved Hoch until August
25th. ' v -' "
With scarcely moro than nn hour to
Bparo beforo tho timo act for his execu
tion 'Johnnn Hdcli, tho convicted !wifo
murderor, -was reprieved by Governor
Deticen until August 25th. Fifteen
minutes prior to tho rnno'uncoment that
ho would have -additional timo to pro
sont his case to tho supremo colirt Hoch
said: "These efforts to save mo from
tho hangman's nooso nro tho natural
outcomo of tho facts in the case. I
havo put my trust In God, and I know
that ho will' treat mo right. I am in
nocent, nnd will provo it boforo tho
highest tribunal." With the oxceptlon
of a slight attack'of nausea oarly this
morning, Hoch was In excellent Bplrlta
throughout tho morning. Up to tho
hour sot for tho hanging, when ho
loarnod that tho monoy was raised to
pay for his appeal, ho calold for an
other cigar, placed his foot on tho table
nnd said: "This proves my contention
that I will not hang-" Tho doath watch
say that Hoch is tho gamest man thoy
over stood guard ovor.
Attornoy A. II. Thompson furnished
$500 of tho $1100 ncodod. Miss Cora
Wilson, who also camo to Hoch's old,
is known as "tho nngol" to some of
tho prisoners in jail. Sho docs much
charity work among tho friendless.
To Colonize Bahamas,
Now York, July 28,-Tlie sailing to
day of A. J. La.mmorsof Stillwater
for the island of Abaco, ouo of tho
Bahama group, marks tho bogiuning
of a gigantic scheme of Minnosota
capitalists to start an Industrial colony
on that island. Thp syndlcato has ac
quired about 2,OQO,000 acros of stand,
ing timber on the island of Abaco and
several neighboring islands. They
plan to establish a town, orcct saw
mills and otherwlso develop tho island
m i ' in " '
One Governor Who Is Liked.
Moscow, Jul 28. M. Durnovo.for
mcr president of tho municipality of
St, Petersburg, has been appointed
governor-general to succoed General
Kdsllff. Tho now governor Is a bo
Hover In the extension of self govern
ment for Russia. His appointment
gives general satisfaction.
Aftor the Sultan.
London, July 28. Advices from
Bucharest, Iteumanla, say ft plot against
the life of tho Sultan of TurKey uas
been discovered at Kustonje, anl a
quantity of arms and explosives seized.
You can't fool all tho peoplo U
the time. They know that ice
cream that comes from my placet
I Is the best, and that neighber:
and friends all enjoy it.
"U 1 .-J .
occasionally threatening.
FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1006,
Utah Gentiles Say He Delib
erately Played Into ffie
Hands of Mormons
Washington, Jul 28. Upon tho
chargo that Comissloncr Richards of,un5' fl session Of Hi Zionists' congross
tho gonornl land oflleo played into tho
hands of Mormons in opening to set
tlement tho Uitnh Indian reservation,
tho Gontllcs of Utnh demand his re
moval. It is asserted that Richardil'
statomont accompanying tho proclamn-l
tion said tho land is practically worth
less. This was used by ttho .Mormons
to discourngo Gentiles from tnking up
tho land.
Corn Acroage Increased.
Washington, D. O., July 28.-Whilo
Vcports regarding tho outlook for tho
Wheat crop aro conBidorably at vari-
unco tho reports concerning tho corn
crop for 1005 nro nearl,
ly alt to tho cf-j
is favornbl" f,.r
feet that the outlook
.... ....... .... w-..w-.w -w ......... . i
ncrcairo of corn this vcar Is 04.230.000
acreage or corn year is ."",
acres, an increase or i.uuv.uuv ,,... -"
bver last year. The condition b tho pertaining to tho duties of the shcr-
Wop at tho opening of tho mouth was iff 8 Met.
68.4. Tho harvest will, of course, do-
pend upon growing conditions the re- An Officer on tho Bennington.
malnder of tho season. Throughout San Dlcgo, Cal., July 28.-The funer-
mo corn ucu mo crop ims bu ir j.ru-
gressed nicely.
The oats crop gives every indication
of being up to normal, uhdor tho Blight-J
ly increased acreage. It seems safe to
anticipate a yield nffKregatlnff In the
neighborhood of 000,000,000 bushels,
but this, of course, may havo to be
modified later. Tho fyo and barloy
outlook is good. .
Girl Bells Her Hebo.
....... . . . M. . ..
Sr: Z r-rr
tlon mn7h eut ot -the ordinary. - A'SnTng
young man and woman .had- been put . "" L J.
off tho train for failing to pay their
faro. Thby were well dressed nnd to-
flnoil looking.
.-. k .Annn. th vnn mnn'BurKcss started this morning to swim
took off a fnncy vest and offered to
soil it nt auction. It brought vory
little. Tho young woman thon pro-
dueed u now nnlr of fino shoos and
flvo pairs of silk stockings and of-
forod them for ealo.
A crowd soon gathered and thoro
was u good deal of rivalry to sccuro
tho hoso. Thoy finally secured onough
monoy to got tickets to St. Louis,
Tho young- woman said sho would
soil ovorythlng sho had boforo she
would beg.
New Vandorbllt Boad.
Pittsburg, Pa., July 28. Tho Van
dorbtlts have formed a now corpora
tion, 'tho Bear Crook Extension ItnB
road company for tho purpose of
uniting under ono management their
various coal. roads and properties in
Pennsylvania. It will shortly put out
an issuo of $20,000,000 bonds, part of J
whichr will bo retained in tho treasury
for the extension of lines nnd deyel.
opmont of coal properties in tho Bear
Creek and Cherry Bun districts,
1 SSF m
Scientist Eccommends Material in
Which Ho Had Personal Interest.
Washington, July 28. In a hearing
yesterday nt tho department of agri
culture, nt which Secretary Wilsorv
Assistant Hayes, Prof. B. L. Galloway,
chief of the bureau of plant Industry,
George T. Mooro, of that bureau, and
two representatives of an agricultural
publication, wero present, tho two last
nnmed'chnrges that thewife of'oneof
the scientists in tho bureau of plant
industry owned a block of stock in un
Eastern concern manufacturing a cul
ture for soil innoeulatibn, while the
scientist was preparing and revising
bullotins regarding the enrichment of
farms and portraying tho culture as
containing virulent forms of bacteria
for making poor land.
It was alleged that the publications
revised by the official tended to direct
the farmers to a commercial concern
supplying the material because of the
exhaustion of the supply by the depart
ment. At today's session the scientist in
volved in tho allegations admitted that t
bis wife owned tho slock, that stock (
was to come to him in the event that
he severed) his connection with the do- j
partment ana Became me oaeicrtojogui
of the concern, but that in the latter
part of April he decided to stay with
t&e aeparimeni, ana me sioca r?s no
longer held In bis same
It was also alleged that the culture
limit been supplied by tho department
to the concern mentioned In1 undue
quantities. Tho employe mentioned
was charged .with shipping 17 pounds' in
a singlo day himself paying tbfc, ex
penses. It is saidi he aumlttcu tho
Mr. Hayes is making nn Invcstlgatloli
of tho whole question of tho'valuo of
tfio culture. Tho pfrson 'making, tho I
charges announced tnotr intention or
bringing tho. matter b'cfCro the Pros!
dent nnd tho department- of justice. '
Zionists .Refuse Land.
Basel, Switzerland, July 28. At to-
Leopold Groenbcrg, of London, present- oglst of tho department of ngrfcutturs
od a report of tho expedition sent to' was tendorod Secretary WHscoa tSSt
East Africa to explore tho country morning, and was JinmcdintsCy ma
offered by tho British government for ccptcd. Tho act was taken as a jnwuia
the colonization of Jews. While tho of tho filing of charges that Mown dc-
country is rich nnd would
easily sup-
port 150,000, it was innccessiblo and cr for his individual profit. Aacowa
Burroundod by dangerous tribes. The panying the resignation WRS a Iicjj&y
oxocutlvo committco recommondod tho
project- should not bo undertnkon.
Tonncsaeo Sheriffs in Session.
ni.nhftrt, 1W T..l obl
,,. .( B ' . . i , i i
Nearly every county of tho Btato is
'.,.,, , ..
roprcsontcd at the annual convention,
bpgun horo today by tho association of
Totincsico" chcrlffs. The sessions will
hi'i'. i.Jir
last ovor two days and will bo dovot-
.M1,M,' , .,.. ,,.,.
ni sorvices oi ensign cowman rw, rcr-
ry, tho only cofaiinlssloncd officer killed
In the Bonnlngton explosion, was hold
nt St. Paul's Episcopal church this(
( morn. Tho services wcro attended by
Admiral Goodrich, all the survivors of
Uho Bennington nnd tho officers and
. crewsof the flagship,- Chicago, and.
, other warships in port, also by tho city
nnd county officials. Mrs. Perry her
inomor nnu sisior auonueu mo lunerai.
Tim rnirinlna Will bn sont to Stock-
i -- .- fe
W .-? .? .. .... ""
Swims English Channel.
Dover, England, July 28. T. W.
h channel. At 2:00 ho was half way
ncr0M wlth R01 prospect of finish-
ing tho long swim.
- '
Often bring temporary results, but permanent success ' achieved only lu
tho pursunnco of honest business methods, by living up to tho words nnd
letters of our ndvortlscmcnts, GIVING HONEST VALUES nnd tho beait
of servico to our clintcle. Every nrtlclb montloneil below exnetly as rep
resented, evory price a money-saver. Do your shopping today.
Colored embroidered dot, puro
linen suiting; all neat designs, 60c
nnd OOo values. Special price 38
Organdies, silk mulls, voiles, etc.
Strictly up-to-date patterns und col
or effects, Begular 00o and 85o val
ues, Bpeclal price of 33
Dainty dimities, batistes nnd
lawns. This season's best patterns.
Regular 18c aud 25c values. Spo
clal price 10
The Oendron folding kind per
forated wood scats and back, steel
running gear, strong nnd durable.
Regular N.00 valuo. Spcclul price
Ladtes' Mohair Skrits
In fashionable materials In the
latest styles, cool and comfortable.
The suits that dust doesn' istiek tp.
While at tho exposition or coast
you'll need a new suit! Now is your
opportunity to savo money oa the
newest styles at just
" P ' " mil I
Cool, comfortable shirtwaists, this
season's designing, sixes range- irom
02 to 80, Begular 42.50 values.
Geo. T. Moores . of the Afrf
Hultiiral DeWtment Ifc
signs Under Fire
Washington, July 27, Tho rtejigsw-
tlon of George T. Mooro, cluoff pilysieH-
plotted "nltro culture," a soil fexta&c
statement, In which Mooro dofomluaiijirs
ofllclnl conduct.
, ,,. . , no " -. -.
ninflA 4Yin V)Attnf RtnMiTr
ol- "'", ""'J ". '" """J
invasion of tho Dclmnr raco tnrcifc y
. , ,
tho pollco was made yesterday, ia tc-
,,, n " ,, ,, , -
"r.u" "8' "
sco that tho nntLpoof-
selling law was not violated, usi
, , , . J
McNnmoe, who hns commanded til
, nco forc0 on previous occasions-, ws
h becrr snra-
monod Jofforgon cu to confcr
tho mi Lieutenant McKew
na ,cd t,)0 Hm ,h h tho htri, io,
d Tho rnc0 hml bftrjl g(nrt
nJ(1 (ho nttondnn(.0 wn8 g, nw
(1 gnnd bctnK prncUcnlly 7oMrt.
Twolvo officers cnrrylug rifles wens
Btnlohcn n tll0 1)Qtltng rInK. Voy0aA
thc,r .irCMnce nn(1 thfl ,irPf0IW0 0f m
fw cMoTa pcrcflc( on itooTB M
vnntnn ,., rom ,,,.,. to -i0.r .'-
... ,,. i,. ,t '. .i.-,-
. ' ,. . , , ......i,,,,,, wllh ea
t() regularity to sco tho polli
......... .. ..,.
innrrii into run irncK. nnti m muuiifccw
P.II- remained ncr the Kte to V
" ,U,,'S "","? 7T m"'
!,?":''? Z
rings was tho placing of A, E. Bretitflr,
chief telegraph operator to Chiof eC
Pollco Kloloy, near tho deaks of iim
tolegraph ofllco to listen to message
sent during tho races. He wus
structcd to mako a report to tho chlet
"X . T '
"" "
Not an undesirable style among
tho lot good, cool, romfortablo
hats of newest shapes. Prices range
from )1 to 3.
UArc DDIf-n
OUTRJG suits
In n greater variety of pattern
in new summer styles. Qualftio
pro best for tho prices to be found
anywhere, in the valley. It will be
profitable for you to select now.
$ 8,60 valued reduced toS
$10.00 values rednecd to
$12.60 values reduced to
$16.00 values reduced to
12 50
110.60 values reduced to
- I
M&gsiw&zr '