"wwyr ' DAILY. OAPCCAIi JOTJENAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1005. GREAT , ., COPPER STRIKE "dig-lnko, Alaska Advices State an Tm- wense Ledge of High Grade Ore is Found Jkilvicc received by tho Seattlo Star" 9n Monday from Vnldcz announco tho STacnyniy of tho famous Knmlson cop gcr Sedge, which wns rogar'dod as an taaaaxdiev. of tho fovorod imagination af -tho goldsooker, who, aftor throo Zjzsxa Z boaTtrondoring search, has jjqjaan slnmblod upon tho' main body of weppar ore and set tho inhabitants of 'WUicx nnd tho ourroundlng country twUfl with axcltomont. AQreatly 200 frantlo minors havo ta- Iban mp tho trail for tho now apn-,' which nro nt lliamaa afijoit 300 miles from Sunriso City, iCuoVa inlot, and across tho dlvldo aroift that noted gold-prodluclng sec- tStenrcral local moneyed men nro In tteroMoJ in tho proporty, nmong whom saro Judge O. E. Sautor of t,ho law firm vl Sheldon & Sautor; Julian Bockcr, Twdesman In tho employ of Caldwell 3Broa.j V. F. Evniw and othors, while -X at Davison of tho Davison Ditch njrany of Nome, and W. T. Forkins, tpncftulont of tho Northwest Commercial company, nro outsldo owners. Many tragic tales aro connoctod with fiho famous coppor lodo, tho latost bo vug tho murder by Indiana of ono of tilt roeont locator, Nols Knudson, who, in company with Captain Edwin Zfofstnd, drovo locating stnkcs for nearly a mllo ami n half on tho cop Tor jjlnneo, nnd Knudson mado propa ws23ons to spond tho winter on tho tfljlms. It wns whilo Captain Ilofstadt was Bnurtonlng to tho nearest government Sploco of record that tho Indians, truo lo tliolr traditional hatred of. tho -whites In provontlng tho securing of Iho proporty which they had surround &H with Indian loro, nmbushed tho lono prospector nnd murdorod tho only man able to conduct nny ono to tho fabu lous mlno. Sinco that tlmo Ilofstadt ham tipont months of tlmo nnd largo snius of nionoy in dotormlning not only the tfsto of his partner, but tho loco, Hon of tho oro, which, whon assayed Bry Prof". trowbridgo, nottod $130 per ton la coppor nnd gold. Strowbridgo diod of disappointment at Donvor, Colo., nftor spending n 7argo amount of monoy In n futllo at- tmnt In find tllft mvtlllcal llllnO, 80 lila friends havo said, M oorl in history M 1852 tho Bus- vlana workod thoso coppor mines, and it was from this sourco that tho czar (fattened tho monarchlul fltrong box, bat ono day tho fast Jncroaslng hordo ffnilod to materialize and a socond band P eolonlsUi searched in vain for the lost city nnd 'tho valuable- copper mines. Yoars afterwards rumors of n xnaosacro In tho intorior of tho entlro population of tho vlllago was reported hy frlondly Indiana, who told u talo of torturo and tho uttor annihilation r tho wholo village Tho whltos wore nfrald to enter tho country, tho ru mora diod out and tho tragic ovent was almost forgottQn. According to thoso rumors tho in habitants woro surprised and attacked 'by hordes of Indians, who had banded together nt tho call of thoir "modi In mou" to oxtormtnnto tho intrud er. That tho nuiBacro must havo been a donperoio hand-to-hand conflict in boliovod by tho roport that skolotous were fouud years, after hanging in tho tottering chlmnoys, whoro tho Russians JUnd mado a lust stand agatust inovlta Ud death i Us cruolist. form. Thoy woro stabbed to doath from boncath and nlvovo by tho paiutodl demons, who worT'oVmcd wHlf lances tippod 'with sharp knives. u A vagrant jour'noy 'downvtho soli tary Teaches $t the JSujkokwlm rlVer by Knudson andHofstailt ondod whon thoy heard tho vnguo minora of tho dosortod village, and Ilofstadt contin ued on io his sailing vossol, anchored In Bristol bay, whilo Knudson alono vonturod Into tho wilds' nnd auccoodod in confirming ' tho rumors, locating tho property, which was In tho heart of what had tho appearanco of having been a prosperous aottlcment. Ilof stadt sailod from Bristol bay through Unbnok, paoa and into tho waters of Cook's inlot. Thoy picked up Knudson, who was uoarly starved and worn out from' his dash into tho Interior, but he was wild with oxcltomont. Ho described tho vlllago, tho old workings of tho Rus sians, tho finding of rotton human bones, and last, but not least, tho miles and lnlloa of copper that glls toned in tho sunlight, nnd told of woalth and oaso to tho man who bo cured tho right to control it. MT. HOOD'S1 SATBUUCTE. Boports Indicato That tho Quality of Boozo at tho Inn Is OS Color. X-RAYS IlMIMIHMHllMWHBTIMHi Somo girls don't hammock bucks, built that way. caro how much a becauso thoy are A telophono mossago from Cloud Cap Inn Wednesday .afternoon says: "Mount Hood's celestial visitor still hovors around tho snow-capped sum mit, and is just as much of a mystery as ovot. Tho last soon of it from this point wns Inst evening nt 7 o'clock, but at this tlmo of day tho mountain peak obscures it from tho vision. It will probably bo In sight horo again this ovoning. "Pooplo horo consider tho phenome non n celestial visitor, attracted in somo way to tho summit of Mount Hood. In shapo last ovoning it ro somblcd a small comet, with tall wid ening toward tho cast. Its dlstarico from tho top of tho mountain is prob nbly n mllo, and as toward tho wldw oxtondlng talf stars can bo scon at night, that portion of tho body Is prov en to bo transparont. A party with poworful telescopes, Is about to start this afternoon to try and got a closer vlow of It." Norway Is still hunting a king. A want ad throo tincs for A quarter in tho Journal is wanted to get him. ' This country is still Independent, and tho Boston' .tea party on this coast might bo an object lesson to our bias oyod r hoathen , neighbors across tho pond. Anothor wlfo boator was whlppod in Portland yestorday. Keep up your "good lick," neighbors, you' will dl's courago that pastimo in tho near future. That kissing boo at tho, dopot at tho lato train last night wns a continuous vaudovlllo porformanco, and a decided ly warm number. Thousands of salmon aro unablo to got over tho Golden Drift dnm on Roguo rlvor, and tho river is filled with dead fish. And this is what is called protecting tho salmon. According to tho decision of tho jury, property ownors with shado trees in front of it that has taken yoars for thom to grow, had better buy a fow doublo-barrolod shotguns, nnd bo pro parod to aorvo a mandamus. DENIES RANK STORY Prof. Peebles not Leaving 4 Weston for His Health when BUYrna A BROOM INSIST ON having: A SALEM BROOM. Romlndod Hor. "Just bocnuso I como homo a llttlo Into nt night," complalnod Jones, "and In plto of tho fact that I'vo got a good oxcuso, you treat mo like a dog." "Well," snld his wifo, sarcastlcab ly, "you remind mo of a dog a pug dog." "What do you mean, madam t" "Oh, don.'t got loud. Your talo's so badly' twisted, that's all." CIovo land Leador. Ohincso Cotton Mills. Thirteen hours and a half consti tute tho working day of a Chlnoso mill hand In tho cotton fnctorios, night shifts working but ton hours. In splto of tho long hours tho pay Is very small, tho boat vorkors recolvlug but 12 couts a day. o.A.jQToantT.A.. 2An.ti. lh9KlndYollWiWBBKrf' RUurtare y3 ; SZtfT-MM- M II ft I- ' It Is useless to look for a soft snap With a hard headod man. Orand Ball! Friday night, July 21st, at M. B. A. hall, half mllo west of Chomawn. Rls tlno's orchestra. 2t iiinuiiiiiHiMMiMiiin STATE NEWS S lUIMIMIXIHHIlHMIIII Eugene hns $228 left ovor from its colobration, and nftor considerable discussion it has boon decided to ro vort tho amount back to thoso who subscribed. Each ono to rocoivo his pro rnta or JO conts, or thoreabouts, on tho dollar. John Stewart McArthur, a notod Glasgow mining oxpert, has boon in vestigating tho Tronsury mlno in tho Bluo Rlvor greup: Ho consldors it a very rich mlno, and says tho futuro will bo a vory promising ono. Frnnk Reed and Jas. Thompson, tho two boys who havo boon hold in tho Roseburg jail nwnlting n trial in tho circuit court on n chargo of larceny, woro takon to tho Reform) School yes torday, whoro thoy will bo givon n chance to bo good. Tho Journal is In receipt of a cor dial noto from Prof. Geo. A. Pcoblos, oft. Weston, who hns been elected as principal of tho North Salem school, In which that gontlemnn asks this pa per to correct a misstatement which has boon published concerning him but not in Tho Journal. His lottor speaks for itself, and is printed bo low: Weston, Or., July 18, 1005. Ed. Jeurnal: You may say for mo Irf tho columna of your oxcollont paper that I havo accepted tho position of principal of tho North Bchool in Salem. Will you furthor etato that my health ia- good, ' During tho past six years of my work hero in tho normal school I havo novcr been nbscnt for a single day On account of illness. Indeed for moro than 20 years of my school work I havo never mlascd a day at school on account of illness. I havo not boon ad vised by my physician to chnngo cli mate I havo not lost 40 pounds in woight, reports to tho contrary not withstanding. I am travoling ovory day through this magnificont whoat raising section during my vacation, trying to supplement my incomo by honest toll being ongnged in writing insurance I shall bo on hand at Sa lorn in duo tlmo for tho opening of tho school. With kind Tegnrds, and hoping you will sco to it that no wrong improssion shall go out regarding my hoalth. Cordially yours, 'GEO. A. PEEBLES. MOVEMENT IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Hoar Him Sing, you hoar Ray Chnpler Did you hoar Ray Chapler sing "Just Givo Mo do Loavlnsf" Woll, Ray tnkoa part in tho rocltnl at tho M. E. church on Friday ovoning. It tho OUR BUSINESS in tho past has boon vory satlsfae tory, but wo reallzo that thoro are pwm, womon nnd chlldron at our very doors, who could and should havo R bank account, who havo nevor dopositod ono cent In a bank. Wft aro now after this class ospo, dolly, and will not bo satisfied un ill wo havo lntorostod thorn. Wo want you to call and investigate our snwthoaa nnd bo convinced that it fi to your advantage to opon an 1 wceouat with us. Salem State Bank I &W. HAZARD, CasMef l(kmm Pardonablo Curiosity. Tho train was rushing ovor plains of westorn Kansas. "Is that a jack rabbit, unclot" askod tho fair passongor who wna look ing out through tho car window. "Yes," replied tho oldorly man at hor aide. "That's what you'vo said about all of thorn wo'vo soon. Aro thero nT er nh Jill rabbits, unclot" Chicago Tribune A Nlco Distinction. Modlum Do you wish to sco your dopnrtod husband's spirits! Mrs. Whifllotreo No; I want to soo his ghost. Josh novor had no spirit. Puck. " Not Synonymous. Kelly It's mosllf Is goin' to lado th simple Hfo durin' Lint. O'Brien Not n dhrop will yo touch, T suppose! Kelly Shuro, phwat makes yo think that a man cart't be simple without be- ) hig foolish! Puck. Iho Southern rclflo Company Will sell tickets, Salem to Boswoll Springs and return up to and Including Soptcmbor 30, 1005, 1905, limited to 30 days, rate of $5.55. 6-8-tf Don't Forgot , Tho recital at tho M. E. church Fri day ovoning. o Not a Candidate Hon. Thos. B. Kay, of Salem, whom rumor has sovoral times placed in tho limollght rccontly as a cnndldato for congressman from tho first Oregon dis trict to succood Bingcr Hormnnn, posi tively, cmphntically nnd strenuously! donlos that such Is his nmbitlon. Tho man who hns represented Marlon coun ty in Orogon's legislative halls tho past two sessions, nnd who lackod but two votes of being spoaKor ot mo houso of roprosontatlvcs last winter, is now in tho city. Whon asked regarding tho congressional situation "up tho vallov." Mr. Kay said thoro would doubtlosi bo plonty of candtuatos, anu ho had no presont Intontlon of ontor Ing tho raco for tho nomination, nor was thoro any Jikellhooit nt nu or, njs bocomlng a cnndldato at tho coming oloction. "I havo authorized a goner al doninl of tho roports that I will bo n candidate and will stay out of It cntiroly," ho said, nnd tho mannor of tho "gontloman from Marlon" indi cated that ho fully oxpoctod to nbldo by his determination. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Havs Always Bought i &$& Bears tho Signature For Sale. Six horse power upright wood saw outfit. Gd M new JOE VINCINCT, Salem R, P. D. No. 4. lw Mrs. WUHam Rhlnolandor Stowart, Ulster of Mr. Anthony J. Droxol, of Philadelphia, who has becomo a mem ber of tho dlvorco colony of Sioux Falls. Mrs. Stowart Is a prominent so cioty woman of Now York, und an. nouncomont of hor intention to euo for dlvorco camo as a great aurprlso to her friends. Sbq has ongaged Senator KUtrodgo a counsel, and I living in clowrotlremeut Iirtho Westers city. THAT HUNGRY EEEL ING is somctiilog yoo wAnt-and doa't want to keep. The place to lose it is at COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 05 Commercial Btreat inEX j!bI I Present Methods of Dealing With Dtink Evil ate Taint ed With Falsehoods and In-sincerity. At tho annual mooting of tho United States Browors' Association whtcli was hold In Atlantic City Juno 7 and 8, It was unanimously dccldod that tho tlmo had arrived to put a stop to or at loast to contradict tho man; fallncloiiB as woll as outrageous nrgumonts that havo boon put Into circuit, tion by fanatical prohibitionists throughout this country and to appeal to tho fairness, honesty nnd common sonso of tho Amorlcan pooplo in order thai thoso Interested in tho browing business may not alono rocoivo tho suppoi't and protection to which thoy nro entitled undor tho constitution of our conn try, but nlso that tho causo of truo tompornnco may bo fostered and helped along lines dictated by common sonso and reason. Tho following taken from tho proceedings of tho annual meeting will certainly bo of intorcst to all who nro honestly and sincerely opposod to intemporanco and who dojlre to do awny with tho present' drink evll: Thoro is no argument quito as sonsoless nnil illogical as that which ti commonly used against tho saloons in gonornl, without regard to tho natun of drinks sold In them nnd tho class of pooplo who froquont thorn. The Anti-Saloon Movement, (Dorlvos it forco from no other source than thoso fallacious arguments, the inconsistency of which hns novcr boon moro strikingly illustratod than in tho recent number of tho Cosmopolitan. Under tho titlo, "Tho Llqnoi Problom," tho editor of this mngazino ndvocatcs tho closing of tho galoonj and tho introduction of tho South Carolinn systom. YET IN THE VEttT SAME NUMBER HE PUBIJSHES A SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED AB TIOLE ON THE CONTINENTAL CAFES, IN WIHCH 'THE AUTnOE DE SCRIBES, AMONG OTHER TinNOS, THE MULTTTUDES OF WELL-BEHAVED, RESPECTABLE MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN WHO CON. GREOATE IN TIES GERMAN BEER GARDENS, AND MARVELS AT TID3 PERFECT ORDER AND DECORUM WIHCH PREVAILS Etf THESE PLACES AND AT THE CERTAINTY OF FTNDmO THERE ALWAYS "GOOD GIEBER GOOD HUMOR AND GOOD COMPANY.". Wo" still law just such places in our own country, and would havo inflnltoly moro wore it i not for unwise laws, which in somo monsuro at least owo thoir origin to the vory arguments of which tho Cosmopolitan's editorial is n thoroughly rep resentative typo. Thoro was a tlmo whon tho beer saloons, proporly encour aged by dlscrlmlnntivo Hconeo laws, flourished in ncnrly ovory city and town of boor producing stntos, and caused Bitch marvelous progress in tho dirbctioa of sobriety that oven tho most fanatical prohibitionists, aftor vainly strug gling ngalnst n recognition of tho truo stnto of affairs, admlttod Indlroctlr that tho browcr is tho most formidable enemy of thoir cause THEIR CAM PAIGN AGAINST BEER BEGAN AT THAT PERIOD AND EVER SDJOE TIEBN TIE3Y HAVE FLOODED TID3 COUNTRY WITH TRACTS IK TENDED TO SHOW THAT "BEER IS WORSE THAN WHISKY, KILLED MORE MEN AND WOMEN, AND IS A MORE EFFECTIVE DRUHBABD. MAKER THAN SPntlTS." In fact, their ontlro policy and tactics changed from thnt vory momont. Their nttltudo on tho canteen question proves the insincerity of thoir contentions. Somo of their moro impetuous leaders ad mit thnt thoy do not caro how much any man or all men mny drink, that all thoy want Is to closo tho saloon. In nrecontly publlahod treatlso on the "Liquor Problem" ( BISHOP FOTTER COMMENTS SOATIHNOLY UPON THE UNRIQHTE. OUS COURSE, AND SUMS UP TID3 SITUATION IN THESE ELOQUENT WORDS; "MOST OF OUR METHODS FOR DEALING WITH TRU uttuia ivii in uub day AND GENERATION ARE TAINTED WITH FALSEHOOD, DISHONORED BY ESSENTIAL UNREALITY, AND DIS CREDITED BY WTOESPREAD AND CONSISTENT FAILURE." Thoro can bo no doubt In tho mind of any sano nnd honest man that the anti-saloon movomont is fundamentally wrong; for whorovor it provalls it produces tho samo condition of things which oxists in prohibitory states. Whisky takes tho plnco of boor, and tho occasional glass nt tho tavern yields to tho ovor-prosont domljohn in tho homos of tho consumors. But wo mar go much furthor nnd yet not depart by a hair's breadth from tho path ot truth. Wo may safely assert thnt all tho ovlls of tho raodorn American saloon nro directly tracoablo to thoso mlschiovous monsuros which, like the Now York Rainos law, fall to discriminate botweon formontod nnd distilled: bovoragca, and tnko no account of tho difference botweon 'tho drinking hab its and social needs of beer drinkers and thoso of whiskv drinkers. SINCERE REFORMERS LIKE BISHOP POTTER RECOGNIZE THE GRAVE DANGER OF SUOH INDISCRIMINATE LEGISLATION, AND THERE ARE MANY INDICATIONS OF A STRONG TENDENCY E FA VOR OF TID3 OLD METHOD OF REGULATING TID3 TRAFFIC BASED ON BROAD DISTENTION BETWEEN TID3 TWO KINDS OF DRINKS. WE HAVE CONSISTENTLY ADVOCATED TEMPERANCE! WE AB HOR DRUNKENNESS AND WILL GLADLY AID ANY MOVEMENT DE SIGNED TO CHECK TIH5 EXCESSIVE CONSUMPTION OF BEER, WEJB OR WHISKY; WE REOOONIZB AND APPRECIATE FULLY THE NE SJSTfT!PJS!(L1?,ATIN0 TIIE TBAPFI A"5 SURROUNDING IT tL8138 niAT rUBU0 HEALTH AND MORAL 5t TtSSS 'J? MUST msiST' ANJi EVEEY HONEST MAN SHOULD INSIST, THAT IN REOULATINn tttt, nnAx.r mT T.AW. MAKERS SHOULD DISOIUMDfATE BETWEEN A DRINK CONTAINING nrTr rrmnr nS , A UQU0E CONTAINING 50 PER CENT TPn,PM0RESS r TEMPERANCE REACHED ITS SSSSaJ" m UR C0UNTBY AT THE TIME WHEN FEDERAL Sr N S0ME INSTANOES, AS TO EXEMPT FROM TAXA TION BEERS CONTAINING LESS THAN 28 PER CENT OF ALCOHOL Mi sa Anna Fitcgerald, who has boon elected president of tho Woman's International Label League, Is ono of tho most prominont union women in Chicago. For several years Bho was a leader In tho Mattress Workers' Union, and assisted ably in tho exten sion of organized labor. Women Wasto Vital Force. "SUmcD, according to a lady doctor, lo much nervous force through er rors wMch. might bo easily avoided. One notable instance is seen in their manner of walking. Many women havo an unevon gait, a nervo-us, jerky stop that jars the whole body nnd kops most of the inuseles tens and drawn. A good way of corrMtlg a bad walk is to carry a waltz tune in tho mind nnd kcop stop to it as far as possiblo without actually daneing. Af ter a timo the walk will become regu. lar and buoyant, and the habit onoo formed, there is no oeeaaioa of contin uing the deviee of keeping step to a tune. Women lose much of their vitality In needloss excitement and in mis placed sympathies. Their emotions aro easily drawn upon, and Instead of reserving their powers for imoortnnt occasions thoy dissipate them on the davit, smallost provocation. Tho remedy horo Is to practioo solf-control. It I ono of tho finest of norvo tonics. A Roseburg man 's f our-horso teao , took fright at a motorcycle, ran away j anu sraasnea up things generally. """ the ownor of tho team has brought suit for $25 damages against tho owner of tho nvotorojxle, and tho Plaindeal says tho suit will bo watched with In terest, as It will bo detormin "whother or not tho payment of an an nual state llccnso of $3 gives on ot or motor cyclist any rights on the pub lic highway or city streets." ' A Glory Ticket Issued. , Grace Bockhlll and William B" s bolt wero this morning given pernnf slon to wed by tho county clerk. Jon- Herbolt furnished tho necessary ' n