Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 19, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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TIio Kind You Havo Always Bought, and -which has been.
In uso for ovor 30 years, has homo tho Blgnntriro of
0 ri. d baa been mado under his pcr
Jljffi!2rtfzA B""1 upcrvislou slnco Its Infancy.
Vf7y, S-CUc&UG Allowno ono to dooclvo you Inthto.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Ju8t-na-ood"nr hub
Exporimenta that trlflo with nnd endanger tho licM of
Infants and Ohlldroa ISxporlenco agaliuit Experiment.
Gofitoria hi n hormlosa eubetituto for Coator Oil, Pare
goric, Drops flud Soothing1 Byrnps. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other ttarcotlo
oubstanco. It ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
ond allays Fovorishncss. It cores Diarrhoea and "Wind
Oollc It reUoros Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho ChUdroa's Panacea-tho Mother's Friend.
Sears th
(-&ly fi&cc&M
Tie Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
"' tm Mamma eoMMurr, rt humut tmct, new vonn Ctt.
Two Young Men Charged With
fclng an Insano Man.
Upon authority rocclvod by tologram
by Sheriff Whlto from Grants Pass,
Ohiof of Pollco McCIalu yesterday af
ternoon arrcstod Arthur Hurry and J.
It, Mnddox on tho dolayod overland,
whllo on tholr way to Portland on a
tlckot from Grants Pass to Portland.
Constablo J. 0. Randlo nrrlvod this
morning, and took them back, hand
cuffed togcthor, on tho afternoon train.
Thoy had $40.10 whon arrested. Sev
eral dayn ago an Insano man waa com1
mittod nt Grants Pass and taken down
to tho asylum. Whoa committed ho
had nbout $05 lrt cash. When ho
roachod tho asylum ho had only $3.
Young Maddox was a clork in tho
hotel, and Murry Is said to bo from
Vancouver. Tho chnrgo Is that Mad
dox and Murry, with a koy tho latter
Salem Box Factory
Q. r. MASON, Prop.
I am in South Salem, whero you will
find me for all klnda of fruit trays,
orchard bbxes and hop J-
Miller stroet, Salem. Phono Red2101..
Reg. No.
HI' '-'WvMMLmmi
ems of jo seal, 2:ii.
Sired by Red ' Heart 3:10ft, tho siro of Chain Shot 2:08Vi.
Bed Seal 2:10, Etc.
Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2:25.... by Mark Field (son of Geo. Wilkes),
Dam of Bed Seal 2:10 A slro of Daisy Fields 2:08tf Mam
lawood 2:10tf. brino field, 2:lli, etc.
Boeoad dam DAY BELL Jby Advance, slro of Mahaska 2:25,etc.
Dam of Voritaa 2:16, Vladox 2:20.
Third dam daughter of Tippo Balb, a thoroughbred.
nBT HEART Is by Bed Wilkes, out of Sweetheart, by Sultan; second
dam Minnehaha, tho dara of Beautiful Bells, etc RED SEAL stands
15.1, compactly built, with, great quality and a suro slro of great
speed. Ho will make the season of 1005 at tbo
Terms $40 Season
With tho usual return privilege. Good pasturage at reasonable
rates to mares eent from a distance.
JMM.m m i
Signature of
had, wont into tho room of tho insano
man nnd helped themselves to lib mon
ey, taking It from his pocket. This will
be tho thing tho prosecution will have
to prove, making nn interesting case
Albany Democrat.
Spoiled Her Beauty.
Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th St.,
Now York, at ono tlrao had her boauty
spoilod with okln trouble Bho writes;
"I bad salt rboum or eczema, for years,
but nothing would euro it until I used
Bucklon'a Arnica Salvo." A quick and
suro hoalcr for cuts, burns and sores.
2Go at J. O. Perry te drug store.
Vast Powor at Small Cost.
Morris 0, Lockwood of Vinoland, N.
J., has invented a hydrostatic motor
which, ho declares, is past tho experi
mental stngo and will soon bo put on
tho market,,
For 27 years ho has oxpondod his
money nnd time on this invention nnd
has dono, ho says, what scionco sn'd
could not bo dono, Tho motor is in'
tondod to run tho rnachlnory of tho
world with nlr nnd wntor. Tho model,
ho says, works porfectly and ho is now
lnoking for capital with which to ex
licit It.
Jt is snid that it will tako but two
quarts of wator to run a BO-horso motor
21 hours.
Mr. Lockwood zealously guards his
workshop and is so suro that ho has
solvod tho problom of cheap powor that
he has spent his all in perfecting tho
machine. Now York World.
Droirnn flnhnrhan Auto Go.
Automobilo car leaves Wlllametto
ITotol for Independence, week days, nt
7 a, m. and 3:30 p. m. Roturnlng leaves
Independence at 8:30 and 5 p. m. Sun
days loaves Salem at 8 a. m. and. 3:30
p. m. Leaves Independence at 0:b0
a. m. and 5 p, m. Connects at Inde
pendence with motor for Monmouth,
Dallas and all points on tho West Side.
Special for evoning parties.
0 - 17 - tf
Bofore nskinR a fftvnr of ft an a
wi8e woman gives him a good dlnner-
flatt Qa tb(J 8,do
Tri'l 2:06
Rcc 2:10
SAM CASTO, Fair Gt otmds, Or.
At tho Fourth of July banquet In
Paris tho eminent banker William So
llgman madoan Interesting address, in
which ho dwolt upon tho oporntlon of
tho mighty forco wo call public opin
ion. Wo oxtract tho following par
agraphs from his speech:
"In our days thoro oxists not only
a public opinion limited to each coun.
tryy but also a public opinion of tho
combined civilized world, and! this
opinion Is omnlpotonb and irrosistlblo.
It is on tho sldo of emancipation and
progress. Tho partisans of civil and
rollglous dospotlsm aro Impotont
against this public opinion, nnd wo re
jolco in tho steady diminution of what
ever influonco thoy still possess.
"In tho United States wo havo no
sfcato rollgion. Our states appropriate
largo sums toward hospitals, asylums
and especially toward freo schools rtnd
universities, but nothing at all for rov
llglous purposes. Every person can
worship according to his tasto and con
viction, and thoso who want to build
churches nnd ongage preachers can- do
so to an unlimited oxtont by simply
furnishing tho necessary funds. With
us politics do not interfcro with rollg
ion, nnd religion doos not lnterforo
with politics. Clorgymon of all de
nominations, Catholics and Protest
nnts, cntortaln different political vlows.
Somo of thorn belong to tho Republican
pnrty and somo aro Democrats, but
among, thorn all not a slnglo volco is
rnlsod against tho Republic, nor our
republican institutions. Whereas, in
many othor countries despots and tho
partisans of oppression, persecution
and fanaticism, tho enemies of liberty
and progress, proclaim that thoy net
in tho namo of God nnd thblr holy ro
llgion, ns thoy call it, and oven np
peal to tho patriotism thoso whom
thoy oppross and afflict.
"Tho tlmo is approaching when there
will oxlst but ono rollgion, namely, tho
rollgion of Justice Truth nnd Chnrity,
as well as tho goldon rule: 'Do na you
would bo dono by.' When this roll
glon, which wo sco gnlnlng ground
dally, becomo universal, thoro will bo
no moro heretics, nor bigots, nor freo-
thinkers; nil good men and all good
womon will becomo disciples of such
a religion1. .
"It is now noarly throo-scoro years
and ten slnco I began to observe tho
gradual and steady progress of liberty
and humanity, and especially tho ame
lioration of tho condition of tho hum
bler olnssos, Tho burning of horotlcs
and witches had ccasod, yet oppression
and Intoloranco rolgnod throughout tho
larger part of Europe All tho coun-
IA. TA.i T, l-.,..lt
hud ui jiiMuin i.urouu, incmuiniri
Austria: and Gormany, wdro governed
nutocratloally. Tho rights and privl
logos onjoyod by 11 fow individuals
woro doniod to tho mnssos. But owing
to tho accounts received from Ameri
can emigrants, ns nlso owing to tho
French revolution, tho pcoplo of sov
oral countries boonmo awaro of tholr
unjust subjection, nnd after shedding
rlvors of blood thoy succeeded in ob
taining nn nllovlation of their condi
tion, with tho advantngo of a constl.
tutionnl government. But n great donl
still romnlns to bo dono in reliovlngU
tho masses from lnjustlco, nnd in pro
motlng tho spirit of pencoful frator
nity among nations,"
A Grim Tragedy
is daily enacted, ia thousands of homes
as death claims, in oach one, anothor
vletim of conaumption or pnoumonla.
But when coughs and coulds aro prop
erly treated, the tragedy is averted, F.
O. Huntloy, of Oaklandoo, Ind., writes:
"My wifo had the consumption, and
threo doctors gave hor up. Finally sho
took Dr, King's Now Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds, which
curod hor, and today she Is well and
strong." It kills tho germs of all dis
eases. One doso reliovcs. Guaranteed
at 60o and (1.00 by J. 0, Perry, drng
gist. Trial bottle freo.
Wheat Crop Is of Average and Oats
Near It.
Harvesting may bo said to havo bo
gun Monday, and by noxt Monday it
will bo in full blast. Tho season was
unusually favorablo for sowing and tho
result of something more than tho aver
ago acreago is in grain. A fair per
centage of tbo crop has been cut for
hay, and this is now mostly in tho
stack or barn. The yield is gonerally
nbove the average, and thii may bo said
moro particularly of wheat. Tho stand
is good and tho heads long and filled
with plump, sound, first-class grains.
The oat crop is not so good, somo fields
showing traces of blight, an entirely
now thing in this seotion, but it is
thought to bo due to the peculiar sea
son and long dry spring. In spite of
this, however, tho crop will be a good
avprngo ono nnd tho quality generally
good". Tho weather Is Ideal, and if it
holdB for n couplo of weeks ono of tho
best nnd biggest crops over raised in
tho valley will bo safoly cared for.
-' ' i .
Tho Air Is Conquered.
Roy Knabenshuo, in, his Toledo
flight In nn airship, has demonstrated
that tho long-drcamod-of navigation of
tho air is to somo degrco at least prac
ticable. His Is tho first flight ovor mado that
may bo callod' successful no sailed
thrco miles against n strong wind, with
his machine always undor perfoct con
trol, landed whoro ho had previously
announcod that ho would land, nnd
then mado tho roturn journoy to exact
ly tho spot from which ho had started.
Tho essential requirements of aor
tal navigation havo been mot. Correct
principles havo boon discovered nnd
properly appltod. But a host of diffi
culties will dovelop and must bo over
come. Ono swallow does not mako a sum
mer, nor docs ono successful flight
fill the sky with airships.
Tho automobilo was nn accomplished
mechanical fact lonfc years boforo it
was mado practicable for gonoral uso.
So was tho steam ongino nnd ovory
othor mocbanlcal innovation.
Tho popular mind requires dovolop
mont quito as much ns an Invention,
A long campaign of education through
advertising wns nccossary to mako
ovon so simplo a thing as tho bicyclo
popular. Far moro than that will bo
required to Induco tho public to tako
to tbo air, ovon though airships be
mado perfectly safe.
Salem Ottlions Should Wolgh Well
This Evidence.
Proof of morit lloe in tho ovldonco.
Convincing ovldonco in Salem.
Is not tho testimony of strangors.
But tho ondoreomont of Salem peo
ple. That's tbo kind of proof givon horo.
Tho statement of a Salem citizen.
William II. Spayd, living at tho cor
ner of North Wintor nnd D stroots,
says: "Words eaanot oxproso my
opinion half strong onough of Doan's
Kidnoy Pills. I havo known tholr re
markablo morita for tho last olght
yoars having usod thorn in Clintou Co.,
Mich., whoro I was living. My kid-
noys woro a sourco of annoyanco f -
qulto n number of years. I had muc,h
pain across my loins and tho socrotions
from tho kldnoya wero irrogular in na
tion, cnuslng mo to rlso oftoa in tho
night, nnd at times thoro was o. scald
ing. I nlso had moro or loss dizzlnoes.
I procurod Doan's Kidnoy Pills from
Dr. Stone's drug storo and gavo somo
to a porson visiting us nnd thoy gavo
hor wondorful roliof, nnd in ray enso
I was boncfltod in ovory way. My
backncho wan rollovod and tho trouble
with tho kidnoy socrotions was correct
od. You aro nt llborty to rofer to mo
as ono who can omlorso tuo claims
mado for Doan's Kidnoy Pills nnd I
also know of a groat many othors who
navo usod thorn with tho boat of re
sults." For salo by all donlors. Prico CO
cants. Fostcr-MUburn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agents for tho Unltod
Romombor tho namo Doan's and
tako no othor.
O j3l IS V O 3F8. X JK. .
3tk th j iM Kind tm Han Alwau mf
A Remarkable Athleto.
Pendleton Tribune: George W. Hug,
of Elgin, was in tho city yostorday,
having stoppod off to visit his col logo
fr,onda wbilo on his way homo from
Portland, whoro ho had been coinpoting
in tho exposition athletic gamos. Mr.
Hug is a studont of tho University of
Oregon, and was tho captain of last
year's track team. Ho is ono of tho
greatest athletes produced by tho state
of Oregon, and holds the stato record
for having thrown tbo former 128 feet,
0 inches and tho lattor 112 feet, 10
inches. He holds tho thro university
records in tbo weights. Mr, Hug is al
so a momber of the 'varsity football
team, playing contcr,
Mr. Hug is a membor of tho junior
class, and boforo ho leaves tbo insti
tution will bo ono of the bout athletes
on the Pacific coast. Ho says that Oro
gon will havo the best football team
of years next fall, and that the team
will easily tako tho championship of,"" tweon tho Pacific coast and
tho Northwest again, and will give the'bo oaBt' and wo bol'8VO that tho orT'
California colleges a bard go for the J" Bnd accommodations given merit
coast championship.
Edison Phonograph Agency.
Gasoline Lamps, Mantels, Gasoline.
Typewriters, New, Second-Hand. Ronf,
214 Coml St. Phone Main 401.
M , J u .
For Salo. Sovon-room resldcnco, barn,
largo nan diock, cioctrio lights, Data,
hot and cold city wator. E. Hofer,
Journal ofllco.
For Sale Small dry fir Wood, nt $3.25
per cord. Phono Black 2001. T. L.
Davidson, Jr., Mornlngsido. 1-20-tf
For .Salo, Two lots, with new houso
and barn, good improvements. At a
bargain. Inquire- of Glover & Pat
ton's blacksmith shop, 430 Ceurt
stroot. G-22-tf
A Boggy Bargain. A No. 1 buggy,
with steel axles, nearly now. Can be
seen at Simpson 'a livery ttablo, or
inquiro of B. B. Fleming. 7-G-tf
For Salo Cheap. A flrst-olaas Mason &
Hamlin organ, at a bargain, tr will
trado fsr wood. R, B. Flomlng, cor
ner of Cottage and Canter streets, Sa
lens. 7-5-tf
For Boot Five-room cottage, fur
niahod r mmfurnlshod. Apply at
Rostola & Greenbaura's. 0-26-tf
For Ben, A eevoo-rooci houso. Call
a A. Sokriebor, 424 High skooU.
For Bent. Furnlshod and unfurnished
rooms, also good.slzod barn. Inquiro
of M. A.DI00, 700 Commercial stroflt,
thro blooks below Marion square.
Wanted. Chambermaid at tho Wlllam
etto notol. 7-14-tf
Partner Waatod In good paying up
holstering business, to do utsldo
work. Business will boar luvostiga
tioa. Addroos "X," Journal of
fice. 7-7-tf
Wanted Small cfty proporty, will
give horso and buggy and cash for.
samo. Inquiro at room 8, over Wei
lor Bros. 7-15-lwk
;Wantod to St3Ao.-
-A small, well im
proved 10-acro placo in Southeastern
Kansas for land in Marlon or Polk
eountles. Inquiro of M. W, Glooson,
20th and Mill stroots, Salem, Ore.
gon. 7-17-lwk
Lost, Dotwoon Southorn Paclflo depot
and Stato stroot,
Howard for samo.
brown suit oaso,
Loavo at Journal
Strawberry Oratos Tin tops and hal
locks at lowost pricos. Capital Com
mission Co. Phono Main 2231, oppo
site Willamette Hotol, Salem, Orogon,
Snlrt yfig nnd
Bummer downs
Mado ia tho boat stylo and workman
ship. Terms reasonable Address
or call en Mrs. II. Mllnor, 20th nnd
Contor stroots. 6-20-tf
Tho Tillson Co. Dealers in phoppod
feed, seed bran, hay, flour dried
fruit, etc. High streot, adjoining
opera house. 0-1-yr.
Hotel Scott Nowly furnished, every
thing clean and first class. Rooms
at rc&sonablo pricos. In Cottle
block, Salem, A. Scott, prop. 7-0-tf.
Salem Iron Works Founders, machin
ists aad blacksmiths. Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill machinery,
nop and frnlt drying stoves, etc
Manufacturers of tho 0. K. Grubber.
Bhand & Marcus. 11-20-lm
Davey & 8avago. Roal Estate, Loans
and Insurance, Conveyancing and
Braining Titles. Notary work done.
Bring us list of your proporty for
sale, 403 Stato streot, near High.
Say Have you trlod H. H. Pauls for
meats! Ho has the best sausage in
town. Come and try It, and bo con
vinced. 410 East State stret.
We Are New paying lOo for eggs,
Commercial Cream Co. 8-11' tf
A Pleasant Way to Travel.
Tho above is tho usual verdict of
the travolor using the Missouri Pacific
this statement. From Denver, Colora'
do Springs and Denver there aro two
through trains dally to Kansas City
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
et standard electric-lighted sleeping
ears, chair ears and up-to-date dining
cars. The same excellent service ia
operated from Kansas City aud St.
Louis to Memphis, Little Rock and Hot
Springs. If you are going east or
south, write for particulars and full in
formation. W. 0. M'BRIDE, Gen, Agfc,
124 Third St., Portland, Ore. ,
Osteopath Dr. W. L. Morcor, graduato
of tho American School of Osteo
pathy, Klrksvlllo, Mo. Ofllco Broy
man building, Commercial stroor.
Rooms 25 and 20. Phono Rod 2413.
Now resldonco, 419 North Summer
troot. Phono 383 Rod. 0-10-tf
mi 1 T" ' "i'
capital Bakery Ullom & Ruthorford,
proprietors, 430 Court otroot. Frch
broad, pleo and cakes dally. Macca
roons, lady fingers, angel and dovll'i
food cake, candles, nuts, etc. Dollv
lee mado -to any part of tho city.
Phono Whild,32l. ff-l-tf
tho Salem Dyo Works whoa you
want your olothos cloaned, dyed' re
paired er pressed, rolined, volvot col
lars ont also suit pressed by the
month. Yo can got anything eloaa
od, frsm a pair f gloves to tho most
olaborato silk gowns. Mrs, 0. H.
Walker, Prop., 5 Commercial street.
Fra&k V. Brown Manufacturer ;o
tab, doors, mouldings. All kinds of
houso finish an hardwood work.
Front stroot btweoa StaU and Cort
A. K. nauaoo Manufacturer of )dl
kinds sash, doers, mouldings, wsod
work, huco finish a ad ofllco fixture!.
Xstlmatoa furnished. Cor. Mill and
Church stroet. Phono Rod 211.
w. u. jntgn Architect and suporia
tondent, plans furnished for all class
es of building and structural work.
Ofllco 110 Stato stroot, Tioga block,
Salem, Oregon.
Whlto & Cummins, do a general dray
and transfer business, moot all
trains. 'Phcmaa, down town, Mala
8181, roaldoncoa, Bluo 15, rod 207.
SUind 218 Commoratal stroet 8-12-la
Salem Camp, No, 118, Woodaea of Um
World Meots In Holman Hall avery,
Friday at 7:80 p. m. L. R. StlnsoB,
consul P. L. Frasor, clork.,
Forostors of America Court Sherwood
Foresters No. 10. Moots Friday ia
Turner block. Ira Jorgonsen, 0. R.j
A. L. Brown, Soo.
Contral Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castla
nail in Holman block, corner Stato
nnd Llborty streots. Tuosday of oaoh
wook at 7:30 p. m. T. J. Cronlso, 0,
O.j W. I. Staloy, K. of R, and S.
Modorn Woodmen of America. Ore
gon Codar Camp; No. 5240. Meets
every Thursday evoning at 8 o'clock,
Holman Hall. E, E. Matton, V. O.j
A. L. Brown, Clork.
For wator sorvico apply at ofllco.
Bills payablo monthly in advance.
Mako all complaints at tho office.
Just In
Our now line of 1005 wall pa-
a per has just arrived. All latest
q patterns at roasonablo price.
Call and see our stock and be
9 convinced that our paper and
prices aro right Remember the
E. L. Lemmon
299 Liberty St
Phone 2475
Call Wagoa
or Telephone
45 Black
Buy Coupons aud Save
Salem Ice Co.
ER OOMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon, Mado for family use. Atk
yoar crocor for it Bran and
horta always on hand.
P. B. Wallace i
i- i
H )