DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1005. Summer Aerie, Tetter Eczema vSalt Rheum . Psoriasis Nettle Rash An itclihig, bunring.slcin disease during tlie hot, sultry summer weather, is a positive r and a ventable demon of discomfort. The intolerable itohW rmrl h'; nJL ' i- lizing almost beyond endurance, and the unsightly eruption and rough, red skin keep one thoroughly uncomfortable and miserable night and day. Eczema, Tetter, and diseases of this type are caused by acid poisons in the blood, which the heat of summer seems to warm jutw juu uu lenewca activity. jLiiese nery acios Keep tue blood in a riotous and Terrors terror sour TORMENTINQ ECZEMA. Kansas Cixy, Mo., May, 1898. la 1896 I experienced at times patches 011 the inside of my bands thnt itched and burned, causing much dis comfort. As time went by it grew worse. I had read medicine in my early twenties (now 50 years of age) and was convinced that I was afflicted 'with a typo of Eczema. I consulted several physicians and a number of 'specialists, and Used several external applications, one of which was claim ed to be a certain specific I confess, however, I had but little faith in external applications, yet I.uscd them, receiving due sitgnt temporary reliet. ed Mav of that year all symptoms had dis appeared, and I found myself entirely cured, and have had no return of the diseaso since. ,,, ,, ,, . J. . JWUWI, in A'eoruary 1 aeciuea to try 6. 0. 5 and in Jess than a month X experiene a chance for the better, and bv THE ITCHING WAS TERRIBLE. JtscoHDipo, San Diego Co., Col., Oct 1000. DnAR Sirs My body brpko out wiUi a rash or eruption. The itching, especially at night, was simply terribW; it would olmost disappear at times, only to return worse than ever. I had tried many preparations with out benefit, ondhearing of 8. S. S. determin ed to give it a fair trial; a few bottles cured mo entirely, removing every blemish and pimple from my body. I,. Marno. ty lianas, BAD FORM OF TETTER. Por three rears I had Tetter on m which caused them to swell to twice their natural size. Part of the time the disease was in the form of running sores, very pain ful, and causing mo much discomfort Pour uociors saiu tno letter Una progressed too far to bo cured, and they could do nothing for me. I took only three bottles of S. 8. Si and was completely cured. This was fifteen years ago, and I have never since seen any sign of my old trouble. Mns. L. B. Jackson, 837 St Paul St, Kansas City, Kan. condition, and the skin unhealthy and feverish thev inflame the mr n.1 wnWi . : tlon, when the whole body feels like an over-heated furnace, and the escaping poison burns uim misters iiKc jurjma nre. To the skin discaaesuffcrer, summer time brincrs no iov. but is a. season of unrest, slccp- icas luguia uuu incessant pain, resulting in shattered nerves, physical exhaustion and gen eral derangement of all the vital forces. Scratching is a pleasant recreation to one tor mented and almost distracted by an aggravating itching skin eruption. Some find tempor ary relief in bathing and the application of lotions and safves. A few hours respite is gained by such methods, but linrnmor nnninn ovrnii 1 wnan Station A, Kansas City, Mo. of or check the outflow of the burning fluids through the skin. Only persistent and faithful couBumuomu treatment can 00 xnis. xne acia poison in tne Diooa, wnicn is tue real cause or the eruption, must be attacked, and when the blood has been cleared of all accumulated impu rities and restored to a healthy condition, then, and only then, will a thorough and lasting cure be effected, and for the accomplishment of all this, no remedy equals S. S. S., which contains all requirements for cleansing and building up the acid blood, and invigorating and toning up the system. S. S. S. completely and permanently eradicates every vestige oi? poison, thus effectually preventing a fresh outbreak of the disease. Cases that have resisted ordinary treatment for years, yield to the purifying, cooling effects of S. S. S. upon the blood, and when rich, pure blood is again circulating through the System, the itching and stinging cease, the eruption disappears, and the red, rough skin Dccomes soir. ana smootu again. Skin diseases appear in various forms sometimes in pustules or blisters, sores, rashes, or red, disfiguring bumps and pimples out all are caused by a bad condi tion of the blood, and for which S. S. S. is a safe and effectual cure. No bad effects can come from its use, because it contains no Arsenic, Potash or other harmful -drugs but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable remedy. If you are a sufferer from some summer terror like Eczema, Tetter, Acne, Psoriasis, Salt iRheura, Nettle Rash or kindred disease, write us about it, and medical advice or any special information wanted will be given without charge. Our Book on Skin Diseases will be sent free to all desiring it. THE SWIFT SPEOlFtO COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. SSS FOREST SERVICE. The Now Nnmo of tho Bureau forestry. Igont management can got out of them. Use, not reservation from use, is tho of , essential nurposo for which thoy exist but uso under suoh comldtlonw as shall nmko their bonoflts permanent. Control of tho rosorvoa was turned I Prom July 1 tho Bureau of Forestry is to bo officially known ns tho Forest ovor to tho Bureau of Forestry Inst Service, Tho chango was made by Con- Fehnmry, nnd tho necessary reorgnnl gross last winter, when it providod for , zntion is now wefl advanced. In tnk tho covornmont work in f orostry during ; Iner up its now work, however, tho - ---.- Forest) Sorvico will not abandon1 any from a shortage of timbor supply. Tho Forest Sorvico will continuo tho atu- pay, nnd thus furnishing tho ono argu ment needed to convert privato own ers from scopticlsm as to tho practt- cnblcness of a theory to tho acceptance of a proved fact. When this was ac complished a new epoch in tho history of American forestry opened. Blnco thnt timo no singlo stop forward hns been bo important ns that which tho uso of tho now name, Forest Scrvlco, now marks. This tho pooplo of tho country, and particularly tho pooplo of tho West, whero tho reserves arc, will como to ronllzo as thoy grasp tho fact that, scientifically nnd efficiently ad ministered, tho reserves will soon reach tholr highest efficiency as contributors to tho wealth nndl pcrmnncnt dovclop mont of tho regions in which thoy lie. o Honor Among Business Men. A story is told by Robert Ogden about n friend of his, not long dead, who hold securities in a cortnia rail road. Being told, and from a sourco to lenvo no doubt, that tho road was about to collapse, ho refused to sell, not wishing to shift tho loss upon a purchaser. Ho had no lnrgo nmount of money, but ho was rich in something hotter. With nil tho vennl trickery thnt is being exposed, wo lean to a bo llof that men liko this exist in Amer ica in lnrgcr numbers today thnn they did five, a dozen, or twenty years ago. Wo hope thero will soon bo fewer with salnries liko thOso of Senator Dcpow, and fewer corporations which seek to have tholr lawyers in tho legislature. "Old'-fnshloned honesty," M. Clove- land says, but ho must bo referring to somo period beforo tho Civil Wnr. Americans nrri now endeavoring to halt a plunging commorclnl dishonesty that took its impetus with tho im monso prnctical activity of tho nation nfter '05. In a sonso wo nro a now na tion from that dato. President Eliot haB spoken of business ns ono of tho lonrncd professions, nnd so, in many of its divisions, it is coming to bo. Miss Tnrboll, in tho latest of her Rockefel ler studies, draws somo graphic fca. tures of tho most discouraglngly suc cessful monoy-grnbbor in tho world. It is not n pretty picture, composed as it is of grcod, cruolty, and disgusting piety. "According as you put some thing in," ho observed to a Clovolnnd Sunday sohool, "tho groator will bo your dividends of snlvntion." But ho is not tho typo of business man who ropresonts tho future. His liko is ou tho wane Tho responsibilities nnd op portunities of money nro becoming moro widely understood, nnd its moro rapnclous accumulation tends every day more to becomo n sourco of shnmo. Collier's, July 15, 1005. tho coming year, and signalized nn im portnnt advanco in tho scopo of that work. Tho actual control and adminis tration of tho notional forest reserves, formorly under tho chnrgo of tho land ofllco of tho Department of tho Inte rior, is now in tho hands of tho Forest Sorvico, tho only branch of tho public service possessed of tho scientific and technical knowlcdgo noccssary for tho finllghtonod euro and uso of tho foresta. This moans that tho resorves nro to bo rondo to yield to tho peoplo of tho coun try tho largest bouoflta, which intolll- pnrt of tho old field of tho Buronu. Its broad purpose will oontlnuo to bo tho furtherance by ovory posslblo monns of tho movement to Introduce NORMAN WILLIAMS To Hong Friday, But Taken tho Matter Cheerfully. It is safo to say that, thero is not a person in Tho Dalles, says tho Chron icle who will not foci rcllovod when dies of forest products, of methods of thg wcek l8 j,n9tf nJ wlth it8 pnsgnK mnklng timbor moro durable, of troo tho nwfu dutv wnlch tMD orImo of Nor. plantjng, and of all subjects which can j ,nan Williams made necessary bo nc promote wiser nnd moro profitnblo uso . compHshod As tho lumber for tho of our second grcntest resourco for In ( 8cniToUl was hauled to tho alloy back tho valuo of tholr total contribution to ot tho court i,0U80 tl,;B ,nornjn(? aa our needs thero can bo no doubt that j tho worjt 0f clearing out tho yard pro forest products stand noxt to thoso of ,mratory to erecting it began, nil soemed moro exercised ovor tho fact than did tho condemned man himself, who, to nil appearance, is unmoved. Whatever Williams may bo otherwise, ho has been n model prlsonor, and a man who has mado friends of his fol low prisoners. As tho back door of tho jail wus closed this morning to provent his seeing tho preparations, ho said; "Thoro is no uso making all tho others uncomfortablo for mo. Shut mo agriculture Tho field of tho bureau of forostry hns oxpandod romnrknbly in tho past few years. Tho first governmont rec ognition of forestry was in 1870, whon prnctical forestry ovorywhoro. It will , congress mado nn appropriation for a do its utmost to uailst this movement j skilled mnn to prosocuto a study of among prlvnto owners nnd iu tho sov- forest conditions, needs, and uses, nnd ornl stntcs, not only by sclontlfie in- mnko a report to Congress. This ofilco vostigntiomt but by ndvlco and co- was created July 1, 1880. Then from a operntion In tho nctunl wqrk of apply- mero ofilco of Informntlon tho Division ing forestry. This is Imperatively do-. stopped suddenly Into tho flold of ac- n tho coll, nnd glvo tho mon f rosh mnndod if tho gonoral wolfaro is nottual operations, demonstrating by ex. ar,i And thon ho remarked that ho wouldii't mind watching it, anyway. Ho seams in good spirits and joins iu any fun thnt may bo going on. Ho is certainly possessed of romnrknblo self control, nnd still affirms his innoaonco of the crimo ho must in a few days expiate. suffer profoundly in tho futuro ample how forestry could bo mado to to Standard liquor Co. j. - - r Successors to J. P. ROGERS $iQlesate and Retail Dealers 148-156 South Commercial St OUR EXCUSE Eve y Good, Business Mtst Have Its Exctise xrrV GOOD BUSINESS MUST HAVE ITS REASON FOR EXISTING-. WHEN WE STARTED IN BUSI. KSJS SL? SrANrEniNa but an excuse, but wb had that excuse, and we aSlSCU8BSuaH THICK AND THIN. WE HAVE IT TOT, AND HERE IT IS: 2! ?ESHATOAN SERVE THE PEOPLE OF SALENC AND VICINITY WITH OOOD, PURE WB ?? ? ILrZnvn AV BH SERVED BY ANYBODY ELSE. NOT JUST AS GOOD, MIND YOU W5I TT-mniDN'T BELIEVE THAT WB WOULDN'T BE I HJX fluiiw" IN BUSINESS. IF WB DDDN'T BELIEVE STANDARD LIQUOR Co., A. G. Magers, Mgr. PlMMie Mato 2181. $100 Reward, $100. Tho readers of this paper will be ploasod to learn that there is at loast one droaded disease that sclones has been ablo to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positivo cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Internally, acting di rectly upon tho blood nnd mucous sur faces of tho system, thoreby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giv ing tho patient strength by building up tho constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers that they offer Ooe Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for constipation. A Rod Headed Thlof. Last Sunday a gun, a rovolvor nnd a pair of opera glnssts wcro stolon from' a rcaldonco tho other sido of Corvnllls. A red headed hoy, who escaped from tho reform school several weeks ago, was thought to bo tho culprit. Ho was supposod to hnvo como this way, , and Chief of Police McClnlu was nouuou iu look out for him. Ho was surprised to get tho young ster coming from tho C. & E. train, nnd starting down town with tho gun, rovolvor nnd opera glasses, ovidontly lntondlng to sell them. Ho nouuou Shorlff Burnett, who como after tho boy, and took him back to Uorvaliis, and ho will prohnhly go to tho pen now. Albnny Democrat. Thoro Is safety in numbors. The moro lady friends a bachelor hns the moro likely he is to remain a bachelor. GOOD for OLD and YOUNG itUdtog 0HOJ i OftmK&iOTlft Tliroe Trains to tho East Dally, Through PullraaB etaadard asj tourist sleeplsg ears daily to 01jnp, Ckisags, Opokans; tonrlst slMpj ors aily U Kansss City; thrt irt pHllmom tsarlet slsepiig sare (,. eonally ssadisttd) weekly to 0MM. gej reclining ohalr ears (ewts fret) to tho ast daily. 70 HOURS ava MRTLAnri TO CH1CAC0 U No Ctnjace of Ccf v DKPART Cblckgo rortland Bncolal 9 18 a. m via Unnt-Infton Salt Lake, D3Yer. FL norm, umaaa. kmum CUT, 81 Louis, Obiotfo nd Eort. Atlantis Kxpteu 8:18 p. m, t1 Hunt, lngton 8t.Piinl Kv Futllall Bpo! TIME SCREftULES from rorUand, Or, lalt Lake. Oanrar tri. IJTortb. Omaha, Kamsai jut, o. irau, umcao alia Walla. Lflwirmn. tokane. Wnllaca. VnV. o ir i . m. uiau, Mmneauli 8l Tia rani, uninm.-ttllwankw Bpokati (OhlCw?o, ami Smi. ARHIVI 0H i 7il5,B a. a Auirunt riower keeps the children healthy and Iromj Tfull of vlRor nnd frolic the whole day Iohr, Go when Mamma need more they ruth off in high glee, And shunt to the druggist i "I'leaie give it to met" Qlnabllity to get up brisk nnd fresh in Ute morning, hick ot appetite, panor, muddy complexion nnd poor spirits these all indicate a disordered stomach audbnd digestion iundultsnml children, too. They ntso Indicate the urgent' need of taking Green's August Flower regu larly for a few days. (It's a reliable old remedy for all stomach troubles, never falls to cure indigestion, dyspepsia and chronic constipation, and is a natural tonic for body and mind, qTwo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. Ocean and River Schedule. Fer Saa Fraaeiseo Evsry firs dtji ot 8 f, m. For Astoria, way poiaU an Narth Beoh Daily (txeipt fca. day) at 8 p. a,; Sotardoy at 10 , a. Dally serviae (water psraittfog) Cn Trillanstts sad Taatklll rivers. Sold In Snlora by S. C. Stone. MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make 8alem a Good Home Market" OAflVOnXJL. fcarttaa f IM Wad Ym Haw Knj BogK Poultry at Stoiner's Market. Kggs Per dozen, 18e. Ducks 1012e. Chickens 010c. Hens 89c. Frys-12jc. Baker, Lawrence & Baker. Eggs Per dozen, 18e. Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes 83c. Onions 5c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 5o lb, Cocoanuts, $1.00 per doz. Oranges $2.002.50. Lemons $2.753.S0. Live Stock Market. Stcors 33. Cows 33V4. Sheop 4c. Dressed veal 6c, Fat hogs 5V4c Baled Clover $9$10. Bran-$22.50. Shorts-$24.G0. Eggs, Butter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co. Butter-21M, Butter fat 10c at station. Grain, Hopa and Flour. Oats Choice white, $1.30. Barley $2323,50. 'lour$4.40. Wheat 80c. Portland Market, Wheat Walla Walla, 8384c. Valley 8587e. Floar Valey, straights, $4.1ej gra ham, H.00. Hay, Feed, Etc. Baled Cheat $10. Oats-Choleo white, $1.35U. Mlllstuft Bran, $19.00. Hay Timothy, $13.00. Potatoes $1.151.20. Poultry-Chickens, mixed, 12A 13e; per lb; hens, 13e per lbj roosters, old, lOe per lb; fryers, 22e por lb; ducks, $4.009.00 per doz.; geese 8 0c per lb; turkeys, 1718e per lb; dressed, 202iyje per lb.; sqiabs, $2.50 3.00 per doz. Pork Dressed, 7&Sc. Beef Dressed, 25c. Veal 58c, Mutton Dressed, 6&7Ho. Hops Contract, 1905, 16cj 1904 crop, 25o for choice; 2324c for tW. ,i mediums. Wool-1905 clip, vallev. .-.,. medium, 2425yjCj fine, 26H28e; Eastern Oregon, 1922c Aioaair Nomiaal, 3031e, Butter Fancy creamexv. enQiii Fsr fullar laferaiatiaa. ask r writ yanr aeareet ticket ngemt, r A. L. CRAIG. General Paeseagsr Ageat. The Oregon Railroad & Navlgttioi C., Portland, Oregaa. RAILROAD TEME CARD N5. S. Ns 2 for Yoqulna Leaves Albaay 12:45 PJL Leaves Corvnllls 1:45 P.M. Arrives Yanulna 6:45 P.M. No. 1 Returning Leaves Yaqulna 7:15 A.M. Leaves Corvallls 11:30 A.M. Arrives Albany 12.-J5 P.M. Nt. 3 for Albany-Detroit Leaves Albany for Detroit 7:30 A.M. Arrives Detroit 12:30 P.M. NO 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit 1:30 P.M. Arrives Albany . . '. 6:30 P.M. No. C for Albany Lonves Corvalli 6:30 AJI. Arrives Albany 7:10 A.M. No. 8 for Oorvallis-- Leaves Albany 2:40 PJL Arrives Corvallls 3:20 PX No. 7 for Albany Leaves Corvallls 6:00 P.M. Arrives Albany 0:40 PiL No. 6 for Oorvallis Loaves Albany 9:15 P.M. Arrives Corvallls 9:55 PJL Train No. 1 arrives in Albany ii timo to connect with tho S. P. south bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the B. P. trains nt Oorvallis and Albany, gWbg direct service to Newport aad adjatwt beaches. Train No. 3 leaves Albany tn Detroit at 7:30 a. m., arriving then in ample time to reach the BrelUa hush hot springs the same day. Train No. 4 botweon Albany and De trait connects with tho Eugene lotal at Albany, also with loenl from Cor vnllls. Trnin Ns. 0 leaves Corvallls at 6:30 a. m., arrives at Albany 7:10 n. m, i time to eateh Eugene loeal to Portia! and train to Detroit. Train No. 8 leaves Albany for Cor vallls at 2:40 p. m after tho nrrWl of S. P. northbound overland. Train Ns. 7 leaves Corvallls at 8:00. p. ., arrives in Albnny at 6:40 p. a i timt t aonoect with he local tti Eugene and way points. Train No. 6 leaves Albany for Cor vallls at 9:15 p. m., after the arrival of the 8. P. local from Portland. For further Information apply to J. O. MAYO, Gen. Pas. Ag T. COCKERELL, Agent, Albany. n. H. ORONISE, Agent, Corvallls. EXSUION During tle" Lewis and Clark exposition the 0. O. T. Co. will make the following rate: Salem tof Portland, one wAy 75 cents; round trip, $1.00, Tickets good for ten days. Boats leaylng daily a.t 7 a. m., except 8unday. M. P. BALDWIN, Agt Dock Foot of Trade Street. OAkHVOXCA' Kgaatara dairy, 16H17c; store, 1515e. ' Btarttia IMKWYHS H9 VJ 4f Bigaatar cf Plfc 4rJU w TnHVf WW