?" -T1 "TflFTf,V '" 'f 1 pggiyygg-TFti- wriTaiirwii'ii iy wpwtmUPiMW-' Talr tonight and Wodncoday, con tinued warm. -v rr LAST EDITION, 3:30- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOli. XV. SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1905. NO. 107. W& "ifi" WANT TO DEPOSE THE CZAR Zemstvos Congress Prohibit ed Meeting Because it Wishes a Change of Ruier St. Petersburg, July 18. It Is report ed boro that u largo party of Zcm. stvests Dumalsts at Moscow favor is tiling a proclamation deposing Emperor Nicholas, and establishing a regency for tho Grand Duko Alexis Nlcholo vltcb, tho infant, tho throno to bo held by four grand dukca. It is alleged that for this reason tho Zomstvos congress scheduled nt Moscow for tomorrow will bo prohibited. ROUGH ON SIBERIA Berlin, July 18. Tho Schlcslscho Zcitung says tho Japnncso bavo re leased all tho convicts on tho Island of Sakhalicn. Tho ordinary criminals luvvo bcon shipped to Siberia, and turned loose, after boing supplied wjth provisions. Tho political prisoners havo asked to remain a Japancso sub jects. Jauroz'a Noino la Ilonorod. City of Mexico, July 18. Today was observed aa a holiday throughout tho republic, being tho thirty-third anniversary of tho doath of Bonlto Jauroz, tho famous Llboral party president. A long procession of prlmi nont neoplo marched to tho comotory of San Fordlnando wherein Ho tho ro mains of tho illustrious soldior who lod tho successful struggles ngalust tho Moxmllllan empire. Tho process Ion included workingmon's soclotlos, government ofllcialR, members or scl entitle and lltornry sociotics, ofllcors of tho garrison, members of congress and surviving slgnors of tho prcsont constitution. President Diaz and oth er persons of cminonco gathorod about tho tomb and heaped it with floral of ferings. Qv Transmisslsslppl Congress. Portland, Ore., July 18, Prepara tions on an oxtenslvo scolo aro boing mado for tho Transmisslsslppl Com mercial concross to bo hold in this tclty ouo month honco. During tho last few years tho congross lias cnlargou Its scopo and momborship In a wonder-' fid degree, and tho forthcoming meet ing Is oxpoctod to bo tho largost and most notublo of its kind over held. Though tho congress was originally in tended to dovoto its offorts to tho de velopment of tho trans.Mlsslsslppl re gion it early outgrow this limitation of its scopo and embraced as its ob ject tho commercial advancement of tho entire country. As has boon tho case for soveral yoars past tho coming session will bo attondod by dolcgates from almost ovory state and territory. Advices received by Sccrotory Fran cis Indlcato that tho attendanco will reach tho 3000 mark. Tho governors of Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, California, HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE DRESS GOODS ON OUR Bargain Table TnEY'EB EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE8 AT PRICES THAT WILL CLOSE THEM OUT QUICKLY. ON ONE TABLE AT , 75c YOU WILL FIND SOME OF TKBOHOIOEST FABRICS OF THE SEA BON WHICH RANGED IN PRIOEFHOM $1.00 PER YARD TO $1.40 PER YARD INCLUDING FANCY MOHAIRS, MOHAIR FLORENTINE FANCY PANAMA SUITINOS, TAILOR SUITINGS, CHIFFON EOIJNNB AND VOILES. ON THE 35J TABLE WE ARE CLOSING OUT MANY DESIRABLEPATTERNB FROM OUR SOcLINES IN FANCY MOHAIRS, CREPE DEPARIS, AND TAILOR SUITES. &&9Ze&V& f.&Z&ZSV&b Colorado, New Mexico, "Washington and Oregon ,aro expected to bo pres ent. Some of tho many subjects slated for consideration aro as follews: Tho un ion of interests between Pacific coast pdrts and ports of tho Gulf of Mexico; tho Improvement of rivers, hnrbors nnd waterways; statehood for tho territo ries; co-operation in laws covering waterways, irrigation and mining nmong Canada, tho Unitod Statcsand Mexico; tcchincnl schools and experi mental stations for tho west; livestock interests of tho trans-Mlsslsslppl re gion; tho necessity for differentials fa voring Pacific coast ports in tho build ing of naval vessels; expositions and tholr lnflucnco upon tho development of tho country; Intcrstato commcrco commission and tho betcrment of rail nnd water transportation; encourage ment of homo manufactures; tho Isth mian canal nnd its. effect upon commcrco. Witts Will Bo It. St. Petersburg, July 18.-M. Wltto had a final Ittoijvlqw with tho emperor at PctcrholT today. Foreign Minister Lamsdorff was prosont. Wjtto leaves for Paris tomorrow, accompanied by Mrs. Wltto, who will not mako tho trip to tho United States. It is announced that 475,201 men will bo called to per form military sorvlco during tho prcs ont yoar. Will Act as Escort. Newport, It. I., July 18. Tho sec ond division1 of tho battleship squad ron of tho North Atlantic fleet, com manded by Roar-Admiral Davis, sailed today to join tho squadron of Amer ican warships which is to convey tho body of Paul Jones from Frnnce. Tho division will dscort tho Inbound flcot to Hampton roads. Namo Seems Familiar. Washington, July 18. It Is an nounced today that Jackson Smith, of tho International Hallway of Moxlco, has beon appointed assistant to Chief Englnoor Stevens, of tho Pnnama ca nal commission. Smith will accom pany Chairman Shonts and Stovcns to Panama. Railroad Smash Up. Rochester, N. Y., July 18. Tiio Chi cago-Detroit special on tho Now York Central, crashed into a freight train nt tho Culver streot crossing this morning, derailing seven coaohes, smashing two jnto kindling wood. Engineer Clnrk was killed nnd sovoral passongcrs in jured. ' Pity ho failed on Hlmsolf. Seattle, Wash., July 18. H. P. Dion, of "Ballard, shot and seriously wounded Mrs. Nottlo Mott his sweothoart, nnd thon sloshod his own throat with a pon kulfo this morning. Nelthor will die. Jealousy caused tho act. - A California Blaze. Santa Rosa, Cnl., July 18. A flro at midnight destroyed n portion of tho business section of Sebastopol; loss $10,000. ii Chicago Markets, Chicago, July 18. Wheat 80; corn, 0757; oats 30tf31. Henry Wallace, son of Gonoral Low Wallace, has written Itopresonfatlvo Charles Landis on behalf of himself and his mother, offorlng Water Bubblo, General Wnllaco's country placo, to tho government for a fish hatchery. Tho farm contains sovoral largo ortlft' clal lakes, n keoper's lodgo and n hatchory equipment. SIX ARE BURNED TO DEATH In Hotel Fire in Wabash-Winn- esota Early This Morning Wabash, Minn., July 18. As tho re sult of an explosion of n gas tank tho Depot lintel was destroyed by firo ear ly this morning, nnd six aro known to have burned to denth. Thcro may bo other bodies in th'o ruins. Tho dead are: Mrs. A. Hoffman and baby, Rob-- crt Johnston, Gertrudo Spentschcr, Rebecca Herman and Jametf Hunt. Will Get 40 Per Cent. Manila, July 18. Depositors In tho Amcricnn Bank will receive 40 per cent of their claims. Tho bank was closed by order of Governor-Gencrnl Wright.' If This Doesn't Bting Yoj TOMORROW MORNING WE SHALL BEQIN A SUIT SALE THAT SHALL 8TAND AS A RECORD-BREAKER FOR TIME TO COME. WE WOULD RATHJQR COUNT DOLLARS THAN GOODS. THEREFORE, WE ARE GOING TO TRADE EVERYTHING FOR DOLLARS THAT WE POSSIBLY OAN. THAT IS WHY BO MANY SUITS ARE GOING TO BE SOLD AT SUCH LOW PRICES. G. W. JOHNSON & CO. CLOTHIERS, HATTERS & FURNISHERS WORST IN THE DECK Prince Philip, of Bad Reputa- lion, Wants Dlvorco From Louise, Who Has None Gothn, Germany, July 18. Prlnco Philip of Suxo Coburg and Gotha, today filod n petition for a dlvorco from Princess Louise, tho oldost daughter of King Leopold, of Bolgtum. FRAUD CASES Portlnnd, July 18. Tho taking of tostimony in tho Williamson trial was finished this morning, and Honey mado tho oponlng nrgumont for tho prosecu tion, finishing at 11:30 a. m. Ho claimod tho government had established a con spiracy among tho defendants, and provod subornation of porjury. Bon nett oxpects to eoneludo tho nrgumont for tho dofenso this afternoon. Tho caso will reach tho jury probably to morrow night. An Illinois Wreck. Chioago, July 18. In' a head-end col lision on tho Santa Fo between a pas sengor and froight, two inlloa south of Rome. 111., this afternoon, ono was killed and thrco seriously injurod. Tho doad Is: Win. Caldwell, Wolls-Fargo's oxnross messenger, Tho injured wero all train men. Two passengor coaches toloscopod, andn tho onglne and lour freight cars wero demolished. Drowned Forty Hindoos. Tihnre. India. Julv 18. The ferry boat on Anohor Lake capsizod today, while carrying a largo crowd of pleas ure seekors, and drowned 40. The Crowds Go to the The Spa These days because they find oar Ices, sherbets and ice cream pare, refreshing and dcllcloas In flavor W. T. STOLZ, L. O. MYERS. 383 State Street. FELL TWO THOUSAND FEET Prof. Montgomery's Aer oplane Collapses, and Dives From Dizzy Height Santa Clara, July 18. Aeronaut Daniel Malonoy fell 2000 fcot from Prof. Montgomery's ncroplano and wns killed.' Tho ascension was mado from tho Santa Clara collcgo orchard at 10:fiO a. m. Tho guy ropo fouled ono wing. Tho balloon roso 4000 foot when Malonoy cut looso and descended gradually 2000 feet, when tho rear wing collapsed, and ho fell rapidly, landing on Eborhnrd's tannery yard. Ho was still alive, and was removed on n stretcher to Santn Clara Collcgo, whero ho died in half an hour. Prof. Mont gomery la prostrated over tho accident. m You'te Out of Town EASTERN STATES SIZZLE Hot Wave Swept Over Atlan tic and Middle Section Yesterday and Today Chicago, July 18. Tho crost of tho hot wavo has passed ovor Chicago, and relief is proinisod tomorrow. Tho tor rid blast is contral ovor tho Atlantic states today. Thrco doaths woro re ported this morning as n rosult of yes terday'it heat. Tho thormomctor reg istered 00 ut noon. Now York, July 18. Lato returns from tho hospitals show 10 deaths as tho result of tho torrid weather yoa torday. Moro than 100 casos of pros tratlonu woro roported to tho polleo. Tho hot wenthor eontlnuos today. Now York, July 18. Tho tompora ture roso steadily during tho day and at 3 o'clock this afternoon roglstorod 100 on tha sldowulks. Tho streets aro dosortod and horses dropped by score. Ton deaths by sunstroko wero reported up to 2 o'clock. Tho polico blotters showed soveral hundred oases Of pros trations. Dos Moines, la., July 18. Danlol Mormon, Mrs. Margaret Caspar, her 3-raontbfl-old infant, and John Doolittltf, nil of this city aro dead from heat, and a dozen nro prostrated. Milwaukee, Wis, July 18,-Tharo wero flvo prostrations and two doaths from heat today, u Only an Ant Hill, Anyway. Mount Washington, July 18. W. H. Hllllard, of Boston, with a OO.horso power Nnpler, established a now world's record for tho olimb to tho summit of Mount Washington, outtlng four minutes off tho previous record, held by Harry Harknow, of New York. Billiard made tho ascent in 20 minutos, 58 2-5 seconds. John Hyde Resigns. Now York, July 18. John Hydo. has resigned the office of chief statisti cian of tho agricultural department on account of alleged falling health. o It Is a criminal offense to stuff a. bal lot box, but there Is no law prohibiting the stuffing of a contribution box. No man knows how to hold a baby properly-bat he is willing not to learn. Atlantic City Horso Show. Atlantic City, N. J., July 18. So cloty deserted tho pleasures of tho beach and tho board walk today for In let park, whero tho seventh annual ex hibition of tho Atlantic City Horso Show association was opened under happy auspices. Tho entry list this year 'is exceptionally largo and of a high class and tho show promises to bo highly successful. 1-lvo thousand dollars in prizes in addition to a num. bcr of trophies will bo distributed among tho winners In tho various classed. Tho exhibition will continue until tho ond of tho week. Advertisers' Golf Tournoy. Clcvolnud, O., July 10. Tho beauti ful links of tho Euclid club wcro thronged with golf enthusiasts today nt tho opening of tho annual cham pionship tournamont of tho Amcricnn Golf Association of Advertising Inter ests. Tho tournament is to continuo thrco dnys, and judging from tho lnrgo ontry list nnd tho promptltudo of off flcials and players In tho preliminary rounds it will bo ono of tho most suc cessful ovents of its kind over Been In this part of tho country. After tho Railroads Now. Chicago, July 18. Assistant United States Attorney Mnrston filed a bill bo foro tho interstnto commcrco commis sion against tho Chicago & Groat West ern and soven other railroads in tho United States circuit court asking theso railroads to bo provontcd from charg ing an oxcesslvo rnto for tho shipment of livestock over that charged for dressed meats from Missouri rlvor points. I O ' Powers Throaton Turkoyv Borltn, July 18. Tho Tngoblntt says tho powers hnvo threatened tho porto that unless Turkey agrees to tho pro posals for tho International control of tho finances of Macedonia, a joint nuv al demonstration will bo mado at Salon ika. In Mrs, Chodwick'8 Footsteps, Norwalk, Ohio, July 18. a W. French, n capitalist nnd railroad pro moter, who hnB lately been operating in Callfornln, wih arrested hero this morn Ing. Ho will bo taken to Akron, Ohio, to stand trial on n charge of obtaining $17,000 from Nathan Berk on fnlso proteose. Wash Goods Clearance You'll find a host of rare bargains in our wash goods scotlon today. All of tho choices weaves and. do signs have beon radically roduoed. For instnnee wo offer 6o and 85c organdies, mullB, voiles, oto for just 33 yani. Underwear Specials Summer vosts for Indies and chil dren. A chanco to savo in each. 35c low noek, sleoveloss vest in pink, bluo and whlto 23- Sleeveless and long sleovo sum mer vest, oxtra size, special lQS Assortment of odd lines in chil dren's and ladles' vosts, whlto and tan HALF PRICE. JE v S iL ISA Advance Fall Shipments Theso oxtremo stylish creations glvo a very fair idea as to what tho fall styles in woraon's wear will bo. NEW FALL SUITS. Our first shipmpnts on display second floor. New fall shades and materials, PETTICOATS New, all silk, 18.incb, accordeon plaited rufllc, tegu lar $10.00 valuo at special price, $7.05- NEW PTNORBE SHOES FOR FALL Styles in n woman' boot is. tho whole thing. There is not another boot for ladle in the city that is so pretty and faithfully good as the Piugree made. Price $3.50 7l SILVERT0N SUPPLIES SURGEON Dr. Wolff, of Silverton, Se lected by Peary to Go on the Polar Expedition Now York, July 18. Duplicate parta of tho dclicato sclcntifio instruments to bo used by tho Peary expedition in search for tho north polo wcro placed aboard tho stenmor Roosevelt before) It sailed Sunday from this port. Trlplo sets of nautical instruments woro also takon along. Dr. Louis J. Wolff, of Bllvcrton, Ore., wns chosen as surgeon of tho expedi tion. Ho is 30 years old ond n grnihi ato of tho Collcgo of Surgery in San Fraucisco of tho class of 1003. Until recently Wolff wns connected with tho outdoor department of Bellevue hos pital. FIroraon's Tournamont. Winston-Salem, N. 0., July 18,-Thfa city la gay with flngs ond buntlug in honor of tho many visitors hero for tho eighteenth nnnual tournament of tho North Carolina Stnto Firemen's Association. Teams of flromon, muny of thorn nccompanlod by bands nnd del cgatlons of cltltens, nro on hand from Wilmington, Rnlolgh, Salisbury, Now Born, Fnyottovllio, Greensboro nnd other lending cities of tho state. Tho buslnosa sessions began today, Presi dent James D. McNeill, of Fnyottovllio presiding. Tho pnrado Is scheduled for tomorrow, whllo tho programme of prlzo contests will bo pulled off Thurs day, tho concluding dny of the tour nament. Now tho Ico Handlers Striko. Now York, July 18. Ono thousand! Ico handlors of tho Amorlcan Ico Co, struck this morning for higher wngoa and shorter hours. Non-union mon aro boing employed to fill tholr places. A partial ico famlno Is tho rosult. - Clark Rotter. Now York, July 18, Senator Clark passed a good night, -and thero Is no marked change in his condition. . .. . - Bathing Salts for Everybody Everyone should own tholr bathing suit. It is rlennor, healthier and mora economical in tho long run. You can't blumo anybody for not wanting to wear u suit others lmvo worn, to say noth ing of tho old, out of dnte styloK, poor quality, and frooklsh colors, character istic of most boach suits. Wo hnvo u flno nsortmunt of new 1005 styles hi bluu and blaok brliliantino. Price rnngo from $3.00 to $7.50. Though n mnn's bathing sutt is ulwuyn conven tional, ours aro tho well-mudo kind, fast oolorH, propor size measurement, at the ory ronsonablo prlcon of 50a to $3.50, Bathing trunks for men and boys, 25c ouch. Straw Hats $. 5 Wednesdny only wo place on sale a lot of our regular $2.00 straws in popular shapos nt tho extremely special price of $1,15 Just tho thing to wear on your summer vaca tion, Summer Salts For In d 1 08 In cotton, voilo nnd linou, ranging In price from $3.50 to $12.60 at HALF PRICE. Boys' Vacation Salts Wo aro closing out our broken linos. of two-pleco suits, at tho fol lowing prices: $5.00 value now $4.00 4.50 valuo npw 3.00 4.00 valuo now 3.20 I