'J -pyi tMrnff-rri -v-nn-v - 8 flAIMf CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY,- JULY 17, 1005. mrc i i Stockton & Co THE OLD WHITE CORNER Vacation Time This storo cnn well supply your wants for tlio vucatlon trip. Stocks wcro novcr so good. TRUNKS, SUIT OASES, QUIPS, BAGS, ETC. 11 Ladies' Neckwear Tlio most elaborate and artistic assort ment wo havo ovor put on'salo. Qood styles. Spocial inducements this week mean a groat saving to you. All Ladies' Neckwear t -3 Off Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society. Frank Meredith, Eosldont Agont Ofllco with Wm. Brown & Co., No. 120 Commercial Street. JIM HILL GETS MAD -I NEW TODAY 1 Theo. M. Burr Successor to Barr & Fetzol tinner and plumber. Hot air wator and steam heating a specialty, Salem, Orogon. 3-2- BO Oonte Until further notico tho Dal las stngo will bo CO eonts oach way. J. J. Fldlor. 7-12-Ot "Wanted to Trade. A small, woll Im proved 10-ncro placo in Southeastern Kansas for land in Marlon or Folk counties. Inqulro of M. W. Glccson, 20th and Mill streets, Saloni, Oro. gon. 7-17-lwk Firo In California. San Rnfaol, Cal., July 17. -The west ern poak of Mount Tamnlpais is on firo nni tho wind Ib fanning tho flames in the direction of tho rnilway station. Tho flro wns startod by eainpors. A number of parties havo been sont out to fight tho Homos. i m ' A million dollar cotton concern will locato ut Hood Itlvor if that city will givo tho slto and power. m CHILDREN CRY FOB FLBTOnEB'S OASTOBIA. Lenox, Mnss., July 17. "Wo aro in a period which breeds pull, and pull in turn promotes graft," said President James J. mil, of tho Great Northern, in an interview given nt his son's homo in tho Borkshlro hills. Thcro aro too many quack political theories which clash with sound businoss. Wo aro dllly (lulling with South Amoricnn Trndo, trying to build a Fnnnma canal, whilo wo havo no ships or protecting laws for a morchant marine I shall cortalnly novor again build a ship un. dor tho American flag. What is needed In this country ovor nil is a great awakening and rovfval in its business, and higher commercial standards. This will havo to co mo beforo wo aro a world power, Grand Duko Banished. Berlin, July 17. Tho Berliner Zol lung says tho Cznr has banished bis cousin, Grand Duko Constantinovitch, nt Stnvropt, in tho Caucasus, becauso ho discovered that ho was in communi cation with revolutionary conspirators. Tho grnnd duko is incarcerated in an Isolated house under tho strictest gunrd. Ill I ! II E. II. Hibbard, a prosperous farmer and fruit raiser, died nt his homo two miles south of Dallas, July 0, ocd 71 years. JOHN B. KING COMMANDER, Death of GoncralBlackmar, of Boise, Promotes Him. Washington, July 17. John It. King, of Baltlmoro, senior vice-commander of tho G. A, R., becomes commander by reason of tho death of General Black mar, nt Boiso, Idaho, yesterday. Boiso, Idaho, July 17. Phil Sfieridan Post, G. A: R., of Boiso, hns taken chargo of tho remains of General Black mar. Tho body was embalmed, en cased in a metallic casket and con voyed to Grnnd Army hnll, whero It lay in state until 3 o'clock this after noon, when it was taken to tho depot. Ms. Blnckmnn leaves tonight wlththe remains lor iiostgn. SUPREME COURT DECIDES X-Ray Dovolopmont. Berlin, July 17. Somo astonishing developments in X-rny photography hro reported by Prof. Bledor and Dr. Jos. cph Eosonthnl of Munich. Thcso two scientists havo been collnbrorating in X-rny work nnd dcclnro that they havo succeeded in obtaining in less than n second of tlmo X-rny photographs of tho human chest, tho patient censing to brentho meanwhile. Having proceed ed thus far, they sought to tnko pic tures of tho human heart between its beats, as it was found that the beaV ing of that organ impaired tho exact ness of tho photographs. Having first of all accurately gunged tho timo olapsing between tho boats, thoy, by tho uso of tho most scnsntlvo films procurable, nnd tho strongest posslblo X-rnys, obtained good photographs in ono-ohth of n second. It had not hith erto been thought posslblo to take euch photographs. Montana Week at Portland. Portland, Ore., July 17. With an unusually interesting program of spe cial events nnd n largo nttondanco of visitors in prospect tho prcsont week, which has been designated Montana wook, promises to be ono of tho most notablo at tho LowiB and Clark ex position, Tho events of tho week woro inaugurated with the eclobration of Anaconda day today, tho city ofllcials and a largo delegation of other pronir inont citizens being on hand from tho Montnna metropolis to mako tho occas ion n hugo success. Bozcmnn, Butte, Holona, Billings nnd Great Falls also havo days sot apart of their celebra tions during tho week. Canal Laborers Loavlng. Pnnnma, July 15. Owing to dilatory mothods of paying laborers, a general oxodus of workmen is taking plnca among tho employes of tho canal. Re ports from Culobrn indlcato that, bo causo they ennnot got paid, laborers aro quitting in scores, nnd have tnken to tho woods for bnnnnus nnd other troplcnl fruits to ward off starvation. Unless a speedy chango Is mado In tho method of paying wages, tho canal will bo without laborers. MMMIHMMMMHH1IIMMMMHMIWIIMMMIJ t . I RKMHMJ3HK S Wo can do your repair work as good as tho best, and botter than tho rest, nnd chargo no moro than nnyono else. Wo always keep our stock fresh, ns wo buy ofton. Wo carry Hartford, Morgnn & Wright and G. & J, tlrcot in fact, wo havo tires aud rims, as woll ns all other repairs to fit all mokes of bicycles, and our prices nro right. Tush tho button nnd wo will do tho rest. Best work nt houost prices. Faak J Ifloote Phono 301 Black. 370 Court Stroot. Narragansott Park Racing. Providence, R. I., July 17. A threo wooks' running moating under tho nu spices of tho Norrngansott Breeders' association opened today at Narragan sott park. Elaborate improvements havo been mado to tho track and grounds recontly nnd with tho largo number of fnst horsos now In tho sta bles tho mooting promises to bo ono of tho most successful In too history of tho nssoointion. That Silve Plated Tea o Coffee Pot of yours will bo mado as good as now, if you'll lot us roplato it. Our plating is hoavy triple plate, finished In tho best manner nnd guar rnnteod for ton yonrs. v Wo Bilvorplato everything you want plated, nnd at very moderate CWo also do nickel platings tools, Instruments, parts of bicycles, stoves, harness buckles, or anything of that nature. Our soUcltor!' Mr, II. I. Brown, will bo pleased to show samples of our work. Or cull nt the toro. Staff an Lifecrty St.t Salem, Ore Power Boat's Long Baco. Ohlcaco. 111.. July 17. Tho longest powor boat raeo ovor held Is sohoduled to start from Chicago today unuor tho auspices of tho Chioago Power Boat club. Tlio objeotlvo point Is tho Straits of Muclnnw, n dlstanco of 225 mllos. There nro nearly 30 boats on teored for tho contost and it is ex pected that if tho weather is favora bio tho long trip will bo mado by somo of tho fleet llttlo eraft In 3-1 hours or less. To Fill Staff Vacancies. Washington, D. C, July 17. Pursii. ant to tho call of tho acting secretary of war a board of general officers con vened hero today to recommend details to tho general staff of tho nrmy to fill existing nnd prospective vacancies. There nro no two vacancies on tho staff, cnusod by tho detachment of Brigadier General Tasker H. Bliss, who hns boen ordered to tho Fblllpplnos, nnd Lloutonant Colonel Benjamin Alvord, who has been transferred to tho mili tary secretary's department. Now Grain Baton for Chicago, Chicago, 111., July 17, Tho new sohodule of grain rates from tho North west through Chicago and St. Paul to tho east were put In effect today. Tho chango in rates tends to placo Chicago and St. Paul on a woro oven basis with respect to grain In tho Northwest, which might be regarded aa tributary to both gateways. r 8wti jfnHMYwHwMB8n Ten Decisions Were Handled Down by thelHighest Court Today Ten decisions wcro hnnded down by tho supremo court today, ns follews: Cnso of M. E. Pogue against N. Si mon, reversed Simon got decision bo low. Tho nctlon was to recover houso and lot In Snlcm. Orogon Transfer Co., Cook Klornan Transfer & Storage Co. nud Mary II. Cough ngnlnst tho City of Portland was reversed. Tho city got tho decision below. Proceedings instituted to en join tho city from making improve ments on Tenth street from Washington to Front. Caso decided on moro tech nicality In not following charter. Tho error wns in that tho advertisement did not call for continuous improvement, but skipped ono block. Margaret Barrlnger ognlnst J. W. Lodcr, ct nl., afllrmcd. Barrlnger got decision below; n mortgago foreclosure. I. G. Dnrr ngnlnst Guaranty Savings and Loan Association, Stnto Institution for Savings and A. Guesmcr. Reversed and remanded. Dnrr got decision be. low. An nttempt to havo mortgage de clared usurious, and all Interest pay ments nbovo 0 per cent applied on original debt, thus cancelling sntno. Court hold complaint did not stato facts sufficient to demand relief sought, P. Peterson ngalnst C. J. Crenson, rovorscd. Creason got decision bolow. Suit to onforco indemnity contract on Roseburg laud. J. II. McClung against W. E. Mc Pherson. Roversed and rcmunded. Mc Phorson got decision below. Action to recover possession of "Trcmont Houso' In Portlnnd. Octnvla Ausplund against J. W. Big gins and Aetna Indemnity Co., af firmed. Ausplund got decision below. Action instituted to recovor damages for falling to erect a houso ns per agreement, in Portlnnd. J. A. McKlnnon against J. W. HIg gins niK Aetna Indemnity Company, nf. firmed. McKlnnon got decision below (samo as preceding.) F. S. West ngnlnst Biggins Aetna Indemnity Co, nffirmed. (Samo ns pro ceeding.) Tho Oregon City moteorlto goes to tho Oregon Iron & Stcol Co. Tho court hold that it was not nbandoned proper ty of Indians, and therefore not prop erty of flndor. IDAHO EDITORS . VISIT US Tho Idaho editors, with their wives, struck tho town nt 11 o'clock this morning, nnd ,thoro was somothing do ing every minuto of tho tlmo until 3:32 when they loft for Portland on tho overland. After doing tho stnto houso under tho gallant leadership of Al. Tozior, thoy woro taken to dinnor at tho various hotels, whore, after n brief rost, thoy took a ehort walk, and, hav ing boen raised In nn irrigating coun try, their hosts wisely took them down to tho browory nnd the lao works. Thoy went down Into tho collars, whero it is almost two dogroos bolow froozing point, nnil they samplod tho ico and othor samples submitted for tholr in epeotion, and then thoy sampled somo more, Ice, of course, nud tho brewery management gallantly prosented each ono with a small glass with the Salem brewery cut in it, and thoy sampled somo moro ice, and then thoy wore tnken in charge by tho Electric Light & Traction Co., and given a rido through the city. Tho party num bered GO, nud they oach and all ex pressed themselves as delighted with Oregon's Capital City, and her capital people. They returned to Portland, nnd will visit tho Sound country beforo returning to the land of eage brush nnd irrigation ditehos, mlues, jaek rabbits, alfalfa and pretty womon, o Mrs. Boynton Insane. Mrs. Ida Boynton, of Mullna, Clack amas county, was this morning exam ined as to her sanity by Judge Scott and Dr. Robinson and declared 'insano and committed to the asylum. Mrs. Rnynton is a young married woman, anil the cause of her insanity is un known. Sho has suicidal tendencies, and tried to end hor life by jumping into a well. Judge Scott conducted tho examination for the county judgo of Clackamas county Many of tho barley fields around Pendleton will go 60 bushels to the acre. m-M M m W BLLJ 'BJ.rr-'V -" vrJl.JB QpzjiisjBAjRmm&Qixs Our Great Clearing Sale Continued It always has been tho policy of our storo not to carry any goods ovor from ono season to tho othor. That Is why wo inaugurate this p0w. ocful Clearing Salo ovory season to cloar tho storo of tills soasou's goodi and havo tho shelves roady for our fall arrivals. Tho wonderful trads wo did tho past wook Bhows us cloarly that tho pooplo appreciate on way of doing business. Bead tho following prico list ovor carofully and it you don't trado with us it will koop you from paying too much for yon goods olsowhero. WASH SUITS AND SKIRTS. $150 protty pcrcalo wash suits, dain tily trimmed, clearing prico ?a.uu 05c R nrfttfcv wash BUitS. prfCO $3.50 $2.50 Fancy PK Dross Skirts 91.50 83.50 Whlto PK Dross Skirto 82.45 Odd lot of $1.75 wash drew sklrtA BUMMER SIHRT WAISTS. 85o Proty Dimity Shirt Waists, prico 4Bo $1.35 Whito Shirt Waists, neatly trimmed, clearing prico 75c 82 Whito Shirt Waists, handsomely trimmed, prico 31-35 Silk Waists at Clearing Prices. ACCORDION PLAITED BKHITS. Wo carry a bwoII lino of thoso prot ty accordion plaltod Dross Skirts in all colors; thoy aro worth up to 88.50 and SO, clearing prico 81.76 4.50 Mohair Dross Skirta ....$2.95 MOHAIR AND SILK SUITa $12 Mohair Suits, all tailorod, goods latoet rtylo, prico $0.00 $16 Silk Shirt Waist Suits.... $8.00 $10.00 Oovort Jackets, prico.. $6.00 MILLINERY. Cloarlng prices on ovorything in that deportment. nn THmmnH Itats. sale nrlco 81.39 Ms5 Trimmed Hats, salo prico.. $2.50 unuuron's naia xxuu ii.u DRESS GOODS. And still tho xiuh for Dress Goods koops up, and why not? Wo havo tho latest goods to Bhow you and at tho smallest prices in Salem. Fancy Mohair Dross Goods 25c, 35o and 40c, worth donblo tho price. Imported Fancy Mohair Dresa Goods, swell stuff, 05c, 75c and 85c FINE SILKS. This dopartmont In a wonder. W cannot koop enough of them in stock. 45c Wash Chiffon Silks, all colon, yd 23c Wash India Silks for Shirt WaLsta In whito, cream, pink, bluo, navy, prico 26c, 39c 45c and 05c, worth double Romnants of Flno Colored Bilks.. Half Pries Black Silks, ovory kind and overy prico. SUMMER WASH GOODS. Out thoy havo to go; no mercy shown to any pioco of goods in this dopartmont, no matter how pretty it is. 500 yds fancy 8'a pretty lawns, prico 3Vj 121ac, 15c and 18c Fancy Wuh Goods, prico 8c and 19c Wliito PK and Whlto Indian Head Dress Goods at small prices. CLEARING PRICES. On ovory ortlclo In tho following department!): BIBBONS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, WBITB GOODS, TABLE LINENS, SHOES, MEN'S UNDERWEAR, NECK TIES, COLLARS, STRAW BATS, OAPS, HATS and OVERALLS. SALEM'S FASTE8T OROWmG STOBE. McEVOY BROS. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Miss llnllio Watson, who has bcon visiting in tho city for sovoral days went ovor to Newport yostorduy'. Miss Vera Bynrs and Miss Sophia Wolf went over to Newport this morn ing whore thoy have been ongagod by tho proprietor of the Irvin House, to ontertuln his guosts this summer. Miss Wolf will give readings and Miss Bynrs will Hillg. Ono woro Insano. Miss Maggie Craft, of Linn county, was rocolvod nt th asylum Saturday. She Is a daughter of C. T. Craft, of Llnoolu county. 4 'Portland ot Bust" Congregational Cadet Corps Monday Nignt ONLY at Opera House London Poor Appeal for Work. London, July 17. Six hundred rag god women, enrrying infants, this morn ing marche) from the slums of the Kat Kml through tho streets to Par litment Hall, whero they nppoalod to Promlor Balfour to aid in the passage of the bill providing work for the un employed. Balfour wont out to tho motley array, and promised to do nil possible to pass the bill. Japan Has Money to Loan. Toklo, July 17. It is expeoted tho Russian warships Palladn, Pobedia and Poltava, sunk nt Port Arthur, will soon be floating. Tho Korean loan of a mil lion ma oversubscribed four times. It is the first foreign loan over floated in Japan, 60 IN CAST 60 Ptogtam SCENE I MINSTBELS. SCENE H- OAMPFDIE. SCENE m PRISON OBI SCENE IV-DEILL. Admission 25c Ramblers Defeat Cadets. By a sooro of 13 to 11 tho Rambler baeobnll team defeated tho Eureka ca dets this morning on tho old league grounds. Gabriolson savod the day for the local lads by swatting out a homo run, with two men on bases, in tho Inst half of the ninth inning. U i . Baptist Alliance, London, July 17. The Baptist con gress .today approved the constitution of the now Baptist World Alliance, its objeots being to promote good fellow, ship and co-operation among tho Bap tists of all countries. A shortago of $1875.72 has been found in tha books of E. P. Groffoa, police judgo at Corvallls. Greffoz is missing. Htrie Wing Sang Co All kinds of fancy Dry Goods, SIU Embroideries. Laces. Mako UP new 1W Gents' and Ladloa' Furnishing 0x& Buits. WraDuers. Bklrta. Whito Una wear. Salo cheap. Court street, Sl Oregon. 'Phono Black 2155. 3" Court St, corner alloy. Ashland Elks have been granted a charter No. 014 This makes the total number of FJki lodges in tho state IS. Money to Loan TTTOMA9 K. FOBD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Balem, Of. Shingles Best Star A, Star Shlflg $85 PER XOOO. SALEM FENCE WORKS Walte Morley , 60 Court Street, 81 ff HWWf?. -i.