J. 't.y r"W-"wt y?y;?"'"'ftyfry'lt(y0pllV!r,- -.- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBEaON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1005, I M & ? fr DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL DY HOFER BR08. omoiAii census salem, MAY, 1004, 13,287. 4PNlQMjfeffi s "Tako Xliysolf for an Outing. In order to do this successfully you wust begin by not taking tho affairs of this old world too sorlously. Turn yourself looso n Httlo from tho thought Ihnt this world would wng along very wwll without you. Monoy-grubbing and sticking to tho Josk is a belief that ig holding many n man nnd woman in montal slavery and provontlng tho real expansion Of tho individual in moro instances than pov erty is restricting them. Tho determination that tho world will not stand still if you quit a while 3s tho first stop In tho montal propnr ration for an outing. Tho mind hns a 'wondorful olosticlty, if you toko off a Seir of tho clamps. Aro you suro you aro not in such a rot mentally that yon could not got avny bonoflt physically if you wont for a outing I it not a fact thnt you on rcsolvo ,to get an outing right at homo if you wish tot TJio outing really can bo had right at homo, in your own neighborhood, nnd on tho nearest hilltop, or in your own doorynrd, if you aro so minded. Tlio enpneity and determination aro mental, and ho Is tho outing. Tho association of bottor thoughts, tho purgation of solf-examlnatlon and tho tonlo lnfluonco of rosolving to ex press good will gonornlly, instead of fthe opposito will allow your bottor nn "ixtro to co mo into control. As Tioavon is no longer bollovod to Tjo a locality, but n montnl stato of harmony, so outings nood riot bo liiu itod to tho soashoro or mountains. In fact nn outing without tho prop r montal nttltudo or letting go of things material wil do tho outor aaan Httlo good. So glvo yourself a Set go mentally, and tho rest will ro sipond in propor timo nnd order. Maisr Vxrcor. A splendid i flrpSQtnfT fnrtKihnliv Ifnonn tUn Jsf C? hair Boft ond smooth and pre- m m jb veins upiuung ui inc cnas. 0 W Quickly checks falling hair and cures nil rinnririiR' i-iTV.??j -"- -.. .... liDWffll, M.I.. condition of this state, bo far as rail-jvada mountains; engineering applied to roads nro conccrnod. protoct from devastation by floods; They holp tho movomont along that . drainngo of tho submorged areas; dl Tho Valuo of Unions. Thoro aro thoso who havo no uso for unions of any kind. Hut thnt is a nar row vlow to tnko of human associa tion. . Tho principle of corporation runs through nil tho ofllelont agencies of progrosi nnd civilization. Unions nro Hnblo to abuses, as whon thoy ntwinil tho rights of individuals and tho froodom of contract. Salqm, as n city, hns novor boon a stronghold of unionism, but thnt is bocnuso this not not boon a strong contor of omploymont for labor. ( Ono of tho lnbor unions that has gurvivod and mnlntnlnod its intogrlty Las boon tho Cnrpontors' Union, which Is still strong and notlvo. Ono rouson for tho success of tho Carpontors' and rrlntors' Unions Is that thoy llstouod to roason, nnd gavo consideration to others. Tho Cnrpontors hnvo mot conditions na thoy found thorn, nnd rondo tho boat of thorn for tho dvnntngo of tho car pontors and tho community. Tho samo spirit of tolqrntlon has dominated in tho councils of tho Print era' Union. Itndlcal ami oppressive methods havo not boon favorod. Tho (Irnngo is ono of tho best illus trations of tho vnluo of tho corpora tive prlnolplo. 8o 1b tho Oregon iiuo Itcliof Association, aud tho fnrmors' mutual flro liiHuranco coinpanlos. Thoro Is not any limit to tho nppll. atlon of tho oo-operntlvo prlnolplo In liuratro affairs, whon projected on tlio altruistic principle. insists in attracting attention to tho nccosslty of, tho transportation com panies now oporating lines in Orogon dovolaping their plants nnd fully occupying tho torrltory. This ia a legitimato demand- of tho pcoplo of Oregon that tho railroad in terests boar their part in oponlng up tho country, instead of merely follow ing in tho wnko of dovolopraent with out thoir co-oporntlon. Tho Portland commlttoo report is weak In its final conclusion that what Oregon needs is a dovolopmont of hor waterways as a check or solution of tho transportation problem. Tho waterways can bo lmprovodand perfoctod, and will oventually bo im proved but tho labor may all bo ap propriated by tho railroad syndicato already in control of tho situation in this stato. Tho Portland commlttoo roport will havo an effect of making a tremondous amount of sontimont against tho rail roads, and may do good or harm, but its falluro to suggost a ronsonnblo lino of work is noticeable Tho pooplo ask only roosonablo ex pansion and rcnsonnblo improvomont of thoir prosont facilities. If tho liar riman linos will oxpond only half thoir not earnings on now lines in Orogon this fltnto would havo Httlo causo to complain. A Tortlaud Oomrolttoo Roport. Tho transportation committees of tho Portland Chamber of Cdramorco i.n. rnnilorod n cood -sorvlco by sub mitting a report on tho undoyolopod Who Pays tlio Taxes? Tho improssion prevails that tho tax payer Ib ontitlod to special considera tion. So ho is, for without him tho govornmont could not. bo cnrrlod on successfully, local stato or national. Wo aro told that whon now school houses nro to bo built, whon bridges nro ordered constructed, or when pub lic stroots nro to bo built, thnt wo must think and voto nnd pray for tho tax payer. This may bo ull true, but tho ques tion ia still left, who is tho tnxpaycrf It is admitted that tho man who owns n houso nnd lot, moroly for n homo to livo in tor himself nnd family is a taxpayer. But la tho tax ho pays tho sheriff tho only tax ho payst Whon ho buys gTO corios or dry goods, or pays for wntor or light, or school books for his chil dren, doos ho not pny tnxosf In ptlior words, do not thoso who soil tho ordinary consumer thoso no. cosaltlos, u"r oven meats aud shoes and vcgotnbloB or nowspapors, lncludo in thoir ehargo thoir own bills for taxes, insurance, ront, otc. Thoy must, or thoy could not do buslnoss. So it follows that tho pin In, ordinary customer pays his own taxos, aud tho tnxos of a groat many other peoplo into tho bargain. Tho common pooplo who hnvo no lands or housos pay taxes thoy wot not of. Tho quostlon remains, who pnyH tho tax,Bf Tho man in a position to got back on tho rost shifts tho bill of taxation, and it falls on thoso not able to got back on tho other follows. When you como right down to it Ib not tho lnboror, with a family, who doesn't own any proporty tho biggest taxpnyorf Thoso whoso names appoar mint on tho tnxrolls may 'indocd pay tho least tnxos of pny, rionoorB Hold Picnic. Tho Waldo Hills rioneor Association was fully organised at a plcnlo hold on tho farm of John A. Hunt, nonr Clymor, Saturday ' A largo numbor plonoors and sous aud daughtora of pioneers wore prosont, and a very en joyublo tlmo was hod by all. rooting nnd conducting tho wntor to ts most bonoficial uso; climatology , with special rofcrenco to tho servlcoof moro i tho weather bureau ' throughout tho United States, and colonization of now areas dovolopod through irrigation. Tho roBpcctivo sections will bo pro sided ovor by tho following lenders: Forestry, Gifford Plnchot, Bureau of Forestry, Washington, D. C; produc tion by irrigation, Dr. A. 0. Truo, ox porimont station d.lroctor, Washington, D. C; onglnootlng and mechanics, Prod crick II. Newell, reclamation service, Washington, D. C.j climatology, II. E. Williams, woathor Tmreau, Washing ton, D. C; rural settlement, Charles W. Eborloln, land agent Southorn Pacific lnnd department, San Francisco. In tho engineering and mechanics Boction will bo held a gathering of tho field engineers of tho government hnvlng charge of work on tho great enterprises being carried forward undor supervision of tho reclamation sorvice, and thoso yet to bo tnkon up nnd np provod scattered throughout 14 states and territories. Not only will dolo gates havo tho chanco to discuss fea tures of tho work with engineers en gaged in tho rcspoctivo localities, but thoy will also havo nccoss to tho elab orate and comprohcnslvo exhibit of tho roclamation sorvico bureau in tho gov ornment building t tho Lewis nnd Clark exposition'. This exhibit con tains many models, photographs and other foaturcs showing tho mngnitudo of tho work undortnkon by tho recla mation sorvico. Fruit Inspector Appointed. In pursuanco with tho law passod at tho last session of tho legislature, tho county court 1ms appointed E. C. Arm strong as county fruit inspector. Tho law which creates this ofllco spcclfios that tho inspector shall inspect tho or chards of tho county, enforco tho ox latlng horticultural laws, and recom mend needed legislation. Tho law states that tho man for this ofllco must bo recommended by tho sccrotary of tho stato horticultural commission, and must bo fully compotcnt to do tho work. His salary will bo $3 a day for tho timo actually spent in tho required work. Ir. Armstrong Is n fruit grower liv ing north of Salem, nnd is well pro pared for tho position. Ho will no doubt bo nblo to render good sorvico to tho fruit growing industry. Monoy in GhorrlOB. A Roynl Ann chorry trco 20 years old nnd 00 foot high, at tho farm houso of JD. Rasmussen, two nnd a half mllos northeast of town, produced this yonr 820 pounds of cherries. Mr. lias musson sold most of tho fruit at 4 conts a pound, roallzlng tho sum of $27.05 for what ho sold. Ho used tho bal anco, which, at tho prico quoted, wbuld havo brought tho valuo of tho crop from thlB trco up to $32.80. And it wasn't a good year for cherries, olthor. McMInnvillo Reporter. A Matter of Buslnoss. "I hear tho Widow Cntchem is to bo married ngnln," said tho undertaker's wife, "and for tho fifth time, too. It's porfectly scandalous don't you think sol" "You roust oxcuso mo, my doar," ro piled hor husband, "but It would hardly bo right for mo to say nnythlng against Mrs. Cntchem. Sho is ono of my bost customers." Chlongo News. An Improvomont. Mother Tho profossor soya ho can eako a concert Blngor out of Qrnyco. What do you think of tho idenf Father Splendid. Sho wouldn't sing in tho pnrlor anymore, would shot Detroit Freo Press. Excursion Rates to YaqulnJ Bay and Newport. rno lanious bgubiuo resort lor IV. Willamctto Valley. Tickets at redi?j rates will bo sold until Boptembor j 1005, by tho Southern Pacific Companfj Do not neglect this opportunity tako in tho fresh sea brcozos and bathing. ml il Tommy Booth, son of a well known grangor of Down's Stntlon, near 811 verton, had tho mlsfortuno to fall from his blcyclo Monday morning, and as a result received a broken leg. HUMAN I I am compelled by a sense of gratitude to tell you the great good your remodj has done me in a case of Contagious Dlooc Poinom Among other symptoms I was ie verel7flSIcted with Rheumatism, and got almort pant going. The disease got a firm hold upon my tyctom; my blood was thor oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost in weight, was run down, had sore throat, eruptions, splotches and other evidence! ot the dUKMse. I was truly in a bad shape when I began the use of S. S. S., but the persistent uso of it brought me out of my trouble safe and sound, and I have the courage to publicly testify to the virtues ol your great blood remedy, S. S. S., aud to recommend it to all blood-poison suffer :rs, sincerely believing if it is taken ac cording to directions, and given a fail trial, it will thoroughly eliminate every particle of the virus, f ameb Cubrav, Stark Hotel, Grcensburg, Pa. Painful swellings in the groins, red erup" Lions upon the skin, sores in the mouth nnd 1og3 of hair and eyebrows, are some oi the symptoms of this vile disease. S. S. S. is an antidote for the awful virus that attacks and destroys even the bones. S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or jtber mineral ingredient. We offer $1, coo for proof that it ia not absolutely vcjrct- aoie. Home treat ment book giving tho symptom and other interesting and valuable infor mation about this disease, mailed free. Our physi cians advise free those who write us. riio Swift Spcolfio Company, Atlanta, Qn. GOOD AS GOLD. And as unvarying in its hold on pub lic confidenco is the product of our mills. Tho fnmlly flour pnr oxcollenco; Hko g61d it has created a standard of its own. Makoa delicious ana wuoio somo broad, n'nd is economical in bak ing. Coos farther nnr is hotter than other flours. Low priced, highgrado tho best. Our popular brands can not bo improved upon. SALEM PLOUEINO MILLS. as EXCURSION RATES During tho Lewis and Clark oxposltion tho O. O. T. Co. will mako tho following rate: Salem to Portland, ono way, 75 conts; round trip, $1.0d. Tlckots good for ton days. Boats loavlng daily at 7 a. m., oxcept Sunday, M. P. BALDWIN, Agt. Dock Toot of Trado Streot. Anything quite as delicious as ou coffoo nt 35c a lb. In fact, all tho groceries wo sell are of tho temping qunllty. If you want somothing that will pleaso tho inner man thoroughly, try our tea at 50o por lb. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harritt Lawronco. Season Rate From Salem- $5.00 Thoso tlckots aro limitod to Oetob 10, 1005. Satarday Excursion Rati $3.00 Tbcso tlckots aro sold only on Bibl days, and limitod for return the fJ lowing Mondny. For tickots and full inforaity call on A. COMEQYS, Agont, Baleo. U. J. LEHMAN Saab and doors. All kinds ot km! finishing. 'Phon 131 black. Abo foil noon of warohouso for ront; elmbl and switching faculties. i niiiiiiimiini m-h-h XKS3K2SSS&8BS1 Wfi FRENCH FEMALE 0 PILLS. X Sin, Cit! Biiltf f.r8WTir"V'.mout. NIYII KXGWK Tl f AH. B' ' ' irt Sperl Sll; rnirnrtM. I. . 'Mndttt.-n.iiHikliOt raUfur vb.nrtU.ifl. Kivilti. lfir4n.(UtdDM M. " ' r.n:er.WMM UNITtPMroir.LCO..noT.UMOTrn, ft. 6S Sold in Salem by S. 0. Stono. I BEST MEALS QUICK SERVICE MODEST PRICES I White House Restaurant OEORQE BROS, T Stato Stroot. Propriotoitl n.i.(imiMiiiiMiiiiiii wy Up STYLE-COMFORT WEAS Tliroo Httlo words of big ilgaii ennco whon comblnod in a pair of iHm as thoy aro in ovory pair wo sell; cnuso thoy stand for boauty and grm of appoaranco, for tho luxury and at isfaction of possessing shoes that in nbsolutoly without discomfort or inlU tion of any kind, nnd for economy sake, which few can afford to dki gard. JACOB VOGT sM lMMwf",IMWM" I Save Something Its tho suro way to .suo coss. Everybody can savo oomotbing, .if only a small amount, and tho small sums saved aud doposlted BEQU LABLY soon yield largo rjimlltS. It May Moan tlio Building of a I anm. th Foundation of a Business or a OoUogo Education, Wo receivo deposits of ono dollar or moro at any tlmo nnd pay interest at tho rato of throo per cent por annum, compoundod semi annually. Savings Department CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. ha Kind You Have Always Bought 5&S2& Bears the Bignaturo of No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor op tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why it is serious. The best, thing you can do is to take tho great alterative and tonic Hood'sSarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. cMxti ilinilMHIH MM '-M- j j New Lange Hotel j ; Cornor Sixth and Washington ! ! streots, Portland, Or., (noxt to ! '. ; ; Imperial). Strictly firoproof and ; ; modern. Kates lowest for firste ; ; ! ! class Bervlce. Btoara heat and . ; I elevator, elegant cafo and bar ; ' in connoctlon. On dlroct lino to ; fair grounds. F. Lange, proprie- ! ! tor; Sam Bauman, manager, for- ! '. ' morly of Omaha, Neb. J niumii ii'i'im MMMI.MMWW""WWWMMMMIMWlMMW.MMMM1ll MM ..Wa MIW. KHKHOI MiH4OTWvl)lliieia-5--l-WK-3iaiHB T1IE TICK OF TIIE TOItEST Has bcon taken to supply tho stock' lumber in our yards Our stock I comploto with all kinds of lamkl Just rccoivod a enr load of No 1 liJ gles, also a car of flno shakes. We- vm nblo to fill any and all kinds of VM Como and lot us show you our stoci Yard and ofllco nonr Southern Fi ciuo passonger dopot Phono Mt GS1 QOODALE LUMBEB 00 H404wn?i.aiaif4nnam)iiagBiaiaiaHWl T J 'irrigation Congress to Meet Portland!" Oro., July 17. Ono of tho most imnortnnt of tho many gatherings . .. 4l. In Portland this summer wm ov m tho mooting of tho Nntlonnl Irrigation Congress noxt month. Through iu croasod interesting matotrs pertaining to irrigation, tho scopo of tho congress has been eo enlarged that tho work of tho forthcoming session w,ill be ays- imnntlzod by dividing it into flvo sec inn naeb conductod by a chairman recognlrod as an ominout authority in his Hno. Tn tho various soctlons information will bo dispensed regarding tholncreas ins of production by irrigation in tho i.mt,l aa woll ss in tho arid sections forestry problems in Now IJngiana anu along tho Appalachian chains as well Diortu v- Boston B . Brown B Bread B FLOUR roa PANCAKES, MUTFINS AND PLUM PtlDDINO. Package for 7 loaves SOo 10-pound sack 05c ASK YOTJB QROOEB POB IT. ALLEN'S B. B. B. TLOUB CO. Paeiflo Coast ractory, San Jose. ..BHHHMMHMaHMl - OUT IN THE PASTUEB Lands of Orogon thoro i9 no 1 cattle raised that we aro proeuK dally to soryo our patrons, We a" ' pert judges of meats, nnd notUJ hung in our ico boxes but the Tf choicest. Our beef, mutton, M veal pork and bams are fit for a kill E. C. CROSS State Street Market Phone 201. Ttc Gtefe Stables First-class Livery and Cab Lino, Funeral turnouts a specialty. TaUyho for picnics and excursion parties. Phone Main 41. Corner Liberty and Ferry. Cfu. W. Yaimke Prop. The Center of Attraction Every man is wko looks neat and lr roproachablo in beautifully laundered linen. Evory one admlros tho man whoso linen is always faultless in its finish and color, and who has it laun- dorod at the Salem Steam Laundry. Wo make your linen look Hko gentle men's Unen white, clear, spotless and with a finish that is perfection itsolf. Salem Steam Laundry COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop, D0K0U3 D. OLMSTED, Manager. 230 Liberty Street Phone 411 A. L. FRASER Successors to Burroughs & Frasor, Plumbing, Tinning and Roofing Cornieo Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds estlmi'l umuo ana worjt guaranteed. 367 State. Street, Salem. Phone 1511. along the Rocky as