Tonight and Tuesday, fair and LAST EDITION, 3:30- warmer. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. XV. SALEM. OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1005. NO. 1G5. POLISH REGIMENT MUTINIES FRENCH WILL ' PUT UP IDAHO LAND FRAUDS BETTER MAN THAN SCOTT THE TOWN WILL BE THIRSTY SICK MAN OF TURKEY Mistreated by Officers, They Kill One and Wound Several Lodz, July 17. A regiment of Infan try at Eknterinborg mutinied, owing to 111 treatment by its ofllccrs. Ono officer wns killed and Bovoral wounded. The mutineers wero' finally subdued by other troops, nnd tho leaders woro Im prisoned. LOOKING FOR LEAK Washington, D. 0., July 17. United 8tntcs District Attornoy Morgan Bench has boon solcctod by Attornoy-Gcncrnl Moody to probo tho cotton leak scandal in agricultural department, nnd .has gono to Now York to Interview Van Kipcr, Prlco nnd other brokors men tioned In tho recent report of tho so. crct sorvlco, which led to tho discharge of Statistician Holmes. American Mothor-Gcnoral. "Washington, D. C, July 17. Word has boon received hero from Franco of tho olection of Mothor Mnry Do matllla Laroso ns mother-general of tho House of tho Good Shopard. -This ovont places another "religious" born on this sido of tho Atlantic at tho head of ono of tho most numerous nnd wide spread orders of tho Bomnn Catholic church. Mother Domatilln is n nativo of Can ada; sho is 57 years old; sho joined tho order of tho Good Shopherd in Mon treal In her eighteenth yonr nnd nftor filling various offices of importance thoro sho wns sent to South America and spent bo mo yonrs at Limn. Sho was then called to Franco nnd mndo first assistant to tho mothcr-genornl. In this capacity sho mado an inspection tour of tho convents of tho ordor which took her almost round tho world. Wisconsin Federation of Labor. Marinette, Wis,, July 17.-Tho Wis consin Stnto Federation of Labor mot in annual convention hero today nnd will remain in sossion through tho greater part of tho week. All of tho chief cities of tho stato are represented among tho delegates. Tho annual ro port of Socrctnry Ryan shows a grati fying Increnso in the momborship of tho federation during tho last 12 month. White and Black Both Loso Out. Owing, N. Y., July 17. Chnrlos Jackson, colored, and Jamos Breon, white, woro successfully electrocuted in tho Sing Sing donth bouso this morn ing. Jnokson klllod a man during n holdup In New York City, nnd Breon committed murder in a barroom row in New York. Gunboat Ashore New York, July 17, Tho gunboat Dubuque is nshoro in tho Horseshoe, in lower New York bay. Tho vessol Is in dangor. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE DRESS GOODS ON OUR Bat gain Tabic THEY'RE EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES AT PRICES THAT WILL CLOSE THEM OUT QUICKLY. ON ONE TABLE AT 75c YOU WILL FIND SOME OF TnEOHOIOEST FABRICS OF THE SEA SON WHICH RANGED IN PBIOBFROM $1.00 PER YARD TO $1.40 PER YARD INCLUDING PANOY MOHAIRS, MOHAIR FLORENTINE FANCY PANAMA SUITINGS, TAILOR SUITINGS, CHIFFON EOLINNE AND VOILES. . ON TIE 35 TABLE WB ABU OLOSma OUT MANY DESDOABLEPATTERNS FROM OUB 60c. LINES IN FANCY MOHAIRS, CREPE DEPARIS, AND TAILOR SUITWQS. &xBd) foa4& txe& - &&TJ!Uv9ek&fr Offers to Advance Russia Six Hundred Million to Pay Japan St. Petersburg, July 17. It is stated on oxcollcnt authority that n French syndicnto has mado an offer to Russia to supply tho monoy to pay nny indemnity which Jnpan may demand as a condition of peace It is said .that tho syndicnto has offered to advanco any sum up to $000,000,000. CYCLONE WEATHER IN EAST La Crosse, "Wis., July 17. It is re ported that a cyolono this nftornoon swept tho Mississippi valoly north of hore, doing great damago to property and crops. ... Chicago, July 17. Thrco deaths oc- currod today ns a result of tho lntcnso hent, nnd thoro woro many prostrn tious. Yestordny's mnrk of 03 dogrces wns reached boforo noon, today, and thoro is no relief in sight St Paul, July 17 Nino persons woro drowned and thrco donths from hent oc curred in St Paul nnd Minneapolis in tho last 24 hours Tho drowning result ed from an accident whilo bathing Lincoln, Neb, July 17. There is no cessation of tho terrific heat in No braskn It is 09 degrees hore, and tho corn crop is badly scorched. RECEIVER FIRED St Louis, July 17. JTudgo McElhin noy, of tho St. Louis county circuit court, at Clayton, this morning ousted ex-Judgo Sponcor ns receiver of tho Pooplo's United States bank. Laud Fraud Matters. Portlnnd, July 17. Congrossmnn Williamson wns on tho stnnd in his own behalf in tho land fraud trials this morning, nnd mado n comploto donlal of tlio conspiracy charges. Cross-oxaminn-tion brought out admissions which np pnrontly go to corroborate the govern ment's thoorios. Domurrors woro ovorruled in tho ease of II. II. Hendricks for subornation of perjury, Chas A". Watson for perjury nnd the Butto Creek Lumbor Company, Dinger Ilormnnn, ot nl., for conspiracy. Arrested an Anarchist. Rome, July 17. The authorities hero' arrested an anarchist named Bar bori, who, It is alleged, camo hero for the purposo of assassinating King Vic tor Einninnuel. The United States Grand Jury Finishes Its Work at Boise Boise, Idaho, July 17. Tho specinl United States grand jury investigat ing land frauds in tho Lowiston dis trict, concluded its work. Seven In dictments wcro roturncd, making n total of eight in nil. Ol thoso roturn cd two wcro for conspiracy to de .fraud tho United Stntcs. Thoy wcro found under section G440, rovlsod statutes. It is tho understanding that Gcorgo Kestor and! Frank W. Kettonbach, bnnkors of Lowiston, nrO two men nf fectcd by theso indictments, but noth ing hns been ofllclnlly mndo public on that point. Of tho other indictmonts two woro for subprnation of porjury and throo for porjury. William Dwy er, who formerly acted for tho state, assisting in selecting lands, is bollov cd to bo ono of tho persons indicted for Bubornntion of perjury.. Tho caso of Ivan Cornoll, indicted for perjury, wns cnlled nnd tho do fondant wns given until August 1st to plead at Moscow. Whilo no ofllclnl information isglv on out, It is -ccrtnin that Gi'Orgo F. Kcster und F. W. Kcttcnbacb, the Lowiston bnnkors, aro among thoso who havo boon indicted, nnd it Is tho bcllof that they will bo called upon to faco tho conspiracy chnrgc. Tho great point supporting this belief is that nil tho cvldcnco thnt wns secured for presentation to tho grand jury hns focused on tho two Lowiston men nnmod. In u general way tho charge against thorn is thnt thoy furnished tho money thnt enabled go betwc.ons to securo through tho filings of stool-pigeons largo and vnluablo tracts of timber Inud. Tho trend of whnt is known of tho ovidonco by reason of statements made by witnesses points to tho Low iston bnnkors being chnrgedi with conspiracy, tho go-botweon with sub ornation of porjury nnd tho mon who did tho filings with porjury, thoro bo ing four of tho Inttor, including Ivan Cornoll, who was tjio first man in dicted. At tho timo Mr. Dwyor wns select, ing timber binds for tho stato, It is nlleged ho wns acting in a dual capac ity, rcsorvlng choico solcctions in tho intorcsts of prlvnto individuals and selecting inforlor tracts for tho state. This accusation wns mndo long beforo there wns any thought of nn Investi gation by tho government. Bonch warrants for thoso Indicted will bo Issued in tho noxt fo.7 dnys. Now Mining Corporation. Eugene Guard; Tho CinderollnMln lnc Company, composed of resldonts of Hnlsoy, has fllod nrtioles incorpora tion In tho Linn county clork's ofllcc. Tho company hns n cnpltnl stock of $300,000. Tho hondquarters will lo In Hnlsoy. The incorporators aro W. J. Ribolin, 8. B. Taylor, N. D. Prntt, IT. ft Davis and Thomas. Brandon. Claims in tho Blue River nnd Cnllpoola dis tricts will be opornted by tho com pany. ' On tho Fighting Calendar. San Francisco, Cal., July 17. "Bud dy" Ryan, who claims tho title of wol torweight ohnmplon, and Gcorgo Po terson of this city nro to hook it up in a 24-round bout tonight boforo tho now Colma club. Peterson, though not widoly known, hns done somo good work in this vicinity nnd his admirers count upon him to mnko a good show ing against Ryan. Undor the articles of ngroemont tho two fighters will weigh in nt 142 pounds. o Chicago Markets. Chicago, July 17. Wheat, S0S5J4j corn, 57C05 oats, 3130i. wiiiiiiiHiiimiiiiimi A drop of flavor is a small thing, . . but it makos a gent difference . ; In tho taste of ice cream. That 's ; ; ' why our ice. cream is in such de- ; mand, because err ery quart of it ; ; ; is mado under our supervision, ; ' nnd wo know how. " ' ; Zinn's :: HfHHHHWHIWt Diamonfield Jack Davis Ex pected to Break Some Time Records Goldfiold, Nov., July 17. Whilo Walter' Scott of Death Valloy famo is doing ;hls world-famous stunt In rec ord breaking cross-country jumps nnd Incidentally buying up all tho speed of thij transcontinental lines, ho will have to look to his laurels both in tho matter of stylo in traveling and the prodigality with which ho 1b scat tering broadcast among thoso with whom ho comes In contact his super fluous, cash. In Dinmomlficld Jack Davis, Scott is very likely to And n forinidnblo rival, and it is genornlly boliovcd tho former is intent upon mak ing n few records for himself in tho lino of "burning up tho rails." Diamond field Jack, accompanied by Mrs. Davis, hns gono to Portland via San Fran cisco to attend tho Lewis and Clark ox position nnd to tnko a further trip probably ns far north ns Alaska. It Is understood thnt Davis will try for tho world's record on ocenn craft bo. foro ho returns. With this end in vlow he will offer a bonus to somo steamship company to mako tho trip from San Francisco in record timo. In n luxurious automobile, Mr. nnd Mrs. Davis left Goldflcld. Lews than' two years ago ho alono walked to Goldflcld, bringing with him n pnektrain of two burros. Today ho is rated as a millionaire. His motcorlc enrcer from cowboy to condomncd mur derer, with tho shadow of tho gallows not less than seven times hovering ovor him, and thnt of tho suddon shift of fortuno's whocl to mlllionnlro mine- owner nnd tho nssoclnto of loading stntesmon and prominent men of nf fnirV has furnished mntter for n gront ninny miiglftiuo nnd nowspnpor articlos. Bccauso of his rcmnrkablo career, Dln mondficld is known from ono end of tho country to tho other, nnd whorover ho goes ho nttrncts widespread notice Ono of tho pronounced characteristics of this very remarknblo mnn is his prodi gal liberality and his stoadfnst friend ship to thoso who havo in tho past be friended him. Boforo leaving Goldflcld, Diamond fiold mado n number of presents to several of his closest friends that in coinpnrison to tho mnny munlflcont ro mombrnncos scattered broadcast by tho Irroprcsslblo Scott, causo tho lattor to tnko on tho lmportnnco of tho provor blal 30 cents. Without tho slightoat effort at show, Jack boforo leaving dis tributed nmong his employes proporty of n vnlno of $85,000. To Charles Ka gan, who hus been with him nlmost from tho beginning of his operations in this district, h gnvo n stago lino operating botweon Goldfleld, Bullfrog nnd Tonnpnh, tho valuo of which is nt least $15,000. To another employe ho prosontcd n $7000 automobile. Tho oar is now in operation betweon qoldflold nnd tho neighboring mining towns of the district. To mnny others associ ated with him and who havo soon him In tho years of hardship and roughing it, Diamondflold hns shown an open hand that stamps him as ono of tho biggest-hcartod man in all tho land and it Is safe to say thnt if ho goes nftor the world's record for ocean craft or any other record, for that matter, ho will likely relievo his ambition, as ho is known ns a man of unfailing daring nnd will stop at nothing to nehlovo anything ho sets out to do, HENDRICKS WEAKENS New York, July 17. The much wanted copy of the ovidonco tnken by Stato Superintendent of Insurance Hendricks in his investigation of tho i Equitable wan forwarded to Dlstriot Attorney Joromo's office this morning. The evidence was wanted by Jerome in order to determine whether any ono connected with tho Equltablo can bo held aeeountablo under tho criminal laws for the state of affairs disclosed by the investigation in this state. ii CI Murder -In Poland. Warsaw, July 17. The sergeant of detectives wns shot and klllod today by an unknown man. A patrol of infant ry, while pursuing the assassin, fired a volley, killing a merchant, No Place Now Open for the Miners to Wet Their Wilis le at Grant's Pass, Ore., July 17. For tho first timo in CO years, Kcrby, tho pioneer mining town of Oregon, and ono timo tho county sent of Josophlno, is without n saloon, tho ono liquor "joint" of tho old-tlmo gold conter being closed becnuso of a romonstrnnco ngninst it. Kcrby is no longer tho wild nnd woolly)" enmp thnt It was at ono time. It hns been sovornl years stneo Kcrby wns "Bhot up" by tho miner or held high cnrnlvnl nftor n rich clcan up. Tho old camp has becomo moro sober, moro dignified, less thirsty nnd nt last thoso who bollovod Kcrby 's ono "dowdrop" wns not nooded nroso to tho majority nnd asserted them pelves. A potitlon of romonstrnnco wns presented tho county court and Kcrby 's saloon closed its doors, thus knocking out all opportunity of a drink of any tning but mountnin wnter on tho long stngo rldo from Grant's Pass to Cres cent City. INJECTED POISON Now York, July 17. Tho supremo court this afternoon gnvo District At tornoy Clark, of Brooklyn, nuthorlty to oxhumo tho body of Mrs. Cnrlton, sec ond wifo of F. E. Carlton, who is in jail, charged with swindling, nnd nn nttempt nt poisoning Mrs. Carlton, who died of lockjaw, as did tho first wlfo of Carlton. Relatives of tho woman charged thnt Carlton exocuted tho din bollcnl plot of inocculntlng tho woman with totnnio bnccllli. Both wcro in sured in Carlton's fnvor. Chicago Strlko Woakouing. Chicago, July 17. Thrco hundrod po liccmon wcro tnkon off tho strlko wngons this morning In tho down-town district, and ordored back to tho street crossings. Routes to all freight sta tions havo been mapped out to bo tak en by tho wngons for tho strlko-bound firms. Tho streets begin to assume a normal aspect. gOfeg Our Wednesday Surprise Sale No. 237. On next Wednesday only wo place on salo a lot of our rcgulnjr $2 straw hats in all tho popular shapes worn this season nt Specinl Price $1 .1 5 This is suro to plttaso the man who weather. See Court street window SEE BIG PAGE Sultan Said to Be Seriously? Ill and Death Is not Far Off Berlin, July 17. Tho Loknl An zoigcr says that tho illness of tho Sul tan of Turkoy is of a much moro sori ous nnturo than has bcon acknowledged" by his physicians. It declares that his: death is only n question of a short, time. Loaguo of Press Clubs. Detroit, Mich, July 17. Tho fl5 toonth nnnunl convention of tho T,ntor natlonnl Lcnguo of Press Clubs, which will bo hold from Tuesday to Friday of this week, promises to bo ono of tho most successful In tho lcnguo' history. Tho dolegatcs will number sovornl hundred, representing press clubs in nil parts of tho Unitod States, Cnnadn nnd Culm. Tho first business meeting will bo held nt tho Whoolmcn's club tomorrow. Tho nfb ornoons nnd ovonings will bo dovotoiT to trolloy nnd steamboat rides and other features of entertainment ar ranged by tho local newspaper frater nity nnd tho citizens' committee. ELEVATOR'S BIG DROP Philadelphia, July 17. An clovator in tho Lnnd and' Tjtlo building thin morning broko a cable nnd dropped from tho oloventh floor to tho first, so riously injuring its four occupnnto,. Assistant ICty Solicitor Harry T. Kings ton had both legs brokon and will-probably dlo. District Attorney Bell hail ono leg brokon nnd internal injuries. William Barne, another pnssongcr, sus tnlnod concussion of tho brnln, nnd wilL probably dio. o Senator Clark Better. Now York, July 17. Sonntor Clarky of Montnnn, who uudcrwont n second operntion for mastoiditis Saturday, spont n comfortablo night, nnd Is much improved this morning, but is not yet out of dnngor. has dolaycd outfitting for tho warm display. AD ON THREE 2iSdS