Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 14, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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daily capital journal, saxem, Oregon, prepay, july u,
After Being Out All Night
Fail to Agree, and Are
After being out nil night, tho jury in
tho Wright caso finally announced this
morning, nt 11 o'clook, that thoy could
mot ngrco, anil woro thcrcforo dismissed.
Tho caso Trill not como on for trial
Again boforo tho Octobor torm of court,
as tho witnesses in tho caso nro now all
That somo of tho jurors woro con
Vincod of his guilt thoro is no doubt,
since no verdict of acquittal was
ibronght in. It is not known, however,
oa what point they dlsagrood. It is
nposslblo that thoy nil thought him gull
y, but could not ngroo as to tho dogroo
T guilt.
As stated in yestordny's Journal, a
Harge portion of tho testimony covered
ttbo samo ground as that introducod at
fttm trial of Charles Monto, who was
jointly indicted with Wright. In an nt
tempt to provo tho whereabouts of tho.
dofondnnt nt tho timo of tho murder of
Guard Frank Forrcll, of tho Oregon
ponltcntlnry, by Convicts Tracy and
Merrill, contradictory ovidonco was in.
Produced, and no effort was mndo by
Uhor tho prosecution or dofonso to
establish tho unreliability of tho oth
er's witness. Alvin Jones, of this city,
tost!flod positively that Ilnrry Wright
wis in Snlom Juno 8, 1002, whllo A.
Hnrn was cqunlly posltlvo that tho do
fondant was in his omployo at George
town, Wash., pn tho aaino dnto.
Ono of tho now witnesses in this caso
Tvai Mrs. Alvln Jones, of this city, who
testified that when Wright was rolonsod
from tho ponitontinry in May, 1002, ho
waited nt her homo on eovoral differ
ent occasions, and during ono of his
visits mndo tho remark that thoro would
to a hot tlmo nt tho penitentiary on
-Juno Stir. Slio said ho saw a gun in
Tior homo, and wanted to tnko it with
Her husband was tho next wltnoss,
culled, and ho sworo positively that ho
saw Hnrry Wright in this city on Juno
8, 1002, tho day boforo tho outbrcnlc.
IIo tostlflod that ho saw him nt thrqo
-different times during tho day, but did
sot convorso with him. IIo said ho was
posltlvo in tho matter, ns ho had boon
looking for Wright, Intondlng to proso
cute him for writing nn impropor lot-
tor to histnTcnaou wffc, now Mrs.
Jones. ' '
A. Ilnrn, of Ooorgotown, Washing
ton, was tho star wltnoss for tho do
fonso, ns ho corroborated Wright's tes
timony In rogard to ills being in Wash
ington from Juno 3 to Juno 10, 1002,
J. T. Lacy, of Portland, upon whom
tho dofonso relied to impeach tho testi
mony of Onpt. Riley, was worso mlxod
on cross-examination yesterday than ho
was tho day boforo in tho Monto trial.
It is not thought that his testimony had
much weight with the jury. William
Bents, Ilnrvoy Hartman and Fred Non
dol, thrco jurors in tho Monto trial,
wcro called to contradict tho testimony
glvon by Witness Lacy, but most of tho
questions propounded to theso witness
es by District Attornoy McNary woro
objected to by tho attorneys for tho
defense, nnd tho objections woro sus
tained by tho court.
Tho argumonta boforo tho jury
showed special efforts both on tho part
of tho prosecution and tho dofonso, and
particularly thoso of Hon. P. II.
D'Arcy nnd Deputy District Attornoy
O. L. McNary, who closod tho argu
ment for tho dofonso and stnto, respect-
Ivor, woro oxhaustlvo nnd covered
ovory particlo of tho tostimony intro
duced. Tho instructions given to tho
jury by Judgo Burnott wero along tho
samo lines ns thoso glvon in tho Monte
trial nnd Covered tho vordict of mur
der in Iho'first md socond dogroos and
Mrs. Wllladsen Tells Htow Sho Tried Lydla
E. Plnkbam'e Vegetable Compound Just
In Time.
Mrs. T. O. Wllladsen, of Manning,
Iowa, writes to Mrs. Plnkharai
Door Mrs. Plnkham :
" I can truly say that you have saved my
llro, and I cannot express my gratitude to
you la words.
IjlMtsrrCWiUadscn fS
TAKIMU 111 miau otrr."
jnurrll cnting lins ruined many a man's
stomach. The diKe8tlou-deitroying pro
cess is gradual, often unnoticed at first,
lint it la only n short time until the liver
lalks, the digestive orgnns give way, and
almost countless ills assail the man who
udeavors to economize time at the ex
pense of his health.
fA torpid liver causes a quarantine or the
entire system. It locks in the tiUeaMd
germs and bodv poisons and nffords them
CW piny, inviuug some hcuou uium.
Hn families where August IMowcrisuscU.
a sluggish liver and constipation are un
known, ho arc all stomach ailments, as
well aa indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn,
ltcadnchcs and kidney and binder affec
tions. No well-regulated family should
1c without thUstundurd remedy.
JTwo sizes, 35c aud 75c, All druggists.
Sold In Balem by S. O. Stono.
Tho officers and clerks of this
institution aro plodgod to impact
no Information concerning the
dealings of its customers who havo
a right to oxpoct that their bank
ing buslnoss will bo troated as
and wo also aim to protoot tholr
interests In every Jogitimato man
nor. x
Possibly you havo nood of such
an institution. If so, It becomes
Jour pleasurable duty to invito you
to como 10 iu' "
I Salem State Bank
v r rt A X7 Y3.&cljnf
E. W. HAZARD, Cashte
Hondurans Have no Capital
Punishment but Will
Torture Him
Now Orleans, July 12. A shocking
story of murdor, with robbery as tho
motlvo, wns brought to this city today
by Captain Hans Holm, of tho Norwo-i
glnn fruitor B rattan, which pllos bo-l
tweon jnow Urioans nnu uonuuras
ports. It wns confirmed by tho offl
cors of tho fruit stonmor Roslnn, which
camo in lator In tho evening with ad
ditional dotails. Tho llttlo island of
Utilln, lying off tho Honduras, coast,
and whoso population is an lndlscrlnv
innto mixture of whltos, Cnymnnltos
and .Cnrlbs, wns tho scono of tho trag
edy, in which twolvo lives woro sacrificed.'
Tho captain of tho schooner Olympln
wns about to mako a trip to Runtnn,
Truxlllo nnd Boltzo. Sho had 'about
1100 sols nnd was to buy cattlo at
Truxlllo to sell nt Bollzo. Sho carriod
n crow of four and qulto a number of
pnssongors, making a total list of poo
plo on board thirteen. Among theso
woro two women nnd two ohlldron.,
Tho vessol loft tho harbor ot Utllla at
11 o'clock Friday night, Juno 30, nnd
nftor sho had boon under way loss than
nn hour 'ovorybody wns aroused by a
shot, nnd, rushing on dock found n
nogro nrmed with u riflo shooting
down mon ono nftor nnother. This
negro wns Ilobort McGlll, and as it
afterward dovolopod, ho had stowed
away on board with tho intontlon of
robbing tho captain and thon swimming
Aftor ho had klllod all bub ono of
tho mon, ho ordorod tho last survivor
to go bolow nnd souttlo tho ship.
When tho unfortunate roappearod on
dock and roportod, tho negro shot him
dmid, IIo thon put tho two women,
Miss Elslo Morgan and hor slstor, Mrs.
Walter Roso, in tho dory with Mrs.
Itoso's alxwooks-old infant, steorlng
for tho mainland.
Ho changed his mind about allowing
tho womon to live nnd klllod Mrs.
Roso nnd her infant. Thon ho bogan
shooting nt Miss Morgan, who hnd
leaped ovorboard, and wounded hor In
tho nrm. Ho fired nt hor ineffectually,
but his ammunition evidently gavo out,
for ho promised immunity from harm
if sho would como back In tho uory.
Sho startod back, nnd, whoii within nn
oar's length, ho struck hor on tho head
with an oar. stunning hor. nollevlng
sho wns dead, ho rowed nwny toward
tho mainland.
Only Ono Woman Escapoa.
Miss Morgan Bvam back to tho isl
and, whore sho was thrown on tho
bonoh by tho waves, exhausted. Sho
fearod that tho nogro would follow hor
10 sho hid iu tho bushos, and for two
days suffered jfroin tho heat nnd ex
posure until found by a woman from
hor neighborhood and resoued from)
In tho meantlmo the dory had boon
washed ashore, and there was excite
ment on tho island, as it was bo
llovcd tho Olympla had gono down
with all hands. When Miss Morgan
told her story, an immediate search
was instituted for McGtll, and the au.
thorltios on tho mainland were notified.
They caught him at EI Porvenir, a. lit
tle town on the road, to Celba, and
"Before I wroto to you, telling you how I
felt, I had doctored for over two years steady
and spent lots of money on modicinoa beside,
but it all foiled to help mo. My monthly pe
riods had ceased and I suffered much pain,
with fainting spells, headache, backache nnd
boarinr-down pains, and I was so weak I
could hardly keep around. As a last reoort
I decided to writa you and try Lydla IS. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, and I am do
thankful that I did, for after following your
Instructions, which you sont 'ma f reo of all
chanro, ray monthly periods started ; I am
regular and in perfoct health. Hod it not
boon for you I would bo in my grnvo to-day.
" I sincerely trust that this latter may lead
erory Buffering woman in tho country to
wrlto you for help as I did."
When women aro troubled with ir
regular or painful menstruation, weak
ness, loucorrhooa, displacement or ul
ceration of the womb, that bearing
down feeling, inflammation of tho ova
ries, backacho, flatulence, goncral de
bility, Indigestion and nervous prostra
tion, they should remember thoro is
ono tried and true remedy. Lydla. E,
removes such troubles.
No other femalo medicine in the world
has received such widespread nnd un
qualified endorsement. Refuse all sub
stitutes. Mrs. Plnkhatn invites all sick women
to wrlto her for advico. Sho has guided
thousands to health. Address, Lynn,
thoro was a demonstration, but ho was
protected and his llfo was savod
through tho prosonco on tho coast o
Prosidont Boinond who wns on an in
spection tour.
Will Torturo McOill to Doath.
Tho Hondurnn warship La Tumbla
wn's brought into eorvlco und tho mur
derer placed aboard and sent back
to tho island. Up to Inst Sunday ho
wns still nllvo, though it is firmly bo
Hovod thnt ho will bo tortured to
doatli. Tho laws of Honduras prohibit
tho infliction of capital punishment,
but tho pooplo will tnko tho enso into
tholr own hands.
Miss Elslo Morgan, tho only sur
viving ono of tho tcrriblo oxporlohce,
visited Now Orlonns thrco years ago,
nnd Is n woll educated, roflnod woman
of 25 years.
Salem Oltlzons Gladly Testify.
It is testimony Hko"thof ollowing
that has plncod tho "old Quaker Itom
odyi" so far abovo competitors. When
pooplo right lioro at homo raiso their
volco in pralso thoro no room left for
doubt. Bead tho public statomont of
a Salem citizen:
James A. Tanner, farmer, corner of
13th and Lowls streets, says:
"So many suffer from kidnoy com
plaint that for a tlmo I wns alarmjod
about myself, for I was troublod with
my back aohing in tho region of my
kidneys. I think it was causod first
by a strain from heavy lifting I did
two years ngo. I kopt gotting worso
instead of bettor, and finally consulted
a doctor. IIo told mo I had gall-stone
in tho blnddor. Not only did I suffer
from stono in tho bladder but troublo
with tho kidnoy socrotions existed nnd
tholr too frcquont nction disturbed my
rest from fifteen to twonty times in a
night. This was very annoying and I
wns in a bad way when I road of
Dona's Kidnoy Pills and procured a
box at Dr. Stono 's drug store To say
I was surprised at tho spoody offect of
their uso is putting it' mildly. I havo
rocoramendod Doan's Kidnoy Pills to
others, and will always havo a good
word for thorn."
For salo by all doalors. Prlco' 60
conts. Fostor-Milbutn Co., Buffalo,
Now York, solo agonts for tho United
Itomombor tho namo Doan's nnd
tnko no other.
A Collection of Important Para
graphs for Your Consideration.
Swtths lh3 Kind YoKHars Always toaT
Prof. M. J. Kraps, prlnclpnl of tho
Salem normal school, has purchnspd
tho printing -plant of B. E. rhllllps,
nnd tho samo will bo moved to Salem
Saturday. It will bo used to publish a
collego paper. Lebnnon Criterion.
Beautiful oyes and hnndsomo fnco
aro eloquent commendations. Bright
oyes nro windows to a woman's heart.
HolHstcr'fl Rocky Mountain Tea makos
bright oyes. 35 conts, tea or tnblots.
Dr Stono's Drug Storo
Prof F. W. Goodrich, Into organist
nnd choir master of St. John's, King'
ston, London; also conductor of tho
"Imporlnl Orchcstrn," London, nnd a
composor of note, will dodlcnto tho now
organ nt tho First M. E. church on Fri
day ovening, July 21st. Donl't fall to
hear hint.
It makes no dlfforenco how many
medicines bavo failed to cure you, if
you aro troubled with hcadncho, con
stipation, kidnoy or liver troubles, Hoi
lister's Eocky Mountain Tea will mako
you woll. Dr. Stono's Drug Storo.
Be suro nnd nsk your best girl in
timo to go with you to tho organ ro
cltal at tho M. E, church.
Dr. E. D. Fisher, of Rodney, Monona
county, Iowa, is in tho city visiting his
father, II. H, Fisher, of Highland. Dr.
Fisher is a dolegato to tho National
Would not Stand for South
ern Pacific's Offer
of Trains
Forost Grove, Or. At n mass moet
ing of tho citizens Wednesday, it was
voted to protest against tho oxtra
train sorvico which has been offored
by tho Southorn Pacific company. Bon
ntor Haines read a lotter from Gon
oral Manager OI'Brlon, offering an ox
tra train each way dally botweoa For
est Grove and Portland.
Tho hours offorod wero not satisfac
tory, and it was tho sonso of tho moot
ing that tho now sorvico should Include
at least two round trips dally. Promi
nent mombors of tho bourd of trado
spoko against tho proposal, and tho
motion to rojoct tho offer passed unan
imously. Oregonlan.
a 1
Now Hotol at Newport,
Tho Grand Pnciflo hotol openedthls
week at Newport. It is tho property
of Mr. Leak, of Corvallls, and is a swell
summer resort hotel. Mr. Fltrmorris is
ruanagor, and a dook has been cbn
struotod for tho steamers to land.
f A.lZhl A flHAAiMllk m
in iiiii'mi iinNiii-iininn n n 1
fow weeks rounding up tho MoILl
cniintv eolonv nt Rnlnm tt. --
w,M u says thit
county is about 1000 pooplo short
cording to tho last consus. &nH t 1- .!"
trlbutod to tho fret that so many hiT
kuiuu iu .UBw. iU u mo oaiomtoi
tlngont from thnt county aro thinkln,
01 removing mo county scat fw
jM-uiui'iuu iu kino vuy.
Thoro 's a protty girl In nn Alpine hi
A swootcr girl with a sailor brim
But tho handsonuBt girl you'll en
Is tho scnstblo girl who usoj Botw'
Mountain Toa, '
Dr. Stono's Drug Stors.
Tho Marlon County Bar Associatioi
win noiu a mcowng-ni tu0 county cowl
houso Saturny nt 2 p. m., for tho pM.
poso of olooting delegates to the tneet
ing of tho Pacific Const Bar Assoc!
tion, at i'ortianu August 10th.
Governor Chamborlaln, by requert,
will nppolnt 15 dolcgatos to tho 13ti
annual session of tho National IrtW
tlon Congress, wkich moots In PortluJ
August 21-ltt.
- n
Wo again call attention to tho fut
that all who doolro to havo bottlo or
draught boor for Sunday, must amon
for samo prior to that day. No be ii
sold or dolivorod on Sunday, n
brewery premlsca aro not open on Suv
day for tho transaction of business, ui
wo shall consider it a personal favor if
all our patrons will boar this in old
and act accordingly. Rospectfulljr,
For Sale.
Six horso powor upright wood mi
outfit. Good as now.
lw Salem R, F. D. No. t
South Carolina Editors.
Whlto Stono Springs, S. 0., Jul; K
Tho South Carolina Stnto Press ui
elation mot in annual session her to
day with a gratifying attendance. 111
principal foaturo was an address bjS.
II. Hardwlck, passongor traffic ima
ger of tho Southorn railway, who toci
as his subjoct, "Tho Story of tl
South tho Impotus and Progreuof
Its Dovclopmont."
Mitchell, Lewis & Stave