Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 07, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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MAY, 1004, 13,287.
Tho Home Llbol Quit.
'Tlvomoit interesting caso bcforo tho
SWgon courts Is tlio libel suit to be tried
rart tills . term ia Marlon county, in
-which tho Salmon King of tho Roguo
Elver it defendant.
Hon. Robert D. Humo has had mora
pernp and moro libel suits than tho
ner&iaary man, nnd is almost a walking
encyclopedia of law on tho subject of
OXbcIs himself. HE IS A LAWYER
a&tb a fighter from away
IXo lias engaged two of tho hardest
Orgs! erappors in Oregou ns his conn
adLnd tho caso on both sides will bo
Kox&osted to a fin lull, as to both law
trail facts.
fffc is generally considered that Bop
enweatatlvo Burns, of Coos nnd Carry,
n)p is a lawyer of ability, WILL PUT
aw a fight that will sua-
Th Oregon llbol law is very sovero
ton tho defendant, nnd this trial may
Bend to a reformation of tho system.
Tfco whole caso is attracting tho wid
vat interest and tho result will bo
watched closoly.
It i not considered easy for ono of
'Oregon's' legislators to say anything
Olbclous of another. Tho duties of tho
tgeaeral assembly ARE USUALLY RE
-If. It is judicially dotorminod that it
3flp0sibla to libol oven a mcnibor of
tiite Oregon legislature, a great deal of
enrixa nowspapor vocabulary about
xOatt august body will becomo obsolete.
Only tho Annotated.
Only tho annointcd politicians aro
3eing mentioned for high ofllco. Tho
Hlrno-wom names of tho battcrod poll
lilelnnfi nlono aro tnontionod for tho lm--jwrtant
offices in this state.
fXho nverngo newspaper cannot think
tf talking about anyono for n eta to of
For tho ako of good government, nt
Jcatrt, theso follows who hnvo given us
o ronuh bad government, should bo
given ft rost. Tho mlnuto tlioy nro ro
Ttlreil from stnto offlcos thoy will gpt
federal offices.
But tlio jadol politlcinl hacks who
"ttivo boon wearing out tho good roads
t Oregon for io, those many years,
ro not tho only onpablo nnd compe
tent peoplo In tho stnto for ofllco.
For lnstnnco, tlioro is a common' bus
inees mnn and unprotontlous leglsla
torifrom Yamhill county, REPRESEN
Why don 'tlio Portland papers dig up
a fresh clnm on tho political bonch
obcb In a while, Instead of dishing up
so ninny cannod clnmsf
A Drastic Cow Ordinance
The olty fathers havo pasiod an or
dinance forbidding grazing any cow
on tho streets, alloys, etc., by picketing
lie same, etc.
Tho ownor must BY HIMSELF OR
mi Is to oat tho grass on tho streots.
The mayor may veto this ordlnanco,
ia. tho nbsenco of any ordlnanco, to
bavo tho gross foil down, on many of
-the resldonoo streets.
Especially in tho suburbs have- tho
cows rondorod a good sqrvlco by keep,
iBjj tho grass down, nnd provontlng tho
rpread of Arcs In tho city.
A further ordlnanco should bo passed
it this cow ordinance Is to stand, ro
julrlug owners of property to mow
-th grans lu tho rosidoneo streets.
Tho ownors o'f vacant blocks and
pastures must havo formed a trust to
t this cow ordlnanco passod, nnd the
anatter should bo investigated.
It Is art Infringement on tho rights
-of. iows to got fresh air and grasp, la
Depositors In the Savings Depart
ment of tho Capital National Bank
aro roquostod to present their pass
books for tho purpose of having
tfxeditod tbo semi-annual interest
.due July lit,
front of the ownor'sproporty to pass
this antl-grazing ordinance.
i '
Building Permanent Bridges.
The council has ordered a special
election to havo a number ,of modern
concrete bridges constructed on tho
popular loan plan.
This is tho adoption of n policy of
permanent improvement that ANY
As it takes two-thirds of all tho
voters to carry this project a cam
paign of education will bo necessary
to insuro success.
Of course, there should be no opposi
tion from political grounds, ns all tno
Democrats n tho council oxcept ono
favor tho proposition.
Thoro is not a good reason why this
projoct should not rccelvo favorable
consideration of fair-minded pooplo.
It is cheaper to use four per, cont
money under tho popular loan, THAN
1UJJM Jhl?
Some will say wo do not need these
bridges. But that was said when tbo
old moss-covcrod bridgo on South Com
mercial street was xomovod.
Tho wholo matter should bo given
caroful consideration, nnd if thero is
no serious objection tho improvement
should bo ordorod by tho voters nt the
special election.
Thoro aro many souvenirs of the
Lewis and Clarke Exposition, but most
comprohonslvo of all is tho ono publish-1
od by Laird & Leo, Ohicago, having
180 reproductions of photographs, giv-j
ing glimpses of tbo fair and viows of
tho Golden West. Many of tho pictures
aro classic gems in tho highest art of
photography. It is a neat vaiumo five
by seven inches, viows of tho gorgeous
Droam City reproduced from copper-j
plates, showing tho beautiful palaces,!
onchnntcd gnrdons, splashing fountains
and uniquo outdoor displays, togothorj
with nil state, foroign and special build-!
lugs nnd inany fascinating views of tbo
famous Trail.
In nddition to tho queer sights nnd
strnngo wondors cf tho Exposition,!
there nro numerous oxqulslto pictures
of tho Ooldcn West, including Port
land, "ThoRoso City of tho Pacific,"
Yollowstono Park, "Nnturo's Wonder
land," Washington, Oregon, California,
Minnesota nnd tho QnkotaH a beautiful
brochuro depicting tho grandeur, sub
limity nnd poetry of tho spoctaculai
Kmpiro of tho West with its Bnow-cap-pod
poaks, dashing casendos, towering
cliffs nnd jagged gorges. Under each
pleturo wll bo found a conclso but com
ploto description of tho subject. A
grand souvonir of tho first groat Expo
sition of tho West. Will provo an ad
dition to historic literature, interesting
nnd Instructive to tourists, and a wol
como gift to any friend or meinbor of
tho family.
gizo GixOOl liichos. Printed on
hoavy enameled paper, bound in beauti
ful bluo silk oloth, gold stamping, in
bor, 70 conts. Handsomo paper cover
in ten colors, cnelosod In ombolllshod
onvolopo, roady to mall, 25 conts.
Tho Mitchell Jury Verdict.
Foroman Stoinor, of this city, is au
thority for tho statement that tho ro
port that the Mitchell jury stood clov
en to ono for conviction, nnd took sev
en ballots boforo agreeing is not cor
Ho unvs tho iury agreed to glvo out
no statomont as to how they did stand
on tho subjoot of conviction on tho
first ballot, but that they cuu not
stand as published in this paper and
tho Portland papers.
Of course if thoy cavo out no stato
mont, tho wholo matter Is conjecturo,
but if thoy did not stand elovon to
ono and did take any ballot nt all,
thoro must have boon moro than ono
against conviction.
Howevor. as to .this Mr. Stolner
will not say. In faot, no juror will
say, nor has any juror said. rllo ruta
nf lio mntter will probably never bo
made nubile, nor Indeed should it be
It i published as a fact that only
two of tho jurors wero Republicans,
and Senator Mitchell's menus are en
titled to that graiu of comfort. Find
iug Miteholl guilty, but recommending
him to tho moroy of tho court was
plainly a political sarcasm.
i o . .
Complaint Ftld by Bank.
Ladd & Bush ogamU D. M. Wilson
and wlfo la tho title of a suit filed In
n,n circuit court yesterday afternoon.
This Is a suit to recover tho sum of
$70.51, alleged to bo duo upon two
promissory notes executed by tho de
fendants In favor of tho plaintiffs on
May U, 1004. The plaintiffs ask judg
ment for tho amount with, Interest at
tho rato of 10 per cont per annum and
for $20 as special attorney' . Tho
comrlaint was filed by George G. Bing
ham, tho banking firni'a attorney.
World's fait loo cream Hateiwood
at Brewer's drug tore, 2t
Now York, July 7. Authentic word
hns been received hero of tho donth of
Tlppoo Tib, who was best known in
connection with Stanley's central Af
rican expeditions. Tippoo Tib's real
namo was Hamed ben Mohammed. He
was of Arab origin) and was born about
tho year 1857, it is thought, in Zanzi
bar, whoro his death, nlso occurred. Ho
roso to bocomo a successful slave faun
tor, and boCamo a ronowned potcntato
in Equatorial Africa.
Bcforo tho stnigglo for Africa bo
gan ho established a great chain of
slavo stations in tho Congo regions,
Whon tho Froo Btato was formed the
avowod object waa to develop tho ro
sources of tho territory with tho aid of
tho natives. Tho scanty resources at
tho command of tho stato, however,
obliged tho officers who wero brought
into relation with" tho Arabs on the
uppor river to adopt a policy of con
ciliation and restraint. Of theso Arabs
Tlppoo Tib was tho chief.
Tlppoo Tib was not unfriondly to
Europ arts and Americans Dr. Living
stone had met him in 1867, and in 1874
ho had accompanied Cameron to tho
delta of tbo Congo, while in 1870 ho had
joined Stanley in his first dosaont of
tho river. But tho relations of tho
Europeans and tho Arabs had gradu
ally bocomo moro atraincd; tho lattor
foresaw that tho progress of tho whito
man's rulo in tho country would ovon
tunlly undermino their influenco and
power. In 1880 thoy attacked arid oc
cupied Stanley Falls under Rochid, a
nephew of Tippoo. Tho Froo Stato was
not then prepared for a trial of
strongtn, and on Stanley's suggestion
Tlppoo Tib was appointed Vail of the
Falls as tho rcpresentntlvo of King
Tho Inovltablo, however, soon after
wards happened. A conflict was pre
cipitator by tbo Arabs, sevoral battles
woro fought, and their power was final
ly brokon. Tlppoo Tib was exiled to
Zanzibar, whoro ho has died, ono of tho
last of tho many picturesque figures of
tho old rcgimo in Africa.
For Infant 8 'und Gbildron.
The Kind You Havs Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature of
4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 n c 1 1 e n 1 1 v
Hinillllfl'l IHrMHi
Mr. nnd Mrs. Moses Wright, of Pom-
oroy. Wash., nro visiting at tho homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Bennett Ponrson.
Tho following nro tho names of tho
young pooplo who surprised Miss Edith
Ashbv Thursday evening nt her homo
In Marlon. Misses Mnmio and Minnlo
Sommcrs, Edna Crawford, Edith Pat-
ton, Lorna 8hnpppy, Goorglo HunsaJc
or, Nora Hall, Elda, George and Bor
tha MItzner, Zella Gentry and Louise
Meyort. Messrs George Small, Grov-
er and Wesloy Stevens, CharJUo anil
Tony Gentry, Arthur Morgan, John
Hall. Howard Hunsaker, John Drum,
Ed. Sommora and Jay Hobbs.
1 ewfd MY cough with Herman Sjrnip I"
He wrote lo Dr. G. C. tjrreu,
An' true a I tell y. doctor ileir
lln (tella- Oner thu ever Ive been I"
OThe poor consumptive should not be
the victim of experiment, as he ofien is,
but the moment the droad disease mani
fests its presence he should be given Bo
sehee'al.ennau Syrup a pure, non-alcoholic
medicine that is jnadc specially for
the cure of consumption, and has a world
wide fame as a certain remedy for catarrh,
colds, coughs, croup, sore throat anc
all bronchial affections in old and young
fflt is sold in all civilized countries, am,
has been famous as a consumption curt
for almost half a century.
Trial bottle, ajc. , Big otUc, 75c. A
all druggists throughout the world.
Sold In Salem by S. O, Stone.
Hops in No Danger.
Prominent hop growers of tho Wil
lamette valley who are in Portland to
day, says tho Telegram, emphatically
deny the report that Oregon's 1905 hop
crop is threatened with ruin. Thoy
say there are many llco on tho hops
and somo mold, but, If tho weather con
ditions aro good for a few weeks, theso
will all disappear, and tho expecta
tions in regnrd to tho yield will bo ful
ly rcnlizcd, which mentis ono of the
lnrgest crops Oregon has ever pro
Tho lice now on tbo bops nro duo to
tho recent rainy weather. Hop lice aro
always tho result of climatic condl.
tlonfl, coming witn rain and disap
pearing with warm weather. The llco
aro most In evidence in tho edges of
tho yards, the Interior of most of tho
yards not being seriously affected yet.
Tho hops nro now in splendid condi
tion, tho foliage Is heavy, tho vines
nro well armed out, nnd ore now begin
ning to blossom.
Columbus, Ohio, May 19, 1903.
Some four years ro I was sufleriug
from impure blood and a general ruu
down condition of the system. I hod nc
appetite, was losing flesh, and had an all
gone tired feelltg that made me misera
ble. I begin the use of S . S. S., and
after taking sevi n or eight bottles my skiu
was cleared of all cr jptions and look 0:1 0
ruddy, healthy l'ow that assured me that
IUY UlUUU All W-s v.- -w
uial. healthy condition. My appetite was
An Exchange Points Out That
Not ah Marriages Are
Made in Heaven
restored, ns 1 couiu em aujiumg pui uc-.
fore me, and as I regained my appetite
fl......J atrftl Htlll Hint "llml IPfI. '
Eodmon id Session.
Great Council Improved Order of)
Rodman, of Oregon, will go into ses
sion nt the Redmcn's wigwam in Port
land this evening for a two or three
days' session, probably closing Mon
day. In attondanco will bo about 70 dele
gates from tho various tribes of tho
state, and several past sachoms of
Washington, besides visiting Redmon
from California and other big states
of tho Union. Dr. IF. L. Henderson, of
Astoria, tho great sachem of Orogon,
will preside.
Tho most Important business to como
boforo tho council is a revision of tbo
lawn of tho order, to mnko thorn corre
spond with a now codo of regulations
adopted by tho great council of tho
Unitod States, and prescribed to gov
ern tho grand councils of tho states and
subordinate tribes.
Tucomn, July 7. Ono of tho olght
convicts who escaped from tho federal
ponltontlnry on McNoll's Islnnil,
Washington, was caught on Vashon
islnnd yestorday, tho other soven are
thought to bo in hiding on tbo Islnnd,
nnd a largo party Is today searching
tbo woods for them.
You Can't Afford
To experlmont with your health. If
you'ro Bick get a bottlo of Hostottcr's
Stomach Bitters at onco and let it maka
you strong nnd robust nguin. It has
boon doing this for over 60 years.
will rostoro tho nppotlto, strengthen tbo
stomach and relievo Hoadacho, Bloat
ing, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Oostivo-
noes, Heartburn, Fomalo Disorders
and Malaria. Don't fall to try it.
lag" which worried me so muclidisup-l
HAAH1 nt.i1 T writ, Mttr nrrnttl till nlrl 3t-lf. I
I heartily recommend S. S. fa. as. the
best blood purifier and tonic made, nnd
strongly advise its use to all those in need
of such medicine. Victor Stubdins.
Cor. Sardinian and Washington Aves.
Wheeling, W. V., May a8, loot.
My system was run down and my joint!
ached and pained me considerably. I hod
used S. S. 8 before and knew what it
v,-as, so I purchased a bottle of it and have
taken several bottles and the aches and
pains are gone, my blood has been cleas
ed and my general health built up. I can
testify to it as a blood purifier and tonic
1533 Market St. John C Stkin.
If you have any
symptoms of dis
ordered blood
write us and out
physicians will
advise you free.
Our book on
blood and skin
diseases sent free
The Swift 8peoflo Company, Atlanta, Ga
A Pleasant Way to Travel.
Tbo abovo Is tbo usual verdict of
tho travolor using tho Missouri Pacific
railway betwoen tho Pacific coast and
tbo cast, and wo bclievo that tho serv
ice and accommodations given morit
tbis statomont. From Donvor, Colora
do Springs and Denver there are two
through trains dally to Kansas City
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
est standard eloetrle-lightod sleeping
cars, chair cars and up-to-dato dining
cars. Tho same oxeellent sorvico is
oporated from Kansas City and St.
Louis to Memphis, Little Rock and Hot
Springs. If you nro going east or
south, write for particulars and full in
formation. W. O. M'BRIDE, Gen. Agt,
12-1 Third St., Portland, Oro.
(mBl V
Greatly In Demand.
Nothing is more in demand tlmn n
modiclno which meets modern require
monts for a blood and system cleanser,
such as Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. They
nro just what you need to cure stomaah
nnd Hvor troubles. Try them. At J. C.
Perry's drug store, 25c., guaranteed.
whon you buy Salem flour you ml
assured of unlformlty tho aanio tbi!
week, noxt week or noxt month as ttill
you purchased a wcok, month or jtu
' ngo unless, possibly, It's changed os!
to bettor its quality, for wo'ro nlirjl
on tho alert to lmprovo our products
Anyway tho Salem brand Is always ill
tbo load of good flours.
wminii fftuussmna
Does Yotfl Tobacco
Habit Earn Yot
Wates? New Pt ofit-S&aifiag Association Can
Tutsi Yottf Tofcacco Habit to
Good Advantage
Every purchase you make at Geo. E. Waters' cigar store entitles you to a coupon. A fow coupons entiUs
mi tn a. sharM Jn a list of 101 hftnnHlfnl ntid .! ,.... vi.l .. . -..
,,- .. . ...... .wv.u. jiiMtuu, wmca aro given away, to our natrons Fbh u
This schemo makes it possible for every man to get somo benefit to tho family out of bis tobacco habit. TW
habit of using tobacco and spending money for tobacco has never been of any direct benefit to th f anUly hoa
It is generally a selfish habit, in that no ono but tho user himself can get any benefit or pleasure. The
WATERS' NEW PROFIT-SHARING ASSOCIATION makes it possible for EVERY CENT ent tov tobacco
to bo turned to SOME ADVANTAGE TO THE HOME. Mi.m wu
Tho ibt of 'presents given away ft to our customers, includes everything useful around a home. Hc4
and rakes forth lawn utensil, for tho kitchen, .silverware and dishes for the dining room, clocks, beda.TaaV
tressea, rugs, eto. for the bedroom, chairs, secretaries, pianos and organs for the parfor, art many otter use
ful article Why spend money for tobacco, and get nothing but tobacco, when yon cS spid xriopey for
tobacco at this store and get tobacco and your choice of nearly 200 presents thrown i li FREE.
Wo aro only sharing our profits with tho customers, and you pay nothing for the nremiums.
Get a list of our presents and take it home. Look the nremiums T.f Premiums,
to get SOMETHING out of your tobacco habli. P 8aV y0Ur C0Up0na " COmmSnC
252 Commercial St.
Albany last woek had a red )ttt(t
day in mo miiiryiag uusincss. tkT(. n
couples united their fortunes, to use u
expression not often verified by muI
experience, oftonor tho lack of for
tunes. Tho contrnct is really a mo;i
sorlous ono than many appreciate, Mj
should bo considered in ovcry &j
clothes beforo being signed. Ia ft,
first ploeo tho woman should be tv
sbo was getting a real man, and tit
man a genuino woman. Somo men bi
more animal than man somo womti
nro more butterfly than woman. It j
well to look twico boforo saying ju,
Somo things that pass for lovo art u
moro lovo than a potato is a fruit, ul
a rrmrrlngo without lovo is a fata.
Getting a homo is not enough, for scat
homes nro bedlams and haven't enotj
forbenranco In them to be seen win
tho sun is nt its zonith. Tho man wit
buys a bono takes enough intcreit u
tbo bargain to learn whether hs li
spavined or not, and tho person abott
to get married ought to havo mm
interest than that in tho character t(
tho proposed partner. Lebanon Cti-T
That's all right, Brother Humphrey,
but supposo n fellow didn't know any
thing about spavins, nnd couldn't ttH
ono when ho saw itf