!l DAILY CAPITAL JOPRNAL SAXEM, OREGON, THUESDAT, JTJLY 8, 1905. Bt I 'P mi Ih If li ( Sir 'i 91 I fi Stockton & Co ti the Old white corner A GREAT SALE 3 Ladies' White SHIRT v WAISTS 20) Wcq it HALF PRICE I Land frauds AFRAID OF CONVICTS about 30 miles from tbo jnli. Six posses nre now on a man-hunt, oml nl FREE. . Return to us $7.50 in, Safe Slips and reectac one ryeatf ' so ascription to McCALL'S MAGAZINE !' I Free of Charge SAVE YOUR RUBDRY .( Batfc, Towels i, Tne.kfad, Voa nave al ways paid 50c for it , . :- 35c eacfi' . 3 for $i. 00, $3.50 DOZEN SALE- SLIPS l See Court Street Window K . v DIED., BBYN0L1S. At tho family homo, .at ItoBodalo, Oregon, Thursday, July 0, 3005,, at 4:15 n'. m., 2Mrs.l Mary A. Reynolds, wifo of Silaa Ttoynolds, aged 63 years, 10 months and 21 diiya. Doceasod was well and, favorably known, being a woman of kindly na- tuf a'."wh6.' mado friends wherever shn went. Tho f nnoral services, will bo conr ductod by BJshbp IL L. Bnrkle at tho United Urctnrpn churcb in xow l'aric tomorrow at, 11 a. m., and the interment -vrill bo In tao City View cemetery. OAWVO fiT "T Kind You flaw Moth Bjsgll (Kfwrtors " " ino mm icu nan wwara Money to Loan THOMA8 K. FOBD, Over Ladd- & Bush's Bank, Bnlom, Or. Shingles Best Star A. Star Shingles $t.85 PER 000. SALEM FENCE WORKS Walter Motley 00 Court Street, Salem. j . " ''Tha Odoriferous; -Polecat. '-' 1 The polecat is lately in cvldcnco it? this vicinity, fully charged with nil tho doublo quintessence of pungency with (Which ho is accredited, Two of our Vounjr ladies ono oveninir this week discovered ono. Thoy wcro invefltlgnt' ing a row irr tho chicken coop lato nt night, and after getting a lamp to tho scenq found tho causo to bo a pretty littlo blacK hnd whito striped animal which wqs already putting his seventh, 'chfeX out of? business. Tho young lady not holding tho lnmp quickly executed n brilliant flank movemont and thought lessly ncco)cratcd tho animal's depart uro from tho coop with swift kick that would havo dona ample credit to "II' or, nnmo was Maud." Tho girls nearly fnintod. But his skunkship didn't dlscloso any symptoms of foo blonoss. On tho contrary. Ho man aged to get away safely, but left a record, as ho always does. A few min utes Inter two sorrowful girls with tear stained faccM could bo sopn in tho palo light of tho moon, each holding her nose with ono hand and burying her ahem! clothes with tho other. Tuesday avening George- Cyrus found to his sorrow, tho samo animal after his chickens. At least, Qcorgo says it was tho Minio out. Ho killed it, but ndt until it nearly killed off tho ontiro noighbarhool. Oeorgo followed tho fashion, burying his clothing and dos ing bin parson with disinfectant. Prlnovlllo Review. FLETCHER'S OnTT.nUKTT OEY FOB OARTOEIA. More Tires Just rocoived, another shipment of tires, all kinds' nXd'STpxideo. Our j stock of tlre hnd sundries is fresh, as wo havo no old stock to Vorj?' off. Come in and lot us put ora coaster brako for you, so you pan huce it easy tun noiwoamer. jjcss prii n Off NffS'aJf i; Phono 301 Black. - 8iPtd:lHfH.wfc. ftsl , 8 ' JL , Portland, July 6. Federaf Judco Tocoma, "Wash., July 0. Ono of tho 'Dollavoh this morning overruled the boats in which tho eight convicts c- dpmurrers in tho land fraud cases in caped from McNeil's Island, after cut which James Benson, Chnrlcs Nichols ting their way out of prison, wns lo- nnd Henry Meldrum are defendants. I cnted this morning near Stcilacoom, Tho case against W. N. Jones, Dan iel Clnrk, Thads. Potter and Ira Wndc. accused of conspiring to obtain lands though rumors of mon being seen at Jn tho Silcts Indian reserve, is set for j vnrlous localities are current, tho fu trial to follow the trial of Congressman gitives, thus far, havo successfully "Williamson, ct nl., which begins to- eluded tho officers. Thousands of camp morrow. I jy-rs scattered throughout tho Pugct Tho case ngainst Mitchell, Hermann, ' Sound country havo come to the city, Qrmsby, ct nl., Is placed at the foot of faring to remain in tho woods so long tho calendar. A number of bench war- ns tho convicts' are at large, rants wero issued for mindr defend- ' srsTweT. Kansas City, July 6. Federal Judgo Pardon Unconditional. Philips today cited the Santa Fc to ap- An examination of tho records in the Pcnr an(1 8'10W causo why it should not secretary of stnte's ofHco shows that punished for on alleged violation of Win. F. Bcckmnn, tho aged veteran of 'the injunction forbidding it grnnting tho civil war, who was recently nrrcst- robntes on coal, on cutting the tariff ed for tho alleged breaking of his pa- on r"tcs. Tho answer must bo filed by role, was unconditionally pardoned by August 1st. Oovornor Geer, and not upon tho condi-j AnIdaho Flro tiou that ho should leave tho state, as. T .. . T.,. T.., ' . ' ,.. .... has been, nllogcd. Beckman is nn old , , ' , i , , . . ,. . . . morning destroyed a number of frame man nearly 80 years of ago, and was , ,, ,, , ; , - , ... u.nt.1 uL i . Li ,. .,.. bulldingB and stocks of merchandise in t. .. ., ' , tho heart of tho town. It threatened tho ponitentinry a number of years ago , ., , , . .. ., , , ,. ,. , , ,, i, , i i'or tlmo to destroy tho entire busl- for tho murder of his wifo and step-! ........ - . 'nnn on iionr Dfilclan.l. n,nn TI- -11 .1 , "v" "vv, a, ,v. that ho did tho killing in solf'defonse. 'After ho had served eoven years of his terra ho wns pardoned by Governor deer and went to Minnesota, where he entered, tho soldiers' homo., Tho cli-' mato there did not ngrco with him, so of secretary of stato, ho wns given permission to bo transfer red to tbo soldiers home in California. On his way thero ho stopped off in Portland to visit an old friend for a short time, and had his ticket for Cal ifornia in his pocket when arrested. rz a i itiuxmyimm JP&MXJ&JBARAm&9JI m t Boot is Willing. Washington, July 0. It is repre sented hero that Ex-Secretary of War Boot has indicated to tho President his willingness to accept tho position County Courts Confer. Tho county court of Polk, county eamo over this morning to confer with tho county court of Marlon, and tho Salem street committee, relating to making tho needed improvements t8 tho big bridgo across. tho Willamette Thcso bodies wont out to tho bridge, inspected it anir estimated the cost of ropairing tho samo, and will probably mako samo arrangements for having tlo work dono ADDITIONAL PEBSONAXS. REDUCED EXCURSION BATES. To tho Soasida affd Mountain Resorts for tho Bummer Vacations. 4 . Yom V Eyes Mafcg Protest If, ftor reading w working etoadlly, tho eyes are tired or ache or be come- watery, or tho eyelids emart, or tho head aches, it is suro that you havo- overworked, perhaps 'strained them. And' it id just as euro that tho JlitflW' glasso 'will oV paly atford, present rest and' relief for the. eyes, but will .prevent thorn, from being iur(her overworked or strained, It will.eos you nothing- fo Hnd out just what your eyo trouble!. With Instruments of tho utmost precision, wVean'MelorinltU tho oxdct condt-' 'tion of 70ur eyes in a few minutes, and y6u may reel assured, that wo will not ad v!w glaod "unless theya aetuoliy needed. -j Statttftarf LiWiy Sis., Sakm, Or mPi pieffl On and after Juno 1, 1005, tho Southern Pacific, in connection with tho Corvnllis (s Eastern rallrrfad will havo on sale round trip tickets frqm points on thoir lines to Newport, Ya quina and Detroit at very low rates, good for return until October 10, 190S. Throo day tickets to Newport and Yaqulna, good going Saturdays and re turning Mondays aro also on salo from all east eldo points Portland to Ku geno inelusivo, and from all west side points, enabling peoplo to visit their families and spend Sunday at tho sea side Season tickets from all cast sldo points Portland to Eugene inclusive, and from" all west- sldo points nre also on salo to Detroit at very low rates with stop over privileges at Mill City or any point enst enabling tourists to visit tho Santiam and Brcitenbush Hot Springs In tho Cascade mountains, which can bo reachod in ono day. t Season tlckots will bo good for ra urnfrom all points until October 10. jThrcQsday tickots will' be good going Saturdays and returning Mondays pnly. Tickets from Portland and Tfl Canity .will be good for return via the cast ,or Veet side at option of passen- gor. icxow irom tugene ana vicinity ,t1U, 1)0 good going via the Lebanqn BpripguoittvOrnaca, i uesireu, xaggago oa' Newppri tickets chocked through to Newport; on Yaqulna tickets to Ya qulna only. S. P. trains connect with the 0. & E. nt Albany and Corvallis for Yaquina flm Newport. Trains on tho C. & E. for Detroit will loavo Albany at 7:30 n. ra., enabling tourists to tno iiot 8prings to reach thero tho samo day. Trains from and to Corvallis connect with all east tde trains on the S. P. Full Information as to rates, time tables, etc., can bo obtained on appli cation to J. Mayo, Gen. Pass. Agt, C. & E. B, B. Albany; W. E. Comas, O. P, A., Bi P, Co., Portland or to any a P. or a & E, agent. S Bate from Salem t& Newport 15.00. Bate from Salem to xaqnin $4.50. t. Bbto from Salem to Detroit $3.00. Three-day rata from Salem, tew. Ya qulna or Newport $?.Q0, 6-J-tf Hnrry 8hca, of tho Star Tanner Co., of Albany is in tho city today on busi ness. F. A. Baker is-homo from a visit at Bod Falls, Minn., and other Eastern points. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson nnd Mr. and Mrs. Mehulo went to Cascndia this morning to spend thoir vncation. Mrs. E. A. Wiggins went to Turner this morning to attend tho meeting of tho Ladies' Aid Society of the Prcsby- torian church, which is being held at tho homo of Mrs. John Wlttschen. Mrs. L. G. Buckingham nnd dnughtcr, Bliuibotli, arrived in tbo city last ev ening from Palo Alto, Cnl.v for n visit with relatives and frionds in this city. Miss Buckingham is a student of Stan ford University. Her many frionds will bo glnd to wclcomo her back. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ed. Scamore, from York, Nebraska, arrived in Salem this morning and will visit with tho family of 0. V. Xiles, who recently purchased tho farm of Geo. Collins, on tho Gar den road. J. B. Barber, of Eureka, California, who lias also been visiting Mr. Nil os, loft for his homo this morn Out Geat Annual Cleaning Sale Started on Monday Morning and Will be Kept in Fall Blast Until Ftftthe Notice. No reservo out; they havo to go; ovcry articlo la this; progressive es tablishment is at tho mercy of your cash. This clearing salo wil bo ons you won't forget for many a day. Tho prices will bo olaaghtcred ia ovcry department. Bead and remomember don't pay too much elsewhere Tte CtefcStabfes Ffrst-clau Livery and Cab line. Funeral turnouts, a spedslty. Tally-ho for picnics smd excursion parties. Phone Msla 41. Corner LJbrty and Ferry, Wifo Sues for Divorce. A suit for divorce was filed in tho circuit court' jestordny by Eva L, Wood, who asked to bo legally from her husband, W. A. Wood. She sets up as n causo for divorce cruel ami inhuman treatment and dosertiou. Ac cording to tho complaint filed by her in department No. 2 of tho court yes terday tho plaintiff nnd defendant vote married at Euscu on Juno 30, 180S, and lived together until th mouth ui Mars'- !'Cu, ntfu (hi (irifr wns dosortcd by the IJtUr, without eaue or provocatiim T!i wife nur. alleges .that.d'vluj the timn tho;- llvcl together her husband treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner, and that during the past two 3 oars ho has con tributed nothing whatever toward her self and child. Tbo plaintiff asked for a decreo of tho court forever dissolving itho bonds of matrimony existing be tween herself and the defondnnt, and thatshoboawarded tho caro and custody of their minor daughter, aged six years (John A. Jeffrey appears in the suit as attorney for the plaintiff, Two Mora Made Happy, Mr. W. A. Elder and Miss Bernice Neal wero yesterday afternoon given 'permission to unite in the holy bonds of -matrimony by County Clerk Roland W, Y. Richardson furnished the affidS' ivlt upon which tho license was issuedv 1000 yds Protty Scotch Lawns that was 7"2c and 8c, salo prlco..3y2c lZYaC, 15c and 18c Imported Fancy Lawns, salo prico. .8 1-3 and 10c Hundreds of yards of summer goods at half price. 12 prico on Remnants of Silks and Dross Goods; this season's. 1000 yds Fine 85c and $1 Drees Silks, salo prico ....59c and COc 1000 yds of this season's latest Dross Goods, worth from 76c to $1.50 yd, prico.. 33c, 40c and 7Cc This season 'a latest styles in para sols; half price. Prices on Domestics, Muslins and Whito Goods cut away down. Tablo Linens, Towels and Napkins all at tho mercy of your cash; lit tlo prices. COO yds Mosquito Bar, yd, 3c Chambory B'aC 12'a Scotch Throad, spool 3c Beet silk thread, spool ' 3c 500 Fringed Napkins, each 4c Soiled Bod Spreads and Blanks to; half prico. Pricos on Laces, Ribbons and Em broideries cut to pieces. Clearing pricos on Foreign and Do mestic Dress Trimmings. Half prico and loss on Ladies' Silk Shirt Waist Suit. 918 and $25 Suits, salo prico 90.50 and 911.90 Prices cut away down on ovcry ar ticlo in our Cloak, Suit and Mil linery room. 93.00 Trimmed Hasroipt,c bgkq 93.00 Trimmed Hata, prico. .,. 91.49 Children's and Misses Hata all re duced. 92000 worth of tho latest and pret tiest Shoos In Salem at cloaring prices. Ladles' 92.50 shoes, salo prico 91.4V Prices on Men's Goods Slaughtered. Mon's 35c Bummer Underwear.19c Mori.'s 80 Sox, salo prico ........3a Mon's 45c Working Shirts, price 29c Mon's and "Boys' Straw and Felt Hats, all reduced. Children's 35c Wash Hats 10c Children's Swiss. Caps 4c Sunbonneta 10c and 15c Ladles' 25c Shirt Wfirt Sets ..lOg Boat Sans Silk, ball 2c Best Hairpins 2 packages for It SALEM'S TABTEST OROWrNG. STORE. McEVOY BROS. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets SACAJAWEA MONUMENT UNVEILED p Oregon Suburban Auto Co, Automobile car leaves Willamette Hotel tor Independence week days, nt r7 a. hi. and 3:30 p. m. Returning leavos Independence at 8:30 and 5 p. m. Sun days leaves Salem at 8 a. m, and 3:30 p. m. Leaves Independence at 9:M) a. m. and 5 p. m. Connects at Inde pendence with motor for Monmouth, Dallss and all points on the West Side. Special for evening parties. fi-17-tf M. P. BALDWIN, Mgr. mi" 1 Xho Southern Pacific Company Will sell tickets, Salem to Boswell Springs and return up to, and Including September 30, 1005, 1005, limited to 30 days, rate of 95.55, 6-5-tf Red Men Have Big Parade ,. and Conduct the Cere ' monies Portland, Ore., July 6. The bronze stotuo of Ssenjawoa, orccted by the wb'raen of tho Northwest to tho mom ory of tho Indian heroine, who guided Lewis and Clark in tho exploration a century ago was unveiled today at the exposition, undor the nuspices of tho Oler of Bod Men. Tho unveiling was proceeded by a Red Mon's parade, in which mombers of tho ordpr from nil tho Western states participated. Teachers Talk Shop Asbury P'ark," N. J., July 0, The iNntlonal Wuoatlonal Association in annual sesion today had another busy day of it. Even tho attractions of tho surf, were not sufficient to luro many o(,tho teachers, and all of tho section nl. conferences wero well nttendod. Nl general session was held, but the departmental meotlng listened to stores. of Interesting papers and.disi cuisionj covering a wide field of odu eational work. Tho open meeting to njgb,t will be addressed by William Barclay Parsons, the famous New irK engineer; Frank A. Vanderlip, vice president of the Natlopnl City Bank of New York, and Lorenzo D. narvey, superintendent of the schools or .yenomonle, Wis. Took Suicide Route. Colebrook, Conn., July 6,-Winthrop Turoey, a millionaire mine owner In Sonora, Mexico, killed himself in a pasture lot hero this morning. Ho was despondent on account of ill t,i. He was 40 years old and a graduate of lale. Norwich Union Fire Jasatl ance Society Frank Meredith, Resident Agestl Office with Win. Brown & Co., No. 1231 Commercial Street. NEW TODAY I - t ...-- Theo. M. Barr Successor to Barr 1 Potzol, tinner and plumber, not &1 water and steam heating a special Salem, Oregon. 3-2- Wanted. At Willamette notel, ehial ber maid. 76 3t For Rcnt-Rooms for light housckj ing, or otherwise. Bates reasonable! Dr. Rowland house 415 Court stttHI 7-6-3t Lost. Between Southern Pacific depo and Stute gtrnnt. Iirnwn nlt (IK I Reward for same. Loavo at Jou8l) office. . 7 6 tf- I Baron Took a Feod. Tokio, June d. Boron Komura, bb later of foreign affairs, and one (' the Jntinnrsn nrnirn tmvnva nee till with other members of tho party w go to Washington to meet tho Bus? plenipotentiaries, had a farowcll lnW eon with tho Mikado today, previous $ tueir departure for the United Stl When Rev. Gordon offered !, ,... at the opening of the Fourth celebra Uon he requested that the "congrejra tion stand up." 0f two lmi. ,.,. seated together ono started to rise.when zr rssTL ..fl STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL The oltlfm f.r,A '.Url,. nt this institution aro''pieago3 io lmpt no Information! j concerning tb j dealings of its'e'ustoipofs who, havs. 1 a right to expect that their bankji ngbuBlnsain fee treatfd uXOENTXiVLT This wa ? -and wo also aim to protect th& interests in every legitimate ow ner. Possibly you havo need of an institution. If so, it beeomf ' our pleasurable duty to invite yo to come to this bitnfc Salem State Baofc L. K. PAGE. Pf txtietf ! y fWTTiTMHry QS.S FOB E,1rV;HJLZAHDrOsWf lit m ' Uat Congreoa.