TWST" ir-". -TT?"7IVn!'n'-Y " FI1R?T' - -w f vfr -- 1 9 .uers ITREET WORK DEFERRED iouncil Receives ProtestFrom South Commercial Street Residents Action Deferred Tlio matter of tlio Improvement of South Commercial street and also oc- lon on tho petition from tho taxpay ers' longuo woro definttoly postponed. in ndjournod mooting of tho city coun cil will bo held this evening, at 0 i 'clock for tho purpose- of definitely irrnnging tho matter of holding tho Special city election to dotormino rhothor or not tho city shall construct tho proposed concroto bridges, and bond tho city to pay for tho same. A largo amount of routlno work was transacted, ns follows! Tho committoo on accounts and cur rent oxponsos reported that thoy had bzamlnod certain bills which had boon prosontcd for current expenses, and recommended that thoy bo ordered paid. Tho committoo on strcots reported that thoy had called upon tho secre tary of tho Taxpayers' longuo in ro- ijard to a potition which that body lmd submittod to tho council asking for permission to improvo certain strcots, and that it had found that thcro was no list of members of that lcaguo, as (tho city ordlnanco required, and honco no action could bo taken until a poti tion was prcsontod, slgnod by a cor Rain porcontngo of tho abutting prop erty owners of tho strcots in question. Tho bid of tho Warren Construc tion company of Portland for tho Im provement of South Commercial street was declared to bo n rcnsonablo bid by tho committee to which tho bids roro referred, and tho committoo roc- Diamonded that n contract bo enterod Into with that company for tho pro posed improvement. Dcforo tho re port was adopted Alderman Bnyno pro- bunts a potition from property owners ilong South Commercial street, pro testing against tlio proposed Improvo- Pennyroyal pills m CIIIClIliSTKUH KNGLlrfU In 11ED i U.ld MIUIIM bcl.. t!t4 lib bin rlbUi Tk. a. .Iker, Rli ICr HblllHU.a una JralU Hm. H.f .f 7ir Dnrf i.l.f ! 4e. I. Uvm fcf 1'artl.wl.r.. TtlMalU o4 "It.l.rr.rl.adlM.tlr.k r. Jv V tara Mall. 10,000 T.iil.ll. .llj B -r til Praulith VkllkHlwIkinlnlUa, Ifl'nUMttt. pirw Mt4ltqMr. I'llll.A.. I'aZ Edison Phonograph Agency. Oasollno Lamps, Mantols, Gasoline. Typewriters, New, Socond-IIand. Ront. 214 Com'l St. Phono Main 401. Hirfe Wing Sang Co Firoworks, Dry Goods, Silks Em- broldory Laces, Mako up new lino Gonta' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Suits, Wrappers, Skirts, Whito Under wear. Salo cheap, Court stroot, Salorn, Oregon. 'Phono Block 2155. 310 Court St, corner alley. XKJESS tiTI - iy y m d-d-firldri I irtlirtl iJljtli IVlUI Vl L.lvlif7l kLi Successors to J. P. ROGERS Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1 48-1 56 South Commercial St OUR EXCUSE Evety Good Business Must Have Its Excise EVERY GOOD BUSINESS MUST HAVE ITS 'REASON FOR EXISTING. WHEN WE STARTED IN BUSI NESS WE HAD HARDLY ANYTHINa BUT AN EXCUSE. BUT WE HAD THAT EXCUSE, AND WB HUNG ONTO THAT EXCUSE THROUGH THICK AND TB3N. WE HAVE IT YET, AND HERB IT IS? WE BELIEVE THAT WE CAN SERVE THE PEOPLE OF SALEM AND VICINITY WITH GOOD, PURE LIQUORS BETTER THAN THEY CAN BE SERVED BY ANYBODY ELSE. NOT JUST AS OOOD, MIND YOU BUT BETTER. IF WE DDDN'T BELIEVE THAT WB WOULDN'T BE IN BUSINESS. STANDARD LIQUOR Co., A. G. Magers, Mgr. Phone Main 2181. Fills. Keep in good health. Cure your constipation. Get rid of your biliousness. Have daily movements of the bowels. Use Ayer's Pills. Can you possibly give better advice? m ftftflffi?? mont of that street. Tlio petition was reforrod to tho strcot committee On motion of Ilughos, tho strcot committoo was ordored to Investigate tho condition of tho spring at tho In tersection of Cottago and Bellevue strcots. Tho committco on public buildings reported that it had ongagod a car penter to look at tho building on Stato street to ostimnto the cost of repairing tho same. On motion of Aldorman Stousloff tho comrnittoo was instruct ed to sccuro tenants for tho building and report tho result at tho noxt reg ular mooting of tho council. Tho committco on Cro and wntor reported that W. 8. Bocknor had pe titioned for permission to put a now roof on tho kitchen to his dwelling on High street, and on motion of Al derman Hughes it was granted. Committco on health and polico rec ommend that all officers of tho city bo given a 10 days leavo of absonco at somo tlmo during tho summer, and this motion was mndo and carried. Tho report of Stroet Commissioner Kurtz for Juno was read and roforrod tb tho street committoo. Report of city recorder was also read and re ferred to tho committco Tho proporty ownors of block presented a potition, In which thoy represented that thcro was no public eower through tho said block, and ask ing that a sower bo put in. An ordlnanco was introduced by Aldorman Atchcson specifying that in future all sidowalks that wcro built Within certain limits should bo con structed of cement. Tho bill was read tho first and second timo and referred to tlio committco on ordinances. Tho ordlnanco provldlng'for tho im pounding of animals running at largo in tho city, and provonting such nui sances was read tho third timo and passed without a dissenting voto. Tho ordlnanco providing for tho calling of n spocial election to submit to tho electors of tho city tho propo sition of bonding tho city in tho sum of $35,000 for tho purpose of building sovon concrcto bridges within tlio city, camo up for third reading, but was re ferred back to tho committoo on ordl nanco. The council then ndjournod to meet this ovening nt 8 o'clock 'to fur ther tuko up this mattor. Upon motion of Aldorman Hughes the city nttornoy was instructed to at tend nil meetings oftho city council. Tho ordlnanco declaring it n mil unco to tether cows in or upon public triUs, paths, alleys and parks within tho city was rend tho third time nnij passed without objection. Upon motion of Alderman Bnyno, tho committco on ways and moans was or dcrod to proparo for publication u stntomont of tho financial condition of Iho city, and report at tho noxt moot ing. Slckoning Shlvoring Fits of ngua and malaria, can bo rollovod nnd cured' with Electric Bitters. This is a pure, tonio modiclno; of especial -benefit in malaria, for it oxcrts a truo curativo influenco on tho dlooaso, driv ing it entirely out of tho systom. It is Jmuch to bo preferred to quinine, hav ing nono of this drug's bad after-effects B. S. Munday, of nenriotta, Tex., writes: "My brother was very low with malarial fovor and jaundice, till ho took Eloctrio Bitters, whTch savod his llfo. At J. O. Parry's drug storo; prico 60s guaranteed. bAlLV 6AfAkJ6uiWMIM.6M:yCT5AV. fflffi 6, 1553. Ohoyonnea Dancing. Oklahoma City, Okia., Juy C-Tho Choyonncs Indians aro congregated at Clinton today wfib'ro thoy nro holding thoir big annunl' danco. IndiaWfrom all ovor tho territory aro participat ing. o' ' ' Bpollod Her Boauty. Harriot Howard, of 209 W. 34th St., Now York, at one timo had hor boauty spoiled with skin trouble. Sho writes: "1 had salt Thcum or cczoma for years, but nothing would euro it until I used Bucklon's Arnica Salvo." A quick and suro healer for cuts, burns and 6rcs. 25c at J. 0. Perry 'a drug storo. OHE&DBBN OEY FOfi FLETCHER'S 0AHTOB2A inri.iTiBaiin rr ii HOLLISTER'B Reeky Miuntairi Tea NUoOots A Btur Medlola for Bur PmdIi. Brfnjti Golden Hetlth ind Binawed Vigor. .A ipo'lflc for CoDstltSAtlon, IndlRtntlon, Lira ana niciney Trouble. J'impics, Kczemn. u in. Immirs Ulood. Had Hroath. filuirrlili Ilowrln. IIeid&Cli ahd Ilnckncbe. It's Uockjr HountAln Tea In tat- lireatn, HlUfrcldi UoweU, be. It's Uockjr Mountain' I4t torn), V centn n box. Ornulno made br Holustkii pnoa CouriMT, MAdlion, Wl. CfW DPN NIlOfSETS FOU SALLOW PEOP.'. .. The Giuh Stables First-class Livery and Cab Line. fWoral turnouts a specialty. Tolly-ho for picnics and excursion parties. Phono' Main 241. Cornor Liberty and Ferry. C6s. W. Yaniiic Pf dp. ' tr " " " f"- HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOVER LEAF PURE aiANILA TWINE' AND" CROSS HEAD BALE TIES. J MITCriELL, LEWIS fie STAVER I COMPANY. 'Special Namhet SUNSET MAGAZINE For Jtfjy. Ovorlnnd a Century Ago, Reuben Q. Thwaltes. Tho Oregon Expedition's Historian, IT. Morso Stephens. Tho Orogon Slorrn (verso), Joaquin Mlllor. Tho Great Northwest's Contonnlnl, a serlofl of articles by Frank L. Morrlck, Henry W. Qoodo. O. B. Chamberlain, Govornor of Or ogon. A. K Mend, ' Governor of Washing ton. Senator John If. Mitchell and others. Mining in Orogon, Emma Secklo Mar shal). When! tho Prlnco Camo; chapter IT, Flora Haines Loughoad. , A host of other good things, finely il lustrated. You should road it and eond it East. Vow on salo at all nows stands. I f i STOUT MEN cannot go ovcry Wlioro with impunity. They can como to us, however, and rest assured that thoy can get anything thoy arc looking for in tho way of clothing clothing construct ed upon scientific lines by artists trained to cope with all conditions. E. KOPPE, Clothing and Furnishing goods. Y. M. 0. A. Building, Salotn. University Slices $3.50 Tho bost shoes In tho markot for' tbo monoy. Notod for stylo, quality and comfort. Wo manufacturo ladies' woolon shawls to ordor. Soo our designs. H U TIT 1 ? THE BEST IS THE CHEAPESTI And tho boat Printing 1b nono too good for YOU If you consult your own interest you will CONSULT ELLIOTT In regard to tho boat printing nud b'o'w to got It. 217 South Commercial St. II i IA J II . ,f . , A rEELINO OF PRnE. Our prldo in our work is only equaled by tho prido of our patrons whoso bosoms proudly swell bonoath tho im maculato fronts of our perfectly laun dered ehlrts. Dcn't put up with Inferior work when ours costs no moro and makes your linen lost longor. Rough dry Eo per pound, Salem Steam Laundry COLONKD J. OLMSTED, Prop. DOROUB D. 6LMSTBD, Managor. 230 Liberty Stroet. PhOno 411 WHEN IN NEED Of corn for planting, remember that wo bavo ft choice stock of both Oregon and Eastern grown corn, which can be had at reduced prices, at tho Old Reliable Feed Store. SaVAe & Flctcfiet 322-324 CCinmcialSt. .rTT.-rrrmwrw i AAiVV" J - lows Tho second term of' tho Capital Sum mer Normal will open on Juno 20th, to continue until tho August examination. Classes will bo formed in all branches required for stato and county papors; also in Latin, stenography and type writing. Studonts who wish to ndvanco their grades will find tho kind of work they need at this school. Address J. J. ICrnps or Supt. E, T. Moores. tf WiKf.ttiillJ.llB",Jl!.1111" ""i TRY ONE OF THOSE FAMOUS DINNERS AT COFFEY'S RESTAURANT You can beat tho gamo if you nro real good and hungry, so many good things aro served. 205 Commercial Street Tho parrott can mako words, but his tonguo is not harnessed to his brains. Thcro aro folks in tho grocery tnvlo whoso claims nro just unharnossQsd words. Wo can provo that OTcrythlng we soil is of tho bost quality. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Harritt 4s Lawronco. Tlfl FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. XSifff, CnilH limit fff Bvtntnn Vlmrwf Attn., RITIR MOWN TO 'All. B.f.l Hurt! BiJ;l B.ll.. futUo CliiriiiOTl or ui IUfuJl. Hint fot 11.00 ft. I'd. Will H.4 ltl.1,1. Ui Mil lot wbi r.tlf ril ta.pkt t rt. lfjMr.nidliidMtii k.T. Umu 4 jimi .nUri ( u unitcp mccical CO., box T4. Unoirrc. rn. BMBBBRMT!fi8HftBlnMERi3nlBM Sold in Salem by S. 0. Stono. JHfcHHH-4 $ ff lo-itef iieiJfliaBnmiijif S .i-TZi iiHV'n iiiilrii miM iji i tf 1 1T A L F R A S E R Successors to Burroughs k Fraser, Pltfmbing, Tinning and Roofing Cornlco Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds: estimator mado and work guaranteed, S67 8tat Street, Balem. Phono 1511. A. - - - - - - - - Excur slonRatcs 'to Yaqalna Bay and Newport. Tho famous scasldo resort for tha Willamette Vnlioy, Tickets at roducci rates will bo sold until Soptcmbor SO, 1005 by tho Southern Pacific Company. Do not ncgloct this opportunity to tako In tho fresh sea brcoscs and surf boihlng. Season Rate From Salem $5.00 Thoso tickets nro limited to October 10, 1005. Saturday Excursion Rate $3.00 Thcso tickets aro sold only On Sntur dnys, and limited for return tho fol lowing Mondny. , For tickots and full Information call on A. COMEQYS, Agont, Salem. U. J. LEHMAN Sash and doors. All kinds of house finishing. 'Phono 131 black. Also two floors of warohouso for i.'ent; oloyator and switching facilities. M-l tHIIIIIUIIHIIMIIHf I BEST MEALS QUICK SERVICE MODEST PRICES i White House Restaurant OEOBOE BEOS. t X Stato Stroot. Fropriotora, i ' i i.i hiuiiii imI ItED nor VALES For Fourth of July wear, and as all know tho Fourth gonorally moans a hot time, so a low-cut Oxford tlo will bo just tho coolest tiling you can wonr. We have them In tan and black, but tcced or lacod. JACOB VOGT iiiUill wmiiiiau THE PICK OF THE FOEEST Has boon takon to supply tho stock of X Iurubor in our yards Our etock 1st comploto with nil klnda of lumbor Just received a car load of No 1 shin- J glen, nlso n car of fluo shakes. Wo aro J ablo to (111 any and all kinds of bills Como and lot us show you our stock. Yard and ofllco near Southern Pa cific passenger dopot Phono Main t 051 GOODALE LtJMBEU CO A OOOD APPETIZING MEAL. Can always be mado on our tonder and juicy steaks, chops, roasts, fllots. Thoso who lovo choieo mcata of excel lent flavor and succulonco ahould try a steak, roast or chop from our prlmo boef, lamb, mutton or veal. Our moata aro favorltos with thoso who wish first class and nourishing foods at reasonable prices. E. C. .CROSS Stato Stroet Market Phone 201.