Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, July 06, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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Russian Admiral Advises
Blowing Pirate Ship Out
of 'fexistericc
St. Petersburg, July C According
to lntost advices rocclved by tho nd
miralty, tlio battleship Potcmkin Is
still nt Theodosin. In nn Interview
Admiral Wjrouius, chief of tho naval
staff, said ho advisod sending n tor
pedd bont to sink tho outlawed battle
ship, and that this Is tho best method
of handling tho gravo situation. Fol
lowing tho isauo of a noto addressed
to tho powers, it is bollovod hero tho
revolutionary commltteo In chsrgo of
tho Potcmkin will nBk. recognition ns
a belligerent.
Aro Allowed, Tholr .Liberty on Deposit
lag ?500 Worth of Securities.
(From Yostorday's Lost Edition.)
Chicago, July C Tho packers in
dicted by tho federal grand jury for
allogcd violation of tho nnti-trust
statutes appoarcd olthor in porson or
through tholr attorneys In tho United
States circuit court this aftornoon,and
gavo bonds of 4)5000 for thoir appear
anco for trial at tho fall term of court.
(From Yostorday's Last Edition.)
Bremerton, July C. It is reported
that several of tho MoNoll island ca
capod prisoners woro seen In tho vicin
ity of Sllvordalo, sovon mllos from
hero this morning, and a poeso .has been
organized to Bcarch for them.
Four posses nro now on tho trail of
tho supposed convicts noar Bremerton.
United States Marshal Hopkins is
waiting until a definito report is re
ceived na to tho location of tho outlaws
beforo sending out tho main posso. Of
ficials of tho federal prison aro scored
on nil sides as tho result of tho break.
Tho convicts cut through fivo coll walls,
then through tho roof, and hnd boon
gone fivo hours beforo tho ward-en
know of it.
Scored Out of Town.
Theodosin, Russia, July 0. Tho in
habitants nro leaving town, nt tho ro
queot of tho authorities, for fear tho
mutineers of tho Potcmkin will carry
out tholr threats to open firo on Thodo
sla this evening. Only tho troops and
officials remain,
The Ptfice That
Interests Yoa
Isn't tho prlco that's mado for an
hour or for a day. You want to know
that tho prlco on ovcry article in tho
store is right every business day in tho
It's because- qur prices aro always
right, and thp quality of our merchandise-,
Is always satisfactory that our
establishment has grown during the
past 'W JTrs from tho smallest to
one of ).tUo largest in tho city. You
get jfull value for your money every
time at .
-- . '
Casli Stoe
Tfiose LacUe's
Mannish Shifts
W.e axe showing axe strictly eorree-t in
very detail, Jnst what every lady
wants tat. tfcft summer, season.
Salem's cheapest one-price caw tore
f HI' II
Hundreds of Visitors to Fiesta
Drowned in the
Moxlco, July 0. TJio bodies taken
from tho wreck nt Guanajuta, drowned
in the flood, numbor 174, and moro aro
being taken from tho debris. Tho pe
culiarity was that most of tho victim?
woro not local rosidonts, but visitors
thoro for tho fiestas, who woro caught
in tho streets, Tho survivors, on re
oovorlng tbp bodies of friends, carried
them off across tho mountains without
roporting tho deaths to tho authorities
Starts Near. Santa Gruz and
Destroys Much Fine
! "TirribfeV
Santn Cruz, Cal-., July 0. A big for
est tiro is raging in tho mountains near
Bouklor crock. Tho firo started from n
sawdust pile of a mill on Nowall creek
and' hns burned over several rancbcfl
and destroyed much .split ami virgin
timber. Many men nro engaged in
fighting tho fire.
Endeavor Work Discussed.
Baltimore, Md.; July 0. Again tho
Christian Endeavor host began Jho
day with a qulot hour scrvlco qf praiso
and prayer. Tho sorvlcc, which was
attended by hundreds, was lod by
President King of Obcrlln College.
Tho hour from 0 to 10 wns dovoted to
a school of methods. Undor tho direc
tion of export leaders tho convention
discussed tho methods of junior and
intcrmodiato Christian Endeavor work,
foreign missions, homo missions, per
sonal work, and Biblo study.
Later In tho morning tho juniors had
their Innings. They asssombled by
thousands in tho Fifth Ilcglmcnt Ar
mory and listened to a general dis
cussion of tho topic, "Tho Boys nnd
Girls for Christ nnd tho Church." Tho
speakers included William Shaw of
Boston, Miss Knto II, Ilaus of Mis
souri, Bov. C. II. nubbcll of Ohio, and
Rov. Albert Swift of London. A sec
ond junior nnd intormediato rally was
held lato in tho- afternoon.
Ono of tho most interesting sessions
of tho cntiro ' convention is that ar
ranged for this ovoning. Leaders of
tho Christian Endonvor movement rep
resenting many races and many coun
tries will assemblo in tho armory to
exohungo greetings nnd speak of the
progress of tho movement in their re
spectivo spheres. Rev. Albert Swift
will toll of tho work in England, and
th,e Kov. J, D. Latnont will speak for
Ireland. India will havo several rep
resentatives present, as, will also Bul
garia, China,. Africa, Japan, Jamacin,
and ,Canad, Mr. Stephen Jon.es will
speak for the American Indian, and
Bishops Alexander Walters nnd B. W.
Arnett for the negro rnco in America,
Searchy Chataug.ua.
Searchy, Ark., July 0. Tho Sunday
Hj.lin.il niiniitnunua nf the Seventh In
ternational district opened here today
with a largo attendance from Missouri,
Tennesssee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tex
as. Mississippi. Indian Territory. Ok
lahoma, and Louisiana. The season's
programme includes addresses by Wil
liam Jennings Bryan of Nebraska
Champ Clark of Missouri, the ReV,
Sam Jones of Georeia, the Bev. Dr.
Hamil of Tonnessee, and other speak
ers of national prominence.
Try Oar Maple Walnot
Pare Goods of Unquestion
able Qraliiy
382 State Street.
PV. T. Stolz,
French arid American Soldjers
and Marines Mingle on
French Soil
Paris, .Tuly'd. Another' link In tho
chain of friendship binding together
tho great republics of tho now and old
worlds wns forged today when official
Franco, united with representatives of
tho United States in pnylng respect to
the memqry pf the gr.cat Arqcrjcan
admiral, Paul Jones. Tho, program of
cercmonics nccpmpnnying tho transfer
o tho ndmiral's remains to thp cus
tody pf tho American naval authori
ties ,for convoyanco to tho United
States occupied tho greater part of
tho day and ntlrnctcd unlimited nttcn;
tion in tho French capital
An American navnl escort of moro
thnn fivo hundred officers nnd men
from tho Amerlcnn squadron nt Cher-
b6urg arrived in Paris by special tfuln t
J Tho Journal Saturday will bo a largo special edition for froo dlstrl-
M button this month at tho Oregon and Marion county headquarters. All
2 citizens oxo roquostod to hand iu statements of their oxporionco In Oro-
z gon that will Interest Eastern peoplo In Salem and tho Willamette- vol-
at an early hour this morning. -The.
visitors wero met nt the Invalidcs
railroad station by n dotnehoment pf
Fronch troops, who notod ns escort to
tho barracks of tho military school,
which tho government placed at the
disposal of tho United States sailors
and marines. At 3:30 this afternoon
Admiral Slgsbcc, his staff and the
entiro navnl contingent procoodod to
tho American church on tho Avonuo
do l'Almn, where tho coromonlcs of
tho delivery of Admiral Paul JonoB
body to tho ropresontatlvos of the
American government Jook place. Tho
church was throngod with distinguish
cd Fronch naval and civil ofllcers, sov
oral members of tho cabinet and ropre
Kontntivcs of various patriotic socie
Tho body lay in stato in tho chan
cel nf tho church, tho caskot bolng cov
ered with tho national flags of the
United States nnd Franco nnd a num
ber of hnndsomo floral embloms. Oca
oral Horace Porter, former ambassa
dor to France, -jib custodian of tho
body, the recovery of which was duo
entirely to his efforts, mudo a brief
nddress previous to turning tho body
over to Francis B. Looinis, tho special
representative of the United States
government. Ho later lu turn commis
sioned Bear Admiral Sigsbcc) comman
der of tho American escorting squad
ron, to transport tho body to the Uni
ted Statps. A saluto was fired as eight
American marines shouldorcd tho coffin
and carried it to the artillery caisson,
on which it was publicly conveyed to
tho Esplanade of tho Invalidcs. Tho
route of the procession was through tho
Champ Flysccs and across the Alex
ander bridro. haltinir before the tomb
of Napoleon. Houses all along the
routo displayed tho American colors,
and tho sidewalks Wero thronged with
Sight seers who stood with bared heads
as the procession passed.
Arriving it the tomb of Napoleon
the coffin was deposited on a high cat
'nfalque, surroundod by flags and flow
ers, and an entire division of French
tropps passed in revlow beforo tho
body. After ronderlng military honors
Ito tho dead the body was placed. on an
open railway car; guarded bya 'French
and American escort. Ten o'clock to
night is the hour fixed for the depart-
Sire of the funeral ear for Cherbourg.
Arriving there the body will be trans-,
forred to tho flagship Brooklyn with
appropriate ceremonies.
May Bo Secretary of State.
New York, July 6. The Prosldent
arrived at Jersey City at 9 o'clock this
EJIhu Boot left the party at Jersey
City, and came to his home in this city.
It is stated authoritatively that Boot
has the offer of tho tato portifollo un
der consideration, and .will give the
President a definito answer tomorrow.
The belief among members of the cab
inet who accompanied the President on
the trip is that Boot's answer will be
Chicago Markets.
Chicago, July 0, Wheat, 00i!0
corn, COVi; cats 32M30.
Bank Cashier Steals All But
$190,0 qf $100,000
Richmond, Ind., July 0. Tho Com
mercial Bank, of Hngcrstown, which
closed its doors when Cashier Bow
man committed suicjdo, Monday night
will not reopen, Investigation shows
only $1000 in cash left out of tho do
posits of $100,000. It Is not known
what Bowman did with tho money.
California Girl Champion.
London, July 0, Miss May Sutton,
of California, won tho final round in
the signals for tho wpmon's champion
ship, dofeating Miss Wilson, 0-3, 8-0.
Unlucky Thirteen.
Ferrisvillo Tunis, Africa, July 0. A
French subm&rinb, with a crow if 13,
foundered hero today.
Bojiy Formally Turned Over
to tlie United States
Paris, July 0. Tho coromonlcs con
nected with tho transfer to tho Unitod
Stntcs of tho remains of Paul Jones
took placo this afternoon at 3:30. Tho
funoral services woro hold in, tho
American Protestant Episcopal church,
which was filled with Fronch officials,
tho American mission to rccolve tho
body, prominent rcsidonts of tho Amer
ican colony, Ambassador and Mrs. Mc
Cormlck nnd Consul-Qonernl and Mrs.
dowdy also attended. Following tho
sorvico General Porter, senior special
ambassador formally transferred tho
body to tho caro of Francis B, Loomis,
Jr., spcclnl 'ambassador. During tho
corcmonlcs tho coffin rested on n
eatafalquo in tho chancel. Dr. Mor
gau, rector road a slmplo sorvico. Sev
eral hymns were sung, and at tho con
clusion of tho exorcises tho body was ,
convoyed under escort to tho Esplanade
des Invalidcs, mounted gunrdsmou
forming a guard of honor. Then enmo
tho sailors from tlio American war
ships. Guardsmen lined tho streets,
,anl kept back tho. enormous crowds.
(Tho coffin wns placed on a raised plat
form in the Esplanade, ana tuo troops
'filed past, whilo bands played American
and Frepch anthems. It will bo taken
on a special train, which will start for
Cherbourg at 10 o'clock tonight.
Vancouver, Wash., July 5. Ophelia,
the 0-year-old daughter of Qeorgo M.
vyolBleI a prominent business man of
t, , u . f t , , fl ,agt , M
from tho discharge of a pistol. The
'child, accompanied by a rotative, was
standing in a crowd on Main street,
when she suddenly fell to tho pavo-
ment with a cry of pain
When taken to a physician the
child was found to bo bleeding profuse
ly from a wound in tho back of the
head, and her skull was fractured. She
died during the night from the injury.
The coroner's jury called today re
turned a verdict of death caused by a
bullet fired by an unknown person.
The police have been putting forth
every endeavor to learn tho identity of
the person who fired tho pistol, caui-
Ling the death of the child. Tho shoot
jng is presumed to nave ueeu nccmenv
Ul !. anmann AT JfcYivflt twrf 4flA Wtivtfl-
41. VT VUVVV VV.VW.H..MK v avm..m
Asks His Attorney to Appeal
His Case as Fatal Day.
D.i;aw$ Near
Now York, July 0. Albert Patrick)
tho attorney who is awaiting execu
tion for tho murder of 'Wm. Marsh
Bice, has instructed his counsol, David
B. Hill, to tako hiB caso to ho Unitod
Stntcs supremo court. His execution
is sot for tho week commencing Aug.
7th. Tho appeal will net as a tem
porary stay,
Oot Her Socond Hand.
' J3ioux Falls, S. D., July C -Tho
woddlng' of Mrs. Flora Blglow Sodgo
to tho Hon. Lionel Quest took placo
today nt,Woodiyo Tip!, tho homo of
tho brldo. Tho wedding was a quiet
ono nnd nttcndod only by tho members
of tho two families nnd a fow Intlmnto
Tho bride is the daughter of tho
Hon. John Blglow, former American
minister to France, nnd tho sitter of
Poultnoy Bfglow, tho well known wrl-
tor. When still In her teens slio mar
riod Charles Phelps Dodge, of New
York, but tho marriage did not turn
out well, nnd several years ago she
enmo ta Sioux Falls and procured n
Tho Hon. Lionel Quest is tho fourth
son of Lord Wlmborno. Ho is a youn
gor brother of Lord' Ivor Churchill,
and nlso a brother of Hon. Frcdorlo
Quest, who was married in London
two wooks ago to Miss Amy P.hipps,)
daughter of Henry Phlpps, tho Pitts
burg millionaire.
Killed in a Mine.
Conuollsvillo, Pa., July 0. Five men
aro known to bo killed nnd many in
jured iu nn explosion in tho Taylor
shaft this morning. J
Tho victims aro all foreigners. A
quantity of dynamito which was bolng
used to sink tho shaft oxplodod a
hundred feotvbelow tho surface I
' ' ' ill I ! I II !.
I..- ...;.i.. . -
Such scrvlco ns is given by Meyers is today more than tho slmplo oll'ur
ing of merchandise for sale. Tho great r.ud successful store is u public
utility planning always to add to tho co iifort of its patrons working
always to mako their relations with the 1 imineis distinguished for broad
minded liberality nnd such personal sorvico giving us cannot full of a;i
P pToolation.
Kvcry ono of tho gnrments in this great salo is mAdo with tho utmost
caro by export tailors. Every garment Is'cii'twlth the utmost precision.
1 The trimming has boon accomplished with a degreo of nicety which can
not fall to meet tho unqualified approval of all women of tasto. Suits for
' outing wear of Mohair, tho best materials for dross nnd constant weur,
suits of dressy silka for exposition wear, suits for nil occasions. By buying
now you get tho full benefit of tho entiro season's wear for half tho price
you would ordinarily pay. SUITS OF BILK CLOTH AND MOHAHi
A lino of black lace and plain
black silk and lisle, regular and
long length gloves ruiiging in
price from 50c to $1.50 per pair, of
fered in tho mid-season of wear at
Half Price
Best qualities, best assortment,
best values to be found in tho city.
A comfort ono can hardly be with
out when euch little prices provail
here. A splendid 34x72, close woven
hammock with concealed spreader
at bead, with pillow, hitch and
rings, in a splendid assortment of
colors, the best value in tho city
for , 1.00
JUST EEOBIVED 'Another lot of
lin for walt add suits.
Company Will Build 40 Mile
Tunnel Land 3000 Mile
Chicago, July 6. Captain John JL
Healy hns arrived hero from Ntfr
York, whero ho hns been securing oo
dorscmonts to his trnns-8ibcrinn rail
road sclicmo to Alnekn, whero hogoest
with J. A. Wnddoll, chiof engineer elT
tho project, to lay 6ut tho prbposoiX
route. It is reported tho czar wilt
litako a Concession of eight miles on
each stdo of tho track from Ikuluk to
to rnst Cnpc, tho conditions having
been complied with. A 'quarter of
billion dollar company will boformerl
in this country in Octobor, nnd ncttaf
work on tho road will commence next
year. Tho plan is to build forty mile
of tunnel under tho strnlts. It will
tako fivo years to complota tho road1..
Dawson will bo the enstern terminus.
Czar Is dotting Good.
London, July 0. It is stated om
good authority that tho government
lias received' assurances that the czar
has1 ordered tho Busslan cruisers i
tho far east to discontinue raids on
vessels of neutral powers. It is not
oxpectod any further outrages will
bo comtnitttcd.
Lcandcx Orevr Wins.
Henley, Bnglund, July 0. In the
final heat of the royal Henley regatta
for tho grand challongo cup Loander
dofontod tho Belgians todny. Time,
0:S0, which Is within flvo seconds C
tho record Tho Belgians put up n gnaw
fight, but could not compoto with titer
Leanders, who finished two lengths aadL
a half ahead.
Tho Toft Party.
San Francisco, July C Taf t and htm
party aro spending tho day in Dohermisi
Grove, tho summer enmp, In Sonowsi
county, of San Francisco's famous Bo
homian club.
Tho party left tho city nt 8 o'clock,
taking a spoclnl train ut Tiburon, Budv
will return this evening.
Men's Clothes
If you want to be absolutely cer
tain that it Is a good suit, mado of
fabrics that you ran trust, put to
gether in a dependable muuner,
fashioned on lines that aro proper
and priced so that your pocket book
will not suffer badly by buying u
new outing suit.
- Vacation tlmo is nt baud unit
you'll want some new togs for the
exposition, coast or mountain weur,
so come now whilo tho assortment
is at U best, Brand now stvlja and:
fabrics from 8,50 9 $10.50
The largest ayd best "stock of Pun
ama Hats in (he city entirely now
model. style' for young, middle
aged and elderly men. The coolest
and most serviceable hoadgear
money con buy. You'll And our
prices, quality considered, far be
low what others, ask.
$5.00, $6.50 to $O.GO
pure whtto bleached and shrunk mus