yrr y .-. ft. Tonight and Thursday, fair, contin " 3VAST EDITION, SiSQ. ued warmer, t - v i : . AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL TOJu XV. SALEM. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY D, 100C. NO. IBS. FME EAGLE AND OLD GLORY IN THE AIR SALEM SPREADS HERSELF End With Music, Speeches, Songs and Fireworks Celebrates the Nations Natal Day Crho workingmon's Fourth of July elcbrntion was n success from start to isn. Tho first bombs wero fired nt Irybrcnk and country pooplo began to Igour into town at an early hour. RU exactly 10 a. m. tho Roferm Ekshool bandi plnyedr up a patriotic air, land lod by Comrndo Bonson of tho Kwpontcrs' union and Brother West of tio Print ors' Union, bearing tho Stars land Stripes, tho procession started down Stato street. Small boys mado tho wolkln ring lasltlio procession filed down Commcr clftl etreot, and tho sldowalks on both pfltes wero thronged with crowds. At Morion Squaro all seats wero taken lBlndvanco and thoro was "standing Ifoorri only." fcTho Reform School band surprlsod allfby their ability to play first class mule. Tho loader, II. L. Beard, has Mfino lot of boys, who by their manly ftfpoaranco and ability as musicians kavo won many friends nt Salem, K&t least 3000 peoplo wero at tho fFunds whon Mayor Waters cnllod to order and introduced Rev. W. S. Gor- ea. of Loslto M. E, church, who do- Hvorcd a stirring invocation. KTho nudlcnco was n very fino ono, largely composed of tho host peoplo of the city, its suburbs nnd tho surround ISg country. Thoy wero tho substan- tlaljAmorican yeomanry who mako this clSyJ nnd country ono of tho finest cities d communities in tho world. Eho day was porfoct and it was jwjjoycd by many who went Into tho country ami to other cities. A largo delegation went to Portland. Among thorn wns Governor Chamberlain who Ertcd '!iHt hat night. Othors who SIMPLE SERVICES AT GRAVE Body of Late Secretary Hay Laid in Last Resting Place MAY YET RIVAL TRACY Desperate Gang Escape From McNeil Island and Are Well Armed wont to Portland wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dins moro, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Poguo, nnd W. H. Burghnrt. Misses Warrant wont front bonch to tho rlght To tho loft wcro President Roosovclt and Samuel Cleveland, 0., July 5. With fitting Tncomn, July C Tho eight convicts ceremonies, yet mnrked simplicity, tho who escaped from tho federal prtoon body of tho late sccretnry of stnto, ! on McNeil's island are still at largo in , ,T . , i it i ii i .t , i"o i'ugci oounu region, xwo or xuo John Hay, was todny laid In its Inst ,.,,,, ,,,, , resting place In Lakcvicw cemetery. At COnV ct"' Wado ?ntl MC "" nr 11 o'clock a short service for tho dead ,orato mcn' "nd 8 thor M'-ly , ... i . it mt i . havo arms, tho officers oxpect a hard bogan In tho sanctunry of tho Wado t ..,,', . , ,, -.-...-I -i.ni tui nn,nrv! flRnt before thoy oro captured. Many T .. , , ,, , ,, iu4i . believe thnt tho present man hunt will In the chapel wcro assembled tho Httlo i , , i rlvnl tho fnmoiin Trncv chase. nnmntinv Af il ipt lnmilahnri mniirnnrn. . . V 1 .... f . ..... .... fy . .. ... .....v. . Mrs. Hay and Clnronco Hay wero on tho LAND FRAUD TRIALS Congressman WilliainsonNext Senator Brownell and Others Plead Tomorrow Wtkz PAce That interests You to Woodburn. Mr. and Mrs. B. D, Allon went to visit their daughter, Mrs. Miller, at Hubbard. Mrs. Mlnnlo DoLong-Wolls rcud tho grand old Declaration of Independence ina benutiful and Impressive mnnncr, and maintained her reputation as a fino elocutionist. Her rendition held tho nudlonco spellbound with tho old charm of patriotism. Tho band played a grand medley of luttiuiuu aire, 4uuiuuug America, nnu tho Star Spanglod Banner, at which tho cntlro audienco aroso as ono 'per son, a splendid manifestation of Ameri can patriotism. Hon. P. H. D'Arcy was tho first speaker, taking tho plnco of Rev. Bun ynn, who wns called; away by somo other duties. Ho oloquontly pload tho causo of tho labor organizations of this city, no hndi a warm feeling of sympathy for tho carpontcrs' union. It holpod its membors in sickness and distress. It upheld good wnges,'good ordor ami good government' -in this community. With nn oloquent outburst of patriotic ardor ho concluded with a pororatlon of great oratorical powor. Edgar Avorlll, a reporter on tho Capital Journal and gradunto of Wil Jnmotto university, told ono of Mark Twaln'a funny stories in rt very enter taining mannor that ploascd tho civil dron young nnl old. Avcrlll has a natural voln of humor that makes it easy for him to kcop an audienco laughing. Mr. Avorlll was recallod and gavo tho burlcsquo on "Agnes I Lovo Thoo." Ho got groat applause. Iko Manning, city editor of tho States man, delivered tho next address. Speech of Isaac Manning. This colebratlon is callod forth, now, as it has boon for 125 years, by patri otism, lovo of country and veneration of thono great men who mado this day glorious in our history by tho produc Bremerton, July 5. It Is reported that sovornl of tho MoNoil Island esr Mathor. Tho other relatives woro near ' capod prisoners wero soon in tho vlcin Mrs. Hny. "Vice-President Fairbanks ity of Sllvordnlo, sovon miles from and tho romnlndor of tho company sat hero this morning, nnd a posso has boon well in tho roar of tho chapel. Whon organized to search for them, tho silent company assembled Dr. I Four possos aro now on tho trail of Hiram 0. Hoyden began tho prayor tho supposed convicts near Bremerton. 4MIIIMMllE91MMflMHMIIMIKHMltl!IBlW 2 LEWIS AND CLARK EDITION. Tho Journal Saturday will bo a largo special edition for freo distri- 5 button this month at tho Oregon and Marion county hoodnuaxtora All gj citizens aro roqucstod to hand in statements of their oxporienco in Ore J gon that will interest Eastern pooplo in Salem and tho Willamette val- i loy- 1 IHHIMIHHIWIIimiimilM8WmiWlllltlOMI for tho dead. A quartot sang two United States Marshal HopkinB is verses of a hymn, following which Dr. , waiting until a doflnito roport is ro A. B. Meldum, pastor of tho church, colvedi as to tho location of tho outlaws read a passago from tho scriptures. An-, bef oro sending out tho main ponso. Of other hymn, n prayor and tho sorvlccs nclols of tho f odoral prison aro itcorod ended. A squad of troops of tho Ohio on all sides as tho result of tho break. National Guards boro tho caskot down ' Tho convicts cut through fivo cell walls, L'e because our prices aro always it, and tho quality of our morchnn is always satisfactory that our MMblishinent has grown during the Kjsafc' few years from tho smallest to t Jof tho largest in tho city. You full value for your money every tfisToat Baiics9 Cash Stote ffsn't tho prico that's mado for an or for a day. You want to know Sg tho prico on ovory article in tho .. . ... . ' ' , . . . is right ovcry business day in tho', , . ., . , , lfJ . " ' ' . been road to vou thnt iloclnriitlnn of 4. I FAAf1ttllnf tnflAnntiilAnAn nt daI nm. .a.vwu-u... wb .IIMVIIUHItVIIVV Ul PVU MO" sortlon thnt document by vlrtuo f which a now world sprang into exist onco as a concreto government, rather than as a colony. From that fourth day of the sum mer month of July in 1775, whon, worn with tho struggle against tho despotism of a government of which they had boon no part, that Httlo co terio of embryonlo statesmen sat to gether in that hall now famous in tho city of Philadelphia and gave out this document to the world, which should stand throughout tho ages aa a model of elegant English, as well as a tozt book on principles of freedom, the entire world has been changed. Yet little did thoso men, great of charac ter and advanced in ways of wisdom as thoy wore, dream of the future for which they were building. Little did they appreciate what a power, what a nation, what a people, hesitating in its onward march, would turn back wards in contemplation, on this day to venerato, to bless, to do honor, to their lueiuury. It is thoreforo fitting and proper that we should . gather here today in furtherance of the mission which theso fathers of our government laid out for us; that of proclaiming liberty throughout the land. It is proper that wo should coino together here for the purpose of rejuvenating those feelings of patriotism which are necessary if wo would continue to work as a body for the advancement of our govern ment as a world power. Patriotism Is Natural. Love of country is natural to man, tho aisle, and behind it followed tho chief mourners and membors of tho cablnot, who acted as honorary pall bearers. Tho Prosldent accompanied Mrs. Hay to the carriage. Tho cortogo then moved to tho Stono plot, whero the cnsVot was lowered into tho grave, Dr. Hayden reading tho familiar gravo- sldo prayer. Tho party at onco ontorod carriages and wero driven away. Tho President and cabinet, with visiting as sociates of tho lato secretary, wero driven to tho train, nnd Mrs. Hny ro turned to tho homo of Samuol Mather. Tho funeral began with tho arrival of President Iloosovclt nnd party at tho Chamber of Commorco hall, whoro tho remains lay in state. Troops, with a equad of police lod tho cortego, and a largo number of peoplo lined the streets loaning to tho cemetery, and watched tho passago of tho funoral procossion. J then through tho roof, nnd had boon gouo fivo hours boforo tho warden knew of it. Portland, July C (Special to Tho Capital Journal.) Tho ensos of all tho other defendants in tho land fraud trials woro sot for hearing by Judgo DoHnven todny. Senator Goo. O. Brow noil and othors will plead tomorrow. All tho indictments found by tho grand jury wil bo brought up for trial. Honoy'a success, in convicting Sonator Mitchell, has rovived intorcst in all tho casos of tho govornmont. Thoy will bo prosecuted rigorously. Congress man Williamson 'a trial has been Eot for Friday. It Is tho evident intention of Fcdcr nl Judgo DcHnvcn' to rush through tho trials of tho land fraud cases today, whon SO cases wcro callod up, and tho dofondnnts ordered to appear at onco nnd plead or demur. Arguments wcro heard on tho demurrer in tho enso of tho Butto Crock Land and Lumber and Livestock Company, nnd tnken undor advisement. Bench warrants wcro is sued for A. B. audi E. B. Downs. Tho indictment returned against Frank J. VanWlnkle, Frank W Dugan and F. L. Slslcr wero dismissed. Tho prosecution stated that all tho defendants in tho enso against S, A'. D. Putor, Horaco Mc KInloy, ot al., agreed to pload guilty, oxcopt Stato Sonntor F. P. Mays, who is sick in California. His case was placed lost on tho docket. Arguments on a numbor of demurrers will bo hoard tomorrow. POTEMKIN PIRATES . ACTIVE Steam Into Harbor and De- mand Coal, Food and Medical Attendance Thodoshln, Russia, July C. Tho bat tleship Potomkin has arrived horo nnd requested conl, provisions nnd med ical nttontton. Tho mutineers demand od that tho authorities gunrantco their enfoty during tbnlr stay here. Boa Going Sanitarium., Berlin, July 6. Tho steamship Fuorst BlBinnrck, recently built for tho Hamburg-American lino for a floating flaintarium, is to start tomorrow on hor first "health crulso." Tho cruiso will cover nearly 4000 miles and' will include stops at Guernsey, Buntry Bay, Stornowny, Lcith, tho Shotlnnds, Tronilhjom and Bcrgou. Tho crulsortt aro to bo chiefly for convalescents and thoso In need of rest and recreation. Dr. Schweninger, who wns physician to Prlnco Bismarck, will be In porson nl olmrgo. Tho ship is equipped- with a gymnasium, electric batliK, mnssago rooms and all other accessories of an up-to-dato sanltorlum. RUSSIANS SCRAPPING St. Petersburg, July 5. Sovornl wero injured as tho result of tho rioting at tho Putiloff works this morning. The polico arrested a young man who was outering tho works, nnd wns suspoctod of having dynamite in his possession. Tim young muu drew a revolvor and killed tho pollcoman who mado arrest, and was himself wounded by anothor policeman, Tho strikers congrogated on tho Petershoff road, and tho Cos sacks charged them, first using thoir whips; and then fired a volloy, wound- ' Ing several workmen. Othor dlsor- Tom Lawson Goes West. Boston, Mass., July 5. Thomas dors are anticipated. Lawson, copper mngnnto and arch-fooj of tho Standard Oil crowd, left Bos- London, July C.-Tho Constantinople ton today en routo to Kansas whoro correspondent of tho Star telegraphs ho is scheduled to speak at several Commends Ilenoy. Portland, April 5. Honoy received tho following from Washingten: "Your loyal, able and successful conduct of tho prosecution against Senator Mitch ell is appreciated and commondod. Hoyt, acting nttorncy.gcneral." Catholio Bummer School. Cliff Hnvon, N. Y., July C The Catholic Sumraor School of Amgericrc began its fourteenth nnnuaT session hero today and will continuo until Sop tombor 5. During this period there nlso will bo a four weeks' mooting Of tho Bummor Instlluto for Teach ers, undor tho direction of the Now York Stato Deportment of Education. Tho looturors who will discuss the varied program of topics provided by thb summor school include tho Bt. Bov.. Mgr. Loughlln of rhllndolphla, the Rov. John T. Crongh, of tho Catholic university at Washington, tho Rov. J. T. Drlscoll of Albany, and Prof. J. P. Monnghan of tho department of eom morco nnd labor, Washington. Chautauqua gatherings on tho moth oils of tho Startdnrd Oil trust and thoso at tho head of tho combine Prior to his departure Mr. Lawson an noawed that ho would travel west by way of Canada for fear that somo lo gnl action might bo taken as ho passod through New York to delay his arrival in Kansas, iDMHir . HT.WAMT 'hose Laclie's anitsf Shifts jTe are showing are strictly correct in rery detail. Just what ovtxy lady nts for the summer season. Salou'f cheapest one-price cash store E. 7, BABNES, Prop. Printers' Strike Growing. San Francisco, July 5. Tho business of many of the large job printing offi ces in this city is practically suspended today on account of tho walkout of tho printers. This morning tho pressmen and feeders walked out. Probably 600 aro affected. He Didn't Belong to Us. Las Champs, July 5, It is reported that tho commander of tho fort nt tho ontranco of tho Bosphorus has been or dered .to flro on tho Potomkino if she tries to pnss the Dardanelles. Kustenjl, Roumania, July 6. Tho steamer King Carl, just arrived reports all tho RuBisan merchant steamers from Alexandria to Constantinople as arriv ing with their crews in mutiny, Sebastopol, Russia, July 5. Tho Black Sea squadron, under Rear-Admiral Krugcr, returned hero today from its second voyage to Odessa, Tho squadron included tho battleship Po-blebotosetz, St. Petersburg, July 5. Tho strike is spreading, but is not yet general. A meeting of the strikers at Putiloff works was held this morning, at which demands wcro formulated based upon mxmMMzm1 that Lancia fell over a precipice while p,,.,,,., Gapon, pr0Rram A Btrong going at the rate of 50 miles an hour, (Continued on Page Three.) iiiiiiiiHniiiinHiiiiH Best by Test Zmfs II I ice lieam ; Mt'H I i I IHI III I M'I'HI ttt' ' force of cavalry is guarding the works. The employes of the Laforra tobacco works joined tho striko today. Monkeying With Uncle Samski Valojo, Cal., July 5. The crew of tho Russian ship Lena, interned at the Maro Island navy yard, threatened to revolt, Ono hundred and fivo mon went to the master and demanded to be re turned to Russia on- parole, as was dono with the Russian ships interned at Ma nila. The demand was refused, and a mutiny is iminent. All shoro leaves are refuted the men, and the Uultod States marine guards were doubled by the naval authorities. Today Only WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SALE NUMBER 235. For today's spoclal wo offor u high grade, hoivy scalloped buck, tl r 0 different styles of shell, BACK COMBS Thut aro splendid values at 25 conta each, but for today's big bargain ovont wo offer you your choico of tho nmtortmont at JOc tLADIES SUITS Every now modo, every now woavo and material for this season's wear, Your tlmo for woarlng is just beginning, while wo are reducing tho price to much loss than cost of materials. Every garment is a goru of stylo and beauty and cannot bo procured clsewhero for anything Hko tho prico wo ask. Stunning effects in BILK OLOTII nnd MOHAIR at HALF FRIOB. Bo early to got best choosing. Ladles1 Wrist Bags Wo oro showing a fine assortment of ladies' wrist and shopping bags, in tho latost shapes and colorings in black, brown and groen, bluo and shaded effects. 50c to $6.50 Japanese Parses Tho kind you havo admired. Such grotcsquo patterns and designs in fanciful colorings. Tho newest things in tho market, Oc to $6.50 Ladles' Waists Everyone of this season's design ing and making. No old, out of date styles, but tho newest, at prices to please everyone Materials are lavn, batiste, Swisses, linen, silks. 65c to $9.00 Men's Clothes OUT OF TUB ORDINARY, Is tho selling wo ore now doing and many flattering remarks that good dress ers aro making about our superior showing of Skeleton Clothing No garments aro worn under moro sovoro conditions unless they aro mado to withstand hardships. It's most stylish and comfortabla for hot daytf. Colors and materials aro in variety enough to satisfy you and prices aro $8.50 to $16.50 Hammocks Don't that word mako you wish you bad ono to swing under your shade treo eo you could enjoy lifof We can supply that want with the best of hammocks In a great variety of colors and patterns at $.00 to $6.50