lV8 VPb v& 'tiff fj& rwv If .&.; '- ?' , 7 W :,vJ-J t!r fil 1 ft l' V i Lrp'yA-Mr tMiifecw4 . , r , on i &3. u 5?Krf : x, wjwa'w.. winirjsj: "ST-JS-- V"- --, j- Tfl jnj lkjbctm. a t r" "jT ?. s; r 77 i17 mf 'J. T - j,r-.. ,,.,.,.. , J-- 1? ,VVl' M. imMM1flM r. xpmtj, -' - .tfSfcSpsV.--'.-. : '& , V.. ,. ., 1..J.V ,.7,-t. uliI--' I "I. ' "" 1i..imI ? vo. :r fz s -l - ' p I . 'fc. rf-7..-. &&&& .f"s: fr?..vr ! ,i tfV.x.; (".-- ''? ft" V- .7-. W tttH lk- Mas V4JJ3 iM wn i m s-vrj felt ..' - r-afci A.-IHTaI' - .: w .'i., ft .i"3. -'.'y. ,'-'( ft ,; k or - ismitr 'AT ,4.vA i.?2rj ( v 'f " ;tM-' xj.'.ii' x.j ; v. ?t- rw '- ---I WA8Hf UUUJJW, ". vyy ' ' - ,s. . ... ItTAUe SKIRTS, OmLDBSlC'S',' - V. i ttt 1 . (W-f r-,5T.""7 -, i rntrmm txrAToii mif ,TMr.Yl!finjr..'''Vw'4 rv T. ,WAI8T SOTT;.8ILK.0rA(. tHCi. ' ' .. A M, tj, ..., AtoUJu.,,. AXik XIV. . t.,. . J'ltif' 'v--' i-vf - i .' " '' MF-i.'!, "-WJif -VrjW'JK. Hiit:mts I, " ' f 4 I" r.jrwwjjQ .'.. w.izwcw.tvyK M' r rf,JMfcCf Eite'.'"Wljiits HALF M Ana rftiWHsrothe, tpcgto.Tan tftm. 1J- iwffjtr lhviusi4tfoip(6ifrft,lf Woliv biiea .unccfnlfy, contnfdtc(I'ior hb iM MAtiV'"iW)ttfag'.!Mn'aro nrrl vfng from out of tow" .'afid ''f ron? jftfewnf li!(ohi tiflnU jat8 -HrnhoTingsidor inll btf lit n premium. - i'Vf TtrorfartoaaV:1vltf"t'ltcfr rVifpttstiva ttnltoHiB1 rjoiUfUrB Arft-,'tjr affect tfiat both Boot nnd Itai.t liro in irsl-clafta eanJhltf, njiljt to tfngtf'6 In the bat tle f Ifictr Wear Tbo dnV dawned brlcht ftml clear 'fj'tlr lfiyiaoifV'orvpry'lJtgh telnjcra- ,;nr una aiicryoouiie, ,tc;usm oi fiyt H fTW)lliMr ,V -.. .'Nll.---',: . -.z -Jf A visit to our rttoro will convince you that you nro in a real American tore, comliictnl on American prlncliplc. What wo ndvertiso Is true. ,con, anfflthfl iraprwjpjp; Is j;row jnf Wl 5oct wljj iftiyo'jM roucKo dfl atraiivinff tfierot aJ pHj tHnBTpioa1 jtr'icspliai'Ut tefaA- jhig tho, .poMJblllty (of .qraokcdTiyork JgtmDtWicArfc(5i fsjliojf; 'flvofjwVlIllj IrtlWlllU Money to Loan TnOMAS K. FOKD, Ovor LaJd & Dusb'i Dank, Salem, Or. Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society Frank Meredith, Bosldont Agent. Oflro with Win. Brown & Oo., No. 120 Commercial Street. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. NEW TODAY Thso. M. Barr Successor to Ilnrr & I'otzel, tinner and plumber. Hot air wntor nnd steam heating a spoclnlty, Salem, Oregon. 3-2 For Bent. Hooiiih for rent, furniliiil and unfuriilnlicd, for hoiiMokr4pli)(r, nlitti a K(1d-Kiz('il twostopyjiirn. Call at TOO (Vimiiicrrliil htrcot, llirco lilovkM buyond Marion Mimaro,, lim Jf. A. Dlco. 7 3-lwk' Shingles Beat Star A. Star Shingles $J.85 PER J 000. SALEM FENCE WORKS Walter Morley MIhs Xfabel Crossy, of tho West Slilp Kntcrpriso, at Independence, wnH iii the city today. Xrd (Iambic I homo from a month 'a visit in California, whero ho spent a very pleasant tlmo Mayor Grant Corby and E. P. Mor com, Woodburn'H two attorneys, wcro in tho city todny on professional busi ness. CnnlKM fnsclicre, formerly of this city, but now of Tho Dalles, is spend injj a week with his parents here. Ho in now an employu In ono of The Dulli'H 1 milks. lgyn;rjb,ilri Arfsllght, an About -lOOfl jicopl'j nro at tho' ring side, among them a lllmrol crinkling or women Hoot'n weight Is given ns 170 and Hart's 100 Tho bccOnds of Hoot nro Buttling Nelson, Teddy Aloxnn dcr and I'ndkly Mackoy Hurt's sccondH nro .Tack McCormlck, Deafy Thompson, Jack Itoborts, Hal TJpdlko and Leo Up diko Hart won the toss for corners, nnd took the corner with his back to tho sun ' '. SHARES IN T1IE BENEFITS OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS. Mrs. XL 0. Law Shows How tho Burden of tho'Farmor's Wife May Bo Lightened. bai'!fc.OA')dSMif vp fioldjt wcctinij I fi.rAMi wf rJA'jbi'HH'otiteci onirto no UaJ- A fnilxdimmtfri.(1 var reeV'lt in ImrtcrstailBomb 'art aoV at1lM ith iW bid'nhat-; Krtra We .madet and.' watoimfi 'iiaunclt td MjcetnMfml alt, and- ask, fof 'new blds. - ' " ' -. It 1 Hdt likely- that any bid tnad'o would ever1 ld' 'acceptable to all' the property owncts. ibc Idea Is nd- Vitndctt by 0nic that they dould build thfelr" part 6'f 'thd street IhcnfacWeS, but' 'it is doubtful that tlfoy Wulil- comply with the spbcifieatlons, which 'requite the use of a 50-tori roller, anil a -guar antce that tho 'wotk Is up" (ii aeettnlii Btandrtrd of durability. 'The-Improvement of Bouth -Common cSal street hits bej8n' planned 'ft'tnry fully as tho floOHt bilullthld 'pavement; 'so fn"a" puttlrif dowti first -clris! 'work It will bo graded, tamped, rolled) and tho layer of macadam put down as good a thd heaviest' machinery can do It, unOtir thff most carbful superb L vision' nntl -tho 'mftst-'carefully 'lrawn poclfltiorfs.: "' t.r. kj-t. V y frTI'",')-'-- ;'1 "- ;.';. M.V The traveler through fields of corn nnd grain In such stntes n Kansas, bcoh from tho car windows numcrp,us up- plications of modern Inventive, skill to tho production of the farmer wealth, and In every county seat ho, finds n largo display of machinery fop. culti vating nnd harvesting crops. He can not so readily learn to what extent tho Summer Normal Tho second term of tho Capital Sum mer Normal will open on Juno 20th, to coutlnuo until tho August examination. Classes will bo formed in all branches required for state nnd county papers; also In Latin, stenography and typo writing. Students who wish to ndvanco their L'rndfift will fitnl Mm Itlnil nf wnrlr they need at this- school. Address J. J. "",l" otJ?xWr!n .wi" ,n. H "rw,t if . o v m -.r .. vioki paruflumriy, will roan with inter property owners tho mji ment will hnvo to bo abandoned, nnd somo other street taken up and put through. It is understood that Liber ty nnd High street people nro preparing to net, and tnko up mnendnm pave ment as soon ns the city can get ready to act. It seems too good to be true, and no one will believe that South Com mercial street will be Improved until tho work is actually being done. In tho meantime, if thcro is anything wrong with tho bid it should bo shown up. OASVOXIXAt Betn th 4 Ito Ktnd You Haw Atwap BragD w4 &f tfd : V ;, . ' , ' .n ' v . -t .. :m&lm:mw m MB f"3T- 't-ftr Blast xmimmtJiM W WiJA Si a sss Wlf- 'J 4rY."1 No rcservo tablbshment Is at tStocff.MlF J vou woll!trfwt Xor.vmiy,.a d&y. Th rtcB i mnr deuartmek Road W.?HIArtMr don't pay mjmch !''Sf!" WTWM aM. - progwi;. salowtttii "8M( Ck.- 1000 yds Pretty oBcotchiLaV8! was Ty.aaVKftic.a; lStyic, 16c and(18c Jtnporm fancy farmer's homo has shared lu tho gen-1 ernl advance, but bo knows how essen tial to tho farmer's happlnc must bo everything thnt ministers to . the strength and eliecrfiilnws of )iia part ner tno fnitlifiil liniiMowife. Thons- Krnps or Supt. K. T. Moorcs. tf Jest tho story of tho struggle tif'bne of their number to meet tho eoiistunt de- Jtif axui.i'uj".v' .j ii fciJMii I upon ner suuugiii uuiii sue inunii . ,15 FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. APtrt, Curtr? RiMif tVfP mwiu IfiMtenM. NIYtRINOWNTOUU. Hh ifltniv rKtU tut i t4 ' t x, nT K td' 4i i ki tn rrpll f-1 $1,001- K u' ' M4 lfcmcau ! ob f4tl rVf when ti .ei Ur i -- Iii. Uwr dfu44Ul4(ftl umTEncoicLco.,oiT4.UNOATtii. r. i mm mm wm u m T"rTW -crTj j m -i i IWIliiltllMlpMiMllilBfcilaiipiMIMUWiiiMtaiMillt M ore i ttes Our Just recetvrd, another shipment Of tires, all kinds and all Uu E'bIAAV V t(. Sk.1 .iih.IkI. A.L -... ... ,,wv- .. ...v. luuunm it Jrrqn, BS wp ORVO HO Ollt ,t0K tO WOr. off. Oowe In and Ictus put on a oaet hraVo for von. to -ou. sn mW flt easy tbts hot weather. Ueit work, at loatH prlC FRANK MjXJRfe . I II " -7W r rsr"T"v 1 A Wii,U 1 "' . . MM ithat sho wan losing ground iu tho une qual contest, nnd must coast to bo n helpmate and elite the clas of .con firmed Invalids, if help did not eomn from somo source thnt would n-now her strength, Mrs. L. O. Uw, of No. :. I Xorth Iu 4hifBIulih(MhMi?Kifl1fnrTmri.anhi vvl"Jc, 1- )in( (irlus fnlgitl08 -lost t ml' nuil'tltn. Hitfered from n sense of immu ii. n.:.i..i w r- - 1 fj " IHV VVV'IVUHI, HiirocdtIvu'n'nrombBtrulupf.the- iA Fram-oSlameMe treatr has i,m g.tlrcnlBtlOji, so ftat artificial 'inHw boon concluded," wld Mr. King ves- aaaKt$.i.e. ujej to restore It. .fter terday, "and, as a result of the frw il? Two Mon Olvon Striped Suits. It. 1). Dowcll plcnd guilty to tho clmrgo of forgery this morning, nnd was sentenecd by Judge Oe.orgo 11. Burnett to servo two years, in the penltcntlnry. Dowcll is tho man who forged tho nnmo of W. II. Snvngo to a check on tho stnto bank in this city Juno lftth. Fred Prentiss plcnd guilty to tho clmrgo of stealing Mac Bean's blcyclo on May 37th, nnd received n sentence of one year in tho penitentiary. Jack Hoffman was also arraigned on tho cMrgo of robbing tho Whndburn bank, nnd ltoswoll Flower was ar raigned on the chargo of larceny from tho Stnln elder factory, i SUM IS PROGRESSING at Half price. , 12 price on Remnants o'f Bilks and' Dress Ooods; this .season's. 1000 yds Fine '85c1 and'$l' ' J)fess' Silks, salo price ... ,60c and COc 1000 yds of this season's lafost Dress Goods, worth from 75c to $1.50 yd, price.. 33c, 40c and 75c This season's latest styles in para sols; half prico. Prices on Domestics, Muslins and White Goods cut away down. Table Llnons, Towels and Napkins all at the mercy of your cash; lit tle prices. GOO yds Mosquito Bar,, yd,,, ..,3c Ghambery 8'aC 1212 Scotch Thread, spool 3c Best silk thread, spool 3c 600 Fringed Napkins, each 4c, Soiled Bed Spreads and Blankets; half price. ' Prices on Laces, Ribbons and Em broideries cut to pieces. " . vli ' " . a . -nr-.- -.i f.ii . ' .. j Half prke S4M, ltpa onXaMnf mmwm . . , ?0.50 and llj JPriccs cu aVay1 .dpwjnon erir;! tlclo Jn our Cloak, Suit aod llnery-rodm. $3.00 Trimmed Hasroipt,c Ifl ?3;o0 Trimmed' Ha ta, pricoX.'.r Children's and Misses Hats tHJ duced. $2000 worth of tho latost and tiest Shoes in Salem at dwj prices. Ladies' $2.50 shoes, sale price 111 Prices on Men's Goods SlaagMi Men's 35c Summer Underwear. J Men's 8c Sox, salo prico .Men's 45c Working Shirts, prlciJ Men's and Boys' Straw and Ii Hats, all reduced. Children's 35c Wash lists Children's Swiss Caps .... Sunbonnets 10c and I Ladles' 25c Shirt Waist Sets Boat Sans Silk, ball Best Hairpins 2 packages fori SALEM'S FASTEST OEOWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. Corner of Comtntl cial and Court Streei Hamilton King, United Stntes wrwtfw. ?rrrr. rotLWIhowattMrncrAUnehima1 aijieuSl(ritg8odr5u'rifrg' IhV few; flays' they expect to romain in own before proceeding East they nre .ulTerlug for mpu'tbn without fln'djpg Wiiia In ) lima 1n w.,"w .'H.I.,. it ...... . HvaVe them praeHMlly U aat aSrf. - ' it AUci our work I. Ul .trf .a gforffa, $ft &$& wMV. t aet frflaUhinRd r.plti hlv fc.lTT , ',W MUllllM 4n ! -va ' - :i j 1 'J-L rri iTiTimnnMin-ir '"'" n 1' iiii'iijrTiiJiiiBr4--miniiMhwiiJl ' ' jltnHlnf, J trfxt a box of DOM Jiaiui.' Pipk Pills wbicb J bad iwonjfad- vstiif,4 nftwpapr. The nrs.Wgcvr bpa,! yi&tfo. j lot TjelUrj, and rafftr iln)rlh;iWiTojt t feJt tntlrelV5vwi. At 'tysjfjt $enwiA 3 faSa j(i,.lkr.W..1 -flJjUIAf.-l. t. .. f??T- )W4 i Bs Jtt e: Wlj -Y , - ,.- - 'Wf nousot oub aiM &ue: Wssist' mf itiibribil lili athr At. fel) ., ?) .IiltUftABl, jfH vy Mma 'X HavoftSkW kiy. '",.wy.,y vv9 rwgoiij3 ;4VKHpVrH(J.,VJr .fUoa, aUwa . r t k- w or 1 rmrwr JSSCl tSc via iSMBiirt vWif thS IU4dl "mrJH ,i.). arua$ta ajo, iW&It frow :?r Jt4 Ho tii gt.ntwsTc don from outside molestation whleh this assures her, Siam will now, for the nrst time, have an opporjt unity to show Ibo world what sho is capable of Id the way of modern develoDinent. I bVo, great faith in BinnVs future. iTbe wuutrj- hsa for IU-ruler ... J- I j ' ' ---,- -. V". , 4froman or culture una, refinement, 8ftj nad hrogrcaslvft .Spirit." Ho, has for RW;0ylejr Ji. IL SiroWll. nrnrn. Jof.locmjtlo'naMaTv t Vttnjl, and .qfroBKf.ccror b assistant Proewor XtfrtaUaairap protease of law x Ha Yard. .JCbpy.inako a strom .m .i tbejf ;havape. pUJt oaAdtm;e pf n jJMUMBBMtUV 80 tIJH!Opl9. . , 'f'Sisia.Js, going aliead wundwr.iii- ?V, .tho jwpjtal, lBow has thirty ;ir .u..v-Ht w,es or dfteuie railway, tmwiT mile of payed streets, a eaglet, aeCtria-llghtiff 1tm ,Ul, .nmw tyAvu faallflin r u owuplej ii, untqU, ,)Miu,c of w the only Mtioo on tbe earth tli wi ? tetiotal dbt, but a 1W months o it effeetjj a forofgn loan for the parpota of buildtpg rereads aad,Sthfr internal improvements. The country is rich In agricultural and mining re soureetf. The entlro southern part-of tho kingdom Is nu immense rice field, whero the finest rieo iu the world is produced. Tho country is also rich, in in and previous metals. Although thore has Iwen little development thus far, Hlam already produces 00 per cent or the world's supply of tin. Mining eoneessiout nre now being qbtnlnod by foreigner, ami there will be great ac tivities id t1Ht direction in the nenr fill lire. J. W. Tnvlor. on tinm . hiU'iident of M-hools In Han Francisco, L2yj.4iurifirvvnjB7raconceemonMfrrik .!. mKm fJKtfVwawab .--t 4irliSaMBblanHvelhTrefrrim Bldm very Miorttytarrdniror Wfuf ratfavp op9ratiqj).';-TSan BranctBeo Chrnhiele. . , . . Tho court also denied rehcari! to linortant cases. Jicpple O. & O. railroad nnd Violet Xorth Pacific Lumber Co. M ,ffil Wy tetti UW9 cni be m -Ux JlI yBi ltdr ko- Tha dwit wU gla t S p. xa. a L. DOBMAK, Hie Wing Sing Co Tireworks, JirratMAi ain.. v, Proia'ery lace u . SU " Skfir Wr. Mia ceat. ,..-..,.. 4. .. m. -a S-T?.". 0art it. unw w wi " DUNBAR IS SUSTAINED. Supremo Court Endorses Attorney. General Crawford's Opinion Other Decisions.' The supreme court today uphold tho attorney-general arid secretary of atato, """""8 "win inner could not issu warrants jn payment of the salarlr.. 2?ite8iiift; ip?w$t'ja5ws Wl??-MWJn any manner the f:" ft tl fpUows:' : " State, Of' Oregon neainRt nn,, o rnu. .. ' iii .. - . .TTr r' River, affirmed. qn f0 ,jeclgi(m , l&Aver court. jBM of Oregon, ex reL, against Qounty &tiTl flf Majbour firmed. Couaty court got decision in .John A. Tucker against S. Qtton, hlmer estate affirmed.. The estate got tba decision in the court Ul- - -...1 BORN. s tiKOIIB. At tho family bowl Gophor, Oregon, Juno 25, ll05,t nnd Mrs, Jacob Grohe, a son. Tho happy parents nro botk known here, having been nttcndui jiho state hospital for mnny y' A Pleasant Way to Trarel rh.o above Is mmzm&s tbp-eas'L and wo lolftvo-. thht'tli fto nij. ftccoronjodaljpns blvii' fi this statement. Prom Denv.r, W& uo springs and Denver tbera . tnrough trains daily to Kanui anu at, Louis, carrying Pullatil si standard electric-lighted il cars, chair ears and upto-dr,t cars., The soma, excellent scrria opefatodJ.i'rom.KansaB Cltv a Louis to Memphis,Little Kocf Bprlnga, If ygu are nolnst eMl puth, wrlto for particulars a-id I formation. Vf. O, M'BBIDE, tien. A ' 124. Th!rdBt .Pottnil..a - 1 TV .-- - .f- - Hr?t. ., .m wmmmst. RfMVtr " JT", !aff3 ir' , h0 TT,"ya r v r r t . ,ts ' in r vxk v if r r 1 ' n i vJBfll .'ose Taylor agUnat Tsabena Tar fc; Wo- got t':o deciZ il IHJIOW, as. McOrary and wife agalri'8t 0: Ch V T, ' " , ... Kg8, affirmed. Diggers cot the lcion in the court below. . . Jb N. fi .-t-. .... County, aMrs 7 . LBati dl uT'. eonay got the StRICtLY The officers and-.eUrks oi Inatltution arc- pledged to o information , eonearnlng MaUpgs, of Jta csoEerti wb 1 "gut to expect 1kat their Wg busbesii y, be, trca4 v-'WJFIDENTIAL. This w and wo slgo aim to protect d " itvtry legitimate r "i1 0MiWf.'J'pu have need of an, "Institution, If sb. Jt Uam our'pleaimrablo 4uty to Invito J io como to tbla bkv Satlcm State L. K. PAGE, Prti JIoMatbo; . W. HAZARD, 1