I DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OBEQQN, THURSDAY, JUNE 29, 1005. l . r lr i ( r; P- I' I- I t V ft Stockton & Co THE OLD WHITE CORNER THE USEFUL STORE NOTHING J exponslvo if you get tho worth of your money. Tho fact is, roal economy thinks last of.prleo and first of quality. Tho truo economy is in what you get, not.in what you pay. If you como to our storo to look, you will remain to buy. HIOII QUALITY combined with LOW HIIOE makes an lrxoslstablo combination at our store. HOSIERY ft PlaB Petticoats Very attraetivo styles, 8 ruffles n a lK-lneh flounce. R-fgnlar 3 on values. Reduced to $J.98 Children's Wash t Dresses Ages 3 to f 4 Years all Reduced to IHalf Price I "i M TRADE AT THE DEPENDABLE STORE To Invostigato Cotton Leak. Memphis, Tenn., Juno 29. In ro uponse to tho call of President Hnrvlo Jordan, tho moinbvrs of tho Southorn Cotton Growers' Association nssomblod in special mooting hero today to tako lip tho subject of tho nllogod leak in tho census dopartment at Washington. The association alms to ascertain how certain Now York speculators hnvo so cured advance information of tho cot ton estimates. An attempt will bo rondo to nx tho responsibility for tho'.v11 ,)(J rour laya of lnnnouvorSf Tho Shingles I y Best Star A. Star Shingles $1.35 PER 1 000. SALEM FENCE WORKS Walter Morley 00 Court Street, Salem. mNHMHHMHHHHHHMIlKIUIHH Bring in Yot Bicycle ' And let us fix it for you. Wo an please you. We are doing double the amount of business we did last year, and tho reason is that we do tho bt 5 work at honest pritss. A few good secondhand bikes for sale, X FRANK J. Phono SOI Black. CUT GLASS A Rich Display of the Best iMAKES The foremoU makes of American cut glaa are represented In -the "beau, ful fiwortraent of, new and ileh designs that w e aro showing, and which you aro welcome to come and view at your leisure. Too collection win especially interest those who have, wedding present to select. No brMo could ask for a wore beautiful gift than one of the plXM In this display. StAfeamti LlfcetY Sis,, Sale, Ore i-A.iw. -wi'lVsyaiit Stockton's Special Hose for Ladies 25c a Paiff Manufactured expressly for ns. They nro positively the best varaes that tan bo produeed for the prlee. Many of our customers bay then by the hex. BHB WINDOW DISPLAY. Tomorrow we will In atfgtt rata a Great Wrapper Sale Wo will endeavor to mako this tho greatest wrapper sale ever held Id Salem. Our entire stoek wlH out reserve will be placed en sale regardless ef sost. I leak, and tho question of having ex change nccopt tho association's esti mate will also bo acted on. Warship Maneuvers. Now York, Juno 20. Tho battleships Kentucky and Kenrsarge, tho cruiser Minneapolis and othor warships tlmt hnvo been undergoing a genornl over hauling at tho New York navy yard wiled today for tho drllllne crounda Off l'rOVlncotmvn. MrtKM.. wtlnrn fhnrn battleships Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, and Massachusetts, constituting tho second division of bnttloshlps of tho North Atlantic fleet, will also tako iM,rt CHILDREN CRY TOR FLETOIMR'B OA8TORIA. Money to Loan THOMA8 K. FORD, Over Ladd & Dush's Dank, 8nlem, Or. I s MOORE, 230 Court Street, i P! ISJSlSMSlI "'"SBSSSBBSISSISMSJS .'"WWPWsWssWssssi.A r tu CLEANED OUT THE JAIL Alob Got Buy With a Few Bad Men, Regardless of Color Athens, Ga., Juno 20. At tho town of Wntkinavlllr, seven miles from here, a mob broko into tho jail oarly this morning nnd lynched n whito man and sovon negroes, for tho recent shocking double murder of an aged whito couple, also ono other negro for an attempted criminal assault. Athens, Gn., June 20. Tho mob of 100 armed and masked men broko into tho jail, mcoting no resistance. Tho 'victims wcro strung up in tho public squaro and their bodies riddled with bullets. Tho stato authorities wcro no tified, but it is not thought that they will tako any steps to punish tho lynch era, Tho mob formed quietly just after midnight, marched in ordor to tho jail, whero tho koys wero demnndod of tho jailer, who saw that rcsistanco was use less, as tho mob was heavily nrmed. Tho mob then opened tho cells, lined tho victims up, tying them with ropes, and marched them to a corner lot, with in two hundred yards of tho jail, and bound them to tho fenco with tlioir hands behind them. At tho command of tho lcador tho mob stepped back, took delibcrato aim and fired n volley from rifles, pistols nnd shotguns. Every man fel, nnd tho mob quietly dispersed. Joo Patterson wns found lying on tho ground only slightly Injured. Furchaso Fostofnco Slto. Washington D. O., Juuo 28. Ar rnngoincnts nro being mndo to pay tho Ponnsylvnnin Rnlrond Company $1,. 700,000 for tho slto of tho now post' omco in is'ow York, Eighth nvonuc, Thirty-first nnd Thlrty-seconil strcots. Ofllcinls of tho dopartment of justlco riro nt work preparing a deed to trans fer tho property. According to tho law authorizing the purchase of tho site, tho railroad will occupy tho ground boncnth tho surface for n station, whllo tho postofllco will bo on tho surface. Ofllcinls of tho gov ernment hnvo endeavored to get n tlflo in fco simple to' tho sito, but tho rail road company would not agreo to this. It wns willing to givo titlo only to tho surface nnd ground ns far benonth as tho foundation oxtomled. No appro priation hns been mado for building, but congrosi nt its noxt sosslon will bo asked for $4,000 for thnt purposo. CHILDREN CRY FOR CARTORIA- ' FLETCHER'S Roasts Iowa. 'A short tlmo ago a man by the name of Ruseel Gilford went insnno in Gjruwford county, Iown. Tho ofllelals of that county alleged that his resi dence was in Comvllls, Oregon, and accordingly tho sheriff of that oounty brought him to Corvallls, from which pluco ho was committed to the asylum. The stato oflljjinls hero did not under stand tho circumstances of the ease un til It was too lato to protest. This morning the governor roeoivod n lettor from the board of control of state in stitutions of Iowa, asking that the state of Oregon pay to Crawford coun ty, Iowa, $171.11, the ewt of transport ing Gilford from Iowa to Oregon. In his reply Governor Chamberlain, not enly stated that this stnte would refuso t pay tho bill, but also took oeeaslon to roast the ottleials of Crawford county In wieh a way that they will remombor for some time to come. He said that Oregon had always been eharltnble enough to tako caro of the Insane found within her borders, without looking in to thoir history to find out whether they had been hero long enough to ne quire residence. Ho stated that, If Or egon, and the other Wostern states, should follow the -example set by Iowa, that they would be able to unload fullv one-half of their insane patlonts- upon the eastern states. In eenolusion ho asserted that If any officer of the state of Iowa was oaught bringing a patient Into the state, that tho offleer would either be punished or compelled to re turn with his ohargo. Mr. SHes, from the stato of Illinois, who ha been In the chicken business, has oome to Arisena, and is to estab-' Ibh a weekly papr at Raid Hill. Mr. fcllea will last about two weeks, and then his bald b.d will bo seen In Bald Hill no more. He believe in moral su asion, while the Raid Hitlers believe in No, 38 cartridges. The Kicker, Chicago drummers are usually pretty keen fellows, but one of them made a mistake over at Lone Jack ono night last week He foUBd tix ace m a. t,v of cards and had the b4 taste to speak mSAm" caHbif woSTfl QOLDEK WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Probst Cclobrate Their Fiftieth Anniversary. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Propst yestcr day colobrnted their golden wedding at tho homo of thoir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Riley. Tho couplo was mnrricd 60 years ago, tho ceremony being porformed by that great pioncor pronohor John Powoll, fathor of tho bride. Tho couplo is sturdy nnd happy, nnd both stntcd yes terday that they wore as hoppy today as tho day they woro married, and they enjoyed lifo fully as much. Thoy spont yesterday in' tho city nt tho homo of their daughter, whero tho wedding dinner wns served. Those prcsont nsido from Mr. nnd Mrs. Propst wcro Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Riley nnd Mr. Riley's paronts, Mr. and Mrs. P. Riley. Al bany Herald. Another Crow Mutiniod. Odessa, Juno 29. Tho crow of the government transport which arrived today from Nickolcff, mutinied, seized their ofllccrs nnd joined tho crow of tho battleship Knlnz Pot cm kin, to which they turned over tho enptain nnd othor ofllccrs of tho transport. It is reported thnt tho foreign consuls hero liavo asked their rcspcctlvo governments to send warships to Odessa. LIbau, Juno 29. Russian sailors hero mutinied nnd attacked tho government stores, seized tho arms and fired Into tho officers' qunrtors. Troops havo been sent to tho scone. Wostcrn Golf Tournoy. Cincinnati, O., Juno 29. Tho nro uual open championship tournament of tho Western Golf association oponod auspiciously todny on tho links of tho Cincinnati Golf club. As in provious years tho tournament is opon to nil, whotlior amateur or professional nnd no matter whonco thoy hall from. Tho entry list this year is largo and of n high class, two fucts which combino to givo promiso of an unusualy success ful tournament. . Chicago Markets. Chicago, Juno 29. Wheat, 00 02!)ij corn, C55Cj oats, 32 32j. o A Big Picnic Will bo held at Bybeo Lake, ono mllo west of Kelzer school house, Saturday, July 1st. A good program of nthletio events will bo given. All nro Invited. PERSONALS Judgo R. S. Bonn returned from Eu gouo this morning. Senator Crolsnn roturnod from Port land thin morning. Mr. and Mrs. I). O. Shucking wont to Portland this morniug, Jake Soar and his sister, Miss Har riott Sears, of MeCoy, were Salem visi tors today. Judge Goo. 11. Burnett attended the Pnlmt-Topplng wedding at Kugone Wednesday. Mrs. J, F. Calbronth nnd hor slstor, Miss Smith, of Wallace, wont to Clio mnwii this morning. F. W. Waters Is homo from Eugene, whero he went ou buslnoss in connec tion with tho proposed gns plant. Goo. Irwin, the hop buyer and enteh .or of tho famous baseball tonm, wont to Portland yostorday evening on busl noss. Dr. 11. P. Mortensen nnd wife, of Yonealla, aro visiting nt the home of Mr. Mortenson's parents. This oven lug thoy will oolcbrato thoir paper woddlng anniversary. Miw Tossa Dent, of Oukland, Cali fornia, who has been visiting friends in Portlnnd for a few days, is in tho city, tho guest of Mlsa Mnrle Hofer. Miss Minnio Ircton, of the secretary of state's office, nnd her sister, Mrs. Mabel Davidson, wont down this morning to tako in tho oxposltlon for a few day. Tho Misses Minnie nnd Bessie Como llus returned this morning from Port land, whero thoy havo been .visiting their sister, Mrs, 8. A. Slewert, and taking in the fair at tho same time. Mrs. M. Spangler, who was formerly Miss Mario Raymond, went to Portland this morning, whero she will meet hor husband, who Is coming up from San Francisco by boat. She was accom panied to Portland by Miss Parrlsh. Mrs. W. a Hawley and daughter, Iris, wont to Albany this morning to visit n few days with Mrs. Hawley 's father, who resides near that place. They will be joined Saturday by the prof6or, who will spend 8unday on tho farm. Tho Misses n&len and Eveline Cal breath went to Portland this morning, and this evening will appear In the Wm. Wallace Graham jecital. Miss Helen will be the piano accom-M-if. of the evening, and Mlsa Eveline will play tho violin. SwiaciiYpo I a i. MiliM 71rJ , VitHfli wmmmmtmjv tii--rjiwjt uls jmSOSLE3JBARGAJDi!MMQUSB' p. BARGAINS THAT SPARKLE WITn NEWNESS AND man-CLAB3 QUALITY OP FERED FOR THIS GREAT UNDBRPRIoflTa SALE. Every artlclo In our storo is now. Tho volumo of buslnoss wo do allows no Btlckcrs to romain in our Btoro. Pay attention our Baloo and buyi quick as tho goods you wo hero today will not bo hero tomorrow. Wo are hero to do business and if wo only mako 2 cents profit on nn artlclo out it goos. Soo tho following cut down prices: FINE SILKS. Stacks of silks that sparkle with nownoss to solcct from. 39c waah India silk, all colors yd 32c 7Gc black silk taffota, yd 4oc 85c fancy drew silks, yd 59c 69c pongeo silk; prlco yd 30c $1 two tonod French dross silks 69c $1.35 black silk peon do solo, yd 85c 91.39 black silk voile dross silks B9c 91.25 black silk crepe do cnino 85c $1.45 36-lnch heavy black silk taf- fetta, yd 93c And hundreds of others at small price. NEW DRESS GOODS. Our dross goods department has boon n wondor. We cannot keep enough of thorn In stock. Small prloos do it. 45c fancy mohair drees goods, yd 25c 1000 yds fancy dosigus and plain dress goods. Sale prlco, yd. . . . .' 29c, 35c 75e mohair silk finished dress good, prlco yd 40c $1.39 English mohair dress goods, lnrlsiblo chocks and fancy de signs. For this salo only, yd 95c Wo aro showing tho latest in Pan ama cloth French voiles, silk and wood oollinncs, also fine black dress goods at small prices. SUMMER WASH GOODS. Sold out $500 worth of now ones, just arrived In all tho nowest cre ations from 5c yd up to 122 and 15c. 1000 yds bloached nnd unbleached heavy muslins; Balo prlco, yd 5c MILLINERY. This is a wondorful dopartment, tho goods soil nt first sight. SALEM'S FASTEST McEVOY BROS. SHE JOINED . THE CIRCUS Ballard, Wnsh., July 20. J. E. Jef ferson, nngorwl beoouso his wifo desert ed him to join n clreus, followed her from Seattle nnd shot her dond on tho circus grounds hero this afternoon. Jefferson gavo himself and wns brought to Soattlo to jail. IDAHO FRAUDS Washington, June 20. At tho ro- quwt of Secretary Hitchcoek, Attorney General Moody has ordered a special grand jury nt Lewiston, Idaho, to con sider land fraud cases, wbleh otherwise WOUld OXplrO Julv lBh. iiniW !... statute of limitations. Inspectors have ..... ...-, IMV ueen six months collecting ovidonce. American Yachts at Kiel. Kiel, Juno 29. Never before Mis thero been gathered so manv American yachts in German waters as aro nssem- oieu here for the annual romitta vhiM. began today. Nearly nil of th Am,. lean yaehts thnt took part in tho recent raeo across the Atlantic for tho cm peror's cup aro here, and in addition there aro tho North Star, belonging to Cornollus Vandorbllt, and a number of others, Mrs. Robert Goolet's yacht Nahma is here with Charlemagne Tow er, the American ambassador, and Mrs. Towor, as guests Emperor William since his arrival here has paid marked attention to Mr and Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt fln,t i J to other notublo Amerloans. At the close of tho regatta tho emperor is to givo a banquot aboard th im.... yacht to whieh a number of Amerl eans have been invited. Call on tho Troops. Washington. .Tim.. wi . t that the Russia n government 7 s! tZ FT" oer for'ttiel .-Tnu-y.,. IMnihlllTl Trimmed Maxima Elliott nod Polo turblns tho latest creations 91.05, 92.60 and $3.50. Swell hats. $3.50 Chiffon Trimmed Hdta ..91,75 "Jhlldren's hats, 25, 35, 49, 75, 05c. DRESS SKIRTS AND SUITS. Thercis no room In our storo for fancy prices. Wo sell everything at tho lowest rock bottom prices. $4.50 Mohair dress skirts; price. $2.95 $8.50 accordion plaited mohair bwo!1 dross skirts; salo prlco $4.95 $12.50 mohair dross suits; prlco $7.53 $16.50 swoll silk suits; price 910.90 Silk skirts, silk waists and fins whito lawn and INDIA silk waists, SHOES. Wo are soiling cases of shoos bore ovory day, Tho prices do it. Children's shoos 23c, 35c, 40c, 75e, and 05c Ladies' $2.25 fine kid shoes, patent tips 91.49 Ladies 93.50 swoll dross shoe); prlco $2.45 Mon's 93 dross shoes; price ..91.95 HOSIERY, LACES AND RIBBONS Busy? I should say so, Those de partments keop six salesladies on the jump all tho tlmo, Ladlos' 25c tan stockings, flno qual ity; paid 15c 1000 yds flno laces . ...lc, 2c, 3c, 5c, Gc, and 8 1-Sc 25c No. 40 all silk taffota nock rib bons, yd l2,c 65c all silk 40 Inch clilffon, all col ors, yd 45c Dross trimmings in a groat varioty. 1 OROWING STORE. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets Norwich Union Ffre lastir-S. ance Society. jjjg Frank Morcdlth, Rcsldont Agent, flf Ofllco with Wm. Brown & Co.. No. 129 Commorclal Stroot. NEW TODAY Theo. M. Barr Successor to Borr & ?J Potzcl, tinner and plumbor. Hot air fe wntor nnd steam heating a specialty, fifj Salem, Oregon. 3.2. "J " . Mi Torture of a Treacher. S Tho story of the torture of Rev. O. t r... .-i -n.r. tno --. ...-v. t, ..ao.ur ui mo jiapust churcn, "J of narpersrille, N. Y., will interest W you. He says: "I suffered agonies, m oecausa or a persistent cough, resulting from grip. . I had to Bleep sitting up in bod. I tried many remedies, without relief, until I took Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption Oougba and Colds, which entirely cured mv couch. and saved me from consumption." A grand cure for disoased conditions of Throat and Lunge. At J. C. Perry's Drug Store. Price COo and $1.00, guar-ni-il. Trial bottle tret. o .v. s x a aci x-a. . 3Mttt!i j lha Kind Yon Han Ahrarj Beef STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL The officers aid clerks of this institution are pledged to impart - information .concerning the dealings of Us customers who have a right to expect that their bank ing business will bo treated as CONFIDENTIAL. This wo o, and wo also aim to protect their Interests in every legitimate man ner. Possibly you havo need of such an institution. If B0, it becomes our pleasurable duty to Invite yon to como to this bant. Salem State Bant om ' j&ik-AE&x WMWmSWl