Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 29, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    . -..)r( .
-r(--iv--fc- v- t-h1 ayivxr
Our Ico Oroam
Is Perfection.
Puro Oroam Makes It So.
Loganborry Sundae, "A Pine Ono."votween gaiom nnd Independence. Ac
Try our Lomon Drops. They havo that
difforont tasto. Ask for our ico cream
choeolato1 crenmd. v
Salem's Loading Grocora, Confoctioncrs
and Bakers. '
Phono 2261 45Q-4G0 Btftto Si'thom to run! West Sldo Enterprise.
4-iio i mini ii in in vwvY
Edlnon Vaudevillo.
Splendid Show Booked for This Half.
of tho Week at tho Edison.
Walah-.nnd Maitlatfd, n vory flno
teani of comedians anfl acrobats, head)0no in -which Sohlbrodo is suing tho'homo of tho brldo's paronts at Eugene
tho bill at tuo jiuisott mis pare or mo
wecit, inciuuing Tnursuay, riuny, ai-
urady and Suiulay nights arid Saturday j
matlnoo. Tho Ryorsons, hypnotio
marvels, perform feats ono of which is
tho broaking of 200-pound rooks on
Miss Rycrson'a chest with a slodgol
hammer. Their act must bo seen to bo
nnorcclntod. Wiloy Loncrt is a wlro
walker of international reputation, and .
will entertain for about 10 minutes
each performance,
His act Is novel and
shows tho result of n tromondous lot of
practice, Tho Illustrated song entitled
"A Littlo Boy Called Taps" will bo
suro to plcitso you, as it is a flno march
song, and tho slides nro excollont. Tho
. Edisonoscopo shows a milo of now and
interesting motion pictures. Remember
tho prlzo matlnoo Saturday for tho
chlldron at 3:15.
wmi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI'
New Edison Theatre
P. J. Byrd, Manager,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sun
day nights and Baturday mntlneo.
Song and danco and acrobatic I mio
dlans par excellence.
Hypnotio marvols, broaking a 200
pound stono on Miss Ryorson's chost,
and a number of other equally sur
prising feats.
Wiro walker of international reputa
tion. -.
r. J. BYRD,-- -
Singing illustrated song ontitlod "A
Littlo oy Called Taps.
About a milo of now motion pictures,
Frlza matineo for" tho chlldron Satur
day at 3:15 p. m.
Fish Obstructed,
Local fishermon, pooplo who llko to
tako a day's rocroatlon on tho rlvor
with rod nnd lino occasionally, not pro
fessional fishermen, nro complaining
thnt tho fishing In; tho uppor rlvor is
being ruinod, owing to Uio fact that
fish arc not nblo to get over tho Golden
Drift dnin, noar Grants Pass, and that
tho company owning tho dnm havo so
far failod to to provido an adequate
fishway. Complaint has been mado sev
eral times concerning this mattor, and
a, movement is now on foot hero to
bring the caso beforo tho courts. If,
fish could pass this dam easily thoy
would havo no troublo in teaching tbo
upper river. Medford Mall.
i o
A. Fearful Fate.
It Is a foarful fate to havo to en
dure tho terrlblo torturo of Piles. "I
can truthfully say," writes Harry Col-
son, of uosonvuie, ia., "inai iui
Blind, Blooding, Itching and -Protrud-'
ing Tiles, Bucklen'a Arnica Balve, is
4ia Aat tfnrA mttflA " Alftk brifc for
the best cure made." Also bost for
cuts, burns nnd'injurlos, 5o at J, O.
Perry's Drug Store,
Wm, Wallace Graham will glvo a
pupils' recital at tho Presbytorian
Church on Saturday evening July l,t,l
to which everyono is invited. 2t ,
Leads all others, Tho only Ice
LawU and CJark. Eair Grounds, t
this ico cream in bulk, delivered
A Portland paper says: Owing to low
water tbo boats operated by tho Ore
gon City Transportation company will
not go further up tho Willamette tlinn
8alcm, 'until next fall, when tho rains
nro expected to swell tho stream. "Un
til then tho towns of tyrvallls, Alba
ny and Independence will bo obliged to
depend on, tho railroad for transporta
tion facilities.
This is n little difficult to rcconcllo
With tho fnct thnt tho government is
putting in tho entlro month drodglng
cording to Major Langfltt, a channel
j9 opcuoil or will bo in a few dnyB
through ovory bar bctwoon Salem and
Indopendcnco, eight foot deep and four
feet abovo low water mark. What
donth do tho boats want tb cnablo
Maud Isn't 5 and. 30 too old to
hopo for any improvement I should
say not. Ono just begins to livo. Tako
Jlolllstor's Rocky Mountain Toa. You
will bo blooming nnd fair at GO. 33
conts, Tea or Tablets. Stone's Drug
Supremo Court LiBtens.
Three cases wcro nrguod boforo tho
supromo court yestoruny, as iouews:
a. A. Knddorly, ot al., vs. Tho City of
Portland? W. H. Holmes vs. A. 0. Wol-
fnrd, and 0. A. Sohlbrodo vs. Goorgb
Chnmborlaln, ct al. Tho last caso is
utato land board lor tno posossion or
land upon -whicu tnoy niiogo tuat no
fnllod to mnko paymonts whon thoy
beenmo duo, and thus forfeited it. Tho
innd has slnco been sold to nnothor
Why suffer with your stomach kid-
Dy " v" "" " '"""V
M""1" Tca WJU mako you wolJ; "
taken this month, keeps you well alt
ummor- ii conui, icu or inuiois.
Stono's Drug Store.
Easterners Aro Woll Ploasod.
A party of sovon pcoplo from Abor
doon, South Dakota, touring tho West
nnd seolng tho country as thoy go, nro
stopping nt tho Salem Hotel for :i few
days. Tho party' consists of John Mak
ers nnd wife, Jo' n Brcldcnbach ami
wlfo, A. A. Schmidt, A. O, Schmidt nnd
Frank Mosori Thoy enmo directly from
California hero, and express thomsolvcs
ns being ns well pleasod with the coun
try nround Salem as nny thoy havo ov
or seen.
If fortuno disregards thy claim,
Don't hanc thy hoad in fear
shamo, s
But marry tho girl that you lovo bost;
HoUiatpr's Rocky Mountain Toa
will do tho rest.
Stono's Drug Store.
Public Cordially Invited to Attoud.
A pupils' recital given by Wm, Wal
laco Graham Saturday ovonlng, July
st, tt tho Presbyterian church. 2t
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough)
Boars tho
Signature of
Orogon Suburban Auto Oo,
Automobilo car leavos Willamette
Hotel for Independence, week days, at
7 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. Returning leaves
Indepondoneo at 8:30 and 5 p. m, Sun
days loaves Salem at 8 a. m. and 3:30
p. m. Leaves Independence at 0:0
a, m. and 5 p. ra. Connocts at Inde
pendence with motor for Monmouth,
Dallas and all points on tho West Side.
Special for evening parties.
fl-17-tf M. P. BALDWIN, Mgr.
Edison Phonograph Agency.
Gasoline Lamps, Mantels, Gasollrie,
Typewriters, Now, Second-Hand. Bent.
214 Com'l St. Phono Main 401.
, XWTi.. G2r. af
tliiiC W illg OaXlg 0
. .. . v..MAM n-Am -
China and Japanoso Fancy Goods, Mat
tings and Dry Goods, Silks, Ent
broidery Laces. Mako up new lino
Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods,
Bults, Wrappers, Skirts, White Under
wear. Bale cheap, Oourt street, Salem,
Ptinnn Black 2155. 316
cream permitted to bo sold on the
torefore, it must bo tho best. Wo sell
to any part of tho city.
an mmm aaaaanaa
Mlss Ooxr's Bocital.
Tho purils of Miss Eva Cox gavo n
most onjoyhblo recital at tho Unitar
ian church Tuesday ovonlng, which was
well attended. Sho was assisted by
Miss Gortrudo Johnson, as reader, who
gavo "Knoo Deep in Juno," by James
Whtteomb Riley, which was much en
joyed,' Miss Johnson has a wonderful
talent, nnd sho chnrms her hearers.
Tho musical part of tho program
consisted of 15 numbers, which wcro
woll rondcrcd, showing much tnlent and
careful preparation. Many of tho pu
pils descrvo spoclal notico on account
of their perfect understanding in ono
so young. Thoso appoaring on. tho
progrnm wcro Joy Turner, Mnudo Hill,
Mildred Loonoy, - Francos Smith, Lil
lian Slater, Sylvia Murphy, Ilclono
Dalrymplo, Murnh Hatch, Harold
natch, Ad Colomnn, Gladys Reynolds,
Carolyno Dick, Olivo Reynolds, Lcla
Slater, Elizabeth Harding, Mary Da
vidson, Alico Clough nnd Dlancho
Palno-Topping Wedding.
Ono of tho notnblo socioty weddings
of tho year was tho marringo of Miss
Carrlo Palno, of Eugene, to Dr. Frank
rP. Tonnlnir. of San Francisco, nt thu
Tho resldenco was beautifully decor
n tod with cut flowers, in which swoot
peas, roses and poppfos predominated.
At 10:30 Miss Lillian Motschan, of
Portland, playoil Lohengrin's wedding
march as tho bridal party ontorod tho
parlors. Tho matron of honor, Mrs,
Luko L. Goodrich, preceded tho brldo.
Thoy wcro mot it tho altar by tho
groom nnd his best man, Elmer Paino,
brother of tho brldo. Dr. D. E. Lover-
Idgo, rector of 8t, Mary's Episcopal
church, pronounced tho ring ceremony.
Tho company prosont was ft noteworthy
ono, mnny hnndsomo gowns being in
ovldonco. Tho brldo voro n boautlful
costumo of whlto Drcsdon Bilk, nnd
carried n nhowor bouquet of whlto jas
mine. Tho matron of honor woro a
hnndsomo costumo of whlto orgnivllo
net. Sho carried pink brido's roses.
Miss Zidn Goldsmith caught tbo brldo's.
After tho woddlng ceremony a wod
ding luncheon wns sorved. Misses
Erma Church, Theresa nnd Rosalio
Friendly, Sibyl and Mabel Kuykondnll,
Lillian Motschan and Lulu Renshaw
assisted in serving.
Many boautlful and costly presents
woro rccolvcd. Tho young couplo nro
spondlng a short time in I'ortlnnd and
othor, points, nnd will soon lcavo for
San Franoisco, whoro they will mako
their homo.
Tho brldo is n daughter of Dr. and
Mrs. D. A. Paine, formerly of this city,
but now of Eugene, and is a charming
nnd nccompllshod young woman, with
scores of friends,
Tho groom is a prominent doctor of
San Frnnclsco, nnd prominent in society
Stuart-Davis Wedding.
Dr. W, II. Davis, mayor of Albany,
and Miss Lorotta Stuart woro married
at tbo homo of tho brldo's mother.
Mrs. J. R. Stunrt, yosjordoy, Rov. Clark
Bower performing tho corcmony in the
prosenco of a number of relatives and
friends. Miss Vlra Stunrt wns bridos-
maid, whilo Mr. J. M. Warfleld actod
as best man. Miss Haddio Parker
played tho woddlng march. Just boforo
tho woddlng ceromony Miss Ethel Rod
fiold rondored a solo, followed by Mrs.
R. L. Burkbnrt af tor tho ceromony.
Tho coremony was followed by a
woddlng luncheon, nftcr which tho
couplo left for Portland, whoro thoy
will spond a fow days,
Tho groom is ono of tho loading citi
zens and physioinns of Albany, and a
most popular man. Tho brido is a
charming and accomplished young lady,
and has boon employ ml as a tcachor in
tho public schools of Albany for sev
eral years. Both aro well tknown In
this city.
The homo of Judgo II II. Hewitt, on
South Ferry street, in Albany, was tbo
scpno of a very pretty wedding last
ovonlng, when his daughter, Miss 01 ga
Hewitt bocamo tho wifo of Prof. Chas.
J, Bushnell, of Tiffin, Ohio, A largo
number of people, from Albany nnd
out of town, "were present nt tho wed
ding. RSv. If. A. Nelson porformod
the ring service at 8:30 o'clock, and
tho bridal party stood undor a canopy
covered wjth -whlto. ribbons and floral
Sua. Cirnn &Uiw Uf Scrrauus Miutaeanc.
SMJa CaVi4aw.f-V.iar lUl.to! Mat fU
KiUfiOnUl. Ura4il(ama).WMlifa
aaanJa4. Uol.rr. l7rnr4lH(l.taViMart
tuti fiwy Tfl fill Lfi.l Safal BmmJtI SatU-
Kar. U -l ru -n Oa
decorations in tho parlors. Mrs. O. E.
Sox rendered a beautiful solo just bo
foro tho sorvlce, and Miss Haddio
Parker played tho woddlng march. Miss
Inez Hewitt, of Portland, was maid of
honor nnd tho bridesmaids woro Nolllo
Hoguc, Graco Payno, Edna Allon and
Hortenso Groffor. Littlo Hortonso
Hoguo was tho flower girl. Tho groom
was attondod by Owon Beam as boat
man, nnd ,tho ushers wcro Phil Good
win, Ncnl Murray, Elvlrt Crutchflold
nnd Charles Stownrt.
Tho brldo is tho only daughter of
Judgo II. II. Howltt, nnd is a most
charming and nccompllshod young wo-
man. Sho is n graduato of tho Albany
colicgo nnd also of Mills collcgo, Cali
fornia. Tho groom Is a professor of
social' sclonco nnd history at Heldol
berg University, Tiffin, Ohio, whoro
thoy will reside. Thoy will spond tho
summer in Albany.
Oommorclal Club Tonight
Thoro will bo nn important mooting
of tho Commercial Club this ovoniug.
Members of some of tho labor organi
zations of tho city aro interesting
themselves in a worklngiin'a colobra
tion hero at home, lnstcaVxf having
all tho places of businoss clcvd up and
ovorybody going to Portland or leav
ing tho town. Members of tho club and
business men, nnd members of tho la
bor organization nnd workingmon gen
erally aro urged to attend tho mooting
this ovonlng, nt tho city polico court
room at 8 o'clock, and havo tho mat
tor discussed.
The one means of raising
the grade of trade is good
goods Schilling's Best
fltraclnf trU
Your grocer's ; moneyback.
North Front Street Grocory.
T. J. ChcBhlro will noxt Monday opon
a now grocery storo nt his liomo on
North Front streot. Ho has rocontly
built n nico cottago, and tho now storo
bosldcs makes quito an improvement
for thnt part of town. Ho will koop a
gonornl stock of family groccrios, and
Mrs. Choshlro will assist In waiting on
Xho Southorn Pacific Company
Will soil tickots, Salem to Boswoll
Springs and roturn up to and Including
Saptombor 30, 1005, 1005, llmltod to 30
days, rato of $5.55, 0-5-tf
ii i Ii ' ' '
Jap Spies Excludod.
(Sacramento Union.)
Tho action of tho naval authorities
in excluding Japaneso attendants from
wnrships in tho manouvors in Ohosn-
ponkd waters is timoly. Tho Intimation
that tho order is tho boginnlng of
tho ridding of tho navy of all Japaneso
help is ovon more Important. Tho Jap
anoso servant is much in ovidenco in
tho mossrooms of our warships, somo
Pennyroyal pills
.-T-.S. OrliT.I nad 0lr UtuvU.
W-fTyfijJtAYK. lliinllklf lj.JI,ul)t.irl.t
. la 1IKI1 tad U.ld maulUa tuu ma14
Mr uiuuiir-"&i:'jif juftjiaii
ll Um rlktol, 'i'lthr. IttruM
! MbtllaUaa a4 1IU
(! if jr DrM!Mil 4 4. la
uiaH br I'artlaalara, TeallUU
U4 ItalUr fkrlV," " t
lua UUI. li.OUOTMUaMaUU. LUkr
IDractUla. CkUkaalAtfClkMataal f)
KaaUn tali pp. MadUaa miaara, 1'lllLi I'JL.
ft $
Extf a Nattow Ttucks
Here is something to interest the fruit man and hop grower. A standard grade
iron wheeled track with wood hotmds and grooved metal wheels
Nine Inches Naowe TWck
than the regular sort. We will have these on hand in a short time. Place yoat or
ders now and you'll be sure of one. Only a limited ntimfcer to be had.
KmmBmhm Hft lilllllllHllllHl1BBIlfllllHIIIBH"'MvMvB'MHM'kBB
la')'a''''i aaaaaaK r aaaLaaS BHhBHHI aaaVaLw .U,':'iM'-'' 'f HI
The Best Df,esses
Wo think our clothes tako tho topmost position In ovory particular.
For Style, Fit, Quality and Workmanship
Wo bollovo our Clothing is generally concodod, oven by our corapotlttors
to bo
Clothing of Ungstfal Excellence
Tho samo .caTof ul attention is glvon to tho stylo, fit and dopendnblo
quality of our $10 Suits and overcoats as of our $25, gnrmonts.
We Hate Unrellafcle Clothing
If you don't keep cool thbso days, tho fault is not ours. Wo'vo all sorts
of thin and summory things, bought and brought hero for your comfort.
You can certainly tako it cool, if you wilK Our 'soft, thin shirts, our thin
undorwo&r nn! hctiory, our straw hats and nil soils of thin toggory aro
nt your sorvlco. Wo bollovo that wo havo all tho good things in summer
fixings for which a man can ask. Our prices worf't provent your Bolect
Ing what you want.
If Ydtk Want Quality Gome
to the Woolen Mill Stoe
Salem Woolen Mill Stote
vossels carrying ns many ns a dozon of
thoso vory compotont and always wil
ling holpors. Admiral Evans had a
sorlous shock tho other day whon ho
dlscovorod in a prominent Japnnoso
naval ofllcor commandor of ono of
Togo's bnttloshipB, in fact tho Japn
noso "boy" who had attondod tho ad
miral as a servant ion his flagship.
Mnny other American nnval ofllcors
huvo had similar oxporlonces so hnvo
European naval ofllcors. Tho Japanoso
spy system Is tho most porfoct in tho
world. Japaneso of tho highost rank
will porform tho most monlnl work to
gain information for tho strengthen
ing of their country's position. Tho
Mado in
Implement Hotse
"coollos" who loalod coal on Admiral
Rojostvonsky's ill tarrod Hoot aro now
known to havo boon in many Instance
Japaneso naval ofllcors in disguise,
Togo "was probably bottor informfft of
tho condition of tho Russian fleet than
was Rojtf.tvonsky himself. That the
Japanoso havo dotallod plans of the
Amorlcan battloshipa down to ovory
"blow holo" loft in tho ship's armor
by rascally contractors is something
moro than probable Thoy cortalnly
know moro thnn ft is woll for us that
thoy should know. Tho shutting off
of tlinlr chiof sourco of information
by oxcludlng nil Japanoso from our
warships should not bo dolnyod.
Salem and Sold by all Salem Grocers.
Bold in Saleia by 8. O. fcKone,