Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 29, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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" - WU w
- OAtt OArlTAL
AVcfclflblc PreDoratlonror As
similating nicFoodandllcgula
llng dieStoinacle andDowcls or
Promotes Diticallon.ChpcrruI-
nc39 andltestConlalns neither
Ojrfum.MorpIun.e norUiurraL
imf&in Seal'
Aperfccl Remedy forConsUpn
non , Souv Stomach.Dlarrhocn
and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Sifindurt of
! Gold. Dust Flour I
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Made for family use. Ask
your grocer for It Bran and
thorts always on hand.
P. B. Wallace
WWll''ii rr w . . ytTWjTbifcKM LV
t" m. .1 L UBM
pfE&TflBl 1 1
f Reg. No.
bibb of jo beal, asixvi.
Blrod by Bed Heart 2:104ll tho slro of Chain Shot 2:08'i.
Ilod Soal 2:10, Etc.
Dam AlilCU M. (trial) 2:25.... by Mark Field (son of Geo. Wilkes),
Dam of Iteil Seal 210 Al- ilro of Daisy Fields 8:08tf, Mam
lawood 2tlfM. brlno Held, 2tllU( etc.
flocond dam DAY RKLL..... l)y Advance, slro of-Mulraska 2i23jete.
Dam of Veritas 2ilOW, Ytlldex 2e20yj.
Third dam daughtor of Tippo ttalb, a thoroughbred.
HDD HEART Is by Hod Wllkos, out of Swoothoart, by Sultan; second
dam Minnehaha, tho dam of Beautiful Dolls, etc RED SEAL stands
10.1, compactly built, with grent quality nnd a suro slro of great
speed. Ho will mako tho season of 100S at tho
Terms $40 Season
With tho usual return privilege. Good pasturngo at reasonable
rate to marcs sout from a distance.
SAM CASTO, Fatr Grotraris, Or.
Sayo the fronts of tho Packages.
Package 20c y
paoifio coast
Mail M tvo 2-ceat as 4 v
For Infants and Children
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
tmi of (rru orir, ntt roaa ear.
J New Lange Hotel;;
Cornor Sixth aud Washington
streets, Portland, Or., (noxt to 1
Imporlal). Strictly flroproof and ; ;
modern. Rates lowest for first- ; ;
class sorvlco. Steam boat and .
elevator, olegaut cafo and bar
In connection. On direct lino to ; ;
fair grounds. F. Lango, proprle-
tor j Sam Bauman, manager, for- '. '.
inerly of Omaha, Neb,
Tri'l 2:06
Rcc. 2:10
pay monoy for the THREE Di.
$0 pewmd sack 65c.
F tow Co.
rAtrrosr, sax joss, oaut.
wUl,M4 Saala Xaeka pnfiaia.
f1 M
Meeting Is Enthusiastic and
Everybody Seems-to
Be There
Portland, Ore, Juno 20. Sovornl
hundred women filled tho cozy audit
orium of tli First Congregational
church this morning nnd tho thirty
seventh pnmial convontioa of tho Na'
tlonal American Woman Snffrngo nsso
nstlo auspices. Tho church who taste
fully decorated, tho most noticcablo
emblem being what la called tho wo
man's flag, which contains tho usual
number of stripes, but only flvo stars,
ono for each of tho states which, by
their constitutions, havo granted the
right of suffrage to womon. None tho
lew, all tho states of tho Union wcro
represented. Tho delegations wcro a
slgnod to particular powu marked off by
llttlo banners and blnzonod with the
namo of the commonwealth.
About tho rostrum, occupying scats
of honor, wero tho national officers and
pioneer workers of tho equal suffrage
movemont. Somo fow familiar faces
woro mlsftinR; but others thcro wcro
who havo been nctivo in tho suffrage
movement slnco tu Inception half n
contury ago and who havo dovotod
their lives to its promotion and exten
sion. Tho convontion was called to order
by tho nationnl president, tho Rev.
Anna Howard Sliaw of Philadelphia,
who mudo n vigorous address in which
sho gavo a briof opltomo of tho ovonts
of tho lot year, In so ns thoy related
to tho Buffrngo movemont. Ho could
not report much, shj said, in tho lino
of nctunl progroni at tho last session
of oongrcM, but according to custom
a bill had been framed nnd Introduced
to civo womon tho right of suffrage.
She was especially encouraged by the
outlook for futuro succosa in tho far
After tho opening pnpor tho official
call for tho gathering was road. This
was In part ns follews:
A government of won and womon
not by women alone, not by men alone,
but a government of men nnd women,
for men nnd womon this is tho aim
and ideal of our nBsocIutlon. Ono
hundred years ugo Oregon was nn un
trodden wlldorncss Tho transforma
tion of that primeval territory into
prosperous communities, enjoying tho
highest degrco of civilization, could
not have, boon accomplished without
tho work of womon. No restriction
should bo placed upon energies nnd
abilities so potont for good. Tho exten
sion of tho right of suffrago would re-
movo n handicap from tho efforts of
womon and givo thorn an opportunity
to work for tho welfnro of tho state
"Wo do not claim that womon 's
voice in tho government would at onco
sound tho death knoll to all social and
political ovils. Rut wo do bcliovo that
a govornment representing tho interests
and beliefs of women and men would
provo itself, and is proving itself,
whero it now oxists, to bo a bettor
government than ono which represents
tho interests and bcliofa of mon alone.
Tho movement for the enfranchise
ment of womon is based upon tho un
changing and unchangeable principles
of human liberty, in acordanco with
which su "elvo classes of mon kavo
won tho right of aolf government.
"On such a foundation ultlmato vic
tory is asturcd aud, in truth, is con
ceded by thoe wha oppose. The day
Is ever drawing nearer when tho ca
tion will apply to women the princi
ples which nro the very foundations
of Its existence; when, on every elec
tion day, thcro will be reaffirmed the
immortal truths of our Declaration of
American Independence. Then Indeed
will this be a just govornment, Me
riving Its paw-ors from the consent of
tlw governed.' "
The remainder of the opening scs
slon was devoted chiefly to tho ap
pointment of the wcetMary committees,
tho reception of reports from officers
nnd other busmetu of a perfunctory
character. Tho convoatiun is to con
tinue for one week during which there
will be addressed by a number of men
nnd women of national promiueuce.
The afternoon and evening teesiona
each day are to be opened to tho pub
lic at large. Executive svMions will
occupy the mornings, at which tho
actual business at tho association wdl
bo transacted. Th work of over half
a century will be reviewed, and sta
tistics will be presented to show the
development of tho movement since its
inception, also to ahow what has been
done in wme states where the uf
fragista have won more or less com
plete victory, a campaigo of broader
utefulnwa will be inaugurated and the
ujerulaew will be inaugurated and the
Paeille Northwest will U narked as'
.w . , vubu ur u uiij'Miucr street, BaJem, Phone Red2191,
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure ha&
made many hearts well after
they have been pronounced
hopeless. It has completely
cured thousands, and will al
most invariably cure or benefit
every case of heart disease.
Short breath, pain around
heart, palpitation, fluttering1,
dizzy, fainting and smothering
spells should not be neglected.
iTake Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
and sec how quick you will
be relieved.
It cannot make a new heart,
but will restore a sick one by
strengthening the heart nerves
and muscles, relieving the
unnatural strain, and restoring
its vitality.
"I had a very bad caso of heart
trouble. For six months I could not
work. Last July I was plowinB com
nnd reellnic bad nil day; In tho after
noon In plowing ono row I had to lay
down, or fall down, threo Umes. My
heart throbbed as though It would
burst through, and I had difficulty In
Eottine mi breath. I purchased a
ottle of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and
beforo I had used half of It I could
lay down and sleep nil night. Previ
ously I had to jot up 'from flvo to ton
tlm-8 a night. I havo taken several
bottles, and my heart Is as regular as
clock work. I feel llko a, new man.
nnd can work considerable for an old
man.' 84H years old." . .
l. D. McQILL, Frost, Ohio.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Is sold by
your druqolst. who win auarantep that
the first bottle will benefit. If It falls
ha will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
section tho suffragists hopo to gain
many victories.
Tho homes of mnny of Portland's
foremost citizens hnvo been thrown
open to the delegntce nnd tho plans
for their reception and ontortninment
havo been mado on nn clnborato scnlc.
A dispatch from Now York, dated
tho 25th, says:
A box of cigars given to him by his
wlfo nt Christians tlmo nearly cost tho
llfo of Martin J. Kennedy? of San
Francisco. Ho was a passenger on the
Twontleth Contury Limited, which was
wrecked at Montor, O., Wednesday,
Ho is now nt Hotel Cumborland, in
this city. Two minutes beforo the
Twontleth Century ran into tho open
switch nt Mentor, Kennedy was sitting
in tho combination buffet nnd smoker
of tho train, smoking ono of Mrs. Ken
nedy 'h Christmas cigars. Ho was not
a habitual smoker, but being an appro
clntlvo husband ho promised his wife
that ho would smoko tho cigars on his
way East.
Aftor dinner ho selected ono and
wont into tho smoker. Ho had not
smoked moro than a third of it bofore
ho decided ho ba'd fulfilled his obliga
tion. Throwing tho cigar away, ho re
turned to his section in tho sloopingcar
just behind. Ho had scarcely seated
himself whon tho crash came. Every)-
body in tho combination buffet and
smoker was killed.
Furious Fighting.
"For Bovon years," writes Geo. W.
Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a
bitter battle, with chronic stomach and
liver trouble, but at last I won, and
cured my disoasos by tho use of Elee
trio Bitters. I unhesitatingly rocom
mend them to all, and don't intend in
tho futuro to bo without them in the
huse. They aro certainly a wonderful
medicine, to have eured such a bad case
as mine." Sold, under guarantoe to do
tho eame for you, by J. O. Perry, drug
gist, et 60c a bottle. Try them to
day. &ja4
Salem Box Factory
Q. F. MASON, Prop,
I am in South Salem, where you will
find me for all kinds of fruit twyi,
orchard boxes and hop baskets.
HH j " HH
For Sale. Pvnn-room rcsldcnco, barn,
large hnlf block, eloctrio iiguw, ",
hot nnd cold city water. K. Hofor,
Journal offico.
For Sale. Small dry fir wood, at $3.25
- ,,! Phono Block 2001. T. u.
Davidson, Jr., Mornlngsldo.
UUft VU" -
For Bale. Five or ten-acro placo, first
.Inns imnrovomonts. Closo to school,
church, postoffico and railroad,
dress "X.," enro of JournoL
For Salo. Two lots, with now house
nnd barn, good improvomonts. At n
bargain. Inquiro of Glover & Pat
ton's blacksmith shop, 430 Court
nt. 5-22-tf
r.r Bale. A fresh milk cow and calf.
Inquiro at Club atablcfl. 0-27-3f
For Rent. Five-room cottage, iur
nishod or unfurnished. Apply nt
Rostoin & Grconbaom'fl. 0-20-tf
FoTEont. A flvo-room house and a
sovon-room house Call on A.
Schrclber, 424 High stroot. 0-13-tf
Bollablo Manager Wanted To look of
tor our Solom offico and superintend
salesmen, workmon and lino construc
tion. Rcforoncos and cash deposit
rcquirod. Yearly contract with lib
oral salary. Groat Western Tole
phono Co., 1095 Markot Btrcot, San
Francisco, Col. 5-204m
Wanted. Somo 900 with baling oatflt
to bnlo 100 tons of hay. O. West,
stato house
Wanted. A good, compotont" girl for
gonornl house work to go to tho coast
Innulro of Mrs. Saulro Farrar, COfl
Commorcial strcot, corner of Union
street. 0-27-3t
Go To J. N. Shantz for your hop bas
kets. Get in your order boforo the
rush. 0-2-lm
Shirt Waists and Summor Gowns
Mado in the boat stylo and workman
ship. Torms reasonable. Address
or call on Mrs. H. Mllnor, 20th and
Contor stroets. 5-20-tf
Tho Tlllson Co. Dealers in chopped
feed, scod bran, hay, flour dried
fruit, otc. High strcot, adjoining
opora house. fl-l-yr.
Strawberry Orates Tin tops and bol
locks at lowest prices. Capital Com
mission Co. Phono Main 2231, oppo
site Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon.
Hotel Scott Nowly furnished, ovory
thins clean and first class. Rooms
at reasonable prices. In Cottle
block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tt
Salem Iron Works Founders, machin
ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill machinory.
Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc.
Manufacturers of tho O. K. Grubber.
Bhand & Marcus. 11-29-lm
Davey & Bavago. Real Estate, Loans
and Insurance, Convoyancing and
Exainlng Titles. Notary work done.
Bring us list of your proporty for
solo, 492 State street, near High,
Bay nave you tried II. n. Pauls for
meats! He has tho best sansage in
town. Come and try it, and be con
vinced. 410 East State stret.
Wo Axcj Now paying 10c for oggs,
Commercial Cream Co. 3-11-tf
?20.00 Roward Will bo paid by tho
undersigned for information leading
to tho recovery of two horses which
wero token from Bhelburn, Linn coun
ty, Or., Sunday night, Juno 1, 1905.
Tho horses wero both white; weight
about 1150 to 1200 each. Aro in good
condition; wero shod rough all
around. One horse had scar abovo
front foot, caused by barbed wiro
cut; the other horse ehowed Per
cheron stock, honvy mane, tall and
fetlocks, and had collar marks 01
right shoulder. Thoy were last scon
two miles north of Stayton, Or., on
Thursday, Juno 22d, Any informa
tion should bo sent to tho sheriff of
Marion or Linn counties, or to Henry
Smith, city marshal of Stayton. D
II, Thomas, 8helburn, Or. 0-2S-lwk
Summer Normal
The second term of ths Capital Sum
mer Normal will open oa Jans 2flth, to
continue until the August examination.
Classee will be formed in all branches
required for Hat and.eonnty papers;
also in Latin, stenography and type
writing. Students who wish to adranee
their grades will find the kind of work
they qeed at tail sehooL Address J. J
Krips or Supt, B. T. XCoeres,
Osteopath Dr. W. L. Morcbr, graduate
of tho Amoricnn School of Osteo
pathy, Klrksvlllb, Mo. Offlco Broy
man building, Commorcial stroot.
Rooms 25 and 20. Phono Itod 2413.
Now rosldonco, -110 North Summor
Btroot. Phono 383 Rod. 6-10-tf
Capital Bakory Ullom & Ruthorford,
proprietors, 439 Court stroot. Fresh
bread, pics and cakes daily, Maccn
roons, lady fingers, nngol and dovil'i
food cako, candies, nuts, etc. Deliv
eries mado to any part of tho city,
Phono Whito 321. 5-1-tf
Oloanlng and Dyeing And repairing
neatly dono. Four Bults pressed by tho
month $1.00, at tho Capital City
Stoam Dyoing and Cleaning Parlors.
Miss Efllo M. Anderson, propriotor.
Opera Houso block. 5-1-tf
tho Salem Dyo Works whon yon
want your clothes cleanod, dyod, re-
Mnl.flil m a.AaaA wnllA.l .aI.. ..mi.
imiiuu ui ukoouui tu.iuuu, vutvub bur
lars on; also suit prcsBod by tho
month. You can got anything clean
od, from a pair of glovos to tho most
olabornto silk gowns. Mrs. C. II.
Wnlkor, Prop., 195 Commorcial strcot.
Fralk M. Brown Manufacturer of
sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of
houso finish and hardwood work.
Front stroot between Stato and Court
A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of nil
kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood
work, houso finish nnd offico fixtures.
Estimatos furnishod. Cor. Mill nnd
Church strcot. Phono Rod 211.
W. D. Pugh Architect nnd euporln
tondont, plans furnishod for all class
es of building and structural work.
Offlco 110 Stato strcot, Tioga block,
Salem, Orogon.
Whito & Ouinmlns. do n goneral dray
and transfer business, moot all
trains. 'Phonos, down town, Mala
2181, residences, Bluo IS, rod 207.
Stand 218 Oommorsial stroot 8-12-lm
Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of tbi
World Moots in Holrann Hall ovory
Frldny at 7:30 p. m. L. R. Stinson,
consul;-P. L. Frnsor, clork.
Foresters of Amorica Court Sherwood
Foresters No. 19. Meota Friday In
Turner block. Ira Jorgonaon, O. B.J
A. L. Brown, See.
Contra! Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castlt
Hall in Ilolman block, cornor Stat
and Llborty stroots. Tuesday of eaei
wook at 7:30 p. m. T. J. Cronise, G
O.; W. I. Staloy, K. of B. und S.
Modorn Woodmen of Amorica. 0;
gon Cedar Camp, Nd. 5240. Meet!
ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock,
Holman Hall, E. E. Matton, V. d
A. I Brown, Clork.
lor water-sorvlco npply at offlcei
Bills payable monthly in advancft
Make all complaints at tho office.
I Just In
Our new Uno of 1905 wall pa
per has juat arrived. All latest J
pattorna at reasonable prices.
xw nuu dcu our biock ana do
convinced that our paper nnd f
prices are right. Remember the f
place, 1
1 I I
l. l. Lemmon
299 Liberty St
Phone 2475
Call WagOfl
or Telephones
45 Black
Bay Coupons and Save
Salem Ice Co.
The Citife Stafcles
First-class Livery and Cab Lb
Funeral turnouts a specialty. TaUy-bj
for pienlet and excursion parties. PhoaJ
Mala 241. Corner Liberty smd Perry.
Chs. W. Yaanke Pt op.
gttu vl aaaaKcrlruiDirr "wtiuW