Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 28, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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7"lf"i$fftfipwim(!y Pstjtw
l-i'ityji t
liAST EDITION, 3i30- f$
VOL. XV. SALEM. OBEQQN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1005. WW'' I 0. 1G0. k
- . t " , - , . ,."' ZLI'l t
""" r ii . JjllUlj, .,,-WW --- ) - . -
Oregon's Venerable Senator
Is in the Hands of
the Jury
Portland, Or., Juno 28. Tho halls be
foro tho court room was opened wore
packod when tho trial was resumed to
day, and thoro was n wild scrnmblo to
got in. Honoy resumed his nrgumont,
roviowlng tho ovldcnco offered. Ho
urged tho jury to stamp out graft In
tho United States senate, saying that,
since Burton was convicted, this would
bo tho second enso of tho kind in clear
ing up dishonesty in tho ecnato.
Portland, Or., Juno 28. United
Statos Attorney Hcnoy finished his
oponing argument for tho prosecution
in tho trial of Senator Mitchell this
morning, and was followed by Judgo A.
H. Bennett for tho dofenso. Sonator
John M. Thurston will closo for tho do
fenso and Honoy for tho government.
It is doubtful whother tho enso reaches
tho jury beforo tomorrow.
ilonoy Upholds Tanner.
Honey continued his strong presen
tation of tho government's case, and
will occupy part of tho afternoon, mak
ing over six hours' argument. Ho up
held tho testimony of tho prosccutlonf's
iv!ttir.o Tnnner and Bobortson. "Lot
them, if they will," said he, "nttack
tho testimony of Tanner, and say no
should not bo bcllovcd becauso ho is
a porjuror. Tanner, humiliated and ilia
gracod as ho is, is nobility Itself, and
ono to whom ono might urgo his chil
dren to look up to, compared to this de
fendant, who has sacrificed hlmsolf on
tho nltar of friendship." Tho credi
bility of Bobertson's testimony Is up
hold by Ilonoy. Bennett will open for
tho dofenso at 2:30. It is oxpected tho
caso will go to tho jury tomororw ov
cnlng. Ilonoy concluded his argument at J
o'clock this afternoon, and was fob
lowed by Bennett. Honey's argumonts
woro strong and eloquent. Ho carefully
reviewed all tho ovldcnco, and appealed
to tho jury to dccldo tho oao on the
evidence, nnd not let sentimentality In
terfere. Ho dwelt particularly on the
unanswerable selfishness of Mitchell In
asking Tanner to pcrjuro himself for
him, nnd tho sacrifices made by tho lat
ter for his lifelong friend, nnd tho
contemptuous treatment accorded him.
Mining Man doing.
Omaha, Neb., Juno 28. E. W. Nash,
the smelter king, Is slowly growing
worso, nnd thoro is no hopo of his ulti
mata recovery.
v Chicago Markets.
Chlcngo, Juno 28.-Whoat, 00V.
91 y, j corn, 56; oats, 329432.
Cupid Again at Work.
County Clerk Boland this afternoon
issued a wedding perron to uwm "
son and Miss Magda Johnson, John N.
Koloen being the witness. Miss John
son is a native of Norway, and has not
been in this country long enough to ac
quire tho language.
THat long Delayed
Has arrived at last. We have ft now in brown, garnet
and navy. Width 36 inches at
$f .75 pe ya
It's the richest effect in high grade silks shown this season
Salem'. Ctopest One-price Cash Store.
Russian Ambassador's Wife
Beats Her Husband to
Paris, Juno 28. Baron Boson, the
new Bussian ambassador to tho United
States, states that Bnroness Boscn left
this morning for Cherbourg, where she
later sailed for New York on tho Kaiser
London, Juno 28. In tho first round
for tho woman's chnmplonshlp at ten
nis at Wlmblodon today, Miss May Sut
ton, of California, beat Miss N. Meyer
0 to 0.
Another Pretty Dream.
Chicago, Juno 28. Lcclcrs of the
convention of tho International Labor
Union, which mot hero to organlzo
workers in ono central body, stato that
tho purposo of tho movement is to bring
about a nioro equitable bnlanco in so
ciety. Tho promoters bcllovo In tho
unlvorsal sympathetic strike, togothcr
with political action through tho So
cialist party as tho means of securing
pormnnont relief, w. B, Haywood, of
Colorado, and Eugene Dobs nro promi
nently mentionod for president of the
now organization.
No Ono Knows Him.
Chicago, Juno 28. A .colored strike
breaker was attacked and seriously In
jured last night in tho subway under
tho Chicago & Alton tracks, on Hoyne
avenue. Tho police woro nouueu nnu
removed tho Injured man to tho hos
nltnl. Tho man was unconiclous, nnd
several of his rlbsAvore broken, and his
head was a mass of bruises. Tlicro is
no cluo to his identity.
Pennsylvania Democrats.
Hnrrisburir. Pa.. June 38. Pursuant
to the call of State Chairman Hall, tho
members of tho state Democratic com
mltteo are in session today for the pur-
,n nf fixlnu a date for the reconven
ing of the Domoerntic state convention
to nominato a candidate for supremo
court justice.
What's tho Use,
Columbus, O., June 35.-John M. Pat
tison was nominated for governor by
thu Democratlo convontion today.
Auto Collision.
"Old Steady," ono of tho 1000-mile
raelng automobiles caused a team to
run away this morning near Brooks.
The team ran into a wire fenco and
was badly cut up, but not seriously in
jured. Henry Fletcher brought one of
. ,n in tho riir to town. The
names could not be learned, nnd It 1
not believed that anyono was badly
There aro 747 varieties of wood in
the Philipplnct forests.
Two Jefferson Ladies
Meet a Sad Fate
Were on Their Way to East
ern Oregon to Locate
Timber Land
(Special Telegram to the Dally Capital
Portland, Or., Juno 28. Mrs. Wil
liam Jones, aged 38, and Mrs. B. P.
Myers, nged 08, both of Jefferson, Ma
rlon countv. wcro found dend this
morning nt 250 Eleventh street, having
been asphyxiated during tho night.
Both enmo to Portland last night on
their way to Prlnovlllo, whoro thoy ex
pected to tnko timber claims. One jot
was found turned on, nnd it Is bcllovcd
to have been nccldcntnl. Mrs. Myors
had struggled terribly boforo succumb
ing nnd finally fell dead beforo tho
(Both tho ladles aro well known nt
Salem, nnd wero prominent in all good
!. . it,.!- lutmA Inmn C .TfMI f
TYUrB ui tuvr uuuiu ,? . -
is tho wlfo of a prominent business
, u.i.iua.f
Honor. Mrs.' Jones-lcnvcs no children. I
Mrs. Myers was the wlfo of a wealthy
hop growers, and leave, four grown
" ' . .... ..
sons, ono was prominent m mo mti
. . i n..
oi xno j-asiern ami.
Well-Known In Salem.
r- wmi.m Jones was tho vounc-
est sister of Mrs. John M. Chase, of
this city, and wns herself a Salem girl,
having been born and raised in this
elty. Besides Mrs. Chase, sho leaves
another sister, Mrs. P. W. VnnBuron,
of Astoria. Her maiden nnmo wns Zoo
Lnnce, nnd she wns Jho youngest daugh
ter of J. W. Lance, who dlod In this
county nbout seven years ago. About
15 years ago sho mnrrlcd William Jonos,
of Jefferson, nnd has since resided In
that city. Their only child, a boy of
four years, died n short time ago.
Mrs. Joues whs a membor of tho
Mnceabeos and of tho Degreo of Hon
or, and took an active part In tho work
of both of theso organizations. Sho
wns very promlnont In tho social life
or jenorsou, uviuu itu-w.uv.. -. !
Jefferson Beading Club, and an active
member of the Whist Club. I
Mrs. B. P. Myers was another well
known Marion county lady, her maiden,
name being Ml Eveline Miller. Sho
was born on the old donation land claim
of Jefferson, being vlco-proiucnt or mo
of her father, Samuel Miller, south of
ftninni nnd was n niece of Uncle
Charley Miller, who Is well known to
all tho old residents of this county. Her
sudden death breaks up a happy home.
Sho leaves to mourn her death a hus
band and four sons. Mr. Mycr Is n
..,m!nnt hon erower of Ankeny bot-
torn, near Jenerson, nnu it i i ...,
plaee they have always mado their.
im Tiftnr Jefferson, and It Is at this
These women were members of a
party who wero on their way to Prlne
vllle, near which placo thoy expected
to take up timber claims. Mrs, Jones
would have been accompanied by her
husband, but, as be has charge of the
telephone offieo at that place, both
could not get away at tho same time.
It was the Intention of Mr. Jonos to go
up and take up bis claim after his wife
Both of the ladies had traveled en
.nilvolv. and the only solution of the
aeeident is, tho gas and eleetrle lights
were on the same fixture, ana tbat in
turning off the eleetrle light they acci
dentally turned on the gas.
sHWHHWIIIH .6M7,"b"1' ' tot 30m 7M"'
Gets out ot Bed to Pay His
Respects to His Old Wash
Boston, Juno 28. Tho first caller on
President Beosevclt nt tho homo of
Bishop Lawronco was Mrs. Taylor, ft
colored woman, who came shortly after
,8 o'clock, and waited on tho vornnda
until tho President camo down stairs.
Tho woman was stopped by secret ser
vice men, but sho told thorn that sho
used to do tho President's washing
when ho wns In college, nnd thoy ad
mitted her to tho grounds. "When told
that Mrs. Taylor wanted to sco htm
tho President camo down nnd shook
hands with her, and held a short con
versation. Mrs. Tnylor nid tho Pres
ident called or her nt her homo tho
l"t time ho camo to Cambridge. After
1. . Attn T)jtBliliitii Mr iIAti tft
'breakfast tho President was driven to
Massachusetts Hill, whero tho com
mencement nrocesaion formed. Tho
National Lnnccrs formed tho Presi
dent's escort. Tho commencement ex
ercises included tho grnnting of di
plomas to graduates, nnd tho bestowal
- -
or uonor ucgroc.
President Boosovclt nnd President
Klllot headed tho procession, followed
'T Secretary Locb, Kermlt Boosoyclt,
the President's son Former Secretary
nf Iia Knw T.onir. Phnrli J. Bonn.
rtarto. Lieutenant-Governor
utfrabors of tho faculty and members
of Ihe graduating classes of tho varl.
ous departments.
Tho President enmmoorated tho oc
casion by today sending n cablegram
to Emperor Willlnm, .thonking him and
tho Gorman people for tho gift of tho
German museum to Harvard, nnd for
many ucts which In recent yenrs havo
brought tho two nations closer together,
"This growing friendship between tho
two nutlonns means much for the fu
ture welfaro of mankind."
All Oood, But BtUl Can't Win.
Poughkoepsic, N. V., Juno 28. Per
fect weather prevailed todny for tho
tenth nnnual boat race over tho High
land course. Thirty thousand persons
crowds tho bluffs on tho Hudson to
witness tho battle of brawn and skill.
..... ,
Import, from all of ho six crew. ay
' oarsmen are In tho pink of condt-
tlon. Cornel lis a strong favorite up
to tho start of tho race with Syracuse
-trong second Columbus, WIsconMn,
Georgetown and Pennsylvania likewise
". ".",.
Cornell won the four-oared race.
Syraeuko second, Pennsylvania third,
Columbia fourth, Wisconsin fifth. Tirao
Hyracuio won the four-oared into.
In tho freshman eight-oared race
Cornell first. Time 0135 2-5, Syracuso
seeond, Columbia third, Pennsylvania
- - - - - -
Referee Ustls announced at 4)20 the
official revision, declaring Syracuso the
winner. Time 10il5 2-0, which is 17
seconds under the best record on the
eourte. Cornell was given second
Meeta Thunday Night.
The Greater Salem Commercial club
meets Thursday evening nt the city
police court room to clean up a few
matters of business connected with ob
aervaoce of Salem day, ami the enter
talnment of the National Editorial as
sociation. There will also be a propo
sition from the members of some of the
labor organisations to have a working
mon's Fourth of July celebration in
this city, instead of everybody closing
up and going to Portland.
Japs Want Cash.
Toklo, June 38. Caucuses of both
the liberal progressive parties in tho
bouse of representatives tonight took
I .L. ...-. 1 .l.L T...l. L V.
lltiiie maun itmfc muhih iuut uv
' -'pelted to pay a substantial indemnity,
. and jil edge berlr to a general unuer
1 ; standing the future of Korea and Man
; ; 1 churls.
'ibe metal deterioration ot oju alco
holics Is wel known to tveiy physician.
' 'I raJlnm clock has bn invented
Crew of Battleship Kill Their
Officers and Are Now
Odessa, Bussla, Juno 28. Tho crow
of tho battleship Knlaz Foterakln
Tnvrlchesky, of tho Black Soa fleet,
mutinied, because of harsh treatment,
nnd nu.dored tho offlcors. Tho mutin
Somebody Throw a Bomb.
Odossa, Bussla, Juno 28. Conflicts
between tho people nnd tho pollco have
occurred at sovoral points. An un
known striker Inst night throw a bomb
into tho cathedral, killing tho police
inspector. Tho perpetrator of tho out
rago wns badly wounded by tho oxplo
slon. Colonel Tlchobnnoff, nssistnnt
chief of pollco and Inspector for Tolko
chew, wns injured In the rioting.
Captured tho Names, Too,
Toklo, Juno 28. Oynmn reperts:
'Our cavalry occupied Yuyong, ten
miles north of Kyong Syong, Northern
w v nji.i. mi.. .. iijk1Aj1
our forco In tho vicinity of Chang Chla
Tlcn, 12 miles northwest pf Kwnng
Ping Juno 20th, but were repulsed.
Hsy Dotting Better.
Nowburir. N. II., Juno 28. Secretary
Hay passed n comfortable night, and
niipcarod much stronger this morning,
nnd in excellent spirits.
Today Only
Wednesday Special Sate No. 234. New styles in
Fancy Percale
In all wanted sites, and colors. Regular $ 25
values, today only
Jam White Days
Aro nearly over. Special bargain prices on all Whlto Ooods await you.
Savings in every department. Bo prompt If you would take advuntngo of
this annual economical sale. BVBBYTHINQ WIUTB BEDUOED (except
contract goods),
Of black silk for children from 2 to
0 years of ago, 14.00 to (8.79.
Light and dark materials in me
dium and light weights. Begular
$3.00 and 45.00 values.
Should it cut or tear, or its eolor
be lost, with ordinary wear, wo can
always boast tbat a agents wo will
pay to the wearer the cost of
Wo aro Balero agents for this cele
brated 'guaranteed silk. We bare
it In width! from 27 to 86 inches
wide, at prices ranging from.
Ji.OO to 2.15
eers threatened to bombard' Odessa.
Tho battleship is now cruising at sy
fonrlng to land, while, tho authorities
fear bloodshod if they attempt to beard:
tho vessel.
Three of a Kind,
N. 8. Parley, B. K. Golsllch nnd Leo
Hampton, tho "bikers" who left Baus
nllto, California, Juno 10th, on their
wheels for tho onllcst exposition t
Portland 'arrived horo about 2 o'clock
thin aftornoon, and n whole day ahead
of their Itinerary. They camo by way
of Eureka, Crescent City nnd Oranta
Pass, nnd will stop tonight nt Wood
i n
Bank Clerks Issue, Ohallecgs.
If tho hopmen's bnsobnll Uam is to
maintain their claim to tho champion,
ship of tho city they will bo compelled
to go tip on tho diamond nnd faco n
team composed of tho bank clerks 6t
Bnlem. Tho lntetr-Menm Issuod tho
challenge, nnd tho hop men enn do.
nothing but nccopt.
Pacific IiOdgo, No. CO, A. P. & A, M".
Work In tho M. Mi denrco this ovenlngr.
A grand assortment is shown hero
ut popular prices in many of tho
neason'a nobbiest patterns nnd styles
Wo might dilate at length upon
their many werjts; tho superiority
of making, tho excellence of tho
trimmings and the general stylish
tone of ovory individual suit. But
wu'll simply say now that in them
you'll find moro style nnd quality
than may be had at any other store
Ot the same prices, ami your tailor
would oak from 1B,00 to $40.00 for
as good garments. Our prices are
$5.50 to $25.00
Negligee shirts of pongee silks,
mohairs, fancy madras, linen, crash,
percales and wool. Splendid as
sortment of six and colors.
85c to $3.00
Tomfortablo Coat Shirts.
1 t.' i
J kC 3HlBaaW"'aPpita(.