DAILY CAPITAL JTOtrSXAJ BAUEK, OMGOW, MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1005. .. . - - DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL BY HOFER BR08. ' OFFICIAL OENSU3 SALEM, MAY, 1001, 13,287. TIIB MITCHELL TRIAL. The public lina boon Interested tu the trial of Senator Mltcholl as novor fboforo in tho trial of a public man In Oregon. The Sonntor's old age, his long pub- We career, tho blttor fights that linvo 3een put up ngain&t him, nil ndd to tho pathos of tho situation, Tho desertion of his law partner, tho treachery of bis prlvnto secretary, nnd tho rolontlesa prosecution by tho gov ernment Intensify tho situation, TJp to Saturday night thoro had been tnctllDg disclosed that would justify .- verdict of guilty at least for bolng Tidily of doing anything that senators :an& tongrossmon lmvo not generally tbcon guilty of. Thero may bo senators nnd congress men who nrc lawyors nnd who novor appcarwl beforo tho dopartmonts, and never directly or Indlroctly nctod for n 3co whilo In ofllco in matters in which tho government wni a party, but they are not numorotu. Tn nono of tho matters chnrged in the TSndIetmont docs it nppenr thnt Sonntor Mteliolt did anything in any of tho cases In which his law partner or his Ktim was interested that ho did not do tr scores of other pcoplo nnd without vsomponsatlon. The fact that Sonntor Mitchell has tromalncd n poor man all his life, govs to provo that ho is not tho gigantio grafter thnt ho is accusod of bolng. Tho Portland nowspnpers nnd tho JVsiwcIntod Press stuff sent out to tho contrary. Senator Mltcholl has so far Qiad tho best of it. . TOLIOY OF IMPROVEMENT. Tho City of 8alom in order to grow and dovolop into n city such ns tho titnto capital should bocomo must enter wpon a policy of improvements. Pcrmnncnt streets nnd bridges nro a necessity in a community llko this, nnd thero Ik not n good reason why thesa Improvements should not bo mndo. Thoro is no othor way of getting this city to grow nnd expand nnd bo como a homo for" worklngmcn without moro public Improvements. Every dollar oxpondod honestly for better strocts nnd sowers and brldgjs lianoflts not only tho city but is han dled over and over in tho channels of trndo. v It would benefit tho laborer, tho merchant, tho mechanic, tho banker nnd the professional man to hnvo $800,000 expended In this manner. Improvement will attract buslneis men to this elty, ns well ns laboring pcoplo. It will bring now capital hero and stlmulnto trndo of nil kinds. No city In this ago of tho world that amounts to anything at all will try to got along without publio Improvements, and tho Cnpital City has pursued tint policy too lung for its own good. HUSTLING FOR OREGON. Ah n rotiult of tho Snlem, Portland, nnd Independence dovulopmont con ventions, the Ilarrlmnn mnnagora aro Vetting a move on and say thoy pro pose to build soino lines in Oregoir, Tho declaration that thoro wns a -combine formed between Hill nnd Ilar rlmnn by which all conjunction of railroads wan to bo indefinitely post poned in Oregon, has stirred the pto 3le deeply. AddrosfHts were Issued by tho Inde pendence Development convention nod "by tho Portland Chamber of Com merce, reciting tho facts of non-construction, nnd committees waro ap pointed to draft protoctivo legislation. This notion stirred the Ilarrimun managers so that thoy havo mndo a special trip into tho Bend country and ?avo promised to extend "Immediate ly" it not sooner from Shunlko to Bend. An immediate movement wns start-' d to construct n railroad from Hills- DO YOU DESIRE TO PRO VIDE FOR THE FUTURE A MODERATE SUM OF MONEY REGULARLY DEPOSITED AND DRAWING INTEREST AT THREE PER CENT MAY ASSIST YOU OR YOUR FAMILY IN YEARS TO COME. ONE DOLLAR WILL OPEil AN ACCOUNT, INTEREST COM. FOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLT. Savings Bank Department CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK 31 boro to Tillamook. At least tho right of way agents got busy nnu tiio roau to tho coast is built on paper. Even W. W. Cotton, tho proposod federal judge, has not been idle Ho has been into tho Bend country nnd other plncos In Eastern Oregon prom ising to db things for tho people. Development is in tho air nnd the uso of the big, stick wns never moro justlflablo than in Oregon where tho magnntes in tho Wall street skyscrapo crs who control our destinies lmvo on forced a policy of strangulation in tho past and had adopted a policy of noa development? for tho future. DOWNING BEOWNELL ONCE MORE Tho Oregonian has downed Brownell onco .more. Whilo thnt gentleman Is under Imllctmont for putting his no tarial seal on tho wrong paper, tho Oro gonlan is indicting him in advanco of bolng unpopular In Clackamas county. Thnt is about tho most serious chargo that could bo brought against Sonator Brownell. IIo hns tried hard to bo popular, and to kcop tho affections of his constituents, nnd hna in tho pnst succcodod in a romarkablo degrco in doing so. Tho Oregonian can mako a man un popular sometimes, but in tho case of Drowncll it has not succeeded. Even at tho Grand Army meeting tho pco plo stood up and cheered at tho mon tlon of his name, nnd ho hnd all kinds of a reception from tho common pcoplo. Senntor Brownell will como up for ro-clcction to tho state scnato next spring, and tho tlmo to down him is now, becnuso aftor ho onco gets start ed on his campaign ho will probably bo renominated, nnd onco on tho ticket tho Oregonian will not daro fight him. So tho tlmo to down him is not in tho faraway future but right now, and tha Oregonlnn hns started in early and is doing vory offcctlvo work on this line. Of course, when tho tlmo comes it will support Brownell. THIRTY MILLIONS FROM NEWS- PATER ADVERTISING. (Sacramento Boo.) Tho vast fortuno of $30,000,000, rolled up by tho lato William Zleglor, known us "tho baking powder king," is ft monumont to tho vnluo of adver tising. Anybody enn mnko baking powdor. Thero is no mystery in its mnnufneturo, although consumers) may not know whnt thoy aro getting. But it tnki-s shrowdncM nnd judgment to ndvertiso effectively, nnd so cronto a great de mand for any particular brand. Tho only accrot of Zolglor's succosi, if it bo n secret, is that ho know tho valuo of advertising, nnd how to do it well. Ho wnstod no monoyjf on bill postors, lnndscapo marrors or in othor unprofitable ways, but paid out mil lions of dollars freely for space in tho nowspnpers. So his money came back to him many times ovor. Advertising is tho baking powdor that makes business mon rise in tho world. dot a good thing, stick to it, and nd vertiso it well that 'a tho wholo of business sonso in theso times. If you can't wrlto good advertisements, which Is uo amnll nrt, tho newspapers have clover men who know how to do It for you. Theso world painters of tho bust n om ollloo can mnko a $9.85 suit of clothes look hotter, In print, than one made to order that costs $30. They can nt least deserlbo a "sacrlflco" or "slsughtor snlo" in suoh moving tormi as to wring tho reader's heart with pltv for the losses of tho unfortunnto merchant compelled to soil regardless of cost, to make room for now stock, or sternly determined to carry over no goods beyond tho present sonson, Tho skill of theso Maoaulnys of the advertising world has created n na tional reputation for such men as Gov ernor Douglas of Massachusetts, and such women as Lydia Pinkham, like wise for the makers of "pink pllhj ' , . . ir ... , . . ..... . . . . .. nyers Cherry Sectoral. Wc believe in doctors. I hey believe in us. We give them the formula of our Cherry Pectoral. They order it for coughs, colds, bron chltls. croup, the grin www '! i i.m.i.iJ ." J.O. Ar.rCo., IOTrHt wm. nnd nil tho "drowsy syrups of tho oast" that put crying babies to sloop or smooth tho winklod brow of pain. OALIFORNA SUGAR PINE. A Timber Fit to Ecplaco tho Best Grades of Whlto Pine. Fow users of wood know that an tho Pnclflc coast thoro is n vast quantity of lumber comparablo in nil essential qualifications with tho best grades of whlto plno over produced In tho East This is furnishod by tho sugar plno, a trco commonly found along tho western slopes of tho Sierra Novada mountains in California. Evon whon compared with tho giant "big trees," with which it ofton is found, tho sugar plno is not a puny troe, but frequently reaches a dlnmotor of 10 feet nnd a height of 250 fcot. A slnglo trco has bcon known to yield 51,000 board feet of lutnbor, nnd trees smaller than 18 inchos nro seldom cut nt present. Theso facts mako it -evident that sugar plno lumber, in rcsport to tho sizes furnished, is far beyond tho Eastorn Whlto Pine evon tho pumpkin pino of early days. Tho wood Is scarcely distinguishable from whlto plno. It is practically of tho samo weight and tho samo color. It is somowhat moro resinous, however, and perhaps a Httlo brasher. It is soft, straight-grained, nnd easily workod. It is used for ovcrything for wnich whlto pino is avallablo, and in especially vol uablo for pattern work, Tho wood i nlrcady finding lta way into tho Eat orn markets, nnd, whilo it is not at all likely that anything but tho boit gmdes can bo shippod long distances, thoro is no doubt that sugar pino lum ber will moro and moro replaco its Eastern rolatlvo. Thero is no difllculty whatever in furnishing plank up to two foot in width and absolutely frco from any dofect, at a prlco thnt is low for thnt quality. Tho cut of sugar plno lumber In Cal ifornia hns increased from 65,000,000 board foot in 1000 to 120,000,000 feet in 1001, nnd it is ostimntcd thnt thero nro 25,000,000,000 feet of It still stand ing. Sugar pino docs not form oxtonslvo forests by itself, ns tho whlto plno of tiio unst onco uiu, nut grows wiin Western yellow pino, whlto fir, inconso codnr nnd tho "big trees." In North ern California it is found at altitudes between 2000 and 0000 foot above tho sea, and in Southern California nt alti tudes botwoon 5000 nnd 10,000 foot. Tho trco produces n largo quantity of seeds, in cones thnt ofton aro 20 inchos long. Tho soods nro largo and ediblo, nnd consequently nro sought by squlrrols nnd other animals. Tho Indi ans also gather them to oat. On this acnunt nnd becnuso tho seedlings aro easily killed during tho first flvo yoars by lack of molsturo or proper shade, tho sugar pino does not roproduco Itself readily; but tho lumber Is so valuablo that thero Is every roason why an, of fort should bo made to replaco the trees that aro cut down by others of tho samo kind. Bureau of forestry studies mado of its manner of growth indicates thnt this is entirely possible A second growth of sugar plno may easily be se cured by affording tho forests In which tho old trees nro found rensonnblo pro tection, nnd by giving tho young growth souio aid in its struggle with tho moro vigorous competing species. CASTOR I A For Infants aud Children. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought Boors tha Signature of &k Eugene is going to celcbrato the Fourth of July in n most entbusiastie manuor, A flno program Is being ar ranged. Thero will bo races for young and old, and in tho afternoon a game of baseball between tho Chcinnwa In dian baseball team and tho Eugene Stas. In tho ovening thero will be grand display of fireworks. Miss Fan ulo McCalluin has been elected goddess of liberty. i ii a In Mad Chase. Millions rush In mad chase after health, from ono extreme of faddlnn to another, when, if they would only eat good food, and keep their bowels regu lar with Dr. King's New Llfn Pills, tholr troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and j.tlek cure for liver and stomach trouble. 25c at J. O. Perry's Drug Storor Tha Southern Pacific Company Will sell tickets, Salem to Boswell Springs and return up to and including September SO, 1805, 1005, limited to 30 days, rate of $5.55. tf Words of Wisa Men. I In tlmo wo hate thnt which wo often fear. Shokospcaro. A fool always finds somo greater fool to ndtniro him. Bollcau. Fortuno doos .not chnngo men; it only unmasks them. -Itcccobonh Wnsto of timo is tho most costly nnd extravagant of all cxpensos. Thcophratus. In nothing do men npproach so near ly to tho gods as in doing good to mon. Cicero. Nobody will uso other pcoplo 's ox porlonce, nor hns any of his own, till it is too lato to uses it. Hawthorne. Every ono has a wallet behind for his own failings, and ono beforo for tho fallings of others, En Fontaine. Little, vicious minds abound with nngor nnd rovengo, nnd nro Incnpablo of feeling tho plcasuro of forgiving their enemies. Clicstorflold. OASTOftXA. 3, th Tfca Kind Yoi Haw Unji BoujT i n Hero is an explanation of tho old horscshoo superstitien: St. Dustnn wns n Bklllod farrier. Ono day, whilo nt work at his forgo, tho devil ontcrod In dlsqulscd, and requested Dunstan to shoo his "slnglo hoof." Tho saint, al though ho recognized his malign cus tomer, ncodod, but caused him so much pain during tho operation that satan begged him to desist. This St. Dun utan did, but only nftcr'ho hnd mado tho evil ono promiso that neither ho nor any of tho lesser ovll spirits, his servants, would over molest tho In mates of n houso whero tho horse shoo was displayed. i in f- Reduced Round Trip Rates. Account of Fourth of July, 1005. On nhovo account tho Southern Pacific Company will soil round-trip tickots between points in Oregon north of Colo, incluslvo, rnto will bo first-class faro and cno third for round trip. Snlo dates: Saturday, July 1,; Sundny, July 2d; Mondny, July 3 nnd Wednes day, July 4, going trip to commence on date of sale. Iloturn limits: July 0. Stop-over will not bo pormlttod. con tinuous passago will Tjo required in each direction. W. E. COMAN, C?0-td Gonoral Pas. Agt. w .niiim mi aim fbench female MIUMfiMJU PILLS. A . Cistsin Riuif toftrrrfttwioM-MTMiTiov, Ntm known to riii. '' ":! it ; tSA boi w.iiicnl UinalrtJ.ub p-ilL i wsi rUW nsnpij. ft, iryMrdnstiUliMitwi I UMITPMCDICALC0.,B0T4.UH0Tr". PA. br UMoi -vi yvyr ar w an Sold In Salem by S. O. Stono. GCTTHE Harvester Oil For your binders and mowers Nothing better SOLD IN ANY QUANTITY Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. SALEM BRANCH, F. F. GARY, MGS. 210-220-230 State St Salem, Or. ! WHEN IN NEED Of corn for planting, remember that wo have a choice stock of both Oregon and Eastern grown corn, which can be had at reduced prices, at tho Old Reliable Feed 8tore, Sa.yf c & Fletclie 322-324 Commercial St. jm&sh EXCURSION RATES During tho Lewis and Clark exposition tho O. O. T. Co. will mako tho following rate: Salem to Portland, ono way, 7C cents; round trip, $1.00. Tickots good fpr ton days. Doats loaving dnlly at 7 a. m., except Sunday. M. P. BALDWHT, Agt Dock Foot of Trado Stroot To the Cotmtf y People Whon in town take your inoals nt tbo Star Restaurant, 330 Court Stroot, ad joining Wado's bardwaro store. Meals at all hours, 35 cents. Phono 301 Rod. TRY ONE OF THOSE FAMOUS DINNERS AT COFFEY'S RESTAURANT You can beat tho gamo if you nro real good and hungry, so many good things nro served. 205 Commercial Street Tho parrott can mako words, but his tonguo is not harnessed to his brains. Thoro nro folks hi tho grocory trade whoso elnims nro just unhnrncssosd words. Wo can provo thnt ovcrything wo sell is of tho host quality. Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Ilarrltt &. Lawrence. aw .af,, rrV dTW) W "SI m if tHMnnB nniiiiiif iiihhh ' .-.Vfll U!4flHBBiBM fkflft PVmuflBi, iaini4aiiaiamtmnaiaiBiaiiiiBiB)sjin)i' wmmmMHamtmammmsmsaimm A. L. FRASER Successors to Burroughs & Fraser. Plumbing, Tinning and Roofing Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all Unit etlffl made and work guaranteed. 367 State Stroet, Salem. Excarsion Rates to Yaqalna Bay and Newport. Tho famous seasldo resort for th Wlllametto Valloy. Tickets at rcducei rates will bo sold until September 30 1005, by tho Southern Pacific Company, Do not noglect this opportunity to tako in tho fresh sea breezes and surf bathing. Season Rate From Salem $5.00 Thoso tickots nro limited to October 10, 1005. Saturday Excursion Rate $3.00 Theso tickots aro sold only on Satur days, and limited for return the fol lowing Mondny. , For tickots nnd full information call on A. COMEGYS, Agent, Salem. U. J. LEHMAN Sash and doors. All kinds of ooiu finishing. 'Phono 131 black. AUo tit floors of warohouBo for i-cnt; elevator and switching facilities. Mm t niiiiiii iiinitit J BEST MEALS QUICK SERVICE MODEST PRICES i White House Restaurant GEORGE BROS. r stato Stroot Proprletort inDiUimi mmiiinn RED HOT VALES For Fourth of July wear, and as ill kiiow tho Fourth generally means a hot time, so a low-cut Oxford tie will t Just tho coolost thing yon can wmt. We hnvo them In tan and black, bat tened or laced. JACOB VOGT -rij c miLr ntt tub cADrRT ini. nun jr int. r-wufc-w. Has been taken to supply the stock of i lumber In our yards. Our stock ! comploto with all kinds of lumbw. Just recolved a car load of No. 1 shingles, also & car of flno shax'J-!! Wo aro abla to All any and all kind of bills. Como and let us show r our stock. i Yard and ofllco aear 8. P. paU depot. 'Phono Main (5L ; GOODALE LUMBER CIS i A DELICIOUS PIECE OF OOBNED BEE? for a boiled dinner makes an spik ing change in tho family menu on i awhile, and we corn some delicto" nieces In rumn.' brisket, ribs and nTlli and corn it whilo it is fresh and joley-S You can find anything you want w our choice stock of prime meat, prices that you can't beat anywhere. E. C. CROSS State Street Market Phone 201. Phono 1611.