Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 26, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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Tonight and Tuesday, showers.
NO. 148.
Public Sentiment Is Favoring
Senator Mitchell as the
Trial Progresses
Portland, Juno 20. Tho demurrer In
tho cases of Williamson, Mays, at nl.,
was overruled. Tho cases of William
son, Vnnaosnor and Biggs wero set for
next Monday. All tho jurors but tho
trlnl jurors wero excused until noxt
Monday. Saturday morning all tho
other land fraud cases will bo sot for
trial or dismissed. Public sentiment is
favoring Mitchell nt tho beginning of
tho second week of tho land fraud trial.
It is genorally considered that tho gov
ernment caso has been weakened by
tho Tannor cross-examination Saturday,
Tanner, on redirect examination, was
risked by Ilcnoy if tho firm did not ro
coivo n feo of 1500 a month from ono
client. Tho court considered tho ques
tion too remote-. Several witnesses for
tho government dovelopcd nothing in
teresting. Harry Robertson, Senator Mitchell's
prlvnto secretary, testified to his ap
pearanco before tho grand jury. On re
turning to Washington Mitchell accusod
tho witness and Tannor of conspiring to
ruin him. Mitchell told him, "Harry,
you hadn't ought to prosccuto me, you
know all I over got was somo little
Tho witness was very bitter against
Mitchell, nnd his testimony produced
n sensation. Thurston cross-examined
Robertson. Ho snid: "I worked for
Tanner, Hormnnn nnd McBride, nnd
then liwftmn Senator Mitchell's rrl-
vnto o.rotnrv. Tho sonator had many
rcquenti for help in tho departments,
nnd he answered every letter, and nt- rosiorcu tomorrow, hid uiiuvhk mi
tended to every request nearly 2000 nounccntcnt was mndo by President
annuallv. Was In Portlnnd about a
. . , ,.i
month. Jus ncnun was poor, umi uo
gavo no attention to tho law firm.
Juno 20. Harry Robert-
A.mnli a-ifl(iirv in HnnnirtF
, AUI1HVWJ HVV.W.". - .... .--
Mitchell, was tho star witness for tho
prosecution in tho Mitchell trial this
morning. Ho stated ho had scon Krlbs
repeatedly in Mitchell's private offlco,
and also many times in Mitchell & Tan-
ner's offlco. Ho had scon tho senntor
go over tho books of tho firm containing
tho payments of Krlbs. Tho witness
described his boing subpoenaed In
Washington to appear beforo tho Port- (
land grand jury. Ho said that, beforo
leaving, ho had been instructed by Sen-;
ntor Mitchell to tell tho jury that Tan-
ner had received all of tho fees ro-
- '
III! I I II a I I Mill II HI It M
Ftcst Taffy
Tnat long Delayed
Has arrived at last. We have it now in brown, garnet
and navy. Width 36 inches at
$1.75 pe y&td
It's the richest effect in high grade silks shown this season
Satem'u Cheapest One-price Cash Store,
ceived by tho firm for their prnctlco bo
foro tho federal departments, and that
Tannor would instruct RobinBon what
to swear to, as Mitchell said ho consid
ered any means justifiable to uso in
his defense, Arthur Orton, n clerk in
tho Merchants' National Bank, testi
fied regarding tho Mitchell nnd Tanner
accounts, nnd identified checks and
books. A. II. Tanner, again on tho
stand, identified tho statement made
Saturday regarding Mitchell's writing
in hundreds of letters similar to theso
written in tho Krlbs case for constlt-
uonta without charge, ns being too lib
eral, iio saiu no wrote a numoer ox
such letters.
Portland, Juno 20. Counsel .wil ask
for instructions Tuesday morning. T.
O. Abbott, of Bonttlc, testified to Sena
tor Mitchell helping him get a $25,000
claim from tho government, nnd he re
fused to rccelvo any fee.
Now York, Juno 20. Tho 18-hour
running schedule for tho Twentieth
Century Limited betwen this city and
Chicago, temporarily abandoned, fol
Rowing tho wreck nt Mentor, 0., will bo
newmun, oi mo ow iUrr v"uii
"Tim rtntil -Invrxiltratlnn nt tho
wreck on tho Lake Sboro road at Men
tor, O., which hns been made by the
officials of tho Lake Shoro Company
nnd by tho street railway commissioner
of Ohio, who, with tho chief Inspector
- n.va tnr th rnt. matU n nor
gonal invMtentton t tho sccno of tho
ncolant( i,nving shown conclusively
that tj,0 ttcc,icnt WM not caused by the
8pce1 of tho tro,D( lt ia now. dCcued
unnoccsgary to continue tho slower
j,,,, ot tj,0 Twentieth Century
. th(J t,me o whlch wa, icngthencd
poml,DK ft thorough investigation of
tb(J caug0 of tho acjijent. Its schedule
of lg houriJ uetween New York and
chI wm'bo resumed Monday, tho
' .
ijora uurzon
Against tho Qovera-
moat's Program In India.
! Simla, India, June 20. A rumor Is
I circulated that Lord Curzon has cither
' ' resigned as viceroy of India, or is
' ! shortly to do so, as a result of tho de
. eislon of the homo government to placa
; Lord Kitchener In complete control of
the India army. Curzon advised against
' tho government's military program for
Chicago Market
I Chicago, Juno 20. Wheat, 08S9;
corn, MH64; oats, 313S.
- f. My
Another Strike Threatened
by Express and Van
Teamsters In Chicago
Chlcngo, Juno 20. The express and
van teamsters today notified their em
ployers that thoy would call a strlko
of their unions in tho city unless the
companies stopped compelling union
drivers to deliver goods to boycotted
bouses. A thousand drivers have been
effected. Vlco-Prcsident Wockler, of
tho Wccklcr Illinois Brick Company,
beforo tho grand jury today, denied
that his company used a fund of 25,
000 as testified by President Wobor, of
tho National Brick Company.
Russia and Japan to Patch up
a Peace in Dog Days
Washington, D. O, Juno 20. Tho fol
lowing was issued from tho White
Houso this afternoen: "Tho Prcsldont
hns received from both Russia and Ja
pan a stntoment thnt plenipotentiaries
of tho two countries will meot in Iho
United States during tho first ten days
of August. Tho President has ex
pressed 'to both governments tho wish
that tho meeting tako plaeo, if possible,
by tho first of August, or at tho ear
liest dato thereafter."
Japan BUU Actlvo, .
Washington, Juno 20. It is stated
on high authority that tho President
ha been advised that tho Japanese in
tend to carry on military operations in
Manchuria until tho signatures of the
pcaeo plenipotentiaries aro affixed to
tho treaty. Notwithstanding tho nttl
tudo of Jnnnn, the Prosldent will con
tlnuo his efforts to sccuro nn armistico.
Japanese Made Attack.
St. Petersburg, Juno 20. Qeneral
Linlevltch reports that on Juno 23th,
tho Japanese attacked his right flank
with a detnehmont of mounted artillery.
Tho Russians retreated beforo tho cno-
Berlin. Juno 20. Tho verdict In the
suit regarding the succession to tho
grand dueal throne of Oldenberg wns
rendered today, and is against Count
Alexander Wcbburg, complaining. Tho
netlon was brought against Frederick
Augustus the reigning grand duke.
On Home Economics.
Lake Placid, N. Y., Juno 20.-The
seventh annual Lake Placid Conforense
on Home Keonomles began at the Lake
Placid club today and will continue
until July 1. Today and tomorrow aro
to be devoted to reports of progress
in courses of study for elementary,
secondary and trade schools, college,
and universities; to homo education,
to outlines for women' clubs, etc.
Tbursdiy and Friday tho food problem,
personal hygiene and industrial prob
lems in the home, with standards of
routine work, will bo discussed.
Cashier Is Short.
Terro Haute, Ind., June 20. Gustavo
A. Consman, cashier of the Vigo City
Bank, has resigned. The directors have
announced that Consman was short
(OOQO, and bad turned over securities to
eever the amount.
Have Open Shops.
Philadelphia, June 20. Forty-five
leading printing establishments of this
city today began epilation of tbo open
shop on nine hours a day. The action
was taken to forestall the eight-hour
movement of the printers.
Another Grandson.
Paris, Jane 20. A son was born to
day to the Duehei Del Rochefocauld,
formerly Miss Mat tie Mitchell, daugh
ter of Senator Mitchell, of Oregon.
Historic Stono From England.
Boston. Mnss.. June 20. Thcro hns
jiiBt orrivod hero on tho Cunarder Syl
vnnin a fragment of historio stono
about two feet long by ten Inches wide
n.l M..U fn 41m Pnnn C.ni Plltrrlm
McmorlM association at Provlncotown.
Tho stono is from tho old church at
Austorflcld, Nottinghamshire, England,
whero William Bradford was baptized
and where many of tho early Pilgrims
once worshipped. Tho stono will bo in-
.f..nA.nlnil In 4 1. n Tllirlnn mnnrmont tn
overlook Provjncetown hnrbor. To tho
monument will also bo added later n
number of ancient pnvemont bricks
from tho old whnrf at Dclf thnver, Hol
land, whence tho Mayflower sailed for
America. Stones will also bo procured
from tho villages of Scrooby and Ply
mouth land Southampton, England, tho
last two ports visiicu uy tno luuyuoweT
bcforolsalling for an unknown land.
wo porti
0 sailing
Anaconda Runs Her Bow Into
Danish Vessel With
Deadly Results
Copenhagen, Denmnrk, Juno 20. Tho
private cadet ship Qcorgcstago I was
ramm& today by the British steamer
Anaconda, and sunk. Twenty-two ca
dets wero drowned.
Copenhagen, Denmark, Juno 20.
Tho eteamshlp Oeorgo Stago sank in
ono and one-half minutes. Tho cadets
wero all in their bunks. Fifty-seven
woro rescuod. Only body has been
The President Goes Away to
Spend His Summer
Washington, Juno 20. Tho President
leaven today for the remainder of tho
summer. He will start nt 5:30 this af
ternoon over tho Pennsylvania road,
aeeompnnlod by Secretnry Loeb and
the usual gifnrd of secret servlco men.
Ho goes first to Cambridge, nnd will
attended tho Harvard commencement,
theneo to Oyster Bay, Wednesday he
will address the students at Harvard.
Ho will reach Oyster Bay Thursday at
noon. The President nnd family will
remain at Sagamoro Hill until tho lat-'.l
ter part of September. Mrs. Koosovclt
and Theodore, Jr., loft for Oyster Bay
this morning.
W i
Homeopath Are In Session.
Chicago, III., June 20. Several thou
sand delegates from almost every state
of the Union aro gathered in Chicago
fn tho 01t rtnnual meeting oh the
American Institute of Homeopathy.
The formal opening takes place in
Music hall this evening. Governor Be-
neen and Mayor Dunno aro acbednled
to make addresses of welcome, to whle'i
Dr. Oeorgo Royal, president of the In
stitute, will respond.
The convention will continue for sev
eral days. On .formal occasions of a
similar character the proceedings have
been confined chiefly to professional
discussions and essays on mattery pep
tainlng to the homeopathic school ot
medielpe. A leading featuro of tho
convention this year, however, is to be
anniversary exercises in observance of
tho 150th anniversary of Hahnemann's
birth, the fiftieth anniversary of the
organization of the Illinois Homeopath
ic Modieal association and tbo fiftieth
anniversary of the organization of the
Hahnemann Medical college of Chicago.
WU1 Oo After Ralroads.
Washington, June 20. The depart'
roent of justlee announced that Assist
ant Attorney-General Purdy bad been
placed in charge of the railroad rebate
eases, including that against the Santa
Fe, and that Pordy bad left for Kan
sas City to begin the prosecution, in
accordance with the President's direc
tions. Feasants Doing Things.
St. Petersburg, June 28, A report
from Kharkov, Ecropean Russia, says
the peasants have risen and burned tbo
domains of several land owners. Troops
are requested.
You Can Hardly Tell What
They Will Do Next
St. Petersburg, Juno 20. A mes
sago from Warsaw says, "Tho Jowlsh
quarter is now in full rovolt, nnd It is
oxpocted a repetition of tho massacres
at LodE will occur in tho Polish cap"
Itnl. Street cars havo boon overturned
to form barricades, and thirty-four
battalions of troops aro stationed in
tho city.
Grand American Handicap.
Indianapolis, Ind., Juno 20. All
roads for trap shooters load this weok
to this city, whero tho greatest tour
noy of tho year is to bo held under
tho auspices of tho interstate associa
tion. Tho chief event will 'bo tho sixth
annual grand American handicap, which
will bo contested on Thursday, though
Important sweepstako and handicap
matches will also bo shot on other days,
beginning tomorrow. Moro than 200
shooters nre cntorod for tho grand
American handicap, Tho conditions call
for 100 targets, handicap 14 to 22 yards'.
$200 added to tho purso, high guns,
winner to rccelvo a trophy, open to
nil. Several thousand dollars will be
awarded to tho victors in this nnd other
events nnd much moro will probably bo
wagered on tho outside.
Williams vs. Munroo.
Philadelphia, Pa., Juno 20. Jack
Munroo, tho ono-tlmo aspirant for
championship honors, Is to fnco Jack
Williams, tho Philadelphia middle
weight, beforo Vtho Nntional Athletic
club tonight. As both hnvo roputa-,
tions for hard hitting tho ring follow
ers expect to seo six rounds of lively
A Bomb Thrown.
St. Petersburg, June 20. At -Czcn-stochu
Inst night bombs wero thrown,
nt tho chief of riollco ns ho was rid
ing in his carriage. Ono officer and
soven civilians wero seriously lnjurod.
Went by Acid Route.
Lowiston, Pa., June 20. Klwood Car
man, convicted of tho murder of Wil
liam Mnrry, was found dead In his otll
at Miflllntown today. Ho drank car
bolic acid.
Latest Styles Fancy Percale
Regular $1.25 Value, AH
In Warsaw the Strike Failed
and Lodz Burns its
Warsaw, Poland, Juno 20. Tho So
cial Democratic party did not succeed
in bringing nbout n general strlko to
day. Many of tho factories closed
down, nnd somo stores woro u (Tec tod,
but tbo strlko Is far from general. The
strikers plckotod the factories, and ,ln
sovcral instances shooting tho men who
started to enter. Troops patrol the
principal strcots with ordors to firo on
tho slightest provocation. No nows
papors woro published today.
Lodz, Poland, Juno 20,. This city
this morning presents tho nppenranco
of nn armed camp. Troops hold tho
streets, and no citizens nro permitted
to leavo their houses without n permit
A stato of slcgo has bocn declared, and
all factories nro closed.
Tho casualties during tho riots wore
ostlmntod today nt C01 killed, 7Q0
wounded, many serious. Qeneral Behut-
(loworths, who was placed In command
of tho troops declares thnt order ha
been restored.
o '
deorgla educators Moot.'
Athens, On., Juno 20. Teachers from
every nook nnd corner of tho stale
aro gathering in Athens for tho thirty-ninth
annual session of tho Oeorgln
Kducntlonal association. Tho meetings
will open this ovonlng with President
Harvln M. Parks of Milledgovlllo pre
siding. Chancellor Wnlter B. Hill of
the Stato university will weleoino the
Visitors nnd tho Hon. Hoko Smith of
Atlanta will deliver nn address on
jigho Possibilities and Responsibilities.
urUio Tench,or,.,r Tho regular busi
ness eenlona nnd sectlonnl conferences
will begin tomorrow.
Big Lake Vessel Launched.
West Superior, Wis., Juno 20, -Tho
new steamer Oeorgo W. Perkins, ono of
tho four monstoirs ordered by tho Pitts
burg Steamship company, was sccc3
fully launched at tho West Superior
yards today. Tho launching wns wit
nessed by a largo crowd of spectators.
Special Sale
Wanted Styles and Colors
tjt f,m