- er -, fffrm-W 8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM. OREGON. SATX7BDAY, JTJNB 24, 1905. Your Sunday HAZLEWOOD ICE CREAM DRUG CORNER COURT AND LIBERTY MODERN WOODMEN AMERICA Annual Memorial Services Will Bo Held Tomorrow Afternoon Tho annual memorial services of tho local camp M. W. A. will bo hold to morrow afternoon. Tho members will meet at tholr hnll at 2 o'clock and form for parade, which will bo head ed by tho Reform School band. Tho line of parudo will bo from State Jo High, to Chemekotn, to Commercial streets, and thence to tho Odd Fol Prince Ghiku, who was recently mar ried in London to Mti Margaret Dowl ng, a beautiful Irish woman! has held a ronfereuco at Buoharett to arrango for a rising to securo the Albanian throue, to which ho lays claim. The princo declares that all tho powers whose capitals he recently vliitcd, with the exception of Austria-Hungary, ap prove Ub project, j v WILL NOT BB COMPLETE tmLESfl YOU SOME Or THE FAMOUS TIIB IOB CREAM THAT IS SO BUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS THAT " IT WAS THE ONLY IDE CREAM ALLOWED ON THE LEWIS AND . , CLARK FAIR GROUNDS. PHONE ORDERS IN ANY QUANTITY PROMPTLY DELIVERED TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY BY THE BREWER COMPANY STREETS. lows' and City View cemeteries. At tho comcterles tho ceremony of strew ing of graves of departed members with flowers and tho ritualistic work beaido tho gravo of tho lato P. X. Hofer will tnko place. . Visiting Neighbors aro cordially Invited to tako part in tho day's exorcises. All mem bers aro requested to briig flowors. When Danger Signals your liver out of order, con stipation, or your stomach not working right, It's a sign of distress which, unheeded,. will lead to trouble It is time to tako Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 10c nnd iSo. Idyod Grlicom, tho American minis ter to Japan, who Is to bo recalled and appointed assistant secretary of state, succeeding Prnucls B. Loowis, who is to bo given an appointment as ambas sador. The change will probably take place iu tho eafly fall. Tn bringing Orlscoin Jo Washington, President Roosevelt Is actuated by a desire,, to have iu the statu department an ofllcUl who is cougenial to Secretary Hay, and who thoroughly understands the situation in the Fur East. Dinner SERVE FOR DESSERT PHONE 2301 MAIN. Advertises In the Dull Season In an Interview in the Meriden (Conn-) Journal, Henry O. Blbedu, grocer and ono of too most successful merchant In that place, wild: "Of course every one knows that times aro not as good just now as they were a little while ago, and n great many merchants nro retrenching in their advertising, putting up the plea that they rnunot afford lucreasea. That Is an entirely wrong view to take. Blnco the 1st of Juno I bavo tripled my advertising iu the dally papers, and tho results nro surprisingly good. The time to retrench In your advertising is when your departments aro doing all they can. It Isn't necessary to adver tise then. . "I Kin now minor more apace than I ever naed, nud the rult la mora than eatlafartory. "People always respond to good ad vertising, and ono need bavo no fear of tho efforts going amiss. "I keep a separata record of each de partment, and when ouo of them abows a falling off I giro it a dose of medi cine in tho shapo of ads., which always proves effective." Thla direct teattmoay on an Impor taut point should Interest advertta ere who are Iu the habit of dropping out In the doll eaaaea TURNERS GO HOME Indianapolis, Inrt Juno 24. Today prnctlcnlly closed tho grout fcstlvtl of tho North American Turnerbund, though many of tho visitors will ro mnin in tho city to tnlco part In various social and entertainment feat ures arranged for tomorrow. Great crowds went to tho state fair trrounds today to witness tho mass gymnastic exercises which wcro re garded as tho crowning features of tho week's program. Tho morning wao given over to tho seniors, womou and children, nnd this afternoon thrco thousand Turners, comprising teams from nil parts of this country and from Germany, wont through a mar voloui scries of exhibition exercises and drills. v U. of V. Commoncemont. Burlington, Vt.. Juno 24. Todny marked tho opening of tho ono nun- dred nnd first commencement excr clses nt tho University of Vermont. Tho first oveftt on tho progrnm was tho oratorical contest this afternoon for tho Kingsley prize. Tomorrow President Matthow H. Buckhnm will deliver tho baccalaurcnto sermon at tho Collogo street church. In tho af ternoon tho anniversary of tho Young Men's Christian Association will bo colobrStcir 'in an npproprlnto mnnnor. Monday of next week will bo claw day, Tuesday alnmni day and Wednes day commencement lay. During tho wook thcro will bo numerous reunions of former students, fraternity gather ings and other functions of n social Gonornl Schinncr to tho ofljco of nature. Arcanomltes to Protect. Milwaukee, Wis., Juno 24. Protoit of a most earnest nnd dctermlno'l character will bo mado by tho oldo members of tho Royal Arcanum against tho increaso in rates which thoy dcclaro will deprlvo them of their Insurance, at a meeting pf tho grand council ofllcors and ofllcers of locnl lodges with officers of tho eu promo council iu this city tonight. Thcso older members will bo support ed, it is said, by many of tho younger mon of tho order, who, it is nsscrtol, will tako tho stand that giving their support for twenty years or longer in ordor to bring tho Arcanum to lis present proportions, tho patriarchs ought not now to bo deprived of tho protection which was guaranteed them when thoy wcro given member ship. Yalo Oommencoment. Now Haven, Conn, Juno 2-1. Vis itors nro arriving in lnrgo numbers for tho annual commencement festlvl tlos at tho Yalo University. . The events of tho wcok will bo ushered in tomorrow morning when tho students will gnther In Woolsoy hnll to listoa to tho bnccaluureuto addross by Pres ident Hadloy. Mondny will bo class day and will bo mado 'notablo by tho prosenco of Soeretnry of War Taft, who will de liver an address to tho graduates. Tuesday will bo given over to tho alumni, and in tho afternoon will tako place tbo annual baseball gaino be tween ilarvnrd nnd Yolo. Tho com mencomcut exercises will bo held Wednesday and will bo followed by tho customary president's reception in Memorial hall. New Bishop of Superior. Milwaukee, Wis., Juno 24. The dnto for tho consecration of Vioar bishop of tho nowly created superior dloreso has beon definitely determined upon as July 26, which falls upon the day of the feast of St. Jnmos. T,ho corempny will bo held In 8t. John '9 cathedral in this city, and1, if possible, will be in charge of Monsignor Pal conlo, papal delegato to tho United States, who is expected to bo in this pnrt of tho country at tho time. Bishops McQurllck of Dulutu, Schwebach of La Crosse, Pox of Green Bay nnd Kis of Marqucttowill take prominent part In tho ceremony. Tho consecration will be attended also by nearly all tho priests of Milwaukee and Superior diocese. , : OASfPORIA,. a.Mvt'w Ifca KM Yo Kin Ahnp Bwjt FOR SALE Two acres, one block from car line, with good new barn, worth $250. All for $450. 40 acres, 20 in cultivation, fair build ings, plenty of fruit, on main road. Will put in stock and implements foi 3000. 160 acres, 80 in cultivation, 10 acres in mixed orchard, good buildings, 3VS miles from town, only (25 per acre. For bargains seo DERBY & WILSON The Grand Propelling Power It is cosy to see- why tho dactrina should bo promulgated nnd followed that advertising is the soul of busi ness; that the man who cannot UBO ad vertising in his buRlneofl has no right to be in business that, ns Macaulay onco Bald, advertising is to buslnes what steam is to machinery, tbo grand propelling power. Tho story ia told of a man who onoo came to a merchant to buy a remnant of cloth Ions out of faahlon, with which, to repair a gar ment The merchant was delighted to bo ablo to satisfy tho now customer nnd asked, "How do you happen to come to mo for thin bngntcllo?' The answer won, "I thought you would be the moot likely man to have the nam ple becauso you never advertise." Our modern lmmcnno establishments tako good enro not to hid their llbt,undor a bushel. It is claimed that ono of theso' establishments in tho United States paid oat 9200,000 annually for advertisements, in threo newspapera nlono, and tho newspaper advertising expenses of tho twelve largcnt retail stores have beon estimated nt $3,000, 000 poroinnum. V. Matoja in Interna tional Quarterly. If ron want to mere rear fcnede, let people know what yon have throonh thla paper. Duyera conaalt oar col an resularly. Pushed Ahead By Advertising A British Journal recently comment ed on the fact that whereas tho tea grown in China was formerly tho most popular, it now occupies second piaco, whllo Ceylon tea has become tho favor lte with all classes of people. The question, What has bronght about this change of taste? is not, however, a dif ficult ono to answer. As a prominent arm of dealers pointed out, Ceylon tea has beon liberally advertised for soma years, while the Chlneso product has not been advertised at all. The change noted has been wrought during these years, nnd It Is therefore reasonable to conclude that advertising is tho prin cipal cause thereof. As a result of ad vertising Uje consumption of Ceylon tea has increased so rapidly that' In many cases China tea has practically been force out of tlio'market Yet, tho actual difference in the quality of' the two is not material. Prodtablo Adver tising. The aame wight lie aald of many merchant who havo forced to the front by liberal and peralatent ad vertlalaa; In newapapcra. Inch ex ample can he fonnd la the colnmaa of thla paper. Jf4 Thomas Balmer, advertising man ager of the Butterlclc publications, says: Ton cannot kill an elephant with a popgun. Neither can yon et a pago effect with an Inch advertise ment." "Whlc la jaat another way of ear laf you cannot do Jaitlce to nu new eteek: with a aauUl ad. Bnpneae rea try a p&s , thU w, POWDERS POTIONS AND PILLS Young Webfooters Now Real- ize ii is uener to Give Than to Receive Secretary lllggs of the State Board of Pharmacists hna announced tho sua ccssful list of applicants for rcgltra. uon. uus or oo wtio took tho exami nation in Portland Juno 13, 15 seniors and 11 juniors failed. Thoso who pnssou tiio junior examination and are thoroforo classed ns assistant pharma. cists are: Prank A. Galloway. Cor. vams; .uyron N. Hawks, CorvaUij- ouua v. Auapp, urcgon unyj Fred C. T U ft -tr - , I uuiiuuuscn, x-oruanu; William A.l Jllgu, Tillamoek: B. & Cochran. Port. land) Theodoro Lyon, Salem; William j Siobcrts, Portland P. A. Snvder, duiui uaj; u. a. uunuy, uorvallis. Thoso who passed tho sonlor and are now registered pharmacists are: Lcona U. Wobcr, Corvollis; Roland L Eaen nervals; Charles II. Johnson, Engcne; Frank A. Galloway, Corvallis; Clarence 0. Currln, Corvallis; Hugh P. Brandon, orvauis; jcTcuoncK u. Btlnson, Cor vallis; nonry O. Darby, Sllrerton; uuo a: wouor, uorvaiiisj Warrea E Porsytho, Enterprise; Bert T. Jordan, Albnny; Jessio R. Woodford, Medford; I'erry a. anyuer, John Day; Richard P. Everett, Astoria; Samuel K. Hart- sock, Albany; Glon A. Honderson. Mj- Mlnnvlllo; Otto P. Wagan, Pertland: 1 i nomas u. zicber, Portland; Claude- It. Doddridge, Russellvlllo; William P. Thomns, Portland; William II. Zeieler. I'ortranu; William A. Soger, Portland; Uuuuo J. triglo, Pertland: Morrii Lovy, Portland; Dr. John II. Hudion, Arlington; Gcorgo Bowen, Portland; Hnrry W. Jackson, Gardiner; Joseph a. xrommaiti, i'ortlanU. Tire board will hold a special meet ing at Eugene August 8 for tho pur poso of conducting examinations for tho admission of candidates for regis tration. Tho regular quarterly meet ing of tho board will bo hold in Pej dleton September 12. The board ii determined to enforco a strict obeerr anco of tho law and all candidate! for registration must appear at these mootings. Whilo making a visit to eastern Oregon towns last week, tie secretary of tho board discovered fre quont violations of tho law which must ccaso or so mo prosecutions will follow. The Best 9 BOOK and j UST ARRIVED A new stock of FISH NETTING. It Is jost the thing for decorative Im poses HAUSER BROS. Sakm Gun Store Edison Phonograph ASr- .. -r..1. 01U, neaaajaaal Typewriter., K, Ix. Phone M1'0L H Coma St. . iJ.il .