Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 24, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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Indian Woman Follows
Ancient Rite
Her Husband
Tly far tho most Important ovont In
afoun, circles in many moons wi tho
ijwflntch givon by lstnliibs Bill, tlie
Ao& pillow of Chohtills Hill, nt Ilia
ftirraf or Ueorgo Mini, on tlio banks of
rltio "Puynllup river, just nerosd from
U wo Tnuinn nciiooi yMioruny.
( It U tlio first potlntch tbo Indians
xnvrt of tlio mountains bavo bad tlio
trpporiuuity of nttondiug sinco Mm.
tan Coated, tlio widoiwif Jim Coat",
ctcd nil tlio control figuro in ono hold
jit the same place just n yonr ago.
Half u doen or moro tribes wore
Tupredcntod at tlio ceremonies yostor-
Ja.t. They ciuno from Chohnlis, from
Saehomlsh, from Oyster liny, Port
Madison n ml there wore scores of
'Psyullua present to dhow tliolr rodpoot
Jot tlio memory of Chehalid Bill, In
Tiosa memory the potldtch was glvon,
Bil Incidentally, to tako their shnnc'd
nit having bestowed Ukui them some
f tlio money or presents ivliielt Che-
(halm HI I I'd widow distributed with a
r tier ens hand.
Occidlon for tlio Potlatcli.
JV votlnlnli id anything Out a, modern
anUti(inn; it id among the oldoat of
Indian ceremonies, and in tlio more
ib&rbnrlnua career of th6 redskin was
Snaked upon hh next in Importance to
ttle tillml wir dunce. The pntlatcii
tjpuvn liy lstnliibs 1)111 yostordny w.is
uu observance of it now luonumaiit
nsrcctcd nt Hit) grave of tlio deported
"Olchnlls Dill, wIiom (lwith occurred
cuoro thnniNtiM'n jours ngb, and ns In
ewrtumnry, iiiinoy ami proientd wore,
tfrcely distributed liy the widow among
4b older member of tlio different
tribe who showed their respect or!
ttho memory of the deceased Cliolmlls
llitween 200 niyl HO0 Indians bucks
Tinws, children, and even Utile (Hip-!
ipoio udot nod the wido lawn that
1rrtehes out from the inodorn little!
cUngo occupied ly Ootfrg NlrJ,
vslurU had been generously donated
iTcr tho potlntch ceremonies yesterday.
3mi of them from more distant puiii'd
amniouccd arriving lid long ago as
tJaAt Friday, and they hnvo been Htrni-'
Jtfmg In ever since. .Score of little
Summer Comforts
Will belong to the Housewife who uses a Kerosene Oil Stove
to do her cooking on. The
Dangler and National Oil Stoves
Lawn Mowers, Water Hose and Sprays
; We sell all kinds of hot weather conveniences in the hardware
l m 4 am
i and implement
R. M.
,V - ' 6X
in Honor of
topeed are pitched along tho banks of
tho I'uyalluivftnd volilolb? of various
kinds were liHchod-on fill sMoe. Alorfg
all roadd londlng to tbo seond of the
potlntch could bo seen Indians in
pairs and In grouj.s ns onrly as 7
o'clock yostordny morning.
uoromomos ot mo ucrautcry.
Tlio first and most important wisl vnlllng. he giving away of tho money
tho "unvoliing" of tho now monumont mid the presents was a most interest
that had been erected nt tho bond if Inn nITair.
tho grave where Cliohalid Bill sleeps
in tho llttlo Indian coinetory adjoin
iug tho Heboid. Here somo 200 Indi-
mis gathoreil and reverently listened
to older members of- tho trilios eulo
gizo Ohehulis Bill mid tell what n
brave warrior be hnd boon.
When the coremonip.il wore over, the
IndlRnd marched Ixiek ncrosd the
brldgo to the home of George Bird,
where the tinlquo ceremonlwi ineldont
to the potlntch iroper were about to
begin. Much Intorost nttnoheil to the
prepnnitioiM, for money and many
jlredents woro to be given away by
the generoiid widow, and there whs nn
nir of oxpeftiucy mi all dldee. It wis
obsorvetl that there were at leant a,
third mnro Indians on hand than hid
been at the eciuetery.
Occupying n position nf honor oh
the pnrrli from which tho presents
wore to be distributed, mis Istahibd
Itlll, tlio widow, surrounded by n
seoro or moro of ngoil iiutinbern of tho
Viirloud trlbos, attired in their semi
clvlllrwl garb mid especially toilet
toiw for the comfort of tho widow of
Chehulld BUI. I'arther nut, htretched
about on tho given grass, were those
of another generation, who snt about
in groups and ennversod in their native
tongue, while tho little dnrk-skiuned
chlblreti romped about and modernized
tho undent Institution by shooting
ilroornekord and ehnttoring in broken
Younscr Mon Expect Nothing.
I'on-hod on tho fenee and in the
spring wagons were innn. of the
younger men of the tribes, and not ox
peiting an) thing in tlio way of pre-
eats iiecause of their out li, they sat
back, smoked elgnrottcs and scoffed
nt tbo corcmonlos which were do sn
ored with their forofatlicrd.'
k ''Mnimnok klosh turn tuih," aid nil
aged trlbosmnn in reply, to a query ns
to wlmt might bo llii significance nf
a potlntch, and n younger buck, who
stood ueiirliy, wild kind enough to ex
plain that "innmmok Jdnsh turn turn,"
translated into Kttglish mount "to
make friendly fooling." And thld id
why Idtnhibs Bill, tho widow of Che
halid Bill, lmd vont nut n cnll to her
tribesmen fur find near to gathnr on
tho banks of tho Puyullp mid nccept
her hospitality. Sho hnd sold dome
1t nd anil desired to mnco uvorlnstin;
peaeo with all Indmnt. Tho potlutoh
yedtcrdny was u modest iitrnlr, us pot
ldtchod go. In dome instnni'od Indians
Iihvc been known to give nwnythouv
nndd of dollar and nmny pr'osontd -it
lwtlhtched, but ncU so with Tdtfthihi
1,m- M" "'" "ot cvcll l,)1,ow u, aa'
el"?Ilt ,dl to the oxtont of giving
Aval' "11 "uo L,,,1
0vcs Away About 5300 in Money,
s,1 ,11ll I'owovor, illaburso some-
'"' " JUU ln K"1" n" ,lv,or. nn"
,imu' ,,nPP.v ma"y 'inii iy prccrni-
ing iiiem wiin oniico uress piutarns in
j,, ,,,. flI, rcj nlyfnyt
Sontcd on tho broiid porch nt tho
foot of hid aged mother, wodlm BUI,
the only son of the respected nnd do
parted Cliolnilln Bill, and within
roach of Jim, who was fittingly ntUred
in rt diilt of clothod thut didn't fit and
a large roil puff necktie, was a box con
taining tho money nnd presents to be
given away. dim Was tho nlllclal
spokesman of the affair. When Itn
bllw Bill, after looking about her at
the many uxpectnnt, upturned fnce,
ber upon whom
chose ono of tho mini
to bostow her generosity, sho would
speak in a low tone to her son, aed
llm would mako a noise miiah the snmo
ns a court bailiff culling n Juror from
the window of a country court roOm.
When young dim nrose to call a
name there wns absolute quiet on every
hand, and, whou ho had finished, somo
aged Indian would be seon to arise
nnd go on a "dog trot" to tho porch.
There wim no salutation; uo Ceremony
of any kind. Young dim would 'reach
in tho box containing the 'silver and
L'obl. take un n coin, hand it to Char
ley Hiitldcum, and tho latter in turn
would hand it to the fortunate iudl
vidiml whoso name had boon cuUed.
Oharloy Satlacum Is Ilonorod.
Incident ally, it might bo mentions 1
here that Charley Batiacum id one of
the oldest and most roNpcctojt Indians
of the I'uynllp trilio, and it Wii on
this account thut he wild thus honored
nt tho potlnteh, for it id n great lionur
among tlio Indians to be chosen to dis
tribute tho presents.
The giving nivuy of presentd lasted
for almost three hours. Tho men in
variably ,Tocolved money, while for
the women there were the calico droits
patterns. Tho first timo nround gold
piccj wcro distributed, each "chosen
ono" being handed 95. 1'innlly the
widow would cast her eyes oit no more
favored ones, nlthough thoro wore
scores who hnd not been onllcd forward
and young dim wns instructejl to call
the names over ngoln. It was at this
stngo that much disopppolntment was
shown by thoo who lmd not profitou
liy tho visit. Lest interest wns mani
fested from Hint time on. Tho second
timo around silver was distributed,
onch Indian receiving from $l'fo $1i,
and when the ontiro list hnd boon gone
over, there wns another start at the1 be
ginning. Fify cent pieces and quar
ters were disbursed on thu third rouifd,
Hint many of them wont to tho squaws.
Feast aPcaturo of Festivities.
Finnlly tfio distribution of gifts was
nt nn end bill tlio festivities woro not
ovor by nny means. Tlio ' big dlnusr
wns vet to be served, and no one of
the Indinns left until after tbo dinuar.
Two bcevos hnd been slaughtered jn
anticipation of tho event, and there
wns plenty for nil. All tho morning
pot's hnd been, boiling over campfirOd
farther down the banks of tho 1'uynl
In (i, and long tables, enpnblo of ncconi-
modntlng at loos-t 100 at a time, had
been sot up on the lawn.
It wns nt the fenst that tho yonngor
bucks of tho tribe "got even" for tho
manner in which they had boon ignored
at tho distribution of the gifts. When
tho announcement wns made that din
ner wns ready, rlgnrottod wero thrown
away nnd the young scions of a noble
race Miunpored to tlio tables, filling
the seats before the aged mouthers
could get n stnrt. It soon beenino evi
dent that whatever disappointment
tlioy might hnve felt had not affected
their appetites, and the contents of
1"" ft r I" "rrc l""M ,,,n"n tl,om'
liniii liniuiy iiiey, cinini mi mi uiuru
ami room wad made for tho older ones.
Llttlo of tho Plcturosquc.
Tor the most part the Imlinns who
graced the potlntch by their presence
jcntordny wero ilrossed in "store
elothod" and thoro ns llttlo of the
picturesque about them. An occasion
al buck would lie seen with u feather
stuck in Ills lint, but there wub no paint
and ihi buckskin breeches and no tom
ahawks; in fuet nothing to oall to
mind tho Indlnii us pictured in tho
magazine story bunk.
It was moro like u ciimpmuotiiig
tliun nn thing else, except thoro was
mi preaching. At the eloso of tlio gift
ilist rlbiit ion Charley Hutincum, tho old
est tribesman present, stepped out nnd
mndo nn uddress, but lie talked iu bis
native tonguo and whatever be mid
didn't deem to impress his auditors.
The dipiHWd who snt about on the
ground in front nf the llttlo tepees
pitched In tlio yard, however, woro
moro picturesque. Many of them woro
wrapped about with bright-colored
blankets, and prHotlcnlly nil of them
wore bend coverings of bright red or
light blue cloth. Two loftv "Minne
says the doctor to many of Ills lady patients, because he
doesn't know of any medicinal treatment that will'positively
cure womb or ovarian troubles, except the surgeon's knife.
That such a medicine exists, however, has been proved
by the wonderful cures performed on diseased women,
In llwusaritis of cases, by
It has saved the lives of thousands of weak, sick
women, nnd has rescued thousands of others from a
nu'l.indioly lifetime of chronic invalidism. It will cure
you, if you will only give it a chance. Try it.
Sold at every drug store in $i.oo bottles.
Put aside nil timidity and wrllo us
freely and franLly, In strictest confi
dence, telllntf in nil your symptoms
nnd trouble. W will send f re nrtvlco
(In pfllu. staled cmolopc), now to
cure them. Address. Ladles' Advisory
Dcpt , Tlio Ch.itUnooga Modlcluo Co.,
L'linllnnooKS, Tcun.
"gegffKyaet: isnasL'ixsash 7fraaomAtJuLHBl.
halms" who wore elobornto creations
of a millinerv shop, and held them
selves aloof from their moro common
sisters, woro dcolTod at for their pains.
As a fitting close of tho festivities,
in which marked respect had been paid
the memory of his father, joung Jim
Hill announced his Intention of acting
as host to the visitors nt tho ear nival
last night. In justice to tho tribesmen
it might bo recalled that nt tho pot
lntch jesterday there was no gambling
nnd uo drinking. A moro urduily gntb
erlng could not bo Imagined.
President Makes a Distinc
tion Between a Corpora
tion and its Officers
Chicago In n dispatch from Wash
ington to tho ltecord-Hernld, undor dale
of June 2H, Walter Wellmau wijh:
"President Roosevelt stands by
Paul Morton. He will not permit the
uttornoy general to prosecute Mr. Mor-
ton for alleged vlnlntlnu of tho inter
state commerce law. Hid decision to
this eflVet id to be announced tomer
row. "Hut this Is not Mil. Tho President
lias wrltUu a most renmrkiiblu letter,
which is uldo to be mndo public tomor-
row. It Is a letter iu which bo vlr -
tunlly placed winiw upon tho broad
shouIderH of tho young muii who id now
both secretary of tho navy iu tills city,
and chairman of the board of dlrcotors
of tho KqulUhlo Idl'o Awurunce wioiety
hi New York.
"Thu President reviews the whob
opinode of tho Smitiv To rebates and
violation of the law. Ho leaved llttlo
doubt that iu his judgment tho Santa
Fo wns guilty of technical infraction
of tho law, as a corporation, But tho
President differentiated between the
corporation nnd ltd individual olllc.ors.
Ho takes the ground that, whatever
tho ofllcors of tho railway did, they
did iu pursuance of a system at that)
time in vogue and because they could
not well help themselves. What the
government wauts to do is to break up
tho system, to correct tho methods of
corporations. It does not wish to perse
cute individuals who wera themselves
vietinw of the system."
When tho President opines to speak
of I'uul Morton as a man, the letter is
cliaraeterUtieally "ltoosevoltion." He
declares lje chose Mr. Morton for .1
member of his eubinet bowimo of his
knowledge that Mr. Morton hud Wen
frank and outspoken iu denunciation
of the very practiced wltli which the
Bantu Fe road is now oharged with lie
tog guilty. Tho Prtvsidont says it was
Mr. Morton's advoeaoy of roforni in
railroad methods that first attracted
his attention to that gentleman, and,
that instead of prosecution, Mr. Mon
tonus outiUed to commendation for
what ho has done. The President Inti
mates that it would be the height of in
justice to hale Mr. Morton before the
eourts fer a teehnieal violation of the
law byfa eorpomtion with which he
wa eoHeto.l and for which he might
iwsdbly bo held tetttNieally responsi
ble. The President overrules the recom
mendation f Messrs. Harnien aui Ju 1.
son, the speelal eounsel empleyed: by
the government in tho Santa Fo criso,
eo far as Mr. Morton is tftnsernad, and
approves the decision of Attorney GeuV
" I ore a !irportr r for f onr ywiri, to It
np my womb. Iiii-h hail rrovrilwl rmjtlUti
diwn iMtore It." write Mrs. 8. J. I litlinitn
c JUnnirllle.K. . "MyiloplnrtoMnnno
mcdlrtnn woul'l M trie. I suffrted nnlolu
iiilHry.snil cuuM lunl'T wstk. Aflfr lakinic
twulKtilricr I iinlullKrnpiiiTaiiiion
Now I Bin taklnit my II till tntlle, luto no lJ
(w;lln(((j si r imierfr, nd can be on in r teri
haltiMtiyntit time 1 ttronnlr rrcouuseiiJ
CarJul o crtry juBoting woman."
oral Moody thut thoro bo no prisecu
tlon of Individuals. It is truo that
when Mr. Morton, scusiblc of tlio prj.
prletles of tho situation, urged his res
Ignntion ad secretory of tho nay, tlio
President quickly assented. Doth men
ronlked: thwtt Mr. Morton's uwfulncn
us a member of tho administration nuj
nt nn oud.
Thld action of the President comcj
at a most critical moment in tho career
of Paul Morton. As chairmnn of tb
board of directors of the Equitable, Mr,
Morton has utidertakon nn Herculean
task. That tek Id to restore popular
confidence In the ginnt iusurnnro i
eiety wlCoio seandnld Jiuve been recent
ly nlrod in public. To ilo this work
s u ccen fully, Mr. Morton will ncc I
every atom of hid strength, cery bit
nf his moriU force. If ho is to prove
strong enough to pilot both the scan
dol-ladon craft nnd its new skipper,
Thomns I Ryau, Mr. Morton will flnl
it necessary to hnvo the help of lili
friendd and to fall back upon the re
serve of his ciiarncter and reputation.
If at this crisis President Iioosoveit
had decided that tho government ilioull
prosccuto Mr. Morton for violation nf
the federal law, there can be no doubt
of what olTcet It would have been. For
Mr. Morton It would hnvo spelled fail
lire, tho ruiu of his career in ltd lute, r
aspect.. Cloulldenco in the Kquitabli,
which must at best bo of slow grow Hi
j M "Ot Wo bon .attained while i
executive uenu ivns in ine hock oi p
feilernl court,
Mr. Itoosevfllt nut only declines -o
put this fa tl blight upon tho man anl
his nowly-iquirol opportunities an'i
responslbilitled, but be publicly (:'
bis friend the right lwud of his own
fnltli and fellowship,
1 0
There is moro catarrh in this icctlon
of tho country than nil other diseaicl
put togothor. and until tho last fw
yoard was supposed to bo Incurable
For a great many yonrs doctors pre
nouncod it a local disease, and presalb
cd local remedies nnd by constantly
falling to euro with local treatment,
pronounced It Incurable. Sclenco bai
proven catarrh to bo a constitutional
dlaoaso and therofore requires eonsti
tutionnl treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney
Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tbo only conrtiU
tlonal cure on tho market. It U takes
Internally In doses from 10 drops to
teaspoonful. It acts directly on tn
i,00(j anj muC0us surfaces of the iy
tem. They offer one-hundrod aouan
for any caso it falls to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all druggists, 7fic.
Take Hall's Family Pills for eonsti
Reform School Supplies.
Seolod proposals are hereby request
ed for furnishing the Oregon State Be
form School with supplies for the
six months, ending December 31, 1W.
Lidts with specifications will be iu'
nishod upon application to the supr
Bidders will toko notlee there H Ba
appropriation available for roaintia
anoo of tho Reform School, therefor
claims for supplies can only be so4it
cd by the Secretary of State and eer
tifloates of. ovldonoo of allowanee is
sued to claimants. As soon s "f
is an appropriation available warrasw
will be issued in lieu of the eertia
oatos. Lists with specifieattots
bo furnished upon application to i
superintendent. All biiJs must M
by June 20. 190".
O-lMd SupcrlnteaJ"1-