Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 24, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Etiquette of Greeting and Part- L&
ing Between Friends Odd f vl
Funeral Customs Jts
To an American there nro somo po-jing
cullar pbnscs in tho manners of Mcxl
to. When bockonlng to n, person tho
Mexican oxtends his hand, palm down,
and gives it a downward and inward
iwocp instoad of holding tho palm up
ward and giving it an upward and In
ward sweep, ns Americans do. Mcxl
cans employ tho American motion In
beckoning to tho dogs.
To indicnto tho height of an animal
Mexicans eztond tho hand with tho
palm downward (ns Americans indt
cato tho height of nny person or
thing), tho height of ft thing by hold-
YOUNG HEN who wish to win
good wives can't bo careless about
their clothes.
Clothes do not make intellect, nei
ther do they detract from it, espe
cially when tho j'ndgo is a young
Our stylish outfits for young men
give their wearers distinct advan
tage either in lovo or business af
Clothing and Furnishing goods. Y.
M. 0. A. Building, Snlom.
University Shoes
The best shoes in tho market for tbo
money. Noted for stylo, quality and
We manufacture ladles' woolen
bawls to order. Seo our designs.
Proposals Invited.
For supplies for tho O.egon Stnto
Penltontiary during tho period ending
December 31, 1005.
Scaled bids for drugs, dry goods,
groceries, shoes, leather nnd findings,
plumbing supplies, hardware, flour,
ah, meat, etc., will bo received at tho
office of tbo superintendent of tbo
8Ute Penitentiary until July 10, 1005,
at S;30 o'clock p. m., at which time
they will bo qponod.
A deposit of $200 in cash or certified
"k, paynblo to tho superintendent,
"wit accompany each bid for meat or
lour, and all other bids must bo ac
wmpeniod by an amount equal to 10
Pr cent of tho amount of the bid.
Samples to accompany all bids,
bere practicable. Tho right is re
Mrved to reject any and all bids, and
to accept or reject any portion of a
lid. Oa each envelope should bo in
ttitod tho naturo of the bid. Goods
Oregon manufacture or production
will recelvo preference, other things
Ming equal. All goods and supplies
H be delivered to the penitentiary
"itbia 20 days after the contract is
Schedules of tho various lines of the
foods will bo furnished upon applica
tion to tho superintendent.
Vouchers will bo issued for payment
& the first of tho month following the
Mmpletion of contract, and monthly
.oa continuous contracts.
Bidders will take notice that there
" bo appropriation available for the
intenance of tho penitentiary! there'
'" claims for supplies can only be
ihtea by the Secretary of State, and
ctlfleates of evidence Issued to claim-l8'-
As soon as there Is an appro
priation available, warrants will be
"wed in lieu of the certificates.
bidders are invited to be present.
Hwintendent Oregon State Peniten-
Salem, Oregon, June 10, 1905.
out tho palm vcrtlcnllv nml !,
height of a person by extendi h
I fist with tho index finger pointing up-
wu. io ueenon to a person ns ono
would to a dog or to Indicnto a per
son's height ns ono would thnt of an
animal or thing might glvo offense.
When Moxlcnns, nnd particularly
tho womon, wish to greet ono another
from such a dlstnnco thnt speech :s
imprnctlcablo (ns across tho street)
they bold tho right band even with
tho oyes and wigglo tho fingers.
Tho handsbnko in Moxlco is a groat
institution. When ono stops to chat
or talk a littlo business with a person
on tho street, no mnttor how many
times ono may havo met blm tho samo
day, they shako hands nt tho meeting
and llkowlso nt tbo parting, in tho
mcantimo inquiring about and telling
healths. To say "Howdvl" in Mori
is a matter of two or tiirco minutes at
tho very best. When ono drops into
a mnri's office on business likewiso
theso plensnnt littlo formalities must
bo scrupulously observed, oho ono
would bo set down ns an ill-mnnnered
boor. When presented to a woman do
not hcsltnto to oxtend tho hand for the
regulation shako. It is tho only thing
to do.
When ono meets n frlond whom ono
tins not seen for somo time it is tbo
consists In fnlling upon his hoc,
throwing tbo right nrm about him and
pnttlng blm lovingly just nbovo tb"
smnll of tho back. Womon Indulge In
this custom with their own sex.
Mexican pedestrians turn out for
each other ou either side, but seem to
havo a preference for tbo left. In
meeting women, however, ono must al
ways glvo them tho inside of tbo walk.
This rulo also holds good when one
moots superiors, nlwnjs granting that
an American will acknowledge any man
to bo his superior, Ono may frequent
ly sco theso courteous Mexican men
almost quarreling to mako tho other
follow toko tho insido track. "Paso,
sonor," thoy imploro each other.
It, is customary for men to raiso
thoir bats upon passing each other In
tho streets. Tbo carrying of canes is
vory general in Mexico, When ar
quaintances of opposito sex meet, nt
upon tho street, tho man is cxpocteJ
to bow first. This, as mny readily be
seen, is important If ono has any ac
acquaintances anion Mexican women
Puss ono without bowing, and sbo may
not know ono noxt time. One's only
hopo lies in the possibility that sho
knows enough about American cus
tarns ip condone tbo offenso on the
seoro of your ignoranco of tho cus
toms of tho country. '
To call a servant, hold up street car
or that sort of thing, clnp the linn, s
"Adlos" is employed as a passing
greeting as well as an udleu. In pass
ing a friend with no intention of halt
ing ono may say, "Adlos," which co
ers tbo greeting as well as the parting
This form of greeting is much mori
commonly used than "Good morning, "
"Good ovenlng," etc.
The Maxleans are inveterate smk
ers, but they never chew tobacco. Tb.it
praotlce is monopolised by the snpe
rior "Americanos." Moreover, the
Moxlean is seldom offensive with his
smoking. The practice Is permissible
nearly overywhere in hotel or other
dining rooms, after or even at meals,
In railroad eoaebes, in street ears, in
places of amusement, et. Clerks in
dry goods store may frequently be
seen taking a few whiffs at a elgarette,
and nolleemen on their beats smoke
whenever they ean get a elgarette.
But no matter how sensitive one may
be to the fumes of tebaeee, one Is not
likely to suffer from the Mexican's
style of smoking. He will light bis
eigurette in rare instances a cigar
take a few deliberate puffs and quit.
He never smokes in that feverish fash
ion or raises tho dense sandge that is
tho delight of the average Amerlean
smoker, who seems beet upon getting
tho full werth of a big cigar. Most
Mexican women of the eoaswoaer
clause love their cigarettes and may
be seen puffisg eemplaeeatly is their
homes, en the streets, in the street
ears or as they tend their Httle street
tands. Bven these peepw
Danger, Btty a Gas
Range Quick
. (pl(AA.d&nf f- Jo Am rL4
l il! flCi
fr V NN ..?
)L Jh&
rv&L v? ;-.
tV -mmmmm-TTm Sm S
5" H. kuXcCttnt
u4m: fs " &tL'
. st.-f:'.
Cooking by that old-fashioned process on an
old wood oi? coal stove is simply unbearable
this hot weather e With a gas stove only a
few minutes ae teqaited to prepare each
meal. The kitchen is cool and pleasant, and
the old terrors of summer to hotisewiv es ate
avoided. Don't delay on this most important
question of the hot, as the health and hap
piness of you family ae at stake. We have
a full lim of the Best, gas stoves in the world
Call and examine them. Glad to show yoa
) He
Mi?iTi7ELic,i ir.UTC. TDnrTinLiir. M I
qj ui i iLim nun i a i ivnu i iupiuu. qj ;:
g0 A. WELCH, Manage,. jjfl ?
svhf 4aLiHiHisMisLsterj Hsstiisr BssPLsHLskT BKztilzBGBlr&t1KmJ1KKBt0KKtzinzGB WQ0B
J not ereate mush ef a smudge,
This universal bablt of smoking T-i
veals itself to tho uninitiated "grin
go" sometimes in tho most amazing
manner. It is eleulatd to jar tho
sensibilities of the raw American to
mm uuia renewable looking woman of
the fair, fat and forty type in a rail
road eoaeh or in somo other equally
public plaee ealtnly light a cigarette
and srnoko contentedly for a few mo
meats. Ne one seems to mind that
ert of thing or oven notlee it, and
one seen eomes to tako it as a nutter
of coarse.
It is no uneemmon thing to see 1
bey ef three er four years smoking
cigarette. Largo quantities of cigars
are eoBsamed there, but tho elgarette
is the national smoke. Mexicans are
net given mueb to tho pipe smoking.
The priests are reputed to be habitual
muff takers and are not infrequently
sees in the streets smoking elgarcttes.
In short, the smoking habit is not thore
eeasidered disreputable in any way.
It U eustomary for men to lift taeir
nats as a funeral procession passes
through the street, and the custom is
I generally observed among all classes.
I -" 5 ""7 T -T -
Many men, chiefly of tbo peon class, J or in the middle of tho street, One Is
raise tneir iiats when thoy pass a
church or meet a priest.
Mexican women never go to the
church or to tho gravo when their rel
atives nro burled, They remain at
home and mourn. In caso tho dead
man was a person of substance largo
numtiAri nf nnriInr?B AAAAmnntiv ItiA
body to tbo grave, but they are never I
oeeupied. The friends of tbo dead man
either walk to tho cemetery or go in
street ears, The bodies of tho poor
are conveyed to tho cemetery on the
shoulders of four peons, tho friends
following on foot. The coffins, which
are usually cheap affairs, painted In
gaudy colors, are as a general thing
only rented for the occasion
likely to be considerably mystified as
to tho meaning of this sudden move
ment until somebody Is good enough
to explain that n carriage has just
passed that contained a priest, who,
carrying with him tho sacred wafr,
was on bis way to administer extreme
unction to somo person who is in ex
trcmis. The popular demonstration Is
for tho host, not in behalf of the dying
man. New York Tribune.
the bodies are taken from them and
deposited In tho grave tho eofllns are
returned to the dealer.
Before one ha been in a Mexican
eity long ono will be likely tome day
while passing through the streets to
see nearly everybody men, women
and children suddenly bare their
heads and drop to their kness, no mat
terwbetker they are on the sidewalk
Furious Fighting.
"For seven years," writes Qto, W,
Hoffman, of Harper, Wash., "I had a
bitter battle, with ebronle stomach and
After Hvor trouble, but at last I won. and
cured tay diseases by the use of Klee
trio Bitters. I unhesitatingly recom
mend them to all, and don't intend In
the future to be without them in the
house. Tbey are certainly a wonderful
medicine, to havo cored such a bad ease
as mine." Bold, undor guarantee to do
the same tot you, by J. O. Titty, drug
gist, st 60c a bottle. Ttj them, to-
LssisiLB tier (JNasiBittiBiBH
Salem Box Factory
O. P. MASOtf, Prop.
I am in Houtb Salem, where you will
find me for all kinds of fruit trays.
orchard boxes and hop baskets. ,)
Miller street, Salem. Phono Hed210ll 'Mm