Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 24, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 10, Image 10

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C-. i r ' A i l II NEW YORK FASHIONS f NffiMa
amuiy KAnu lueriuui. ,zrr;.T-r::n;r::r::- jr ain.
The officers and clerks of this institu
tion ate pledged to impart no informa
tion concerning the dealings of its cus
tomers who have a tight to expect that
their banking business will be treated as
and we also aim to protect their inter
ests in every legitimate manner.
Possibly you have need of such an in
stitution. If so, it becomes our pleasur
able duty to invite you to come to this
L. K. PAGE, President
E. W. HAZARD, Cashier
"Tad" Lincoln Socurod Pardon.
"A poor vrownn cnmo to tho Whlto
Home ono 'lay to aco tho President
About bor husband, who wan in trouble.
Tho President was nbKont, but "Tad"
was nt homo. Tho woman callod tho
boy to her ami t,ild: "My huaband la
in prison. Wo hnvo boys nnd girls at
homo who tiro cold and hungry. Your
papa can unlock tho door of tho prison
nnd lot our children's papa como homo
nnd enro for us. Won't you ask your
father to let him como homot'
"'Tnd could not talk or think
When 'King Kdwnrd mado his fa
moiis Indian tour ns l'rlnco of Wales
tho rajahs vied with each other in lay
lug tho choicest productions of tho na
tive nrts nt his fcot. One of tho moat
interesting specimens ho brought homo
was n hair comb of ruby and cmcrnld
Jcyporo enamel, pointed in gold, nnd
surmounted by n curved row of largo
pearls, each pearl topped with a green
glnss bend. Superb in design, it is
ono of tho finest ploccs of Indian jew
elry mndo In modern times but ono
marvels to see ordinary glass set with
gems of such price. No ono has given
a satisfactory explanation of this. I
think it is bccnuBo tho artist worked
solely for color nnd was disdainful of
vnluo. Tho glass happened to glvo tho
Meno desired, better than tho emerald,
so ho took it. Not n question of ccon
nbout anything else but that poor, dU- ()f nffordInK rca, gtone9 or not
tressed family nnd of hi pledge to try tho Q(.enB,on WIlg ono of ,av,8h expom,.
nnd bring relief. When the. lrcldcnt t(ro ,, ,, couW ,mvo ,md w,mt h
returnod 'Tad' was nt him nt onco
about tho enso of distress, Mr. Lin
coln had other things on his mind, and
did not pay much attention to tho child
till ho clung to his father's logs nnd
begged him to sit down nnd lot him
toll tho sad story, Tho father told
him that tho woman would bo back
tho noxt day, and he would thou know
what ho would do. That did not satis
fy the son, who climbed on his fathor's
lap, throw his arms about his net)k
nnd said i Tnpa-dny (meaning papa,
dear), won't you promise mo now to
let tho man outf It was to much for
tho great mnn, who said: 'Tuddio, my
pet, I will let Mm out beenuso you tisk
mo to.' "-Success.
King Edward's Joweled Comb.
The Place to Buy
Yout Groceries
3 cans Standard Com ..25c
a boxea firelight matches ...,,..,.. 6c
Fancy Dairy Butter, 2 lbs 35o
AUaa Oats, por pkg 10c
0 cans tomatoes 45a
Anu and Hammer Soda, per pkg... 5c
S Cans fancy Main Corn ........ 25c
2 cans Fancy Solid Packed Tonia-
, toes ,,.. .. ,. ,, ., a, 6o
S cans Table Peaches ...,25c
.A. .Ls JtlxxJbvV Y
Comer Court and High Sts.
Phone i9&i
wanted. Tho motif of his eye-poem
was pearls, tho producer wished all clso
to bo subordinate, and green bends to
glvo simply n minor note. "Tho
Jewel Crafts of Indln," Kvorybody's
Old Timo Dentistry.
A story wns recontly told of tho el
dor Judge Pcokhnin, fathor of tho Jus
tieo. In tho early days of dentistry n
hickory plug wns put Into tl o cavity
to Mil tho space where n tooth ought
to be. This plug had to bo gently
pounded into its dosirod position. The
old judge, was somewhat addicted to
strong language, and when tho dentist
began his work tho Judgo indulged in
snmo classic comment. As tho tapping
of tho plug continued, ho threw all
dignity to tho four winds of heaven,
and his lauguago becamo decidedly
'moro forelblo than elegant." When
however, ho nroso from tho chair, after
whut seemed to him on interminable
period of ngony, ho pulled out nil tho
stops In his vocabulary for a grand
olimaY. Tho impression on his listener
scorns to have been deep and lasting.
As tho judgo passed out, tho dentist
grimly remarked to n waiting patient:
"Wasn't it benutifult It wasn t
roully necessary to pound half as long,
but I did so enjoy his inflection that
I almost pouudod the hickory plug into
splinters. Wonderful command of
langungo tho jmlgo has!" Joo Mitch
ell Ohupplo in National Mugasiuo.
tress,' to tho prim inn 'am who kept
tho damo's school in I'ortlnnd. Later,
at tho academy in Congress street,
they wioldcd gooscquills under tho
watchful oyes of Jacob Abbot, n pel
agoguo famed in his day. Tho snmo
flying wngon, or stago coach, that boro
Longfollow off to Uowdoln Collcgo In
Brunswick took young Treble Damon
Longfellow nnd Pythias Preblo. It
was n happy pair of boys that sat be
neath tho Longfellow elms reading
Washington Irving 's Sketch Dook nnd
other delightful talcs. At nn early
ago thoy both began to scribblo verses.
When Longfellow wns 13 years old he
published n poem in tho Portland Ga
rotte, entitled 'Tho Bnttlo of Level! 's
Pond,' about which nn amusing and
half pathetic story is told. On tho
day of its appoaranco tho lad read nnd
ro-rend it with increasing satisfaction
In tho evening, feeling almost vain
glorious, ho wont to visit nt tho house
of Judgo Mellon, whoso son Frcdorlck
was a fellow classmate. Thero conver
sation drifted to pootry, and the
judgo indignantly seized tho morning's
Gazette ami, unconscious of the
wounds inflicted, called "Tho Battle
of Lovoll's Pond' 'a remarkably stilt
and unoriginal composition.' Thero
woro tears on Longfollow 's pillow
that night, and in tho morning he, no
doubt, confided his sorrow to ' his
Longfollow as a Lad.
"Tho boyhood friendship between
Longfollow and Edwnrd Deering Pre
ble has received scant attention from
tho former's biographers, yet the two
grow up together," writes Peter Frc-
lucau in tho July Dcliueator. "Hand
A Foarful Fate.
It Is a fearful fate to havo to en
duro the terriblo torture of Piles. "I
can truthfully say," writes Harry Col
son, of Masonville, la., "that foi
Blind, Bleeding, Itching nnd Protrud
ing Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, is
the best cure mado." Also best for
cuts, burns and injuries. 25o nt J. 0,
Perry's Drug Store.
M. W. A., Attention.
All members of local camp, No. 3240,
M. W. A. aro notified to meet in full
uniform at their hall Sunday, 'Juno
95th, nt 1:30 o'clock, sharp, to partici
pate in tho annual memorial exercises
to bo held nt 2 o'clock of said day. Vis
iting neighbors are cordially invited to
tako part in the exorcises. AH members
aro requested to bring flowers.
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggots
A Buj UtJlchts for Boiy Peoplt.
BriiC OoUta Htsltfc sal Biwj Vigor.
A iR-clao forOonillpatlon. In4lewHon, IJte
?.?a W,n'rTrou!,,5i 1o'Pi Kcienu. Impur.
Uloo.1, IUJ Ureath. BluirtUh Bowel. Headache
and lUekache. It's Hocky Mountain Tea In tab
let form. 35 cnta a bax. nnuini m.u i.
Jin hand they said -Good morning, lwSmuSlSu '
say thnt tho dressmaker, particularly
tho ono employed by tho dny, has had
moro complaints this season becauso
of tho length of timo required for
finishing gowns, nnd tho consequent
slzo of her bills than for many a year.
Handwork was never moro lavlahly
employed on women's garments than
now, although in recently past sea
sons It may havo been moro conspicu
ous. To mako n elmplo gown and havo
it meet tho requirements of tho women
who demands perfect work requires
time. Tho Bowing tnnchino is of littlo
usa excepting for sewing tho scams
in making tho fllmy nfternoon nnd
evening frocks thnt all summer girls
and women must have. It cannot put
on lace, it docs not stitch 'meltings
and puffs on well, it is not used for
tho tiny brnids that nro employed
nbundan'tly, nor for n hundred other
purposes thnt enter into tho making
of femlnino frocks nnd frills in this
furbelow porlod. Besides all tho littlo
shirrings, with their tiny pick-me-up
heads, tho hand-run pinch tucks that
bodeck chemisettes and other access
ories, tho girdles thnt must havo ovory
lino right or mnr rather than beautify
tho costume, tho hundred and ono
smnll details that sink into obscurity
In tho completed work, all consume
days whero simpler styles might wont
hours. Tho best of dressmakers, 111(0
the best of all sorts of people, is not
perfect,, nnd even sho loses timo now
and then by ripping out work in which
sho finds imperfect lines. Thero is on
ly ono way for a woman to becoino a
just employer to do tho work onco
for herself nnd learn nil tho cxigoncles
thnt. It nntnlls.
El Ribbon trimmings nro n, vory strong
W I ,,. ,., 1,- .njinnnfa .n.l I I.I, .
monts. Combined with tho airy,-supple
materials of tho season tho effects
of their glossy surfaces nro ono of tho
prettiest notes. In n chnrming gown
of moussclino nnd lace, ribbon is nn
important detail, forming tho girdle,
swntliittg tho waist and decking both
it and tho skirt with bows. Tho skirt
has tho dip at tho back, nn extreme
wedgo of tho train, which, unions
signs fall, will bo back in full length
boforo long. Skirts remain long nt
front nnd sides, Tho skirt mentioned
has laco V's of alternating depth at
front nnd sides. Tho summer dnnco
frock is not tho comfortnblo nflfnlr of
last year. It has taken on a train,
abbreviated still to bo sure, but u
train nevertheless thnt needs to bo
cared for.
Tho airy fabrics of tho season nro
not nt their best unless mado in n way
to nppear fluffy when flfftiishcd. For
slight figures many of tho skirts aro
shirred In several rows at tho top, lenv'
ing tiny littlo heads to ooeh row of
tho gathoring. Tho petticoats for all
tho season's thin materials need to bo
plentiful and to bo proporly cut, fit
ting glovo liko at tho top and falling
into voluminous ripples nt their hems.
Many n chiffon, silk, satin and moua-
soiine gown is ruinetl in nppearnnco
through ill-fitting or too few skirts
undor it.
Tho pointed bodice, which begnn its
rovived eareor in tho present fashions
us an adjunst of evening toilets, Is
vory much in ovldonco this sonson In
oany display of costumes thnt has any
claim to elaborateness. Prophets, In
deed, are predicting that boforo tho.
offect lonvos tho old-fashioned bncquo
will "fiove a renewed career. As yet,
however, thero is no moro ovldonco of
such n return than thoro was a year
ngo when somo ultra-fashlonnblos ac
iBfidos, which had bodices cutt on thi
plan of the pointed basque, darts, pos
tilions and nil.
Tho girdlo is having n prolongucl
vogue, nnd in tho majority, of pointel
bodices, It is it, in effeot or in fast,
which gives tho point nt tho front.
Tho point, on this sonson 's gowns, is
not oxoggorated In sharpness nnd
depth, ns It was in ovening gowns somo
months ngo. Bvoning gowns, in fact,
havo lost much of the aanttlquo steelsd
stomooher offect which prevailed when
tho pointed bodico nnd girdle first
oamo back into use.
fciUK petticoats that do not cut
through or wear out after a few
weokd' uso havo aat last been tliscov.
erel and nro being mado of China silk
ns fast as the manufacturers oan turn J
mem oui. vnon women realuo that,
theso can be laundered like nainsook,'
and that they last until they are liter
ally worn out, China silk skirts will be
generally worn.
Tho material lacks the stiff body of
taffeta, and has no familiar rustlo, ex
cept whon newly starched, butt these
points aro littlo to sacrifice when
cleanliness and real wear are secured.
And tho fear that a skirt-which was
whole when put on will havo littilo
torn pieces hanging down after a walk
or shopping trip need not exist when
these petticoats are worn. An extra
I ..!.. ). enmn flnrn nt tllft bottom OS
KIU ... o..... . ...
ono of tnffcta.
Tho outsldo flounco In thesonow
skirts is usually fom flftcon to twenty
inches wldo nnd is edged with nil laco.
Tho undor flounco which is to supply
tho lack of a stiff body is not as wldo
ns tho outsldo ruffle, and to givb tho'
required flnro is always vory full, ci
ther gathered or accordion plnltod. It
is usually from five to eight inches in
width, and is occasionally adorned
with loco, which with tho fullness as
sures ns much, if not more, than ono
of tnffcta.
Of courso tho material can bo pur
chased In any color, nnd is qulto ns
scrvlcenblo for cloth walking skirts
ns for sheer whlto afternoon and oven
ing gowns, whero claboratoly trimmed
underskirts aro nn csscnttlnl to tho
Sing a Song of Slxponco.
Did you ever hear tho meaning of the
old "Song of Sixnoncof" Bov. John
Howard, a clergyman of Liverpool,
England, gives it thus: Tho four-nnd-twenty
blackbirds rcproscnt tho four-and-twonty
hours. Tho bottom of tho
plo is tho world, while tho top cover 1j
tho sky which ovor-renched it. Tho
opening of tho plo is tho dny-dnwn,
when tho birds begin to sing, nnd sure
ly tho sight is At for n king. Tho king
who is represented as sitting in tho
parlour counting his money, is tho sun,
wlillo tho gold pieces which slip
.rui pam in any disease Is
nerve pain, the result of a tirr
bulcnt condition of the nerves
The stabbing, lacerating
darting, burning-, agonizing
pain that comes from the prom,
inent nerve branches, or sen.
sory nerves, 13 neuralgia, and
is the "big brother" of all 2
other pains.
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill,
rarely ever fail to relieve these
pains by soothing these larger
nerves, t and restoring their
Dr. Miles' 'Anti-Pain Pi,
leave no bad after-effects, and
arc a reliable remedy for every
kind of pain, such as headache
backache, stomachache, sciaU
ica, rheumatism and neuralgia.
fThcy also relieve Dizzincw
Sleeplessness, Nervousness'
Car-Sickness, and Distress cf
ter eating.
"For many years I havo been a con.
ntant sufferer from ncuralcla -j
headache, and havo never been st'u
to obtain any relief front varloiu
headache powueis nnd capitutesi unia
I tried Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln ffl
They always euro my headache In tin
minutes time." FRED II. BWINQLET
Cashier 1st Nat IJanJc, Atklnsoo, Nrt!
Or. Mites' Antl-Paln Pills are sold bv
your druooUt. who will quaranUe thrt
the first package will benent. If It
Tails he will return your money.
a doses. 23 cents, Never sold In bulk,
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, InJ
Torturo of a Prcacnor,
Tho story of tho torturo of Rev. 0
through his fingers ns ho counts them p. Moor, pastor of tho Baptist ennui,
aro tho golden sunshine. Tho queen, ' 0f Harporsvlllo, N. Y., will inter(
who sits in tho dark Kltcnon (pantry; you. Ho says: "I eufforcd ai?oiil
is tho moon, nnd tho honoy with which boeauBO of n porslstcnt cough, resulting
sho regales herself Is tho moonlight, from grip. I hnd to slcop sitting up In
Tho Industrious mold who is In tho gar- bed. I tried many remedies, without
ucn nt worn Dororo tno sun hns risen rollof, until I took Dr. King's New
is tho day-dawn nnd tho clothes sho Discovery for Consumption Cottons it!
hangs out aro tho clouds, wlillo tho Colds, which ontlrcly cured my coogl,
birds who so tragically ends tho song nnd saved mo from consumption." A
by "nipping off hor nose," is tho hour grand euro for dlsoasod conditions it
of sunset. Throat nnd Lunirs. At J. 0. Perrt'i
Drug. Store Frico 60o and $1,00, gnir
Tho first term begins on tho first
Monday in May, and continuos for
eight wocks, A thorough roviow will bo
given in all branches thr high tho tenth
grade. Address J. J. HEAPS.
antcod. Trial bottlo frco.
1 3a, tU ; The Kind Y mmiwiin Bcrf
If you havo not mado a trial of
Now is tho timo to begin.
Sold by all Grocers
Will always look right
if made by
Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing.
of owii8if f iiimoiinHf lamiaiamtit
Books by William J.Long
Ways of Wood Folk 75c
Wilderness Was 75c
Secrets of the Woods 75c
Wood Folk at School 75c
Beasts of the Field $1.75
Fowls of the Ab $1.75
School of the Woods Nct$l .50
Following the Deer Net $ 1 .25
A Little Btothe to the
Beat Net $1.50
GINN & COMPANY, pbfchers
Trade Department, 29 Beacon St., Boston J
f fmiBinifw-Mrfu iBimi iiiim" n"1