a Daily capital jouhnal, saxem, oreoon, fbeoay, tone 23, 1005. t and , ilng ask 0 i i ? " i lB Tho Kind Ton Have Always Bought, nnd which lias boca la uso for over 30 years, has borno tho Bltfmtnro rtf ST& 'tr . .' nnd Jcon ado under his pcr-(9TcJ&U- ?,?Ul suPcrvl8,0 Blnco Ha infancy. taC7Jr, 'wi Allowno ono to dccclvo yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good" nr hub Experiments that trlflo with nnd endanger tho hcjwm oC Infants and ChUdrcn-Expcrlcnco ngalnst Exporiuumt. What is CASTORIA Castorta is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nd Soothing Syrls. it j8 pleasant. Id contains neither; Opium, .Morphine nor other Nnrcotio substance Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Fovorishucss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relievos Toothing Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, it assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, gii lug healthy and natural sloop. Tho Chlldron's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signaturo of CeUc&4 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt CCNTAUN COMMNV, TT UUMUY (NICCT, HtW TOSH OtTV. MMIWUMMmUMIMm i Gold Dust Flour Mado by THE 8IDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sldnojr, Ore gon. Mado for family use. Ask your grocor for It Bran and ihorU always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT MMMBMa eaoae niiinniinniiinm-w New Lange Hotel j; Corner Sixth and Washington streets, Portland, Or., (noxt to ', '. Imperial). Strictly fireproof and modern. Botes lowest for first- class service. Stoam beat and . elevator, elegant cafo and bar ', in connection. On direct lino to ; ; fair grounds. P. Lange, proprlo- tor; Sam Bauman, manager, for- ! ', raorly of Omaha, Neb. ; 1 1 l I II I I I It I I 1 1 I I I M I It MIIKCBMCMIHHHMMNSiIMMlMICWMIMa m . H tt M H M H H 0 M M M s M II M O Reg. No. 26531 RED SEAL Tri'l 2:06 Rcc. 2:10 BIBB OF JO SEAL,2:ll4. Sired by Bod Heart 2:101I tho slro of Chain Shot 2:00'j. Bod Seal 2:10, Etc. Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2:25.... by Mark Field (son of Ooo. Wilkes), Dam of Bod Seal 2:10 Al- slro of Daisy Fields 20SVi, Mam lawood 2:10. brino field, 2sllH, etc. Second dam PAY BELL by Advance-, slro of Malraska 2s25(ote. Dam of Vorltas 2:1014, VLldox 2:204. Third dam daughtor of Tlppo Sslb, a thoroughbred. BED HEART is by Rod Wllkos, out of Swcothoart, by 8ultan socond dam Mlnnohnhn, tho daw of Beautiful Bolls, etc. BED SEAL stands 15.1, compactly built, with great quality and a suro slro of groat speed. Ho will raako tho season of 1005 at tho OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS Therms $40 Season With tho usual return privilege. Good pasturage at reasonablo rates to maros sent from a distance. SAM CASTO, Fair Grounds, Or. fliMMMHCItaMMMMBIIBMaBlBeKCli1iaB7 SAVED FROM THE GALLOWS Save tho fronts of tho Packages. We pay money for tho THBEB Bs. t i c PBEPABED FOR MAKING. BOSTON BROWN BREAD GRIDDLE CAKES, MUFFINS & PLUM PUDDING ASK YOUB GROCER FOB IT. JO pound sack 65c Package 20c cMti B. B. B. Floor Co. PACIFIC COAST FACTORY, SAW JOBS, CALK?. Mi tu five 2ent stamps and we will. send Sample Pockigo prepaid. Governor of Vermont Grants Mrs. Rogers a Reprieve Story of the Crime Mrs. Mary Bogors, who was to havo been hanged today, was at a lato hour yesterday granted a roprlove, and her cnao will ngaln go beforo tho supremo court. Tho caso has awaken ed moro lnterost than aay criminal caso for mnny years, nnd thcro has been a tromendous pressure brought to bear on thet governor of Vermont to gain this reprieve. Only two days ago Admiral Clark's brother tolc graphed tho governor that If tho wo man was hanged tho plcturo of tho "Captain of tho Oregon' which hangs on tho wanlls of tho stato capltol nt Montpeller should bo turned fnco to tho wall for very shame. It wns only at tho last moment tho govcrnos con sentcd to the reprieve. So much 1ms been said, of tho caso In tho past few days that wo give n short story of the crlmo for which sho was charged, found guilty, and but for tho reprlevo granted last night, would now havo paid tho penalty. Mrs. Bogors' orlmo was murder of her husband, Marcus Bogors, nt Bon nlngton, August 31, 1003. This was not tho first attompt that had been mado on tho husband's life. Mm. Bogors was marriod nt tho ago of 10, and tired of hor husband some three years after her marriage. At tho timo of tho murder sho wns living apart from Bogors. For somo lltttlo tlmo hor nnino had boon connected with that of n man In Bonnlngton. It was stated that sho wanted to marry him, ami brooded over tho fact that hor husband was tho only bar to tho mnrriage. Sho nlso wanted $000 In surance whleh Bogers carried. On August 30, 1003, Mrs. Bogcrr, tlion living In Bonnlngton, font a noto to her husband at Hoosick Falls, asking him to como to Bennington tho next night as sho wanted to sco him. Tho following night about 0 o'clock Mrs. Bogors met hor husband in tho Bonnlngton public square. The two walked up tho road about a quartor of a mllo to tho ba nks of a Iittlo stream which Hows through tho town. Whou thoy nrrived thero thoy both sat down on the banks of the stream. They had been thcro but n short time when Leon Porhnm, a young man with whnto family Mrs. Bogors was boarding, came aero tho field with n rope In his hand. He wns oxpeeted by Mrs. Bogers, and his coming was a part of a prearranged program. Young Perham had boon there but n little while when Mrs. Bogers sug gested a little game. She made a wag er with Perham that ho could not tie her hands so that sho eould not re lease them. Perham wound tho orm about Mrs. Bogers' hands, but she slipped It off easily. Thon sho said to her husband, "See If you ear do it, Mark." Bogers oontented, and Pr ham wound the rope around Bogota' wrists. Mrs. Bogers whispered to Perham, "Tie him tight." As soon as the not wa tied Bogors endeavore I to slip it off, but without jHieeoes. Fin- ally Mrs. Bogers put her arms around his nock, drew his dead down nn bar lap, and kitted him and whispered: "I know you eeuldn't get away." She then drew from her waist a hot tie of chloroform and spilling It on a handkerchief prosed it to her bus- band' fate. In about five minute tbo wn was eoiapletely under the laflu- ef the drag. Then Mrs. Bogers, Mug to Perham to help hor, took up tbo body and threw It into tho brock. Beforo- the went homo she tried to effectually mask her part of the affair. She took a pleee of papr and wrote a note, purporting to come frm her busbaad, saying that hswas tired of life and intended to commit sulfide. Then the wound up the note In an ingenious way. "Don't blame my wife, Mary Borers, for this, she had nothing to with it." Mrs. Begers sigaed ber husband's saws to the note, pinned it on his hat, and husg It on a tree. Then she and Perham west away. Bat at 0 o'clock the next morning Mrs. Bogers ap peared at the polUe station, weeping and wailiag, and begging that they send some officer with her to search for her husband. Jnaswneh as moat of tfee oSleers knew Mrs. Bogers, and also knew that she had not been living with bis, they wondered why she abeuld be so solicitous at this time. But Mrs. Bogers begged for tho aid of tbo police and finally several o al ters aeeempanled her in a search tor tho raining Bogers. Mrs. Bogers sug gested that they look along the brook, txeauso she thought it was a. likely place for her buibaod to com- mit suicide Hardly had tho ofllcers arrived at tho brook than thoy found tho body of Bogers. His bonds wero tied behind him just ns Pcrhnm had tied him. When Mrs. Bogors saw tho body alio indulged in a pasionato burst of grlof. Tho moment tho ofilcora saw tho man's hands tied behind his back tho wholo plot stood revealed to them. Perham nnd Mrs. Bogers woro quickly trlod nnd convicted, tho former being sontqncod to llfo imprisonment, whilo Mrs. Bogors rocqlvcd tho death sen tence Aftor her conviction Mrs. Bog ors nlso confessod to tho murder of hor baby. Sho plckodr It up by tho hools and dnshod its brains out against a stouo wall, and then throw tho body In nn old well. When tho body was found tho woman said tho bnby fell into tho well. In hor confession mado after sho know sho must dio on tho gnilotvg, thu woman said sho killed tho baby becauso sho was desperate, pen niless, nnd tho child was ill nnd had no medicine. Strenuous efforts wero mado to eavo Mrs. Bogers from tho gallows. An at tompt was mado to havo tho Vermont lcglslnturo pass a mcasuro abolishing cnpltal punishment, but tho bill failod to puss. CLASSIFIED FOR BALE. Tor Balo. Sovcn-room residence, barn, largo nnir uiock, oiectria ugnts, uatn, hot nnd cold city water. E. Hofor, Journal office Tor Balo. Small dry flr wood, nt $3.25 por cord. Phono Black 2001. T. It. Davidson, Jr., Mornlngslda 1-20-tf For Salo. Flvo or ten-aoro plato, first class Improvements. Closo to school, church, postofilco and railroad. Ad dross "X," caro of Journal. for. Balo, Two lots, with now houso and barn, good Improvomonts. At n bargain. Inquire of Glovor Si Pat ton's blacksmith shop, 430 Court streot. G-22-tf OSTEOPATHS. Osteopath Dr. f, L. Morcor, graduate of tho American School of Ostoo pathy, Kirksvlllo, Mo, Ofllco Broy man building, Commercial streot. Booms 25 nnd 20. Phono Bod 383. Now rosldonco, 410 North Summor atrcot. Phono, 2413 Bod. 0-10-tf BAKHBIES. Oopftal Bakory Ullora Si Butherford, proprietors, 430 Court street. Fresh broad, pics and enkca dally, Macca roons, lady fingers, nngol and devil's food.cako, candles, nuts, etc. Deliv er I c rondo to any part of tho city. Phono Whlto 321. ff-l-tf Frosh Oow for Balo. Inquire IYj miles northwest of big stocl brldgo in Polk county. 0. F. Andorson. 6.21.3t" Cleaning and OLEANINCJ AND DTE WORKS. SUMMER SCHOOL. Tho first torm boglns on tho first Monday In May, and continues for eight weeks. A thorough rovlow will bo given in nil branches thr high tho tenth grade Address J. J. KBAPS. 4-20-W HIMi tb j Ita Wnd Yen Haw Altars Bootft Out Bt. Mark's Avonuo. Tho Cop Phwnt do yo call It, Mag Riot v Tho Cook Shure, 'tis a Wolsh rab bit, yo ignornmusl Tho Cop-Faith, t' judgo from lh' flavor av tho divll ho musht havo bin raised on ohcesol Brooklyn Llfo. Fcr Sale or Trade A huso with 1, 2 or six lots, 18th and D streets, Englo wood nddltlons. 8. "V. Wood. 0-21-0t For Balo or Trade Horse, harness and buggy. A big bargain. Will trado for a town lot and pay tho differ onco. Inquiro at Jack Dnrr'a black smith shop. 0-20-Ot For Balo. Two second-hand backs, ono with top. In good repair, at bargain. Just right to go to tho coast in. Mitchell, Lewis & Stavor Co. 0-22-3t Dyolng And repairing noatly done Four suits prossod by tho month $1.00, at tho Capital City, Steam Dyeing and Cloanlng Parlors. Miss Efflo M. Anderson, proprietor. Opera Houso block. 0-1-tf FOn RENT. For Bont, A flvo-room house ana a sovon-room house. Call on' A. Schrolbor, 424 High atroet. 0-13-tf CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought orW5S Dears tho Signature U44 Beform School Supplies. Sealed proposals aro horoby request ed for furnishing tho Orogon Stato Be form School with supplies for tho noxt six months, ending December 31, 1003, Lists with specifications will bo fur nished upon appliaation to tho super intendent. Bidders will tako notleo thcro is no appropriation availablo for maintain- anee of the Beform Sehool, tborcforo elaiins for supplies oan tonly bo audit ed by tho Soeretary of State and cor tlfieatos of ovldeneo of allowanco is sued to olalmants. As soon as thero Is an appropriation available warrants will bo Issued In lieu of the certifi cates. Lists with specifications will bo furnished upon application to the superintendent. AH bids must bo in by June 20, 1005. N. H. LOONEY, 0-17-td Superintendent. Summer Normal Tho second term of the Capital Sum mer Normal will open on Juno 20th, to continue until tho August examination. Classes will bo formod in nil branches required for state and county papers; also in Latin, stenography and type writing. Students who with to advance their grades will find the kind of work they noed at this school. Address J. J. Kraps or Supt. K. T. Moores. tf WANTED MALE, nELP. Bollablo Managor Wanted To look af tor our Salem offlco and1 superintend salesmen, workmen and lino construc tion. Boferences and cash deposit required. Yearly contract with lib oral salary. Croat Western Telo phono Co., 1003 Mnrkot street, San Francisco, Cal. 6-20-lm CALL ON YOUB STEPMOTHER AT. tho Salem Dyo Works whon you want your clothes cleaned, dyod, ro- fiairod or prestod. rolinod, volret col. ara on; also suit prossod by the month. You can get anything clean ed, from a pair of glovos to tho most olaborato silk gowns. Mrs. O, H. Wolkor, Prop., IDS Commercial atroot. t ABU AND DOOB FACTOBIES. Fraik sub houso finish and hardwood work. Front streot botwoon Stato and Court M. Brown Manufacturer of , uuum, uiuuiuiags. All junus OI WANTED. Wanted. To buy a good six or sovon room cottngo, not far out. Apply nt Byan's bnrbor shop. 6-31-tf Wanted. At once, ladlos and gentle men to represent n reliable publish ing house 8alary and Commission. J. A. W. Wliltnoy, westorn roproson tatlvo, Cottngo hotel, Salem, Or. 0-22-3t Wantod Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work in Oregon, repre senting largo manufacturing com pany. Salary (10 to $00 por month, paid wvokly, exponics advanced. Ad dross, with stamp, J. H. Mooro, Sa lem, Ore. 0-1013t MISCELLANEOUS do To J. N. Shante for your hop bas kots, Oct in your order before tho rush. 0'2-lm A. M, nanaon Manufacturer of all kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood work, houso finish and ofllco fixtures, Kstlmatos furnlshod. Cor. Mill and Church itroot. Phono Bed 211. ABOHITBCT. W. D. Pagh Arohltoct and euperlr tendent, plans furnished for all class es of building and structural work. Ofllco 110 Stato street, Tioga block, Salem, Oregon. DRAYMEN. Whlto & Cummins, do a general dray and tranafor buslnosv, meet ail trains. 'Phonos, down town, MsJa 2181, rcnldoncos, Bluo IS, red 2079. Stand 218 Oomtnorslal atroet 8-12-la Balem Camp, No. 118, Woodman of the World Meets in Ilolman Hall every, Friday at 7i30 p. m. L. B. Btinson, consul) P. L. Fraser, clerk. Foreitors of America Court Bherwood Foresters No. 10. Moots Friday in Turner block. Ira Jorgemen, O. B.J A. L. Brown, See. Strawberry Crates Tin tops and bol locks at lowest prices. Capital Com mission Co. Phono Main 2231, oppo- stto Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon. Notice Is hereby glvon that I will not bo rcspontiblo for any dobts, oxcept what I personally contract. W. H. Wottcott. 0-22-3t Central Lodge No, 18, K. of P. Castle Hall in Holmnn block, cornor State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of oaeh weok at 7i30 p. in. T. J, Cronlso, O. tt W. I. Staley, K. of B. and S. Modern Woodmon of America. Ore gon Cedar Camp, No. C240. Meote every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Holmnn Hall. H. K. Matton, V. O.) A. Ij. Brown, Clerk. vy -Coo 1Ul A S "k VJ "-'tJiZff covior.T EXPEBIMENTINa WITH rLOUB. Deesn't always pay, unless you have tbo Salem mills printed on the bag. It is always a guarantee of white and de licious broad, fluffy biscuits, and de licious cako and pastry. It gives a sweet, nutty flavor to your bread that J ean't be obtained from any other flour milled, and is wholesome and nutrl trioua. After sace testing it you will never use any other. BALEM FLOUBINO MILLS. Strayed or Stolen. A yollow Scotch Colllo, 8 months oldj nntweis to name of "Duke." Beturn to Hunt's Markett. 0-20-tf Notice. Wo havo just received a lot of now nnd second-hand wagon wheels, which wo sell at a bargain. Call at corner of Ferry and Liberty streets. Pohlo & Bishop, 0-22-31 T Just la WATER COMPANY. AM SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL. For water torvlco apply at office Bills payablo monthly in advance Mako all complaints at the office Shirt Waists and Bummer Downs Mado in the boet style and workman ship, Terms reasonable. Address or call on Mrs. II, Mllnor, 20th and Center streets. 0-20-tf The Tillsoa Co, Dealers in chopped feed, seed bran, hay, flour dried fruit, etc. High street, adjoining opera bovse, 0-1-yr. Hotel Scott Newly furnished, every thing clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle block, Balem. A. Scott, prop. 7-4-tf. Salem Iron Works Founders, machin ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the O. K. O rubber. Bhand k Marcus. 11-29-lra Eavey & Savage. Ileal Estate, Loans and Insurance, Conveyancing and Draining Titles. Notary work done. Bring us list of your property for sale, 403 State street, near High. 3 8-tf Say Have you tried II. H. Pauls for meats! Ho bss the best sausage in town. Como and try It, and bo con vinced. 410 East State stret. Wo Are Now paying 16o for eggs. Commercial Cream Co. 3-11-tf Our now line of 1005 wall pa per has just arrived. All latest patterns at reasonablo prices. Call and seo our stock und bo convinced that our paper and prices aro right. Remember the place E. L. Lemmon 299 Liberty St Phone 2475 si ICE Call Wagon or Telephone 45 Black Buy Coupons and Save Money. Saiem Ice Co. TIic Ciufc Stables First-class Livery and Cab Line. Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally-ho for picnics and excursion parties. Phone Mais 241. Corner Liberty and Ferry. Cfu. W. Yannke Prop. !JT9-