Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 23, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 1

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    fonlgW and tomorrow, probably fair.
NO. 140.
His Former Partner Testifies
Against Him, and His Let
ters Introduced
Portland, Or., Juno 23. Tnnnor ro
lamed bis direct testimony this morn
isg. Tlio court rulod out tlio oral tcstl
ihobj as to tho contonta of cortaln lot
ten written to Mitchell. Ho admitted
that Mitchell ropontcdly warned him
tot to mnko agreements involving bis
ihtIccs boforo tho departments. Pub
lic icntimcnt condemns Tanner's wholo
courso ns a witness against Mitchell,
tat excuses him on tho ground that his
Itftimony is given to savo his son.
The court heard tho nrgument on tho
idmlsability of testimony as to other
nd similar facts Knowing knowlcdgo,
inJ sustained Hcnoy. Tanner told of
Krlbs bringing n list of California lands
December 3, 1003, and paying $500.
Alio Janunry 4, 100-1, and showing tho
entries on tho books. Tho court ruled
that a senator or congressman had n
tight to present tho potitions in a cneo
of contest betwon individuals beforo tho
land office.
Thursday's Proceedings.
Portland, Juno 22. Senator Mitchell
woro a slightly troubled look on tho
morning of tho third day of tho trial.
Tanner resumed trlnl nnd sprung son
nation by showing entry h! day boek
of Tanner & Mltcholl which showol
chnngo from words "S. A. D. Putcr"
to "second lieu list." When tho list
was brought to tho law offlco of Mitch
ell & Tanner to got tholr help in expe
diting patent is was bonded by Putcr.
Ho corrected it to rend "second lion
Hit" when Putcr was put on trial. Ho
feared It would involvo their firm in
the land fraud trials, ns tho wholo list
wm not a Puter list. His nnmo only
leaded tho list. Thero was tho usual
payment of $500 by Fred A. Krcbs, en
dowed "Mltcholl & Tannor" in Tnn
Mr' hand.
"cney conducts his examination of
bosses very dcllbo'rntcly. Ho traces
h transaction from tho beginning of
" application of Krcbs for assistance
to the firm, tho entry on tho daybook
t the firm showing pnymont of tho re
taining fee, tho monthly settlement of
receipts, tho deposit of Senator
Hencil's sharo of tho recoipts, tho
llr notifying him, nnd his acknowl
mcnt of receipt of tho money, the
wlginal check paid by Krebs, and the
k in which Tumor paid Mltcholl.
' each coso Tnnner wroto a long, lot
l'r to Mitchell, urelncr him to nnmur
Woro Commissioner Hermann nnd uo
tho claims, reciting thnt nil tho claim
ants wcro Orogon 'people, and groat in
justice would result if tho claims woro
held up longer. Tho letters nil recite
thnt thero is no clement of frnud or
collusion in nny of theso claims, nnd
thnt thero wns n report of n special
ngent in onch enso recommending thnt
inoy uo pushed on to a patent. "He
noy tho For," follows nn awfully closo
trnil. Tho wholo forenoon wns spent
rcniung letters rclntlng to lnnd mit
tcrs. Many telegrams nre read that
passed between Mitchell & Tanner. Tho
lottcrs nnd telegrams nro nil originals,
irom tho files of tho law offlco of Mitch
ell & Tanner. They wcro turned over
ns part of tho confession of Judge Tan
ner, who, whon ho foil down, gavo up
ovorytnmg. By rofcrring to tho mnt
tcrs thnt enmo out boforo tho grnn.l
jury it is cvidont thnt tho government
had much of this Information boforo
Tnnner gnvo it up. Defcnso objected
to tlio Introduction of nearly nil tho
testimony, but nearly all objections nro
overruled. Judgo Dellaven continues
to glvo out tho impression of perfect
fairness. Salmon Brown, of this city,
formerly of Salem, tells mo that ho
know DoHnvcn from tho timo ho ar
rived In Cnllfornia with his parents
from Missouri ns a poor barefoot boy.
Brown says DoHnvcn wns bofrlendcJ
by Judgo- Wymnn, of F.urekn, nnd rojo
rnpldly through sevornl offices to his
presont position of fcdcrnl judgo. Drown
says for spotless integrity of chnrnc
tor, for unblemished fairness and jus
tice under nil circumstances Dellaven
tins no superior. Jio served ns con
gressman from tho first California dis
trict, and knows a great deal about the
land business, from nctunl experience
in" congress nnd tho lnnd department.
Ho nlso knows just what is allowable
for ft congressman or sonntor in 'prac
ticing beforo tho depnrtmonts.
Adjourned to 2 p. m.
Afternoon Session. '
At 2 p. m. Tanner resumed. Honey
wns inoro circumstantial than over.
Beading from dayboek: " 'Paid fol
lowing bills by ck ' cheek that
means," interposed Honey. Ho rood
I Hermann, nnd no ono olsc. Judgo Den
nett cnllcd Henoy down, nnd wns sus
tained by the' court. After nn nrgu
ment Henoy confessed to having been
taken by surprise Tho lottcrs were
not road, ns they would hnvo involved
Richards. Hcnoy went back and took
up n now lino of testimony. This is
believed to bo n serious defcet in tho
indictment. Tho nnmo of A. II. Tan
nor, Jr., wns introduced into tho trill
today for tho first time. Judgo Tan
ner's son must have suffered nn nwful
humiliation when ho wns compelled to
listen to the testimony of his fnthcr
nnd nftcrwards tho confession of his
rcrjuy and his plea of guilty thereto. It
is ono of tho saddest and most pnthotlc
situations In tho wholo ca&c Mitchell's
law partner, the star witness of the
prosecution, nnd his furnishing nil tho
confidential correspondence betwnon
two men who wcro nssoclntcd in noli-
ties, partners In business, personal
menus, nnd in fact Tnnner was picked
up out of poverty nnd obscurity by
Mitchell. Asked if ho wns not nctlng
ns ottornoy for Senntor Mitchell when
ho met him nt Knlnmn, ho said it was
not until Mitchell was Indicted in tho
Putcr case, and wroto him from Chicago
to act as his attornoy. Admitted
Mitchell wired him to go nnd seo Hnll
nnd Henoy, nnd got permission to hnvo
Mitchell nppcnr beforo grand jury.
Judgo DoHnvcn ruled telegnm wns not
employment of witness as nn ntlornoy.
Tannor went on to relato their tnlk
from Knlnma to Portlnnd, nbout thq
Krlbs business. Tanner told him ho
was employed by Krlbs, nnd Mitchell
shook his head, nnd said ho wns nfraid
of it. Went to oflleo noxt dny nnd
looked over books. Mltcholl said tho
ways thoso books wcro kept would in
dict nnd convict him. It would not do
to hnvo thoso books get into court.
Wnntod them burned. Asked him to
rowrito tho books, nnd leavo thoso en
tries for department services out. Wit
ness declined to do so, ns clerk kept
them. Advised Mitchell to mnko a
clenn breast of it. Mitchell declared
they had doho nothing morally wrong.
Hitchcock wns using his power to ruin
him. Tnnner refused to destroy tho
books, ns partnership ngrcement showed
ho wns Jo rocolvo half the fees. , Tanner
admitted making now contrnct for part
nership, providing thnt Tnnner should
get nil tho fees. During this part of
Tanner's testimony there wns tho doco-
est silence in tho court room. Senntor
Mitchell nppenred deeply concerned, as
I illd his counsel. It was his 70th birth-
i day. Several cartoonists wcro drawing
I sketches of him. His cheeks flusho1,
his cyos flashed, and it would not havo
bcon safe for Tannor to havo been in
tho same room with him alone.. Tho
changed contract is dutod back to
March 1, 1S01. At this point Dennett
objected to lettors nnd tolegrnms that
woro introduced to Implicate Mitoholl,
and DoIIavon sustninod him. Honey
now introdueed the fatal letters on
wbieh the government relies to convict
Mitoholl. A nice piny was niado nt this
point. Hcnoy started to rend tho orljj
Emperor William Will Send
Fleet of Fast Cruisers to
the Pacific
Berlin, June 23. Offlclnl announce
ment Is made thnt Germany intends to
mninialn n pcrmnncnt flying squndron
of powerful fast cruisers in tho Paclfls,
similar to tho squadron in tho Indian
ocean. Tho intention of Gcrmnny is to
incrcuso her prestigo In theso waters.
Cleveland, Ohio, Juno 23. Coroner
8. C. flelstlno todny begnn nn inves
tigation of tho Mentor wreck. Tho
hearing of testimony will commence
Monday. Tho coroner of Lake county,
in which Mentor is situated, will tnko
chnrgo of tho Inquest, on thoso who
died nt tho scene of tho wreck. Itu-
flolpb Cordu, of Drooklyn, nnd Flrcmnn
Gorhhm nro tho only victims of tho Oc
cident who rcmnin in tho Cleveland
hospitnls that will recover.
"Washington, Juno 23. Gcnornl
Agent Itchnie, of Hong Kong, repre
senting great flour exporting firms of
Benttle, Tacoma, and other ports of
tho Northwest, cabled Roosovclt today
thnt unless something wns done speedi
ly to counteract tho effect of tho rocont
vigorous enforcement of tho Chincso
oxclusion law, n general boycott would
surely bo declared in China against
American flour. Tho subject wns dis
cussed at tho cabinet meeting todny.
At tho closo of tho cabinet meeting
Socrolnry Tnft, referring to tho Chi
ncso retaliation, said it was beginning
to look liko n serious situation. Tho
cnblnot reached no conclusion, but
thought somothing should bo dono. It
is suggested thnt tho government be
moro careful in arresting Chincso emi
grnnts. .
Fears That Morroccan Sit
uation Will Finally Re
sult in War
)end yout cash
at a Cash Stoe
Hyou want thi best returns
fa your money
Cash Store
tho lettors c. k. plniuly nnd plainly add- nal letter nnd stumbled, when Sonntor
cd "check thnt moans." Ho does not Mitchell pulled out n Portland Journal
mean thnt anything shnll bo mlsunder- with printed eopy of the letter, ending
stood by tho jury or court, Ho goes with tho words "burn this without
to groat trouble to offer tho face nnd fall." The keenest public prosecutor
baok of each choek in evidence sepa- was thrown off his guard for a mo
ra tolv. nnd whon ho reads the cheek ho'momt bv the senator's nation. Tho let-
to Infiuenco to exneditn the n.itnntq. ! calls attention to the words that nre ' ter was rend, and the eourt adlourned
Tanner also hnd Influontlnl friends of printed nnd tho words that aro written. ' until Frlduy nt 10 a.m. Senator
Human n in Douglas county wrlto to Ho notes important distinctions 1)4- Mitchell iwssed through tho terriblo or-
"m on tho subject of pushing through tween "tho choek" and "a check," deal without flinching, and seems ablo
and eads tho stubs and cheeks separately.
C ' 4 Ho rends, "N-o-v. period one, in
Impend yOtit CaSH figure, 1001," instead of reading Nov.
1st, 1001. Then ho amis, ban stamp
paid in perforation, ot blue ink, as the I
ease may fe. una damaging jeuer
from Tanner asked Mitchell to "punch
tho matter up, as our fee doponds on
your gotting theso entries through."
Most of tho letter related to land busi
ness. A new cnecit irom, jvrius wai
made payable to II. A, Tanner. Mitch
ell's work consisted mainly in getting
tho lists of filings made "speelal" in.
the land department. At 3:45 a great
blteh took nluee. Heney undertook to
s'l the most reliable merchandise read lotters asking Mltehell to use his
r smaller margin of profit than h infiuenco with Hermann's sueeessor.
""d by "regular ,,. Wo can . Tntt was oDjectou to, me .uu.c.m.u.
Jor.l . ii , , i specifically charges receiving
to sell nt lower prices beoau.e ' ' Mon ,.
rw itore expenses nre very light, and
r spot casn j,an prevents losses from 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 II HI
When you want a urinK
M Srcnun i
"e fact that our business continues
Pow is proof that our customers find
iUtT article satisfactory. Another'
w8 shlpment 0f tno
"Mt In. Thev are tho most service- '.
K've on the market, and always.
' of t and pliable. Wo have them
' bo,t ,, , t I
uvujum sou eiira ueuyr
You want the best, and in that
case go to
Ziixti s !
The only confectioner in Salem .
who ever served an apprentice- ',
ship in the soda business. Why ;
not profit by his expenensei
to endure to the end of tho trial, which
may take a week.
Notice from Norway.
Washington, D. C, June 23. Tho
American consul general at Christiana
has transmitted a note from the Nor
weginn minister informing him of the
ereation of the new nation of Norway.
No aetlen looking toward its recogni
tion has been taken at Washington.
May Indict Beef Trust.
Chicago, June 83. The federal grand
jury investigating the beef trust ad
journed this morning until Monday, No
Indictments have bees returned, the
jury expeetlng to complete the work
next week. It is believed a number of
true bills will be found.
Will Irrigate Some Now,
PortlamL June 88. The congression
al irrigation committee arrived this
woruing for a two-days' visit at the
exposition. Tbey will leave Saturday
night for Taeotna.
Raising More Troops.
Moscow, June S3. The governor has
posted uetlees of the fertheeming me
bilitatloB of troops and exhorting the
people to be oalm. Tho mobilization is
expeeted to take place June 20.
Too Young to Marry,
Boston, June S3. General Miles to
day denied the report that ho was to L,J0 winistcr of war.
marry Mrs. Hnidekoper, a wealthy
Philadelphia widow.
Now York, June 23.-DJstrJct Attor
ncy Jcromo nppcarcd beforo Itccordcr
Gof! this morning nnd mado n motion
that tho Juno term of the court, which
ends next Thursday, bo continued in
definitely, in ordor thnt tho public pros
ccutor might havo tho aid of tho eourt
in connection with tho proposed investi
gation of tho Equltablo affairs. Jcromo
stated ho hud nrrnnged with Justieo
Davy, of Rochester, to continuo tho
Juno term of tho criminal branch jf
tho mipromo court for similar reasons.
Jcromo said ho wns not in a position to
say whether a crltno had been commit
ted, but, in view of the fact that tho
peoplo of tho ontlro world wcro nffeet
ed by tho Kqultublo trouble, ho felt it
imperitutlvo to mnko a full invostigv
tlnn. Tho motion wns granted.,
Attornoy-Gonernl Mayer began prep
arations today to bring suits ngnlnst
the officers of tho Equitnble for tho re
covery of profits alleged wrongfully
neqnired by reason of their position, It
is understood tho Inquiries of tho mayor
will not bo confined to tho Hyde pe
riod, but tho new Ilynn rcglmo will be
asked to explain its futuro business
Went Over tho Bluff.
Salinas, Cut,, Juno 23, News has
been received of an accident on tho
Cnrwel grade, in which Mrs. A. Houso
toff ond eight ehildron woro lnjurol.
Mrs, Housoioff is thought to bo fatal
ly injured.
Mrs. Housotoff, who lives with her
husband on tho Gorge ranch, In Carmcl
valley, was returning home with her
children in a buggy. The horse took
fright and backed off tho road. The
borso and buggy, with its occupants,
plunged over a steep bluff about 200
feet high. The injured woman and
children woro discovered by people
passing, andIven assistance. Tho horco
was killed and tho buggy demolished.
It is thought that Mrs. Housotoff's
spinal column is broken.
Paris, Juno 23. Iteports from tho
frontlor continuo to show mnrkod mili
tary activity and n feeling of unrost
nmong tho peoplo living along tho bor
der. Tho influential press, evidently In
nccordanco with tho wishes of tho gov
ernment, rofrajns from discussing tho
military aspect, asserting that tho no
gotiations, wlillo in a dolicnto stngo,
continuo normal.
Tho gloomy sentiment incrensod
during tho afternoon. On tho Bourso
rentes' suffered nn unusual doclino of
10 centimes. Much excitement accom
panied tho trading. Ono of tho alarm
ist reports wns thnt Princo Von Itado
lin, tho Gorman nmbassndor, had left
Paris for Berlin, tho intimntlon being
that his departure wns duo to tho un
satisfactory nature of tho French noto.
A dlplomnt who lunched with Princo
Von Radolln nt noon today informed tho
press thnt tho report wns absurd, ns not
Detroit, Juno 23. The steamers City
of Home nnd Lincoln collided on tho
St. Clnir river, opposito Tnshmoo Park.
this morning, nnd both sank. Two mem-, ,no "lightest word hnd yet been ro-
bcrs of tho crow of tho Lincoln, tho solved concerning tho uttittido which
cook nnd his wifo, wcro drowned. tno German government intondod to
ii tnko, Tho ovonlng papers nought to
Now Mexican Land rrauds. "Hoy public uneasiness. Thn semi- offl-
Itoswcll, N. M., Juno 23.-Jnmes N. clnl "'I1 MPr"c,l '"o government
Tnlmndgc, of Chicago, of tho Til-. vlow thftt t,,n 0XchnnK of no,0 wou,(1
mndgo Southwestern Land Company, crvo to rcmovo f"0 J"P"sslon and
was arrested hero todav on a United rrouuco a "urauio ogrccmoni-it uet-
of ucrlurv
dcnls in Now Mexico. It is claimed Premier Rouvlor, in tho lobby of tho
big frauds will bo unearthed In tho tor- c,"ml,r. replying to soverol doputies,
'who expressed anxiety retrariiinir tno
rested hero today on a United '""uuto " "'" K"eiB " ""
wnrront chnrglng suborfllnatlon mnny wns rr0P"l reciprocal- tlu
jury in connection with lnnd ""'""tory advnncos of M. Itouvlcr.
rltory, equaling thoso of Montana and
Oregon, nnd thnt many nrrcsts will
cnuso of rronknoss on tho llourso, said
thnt possibilities reports relating to the
foreign situntlon were nbsolutoly un
founded, nnd thnt tho Frnnco-Gorinan
negotiations wcro pursuing n normal
It Is considered probablo that tho
Japs Take It Easy.
Gunshu Pnss, June 23. Tho fnct thnt
lliiif Iho Jnpnncio nro no longer press-
lug tho ItuwHlntis south Is bollovod to
indicnto n big bnttlo is Imminent, or ' French noto forwnrdod to Gormony will
else it is ft diplomatic maneuver in tho 'l0 seml-offlclally comtmtmlcnted to tho
belief thnt tho early conclusion of peuco powors signatory to tho Mndrid con
Is weakening. I vontlou.
Japs Have a Small Scrap.
Toklo, June 23 Oyame, reports that
the Japanese repulsed 1000 Russians in
the vielnlty of Wankantzkeau June 21,
with heavy loss. An attack by a Rus
sian detachment on the hoigbts of Nun
chendzy, the same day, was also re
pulsed, and the enemy pursued other
wise the situation Is unchanged.
Plenty of Jewels.
Cleveland, June 23, A bag contain
ing jewels valued at 3e,00O, the prop
erty of S. C. Beekwltb, of New York,
killed in the wreck, was found In the
debris today, It was supposed to have
bees stolen.
My Dear Alfonso.
Madrid. June 23, Kins Alfonso has
approved the cabinet formed by Pro-)
rater Monterlos, General Weyler will
Benor Sanebez Ro-,
man, minister of foreign affair and Ben-1
or Urvalg, of finance.
Gtfeatly Reduced
This season's leading styles in Nny, Clreon, llrown, lllnek, Groy, Royal,
Checked and plain. Prettily mado Plain tnllorod or fancy styles ut ca
half their real value. Tho greatest suit bargains in town.
120.00 MOHAIR TAILOR SUITS , $10.00
Great Values in Black Silks
Silk bargains that aro interesting now to every economical woinun. Bar
gains is surely tho name of such exceptional values at such llttlo prices.
85c black silk reduced to
$ J.OO black silk reduced to
$i,2S black silk reduced to
$2.50 black silk tzduccd to
$.75 black silk teduccd to
$2.00 black silk reduced to
We aro showing every good kin
of cotton, lisle and silk underwear
for women and children In light and
medium weights. No better gar
ments than the MERODE win be
found in the markets.
9c to $2.70
Speeially designed and made for
the little ones to play in. All size
and wanted colors.
The valuoof a thing ostubllshos
its soiling prlso. Governed by this
rule, those 110X0 suits of ous should
sell for no less than l!20.00, that Is If
wo guide ourselvos by the selling
prices that provall at other stores
but wo don't, The nowest and best
of this season ' product of nobby
suits for summer wear. If you
haven't seen thorn you're missing a
good thing. Ask to see our grand
values at
All short lengths and remnants or today only at
Half Price
"tats at ,. , ,,r 4-1 HI 1)11 HIIIIHIWt
u at the same price, $1.15. J