ffW 1 jj 111 Tlio Kind Yon Ilavo Always In uso fur over 30 ycartf and ffl- 'yly sonnl All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" nr" but Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho hcii oC Infants and Children Experience against Export sent. . What is CASTOR I A Castorfo Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops nd Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic fiubstance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays .Fovorlshncfis. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, gii ing healthy and natural sloop Tho Children's Panncca Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho (J!atyyfM&4 The Kind You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THS OCMTAWM COfNT, TT MUMHAV TMTt NCW VODR OTT. MMMMHNMM09Sft08ea9ae4NI Gold Dust Float . . Mado by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, BIdnoy. Ore gon. Mado for family use. Aak your grocor for It. Bran and shorts clwayB on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT IMIHIIIIIMHnWMIMWWMHatMWHWI Reg. No. 26531 RED sire or jo seal, a: ny4. Blred by Rod Heart 2:10y, tlio sire of Chain Shot 2:00'a. Red Goal 2:10, Etc Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2i25....by Mnrk Piold (son of Oco. Wilkes), Dam of Rod Seal 2il0 Ai- slro of Daisy Flolds 2:08Vi, Mara lawood SilDVi. brino flold, 2:llVi, etc. Bocond dam DAY I1KLL by Advnnco, slro of Malraska 2:23,otc. Dam of Vorltas 2:10, indox. 2:20Vi. Third dam daughter of Tlppo Bcib, it thoroughbred. RED HEART Is -by Red Wilkes,, out of Sweetheart, by Sultan; socond dam Mlunobaha, tho data of Ileautltul Delia, ote. RED SEAL stands 15.1, compactly built, with grout quality and a suro slro of great spoed. llo will wake tho Benson of 1005 at tho OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS Terms $40 Season With tho usuni roturn privilege Good pasturago nt reasonable rates to mares sent from a distance. SAM CASTO, Fair Grounds, Or. T MIHItHWMIMWWIttlMIIIWHUlHMWtHWIi; Bavo tlio fronts of tho Packages. We .? BhW PREPARED TOR BOSTON BROWN BREAD GRIDDLE CAKES, MUFFINS & PLUM PUDDING ASK YOUR OR00ER FOR IT. Package 20c PAOIFia COAST FACTORY, SAN, JO SB, CALIF. Vail ua flyo S-cent stamps and we will. send Bamplo Package, prepaid. maiMWiVBwa m iiiiiiww tVStaajiatammamaBtm, Ml Bought, and which lins been lias homo the slgnatnro of has been mado under his per- supervision since- lis Infancy. Signaturo of HlllllllllllimilM 4 J New Lange Hotel;; Cornor Sixth and Washington stroots, Portland, Or., (noxt to ' ! Imporlnl). Strictly fireproof and ; ; modorn. Rates lowost for Arab- clnss sorvlce. Stoara heat and olovator, olagant cafo and bar In connection. On diroct Uuo to ; ; fnlr grounds, F. Lanjre, proprlo- tor; Sara Bauman, manager, for- ! ! morly of Omaha, Neb. ; ; IHIU'MIMIIMIIMHH SEAL Tri'l 2:06 Rcc 2:10 pay money for tho THREE Bs. i MAKINQ. iO pound sack 65c B. B. Bt FIoot Co. DMLt Omikt SOWMASh EPLEY EASILY ELECTED Issues Brought in Tliat Had No Business There or Anywhere Tho school election is over, nnd tho peoplo of school district No. 24, of Ma rlon county have placed Dr. II. C. Ep ley in tho position of director for tho next five years. No great Ibsuo wns in volved, unless It was opposition to se cret sessions of tho Bchool board, nnd a squaro dcnl for ovorybody, npd no great Interest was taken until personal ities wcro Injected into tho fight by somo unwlso friends of Mr. Flotchcr, nnd Mr. Epley's friends hnd only a few hours In which to counteract tho effect, but tho job was well dono. Mr. Fletcher's candidacy hnd boon worked up for many weeks, whorcas tho candidacy of Dr. Eploy was only 48 hours' old when tho polls opened, nnd his friends were unor ganized. At noon a printed circular wns put out by ill-advised friends of Mr. Flotch cr, which started off by stating that tho roason tho peoplo wnnted Mr. Fletcher for director wns becauso "ho was not E". Hofor's candidate," and tho other nine rensons wcro .chiefly plntltudos that meant Ilttlo. Mr. Uofor was taking so littlo Interest In tho matter tlint ho was not ovon in tlio county, uut wuon a friend telephoned him ho nt once re turned, nnd nrrlvcd in his ward after 3 o'clock. Under tho circumstances he felt justified In seeing n few of his friends, nnd tho results speak for them- solves, for No. 7 gavo Dr. Eploy tho largest majority In tho whole district, going 57 to 18 In his favor. A young business rann in East Salem had not ex pected to do anything, but the circulnr put him to work, nnd tho precinct gavo a nont majority for Eploy. And so it went nil ovor town. Several dozen pro fessional nnd business men had not ox- pected to vote until this Ill-tuned cir cular enmo to thoir notice Mnny Indies, who hnd a kcon sonso of fairness also put in sonic good licks nnd votes galore, nnd on tho wholo it is cstimntod that Mr. Flotchcr would havo been olectod by ovor CO majority had not his Ilttlo Joker boon flung to" tho brcczo. Ills gun was overloaded, and kickod. Tlio voto by precincts Is given bolow, which shows thnt Mr. Epley wns elect ed by 10 majerity: Eploy Fletcher Ward No. 1 3(1 30 Ward No. 2 8 1 CO Ward No. 3 17 22 Ward No. 4 G5 03 Ward No. C 21 78 "Word No. u" 40 24 Wnrd No. 7 .., 57 18 Total ; 310 291 Thero is moro catarrh in this soctlon of tho country than all othor dlsoases put togothor, and until tho last low yoars was supposed to bo incurable. lor a great many years doctors pro nouncod It a local dlsoaso and proscrib ed local remedios and by constantly railing to euro with local treatment, pronounced It incurable. Science has provon catarrh to bo a constitutional dlsoaso and theroforo requires consti tutional treatmont. nail's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tho only constitu tional euro on the market. It is takon Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any cose it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio, fjjold by all druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for const! patlon. f Evan Carver Pardoned, Oov. Chnmborlaln yesterday granted a full pardon to Evan Carver, who was serving a life sentence in tho peniten tiary from Union county, for murdor In tho second degree, .and whose pardon tho governor Issued on Mlrch 4th of this year. The pardon was granted becauso Carver has beon making every effort to restoro himself to useful citi zenship, and ho is desirous of taking a homestead under the federal laws. He was committed to tho prison In 1802. SUMMER SCHOOL. Tho first term begins on tho first Monday in May, and continues for eight weeks. A thorough review will bs given in all branehes thr lugh the tenth grade. Address J. J. KSAFS. 4,-SO-tf ,BU at M. B. A. Hall. One half mile 'east of Chemawa, Fri. day evening, June 23d, 2t CHILDREN CRY FOB FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. IaMM, OMGOH, TUSWJAV, JUNU WOMEN WHO CHARM HEALTH IS THE FOIST ESSENTIAL It Holpa Woman to Win and Hold Mon'n Admiration, Rospoot and Lovo Woman's greatest gift s the power to Insplro admiration, respect. 'and lovo. There is a beauty in health which la moro attractive to mon than moro regu larity of feature To be a successful wife, to retain the lovo and admiration of hor husband, should be a woman's constant study. At the first indication of Ill-health, painful or irregular menstruation, headache or backache, secure Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and begin ita uso. Mrs. Chas. F. Brown, Vico-Presldont Mothers' Club, 21 Cedar Terrace, Hot Springs, Ark., writes: Dear Mrs. Plnkham : ' ' For nine roars I droinrod throuRh a misor- ablo oxlttenco, suffering; with lnnammatlon and falling of tho .womb, and worn out with pain and weariness, j oneaaynoucouanaio ment by a woman suffering. oa I was, but who had bean cured bv Lydla B.Finkbam's Vote- toblo Compound, and I determined to try it. At ths end of threo months I was a different woinnn. Ererr ons remarkod about It, and my husband fell in lore with me all oror afaln. Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound built up my entire system, cured tbo womb trouble, and I felt like a new woman. I am sure it will make every sufforlns; woman strong, well and happy, as It has mo." Women who aro irouuicu wim paia fnl or irregular menstruation, back ache, bloatintr (or flatulonco), Joucor- rhcoa, falling, inflammation or ulcora-, tion of tho uterus, ovarian iroumes, l thnt "bearing-down" reeling, dirtf. ness, fatntness, indigestion, or nervous prostration may be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydla E. Pinkham's Vcgotablo Compound, Circuit .Court. Tho circuit court of Marlon county, department No, 1, held n brlof session yesterday, Judge doorgo Burnott pro siding. A chnngo of vonuo was granted In tho enso of J. Frank Hughes, ns ex ecutor, vs. Sporo & Robinson, ct nl., an action for money, tho caso being trans ferred' to Multnomah county. A FEW OOOD POINTERS ON OOOD LAUNDRY WORK .Will not como amiss to thoso who know what good laundry work really is: 1. The way wo wash makes clothes Clean. 2. The way wo handle your goods makes people smile. 3, The way wo iron makes clothes smooth, with least poslsblo damage. Rough dry, So per ponnd. Salem SteamLaundry COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. D0R0U8 D. OLUSTED, Mnnagor 250 Llborty Stroot. Phono 411. VJiOPYRIONT, "" luts) BXPERTMENTING WITH FLOUR. Doesn't always pay, unless you have the Salem mills printed on tho bag. It is always a guarantee of whlto and de licious bread, fluffy biscuits, and de licious cake and pastry. It gives a sweet, nutty flavor to your bread that can't be obtalnod from any other flour milled, and is wholesome and nutri tious. Aftor oneo testing it you will never uso any other. SALEM FLOURING; MILLS. AtrvTCheu.F Brown ) xmSmA7 'Vm3?ryTr8l IswmalPil KmJMS V ,'MlM -ij-. W iir fli), 1003. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE. For Sale. Sovcn-room rosldcnco, barn, largo half block, electric lights, bath, hot and cold city wotor. E. Hofer, Journal office For Sale Small dry fir wood, at $3.25 per cord. Phono Jllnck 2001. T. L. Davidson, Jr., Mornlngsldo. 1-20-tf For Balo. 1'lvo or ten-ncro plaso, first class improvements. Closo to school, church, postofflco nnd rnllrond. dross "X.," care of Journal. Ad- For Balo. Two lots, with now houso and barn, good improvements. At n bargain. Inqulro of Clover & Pat ton's blacksmith Bhop, 430 Court streot. S-22-" Ash Wood Best quality for salo. Oco. F. Rodgors, 404 Court stroot. u-O-Swk For Salo. English setter pups. In qulro next door to Mr. Fennel's blacksmith shop, North Llborty streot. 0-17-3f Fresh Oow for Salo. Inqulro IMi miles northwest of big steel brldgo In Polk county. O. F. Anderson. 0-17-3t FOR RENT. For Rent. A fivo-room houso and a seven-room houso. Call on A. Schrolbor, 424 High streot. 0-13-tf For Rent July 1st. Furnished houso in University addition. No. 4 Summer streot. Phono Red 2044. 0-lG-lwk" WANTED MALE HELP. Boliablo Manager Wanted To look af tor our Salem office nnd superintend salesmen, workmen nnd lino construc tion. References and cash deposit required. Yearly contract with lib eral salary. Great Wostorn Tolo phono Co., 1005 Market street, San Francisco, Cal. 6-20-lm WANTED. Wanted. :To buy a good sir or sovon room cottago, not far out. Apply at Ryan's harbor shop. 5-31-tf Wantod. Enorgotic workers every where to dlstributo circulnrs, sam ples nnd advertising matter. Good pay. No canvassing. Co-oporatlvo Advertising Co., Now York. 0-10-lt" Wantod. Man or mnn nnd wifo enn get good homo by furnishing monoy to buy same, nnd got good lady to enro for them ns long ns they llvo. Address "A.," caro Journal. 0-10-3t Wantod Enorgotic, trustworthy man or woman to work in Orogon, ropro sontlng largo manufacturing com pany. Salary $40 to $00 per month, paid wookly, oxpenscs advanced. Ad dress, with stamp, J. II. Moore, Sa lem, Oro. 0-1013t MISCELLANEOUS. Go To J. N, Shantz for your hop bas kots. Get in your order boforo tho rush. - 0-2-lm Found. A lndy's bicycle. Call at this ofllco, provo proporty and pay costs. 0-10-3t Found.-7-Money. Owner can havo samo by calling at this ofllco and proving ownership nnd by paying for adver tising same. 0-17-3t Lost. Boy's Idoal. bicycle, No. 413. Reward for its return to W. P. George, at the Whlto nouso restau rant. 0-10-3t Shirt Waists and Summer Oowns Made in tho best style and workman ship. Terms reasonable. Address or call oa Mrs. U. Mllner, 20th and Conter streets. 5-29-tf The Tillson Co. Dealers in chopped feed, seed bran, hay, flour dried fruit, etc. High street, adjoining opera house. 0-1-yr. Strawberry Orates Tin tops and hal locks at lowest prices. Capital Com mission Co. Phone Main 2231, oppo- alts Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon. Hotel Scott Nowly furnished, every, thins clean and first class. Rooms at reasonable prices. In Cottle block, Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7--tf. Salem Iron Works Founders, maehln lata aad blacksmiths. Manufacturers of all kinds of sawmill machinery. nop and fruit drying stoves, etc Manufacturers of the O, K. Grubber. Sband S Marcus. 11-29-lm Davey s 04vage,-Bcal Estate, Loons and Insurance, Conveyancing and Exaining Titles. Notary work done. Bring list of your property for saie, 4uu mate street, near High. 38-tf Say-Havo you trlod H. H. Pauls for meats? He has the best sausage In town, Como and try it, and be con vineed. 410 East State stret. Wa Are Now paying 16o for eggs. Commercial Cream Co, 3-11-tf OBTEOPATHS. Osteopath Dr. W. L. McrccrTgTaduMo" of tho Amorlcan School of Ostco pathy, Klrksvillo, Mo. Office Brer man building, Commorclnl street. Rooms 25 nnd 20. Phono lied 383 Now resldonco, 410 North Summer strdot. Phono Main 045. 0-19-tf bakeries! Capital Bakory Ullom & HiitborforT proprlofors, 430 Court street. Fresh bread, pies nnd cakes dally. Maccv roons, lady flngors, angol and dovll'i food enko, candlos, nuts, otc. Doh. wlos mado to any part of tho city Phono Whlto 321. e.1tl GLEANING: AND DYE WORKS. oiwmlnganTDy noatly dono. Four suits pressed by ths month $1.00, at tho Capital City Stoam Dyeing nnd Cleaning Parlon. Miss Efllo M. Andorson, proprietor. . Opora Houso block, c-l-tf CALL ON YOUR STEPMOTHER AT tho Salem Dyo Works when you want your clothes cleaned, dyed, re paired or prcssod. rollnod, volvct col lars on; nlso suit prcssod by the month. You can got anything desa od, from a pair of gloves to tho moit olaborato silk gowns. Mrs. O. H. Walker, Prop., 105 Commercial street I (VSH AND DOOR FACTORIES. FraLk M. Brown Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of houso finish and hardwood work, Front stroot botweon Stato and Court A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of all kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood work, house finish nnd ofllco fixtures. Estimates furnlshod. Cor. Mill and Church streot. Phono Rod 211, ARCHITECT. W. V. rngh Architect and superin tendent, plans furnlshod for all class es of building and structural work. Ofllco 110 Stato street, Tioga block, Salem, Orogon. DRAYMEN. White & Cummins, do a noneral drsr and tronsfor business, meet all trains. 'Phonos, down town, Mala 2181, residences, Bluo IE, red 207f. Stand 218 Commorstal street 8-lMm LODGES. Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmen of tli World Meets In Holmnn nail ever; Friday at 7:30 p. m. L. R. Stlnson, consul; P. L. Frnscr, clerk. Foresters of America Court Sherwood Foresters No. 10. Meets Friday la Turner block. Ira Jorgonien, 0. B.: A. L. Brown, Sec. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castls nail in Holman block, corner Gists nnd Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. ra. T.' J. Cronlse, 01 O.; W. L Staloy, K. of R. and S. Modorn Woodmen of America- Ore gon Codar Camp, No, 6240. Meets overy Thursday evonlng at 8 o'clock, Holmnn Hall. E. E. Matten, V. 0.J A. L. Brown, Clerk. WATER "COMPANY. SALEM WATER. COMPANY OFFICE CITY nALL. For water sorvlco apply at office. Bills payable monthly in advance. Make all complaints at the office. Just In ? Our now line of 1905 wall pa- 1 J...i 1 1 111 !.lt a jfor uuo juofr urrivcu. ft . . q patterns at reasonable prices. ( (. Call and see our stock and be a convinced that our paper and g prices are right. Remember th place. E. L. Lemmon 299 Liberty SL Phone 2475 'iaatc('( f 1-1 Call Wagon Bay Coupons and Save Money. SALEM ICE WOKJto The Citib Stables First-class Livery and Cab LU Funeral turnouts a specialty. " for picnics and oxcursion parties. Foo Main 241. Corner Liberty and Ferry. Chs. W. Yannke Prop.