Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 20, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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MAY, 1004, 13,287.
Tt Is pawing strange thnt a largo por
tion f humanity cannot rcalt.o that
Xljcro is a difference between a prin
triple, -nod tho person or paper which
taSvotatof it. Tho Journal Is an itnpor
Bonal japer. It has not uow, lms noVcr
Bail, sad hopes It may novor have any
.3cniiBtto wago war on any man. It re
alizes tho frailty of humanity. It
Dcmw that men differ on nil subjects,
nui AiCTer honestly. It rccognl7.es tho
fact ilmt it is not infallible, and ox
Ztanfts to nil mankind tho samo charity
tit bwi It must also ask. It endorses
mhtt It boliovcs to bo right, and con
Hcims what it considers wrong, nnd it
UotHc Jiryond tho man who stands for
rtlre ttluug at issue, to tho thing itself.
Jit Brufl no quarrel with Mr. Fletcher,
lit 3ms nono now. Ilo is an honest man
nwd clever gentleman, whoso reputation
Ha artjovc, reproach. Ilo is cnpnblo and
ftntcltigent, but, liko Tho Journal, ho is
mot infallible. It was against tho moth
tods of the board, not its members, that
'Tlio Journal contended. Tho school
ftaard's meeting bchiud olosod doors
-wns un-Aincrlcan. Its dismissal of
tteaeltrr arbitrarily was, in our opin
Son, unjust. Against its action, not
-.against tho board, or nny ono of its
tmeiabers, Tho Journal raised its volco.
0n n occasion has this paper boasted
over victory by those with whom it
wtoad. It has "been content with tho
tfarj, lint on this occasion it scorns only
' proper to say what wo nro now saying.
"Tho Journal took up tho Aght against
Stho Jdgh rates of intorest being paid
fby 4ho city. It demanded n 4 per cent
ersta instead of 6, nnd tho people,
tnrensed by it, accomplished that result.
SU 4cmnudad that tho school district ob
ttrfln money for 4 per cent, Instead of
:8 or D, and tho district pays only tho
Bower rate now, It asked recently that
ft he school board meet openly, instead
of in somo back ofllec, nnd'that tho pub
ale might know what was being done.
It is probable this reform has now
Imen accomplished, nnd that being done,
dbo mibjcct may well bo dropped, nnd
-tliMO who yesterday differed as to can
didates and methods, enu now unlto in
ibe labor of building up and bcnutl
ijiug our city nnd our schools.
hitherto unused plant foodia chanco to
got in its work.
What a "snnp" tho building of tho
Panama canal would bo to a private
corporation; water for the stock Is so
abundant and handy!
Tho dovil, Jeff Davis aqd private
monopoly all cried or cry alike: "Lot
thou mo alone, thou son of David; what
have I to do with ttieef"
Tho Ho circulated that Dr. Eplcy was
a friend of Supt. Trover no doubt cost
him somo votes, but it didn't cost him
tho respect of his friends.
Tho Journal had no candidate, but
since tho opposition to Dr. Epley In
sist upon its fathering his candidacy it
will adopt him, nnd, in fact, is a triflo
proud of tho fostor child.
Ono young man in Hast Snlcm had
not expected to tako part in tho school
olection, but when ho saw thnt Fletch
er circular bo woko tip, and tho returns
from No. 0 show what ho did.
..In North Snlcm nothing was dono for
Dr. Eploy, but Aug. Huckonstcin hnd
that field practically to himself with
his Democratic brethren, and ho did
somo business for his friend Fletcher.
Tho dlspntchss today bring tho
startling news that Catharine Sayro
Van Duzcr has married. Wo did not
havo tho ploasuro of Kitty's acquaint
ance, nnd as sho didn't throw down
any of tho Salem boys, wo soo no rea
son why tho wires shonld bo warmed
with Kitty's lovo affairs, Hut, soyl
Kate, old girl, hero's luck to you, anyhow.
Fall on
Just Because Ho
laid a Few Small
Dr. Kpley Is too big n man to bo lit
tie. Kpley 's friends nro still alive, but
iot kicking,
-Considering his else, Kpley Is n protty
wlft runner,
If School Director Hploy sits on tho
Ifd well, thcro won't bo anything got
8chljol matter- yetitorday wero in
-the open, Thcro wore no star chamber
Motor oar nro displacing horses Ji
vapidly by monopolizing tho highways
nd driving horses from them.
A man don't know that ho bus done
fits best till he-lias triad persistently
to do a little better and failed,
lie content with what you have, to
$lvo you spirit and strength to work
for tho more you deservo to have,
Notation of crops helps dostroy in
'sects, dispel disease sporos, uml glvoo
J. IL ALBERT, President
E, M. OIIOISAN, Vice Pros,
JOS. U. ALBERT, Cashier,
Transacts a regular banklug
Savings Bank
Offers all the facilities of a mod
ern Savings Dank. Interoit paid
on deposits of one dollar or mora,
affording an opportunity to safe
ly invest ium( from $1,000 to
48000, where they will be earn
ing interest, and yet be available
when wanted.
What Mr. Boala Has Learned During
tho Wook,
Tho weather during tho past wcok
has ben quito favorablo for tho grow
ing crops. In somo few localities lato
sown wheat and onta would bo benefit-'
ted by moro fain, nnd, owing to tho
dry weather, grass on tho low land
ranges in tho interior counties is turn
ing brown, but it is still green nnd
nbundnnt in tho foothills nnd moun
tains. Stock generally is in cxcellont
rendition. Fall wheat is filling nicely
nnd full barley is ripening nnd will
noon bo ready to cut. Spring wheat
continues to mnko satisfactory progr
ross, nnd onts, although not In so good
condition as spring wheat, look promis
ing. Tho grain aphis is disappearing,
unit no groat damago has been dono by
this pest. Haying has beguu and will
become general in n wcok or two.
Much clover, vetch and alfalfa lias al
ready been secured, nnd tho hay crop
generally promises to bo an nverago
ono. if not better. Hops aro arming
and show .considerable improvement
slneo last report. Tho yards aro well
cultivated, but on account of missing
hills and unovon growth yields are ex
pected to bo loss tliau usual. Early
potatoes nro in tho markot. Cherries
aro ripo nnd tho crop is below the
average, being good in somo localities
and almost n failuro in others. Straw
berry picking Is nearly finished, and
tho crop turned out to bo below tho
avorago in quantity, but about as usual
iu quality.
Wlllainotto Valloy.
Moutuvllla, Multnomah County, A.
D. Sullivan. Weather dry, with warm
afternoons nnd cool mornings; straw
berry picking nlmost completed; thoro
has been about half a crop; Iloyal
Ann ohorrlos beginning to ripen, yield
' Dixlo, Washington County, Cornel
ius Nelson. Weather favorablo for
all crops; grain, meadows, potatoos
and garden truck doing well; pastures
good; stook iu excellent condition;
fruit will bo light.
Woodburn(Klllott Prairie), Glacka
inns County, (loo. Pope. Stoady
growth has been maintained through
out tho week; grains ' u" kinds dot
ing well, nnd fail wheat, oats,'barloy
and ryo will mako a heavy crop; hay
cutting has commenced, but will not
bo general for tit least a week; nil
root crops doing well; pastures good
and stock fat.
llollfountuln, Denton County, X. O.
Dodge. Weather warm; fall grain
looks well, nnd spring grain looks mod
eratoly well; hops poor; pastures flno
and stock dolug uicely; gardens rather
poor; fruit source,
McCoy, Polk County, Jamos K.
StMirs.-W.nrui ami dry; grain making
good growth; hay harvest 'begun, crop
will bo largo; gardeus generally good
and growing rapidly; rain would be
beneficial; cherries about half a crop;
pastures good. ,
It docs not socm thnt tho losi of a
Httlo bunch of keys would bo a really
sorlous matter, yet a young Snlcmlte,
win? hns arrived nt that ago that ho is
watching his upper lip to sco whether
tho romarkablo growth is going to be
alfalfa or just common hay, is in deep
trouble over such a loss. Thcro nro
thrco keys on tho ring. Ono fits the
lock on his room, another holds tho
open aensamo to his trunk, whilo tho
third fits tho padlock that fastens his
boat to the shore. It is a bad combina
tion. Ho hns n dato with his best girl,
who lives somo placo botweon Salem
and Kola. Now tho Tsoys to his room
being gone ho can't got nt his trunk.
True, ho could break dWn tho dnnr or
climb over tho transom, only thoro ain't
any, but, ns ho has no trunk key,
"what's tho use!" His other shirt is
in tho trunk, and if ho smashed tho
trunk, whnt good would It do him with
his boat lookod to n balm-of-gilend tree,
which is tho only bnlm-of-giload which
enters into tho situation.' If ho ca,n't
get tho boat ho can't got his girl, nnd
if ho can't get tho girl, why spoil that
othor cl"an collar.
Timber Testing Station.
Dy act of tho last stato legislature a
timber testing stntion was established
at tho U. of O. Tho machinery is now
in Portlnnd, nnd tho plant will bo in
operation when tho school yenr be
gins. The United Statos government
will furnish nn nblo instructor in this
dopnrtmnnt. Thn testing stntion will
bo equipped with tho latest machines
nnd appliances necessary for testing
tho strongth of timber, stono nnd met-
Tho university Is indeed fortuunto in
having such a favorablo donartmont
nddod. Tho studonts now will havo an
ujcuiiunt opportunity 10 loarn mucu
nbout our grontost product.
Tho establishing of this testing plnnt
means very much for tho West. As it
now is tho Oregon nnd Washington
timber has novcr been thorouehlv test-
cd "by government ofllclnls. When tho
government orects nny buildings, it uses
only those kind of timber nnd stone
which it hns tostud. As a result of this
only Eastern nnd Southorn tirnbor is
used in tho construction of tho cov-
eminent buildings.. Hero in tho West, in
the midst of tho greatest and host tirn
bor bolt of tho world, Southorn nino
is shipped into build government build
ings simply liccnuso It has boon tostod,
nnd thoy know what it will stand, nnd
thoy know nothing nbout Western fir.
With tho establishing of a tostiue
plnnt nt tho univorsity. under Govern
ment instruction, all our wostorn ma
terial will bo thoroughly tested, and in
tho future Oregon flr will be used bv
tho govornmont in placo of Southern
pine. Thoy will ship our lumbor East,
in placo of shipping other lumber
West, nnd tho valuo of our greatest pro
duct will rlso materially.
Thero nro great quantities of stono
in tho West. Up to the prcsont thero
has boon nO( way of testing this, so it
has bcon used vorv little outside of its
own vicinity. This testing plnnt will
uotermino tho commercial valuo of this
rock, nnd will in nil nrobnbilltv causa
now industries to spring up.
Tho opening of theso industries will
call for poople to manage them. Tho
university, with its new courso of study,
wil 1 tumuli those men. Tho courso
will bo complete, so nny ono wlshlnc
to tako up tho course need not hesitate,
I or, both tho courso and opportunities
nro great, Alumni Number Orogon
Your Life
The power that gives .you
life and motion is the nerve
force, or nerve fluid, located jh
the nerve cells of the brain,
and sent out through the
nerves to the various organs.
If you arc tired, nervous,
irritable, cannot sleep; have
headache, feel stuffy, dull and
melancholy, or have neuralgia,
rheumatism, backache, peri
odical pains, indigestion, dys
pepsia, stomach troubleor the
kidneys and liver arc inactive,
your life-current is weak.
Power-producing fuel is need
ed ; something to increase nerve
energy strengthen the nerves.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Ner
vine is the fuel you need. It
feeds tire nerves, produces nerve
force, and restores vitality.
"When I tcan tnklnir Dr. Miles
rtestorntlve Nervine and Antl-Palir
Pills I was connncd to my bed. I
had severe nervous sprlls, the result
of two years Illness with malaria. I
gradually irrew so weak that I was
unable to sit up. The spells would
commence with cold chills, nnd I
would become w?ak nnd almost help
less. My circulation was poor. I
hnd doctored rlisht alonir but irrew
wcakor und weaken. The Nervlno
snemrd to strengthen me rlsTht away
nnd my circulation was better. I have
taken in nil seven bottles of the
Nervine, nnd I nm entlrclv well.''
P.08A. B. WKAVKH, Stuarts, In.
Dr. Mllei Nervine Is sold by your
druoolst, who will ouarantee that the
first bottle will benefit. If It falls, he
will refund your money.
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
dSjz ySL lfV
fojJbtXjr ft-.i 11 . VlllWJr1rllilllllil . a
Jn Mad Chase,
Millions rush in mad chaso after
health, from, one extreme of faddisin to
another, when, if they would only eat
good food, and keep their bowels regu
lar with Dr. King's Now Life PUls,
their troubles would all pass away.
Prompt relief and quick eura for tfver
and stomach trouble. S5o at J. O.
Perry's Drug Store
Reform School Supplies.
Sealed proposals aro hcrebv renuest-
od for furnishing the Oregon 8tato Ho
form School with supplies for tho next
six months, ending Docembor 31, 1005,
Lists with specifications will bo fur
nlshod upon application to the super
intendent. Didders will take notice there is no
appropriation available for raaintalu
aneo of the ltoforui School, therefore
claims for supplies can only bo ntfdlt
od by tho Secretary of State and cer
tificates of evidence, of allowaneo is
sued to clalmauts. As soon as there
Is an appropriation available warrants
will bo issued in lieu of the certifi
cate. Lists with specifications will
bo furalshod upon application to the
superintendent. All bk's mutt be in
by J6no SO, 100S.
0 17-td Superintendent.
Opposing Stenciled Piano.
Pinno dealers from afl parts of tho
country nro attondlng tho fourth nn
nual convention of their natioaal asso
ciation, which opened today nt tho Ho
tel Victory. James O. Miller, of Phil
adolphia, is presiding. Ono of tho most
Important subjects to bo discussed dur
ing tho thrco days tho convention will
continuo is tho nbolltlon of tho "stcn
cllod or Illegitimate piano" from tho
markot. Tho association will ondoavor
to act in such n manner thnt tho manu
facturer will bo compelled to assumo
tho responsibility fur goods thus placod
upon tho market by designating upon
tho Instrument the nnmo of tho actlvo
Hay Raisers
If you wjll lay asldo any projudlco or pro concolvod notions you toay have,
nnd tnko o look at all tho mowers on tho market, forgetting all about price,
tradition, 'hot nlr" or anything clse,slmply weighing mowing machines on
their merits, mechanically, you cannot fnil to dccldo on tho McCormick.
Then, if youSvlll remember that tho McCormlck.pooplo havo for seventy
odd years been learning how to make good maehlnory, and thnt tho vital
question of "extrns for old machines" is nlways taken caro of by tho Mc
Cormick peoplo in every section whero thoy do business, you will again vin
dicate your good senso bjr taking n machine thnt never leaves you in the
lurch with no ptfrts to bo hnd for your machine.
Samo tiling holds good nbout dump rakes. Co mo sad sec.
For Infanta and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bough)
Doors tho
Signaturo of
Just a Local Comment.
A woman in Truckoo, California,
tried to commit suicido by shooting her
self this morning. In n noto sho re
quested that ljer body bo burled in
linker City, Oregon. Knowing Truckoo,
wo ean find sufllciont roason for tho su
icidal attempt, nnd, knowing Dnker
City, wo realizo that tho woman bo
lioved in a futuro stnto of punlshmont.
In her search after Nirvana, hor noxt
movo will probably bo to Red Dluff or
Bids Invitod.
Scaled bids will bo received at tho
ofllco of tho superintendent of tho Oro
gon Stato Ponltontiary, at Salem, Oro
gon, until Thursday, Juno 22, 1005, at
1 o'clock p. 111., of said day, for the la
bor of tho convicts confined in said
ponltontiary, under tho provisions of
an act of tho legislature passed in
1805, and amendments tboroto, nnd for
tho fosndry plant belonging to' tho
state, and situated within the prison
walls. DIds to bo mado separately on
tho basis of a five or a ton-yoar lease,
beginning August 1, 1005, on blanks
which will be forwarded by the super
intendent ,oo application,
Knch bidder must enclose with his
bid a certified chock in tho sum of
$500 payable to the order of tho Super
intendent, to be forfeited to the State
in ease the bidder to which tho contrast
is let falls to onter into a eontraot, and
give tho bond required by the statttts
within ten days after the awarding of
tho contract.
flio right is reserved to reject any
nnd all bids.
Further information may be had, if
desired, by addressing' the superin
tendent. Dated at Salem, Oregon, May 22,
1005. 0. W. JAMES,
Sweep o "Buck" Rakes
Probnbly not olio 'hay raiser In Marlon nnd Polk counties usos anything to
bring his liny to baler or. stack, save tho cumbcrsomo nnd oxponsivo meth
od of pitching by hand onto n wagon, and pitching oft again nt the baler.
t A ' Middle State" farmer would laugh you to scorn for your expensive,
slow, old-fashioned method,
Wo wnnt to show you a sweep rake, with which a boy and team buriei
tho biggest power press in tho vnlloy under hny, and do it easily, taking
tho hay from tho windrow or shock, nnd it costs tho samo as a good dump
rake. Como nnd sco, if interested, and if tho rnko doesn't pny for Itself
In a week, In inonoy nctunlly savod, you may havo your money back.
F. A .Wiggins Implement House
Study the Map
Thirteen' states and territories of the Middle
West are traversed by Rock Island lines. There
are more cities of 25,000 population and upwards
on the Rock Island System than on any other
Western road I From Minnesota to Texas, from
the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is
Rock Island country. The Rcfck Island System
occupies a strategic position in the western
railway world.
Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder
and study the map ten to one your destination
is on the Rock Island or reached by way-of it.
Note our several offices maintained in the
Portland, Seattle, Spokane,
Butte and Salt Lake City.
The Rock Island is reaching out for busi
ness and solicits yours.
ah. Mcdonald,
Qeneral Agent, Rock Island Sjrstem,
140 Third Street, Portland, Ore.
During tho Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion tho O. 0, T. Co. will mako a 'rate
of 75 cents to Portland, round trip $L
Tiokots good for 10 days. Boats leav
ing daily, I
X 841, Ckkv-M, Sum i Stowm Vunnattm
uri isiwi Ta nil. so e.i s,-w 1 1 ;
fwuB iiwuw.1 SMfoaM. )bl Kt-U4
I UM 1 W. JlIUlaHind.utenilj
fcr Um .-.J Jttu vlNt U Ifec
UNlTKertiCDlCALCO..M(T4.UaAtnir. I
Sold la Slem by S, 0. Stone.
aMMlMf8MgtM i
Ladies' Mannish Shifts
Special Sale
Regolar $2,50 values, Pongee Silks now $.75.
They are pretty. The very latest styles. Ladles'
Mannish Shirts at $J.25. Linen colored lawn tegtsht
$J.75 for $1,25. Reduced prices on all oat Shift
Waists at 25c, 50c, 75c, $ and cp. Crash Stdtte
38c, Dacfc Skirts 75c. Reduced prices on ail Lawns,
Corset Cloths, White Goods and Dimities, Dry Goods,
Millinery and Clothing. .
298 and 300 Commprrinl Sh Salem