It BMWPHHH ZZ--i)aam rw5w! wreuijflsi jonlght and Wednesday, fair. JJLBT EDITION, 3:30- DAILY CAPITAL JOURN AT, VOL. XV. ' ' 1 SALEM, OltEdON, TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1005. OREGON LAND FRAUDS Ttial of Senato Mitchell Be- gan Today in Federal . Cotiflt Back of Honey alts Burns, chief of se cret icrvlco men. Tho prosecution all wear gray, tho defenso all In black. Court ndjournod to 2 o'clock, when the jury will bo drawn. Portland, Juno 20. Tho trial of tho land fraud cases began today, tho inl titl enso being that against Oregon's rtnerablo senator, John II. Mitchell, At in early hour tho room begnn to fill, tnil when at 0:30 tho court opened ev try seat was filled, nnd ovory foot of itandlng room was occupied. Thcro as a feeling of solemnity in tho air that was almost painful, and all teemed to ronllzo that a matter of his tory was about to bo mndc. Oregon's chosen political representatives wcro up for trial, and, indirectly, tho state was about to bo prosecuted. Awaiting tho coming of tho judga, yot alert, was an array of xcportors, stenographers nd cartoonists, each ready to pounco upon every detail nnd fcaturo of' tho trial. Senator Mitchell ennio in at , . ' . , , ,, , . , , , , Washington, Juno 20. Secretary later, court being called at 10 o'cock. ,.,.. . , , . ., . f .,. '. , , , . ... , , 1 Tnft 'a conclusions in tho Bowcn-Loomls iuo jury is it uuuv ui buiiu nnu suu WILL BUILD NAVY WILL DISMISS B0WEN Secretary Taft Decides that Loomls Is Innocent of Wrong Doing itantial looking 'men, worthy farmers. About one-third of the panol asked to be excused, making their requests pri vately to tho judgo nnd Mr. Ilcnoy, and 21 wero allowed to depart. Tho trial is tho most Important that over took placo in Oregon. In involves tho hon or nnd liberty of Oregon's senior sonn' tor, tho honor, in n sense, .of tho state, and the title to a million acres of pub lic lauds. Tho prosecution is conducted by V. 8. District Attornoy Honey nnd his as sistant, Hanks. Tho senator's counsel are cx-Unltcd States Senator Thurs ton, Judgo A. S. Bcnnott, of Tho Dalles, ono of tho nblest trlnl lawyers on the const, and tho senator's son-in-law Col. Chapman, of Tncoraa. Of tho 200 jurors called 1-12 respond ed to tho roll call of Marshall Itced. case, which was placed in tho hands of tho President last night, was the subject of tho discussion in today's cnblnot meeting. Tho secretary holds that Loomls is innocent of wrong do ing, but loaves it to tho Presidont to dctcrmlno tho question of tho dismissal of Bowon from the diplomatic service. Tho official announcement is expected this -evening; flow en hnd n-long-tnlk with tho President this morning, and on leaving ho alludod rather bitterly to tho fact that tho testimony in the case was not taken at 'Caracas, whero ill the documents on his sido of tho contro versy should bo obtained. The' genoral opinion is that tho President will do clde to dismiss Bowen. American Corporation Will Get Grip on Russia's Plant 8t. Petersburg, Juno 20. It is re ported that tho ship building works here will bo plnccd under tho super vision of tho United States steel cor poration for ten years, during which time tho rebuilding of tho Russian nn-"-will bo carried on. St. Petersburg, Juno 20. It is stated that Count Casslui, who has been trans ferred to Madrid, will remain in Wash ington until after tho pcaco conferonco is concluded. St. Petersburg, Juno 20. Advices from Vornosclk, in tho province of Khcrgen, stnto that during a demon stration by citizens, a company of Cos sacks charged tho crowd, killing 38 nnd wounding many others. u Baker City or Bust. Truekce, Calif., Juno 20. Mrs. Rob ert Burnotto attempted suicido this morning by shooting herself through the left lung. Tho loss of her husband caused tho deed. In a noto sho request ed lntcrmont at Dakcr City, Or. , Lands Across tho Sea, Paris, Juno 20. At n meeting of tho council of ministers held this morning, contrnry to custom, no statement was issued. It is bcliovod tho Morocan question was discussed. m NO. 1X LET THE FIGHT 1 GOON England Wants the Japs to Run Linevitch's Army off the Ear h St. Petersburg, Juno 20. A dispatch from London tho Novoo Vremyn states onlwhnt is declared to bo excellent nu thority that tho British government is advising Jnpan against an nrmlstlcc, Tho address says: "Russia is not con sidercd sufficiently weakened. Great Britain hopes Oyama would succocd in destroying Linevitch's army, and thus relieving her of a nightmare That army may bo shifted later to tho bor ders of Afghanistan for operations against India, JUST SIMPLY BEASTS JAPANESE ARE COMING Toklo, Juno 20. A lerlcs of confer ences of tho elder statcsmon of tho rfcblnot havo been held to consldor penco conditions, nnd tho election of plenipotentiaries. It is believed tho peace commission will bo completed in time to sail on tho Empress of India, June '30th, from Yokohama for Van couver. It is expected that tho party will number a dozen. In tho moan- tlmo military activities continuo, nnd Important developments in various di rections arc expected shortly. IwlGMSI . I 7' & I i (taV Mff i t. Thefeom NICE Try a pair of otttPackard $3.50 shoes for men and be coavjnceB that they ate as good as any $5.00 sneo you ever Bought Sold by G. W. JOHNSON & CO. Chicago Thugs Deliberately Brtfak a Laborer's Fingers Chicago, Juno 20. Early this morn ing Edward Blckott, a non-union driv er for tho National Express Company, was attacked on tho, Madison street brldgo by four men, with tho apparent purposo of maiming him. Thoy delib erately broko two flngors of his right hand, nnd inflicted four serious wounds on his head. Bickett is at a hospital in a serious condition. Ills assailants oscnped. DUBOIS AFTER MORMONS Of Course They Are Charger! With Polygamy-Loaded With It Phoenix, Ariz., Juno 20. Subpoe nncs havo been issued for 30 witnesses! to nppcnr nt tho trial" of several Mor mons in Apncho county, charged wltBi polygamy. It is understood that pros ecution is undertaken by tlio United States department of junttcc, nt tfc Instance of Senator Dubois, of Idabou Civil Engineers in gosslon. Cleveland, O., Juno 20. Tho annual convention of tho American Society of Civil Engineers is in session hero with ' an attendance of sevcrnl hundred of tho most prominent members of tho profession In tho United States and Canada. Tho gathering was opened this morning in tho nssembly room of the Ilollendcn hotel. Mayor Johnson doltvored tho nddress of welcome and response was mado by President J. C. Schneider, of Philadelphia. This afternoon tho visitors wcro taken for a rldo about tho city, Tho convention will continuo until Friday. INVITES OUR UNCLE SAM Washington, Juno 20, It Is ar nounccd by tho stato department t&Esi morning that this government hair re ceived nn 'invitation from tho Morrow can government to pnrtlclpato in 'tho conference of tho powers upon tho in ternational nffaira of that country. Un less tho invitation is unanimously ac cepted by the governments Invited tho , Unltod States will dcellna to participate. LITTLE WIDOW Shakes Hands With the Man Accused of Killing Her Husband HOPS AND OTHER CROPS 2,000,000 Independent 'Phonos. Chlcngo, Juno 20. Tho nnnunl con vention of tho National Interstato Tel ephone Association,' which Is tho organ ization of tho independent telephone companies of tho country, oponod in Chicago today, and will continuo for thrco dnys. Tho purposo of tho organ ization is to effect nmong tho various independent Interest a closer and moro militant organization for, success fully meeting opposition. Tho inde pendents now claim to havo 2,600,000 telephones nnd Invested capital of 280,000,0000 m against 1,800,000 oth er telephones und Invested capital of (400,000,000. Texas Christian Endeavorenr. Austin, Texas, Juno 20. Bcorc of enthuslnstlo young people nro gath ered in tho capital city for tho fif toonth nnnunl stnto convention of th Christian Endeavor Socloty. In addi tion to tho delegates tho visitors in elude a number of noted speakers, who aro on tho programme for address. Tho Initial fcaturo of tho gathering wa n "got acquainted" meeting this af ternoon. Tho formal ppenlng inks placo this evening nnd tho proceed ings will continuo until Fridny. Will Wed. County Clerk Itoland issued a lltero yesterday 'to John llortol nnd LudgnruT Wltzel to wod. Jftocess; WhiXE;HoUS 5ItOJE3JX)IlWOMEN Remarkable Results f torn. the Ladies9 Btown's Pro cess Turn Sole Shoe Twice the wear of a welt sole, is the Port we receive from customers, who we wearing them.. That's much better " we expected, but actual service roves it to be a fact. The sole Is the ideal of flexibility " having no insole ia lighter than a U, bnt ia appearance can hardly be 4t1aguihed from tho "Qoodyear shoe. r prices at 2.G0 and $2,95 bring a within the reach of alL f Barnes' Gash Store the only itore ia Balem that hai ttem, & T. BARNES, PROP. Bakersfleld, Cal., Juno 20. After be ing out four hours, the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty in the caso of Newt Walker, charged with the mur der of Davo Burton and Jas. Bagsby, nt Havilah. After tho jury rendered tho verdlet, the widow of Burton stepped up to Walker and warmly shook bis band. To a reporte she said: "You may say I am in sympa thy with tho defense. Does that sound romawtic to youf" Dowie to Besiege Paris, John Alexander Dowie will try to drlvo sin sin from Paris, and is now en gaged In gathering among tho faltbtul in Zion the legions for his ."French res toration host," which will descend on the French capital. The invasion will beirin as soon as Dr. Dowie can raise $200,000 and get togetuer 3wu men. The invasion will bs similar to the one in New York, but no women will be taken with the party. Kitty Van Duser Weds. 'London. June 20. The wedding of Miss Catherine Sayre Van Duser, of New York, to Allan Bruce Miller took place today at St. Peter's, Craney Gar, dens. After the ceremony me gnesi mliourned to No. 2-i. Cadogan Gardens, where an elaborate reeeption was held. new steel floating dry dock built by tho Maryland Steel Company for tho uso of the navy at Olongapo, P. I., the largest dock of Its kind ever con structed, is to havo its first practical test today in the docking of the ar mored cruiser Colorado. Tho navy de partment has decided to dock tho ar mored oruiser first, as its greater weisht i wore evenly distributed on the dock by reason of its length. If tho cruiser is successfully docked the battleship, Iowa will bo docked later in the week. In this seeond trial the strain will be moro concentrated than with the cruiser. Yea, it is rery warm in the dty now, and THE SPA t resort that U always cooi, " with the cooling capacity of onr new fountain, we can make drinks to pieaie you. Lemon ice today. THE SPA 382 State Street. W. T. Stelz. P. Q. Myeri. TO TEST THE NEW 1 1 Iff 111 II .ft I Woodburn. Juno 20. fSncelan- a trip over jTcncn rraino snows mo follovrina cron conditiens: Thorn arn Washington, D. C, Juno 20. Tho some poor hop yards. Yenrling yards1 i Jli -1 .1 1. 1... til 1... Inilil aM Vni1l nA nf ilila 1naa . .1 U VIM JMMin UIU VI ItllO (IHDSt A ITU UIIU three-year-old yards nro mostly very rood. I Snrlnir oats nro rustlnir. Soma fletili are nearly ruined. Winter onts and winter wheat is nearlv nil. vorv iroml. All snrlnir irrain will bo short, extent , ., ,, - -w , -j-- ( wuero got. in on janu tnat was not worn out.. The cherry crop is very good. Not many prunes raised here. Tho npplo crop is good. Hoed crops aro nil ex cellent. Potatoes will bo a blir cron. but short on acreage. K. HOFKIt. STAYT0N IS A DAISY Judco Bill Oueennr. Mix n.m.ll. HaYSeed exnoundur nt law nn.l nala - CU-... !-. . . . ! uta;iuu jirccmci, was in lown to day, and joyfully reports that every thing up in that neck of timber is love ly. He says the initial steps have been taken for the building of the new woolen mill at that place, which 1 to cost over (50.000. It la to 1 lu..i just above the mill, and great things i "jiccieu ior oiayion rrom tnls en terprise. It is to be built of stone, the same as' the new bank building, and County Surveyor Herriek is on the ground setting the nins for the faun. dation. The contract was let veiler. day for the work. Oftgj Tei&8& President's Vacation Delayed. Washington, D. C, June 20. The ar rival of hot weather has been marked by the usual exodus of Wasbingtonlans to their summer retreat by mountain or seashore. Those who have not al ready taken their departure are plan nine to do so at an early date. The President expected that this was to be bis last day in the oapltal until after his vacation at Oyster Bay, but the delicacy of the situation in relation to alfalrs in tho Far East has made nec essary a change in bis plans. He will leave here this evening, according to bis original schedule, to attend the com mencements of Clark University and Williams College. But. instead of pro ceeding from Massachusetts to Qyster Bav he will return directly to Wash ington, remaining thero nearly a week before going to Massachusetts again to attend the Harvard commencement. After attending the exercises at Har vard be will proceed to his summer borne. Cotton Seed Oruiserf. GalvMton. Texas, June 20. TIA Texas Cotton Seed Crushers' Aaoseia tlon began its annual meeting in this city today, the session being held in Cathedral ball. The association, em braces all the oil mills in Texas, Okla homa and Indian Territory, TOMQRROW ONLY Wednesday Special No. 233 For tomorrow's sclllug wo offer bright, brand now patterns ' ROBBINET CURTAINS Both in flat and ruflled, finished with battonburg braid, 3 yards long, 44 inches wide' and aro regular $1.7J nnd $2.00 values, Wednesday only $J.50 PHENOMENAL SALE Of Ladies' Mohair Suits Onto again wo demonstrate our ability to save you considerable money on your garment purchases. Everyone is dependablo quality, made up in the newest approved style. lie Was a Bird. A Nebraska boy shot at a bird and hit the town loafer. Feeling that they bad to act in the case, the autboiities fined the boy 1 for violating the law prohibiting shoo tins at blrdf. The Ne braska idea is sever a failure. m ii Chicago Market. Chicago, Juno 20. Wheat 8T4 89; corn tZMt oats ZQ 31. 935.00 VALUES REDUCED TO. 930.00 VALUES REDUCED TO. $20.00 VALUES SEDUCED TO. $20.00 VALUES DEDUCED TO. 17.50 -915,00 $10.00 $10.00 JAPANESE BILK WAISTINaS. New silk walstlags with red, navy and resedor polka dots. New est effects for shirt waists. 50c a yd PASTA MACK FOE BATH AND TOILET UOB. Pasta Mack softens the hardest water Immediately, thus rendering it more suitable to wash iu. If fre quently used it beautifies the com plexion, giving to the skin a soft, white and velvet like appearance. At our toilet good counter, tl.OOMf fox r I i m m wsawww ""'.' a-u ..... AtntniA tltt VltT .. AM CHHJDX' FLAX i --irw t-- - -g- WIHH v. . i -. Men's Summer Clothes To be bad bore in great variety. Wo might mention one of tho grand values shown here. A fine light mixture homespun sask suit, eoat skeleton lined, pants cut peg top style, cuff at bottom, belt strap. An ideal suit tor outing wear. $8.50 Other value glfl.50- MefaPtealLatiWrt In the new Tuxtdd, Modern an Chicago last. $3.50 $4.00 n