Tonight and Tuesday, fair. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. XV. NORWAY AND THE SWEDE Prince Carl Will Be the Fig ure Head of Norwegian Craft Stockholm, Sweden, Juno 10. Tho government motion for presentation to tho Itlcksdng, when It nssombles Juno 30th, was read for final adoption by tho council of stato today. It Is n volum inous recapitulation of tho history of tho union, and Swedish rights under it. London, Juno 10. Tho Copenha gen correspondent of tho Dnlly Mnll learns that n majority of tho members of tho Swedish Rlcksdng aro ready to accopt King Oscar '8 third son, Prlnco Knrl, na king of Norway, provided tho Norweginn government will demolish tho fortifications on tho frontier nnd enter into an arbitration treaty with Sweden. f. Baseball and Water. Salt Lake, Utah, Juno 10. Tho Ta ctile National Loaguo disbanded last sight, after n mooting of tho directors. Tho lcaguo consisted of Salt Lake, Og den, Boiso and Spokane The congressional committoo on Ir rigation and reclamation of arid lands left this morning for Utah county to inspect four proposed projects, Involv ing 300,000 acres of land and costing $11,500,000. Tomorrow they lcavo for Idaho. v Bishop Hargrove, Retires. Nashville, Toun., Juno 10. Bishop II. K. Hnrgrovo presented his resigna tion as prcsidont of tho board of trus tees of the Vandcrbilt University at tho annual meeting of tho board to day. Tho names of sovcral bishops of tho M. K. church, South, aro mentioned in connection with tho succcssorshlp to Bishop nrgrovc, and tho chief candidato appears to bo Bishop Gnllowny, of Jackson, Miss. . Tho nnmos of Bishop E. K. Hoss, of Dallas, Toxas, nnd J. It. Ilcnrix, of Kansas City, aro also mentioned. Nicholas Getting Tame. St. Petersburg, Juno 10. Emperor Nicholas received tho Zomstvos depu tation this morning, IWlWam Process. J& Mr xk FLEXIBLE SOLv White .Houap SHOE! FOR. WOMEN Remarkable Results itotn the Ladies Bown's Pro cess Tun Sole Shoe Twice tho wear of a welt sole, la the "port we receive from customers who re wearing them.. That's much better Wan we expected, tut actual service proves it to be a fact. The sole Is the ideal of flexibility " having no insole la lighter than a welt, but In appearance can hardly be distinguished from the "Goodyear Welt" shoe. Our prices at $2.60 and $2.95 bring ttu within the reach of alL Barnes' Cash Store I the only store In Salem that has them. E. T. BARNES, PROP. TWENTY THOUSAND VICTIMS Chicago Get Rich Quick Con cern Has Long String of Suckers Chicago, Juno 10. Tho investigation of tho affairs of tho Continental Fnanc Ing Company, which is being conducted by Attorney-General 8otad, ha9 devel oped the fact that tho concern, which is charged with operating a "get rich quick" scheme, had moro than 20,000 subscribers, paying from GO cents to $5 a month. Tho only assets thus far discovered is $34,000 in unsecured notes. MITCHELL IN COURT Portland, Juno 10. Scnntor Mitchell appeared in tho federal court this morn ing and entered n plon, in person, of not guilty to complicity in tho lnnd fraud cases, in which ho pleaded last week, through his attornoy, thcro being a question of tho legality of tho former proceedings. Land Commissioner Rich ards and other witnesses havo arrived from Washington to nttend tho trial, which opens tomorrow, KILLED BY COSSACKS Warsaw. Poland, Juno 10. Two wero killed and 30 wounded in a conflict bo tween troops and socialists at Lodz yesterday. Tho Cossacks stopped a pro cession of 2000 socialists, who fired up on tho soldiers. Tho Cossacks fired and then charged with drawn swords. Tho disturbances woro renewed this morning. A SPARK TO FUEL Llmah, Ohio, Juno 10. Lightning this morning struck tho tank of the Sclor refinery, containing over 33,000 barrels of naptba, which was burned. Tho loss is n qunrtor of a million. Centennial Celebration. Wntortown, N. Y., Juno 10. This week marks tho contennlal of tho or ganization of Jefferson county, and, in accordauco with plans that have been making for nearly n ush ered in a big celebration of tho anni versary. Tho town is gayly decorated in honor of tho occasion, and many visitors aro here. Tho festivities will extend over the greater part of the week. Wholosale Grocers in Session. Norfolk. Vn.. June 10. Several hun- drod of tho most prominent whole grocers of the South are gatucreu in Norfolk for the nnnunl convention of thnlr assoolation. Tho eatbering will be in session threo days, President J. A. Van Hoso presiding. Tho business of tho convention will be confined to the discussion of various matters re lating to the wholesale grocery trade. Sickness in Panama. Washington, Juno 10. Governor M(?oon reports threo new cases of yel low fever on the isthmus, and two deaths, all Americans. Five yellow ttcr patients have recovered. Panama, Juue 10. Governor Magoon has been taken 111 with malarial. The report of his illness caused rouchh ex citement among canal employes, many holding Important positions resigning. muni une t iniM"-H FRESH TODAY LOG CABIN CREAMS : : TAFFY &PENOTIA : AT ZilMl's j; 478-180 STATE 333 OODBX. ; ; fmimii iff" in mf SIMPLY HAVE TO READ IT Like Frenzied Lawson, a Vasty Deep of Froth and Wind Chicago, June 10. It is reported in federal circles today that tho grand jury, when it convenes Wednesday, will voto on 33 indictments, which aro now being drawn tip by Assistant Attornoy Pngln and Stnto's Attornoy Morrison. It is understood that, in addition to prominent packers nnd employers, sov cral connected with prlvnto car monop olies, will bo included in tho indict ments. Chicago, Juno 10. Robert J. Thorn, of Montgomery, Ward & Co., who was a witness boforo grand jury today in tho labor graft inquiry, nnd members of other largo business concerns will bo called upon to testify. It is reported that additional ovidenco tending to glvo corroboration to tho ehargo that n conspiracy oxistcd between employers and strlko leaders was today given to tho jury Stnto's Attorney Healcy and his assistants. Oheioo It May Not Bo So. Chcfoo, Juno 10. Kuropcnn nnd American firms which havo established houses at Port Arthur havo been noti fied by Japan that thoy mutt lcavo tho town nnd removo their merchandise Try a pair of out Packard $3.50 shoes for men and be convinced that they are as good as you ever bought Sold by G. W. JOHNSON &CO. LITTLE SEEDS OF TROUBLE Supreme Court Admits Class of Young Hustlers to the Bar Tho following law students, who took tho examination, for admission boforo the supremo court last Monday, nro now all full-fledged lawyers, oxcept tho two minors, Beckwith and Lane, who passed, but, not being of age, cannot be admitted: Adolph Abbey, Portland, J. Albert Beckwith ( a minor), Port land. John T. Cuhlin, Portland. Joseph T. Kills, Portland. W, II. Kvans, Portland. S. F. Fouts, Portlnnd. John W, (Jraham, Portland. . L. L. Hartley, Portland. Hen Irwin, Portland. George J. Kelly, Portland. Albert B. Johnson, Portland, II. F. Latourotte, Portland. M. Mosessohn, Portland. W. C. Prultt, Portland. Clyde Richardson, Portland. Frank B. Itutborford, Portland, W. II. Stivers, Portland. Arthur R. Stringer, Portland. George L. Iiernler, Salem. B. N. ailllngham, Salem. It. M. Hofer, Salem. Walter E. Keys, Bulem. James A. Lane (a minor), Oral, Paul M. Long, Salem. Osear L, Norton, Salem. It. J. Buowsky. George W. Graff. John C. MeCue. W. II. Ragsdale. Carlyle T, Travis. Oregon Suburban Auto Co. Automobile ear leaves Willamette Hotel for Independence dally at 7 -m. and 3:30 p. m. Beturnlng leaves In dependence at 8s30 andS p. m. Con nects at Independence with motor for Monmouth, Dallas and all point on West aide. 8peclal for evening parties. 6-17-tf M- P. BALDWIN, Mgr. Excursion Bates. SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JtTNE 10, 1005. UNCLE COLLIS' METHODS Do not Store Freight but Charge for Wharfage Cheerfully Washington, D. C, Juno 10. Tho in' torstnto commcrco commlsslftn has re ceived a complaint from tho Pnclflo Const Jobbers', association against tho Southern Pacific. It complains that tho road formcrlly brought nil freight originating boyond tho boundary of California, nnd destined for San Fran cisco, to tho east sido of San Francisco bay, nt Oakland, whenco it was trans ported by ferry to Snn Frnncisco, whoro it had to pay n water front toll of flvo cents per ton for tho uso df whnrves. This toll was charged to nil shippers, and when tho company com pleted its lino to Snn Frnncisco it con tinued to collect tolls from all ship pers, in nddition to tho regular freight rntcs. Tho complninnnts ask that tho road be compelled to desist from charg ing tolls, nnd to mnko restitution of money wrongfully collected, Tumors In Indiana. Indianapolis, Juno 10. Delegations of Turner nssoclntions from various clticslaro arriving in tho city for tho athletic festival of tho North American Oymnnstio Union, which begins tomor row. Tho city is gaily decorated. Among tho arrivals aro turners ropro senting Los Angeles, Snn Diego nnd Snn Francisco, any $5.00 shoe 1 WITH MUSIC AND PRAYER Tho power of gospel nnd Bong, ns presented by tho gifted nnd nblo evan gelists, Dr. S. M. Martin nnd Prof. Charles K, McVny, at tho Christian pa vilion, has reached tho hearts and lives of thousands of Salem people, many scores of whom havo been led to "ro pont, believe and bo baptized," Tho sorvlcos yesterday were In keeping with tho great progress made, and tho pa vilion was packed. Tho morning sor mon was 'Consecration," nnd by many was considered the most touching and powerful sarmon listened to sinco Dr, I Martin has been hero. Tho afternoon addross was "Idolutry In Salem" and. the evening sermon was a most master-1 ful effort, the subject being "Science) und the Bible." Thus far there have, bean 118 additions to the ehurch. At the olose of the services last night! those who had been baptized since tho meeting began camo forward and in-1 traduced to the congregation, I The musle by the chorus was splendid J at yesterday's services, and Mr. Me- Vay'a solos were worthy of blgu praise. The duet by Mis Jennie Williams and Mr- MeVay last night was rendered In a beautiful manner, their voice blend ing exeellontly. Tonight will be the musleal and elo cutionary entertainment by Prof Me Vay and Dr. Martin. Musical Becital Tonight. The musical recital this evening, at the Baptist church, will prove a gen uine treat to nil musle lovers. The numbers are by Mis Vera Byars and Nina Peart Jobson, of the post-graduate class of the Northwestern Normal Cellego of Music, 55. M. Parvin, direc tor, assisted by Mis Gertrude Jonhson. The program is a splendid one, and will undoubtedly cause the church to be erowded. Quaker City Busy. Philadelphia, June 19. Dfrcctor Pot ter this morning asked for the resig nation 'of Isaac Fleming, foreman of the bureau of city property. SCHLITZ MEETS SCHMITZ Printing Pressmen's Union Made Welcome by San Francisco's Mayor San Frnncisco, Juno 10. Tho nnnu nl convention of tho International Printing Pressmen's Union opened this morning. Mayor Schlltz, in an ad dress of welcome, took occasion to criticise, by inference, Secretary Taft, for tho Inttor's stand on tho Chinoso oxcluslon question. Ho declared tho Chinese exclusion to bo fully as impor tant to tho Fast in tho very near futuro as it is to tho West nt present. Nomi nations Of officers tnkes plnco this af ternoon, nnd tho indications point to n hard fight between Martin Hlgglns, of Boston, tho present Incumbent, nnd Frank Pnmpush, of Denver, with tho chnnccs in Pnmpush 's favor. May They Never Got Looso. London, Juno 10. A dfspntch to Itcutcr'a from St. Petersburg says it is reported from Manchuria that tho Rus sians hnvo enptured Llao Yong, Wo Peng nnd Sunicncheng, from whero thoy were driven Friday by tho Jnpnncso troops. National Guard Officers Meet. St. Paul, Minn., Juno 10. Tho ndju-tant-gcncrnl nnd militia officer of many states nro gnthorlng in St. Paul for annual convention of tho Interna tional Guard Asosclntion. Tho conven tion will bo in session threo days, and from all indications will be of great interest and importance to thoso inter ested in tho affairs of tho national guard, Ono of tho most important questions boforo tho convention is tho advisabili ty of nsklng congress to lncrenso tho nnnunl appropriation for tho ranlnto nnnco of the national guard of tho sov cral states from $1,000,000 to $li,00O, 000. Members of tho n.itlonal asssocla tlon mnlntuin thnt an lncrenso in tho appropriation is necessary to put tho guard in good condition. Under tha Dick law, passed by congress two years' ngo, tho national guard is made tho sec ond dofonso of tho United States, rank ing next to tho regular nrmy, nnd in conformity with its important standing it is deemed necessary that tho guard bo fully equipped and kept in an excel lent stato of discipline ' Elpper" Tut to Death. Osslning, N. Y., Juno 10. F.mll Tot term a n, a Swedish sailor, was put to death in tho electric chair in Sing Sing prison nt an enrly hour this morning. Tottermnn murdered Sarah Murtin, n woman of tho streets, In n lodging liouso In Now York City on December 10, 1003. Tho crlmo was of the "Jack-the-lllppcr order, anduttracted groat attention nt the time. TfjOf? Wednesday Only W RUFFLED CURTAINS tgl Both in flat nnd ruffled, finished with battenburg braid, 3 yard leng, 44 inches wide and are regular 1.75 and 8j00 value. A splendid opportu nity to fit up your bed room windows at a trifling cost $J.50 SEE BIG AD ON PAGE THREE f JJiBT EDITION, 3(30- NO. 142. FIRST SECOND THIRD Germany Captured All the Prizes in the Race for the Kaiser's Cup Heligoland, Gcrmnny, Juno 10. la the rnco from Dover to Heligoland fer tho Kaiser's cup, tho German schooner Susnnno finished first today, tho Ger man yawl Thesis second, tho German schooner Nnvnhoo third, nnd tho Kng II sh schooner Sunshlno fourth. Tho Susnno finished in 40 hours 43 mlnutesy 40 seconds. Marshall's Atlnntte won tho rnco in tho nuxllllnry yacht's raeo. Tltno 41 hours, 20 minutes, 43 seconds, o CHICAGO STRIKE ENDED Teamsters Are Trying to Get Their -Old Positions Again Chicago, June 10. According to rep resentatives of employers thcro has) been a serious break in tho tcamstera' strlko today. Scores of strikers hnvo applied for their old jobs, nnd employ crs assert that 33 per cont of tho driv ers for tho oxprcss companies havo asked for positions, nnd, falling to got them, havo boon seeking recommenda tions to other compnnies. Tho depart ment stofo drivers havo applied for tholr former positions. Tho old onv ploycs of tho conl companies nnd other roncerns havo bocn trying to nrrange for a ro-lnstatemonl n soon as tho-i strlko is called off, Gcncrnl Agent Tay lor at tho Amorlcnn Hxpress Company, declnred thnt tho company was hcslcgct) by strikers seeking recommendation for work, but that thnt eompapy had not taken back any old men. I n m Southern Bangerfeat, Memphis, Tenn., Juno 10. Tho Amer can nnd Gorman natlonnl colors aro much in ovidenco in Memphis today, tho occasion bolng tho opening of the German Bangcrfcst of tho Southern dis trict. Delegations of singers hnvo ar rived in largo numbers, nnd everything is readiness for tho inltlnl concort to night. Now Orlcnns, Chattanooga, Blrmlnghnin, Llttlo Hock, Cairo nnd numerous other cities uro represented among tho visitors. During the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion the O. O, T. Co. will mako a rat of 70 cents to Portland, round trip 41. TIckots good for 10 days. Boats leav ing dnlly. reMSS( Special Sale No. 233 For our next Wednesday Bargain 3ale we offer handsome, brand new BOBBINET OUBTAINS . -r r- I J iHvr .it ,'j Aai;i;'a.