Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 17, 1905, LAST EDITION, Image 8

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    iiTwa rM'nrroiniwnriiiiiBiSa
slmilatlng ihcFoodaruincguIa
llng ihc Stomachs andBowcIs of
Promotes Digc8lion.ChrcrfuI
ncss and Itest.Conlalns neither
Opium.Morpltlne norMinexaL
Hot Hxitc otic .
flatJi -Sad'
Cfanntd fart?
Apcrfccl Remedy forConsUpn
Hon. Sour Stomach, Diorrhocn
Worms .Coimilsions.FcvcrJsh
nc83 ond LobsofSixeh.
TacSlwito Signature of
BCT t MKCi.yBii UmI
t Gold Dust Flout 1
ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
gon. Mado for family use. Ask
your grocer for It. Drop and
borts always on hand.
P. B. Wallace
Reg. No.
Sired by Hod Hoart 2:10Vi, tbo siro of Chain Shot 2:00t
Rod Seal 2:10, Etc.
Dam ALICE M. (trial) 2:25.... by Mnrk Field (son of Oco. Wilkes),
Dam of Hod Seal 2:101- stro of Daisy FJolds 2:08V4, Mara,
lawood 2i10Vj. brlno Hold, 2illVi, etc.
Second dam DAY BELL by Advance, clro of Mnlraslca 2s25,otc,
Dam of Vorltas 2il0, Viludox 2:20Vi.
Third dam daughter of Tlppo &ib, n thoroughbrod.
USD HEART Is by liod Wilkos, out of Swoothoart, by Sultan; second
dam Mlnnohnha, tho dara of Beautiful Dolls, etc, RED SEAL stands
13.1, compactly built, with great quality and a suro siro. of great
speed Ho will tnoko tho soason of 1003 at tho
Terms $40 Season
With tho usual roturn privilege Good pasturago at reasonable
ratos to mares sent from a distance.
MSOKlMMWMMWs!MM4'::rf;;0llty fr tiuAltt "i ''"j""
nmong their rnco n courso of illustrated
Save tho fronts of tho Fackagos. Wo
I lnfmninifll
K villi 'vllJIH
.rvcrrwr rpowtsi fupfat
s1 A -"
Package 20c
us five S-cent stamps and wo will, send B&tnplu Package prepaid,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
, Ntwocmr.
4IH IIM8MI t 188 II IIM-
I New Langc Hotel J
Corner Sixth and Washington
streets, Portland, Or., (noxt to I
Imporlal). Strictly fireproof and T
modern, nates lowest for flrsb
class service. Stoam boat and
clovator, elegant cafo and bar
in connection. On direct lino to
fair grounds. P. Lango, proprie
tor; Hum Bauuian, manager, for
merlv of Omaha, Nob.
Tri'l 2:06
Rcc 2:1 0
h ft IfV
SAM CASTO, Faff Grounds, Of. S
pay money for tho THREE Ss.
- tn- nuTiig AiiIIh 1
iO pound sack 65c
B. B. B.
Floar Co.
Chinese Raise Military Com
panies and Go Through '
Regimental Drill
Other Newsylltcms From the
Big Money Centers on
Other BSlde
New "i oik, .Tunc 17. There is no llt
tlo excitement in Chinatown oyer the
visit of the head of tho Chincso Re
form association, who lias just nrrlvod
In Now York after, a tour of tho chief
cities of tho country. Tho principal
purpose of his visit Is to review tho
Chinese regiment which has been
formed here. Tho Bjectnclo of n. Chi
ncso regiment on parade, fully equip
ped' nnd officered and displaying both
tho dragon flng and tho Stars ami
Stripes of tho United States, promiscM
to bo decidedly unique nnd interesting.
It Is roportcrt tlint thoso martini Mon
gols havo beon carefully drillcl nnd
tlint tho Chinese consul, who recontly
reviewed tho regiment nt Its Mott
Htrcrt headquarters, expressed hitf ap
proval of tho show in unmeasured
terms. There Is considerable specula
tlon, humorous and otherwise, as to tho
meaning of tho military fervor of t lie
fhinumen hero and" elsewhere. One
Htnry him it that tho lender of tho
Chinese Reform association In noting
under Instructions from tho dowager
empress: in perfecting theso military
organizations throughout tho country,
and tho horrid thought preys upon the
mind of ono commentator tlint tho
dowager 'a purpose is to form an army
of laundr.vmcn, fan tan dealers, chop
suey housekeepers nnd other indus
trious donlzons of tho Flowery King
dom sojourning with us, nnd then turn
them loom in an attempt to annex 'tho
country to Chirui. According to n Chi
natown authority, (JIHH) Cliinumon nre
now drilling in various parts of ltho
country, mul many moro will bo added
until a fornudiiblo army is organized.
Aroused by tho energy of tho Now-
port News Dry Dock 4- Shipbuilding
company, which in building tho battle
ship Louisiana at Newport News, work
mon nt tho local navy ynrd will work
from now on night nnd day to complete
tho battleship Connecticut for tho
government before- the southern ship
builders can finish tho Louisiana. Tho
commissioning of tho Connecticut ds
booked for September. Tho yard ofll
clals boliovo that tho chuncoA for the
Connecticut being ready to go into
commission before the Louitdann aro
excel lent.
Tho Charity Organization Sooloty's
Commlttoa on tho Prevention of Tuber
culosls has organized n sub-commlttco
of 21 colored physicians and clergy
men to fight tuberculosis among the
colored peoplo of this city, ami thu
health board litis put Its dispensary un
der tho supervision of tho medical
iiioiiiIhth of tho mib-committce for
throe evenings a week. In addition
to nirordlng tho colored physicians
lectures dealing with tuborculoflis will
bo given In the colored churches, Tho
socloty bolleves that work along this
lino Is needed boforo much can bo dono
to lwMoti tho number of tuberculosis
wises In New York. There aro be
tween (10,000 ami (H5,000 colored per
sons in this city, and their death rate
from tuberculoid Is 5.33 per 1,000, as
ngniiMit 8.37 per 1,000 among the
whites, showing plainly that tho
stronghold of tuberculosis is in tho
colored population.
lltet boenuso n baby lives in It, n
house on Hnlidun hill Is to bo one
of tho show places in Newport this
Quimuor. Tho uVulllng is the homo of
the "mUllou-dollar baby," John
NishulnH Drown, mid in building it
John's oonifort wax the first consider
ntlon. To what an extont his hoalth
nnd surrourullngs aro studied may be
judge) from the fuet his day nmV night
uniforlos and tho room for his nurses
nrA in tho fr.)nt of tho hniiRii. nlmrA
I - " '
'the little bov's a.s mux- roam over
wldo prop,t of harbor and the
1m.v beyond. The houso is built in the
fonn of a T, nnd the few guests who
visit Mm, Brown will have to be con
t wiled In tho guost rooms In the ex
touston Ih the rear,
Tliero Is nu oldorly widow in society
w'lift?o hoart is bigger than hor in
fenip nnl who gwns some beautiful old
into. Whenever one of her young girl
friends is to bo married and cannot
nJrU$4?S!f.qf Jyr&bHnS Bwn the
kindly wtilow lakes tho laco fronv) her
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
Bow To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and Jet it stand tweuty-fonr bout's J
tlingindicntcsnn unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys; if It stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order,
What To Do.
Tlicrc la comfort in the knowledge so
oftcrT expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to bold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpjpasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up tunny
times durine the night. The mild and
tbc extraordinary effect of Swnmp-Root
Is soon realized. It stands the highest
for its wonderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. Sold by drug
gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes..
You may nave a snuipia uuu; i)
boot tuat tens an
about it, both sent free
by mall. Address Dr.
Kilmer &
Co.. Bine-
hnmton. N. Y. When nomotBwap-Rot
writing mention this paper nnd don't
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp-Root, and
the address, Hlnghanitoii, N, Y.
treasure box nnl londs It to tho bride.
Up to tho present 20 brides havo worn
that lace nnd overy one of tho scoro is
firmly convinced that sho Is tho only
person, except tho widow, who has
used It. f
To tlioso interested in the sociolpgl-
cnl questions of prison reform, tho fact
that tho porolo system hns met with
pronounced success In this city will bo
welcomed. Tho idea had its inception
horo nnd wns afterward carried out
throughout tho stnto. Only 15 per
cent of tho men paroled In the four
yenrs tho law" has been in effect hnve
proved delinquent under tho opportuni
ty given them to lend honest lives out
side. Tho disgrace of conviction in
many first cases brings tho denlro to
livo honest lives, and just t far nsjtho
board of pnrnlo believes tlint desire to
be genuino and strong, nnd as fast as
employment outsido enn be found for
tho prisoners, they aro released an, pa
role. Tho work of tho present board
is commended by its gcnornl results
mid by tho fact that, while, the board
has paroled many young offenders, It
refused clemency to "Al" Adams, tho
policy king, who had ovory influcnco
oxcopt a good record to plead for him.
Many of tho prisoners get tholr first
oxperieneo of regular labor in prison,
nnd its moralizing nnd steadying, In
flucnco is ono' of tho most powerful
ngencles for reform.
Any collection that Mrs. John R.
Drexel undertakes is bound to bo worth
looking nt, and tho assortment of pend
ants which sho hns recently gathered
proves to bo no oxcoptlon. So beautl
fill aro many of tho specimens that
thero Is often a suspiciously greenish
glitter In tho eyes of her friouda who
aro privileged to behold thtm which
Is not duo to tho reflection east by
judo or emeralds; either. Soino of them
aro plntn gold, vnluablo for their curl
bus ehnslngs, whllo others aro fash
ioned as flowers, with petals of tinted
enamel and) jeweled' centers. On ono
little purplo velvet cushion, lying
peacefully sido by sldo Is a Japanese
figure carved in jado nnd n. little de
sign cut in ivory which represents n
peasant in sabots pushing n wheelbar-
Jrow filled with little blue stonos. This
Mrs. Drexel picked up in Russia.
Pendants aro perhaps tho most favored
form of jewelry this sonson, so this cob
lection, besides being a delight to look
upon, oan bo put to pinetiool purposes,
providing tho wonrlng of suoh jewels
can eomo within tho meaning of a
ppiatieul purpose.
Torture of a Preacher.
The story of the torture of Rev. O.
D. Moore, pastor of tho Baptist church,
of Harpersville, N, Y., will interest
you. He says; "I suffered agonies,
because of a persistent cough, resuming
from grip. I had to sleep sitting up in
bod. I tried many remedies, without
relief, until I took Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption Coughs and
Colds, which entirely cured my cough,
and saved me from consumption." A
grand cure for diseased conditions of
Throat and Lungs. At J. C, Perry's
Drug Store. Pries QOe and $1.00, guar
antced. Trial bottle free.
K-CrJUhl-'- !; "k- l-t4Ut?k lwiU
L. it flXtt i f-lllilll.vriri, ilwmiJif
It. 1UCD U4 UU. wulU. fe. fitA
KttttM UK tm. IbtlM iwS t-kllX I'Z
1 D.f mml .,-w-..--..- ...... .
For Sale. Sovon-room rcsldenco, bam,
large half block, oloctrlc lights, bath,
hot and cold city water. E. Hofor,
Journal office
For Solo. Small dry fur wood, at $3.25
por cord. Phono Black 2001. T. L.
Davidson, Jr., Mornlngstdo. l-20tf
For Sale. Flvo or ton-nero place, first
class improvomonts. Closo to school,
church, postofflco nnd railroad,
dress "X," caro of Journal.
For Salo. Two lots, with now house
nnd bnrn, good Improvements. At n
bargain. Inqulro of Glover & Pat
ton's blacksmith shop, 430 Court
strcot. 5-22-tf
For Bent. Right-room house, fur
nished $115 per month North Com
mercial street; five blocks from busi
ness center. Address "'..," caro
Journal. 0-10-3t"
Ash Wood Best quality for sale Oco.
P. Rodgors, 404 Court streot. 00-2wk
For Rent Plve-room modorn cottage,
No 1472 Stnto street, furnished or
unfurnished. Apply at Rosteln &
Oreenb.ium'n. 0-10-3t
J To Lot. Plve-room fiat In business
pnrt of city. Inqulro of Steiner &
Bcrger, 42(1 Stato street. 0-12-lwk
For Bout. A flvo-room house and a
soven-room house. Call on A.
Schrclber, 424 High street. 0-13-tf
For Rent July 1st. Purnlshed houso In
University addition. No. 4 Summer
street. Phono Red 2044. 0-15-lwk
For Balo. Thrco buggies, ono rub
ber-tired, a rubber-tired surroy nnd
ono horse, weight 1000 pounds. I
Jorgcnson, 218 Hlght street. 5-10-3t
Rollablo Manager Wanted To look af
ter our Salem oOlco and superintend
salesmen, workmen and lino construc
tion. References nnd cash deposit
rqqulred. Ycnrly contract with lib
oral salary. Great Western Tele
phone Co., 1005 Mnrkot street, San
Prnnclsco, Cnl. 5-29-lm
Wanted. To buy a good six or soyon
room cottage, not far out. Apply at
Ryan's bnrbor shop. C-31-tf
Wanted Rnorgotic, trustworthy mnn
or woman to work in Oregon, repre
senting lnrgo manufacturing com
pany. Salary $10 to $00 per month,
paid weokly, oxponscs advanced. Ad
dress, wltll stamp, J, II. Mooro, Sa
lons, Oro. - O-lOlSt"
Drossmaking And plain sewing. In
quire at 155 Eighteenth streot.
Go To J. N. Shonts for your hop bas
kets. Get in your ordor boforo tho
rush. v 0-2-lm
Shirt Waists and 8ummor Qowns
Made in tho best stylo and workman
ship, 'forms reasonable. Address
or call on Mrs. II. Mllnor, 20th nnd
Oenter streets. 5-20-tf
Tho Tillson Co. Dealors in choppod
feed, seed bran, hay, flour dried
fruit, etc. High strcot, adjoining
opera house. 0-1-yr.
Strawberry Oratos Tin tops nnd hal
locks at lowest prices. Capital Com
mission C5. Phono Main 2231, oppo
site Willamette Hotel, Salem, Oregon.
rtotel Scott Nowly lurnJthed, evory
thing clean and first class. Rooms
at reasonable prices. In Cottle
block; Salem. A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tt
Salem Iron Works Founders, machin
ists nad blacksmltha Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill machinery.
Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc
Manufacturers of tho O. K, Grubber.
Bhand & Marcus. 11-20-lm
Earey & Savage, Real Estate, Lpnns
nnd Insurance, Convoynnclng and
Kxninlng Titles. Notary work done.
Bring us list of your property for
sale, 492 Stato stroet, near High.
Lost. Jersey cow, light brown, Urnss
knobs on horns, leather strap, PJonso
return to Henry Bowormnn, 20th and
Nebraska streets, Knglewood addi
tion. Reward offered. 0-15 3t
8ay-Havo you tried H. II. Pauls for
meats I Ho has the best sausage in
town. Come and try it, and bo con
vinced. 410 East State stret.
Wo Are Now paying 10c for eggs.
Commercial Cream Co. 3-11-tf
Ths first term begins on tho first
Monday in May, and continues for
eight weeks. A thorough review will be
given in all branches thr lugh the tenth
grtde. Address J, J, HEAPS.
Capitol Bakory Ullom & RiuWroTd"
proprietors, 43D Court street. Frclh
broad, pies and cakos dally. Macea
roons, lady fingers, nngol and dovil'i
food enko, candlos, nuts, etc. Dellv.
wries mado to any part of tho cltv
Phono Whlto 321. G.Ut1'
Cleaning and Dyoing-And wpalrbP
ncntly dono. Four suits pressed by ths
month $1.00, nt tho Capital City
Steam Dyeing nnd Cleaning Parlors.
Miss Effio M. Anderson, proprietor!
Oporn nouso block. Bl-lt
tho Salem Dyo Works when you
want your clothes elennod, dyed r.
paired or pressed, rollned, volvet col
lars on; nlso Bult pressed by the
month. You can got anything clean
ed, from a pair of glomes to tho most
olobornto silk gowns. Mrs. O H
Wnlkor, Prop., 105 Commercial street!
Fralk M. Brown Manufacturer of
sish, doors, mouldings. All klads of
houso finish nnd hardwood work.
Front stroet botwoon Stato and Court
A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of all
kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood
work, houso finish nnd ofllco fixtures.
Estimates furnished. Cor. Mill and
Church strcot. Phono Red 211.
w. o. i-ugn Architect and superin
tendent, plans furnlihod for all claaj
cs of building nnd structural wort
Ofllco 110 Stato strcot, Tioga block,
Salem, Orogon.
Whlto & Cummins, do a general dray
and tranefor business, meet all
trains. 'Phonos, down town, Mala
2181, residences, Bluo IE, red 2076.
Stand 218 Commorslal street 8-12-lm
Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodman of tbi
World Moots in Holrann nnll every
Friday at 7(30 p. m. L. R. Stlnion,
consul; P. L. Frnsor, clork.
Foresters of America Court Sherwood
Foresters No. 10. Moots Friday in
Turner block. Ira Jorgcnson, O. B.j
A. L. Brown, Sec.
Control Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Cst!
Hall in Ilolmnn block, cornor Stat
and Llborty strcots. Tuesday of each
wook at 7:30 p. m. T. J. Oronlse, a
0.; W. I. Stnloy, K. of It. and &
Modorn Woodmon of Amorica. Oro
gon Codar Camp, No. 6240. Meet!
ovory Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock,
Holman Hall. E. E. Matten, V. 0.;
A. L. Brown, Clerk.
For wator sorvico apply at offlco.
Bills payablo monthly In advance.
Mako all complaints nt tbo office.
Just In S
Our now Uno of 1005 wall pa-
m per has just nrrivod. All latest
a patterns at reasonable prices,
Call nnd seo our stock nnd bo g
convinced that our paper and g
prices aro right. Remember tho a
E. L Lcmmon
299 Ubcrty SL .
Phone 2475
I I I I I I II I I I I H I I t Mt
iiA good meal;:
Mnkcs a person feel satisfied .
! with thamsolves and the wholo !
; ; world. Those aro the kind of ; ;
meals we servo. Quick service. ; j
White House
;; qeoboe bros. ;;
; State Street. Proprietors. ; ;
Ctccpiiig Upwatds
That's what we are doing every
day. All admit that our meals are
even growing better, and the crowdi
are growing larger daily.
- 205 Commercial Street
t u-jfcsW-,- A.AitafaiMtJ,