Lad,.- ..M DAILY CAPITAL JOTONAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1005. OREGON WANTS ROADS Is Tired of Promises and Passes the Matter up to Mr. Harriman Hot Air Won't Go, and the Meeting of the League Sets the Dic tator to Thinking Funds hnvo boon collected and plans aro well under way by, which tho trans portation committee of thp Chamber of Commorco hopes to accomplish that which is of vital Importanco to tho jtato of Oregon railroad development. Tho conditions which liavo spontane ously created tho necessity of activo work in this regard aro as follows; For about 25 yoars tho 0. It. & N. Co. bai been a dominant factor in tho transportation Acids in this state. Dur ing all this time tho pcoplo of this city and stato havo, in ovcry way they could, both by giving it their business and otherwise-, shown thoir loyalty, go ing so far nt times as oven to dlscoun ago other roadn in their attompta to socuro a foothold horo. During nil this tlmo tho peoplo havo boon waiting pa tiontly for the building of branch lines and oxtonslons Into tributary country, and for aggresslvo efforts to develop tho Btnto and contiguous territory. Every map and folder lssuod by this company1 for 25 years showed' exten sions in embryo. Every year prom isee havo been mado to build, until its record Is now ono long chain of broken promises. Now tho north, tho Great Northern (backed by tho power of Mr. Hill) nnd tho Northern Pacific havo pursued an aggresslvo policy nnd nro doing all in their power to build up ft commercial rival to Portland, and havo forced tho O. R. & N. Co. to ccaso even attempting to servo territory trib utary to this city. Immoral, and per haps lllegnl, "truces" nnd ngroomonts havo boon ontorod into by it respecting lntorstato commorco; not only is Port laud deprived of tho support of as rich a country oa thero is on tho faco of tho globe, but tho country itself is practically sot back for years for lack of transportation facilities and rail roads; theso companies not only til tide tho torrltory among themselves as though thoy owned it, but when they cannot ngreo ns to a division, tho interests and well-being of states, oven, ro given no consideration, and yet A Smiling Face signifies robust health and good digestion. You can always carry a smiling face in spite of Care and worry if you keep your liver right and your digestion good by using Beecham's Pills Bpia everywhere. In boxes 10c. and SSc. thoy wonder at tho determination of (tho President ami of the peoplo bo- lilnd him to do whnt thoy can to break away from theso conditions and enact laws which will, to somo extent, make them impossible. Tho records show that for years In Oregon thero has been but ono short branch lino of 40 miles to Condon built, whilo at least four-fifths of tho state Is Isolated and without means of getting their products to market, and, therefore, largely nt n standstill. To tho south, in California, tko samo system Is bending every cnorgy in building up 8an Francisco. Thero mil lions nro spent to lower grades and shorten linos, whilo horo a water level grade from Hi par in to Lowiston is abandoned and freight is forced over throo mountain ranges and heavy grades ISO miles further to tho sea than by tho river lovel route. Thero roads nro built miles in length almost par alleling tho present tracks. Horo a road llko tho Columbia Southern is left be tween tho devil nnd tho deep son, al though it is raying well nnd will pay moro if extended, Tho Alaska trade was abandoned to tho Bound without a protest; tho Lowiston and Ncz Perco country surrendered, although it had been recognized oa Portland O, II. & N. Co. territory for nearly CO years, nnd nothing dono in Oregon. In tho states of Washington nnd California thoro nro railroad commissions and stringent railroad legislation. In tho stnto thoro is not a lino of adverso leg islation) on tho statuto books. Not withstanding all this, this city ami other sections reached by this road have supported it most loyally. For year ending Juno 30, 1807, tho gross earnings of tho O. It. & N. Co. wcro $1,077,024; tho net earnings, 11,049, 457.40; tho surplus, $503,457, nftcr pay ing of dividends amounting to $11,000, For year onding Juno 30, 1903, tho gross earnings woro $9,117,603; net earnings, $5,370,403; surplus, $3,825, 000, after paying dividonda amounting to $410,000; nnd during tho intervening years oach year showed an increasing surplus. How much of this money, contributed by tho producers of this section, 'has been spent in this stato or in contiguous territory I Moreover, jf tho country now developed is so pro ductivo that Mr. Worthington has stated that tho results nro extraordi nary, why should not tho rest of tho stato show llko roturnst Thero is not a resldont in Portland who lived here at tho tlmo tho O. It. & N. lino was built up tho Columbia river but prophesied its failure, and tho result has Bhown how llttlo thoy knew of the! productiveness of their own country. This question has now reached the' acuta stage, and tho commiteo asks ' tho pcoplo of this stato and those in terested in its development where thoy expect to "get off," with tho two great systems pulling for 8nttlo nnd ono for Ban Francisco, and nothing be ing dono for Portland or this state in fact, their own earnings are now being used against them. Wo nsk tho property holders in this stato general ly to consider tho question nnd in order to get somo idea of tho present conditions let them tnko n railroad map of tho state of Washington nnd com" paro it with ono of Oregon nnd draw their own conclusions. Let them do tcrmino for themselves how this great state enn bo dovclopcd if four-fifths of it is without railroad transporta tion nnd facilities. To givo somo iden of tho present condition, it may only bo necessary to glanco at tho booklet issued jointly by tho Chamber of Commorco nnd the Lewis nnd Clark Fair to see that "Oro gon has only 1.78 miles of rallrond per 100 squnro miles of territory, a lower ratio than that of any stnto or ter ritory in tho Union except Idaho, No I vada, Wyoming, Arizona and Now I Mexico. Central Oregon is tho largest area of habitablo land in tho Unitod States without railroad transportation. In short, nil Oregon has outgrown its 'railroad facilities." I Thero is no question but what great dissatisfaction exists and is well found ed. As an instance, nearly ono year and a half ago tho extension of the Columbia Southern was absolutely J promised on condition that tho people of this city would subscribe for a cer tain amount of bonds. This subscrip tion wns comploted about 10 months ngo, andno step has bcon taken to wards oxtending tho road since. A contract for building o, road from Iti pnria to Lowiston was let abandoned after most of tho grading was dono. I When others took up in earnest tho building of a road to Tillamook, ovcry posslblo obstaclo was placed in their way in financing their enterprise, and in order to prevent connections with main lines if it was built. Theso ex amples might bo multiplied, but it will servo no good purposo. Self-preservation is said to bo tho first law of nature, and that law is tho real actuating forco behind this move mont. Tho committee proposes to put forth overy effort to get thcao condi tions romodiod, nnd to get its informa tion in such shnpo that its truth can not bo gainsaid. It lntonds to nik nothing but what is right. It intends to tnko up this mnttor with tho rall rond officials, nnd to get tho peoplo of this stato to npprcclato and understand its groatnoss and productiveness nnd to keep constantly at it until relief is obtained, Tho committee contends that with nil tho roads in this state undor tho control of ono system, this system should do its duty in dovclop ing tho stato as well ns in drawing rovenuo therefrom. Tho committee further intends to encourage tho de velopment and uso of our natural trans portatiou advantages, and if tho O. It. 9H Liver and Kidneys It Is highly Important that these organs should properly perform their functions. When they don't, what lameness of the tide and back, what yellowness of the akin, what constipation, bad taste In the mouth, sick headache, pimples and blotches, and loss of coaraee, tell tho story, The great alterative and tenia Hood'sSarsaparilla aires these organs visor and tone for the proper performance of their functions, and cores all their ordinary ailments. Take It. t Standard Liquor Co. Successors to J. P. ROGERS Wholesale and Retail Dealers 1 48-1 56 South Commercial St We make a specialty of catering to the family trade of Salem. Ty out Clatet ot Riesling for a hot day cooler, or a little of out Rye or Boorbon for that tired feeling, or some of out Imported Sherry or Port, some very old goods. We can also supply you with Mineral Water, Bottled Beer and the best grades of Wines or Whiskies in pints and quarts. STANDARD LIQUOR Co., A. G. Magers, Mgr. Phone Main 21 81. THE Mitchell Wagon fl JL I i MITfflFMA LEWIS C0 ClUP minium jjg WS Jf it W 1 Represents Nearly Seventy Years of Exper ience in Wagon Building. IT IS AN ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILITY TO BUILD A WAGON BETTER THAN THE MITCHELL WHY? BECAUSE MONET CANNOT BUT BETTER TIMBER THAN IS BOUOIIT FOR TUB MITCHELIi. MITOHEEIi & IJlWIfl CO., THE MANTJTAOTURERfl, POSITIVELY PAY 20 TO 35 PER CENT ABOVE Tim MARKET PRICE OF FIRST ORAE-ES FOR TIIE PRIVILEGE OF DULLING OVER AND "8KIMMINCI OFF THE CREAM" OF THE WACJON STOCK. THIS IS CARRIED FROM THREE TO FIVE YEARS IK OPEN BIECDS UNDER COVER UNTIL THOROUGHLY SEASONED, BBtNG CULLED THREE TO FIVB TIMES IN THE PROCESS OF HANDLING. WOOD STOCK FOR THREE TO FIVE YEARS AHEAD MEANS WOOD STOCK AGGREGATING; IN VALUE NEARLY ONE MILLION OF DOLLARS. IT IS NOV EVERY FACTORY THAT CAN CARRY THIS KIND OF A STOCK, CONSEQUENTLY IT IS NOT EVERY FACTORY THAT OAN BUILD WAGONS AS THE MITCHELL IS BUILT TOO MANY OF THEM BUILD FBOM HAND- TO MOUTH BUY STOCK TODAY AND MAKE IT UP TOMORROW. DO YOU WANT A WAGON MADE IN THAT WAY, OR DO YOU WANT ONE OF OUR KIND? ONE THAT CARRIES AN AR. SOLUTE GUARANTEE THAT IT IS Tim BEST POSSIBLE TO BUILD ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND Air WAYS WILL BE. IF YOU WANT OUR KIND MAKE UP YOUR MIND BEFORE YOU START TO BUY THAT IT WILL COST YOU MORE MONEY THAN "THE OTHER KIND," BECAUSE IT COSTS MORS MONEY TO BUILD IT. THE BEST IS ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST AL LTHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW IB THAT YOU ARE GET. TING Tim BEST. YOU OAN BE HEAPE8T-ALL THAT YOU WANT YOU BUY A MITCHELL WAOON. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. 210-229-239 State Street. SALEM BRANCH, E. F. CARY, MGR. SALEM, OREGON & N. Co. will not lay rails on a nat ural grndo to Lowiston; if this groat company ontors into a "truco" to pro- vent tho development of tho richest section of tho stuto of Idaho, nnd do- nics tho peoplo living thero tho ordl nary means of communication nnd transportation, am) to this stato a rich nnd growing trado, because it and Its partners cannot agreo upon a division of territory, then it must bo dona In somo other way and by tho pcoplo themselves. Nor, under tho circum stances, will this movement bo con fined to Orogon. Idaho and scot Ions of Washington aro offrctod alike, aud are equally interested. Nor is tho eommitteo starting for a short cam paign. It knows tho resources of the great railroad companies nnd how thoy work. In the past it has apparently not been difficult to divldo ami diss! pato tho strength of such movement. It has often boon said that tho peo plo of Portland never pull togothor, but it remains to bo seen whether or not they can be divided this time. A numbor of meetings havo already been held, and soma progress mado Certain propositions have been submit ted to the companies, and when their answers aro received it will bo tlmo to dJscusa them publicly. Tho com mittee desires to work on fair, and friendly lines; it wants to co-operate with the railroads in the development of tho state, but it wants co-operation; it la only too willing to recognize and act on mutuality of interests, but the interests must bo recognized as mutual. But tho eommitteo will not abandon its position or work until this great stato receives fair treatment front the hands of tho great transpor tation companies. It feels tBat as Portland is tho great center of the population and buiines of the North west, and grow only as the country grows, it should Uko the lead in this movement, Tho committee farther feels that its members should havo the Excursion Rates. activo support nnd sympathy of overy I DurlD(f tho LowU nml c,k ExpMr. cltizon of tho state, whether ho bo a tjon tho 0 n T Co wm ma3l0 . nl of 75 cents to Portland, round trip $L TIckots good for 10 days. Boats leav ing dally. morchnnt, a farmer or a property hold er. Juno Portland Chamber of Com merce Bulletin. win iRL I T&Je This I BlOCkLlGHT and try it 5 days FREE? It gives a 300 Candle Power Light. Doubles the Light Halves the cost. Burns Eight Parts of Air to Ono Part of Gas. All Genuine Block Lfehts havo the words BLOCK LKH1T stamped on burner as well M mantle. Distributed by, YOKOHAMA TEA STORE Salem Agent