Tt TWWSSjSJ CHANCE TOR YOUNG MEN OR YOUNG WOMEN TO Earn Easy Money and a Fine Vacation FREE TRIP TO THE BIG FAIR Journal Will Give a Free Tirp and Visit to the Lewis and Clark Fair to Ac tive Young Person The Journal baa a tontest on 1b which It wishes to enlist the services of a ecoro of nctlre young men and women. In this work these ysung pooplo can havo paying employment all tho timo, and tho Trinnor in tho contest, tho one irho gots the boat results, Trill rocoiro n froe trip and admission to tho Lewis and Clark fair. High school pupils, business collcgo graduate nnd othor Ilolllstor's Rocky Mountain Tea is imply liquid electricity. It goes to ovory part of your body, bringing now blood, strength and now vigor. It makes you woll and keeps you woll. 35 cents. Stono's Drug Store. SLENDER MEN striko terror to tome clotbiors, but wo wclcomo them feecauso wo nro prepared to please them. Why ono man remains thin ni another grows fat on the some diet wo do not care to diecusa. "Why wo can do ns well by slender mm as by any other is something that wo do wont to talk about. That it n part of our business. If you havo doubts upon tho sub ject, put us to tho test. E. KOPPE, Clothing and Furnishing goods. Y. IT. 0. A. Building, Salem. University Shoes $3.50 Tho host shoes In tho market for tho money. Noted for style, quality and comfort. V.'o manufactures ladles' woolon shawls to order. Seo our designs. Standard Wholesale 1 48-1 56 South Commercial St We make a specialty of catering to the family trade of Salem. Try out Claret or Riesling for a hot day cooler, or a little of our Rye or Bourbon for that tired feeling, or some of otir Imported Sherry or Port, some very old goods. We can also supply you with Mineral Water, Bottled Beer x m.uu tut weal grciot;: vx 11 iuca ur tt uiaiut;a m pmia ccuo I quarts. I STANDARD LIQUOR Co., A. G. Magers, Mgr. young peoplo who want pleasant and profitable occupation for tho summer should call at Tho Journal offlco at an early dato and loam of the exceptional opportunity offered. The question of profitable employment for tho summer, with light, easy and ngrccablo work, at which you nro learn ing something, and making rnonoy easi ly, is one thnt is worth considering. A prizo worth working for is a free trip to the Lowls and Clark fair at the end of tho cummer's work, oa tho guest of Tho Journal, as n representative of tho press. You nood only to be ablo to wrlto plain English, and have a littlo knowledgo of business, and you are ready to tako up tho work. Young or middlo-ngod men or women are eligible) to undcrtako tho work. Call at Tho Journal ofileo and ontor this contest, not later than 0 o'clock, any day of the week. Contest begins at once, and you can begin work nt any time. Only a limited numbo can bo taken, so do not dolny applying for terms. In Mad Chaso. Millions rush In mad chaso nftor health, from ono oxtrcmo of faddism to another, whon, if tboy would only cat good food, nnd keop their bowels regu lar with Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills, tholr troubles would all pass away. Prompt rollc and quick euro for liver and stomach trouble. 25e at J. C. Perry's Drug Storo. OA19VOELZA. 3mm th vf II" Kind Yo" Hart Ahnp fo i ' i ' i ' ' iH Barny Ilenard in "Tho Financier," at the Grand Juno 15th. Successors to J. P. ROGERS and Retail Phone Main 2181. Trym 'gffiiriwrar' in'1iWCTmOTn'm,lgMflTtIMM Liquor Co. DAILY CAPITA!. JOUBNAL, PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Balcm, Oregon, Juno 10, 1005. Tho Board of Trustees of tho Oro gon Stato Insano Asylum hcroby in vites scaled proposals for furnishing tho following list of supplies to tho In stitution, for tho six months ending December 31st, 1005: GltOOEBIEB, ' 4000 gallons syrupy sub samples, 150 gallons N. O. molasses, sub. sam ples. 8,000 pounds beans, white. G,000 pounds Costa liico coffee. 300 pounds Java coffee, 200 pounds Mocha coffee 1,600 pounds Chicory, coarse 0,000 pounds rolled oats in drums. 1,500 pounds steel cut oats in drums. 3,000 pounds cracked, wheat, in drums. ' 1,000 pounds Cream wheat, in drums. 2,000 pounds hominy gritB, in drums. 3,000 pounds corn meal, yellow, in drums. 30.0 pounds block pepper, ground, 5-lb. tins, sub. samples. CO pounds mustard, ground, C-lb. tins, sub. samples. 20 poumls sage, ground, o-id. tins, sub. samples. 6 pounds caraway seed. 0 do7cn lamp wicks, A. 3,000 pounds chewing tobacco, 16 oz., sub. samples. 1,200 pounds smoking tobacco; 1 2-3 oz., cloth. 3,000 pounds Savon Bonp, standard, Oregon manufacture. 000 pounds Whltccap soap, 8 oz,, CO lb. boxes. 800 pounds kitchen Boap, sub. sam ples. 72 pounds Pcnrlino, 1-lb., James Pylos. 6,000 pounds Japan rlco, No, 1, sub. samples. 120 pounds corn starch, Oswego, 1 lb. 120 pounds A. & II. Soda, 1 lb. UV ponnus i luauur uumug jiuwuur, or ns good, 5-lb. tins. 30 pounds Baker's chocolato, 1 lb. 20 pounds bluing, Nuromborb, balls, Ii-a-A. 240 pounds macaroni, white, 8 lb. boxes. 18,000 pounds F. L. salt, 100 lb. bags. CO gross Vulcan enrcty matches. 20 dozon concentrated Grant lyo, 1 lb cans. 60 dozen oysters, canned, sub. sam ples. CO dozen corn, canned, sub. samples. 2 dozen Worcestershire sauco, quarts, L. & P. 20 pounds Beeswax No. 1 Yellow, 1 lb cakes. 500 pounds buckwheat flour, No. 1, CO lb. bags. 200 pounds Pearl barley, 25 lb. boxes. 1,200 pounds sal soda. 600 pounds soda crackers, XXX, moro or less, del. as required, 600 pounds tyo flour No. 1, 60 lb bngs. 100 pounds sago. COO pounds cod fish per month, moro or less, delivered as required, (from largo fish). 1,000 pounds tea, Japan, not exceed ing 30c per lb., submit samples. Dealers r? i UMMgMMHNHnMBWHHBHBHBBSSM i SALEM, OEEfON, TUESDAY, JUNE 30,000 pounds dry granulated cano sugar, American refined. 120 pounds powdered sugar In tins, 30 lbB. 40 dozen brooms, No. 1, best. 1 dozen .scrub brushes, No, 13, with handlos. 20 boxes Tanglefoot fly pnper, 25 uoublo slicots to box. 10 reams straw paper. 2 dozen parafflno sticks, hardwood. Vi dozon washboard, Bod Cross. C pounds cotton twine. 3 boxes pipes and stems, Shaker. 50 pounds nxlo grcaso, 25 lb. buckots, COO pounds Oregon full cream cheeso, moro or less, delivered as required. GO gallons turps, in 5 gallon cans. 1,000 pounds chlorldo lime, Acme, 1 lb. cans. 20 gallons boiled linseed oil, C gallon cans. COO gallons coal oil, moro or less, de livered, as roqulred. 100 pounds parnfllnc, 1 lb. cakes, wrapped, Standard Oil Co, 36 dozou yeast cakes, Magic. DBY GOODS, FUBNISIIINQ GOODS AND NOTION8. 1,600 yards Pcquot A shooting, 30 in., unbleached, per yard. 3,000 yards Pcquot A sheeting, 51 in., unbleached, per yard. COO yards Pcquot A sheeting, 0-4 bleached, per yard. 1,200 yards Lonsdale 38 in., per ynrd. 2,500 yards shirting, Otis stripo A X A, per yard. 400 yards crash checked toweling, 18 In., per yard. 2,000 yards crash bleached towollng, 18 In., per yard. GOO yards bluo calico twills, 28 in., assorted, per yard. COO yards gingham Amskg., 28 in., as sorted, per yard. 1,200 yards bluo dnlm, 0 oz., Amskg, por yard. 300 yards A O A ticking, 30 in., per yard. 3,000 yards canton flnnncl, XXX Nashua brown, por yard. 125 yards union Farmers' Satin, 33 in., per yard. 180 yards table oil cloth, white, 45 In., best quality, per yard. 15 dozon pairs denim overalls, 0 oz., rlvlt, per dozen. 3 dozen pairs 30-32. 2 dozen pairs 42-34. 5 dozen pairs 38-31. 5 dozen pairs 40-34, 5 dozen jumpers, 0 oz. denim, per dozen. 3 dozen 40, 2 dozen 42. 100 dozen pairs men's cotton socks, No, 101, per dozen. 20 dozen pairs ladles' cotton stock ings, No. 101, per dozen. 20 dozen turkoy red hnndkcrchlofs, 24 in., per dozen. 10 dozen suspenders, 40 in, long, por dozen. 25 boxes stay binding, B. & W. No, 10, white, box. 0 Gt. Grs. shirt buttons, F. B. 40, Qt. Or. 2 Gt. Gt. Grs, 2 Gt. Gt. Grs. Grs. shirt buttons, F. B. CO, Grs. bar pants buttons, black, 4 Grs. whito pearl buttons, 24-200-, Or. 4 dozen linen thread No. 25, black, per dozen, 10 dozen paper pins, F. 3 Eagle, per cozen. 4 pounds knitting cotton, No. 12 white, per pound. 100 pounds crown carpet wnrp, 25 lb. caoh, white, red, bluo and black, por pound, 4 dozen napkins, per dozen. 150 dozen thread, J. P. Coats' or Clark's O. N. T., per dozon. "White: 100 dozen 30; 30 dozen 10. Black: 10 dozen 30; 10 dozen 10, 1 dozen hnlr brushes No. 302, per dozon. 1 dozon shaving brushes No. 3, per dozen, 1 dozen turkoy feather dusters No. 10, por dozen, , 2 dozen D. silk thread, Carlson-Currier & Co., per dozen, 1 pound rubber tlssuo for tailor, per pound. BOOTS AND SIIOF.S. 34 pairs men's boets: 12 pairs 8; 12 pairs 0, per pair. 108 pairs men's shees: 12 pairs 0; 12 pairs 7; 36 pairs 8; 36 pairs 0; 12 pairs 10, por pair. 36 pairs ladles' shees: 12 pairs 5; IS pairs ; 12 pairs 7, por pair. 16 gross cord shoo laces, per gross. MRATS. 700-. pounds beef per day, moro or lew, equal parts foro and hind quarters, to bo delivered at tho asylum and nsy- lam farm ns required. quired. (About O0O lbs. at the asylum farm overy other day), po"- pound 300 pounds mutton per week, moro or less, equal parts foto and bind quar ters, delivered as required, por pound. All meats to bo fresh and wholesome; no eoid storago mjati to be supplied. 3000 pouuds hams, more or less, de livered, as roqulred, per pound, 1,500 pounds breakfast bacon, more or less, dollvered as required, per pound, 1,200 pounds frosh fish per month, more or less, dollvered as required, per IU, MILL FEED AND FLOUB. 45 tons bran, No. 1. more or Hm, delivered as required, per ton. 25 tons shorts, moro or less, deliv ered as required, per ton. 1,100 barrels flour, more or less, de livered as required, per barrel. SO barrels graham flour, No. 1, more or less delivered as required, por barrel. 3 tons oil meal, old process, per ton. Samples can bo seen at tho asvlum. and goods roust bo in accordance there with. Where samples aro required aud not furnished by bidders, the articles must be equal to samples to be seen at tho asylum, and bids will be assumed to havo been made on basis of sam ples. Lists Furniture, Stationery. Drue. Plumbing, Hardware, Tinning, Leather ' and Findings, 'Crockery and Glassware I will bo furnished by tho clerk upon ap plication. All goods must bo in strict accord ance with sample in original packages Stato Insane Asylum within 20 days 13, 100G. after'tho contract is awarded, and bids must bo on blnnk forms, which will bo furnished, togothor with instruc tions to bidders, by tho clerk upon ap plication. Each bid on flour or meat must bo accompanied by n certified chock of $300.00, nnd each bid on fish by a certified chock of $75.00, and nil other bids by cortlflcd checks equal to 10 per cent of tho amount bid; checks of unsuccessful biddors to bo returned Immediately, nnd thoso of ncccptod bid ders when tho contract is completed. Bids must bo enclosed in scaled envel opes nnd directed to tho Board, caro of tho Clerk, and plainly marked "Bids for Asylum Supplies,'' and tho class of goods bid on should also bo Inscribed on tho onvclopo. Price, fitness nnd quality being equal, preforenco will bo given to articles manufactured, grown or produced In this stnto. When a pnr ticular artlclo is specifically called for, bids for other kind, or manufacture, or .brand, oqually good will bo onjer- talned, but to instiro recognition oi such bids, samples of tho articles it is proposed to supply must accompany them. Bidders will tako notico that there is no appropriation nvailablo for main tonnnco of tho Asylum. Therefore, claims for supplies can only bo audited by tho Secretary of Stato and certifi cates of ovidonco of nllowanco issued to claimants. As soon as thcro is an appropriation nvailablo warrants will bo Issued In lieu of tho certificates. Tho Board reserves tho right to ro joct any or nil bids, or to accept or re ject any pnrt of a bid. Bids will bo opened nt tho capltol at Salem, at 10 a, m., Monday, July 10, 1005. By order of tho Board of Trustees of tho Oregon Stato Insano Asylum. W. N. GATBNS, Clerk. June 13, 20, 27, July 4. Tho Southern Pacific Company Will sell tickets, Snlcm to Boswcll Springs and roturn up to nnd including Septcmbor 30, 1005, 1005, limited to 30 days, rata of $5.55. 0-5-tf OIIILDBEN CRY TOE OABTOBIA. rLETOHBR'S -eaae00oMMeae9e& Fruit Boxes, Trays for fruit Dryors, call on G. F Mason 1 Miller Street, South 8alom, Phono 2101 Bod. IAAA4UA rwwn MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Oalem a Good Home Market" Poultry st Rtslner'a Market Eggs Per dozon, lflc. Ducks 1012c. Chickens 010c. Hons 10c. Frys-1210e. Baker, Lawrenco & Baker. Eggs Per dozon, 10c. Fruits, Vegetables, Etc Potatoes 83c. Onions 5c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas O'Je lb. Coeonnuts, $1.00 per doz. Oranges $2.00(2.00. Lemons $2.7B3.50. LIvb Btoolt Marks Stoers 33. Cows 33Vi. Sheep 4c. Dressed veal flc. Fat hogs SMt,c. Baled Clover $0$10. Bran $22.50. 8horts-$24.50. Eggs, Dutter and Cream. By Commercial Cream Co, Buttor-21. Buttor fat 10c at station. Drain, Hops and Flour, Oats-Choice white, $1.30. Barley-$2323.60. Clour $4.40. Wheat 80c, Portland Market. "Wheat Walla Walla, 8384c. Valley 8587c. Flour Valey, straights, $4.10; gra ham, $4.00. Hay, Fe-siJ, Its, Baled Cheat $10. Oats-Choico white, $1.351.40. Millstuff Bran, $10.00. Hay Timothy, $13.00. Potatoes $1.151.20. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12W 13c; per lb; hens, 13c per lb; roosters. old, 10c per lb; fryers, 22c per lb; ducks, $4.009.00 per doz.; geeso 8 Oo per lb; turkeys, 1718e per lb; dressed, 2021c per lb; squabs, $2.50 3.00 per doz. Pork Dressed, 7&Sc. Beef Dressed, 25c. Veal 58c Mutton Dressed, 6J$7e, Hops Contract, 1305, 16e; 1004 crop, 25c for choice; 2324o for primes and mediums. Wool 1005 clip, Talley, coarse to medium, 2425Hc; fine, 2828c; Eastern Oregsn, 19229ae. Mohair Nominal, 3031c Butter Fancy creamery, 2021e; dairy, 16,I7c; store, 1515c. AaalMlON Throo Trams to tho East Dally, xaruufiu luiuuoa Bionoard im tonrlst slooplnk care dally to OmiU, Chicago, Spokano; tourist Bleejtoi care dally to Kansaa City; throt Pullman tourist sleeping cars (j,, aonally conducted) woofcly to Chic go; reclining choir care (scats tm) to the East dolly. 70 HOURS , PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Ho ciusts ot Cirs DCTA2T roa TIMB BCHEDULR3 from Portland, Or, AKSm cntcaxo Portland BDCClU oJss. m rift Hunt la tn Salt Laka. Dinnr. ft Worth. Omaha. Ifm, Cltr, St lonli, Ghlttco UU A It Atlantic) JCzpreM 8:15 p. m, tU Hunt ington Rait 'Lake, nenm, t Worth, Omaha, Kantai '4.a Vv. ujmM uucafo 8t.rnl rut Mail v r, m. via Bpoisu Walla Walla, Lowliion; sposann, najiaoo, 1UU nan, Mmnoanolii 81 Paul, Dolulli.MUiraake I: t-i UU4VU, UU A4l, Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every firs 6tn at 8 pi m.. For Astoria, way poind and North Boach Daily (except 8u day) at 8 p. m.? Saturday ot 10 p. a Dally Borvlco (water permitting) ot Willamette and Yamhill rivers. For fullor Information ask or rtu your noaroet ticket agent, or A. U CHAI0, Qoneral Passenger Acoat Tho Oregon Railroad ft Narlnuai Oo Portland, Oregon. CORVALLIS & EASTERN RAILROAD TIME OAUD NO. 29. No 2 for Yoqulna Leaves Albany 12:45 PJf. Lcavos Corvnllls 1:45 PJL Arrives Yaquina 5:45 PJL No. 1 Rotumlng Leaves Yoqulna 7:15 AM Leaves Corvnllls 11:10 AX Arrlvos Albany 12:15 P.M. No. 3 for Albony-Dotroit Loaves Albany for Detroit 7:30 AIL Arrives Detroit 12:30 P.M. NO 4 from Detroit Leaves Detroit 1:30 P.M. Arrives Albany 0:30 P.M. No, 6 for Albany Leaves Corvnllls 0:30 A.M Arrives Albany 7tl0 AJt No. 8 for Corvallls Loaves Albany 2-40 VX Arrives Corvalll 3.-20 P.M. No.-7 for Albany Leaves Corvallls 0:00 PM. Arrives Albany 0.40 PJl No. 0 for Oorvollls Leaves Alhanv 0:15 PAL Arrlvos Corvalll 9:55 VM Train No. 1 arrives in Albany Ii time to connect with the S. P. o bound train. Train No. 2 connocts with the a P trains at dnrvnllta nml Alhnnv. triritf direct scrvico to Newport nnd adjientll ucaches. Train No. 3 lcavos Albany f Detroit at 7:30 n. m.. arriving tker . , a in amplo time to reach the Brrtt bush hot springs the samo day. Train No. 44iotween Albany anil De troit connects with the Eugene ted at Albany, also with local from Cm vallls. Train Kn. K linv Cnrvallls St 0:M a. m., arrives nt Albany 7:10 a. m, 1 time to catch Eugene local to Portlssl and train to Detroit, Trnln 1T a Inooaa Alhnnv for Cot- vollis at 2:40 p. m., after the arrirsl of S. P. northbound overland. Train No. 7 leaves Corvallls at o.W p. m., arrives in Albany at 040 p. i in time to connect with the local f Eugene and way points, Train No. 0 leaves Albany for Cr vallls aTt 0:15 p. m., after the arrirU of the S. P. local from Portland, For further information apply to J. O. MAYO. Gea. Pa- t T. COOKEItELL, Agent, Albany. II. H. CRONISE, Agent, Oorvalllt. EXCURSION RATES During the Lewis and Clk exposition tho O. C. T, Co. will make the following rate? Salem to Portland, ono way, 75 centi; round trip, $1,00. Tickets gol for tea days. Boats leaving daily M. P. BALDWIN, Ast Dock Foot of Trade Street a?O0El.XtA.i-B BcantU isatii TtalMTMhWWnnf' U&ttfKm 70 c&&mfc