Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 13, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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i fi i i i
Cherry Sectoral. Doc-1
tors have used it for over sixty
years. Wc are willing, anxious
toraboutyouruslneJt for coughs,
colds, bronchitis.
J. O. Avr Co.
MAY, 1004, 13,287.
To crlnollno or not to crinoline, that
Esj the question for feminity,
To hoop skirt Is ridlvlvus. Tlio
flressmakers' conventions have do
creed Its rival.
In this connection it Is interesting
tie noto tlio war being mado upon tho
theop skirt by Mrs. Arthur Stannard
Jffohn Strango winter) tho novollBt.
INotlng tho movement originating in
JCTnrls and cxtondlng to this country,
IMrs. Stannard has written tho nows
rpapcrs, calling upon tho womon of
England to unlto against tho threat
ened fashion,
Mrs. Btannnrd says slio stopped a
rovival of crlnollno IS yonrs ago, Slio
.-got 21,000 women to wrlto post cards
-pledging thcmsolvo to rofuso to wear
4bo hoop skirts, Now slio calls upon
4ho women to repeat this protest.
It Is to mnn and his vllo lust for
snonoy, says Mrs. Btannnrd, that tho
MJlinmo of it belongs.
Tho factories in Paris are already at
-work mnking tho hoop skirts. Tho
erlnollnlst sees money in tho schema,
and boliovcs that onco tho fashion is
not every womnn will follow it.
In this country, so far as known,
thero is no organized opposition to
Tth introduction of tho crlnollno. Onty
recently n celebrated modlst displayed
-tho advantages of tho hoop skirt to
"the dressmakers of Chicago.
It was stated by this promoter that
tlio now hoop skirt Is not tho Johnny-comcs-mnrchSng-l.))mo
clrcumfcronco of
-40 yonrs ngo. It lacks both in rndltis
-nnd longth, nnd Is only designed to
allow "a fullness nhout tho hips." But
onco introduced, who knows how tho
length and breadth to which it may
Is much to bo feared tlmt Mrs.
Stannard has stnrtod In too lato to
loop tho women from following tho
band wagon.
might bo moro complete, tho pcoplo
hnvo been held in ignornnco; that tho
noblos might riot in extravugnnco, tho
wealth c rent or have been kopt in
povorty. Thus has Russian natlonnl
charnctor been molded for conturlcs.
And! when tho call camo to patriot
ism, prldo, manhood, thero was nono
to respond.
No patriotism, for who can bo do-
voted to oppression!
No pride, for who can bo proud of
Ignornnco and dcstltutionf
No manhood how can manhood
flower under tho blight of ignornnco
and destitution nnd opprcssiont
Tho issuo of this war has boon do-
cldcd less by tho skill nnd courago of
tho Japs, glorious as they aro, than
by tho century-old policy nt St.
Fotcrsburg, by which it was sought to
build up tho glory and granducr of a
nation at tho oxponso of tho patriot
ism, prldo nnd manhood of its pcoplo.
Tho outeomo is demonstrating that
a nation thus built up is a glldod thing
of clay, that at a blow is crumbling
into dust.
For tho lands sake, only 121 Now
you guoss.
A man who boliovcs every man has
his prico thinks bo bocauso ho has his.
Misanthropy sees its reflection in
tho glass philanthropy nevor looks to
soo. t
Ho that Is constant in well-doing
will never nood to bo reminded of a
A truo frlond will tell you of your
fnults; a truer frlond will not soo
Usually tho man who has especially
bright chlldron is n Arm boliovor in
hon Salem
ought to fly.
hits tho trail tho dust
"Tho death of half a million of
-won nnd tho loss of billions of monoy
Is tho progress of western civilization,
flobastopol struck tlio shackles from
tho serfs, and Port Arthur, Mukden
and Tsu islnnd should freo Russia
from tho slavery nf tho bureaucracy."
This from tho Buss, tho most wldo-ly-read
paper in Russia, is a flash of
flnmo from tho rumbling orator, warn
ing tho world of tho awakening Arcs
of tho volcano underlying tho nuto
cratlc government of tho Czar.
"Tho Jnpiincso," says tho
another popular Kumilnn paper,
not lighting tlio Russian people, but
tho RuihIiiu bureaucracy, which has re
jected with energy tho talent of tho
nation for a host of soyuphnnts and
tlmo-sorvlng courtiers. Our only con--notation
lu this bitter hour is tho con
sciousness that it is not tho pooplo
but the government which has suf
fered dofont, Itnoughl"
Nows dlspntehoa loll us Hint the sol
diers of tho Russian army in Mnu--churla
aro showing n spirit of rovolt,
and refusing to right. This is moro
sensational than vitally important.
Tho Russian soldiers hnvo rofusod to
tight from tho first. Under tho prod
and tho lash they huyo stood In lino
and shot nnd been shot, but their
hearts -were empty of tho dlvlno In
spiration and coal tlmt mako men
fight indeed.
All glory to Japan for tho victories
aho has won on land and seal Rut lot
us not forgot that when a nation of
freo men goos into buttlo with a na
tion of serfs thero is a tremendous ad
vantage which ships nnd guns and bil
lions of dollars cannot overcome.
Defeat in battlo has brought tho
Russian autocracy face to faco at
last with tho rulu it has wrought in
its own realm.
That autocracy might build Itself
up, manhood has been repressed; that
usurpation of powers and privileges
Tho butterflies of socloty nro tho
bubblos that aro blown from tho plpo
of tolerance
Tho rattlo of tho scoop on tho bot
tom of tho flour barrol carries alarm
to moro pcoplo than all tho wnr drums.
No mnttor how cheap tho things on
tho bargain counter, a man standing
around waiting uutil his wifo makes
her purchases will feel cheaper.
A woman would just as soon not
hnvo n new drcA if sbo is doprlvod of
tho opportunity to lot tho Avorld know
that it is new.
Account, either largo or small re
ceived on favorable terms.
Loans mado on approved securi
Offers all the facilities of the mod
ern Savings Rank.
Receives deposits of one dollar or
onore. Pays interest at the rate of
three per cent, compounded semiannually,
Tho only way to get rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to cleanse the blood,
improve tho digestion, stim
ulate the kidneys, liver and
skin. The medicine to take is
Which has cured thousands.
Probably thero Is not ono smoker in
n thousand who would not bo surprised
nnd, in fact, Incredulous if ho woro
told that tho color of n cigar is abso
lutely no guldo to its strength. Yot
such is tho caso, nnd n fast well known
to cigar manufacturers and importers.
Tbo bcltof of emolccrs that cigars of ry
dark color aro strong and thoso of n
lighter sbado nro milder is, in point of
fact, as fallacious as it is general.
This Is but ono of tho many doluslons
harbored by consumers of tobneco, nnd
whloh practical cigar men havo smiled
at and indulged from timo immemo
rial. Rut of recent years tho inclination
of smokors toward light hued cigars
has assumed tho proportions of n
"craze," and tho producers nro find
ing much difllculty in meeting tho do-
mand. Tho manufacturers and Cuban
tobacco rnlsors would now gladly cor
roct tho orror; but, nfter having caro
fully classified tholr products under
tho stylo of clnros, colorados, maduros,
otc., for decades, they And it noxt to
imposslblo to dispel tho illusion.
A makor of Havana cigars uses but
ono grade- or blond of tobacco in tho
body or filler of his cigars. Kxnctly
tho snmo stock is used in his conchas
as in his perfectos; in his clnros as in
his maduros. Aftor tho cijrnrs nro
mado, howovor, his "solcctor" takes
thorn in hand nnd classifies thorn ac
cording to tho rclntlvo shndes of tho
wrappers. This is dono to offoct n
uniformity in tho npponranco of oach
box of cignrs, nnd to cnnblo tho dcalor
to roadily indulgo tho whims of tho
self-dcludod smoker,
Innsmuch as tho wrnppor cqnslltutos
not moro than ono-tonth of tho cigar,
it will roadily bo socn that tho degreo
of its strength or mildness is very in
considerable in effect. In this connco-
tlon, however, it is interesting to noto
thnt tobacco tradesmen versed in tho
intricacies of tho industry rigidly bar
tho ' light-colored wrapper from their
own smoking tables, knowing that It
generally Indicates that tho loaf was
promaturoly cured, nnd thnt it impairs
tho flavor nnd burn of tho cigar. Cu
bans, who, by tho way, aro notably
partial to mild tobacco, nvold smoking
light-colored cigars, just ns they avoid
eating n green orango or nu unrlpo
Tho projudico of theso natives and of
Acne, Tetter
vSalt Rheum
Nettle Rash
An itching, burning skin disease during the hot, sultry summer weather, is a positive
terror and a veritable demon of discomfort. The intolerable itching and stinging are tanta.
liziug almost beyond endurance, and the unsightly eruption and rough, red skin keep one
thoroughly -uncomfortable and miserable night and day. Eczema, letter, and diseases of
this type are caused by acid poisons in the blood, which the heat of summer seems to warm
into life and renewed activity. These fiery acids keep the blood in a riotous and soar
condition, and the skin unhealthy and feverish they inflame the pores and retard perspira.
uon, wnen rnc wnoie Doay iccis iikc an ovcr-ueuicu lumaw, uuu iuc vt-upiug poison Dtirns
ana ousters iikc nquiu. mv.
Kansas City, Mo., May, 1898.
In i8c I experienced nt times
patches on the inside of my lianas that
iicjucu ami uuracu, causiuir
tciied and burned, catuluc much dis
comfort. As time went by it grew
worse. I bad read medicine in my
early twenties (now 50 years of ngei
nna was convinced mat i. was mulcted
with a type of Eczema. I consulted
several physicians and a number of
specialists, nnd used several external
applications, one of which was claim
ed to be a certain specific. I confess,
however, I had but little faith iu
external applications, yet I used them,
receiving but slight temporary relief.
In l'ebruary I decided to try S. S. S..
arid in less than a month I experienced
a change for the better, nnd by May
of thnt Tear nil symptoms had dis
appeared, nnd I found myself entirely
cured, and have had no return of the
disease since W. p. Brosii,
Station A, Kansas City, Mo.
or check the outflow of the
To the skin disease sufferer,
summer time brings no joy,
but is a season of unrest, sleep
less nights and incessant pain,
resulting in shattered nerves,
physical exhaustion and gen
eral derangement of all the
vital forces. , Scratching is a
pleasant recreation to one tor
mented and almost distracted
Escondido, San Diego Co., Cal. Oct 1000
DKAR Sirs My body broko out with i
rash or eruption. The itching, especially at
night, was simply terrible; it would almost
disappear at times, only to return worse than
ever. I had tried many preparations with
out benefit, nndheariug of 8. S. S. determln
edto give ita fair trial; a few bottles cured
me entirely, removing every blemish sad
pimple from my body. I,, Marmo,
Tor three years I hnd Tetter on my hands,
which caused them to swell to twice their
natural size. Part of the timo the disetse
was in tho form of running sores, very pain,
fut, and causing me much discomfort. Pour
doctors said the Tetter had progressed too
far to bo cured, nnd they could do notbln?
for me. I took only three bottles of S. 8. S,
and was completely cured. Tills was fifteen
years ago, nnd I have never since seen ear
sign of iny old trouble.
Mrs. L. II. Jackson,
837 St. Taul St, Kansas City, Kin.
Of corn for planting, remember
that wo havo a choice stock of both
Oregon and Eastern grown corn,
which can bo had at reduced prices,
at tho Old Reliable Feed Store.
Savage & Fletcher
322-324 Commercial St.
To the Country People
When la town tat your meals at tb
Star Restaurant, 339 Court Street, ad
joining Wade's hardware store. Meals
at all hours, 15 cents. Faoas 301 Bed.
Will not como amiss to thoio who
know what good laundry work roally
1. Tho way wo wash makes clothes
2. Tho way wo haudlo your goods
makes people smile.
3. Tho way wo iron makes clothes
smooth, with loast posisblo damage.
Hough dry, 00 per pound.
Salem SteamLaundry
230 Liberty Street Phono 411.
by an aggravating itching skin
eruption. Some find tempor
ary relief in bathing and the
application of lotions and
salves. A few hours respite is
gained by such methods, but
nothing applied externally can
alter the condition of the blood
burning fluids through the skin. Only persistent and faithful
constitutional treatment can do this. The acid poison in the blood, which is the real cause of
the eruption, must be attacked, and when the blood has been cleared of all accumulated impu
ritics and restored to a healthy condition, then, and only then, will a thorough aud lasting
cure be effected, and for the accomplishment of all this, no remedy equals S.S. S., which
contains all requirements for cleansing and building up the ncid blood, and invigorating
aud touing up the system. S. S. S. completely aud permanently eradicates, every vestige
of poison, thus effectually preventing a fresh outbreak of the disease.
Cases' that have resisted ordinary treatment for years,yieldto the purifying, cooling
effects of S. S. S. upon the blood, and when rich, pure blood is again circulating through the
system, the itching and stinging cease, the eruption disappears, and the red, rough skin
becomes soft aud smooth, again.
Skin diseases appear m various forms sometimes
in pustules or blisters, sores, rashes, or red, disfiguring
bumps and pimples but all arc caused by a bad condi
tion of the blood, and for which S. S. S. is a safe and
effectual cure. No bad effects can come from its use.
because it contains no Arsenic, Potash or other harmful
drugs, but is guaranteed a strictly vegetable remedy.
If j'ou arc a sufferer from some summer terror like Bczcma, Tetter, Acne, Psoriasis, Salt
Rheum, Nettle Rash or kindred disease, write us about it, and medical advice or any special
information wanted will be given without charge.
Our Book on Skin Diseases will be sent free to all desiring" it.
tobacco tradesmen is a logical one, nnd
servos to throw Into bold relief n pecu
liar misconception of facts, which is
Htiie Wing Sang Co
China and Japanese Fancy G-oods, Mat
tings and Dry Ooods, silks, Em
broidery Laces. Mako up now tine
Oenta' and ladles' Furnishing Goods,
Suits, Wrappers, Skirts, White Under
wear. Sale cheap. Court street, Salem,
Orogon. 'Phone Black 2169,
Sash and doors. All kinds of house
finishing. 'Phone 131 black. Also two
floors of warehouse for l-ent; elevator
and switching faculties.
Who havo never trlod our groceries
don't know what real satisfaction and
economy mean. Hero aro somo things
marked at prices which make them
worthy of your attention.
Baker, Lawrence & Baker
Successors to Harrltt Jt Lawrence.
both ntnuslng nnd embnrrnsilng
vendors of tho fragrant webd.
Whcthor elgnr smokers will over
nwakon to tno fnnt tint n dark cigar
Is, If anything, milder and Invariably
Bwccoter and moro nromatlo than a
light cigar, remains to bo seen.
Excursion Rates,
During tho Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion tho O. 0.- T. Co. will mako a rt
of 75 conts to Portland, round trip $L
Tlckoto good for 10 dayo. Boats leav
ing dally.
Ijl I "i3flisK fmLw sBJL JlmStrfMl
r'VtirJ''Xjn ssVwtj3sUt
'.. tu.w ' "w. -rmrtm 'wv.w
ranp frssmr
Has been taken to supply the stock of
lumber In our yards. Our stock II
complete with all kinds of lumber,
Just received a car load of No. 1
shingles, also a car of flno shakti.
We are able to fill any and all kind f
of bills. Como and let ns show yoni
our nock.
Yard and office near S. P. passeager X
depot 'Phone Main tit
I &&M
' ' VClll llfffife J" 1 S&QyfcfrA tisLiAJ
mS 'r ' '
For Infanta and Children.
tyi Kind You Hart Always Bought
Signature of 2yS&jfe
primitive method in the use of in-
prlmative methods in the use of in
ferior flour. Tho Salem mills flour Is
the best now made, and better than
any that ever was made. It contains
all tho nutritious qualities that can
be got out of tho very bost wheat, and
is sweetest and best flavored of all
cereal food products,
But the young ono that pays out W
good money for dry, tough nnd Inferior
moats when ho can get prime, juicy and
tender steaks, chops and filets for the
same price right here at all times. Oar
meats are cut from the best fed and
fattest cattle, and Is always satisfactory
State Street Market.
Phone 01.
Successors to Burroughs Fraser.
Plumbing, Tinning
and Roofing
Cornice Work, Heating and Building Work of all kinds; estimate
made and work guaranteed.
567 State Street, 8alem. Phono 1511,