'.F ''mfffmvwnfr -nr jw-- r lf'(r,' LAST EDITION, 3:30- .1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL ' ny w w ra r '..-I: VOL. XV. ATTACKING PRESIDENT Hot Air Russian Newspapers Say President Is Hos tile to St. Petersburg, Juno 12. Thnt a strong pnrty at St. Petersburg is working against pcaco ia shown by tho attiludo of tbo reactionary press, Sov eml newspapers today published ar ticles attacking Roosevelt, doclnrlng the President is oponly bostilo to Russia, A report from Manchuria that tho Japanese bavo begun offen sivo movements also bad a tendency t mako tho outlook for pcaco less bright. Clotting Busy. St. Petersburg, Juno IS. It is an nounced todny that M. Witto, presl dent of tho commlttco of ministers, is leaving St. Petersburg for two weeks on "public business," It is said on good nuthorlty that bis mis sion is connected with pcaco negotia tions. doing Sack Home. Singapore, June 12. Tho steamer Sea Lion, which arrived hero today, reports that on Juno 10th sho passed a Russlnn voluntcor cruiser in Malac ca straits, Tho cruiser was on her way back home. Peace Assured. St. Petersburg, Juno 12. Prlnco Dolgouroukoff said that, unless tho Japanoso should proposo imposslblo terms, penco would bo assured in a short time. Japan Is Willing. Tokio, Juno 12. Mlnlstor of For eign affairs Komura, in n noto to Min ister Qriscom, acknowledge! tho ro ccipt of President Roosovclt'e noto, I and says bis government Is giving tho suggestion contained thoreln serious consideration. Jnpan, in tho intorcst of tho world, as woll ns that of Japan, Is willing to reestablish pcaco with Russia on terms and conditions that will fully guarantoo tho stability of tho imperial government, Japan will, thercforo, ngroe to appoint plcnlpoton- tries to meet those of Russia, and agrco oa terms of peace. St. Petersburg, Juno 12. It is stated on good authority that Russia will not agree to abandoning Vladivos tok, taking tho stand that that port is BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIBBON SHOES FOR BOYS: The Brown Shoe Co. ST. LOUIS c&z rsze& fWk Sfi MBrtwiqgSf vxzd .srel. &y& wli'OOMRrtrp. TrrrtTrpaT nTTAT.Tnnr nui'i'ir TiTOfai man iDwrrmn I OUB, STORE WHO, BEMAIN CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, JUNE UTH, SALEM DAY AT THE FAIE. ROOSEVLET Russia in ideal condition to resist a Japanese attack. It is boliovcd If Japan forces tho lssuo that Vladivostok must bo given up as a naval base, tho war must continue OroatcdBousation. St. Petersburg, Juno 12. Tho Novoe Vroymn, In nn editorial this morning, doprocntcs tho optimism among diplo mats regarding tho movement toward ponce. If Jnpan, undor tho slognn "Asia for Asiatics," recognizes that Russln, In her orlglnnl history and des tiny, is nn Asintlo ns well as European power, sho will bo rendy to concludo not pooco, but nn nlllanco, Tho editor ial is something of a sensation. PLAYING AT WAR The Land Forces Are Doing Things to uncle Sam's Navy Baltimore, Juno 12. At 1:30 this morning thrco torpedo boats and do stroyors of Admiral Dlcklns' attack' ing squadron wcro theoretically blown .out of tho wator by tho guns of Port Howard, and tho fourth destroyer was discovered "sunk." Then tho Toxas mado a frontal demonstration on tho forts, aided by a swift cruiser, Tho fort roturned tho flro and theoretical ly sent both vessels to tho bottom. DRISCOLL ENTERS DENIAL, Says Storlea About Graft Charges An a Pack of Lies. Chicago, Juno 12. John 0. Drlscoll, former secretary of tho Coal Team Owners' Association, whoso namo fig urod largoly in tho graft charges mado by tbo labor leaders, Shea and Young, returned to Chicago Saturday. Drls coll denounced tho stories that ho act cd as a go-between for tho attempted bribery of union officials, as lies. Drls coll has agreed to talk to tho state's attorney, ond will appear before tho grand jury today, to testify to tho graft charges. FOR GIRLS & l&UMW SALEM, OREO ON, SHOOTING RECORDS BROKEN Battleship Kentucky Gunners Break all Records With Five Inch Guns Now York, Juno 12. Rcnr-Admlral Evans and his flagship, tho Maine, which arrived from tho drilling ground, reports thnt four gunners of tho battleship Kentucky broko nil rec ords for shooting with five-inch guns. Ono gunner with 14 shots a mlnuto hit tho tnrgot 13 times. Tho second gunner fired 13 shots nnd hit tho tar get each time. Two other men had 12 hits out of 13 shots. BIG PRICE FOR PICTURE Vienna, Juno 12. Tho city of Frank fort has just bought from Count Schocn born tho celebrated pictura by Renv brnndt of "Samson nnd Dalila" for $82,500. Austria is in despair at hav ing lost such n notablo work, but tho snlo was conducted without warning, and tho contract boing signed tbo cele brated picturo was takon to Frankfort at once. It is said that this picture actually enmo to Vienna as a canvas packing, and that an ancestor of Count Scbocnborn bought it in tho market place for $29 of an old man who used it to keep tho sun and rain, off tho sec ond hand rubbish ho was selling. Fleet Ordered to East. New York, Juno 12. An officer of the North Atlnntie fleet said today it is understood tho first-clnss battleships and fleet will soon bo ordered to Asiat ic waters, to r'olnforco tbo fleet under Rear-Admiral Train. Bad Show for Orodltora. New York, Juno 12. Captain Put nnm Bradley Strong, who gained no toriety becnuso of his marrlago to May Yoho Aycrs, and who Is now ap pearing with her on tbo vnudovlllo stage, has filed a petition In bankrupt cy, scheduling his liabilities over $1000; assets nothing. MEET AND ' ORGANIZE Tax Commission Met This Morning and Elected Officers Tho etato tax commlslson, created by tbo Inst legislature, met at tho stata house at noon today, and organised by electing Mr, Mulkey, of Portland, chnlrmnn. Tho board then proceded to sleet a secretary, Clydo M, AchoSon, of Portland, securing tho plum. Mr, Acbeson is not very well known in Salem, amj his election was accom plished by tbo Democratic vote, the Republican members not agreeing. Mr. Aeheson, it is claimed, is on the legal staff of tho Title Guarantee and TruBt Company, of Portland. There were several candidates for the position, among them Frank Dav ey,of, this city, and Frank Middleton, of Portland. It was supposed that Davcy had rather the best of the fight, but the' last few days, as is usual in inch cases, mutual friends of the com missioners and applicants got busy, and Mr, Davey's chances went glimmer ing. Tho appropriation Is $7000, and tho secretaryship carries a goodly salary. Bo suro and socuro your tickets ear ly for Salem Day. Don't wait until the last moment. BEST THERE IS Sounds like a broad as sertfen: but some of our cus tomers who Have traveled say that our Ice Cream Soda is the best they have found any where. Pure fruit fla vors is what does it. THE SPA 382 State Street. xtr m oi- F. O. Myers. MONDAY, JUNE 12, 1005. FASTEST TRAIN IN THE WORLD Pennsylvania Special Clips. Off Time Between Chi' cago and New York GJilcngo, Juno 12. Tho westbound "Pennsylvania special," tho 18-hour train, which left New y-?k yestorday aftcrnoQt, arrived '. Chicago nt 8:62 this morning, throo minutes ahead of running time. Much of tho dlstanco was done in less than n mllo a mlnuto. Jersey City, N. J,, Juno 12. Tho castbound "Pennsylvania special," from Chicago, arrived at 9:22 this morning, making tho run in thrco min utes less than Bchcdulo time. This is two hours less than tho previous low schedules to Now York from Chicago. 'Jdl train will be tho fastest in tho world for tbo distnnce. HANDS DOWN OPINIONS Tho supremo court banded down fivo opinions this morning as follews: Mary Kemp, respondent, vs. Joseph W., Brown and tho county of Polk, appellants; nppcnl from Polk county, R. P. Boise, judge, Justlco Bean ren dered tho opinion, affirming tho de cision of tho lower court. Tho ques tion Involved was whether tho county court could refuse to confirm tho re port of viewers appointed to nsscss damages for tho location of a county road. Tho decision is in effect thnt it cannot. Joseph W. Brown, nppollant, vs. Mary Kemp, ct nl, respondents; appeal! from I'olk countv. iron. 11. P. Koine. - " w ' Juogo; affirmed. Opinion by Justlco Bean. This was for an cascmeat through privato property, and sustains tho principle thnt ia selling a parcel of land not adjoining tho highway, tho grantor necessarily sells the right of way. Margaret Busch, respondent, vs. John F. Robinson, appellant; appeal from Umatilla county, Hon. W. R. Ellis judge; nfQrmod. Wolvcrton, C. J. Respondent was employed in a laun dry nt Pendleton, and was hurt by gotting her hand caught in n mangle. Dofondnnt sot up contributory negli gence, but jury awarded her damages. W. J, Woods, respondent, vs. Oregon Short Lino Railway, appellant; nppeal from linker county, Hon. Robert En kin, -judgo; reversed nnd romanded. Bean, Justlco. Frank C, Sharkoy, ct ul., appellants, vs. O, F. Candiani, et nl,, respondents; nppeal from Lane county, Hon, J. W. Hamilton, judgo; remanded for modi ficntion of decree. SCHOOL BOARD MEET. But Decllno to Act, Owing to the Ab senco of Two Members. The meeting of tho school board, sot for last Saturday evening, did not couio off, as only threo directors, Messrs Byrd, Fletcher nnd Lee, wero present. Theresas a committee from South Bulem prtsent composod of J. A, Carson, John Bayno and L. H. Mo Mahan aud several ladles, who were sent tbero for the purpose of getting Misses Grace Bollinger, Maude Myers and Besslo Smith reinstated as teach ers In tho Lincoln school. It was as serted that Messrs. Croisan and Condlt remainod away from tho meeting, In order to avoid responsibility in this matter, but sueh could not have been tho case, ah Mr. Croisan was in Port land, and Mr. Condlt was also absent. The brtiird adjourned to meet this ev ening at the police court room, when) this matter will be taken up. Several other matters will alio be attended to at this meeting of tho board. A ROLLING STONE GATHERS NO MOSS, BUT AS HOOKER'S BED CROSS DRUG STORE DON'T WANT TO BE A MOSSBACK, IT WILL CLOSE WEDNESDAY NEXT, AND ITS EMPLOYES WILL HELP SWELL THE CROWD THAT "HITS THE TRAIL," FIRST MAN TO FALL IN CIVIL WAR Unveiling of Monument Erect ed to Memory of Henry Waytt Bethel, Vn., Juno 12. Tho forty fourth anniversary of tho battlo of Big Bethel wasobsorved Snturdny by unveiling a handsome monument erect ed on tho battlefield to tho memory of Henry Wyatt, tho young North Carolina soldier, who is said to havo been tho first man to fall in the Civil war. Addresses wero dollvcrcd by Gov ernor Olonn, of North Carolina, nnd Govornor Montnguo, of Virginia. Tho Rov, Dr. E. Pendleton Jonos, of Hnmn- ton, delivered tho oration of tho day. Tho unveiling 'ceremony was performed by Miss Frances W. Kylo, of Fnyotte vlllo, representing tho North Carolina Confederate Veterans' Association. ALL ABOARD FOR THE FAIR Get Your Tickets Today for Salem DayWednesday A LARGE LAW CLASS" Thirty-two young gentlemen faced tho supremo court at 1 o'clock this aftornoon to tnko tho examination for' admission to tho bar. Tho 18 first named nro from tho Portland lnw BChool, tho next seven from Salem, nnd tho balance from other peints: iVdolph Abbey, J. Albert Beckwlth, John T. Catalin, Joseph T. Ellis, W. H. F.vnns, 8. F. Fouts, John W. Gra- ham, L. L. Hartley, Ben Irwin, George ,i. noiioy, Aiueri . .lonnson, ji. r. Lntourotto, M, Mosessohn, W. C, E. Pnr lit, Clydo Richardson, Fraak B. Ruth- Washington, Juno 12.-Tho Army orford, W. U. Stivers, Arthur R. na NftVy Journnl prlnU nn BrUcIo Stringer, George U. Bernlcr, E. N. Gil- g,imvn(? mt Ia,ron,m lB ngBin ram l.nghnm, R. M. Hofer, Walter E.'pnntf nml tlmt th6 FUplno eoll()tlll)nl Koycs, James H. Lane, Paul M. Long, ,rv , uttcrly ufmWa to Mp0 whh , Oscar '.. Morton, R. J. Burkowsky, W. ! tuation. Tho substitution of military B. Daggett, George W. Graff, Claude contrd , tho disaffected districts is unicn, jonn u. wcwio, w. iu jsnja - dalo, Carlylo T. Travis. Mrs. Oarrle P. aurnsey. Tho funeral of Mrs. Carrlo P. flurn- soy took place from Clough'a under- taking parlors at 1:30 this afternoon, i Sho died nt- tho asylum Saturday, hav ing been confined thero for two years. Sho was a lady of high attainments nnd oxcoptlonal musical ability. Her husband, who rosldes in Portland, enmo up yesterday to attend tho fu neral. Bo suro and sccuro your tickets ear ly for Salem Day. Don't wait until tho last moment. The Southern Pacific Company Will sell tickets, Salem to Boswcll Springs and roturn up to and including September 30, 1005, 1003, limited to 30 days, rato of $5.65. 6-5-tf (3S THURSDAY ONLY Special Sale No. 232 Wednesday, our regular day for spccjal sales, being Sulem Day at Lewis and Clark Fair, when this storo will, bo closed, wo hold tbo sale tho following day, Thursday, June 15tb, by offering new and up-to-dato Embroideries, values up to J 5c yd 8 t-3cyd Thatsd&y Only SEE BI? AD ON PAGE THREE NO. 137. RED ROSE PAYS FOR THE RENT A Lancaster Church Has Cheap Way of Paying Ground Rent Lancaster ,a., Juno 12. Tho rent of Zion's Lulncrnn Church at Manhclnt beenmo duo. yesterday, and was) pnld with ono red roso in accordance) with tho terms of agreement mndo wltU Baron Stlcgcl, who donated tho church sito In 1702. Tho occasion, which has becomo known ns tho "Feast of Ro ses," has increased interest tula year becnuso of tho attendance of Gov ernor Pcnnypnckor, who bnd promised to mako tho address attending tho pay- ment of tho rental. Congressman D. V. Lofean, accepted It for tho heir, One of whom, Miss Martha Horning, of Newport, R, I,, a descondnont of Baroa Stiegel, was present to rccoivo it. OUTLINES HIS POLICY New York, June 12. Paul Morton, tho new head of the Fquitablo board, bnd a conference Snturdny with Thos. F. Ryan, v. ho purchased the Hydo stock, and later went to tbo Fquitablo office. When asked what bis policy 'would bo Mr. Morton said: "My watchword in connection with tho so ciety will bo to work for tho best In terests of tho policy-holders. I don't wish to reflect in any way on tbo form er management, but shall tnko things) exactly as I find them, nnd devoto ev ery effort to conduct tho affairs to ft successful issuo." Morton has deter- mined not to go abroad, In vlow of his election to tho Equitable, FILIPINOa BROKE OUT. 0uUaw8 committing Depredations 19 Oavlto Province. . r-,ommendcd. Tho.naner jiavs that in Samar several thousand Pulnjane out laws havo instituted n reign of terror. Largo bands of outlaws are committing c',ou depredations In Cavlte provlnco. DR. STONE'S DRUG STORE Will not closo' on Wednesday, June 14th. Others may close and go to Portland, Ban Francisco, New York or Philadelphia for one day or more, but wo will keep our store open just tho same. reM&$i A1&M: -W f i