"55' rTTfjT' ' DAILY OAPJTAI. JOTJENAL, BAISM, OREOON, SATURDAY, JUNH C, 1305. 3 SOME OF OUR LEADERS vfBm,J"f' '''' 'T'fll"Tr-s,-' H tf-nfeBBBw jt!ff if) VJHBBBBBM !" iw sbjpw fr . Jm mSF6lu vk T'w&t r Virmi t4 " jXTwJ!: I W? i ! A jLhtTnmK lift. 1 II: UUnf2K!B3HUMMfniwnP!T D f ' Tfi Sufi " Ptha JctlH.C pppaapap- m vi flsaaaaaaaaaOaaaiaHaaaESa iW Moyer, Mitchell, Bafccock, Bee Line, Fat in the Lead. Fifty-five styles to select from. Iff "iiilii ' fill l i isii liapint'"1' 3k.-c2lS5't'KcsJ,rj A J JklJTCrlELL& LEWIS CO.; P5ap -fcSliillMI o- DACINlrWIS. g i J MITCHELL WAGON Represents seventeen years experience In wagon building. It fee absolutely impossible to build a better wagon than the Mitchell CHAMPION MOWER IT DRmisTS THE BKR NO PUSH. S M III TrV il ffiTBA I M llll R!-L'DRAW tWTlca-SU I " i'hSi?SG&'Cr rtr'tF i ia I r-VT" i rj.. v-rasxr - H HI V I I T -5 -XEaTV rf vvv III vtf uflJKT .a r.,. j y cTTf-Z3 S0T Tlili Draws tho DM"., Added Traction. seRr THE WHEELS WILL NOT LIFT FROM THE GROUND, Tho Champion draw-cut mower Is oquippod with bnll nnd rollor bcnrlngs of a Into and improved pattorn. Tho cutters may bo raised high from tho ground, cither by a foot lover or a hand lover, as tho driver may profor. Tho mnchlno Is nlcoly balancod, without wolght on tho Horses' nocks. If tho driver Is lnrgc, nnd tho tonguo will not stay down In front, tho neat may bo moved forward until tho bolnnco is exact. ' 'sV 5 7?yrMK(1iAMPION LOCK-LEVER SELFDUMi Among tho mnny improvements found on tho Champion Bakes, that of tho moat valuo is tho locking devico for holding down th o tcoth of tho horso-dump rako when gnthcrin. This is why it Is railed a lock-lover rake. In ordinary raking tho tcoth of tho Champion remain down themselves, conforming to any unovenness of tho ground, nnd, besides, thoy may bo held down as easily by a foot lover as on any other liny rake; novcrtho less, when raking vqry heavy hay, or when bunching, or when a boy is driv ing it is a groat advantage to lock tho teeth down. The (New Iowa WE GUARANTEE that the Iowa Dairy Sepa rator Willi Skim moro milk per rated capacity. Skim cleaner hot or cold. Skim with less power. Skim richer cream. Clean easier than any other separator J 905 Model 33 inches High Hoosler Doable Disc Drills Tho accompanying illustration sho ws tho Twin or Double Disc Furrow Opener usod on Hoosler Drills. The discs aro 12 nnd 13 inches in dlnmctcr. Champion Binder Acme Pulverising Harrow Clod Maahor, Loveler and Torn Exterminator. Best Tool Used In Hop Yard or Bummer Tallow. Pi " ' Tho gront success of tho Champion Hinder is duo to its nblllty to satisfac torily harvest tho crops undor tho differ cut nnd often difficult conditions found from year to year on tho same farm. Tho improvements which it em bodies gives It an ndvnntngo in difll cult nnd oxtrcmo conditions of grain, yet it Is oqually adapted to tho ordin ory and favorablo conditions. kW. v EBBKjsBBYBBMBHHVfliVftBl IsTsbT W sbbWb bBV ImTbbi Ml HHV 'iHfc XgW .c irJfe0 w 3T cr c c' tho edgo of tho 13 inch blndo oxtendlng, of course, beyond tho odgo of tho 12-Inch blado. Doth como togothor at a point in front and somewhat lower than tho middle thus presenting a cutting odgo of ono blndo squarely against tho soil to bo opened. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO Salem Branch, F. F. Carey, Manager 210, 229,-237 State St. E Salem, Oregon STATE NEWS Tho probnble cost of the new school pouso at Ilnrrisburg will bo $10,000. A tyhlto Salmon strawberry raiser h) that the aquaw still holds her fchce as tho champion berry picker. Clarence B. Young of Phllllpsburg, Excursion Kates. During tho Lewis and Clark Exposi tion the O. 0. T. Co. will make a rata of 70 cents to Portland, round trip $1. Tickets good for ten days. Boats leav ing dally. tf rLBTOHEE'fl QTTTT.Dnhw car fob OASTOBIA. Indlgoetlon, constipation, dyspepsia, I'ont., has confessed to holding up the kidney nnd liver disorders, and all orth Coast Limited train near Bear outh last Sunday night. Irian county threshing machine own- "re going to hold a meeting at edd on Juno 17th to fix prices for ireihing and wages to bo paid to la orcrs. Two sons of Fred Cooper, of Wo 'tehee, Wash., were killed by light "g Thursday. Soveral children with bom they were playing were stunned, none seriously injured. a complaint has been filed against e city of Corvallls enjoining said elty om paying for a survey and estimate osts in the matter of n survey of water route from Corvallls to Bock reek. More berries are being sent out from 00d Blvor thin unniinn than were Ipped last year, notwithstanding a per cent decrease in the total acro . This is accounted for by the u rior quality of the berries this year. Invasion of tho local crab flshlnc Id by Portland men, composing the andard Crab company, is causing nsiderable 111 feeling among the more rty equipped Yaquina fishermen, d the pta" of tho outsido concern Te been ent and were newly earrled io sea. The 8tandard people are guartung tho outfit carefully. stomach troubles positively cured by using Ilollistor's Rocky Ifoantain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Stone's Drug Store. ffiffl arK w m If 1IJUJH, ft) W0 JJL WVjf PTJBE AND MELLOW I ElOn AND DELICATE. I For Bale by I BOHHirrnBB oo, I iMMHHMNMMi Bids Invited. Soaled bids will bo receivod at the ofllco of tho superintendent of the Ore gon Stato Ponltontlary, at 8alem, Oro gon, until Thursday, June 22, 1005, at 1 o'clock p. m., of said day, for the la bor of tho convicts confined in said penitentiary, under tho provisions of nn act or tno legislature passed in 1805, and amendments thereto, and for tho foandry plant belonging to tho state, and situatod within the prison walls. Bida to bo mado separately on the basis of a fivo or a ten-year lease, beginning August 1, 1005, on blanks which will bo forwarded by the super intendent on application. Each bidder must enclose with his bid a certified check in the sum of $500 payable to the order of the Super intendent, to bo forfeited to the State in case the bidder to which the contract is let falls to enter into a contract, aad give the bond required by the statute within ten days after tho awarding of the contract. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Further information may be had, if desired, by addressing the superintendent. Dated nt Salem, Oregon, May 22, 1005. O. W. JAMES, Superintendent. A Fearful Fate. It is a fearful fate to have to en dure the terrible torture of Piles. "I can truthfully eay," writes Harry Col son, of Masonville, Ia7 "that fox Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protrud ing Piles, Bucklon's Arnica Salve, is tho best cure- made." Also best for cuts, burns and injuries. 25e at J. Perry's Drug Store. IPIbibVJb'v jtsVSSBBBBBBBBBsM&w) TNI t sW S'afflfflfflfEP'V. ll Ml fliV PXIiissssssssf?1(lrll. JWJTsMsissssssssssssryfWnltfisyll wmam sttaTyul M stfVHJHsffiffissssssssssssssf I I I 1 I II i! li Books by William J. Long I 75.c 75c Thomas Balmcr, advertising man ager of the Buttcrlck publications, aays: "You cannot kill an elephant with a popgun. Neither can you get a page effect with an Inch advertise ment" WMck la nit anotne -war of r-laft- you eannat do ja.ttea to roar arrr mtomU vrttli a amall ad. Bnppo.a roa trr a paaa ad. In hU papar. Ways of Wood Folk Wilderness Wars Secrets of the Woods 75c Wood Folk at School 75c Beasts of the Field $1.75 Fowls of the Air $1.75 School of the Woods Net $ J. 50 . Following the Deer Net $ J .25 A Little Brother to the Bear Net $j.5Q GINN & COMPANY, Papers Trade Department, 29 Beacon St., Boston -iiaisiitt till pi w i v HOLUSTER'S Rtcky Mountain Tea Nuggets Only One License. The county elerk issued ono marriage license May 31st. Deraittini? Edward to Sheldon and Miss Maud McConville to marry. A stranger, like the reporter, fcuuu ueiy uut Hoouer, irom lue Dau- and KJdn.y Trouble. Itmple. Ecem. Impur. I ty he sees on the streets, that the coun- fiSkSSeM, tffiibUlS&lV, As: A Bur XftUohu for Bur Fwelt. Brian OoUia Ilttlth tad Xtuvri Tl(or. la for ConitlniLllaa. IndlmuUon. Lift Cd. ty clerk isn't kept busy issuing that !?' totm ? ttati a . .P?uiaa && r Typewriter, N kind of glory tickets. ftnnSrM wimnPTU nt emow ppop .. I SU Com'l Bt. SdUon Faonoffrspk Agsccy. aasoUno Lamp, Jfantela, aaaollaas. Now, Beeond-Haad. - i'AODO jaaio i