rjiSrSS?" -r-SirtWjpi 8 BAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, rBIDAY, JTJNE 2, 1005. Stockton & Co THE OLD WHITE CORNER "l M ' lf Ut. . Jiiilim II Mf ITi Till l m in n in r ' "IJ'Y JUNE WHITE DAYS TUB BALE OF WHITE PROGRESSES WITH VIM AND ENERGY. AMONO TIIE HAPPY TnEONQB OP THRITTY BUYERS. BE TALK ABOUT FLAX R. R. Magnates Vis it Salem. OAwayWIthanl'nierstand- Ing of Its Growth and Possibilities A number of the Southern Fnclflc railroad officials wero In tho city yes terday, Mr. Storrs, W. E..Coman, R. U. Miller nnd Mr. Lownsbcrry being of tlio SERVICES TO CONTINUE i . .. zzurzmz- imiwrwwmmrM-M bvihti unm Evangelistic Service Meeting With Good Results, and Will Continue "Stnrt slow, go slow, rlso lilglior, cntch fire , wax warm, end In n storm" was announced, by Dr. S. M. Mnrtln at the beginning ns bis program in n meet' lng laBt night. Ho said that tho "Rise Higher" point had only been reached thus far, nnd that was when tho pa vllion had to bo enlarged last week. 'Tim mrnnrrnltflt a nrn ImlntT rnwnrdtifl party. Tbcy camo for tho purposo of . ,.,, ,...,,., ,u,,0.. ovcn fhouch Inquiring Into tho flax Industry, and eoniMcr tho meotincs fairly well started. Tho services will contlnuo in W 'JBmXRXJOKAnGAmMQJJSB' gain nil possiblo information concerning tho industry in this county. They rec ognized tho interest takon in tho mat ter by our townsman, Mr. H. D. Thiol sen, nnd he was invited to meet them. Mr. Bosse, the pioneer in tho industry, nnd Mrs, Lord, who has dono so much to assist in establishing it wcro pres ent, nnd gnvo tho visitors tho benefit of much hnrdly-carncd information. definitely, possibly lasting up to the date set for the state convention of tho Chrlstinn churches at Turner, June 23d whero Evangelist McVny will con duct tho music. Sixty-two persons have united with tho church thus far. A largo number were baptized last night at the clone of tho services "Tho Old Paths" was tho subject of Tho rnllroad officials aro deeply Intor- tho ovnlJgciBtB gcrmon last night, nnd ADDITIONAL PERSONALS. Thll Hardy was in Albany yesterday. W. D. Stcop was a business visitor in Albany yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Whlto, of this city, nro In Portland. Hon. John Minto nttcndod tho open ing of the Lewis and Clark fair. Miss Musa Deer, formerly ono of tho public school teachers of this city, has returned from nn extended stay in Now York City. Sho will spend tho summer in Oregon, nnd her many frionds will be glad to sea her back. Norwich Union Fire Insur ance Society. Prank Meredith, Resident Agent. Office with Wn. Brown & Co., No. 120 Commercial Street. estcd In tho mnttcr, and will do every' thing possiblo to interest those engaged in tho working of flax Obro in Oregon's product, It is, perhaps, needless to add that tho industry hnd well-informed ad vocates, nnd that tho railroad's repre sentatives got information that could not havo been procured elsewhere. Oregon produces a quality of flax equal to tho best grown In Ireland, and therefore, in tho world, nnd it is only a question of time, and a short tlmo at that, when linen products wll lbc ono of Salem principal shipments. Tickets for tho Annual Dramatic recital of tho Collego of Oratory will bo on salo at tho box of flee at 0 a. m. tomorrow. NEW TODAY For Sale. Honse and six lots, central ly located, at a bargain, Maty terms. Address "B. P.," Joirnal efflee. 4-18- Shingles Best Star A. Star Shingles $85 PER 000. SALEM FENCE WORKS Walter Mofey 60 Court Street, Salem. Money to Loan THOMAS K. FORD, Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or. Oo To J. N. Shantz for your hop bas kets. Cot In your order before tho rush. 0-2-lm Wanted. A position ns governess. Can furnish tho best of references. Phone 375 Bluo. G-2-3t" For Rent. Furnished front room, 653 Marlon street. 0-2-3t Tor Boat. I havo flno pasture, with running wnter, and will tnko in stock for tho summer; also second-hand wagon and flvo head of hoifers for salo. A'. O. Smith, near Prlnglo school house. It. P. D. No, 5. 0-2-.1t For Salo, Rubber-tired .buggy, at .a bargain. Call at 701 Front streot. 0-2-3t Rehearsal at Asylum. Tho students of tho University Col- lege of Oratory gave a dress rehearsal , of tho dramatic recital which is to bo given by them in tho opera house Sat urday night. Tho play was "Drifted Apart," nnd tho audlcnco proved ap preciative and admiring. While ensity moved to tears tho humorous situations seemed to touch thorn more quickly, and caused them to applaud heartily. It was not only a treat to tho patients, but tho ofllcinls speak of tho talent dis played in tho highest terms. Imme diately following tho entcrtninment tho officials entertained tho young players by serving n splendid lunch, to which youthful nppotltes did amplo justice. was ono of his best. Prof. McVny sang "Tho Bella of Conscience" in sweet, clc.ir voice, nnd it was heartily on.ioycd. Prof. McVny Is certainly a prlnco of song among tho singing ovan gcllsts of tho country. Nono better has ever visited Salem. His many friends nro anxious to hear him in oth er classes of music, and ho expects to give n song recital at tho close of tho meeting for tho benefit of tho church, at which tlmo ho will sing his best nnd most popular sonus. consisting of humorous, pathetic and classic selec tions. Tho subject of Dr. Martin's dis course for tonight is "Tho Narrow Way." THE BIG CITY CHICAGO IS IN TROUBLE! Thij! will be tho greatest strike in its history. Tnoy say It's an til wind that doea not blow somebody good. Tho wholesalers and nuumfactneers aro un loading; our buyer In tho Medina Temple saw a chnnco to purchase- for ui for spot cash $5,000 of tho latost and up-to-date, goods that were ever scon In Salem, Ho got them to tho Union dopot at 12 o'clock that night. Half of them are hero now, and tho rest will arrivo In a f ow days. While they last wo will slaughter tho prices right nnd left Road on. Seo. Miss Johnson ns tho "Old Maid," in "Thirty Minutes for Refreshments" at tho Grand Saturday night. Will Arrive Later. Tho body of tho late Fred Smith, who j was drowned in Skagit county, Wash ington, which was to havo arrived on tho 11 o'clock train today, will not or- rlvo until later, tho dato bolng yet un known. It wns stated in yesterday's Journal the body would arrive on tho 4 o'clock train, which wns a mistake. Gas Range Demonstration. Tho following Is tho progrnm for ! Saturday at tho gas rango demonstra tlon bolng givon in tho Klinger build ing by Miss Anna Miller, of Kansas City. Every Salem lady should certain ly tako advantage of this valuablo offer, nnd see tho demonstrations. Sub ject: "Dinner.' Menu. Vlsnna Stoak with Mushroom Sauco and Potato Bowkoks. Cabbage nu Orafln. Fruit Salad. eUn tb. ll Kind Ym Han AtarJ & OOVBRT JACKETS. $10, $12.50 and $15 OoTOrt Jack ets, swell garments handsome ly trimmed and silk lined. Sale price. . .$6.90, $7.00 and $0.00 SILK SUITS. $16.50 two-tonod silk Tafflta shirt waist suits, handsomely trimmed. Price $0.00 $25 two toned silk Tafflta skirt waist suits; beautiful gar ments. Price $14.00 CHINA SILK WAISTS. $3.00 and $4.50 white China silk waists. Beautifully trimmed, also tucked and plaited. Sale price $2.05 DRBSS SKIRTS, $12.50 Accordion plaited voile drees skirts, black, navy and dovs. Price $7.00 600 mohair dress skirts. Price.. $2.05 $0.00 mohair dress skirts all col ors. Price $4.50 NETT MILLINERY. Children's 39c, 76c and $1 trim med hats. Special sale price 25c, 48c and 00c Ladles' $6 chiffon Moxine EU1 ott hats. The latest sole price $2.95 800 Maxlne BUlott hats. .$3.50, $3.05 HOSIERY AND UNDERWBAR. We show the strongest line of those goods in Salem for men, women and children; all at lit tlo prices. FINE SILKS. 76c black Tafflta silk. Frico. . . ,43c $1.40, 36-in heavy black Taffeta silk - 08c $1 black silk pcau do sole, yd. . . ,C9e 89e fancy Tafflta dress silks, yd. ,59c Soft wash silks, yd. 25c, 29c and 30c DRESS GOODS. 76a mohair drew goods; all the latest shades. Fine heavy quality, yd , 48c $1.10 fine all-wool French voiles yd 76e Hundreds of other drees goods at llttlo prices. SUMMER LAWNS AND VOILES. 15c fancy polka dot lawns. Prlco 10c 25c fancy cotton voiles, all col ,ors, yd 15c 26c fancy tan dotted Swiss, yd. ,15c 7,ic Antrum lawns, pretty pat terns, yd ...3aC Hundreds of styles and makes of wash goods In this department. DRESDEN RIBBONS. 600 yds of 30e fancy Dresden ribbons. Beautiful floral de signs, all silk, yd 33c DOMESTICS. 1,000 yds pretty 6yc and 7'jC fancy challlcs, yd 3',c Best standard dark calicoes, yd 3'jC la'jc white India Unons, yd. . .8 l-3c 8 l-3e bleached muslin, 36 in. yd. ,6c LADIES' SHOES. Ladies' $3.76 patent loather show . . ,$2.45 Ladies' $3.00 kid shoes, new... $2.48 SALEM'S FASTEST OKOWING STORE. Corner of Commer cial and Court Streets McEVOY BROS. tNtMIMnillHMIIMIIHINIHMMHimHMmlti NATIONAL AND RAMBLER RIDERS I can do your work better than nnyono el so, and give you better sat- X Infliction in overy way. If your frame or forks break I can repair them in a satisfactory way, nnd match the enamel to a ebado. I carry in stock rims nnd nnd tires to fit Nationals and Ramblers, ns well as other makes I .havo tires of all kinds, all prices, nnd all guaranteed. Give us a call m ono prlco to evoryono, Thon for $35 r have a bicycle that's not so 5 worso. Ono-pleco hunger, Corbin front hub, New Dcparturo Coaster, jj No. 3 Bridgeport Pedals, No. 37 Diamond Chain, Steel Rims, Thorn- m proof tires and Pearson's saddle. Guaranteed for ever. Best work at ill Z honest prices. 2 --. . ...... . ...n M jl m JPKANK J. MUUKU, M Phone 301 Black. 374 Court Street. S f. ,, Siivewae Wotfth Buying That the best is tho cheapest, goes without saying when buying silver plated spoons, knives and forks. They are used three times a day, every day in tho year so you'll save money in the long run by buying good, dur able heavy-plated ware. Here are Rogora' fine plated goods at unusually attractive prices: $4 A SET FOR ROGERS' KNIVES AND FORKS-6 OF EACH. $1.26 FOR A SET OF ROGERS TEASPOONS, $2.60 FOR A SET OF ROGERS' TABLESPOONS. State and Liberty Sts., Salem, Ore L K. of P. Picnic. Tho Knights of Pythias of Hubbard and Aurora will hold their nnnunl plo nlo at Hubbard tomorrow. This joint moetlpg has becomo a fenturo with these lodges, nnd ono lookod forward to with ovor-lnrroaslng pleasure by tho members of tho lodges. Quito a num ber of Salem knights will attend, nnd if they tnlk ns well there as they do here, in speaking of it, every ono of them could be "orator of tho day," Closing Exorcises Blind School. Tho closing exorcises of the Oregon Tnstltuto for the Blind will tako place at tho M. K. church this evening. A splendid program has been provided, and it is quite certain thnt those who novcr attended a performance of this kind will bo both astonished and de lighted, for tho proficiency of tho pu pils, in splto of tho eternal darkness in which they live, 1b simply wonderful. Parents Come for Him. Otto Goswick, a boy of from 18 to 20 years, who has, for tho past few days, shown signs of insanity, was taken in charge by Chief of Polico Cor nelius this morning, but no examination was held, as his parents camo after him, and will wo what can be done to straighten him out. Entertainment Tonight. Tho Oregon Instituto for the Blind will glvo a most interesting entertain ment at the Hrst M. E. church tonight at. 8 O'clock, to which tho public is cordially Invited to attend. There will be songs by the pupils, rec itations and instrumental music, and will bo well worth attending. See Mr. Averill as the bachelor in "Thir ty Minutes for Refreshments," at tho Grand Saturday night. Tickets for the Annual Dramatic recital of the College of Oratory will be on sale at tho box of fice at 0 a. m, tomorrow. SHOE SACRIFICE Largest Stock in Salem Every Pair of Shoes In our big up-to-date line sacrificed at or below cost-3ome at half coss. See These Bargains All of Laird, Schober & Co's ladies shoes, fine , dress and street shoes S369 Ladles' best viol kid, with patent tip. Regu lar price $4.00. Retiring price 2-08 Ladies' pnteut eolt shoe, with dull tops. Regular ' price $3.50. Retiring price ; 2-50 Ladles, viol kid, with patent tip. Regular price $3.60. Retiring price 2-50 Ladles' patent eolt shoes. Regular price $3,00 Rotiring price... .-. 109 Misses' vicl kid, patent tip dress shoes. Regn- lar prlco $2.25. Retiring price 1G9 Misses, box calf and kid shoes, broken slues. Regular price $2.00. Retiring price 100 Mifmea' kid and patent leather strap slippers. Regular price $1.25, Retiring prise 08 Children's kid and patont leather strap slippers. Regular prlco $W5 and $1.35. Retiring price 85 Child's kid shoes, sizes 8Mi toll. Retiring prise ' 75 Children ' kid shoe, sizes 5 Hi to 8. Retiring Flco .59 Infants' kid shoes, sizes 2 to 6. Retiring prise. 49 Mlnaes tan, heavy sole, sizes 11 to 2. Retiring l,rl 115 Children tan, heavy sole shoes, 8 to 11. Re tiring price 1.00 Children's tan, heavy sole shoes, 6 to I. Retir ing prlc 85 Ladies' patent! leather Oxford welt. Regular price $3.60. Retiring price 2-G9 Ladles' patent uppers, turn sole Oxford. Rtgu- ular prlco $3.00. Retiring price 1-98 Ladies' kid Oxfords, with patent tip. Retiring Frl" 149 Ladles' kid Oxford, with patent tip. Retiring Pr 1.15 Al lof Edwin Clnpp's manufacture dross shoes. Regular price $5.60 to $0.60. Retiring prie 4-08 Men's Cordovan Shoes. Regular prlie $3.00. Retiring pric 3-30 Men's box calf shot. Regular priee $4.00. Re tiring priea ' 200 Men's Ideal kid blusher. Regular price $4.50 , Retjrlng price , 3-50 Men's patent leather Oxfords. Regular priee pries $4.00. Setiriig prise 2-00 Men's tan Oxfords. Regular price $3.50 and $4.00. Retiring prie 3-00 Men's vlel kid sskoss. Regular prise $3.50. Retiring priee 2-60 Men's velonr calf. Regular priee $3.50. Retir ing pris , 2 60 Men's satin calf. Reaular vrlee $1.75. Retir ing pries 1-30 Boys' cadet ealf. Regular pries $2.00. Retiring prie 1 50 Youths' box salf aad viol kid. Regular pries price $1.35 to $1.50. Retiring pries 1-10 Everything Goes Come and See. Terms Stricty Cash ESJSSSr This Is not an old or shelf-worn stock, hot the best and cleanest line of shoes ever in Salem. Now is your opportunity. No reserve tmtil everv oair is sold. Oregon Shoe Co A, Tliiht IV jj..jj