Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, June 02, 1905, LAST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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T a Joy to At I welcome mr dinner hour j
ilfcaiuel rout Indigestion with August I'lowct
Constipation is Uic result of I ndtimsiloti.
MlionsneM. flatulency, loss of appetite,
elf-polsonitig, niicinfa, emaciation, urn
acici, neuralgia in variouii parts oj the
ystcni. calarrltal inflammation of the in
testinal canal nnd numerous other ail
ments that rob life of its pleasures if the)
3o not finally rob you of life itself.
f-i'iu boumi in the bowels," is a coin
non expression of p;oilc who look rais
raWe and are miserable vet who nersisl
in u fotttnfr nrt'ltrf tnl- Ita mnr '
- r ---"-- -- ...-vm.v.
anon expression of p;oilc who look nis-
id i
sfWhat a polish pint), when nature could
3 aided by the ue of Green's Awptsl
.rio-wcr, which is na-ure'sown remedy lot
cmretipatlon and all stomnch Ills.
rffAtigust I'lower gives new life to the
tnci and insures hialthy stools. a
fiTwo sizes, ijc nnd 75c All druggists.
Improvements at' Newport.
Tho Lincoln County Land and Invest
ment Company has made substantial
Smprovomonts at Olsson's addition to
Uowport. Tho wholes Bay Viow town
ita has boon changed by tho construc
tion of a wharf for steamer landing in
front of tho Bayloy rcsldonce, which
lias been converted into a summer ho
tel, and another wharf will bo built in
front of Captain Olsson's residonco.
Thoro will bo a 10-foot roadway from
tho Bnyley houso east along tho wator
front, nnd tho street has boon cut
through tho hill up past the Bain prop
erty. Tho bulkhead has been robuilt
on tho wholo front, nnd tho streets and,
property flxod up as novor boforcr.
Persons wishing cottages or town lots
in tbat part of Newport should wrlto to
Capt. J. A. Olsson.
After Shooting Woman Twice Murderer
Puts Pistol to Her Head and Blows
Out Her Brains
. Tho following additional detnils of nnd arrest the murderer. IIo and Demi
tho murder of Sanford Sklnnor nnd his ty Harry Bowcn loft horo as soon as
wlfo by John Kichnrds at tho residence poslblo thereafter, and arrived at1 Stof
Winter Confinement ITocs Up tho
..Strength of tho Blood and Fills
tho liody Full of Impurities.
Why do wo fcol out of sorts just
when tho hardships of winter nro over
and the out-door world begins to bo at
tractlvof We nro fevorish nnd listless
and weak, ivhllo nature all nbout us is
astir with fresh llfo and tho contradic
tion puzzles us.
Tho explanation is nftor nil not bo
ing was in direct opposition tq banking
ethics, but progross is rapidly over
coming tho old-fashioned notions of
professional pcoplo along this line, and
todny even tho very conservative mod
lcnl and legal professions uro begin
ning to nppreclato tho vnluo of tho
right kind of advertising.
Thcro is no public institution Mint
is accomplishing moro for tho working
men nnd women than tho savings insti
tutions, nnd in order to reach these
pcoplo thoy must bring thoir proposi
tions directly to their notice, and in a
moro or less personal manner, and in
no way can this bo dono except by ad
Advertising in tho local n6wspnpors
is tho usual beginning. Ono timo ndver
Hnmo Doesn't Own the Rlvor.
Oregon Obsorveri According to n
decision rendorod in tho circuit court of
Coos county a fow days ago by Judgo
Hamilton, tho stato law, giving R. D.
Ilume, tho lower Roguo river fishing
king, oxcluslvo right to fish in front of
tils tldo lands, extending from tho
mouth of Rogue river 10 miles up ono
si do and clj-lit miles up tho other side
-of tho stream, is unconstitutional. The
question has been n paramount ono in
that section, nnd tho sourco of great
public contention, and resulting In Rov
er nl suits being filed involving it, with
the results In tho circuit court as stated,
tho opposition to tho claims of Uumo
being represented by K. K. Burns, undo
of Representative Burns, of Coos nnd
Curry. A bitter feud exists botweon
tho latter nnd Hume, who will carry
the fight to tho supremo court. '
Wouldn't Lay.
It is reported that a dealer lately
old ono of his fino incubators, nnd
later asked tho fiinrier's wlfo If thoy
wero having success with it. "Well,
part of tho time,' sho said; "you know
tho thing will net all right, but wo
can't mako it Iny,"
Oar of the Future.
Thomas Bdlson enya ho lms been
working for yours upon tho problem of
perfecting in olectrio motor volilclo.
He insists that tho eloctric onr is to bo
the oar of tho future, for it is tho "sur
est nnd simplost."
Should this mechanlonl wizard llvo
long enough ho will succeed in his un
dertaklng. Ho spent eight years on tho
Incandescent light problem. Nothing
seems impossible to him. IIo has snid
nn invontor is a bulldog with n pootie
temperament, and tbat description fits
Edison well.
of Mrs. Sarah Washburn, Richard's
mother, where Skinner nnd his family
hnd beon residing for soma time, in
the Mohawk valley, nlno miles northenst
of Eugene, early Thursday morning,
aro given from tho Kugcno Ounrd:
Skincr nnd his wlfo and Richnrds
nnd his motlior hnd boon having a mis
understanding and thcro had been bad
feeling botweon thorn for nbout n week.
Tho troublo was over Edith Richards,
tho daughter of tho murderer. Sho
hnd been staying thcro a wcok or moro
nnd it seems thnt, for somo reason Skin
ner and his w.lfc, who ocuplcd ono
part of tho houso, whllo Richards and
his mother occupied another part, ob
jected to tho young woman's prcsonco
Wednesday ovonlng thoro occurred n
quarrel, with tho result that tho un
deslrablo visitor loft tho houso nnd
went to tho homo of Frank Stafford
and wife, who llvo a mllo further down
tho river.
As soon as ho nroso Thursday morn
ing Skinner nskod' Mrs. Washburn to
pack up tho girl's bolongings nnd said
that he would take them to her nt
Staffords house, stating that ho did not
want tho girl to ever step her foot on
the placo again. Mrs. Washburn gath
ered up tho girl's belongings, which
consisted of n valise, a hat box and
a bundlo of clothing, and with them
in his hands Skinnor started for
IIo had gono no farther than tho
gate, thirty steps away, when n rlflo
shot was heard and Skinner was soon
to fnll heavily to tho ground. Rich
ards had -fired tho shot from a 4500
Winchester rlflo whllo standing in an
upstairs window. The bullet ontorod
between tho shoulder blades and came
out through tho breast. Ho died in
stantly. After becoming satisfied that ho had
finished his first vlotlm Richards went
downstairs and ontorod tho room
whero stood Mrs. Skinner and her
daughtor Lena, aged about 18, trem
bling with fear. The girl ran out of
tho room, through tho garden to the
homo of a neighbor, Mr. McQeo. Mrs.
Skinner mndo several attempts to es
cape, but wan unsuccessful, and was
shot through tho top of tho hend with'
an old Col't enp nnd ball pistol. She,
too, died instantly.
Richards, In company with Skinner's
hired man, then went to the homo of
Frank Stafford, whero ho was detained
under guard of threo men, until tho ar
rival of Sheriff Fisk.
Ton minutes after the terriblo trngo
dy took place the daughter of Mr. nnd
Mrs. Skinner returned to tho houso and
telephoned to tho sheriff nil account of
tho affair, and asked him to go at oneo
ford's about 8 o'clock. Placing hand
cuffs on RIchnrd's wrists they took him
back to tho scene of tho murder.
Coroner F. M. Day and Deputy Dis
trict Attornoy J. M. Williams arrived
soon nnd held nn Inquest over tho re
mnins of Skinner nnd wlfo. After tho
Inquest wns completed Shorlff Fisk nnd
Doputy Bown started with Richards
for Eugene, nnd arrived hero at noon.
Ho wns nt once locked up in tho county
jail. Shorlff Fisk says that tho prison
er absolutely refuses to tnlk. Ho is n
quiet man, aged CO years, and hns eight
children, tho daughter over which tho
troublo occurred being tbo only ono
living at home. Ho has beon divorced
from his prcsont wifo for somo timo.
Tho post mortem examination, at tho
coronor's inquest, of Mrs. Skinner's
body revealed tho fact that sho was
shot through tho left wrist, through ono
leg, breaking tho bones in each, then
shot through the body. As sho lay on
tho stairway Rlchartis placod tho old
pistol to her bead nnd blow her brains
Ho Was Innocont.
After having John Siofert nrrcstcd
for tho theft of SO, Ritchlo & Wells,
local grain dealers, of Forest Grove,
found tho money securely hidden among
their grain sacks, whero ono of tho
members of tho firm hnd placod it for
snfo keeping. Tho monoy was missing
from tho till early Tuesday morning,
and suspicion rested upon young Sio
fert, who wns reported to havo been
soon around tbo store, nnd whoso repu
tation wns not of tbo bost. Siefcrt
was nrrostod, but was released when tbo
proprietor found tho monoy whero ho
himsolf put it. It is oxpoctod that Sie
fcrt will bring suit ngninst tho firm
which caused his nrrcst, Ritchlo &
Wolls aro now hunting through their
grain sacks for $10, which wns missed
somo timo ago, and Is beliovod to havo
disappeared in tho samo way.
o '
Excursion Rates.
During tho Lewis nnd Clark Exposi
tion tho O. C. T. Co. will mnko a rate
of 75 cents to Portland, round trip $1.
Tlckota good for ten days. Boats leav
ing dally. tf
difllcult. In winter tho nlr of tho close
rooms in which wo spend so much of Using will not bring tho desired results,
the time does not furnish onough oxyjbut nn organized campaign or nilvcr
gon to tho lungs to burn out tho foul .Using ennnot but incrcaso tho earnings
matter in tho blood. Everyone knows, ' n lonk advertised, and work to
tho uncomfortnblo feelings that follow
tho breathing of bad nir and thnt nro
cured by simply opening n window for
a short time. The worst effects, how
over, nro thoso which aro stored up nnd
do not appear nt once.
In the cold season we do not excrclso
ns much nnd tho skin nnd kldnoys do
not throw off tho wnsto matter ns froo
ly. Tho wholo system gets cloggod
'just ns a machino does when it is not
cleaned with frequency. Tho stomnch
docs Its work feebly nnd gets loss nour
ishment out of tho food. So thcro is
wenkness everywhere, weak organs,
wenk muscles, weak nerves.
When tho warm weather comes, the
system is found to bo overloaded with
poisonous matter, nnd too fccblo to
Bho Was Told Tbat an Operation Vfu
Inovitablo. How Oho Escaped it
When a physlcinn tells a woman eu.
fcrlntr with ovarian or womb trmiM..
that an operation Is necessary, the vert
thought of the knife nnd the operator
tablo strlkea terror to her heart, taj
our hospitals are full of women corals
for ovarian or womb operations.
the betterment of tho community nt tho
samo time. "White's Sayings,
Willamette Won.
Tho Monmouth Normal School ran
up against tho Willamette University
ball team yesterday, and wont down In
defeat, but only nftor n hard-fought
battle. Tho gamo was good from tho
timo tho ball was put in action. Tho
Wlllnmcttcs won by n scoro of 0 to 3,
nnd got thcro by good, hard batting,
pounding tho ball cvory timo It showed
up. Pitcher Smith plnyod n good, wide
awnko game, but could not keep Wil
laeoteo from finding tho ball.
According to arrangements, thli
gamo closes tho season, nnd it leaves
the quostlon of supremacy among tho
throw it off. Relief can bo had onlyi8t,,to collc tcnms ,n ,loubt; W,1,am
thrmicrh tho nun nt n rrmnilv thnt w 1 . uu" """ " "" "-'" " '"
promptly nnd thoroughly purify nnd
strengthen tho blood, nnd tho best ono
for this purposo is tho great blood
tonic known ns Dr. Willim.i Pink Pills.
"They acted llko mngic in my case,"
said Mrs. Wilde. "I was wenk and
thin and could not sleep. Mr stdmach i
nnd nerves wero out of order. I can't I Lo' Wnmpolo, of Woodburn, wns In
descrlbo how mlscrnblo I really wns. I,tn cl,y i0ilai'
J AfrAfarretAfefey (
Vf i ii i w
Oswald West is in Roseburg on business.
dragged through six months of feeble
ness, growing weaker nil tho timo until
I finally hadn't strength onough to
leave my bod.
"Thon a glad day came, tho day
when I begnn to tnko Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Thoy mndo mo foel strong
right away. My nppctito enmo bnck, I
took on flesh and tbo color returned to
my chcoks. Pcoplo wonderod that theso
pills did for mo what tho doctors
Miss Gny Piper, of Portland, Is vis
iting relatives in tho city.
Edward Thlelson attended tho open
ing of tho fair yesterday.
Mrs. Hall, of Woodburn, wns brought
to tho Salem hospital this morning for!
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. N. Gntcns nttondod
tho oponlng of tho Lewis and Clark'
fair yesterday.
Misses Helen and Evelcno Calbrcnth
There aro cases where an operation
is tho only resource, but when one eon
alders tho great number of cases o!
ovarian ana womb troublo cured tr
Lydla E. Plnlcham's Vegetable Com
pound after physicians havo adrlwj
operations, no woman should snbmltto
one without first trying tho Vegettble
Compound and writing Mrs. I'lnkh&a,
Lynn, Mass,, for advice, which Is Int.
Miss Margrot Mcrkley of 275 ThlrJ
Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkbam:
" Loss of strength, extreme ntrmmm
snooting pains inrouga ui pemo orpiti
bcorinc down pains and cramm comrnJ
mo to sek medical adrloa. Tho doctor, fur
nuutinft an viaiuioatioii, uuu laaaortnu
troublo and ulceration and adrbwd an open
tlon. To this I strongly objectod and decided
10 try Lijam a. i-manama vecttabis Coa
pound. Tho ulceration quickly healed, t
ths bad symptoms disappeared and I ta
ones more strong, vigorous ana wtu."
Ovarian and womb troubles are stud
llyontbe incrcaso among women. Ill
tho monthly periods uro very palnfal,
or too frequent and excessive If n
have pain or swelling low down In Hi
left sldo, bearing down pains, lenecr
rhoea, don't neglect yourself tryLrdj
E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
couldn't do. I took only a fow boxes, "P0" Uic P(l,t ievr lavB ln Tortland, ro
nnd then I wns perfectly well. If I .turning nomo tins morning.
hnd not found this wonderful romedy
I suroly think that I must havo wasted
iu ueniu. jiouuvinc uriniy mui iiioso i
pills aaved my llfo by tho strength , onjoyed rldo down tho river by boat
Prof, nnd Mrs. O. Tnlllandlcr, of O.
A. 0., visited Salem last Mondny, re
turning homo tho following day. They
which they gavo mo at a critical mo
ment, I unhositntlngly recommond
them to othors."
very much. Corvallis Gazottc.
Among tho passongors southbound
this morning was big-hearted Bill Mc
Mrs. Clara L. Wildo lives at No. 377 , auIre' nn old-tlmo Nevada minor, who
Farnsworth avenuo, Detroit, Mich. nas unu ns raanv UPS nna uowns ns
Hundreds of others unlto with hor in "levator, and who, whether up or down,
Heavy Passenger Traffic.
Tho southbound passenger was a lit
tle lute this morning, tho train being an
unusually heavy ono. Ono fenturo was
the crowded sleepers, and this seems
strnnge, considering tho fact that tho
fair at Portland was opened yesterday.
At the Grand Saturday night will be
15c, S5o and 35c
testifying thnt Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
I build up strength oven whon nature
sooms completely oxhaustod, and reach
tbo obscure causo of troubles that puz
zlo tho best physicians. Whon prompt
ly used, ono of two boxos will generally
givo tho right tono to tho system.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do not pro
duco false strength as somo alcoholic
preparations do. Theso pills do not
contain a slnglo grain of any harmful
drug. They give strength that lasts.
They may bo obtained nt any drug
When You Come
To negotiate for tho purchase or
lalo of real ostate, possibly wo can
holp you out on tho money question.
We aro prepared to make loans of
easonablo size on good property.
arti(il paymonts whon desired.
Wo aro neither doctors, lawyers,
aor professional experts in tho af
fairs of business. Dut when a cus
tomer takes a notion that our expo
Icncb may bb holpfulto .him, and
coincj.to us for.lmsinesa counsel, wo
ire always at his service. The wo
non and young people especially
Salem State Bank
L. K. PAGE, President
E.W. HAZARD, Casik
Will Grow Tobacco.
Threo families from Ohio havo ro
oently loeated noar Wheatland and
will ongngo in tho cultivation of tobac
co, for which thoy bellovo the cllmato
nnd soil omlncntly fitted, says tho Mc
Minnvlllo Telephono-Reglster. Thoy
havo had oxporlcnso In both raising and
curing tho plant, and will givo th'o in
dustry a thorough trial.
Fifteen acres will be planted the first
of Juno. Tho ground has been put in
excellent condition, and it Is known
that a largo yield may bo counted on,
ns was demonstrated two years ago. At
that timo a comparatively small tract
was planted. Tho yield was hoavy and
tbo quality excellent, but a dofect in
curing greatly lessened the valuo of
tho crop.
Sheds for tho curing of this year's
crop will bo erected by Mr. Molllngor.
Tho sheds will bo 100 feet in length. If
tho experiment proves a success a largo
area will bo planted to tobacco next
May Work for Good.
Tho matter of tho abuso of tho littlo
Hamilton girl by her parents was con
sidered by tho city rccordor, but, as
thoro is always two sidos to overy ques
tion, the matter was dropped, thoro not
boing suftloient ovidenco of any unusu
al or unnecessary punishment Tho pa
rents informed tho rccordor tbat they
wanted to uttond n camp mooting, and
as tho girl would go with them, tboy
wont rojoloing.
has a smile liko an Orogon summer day.
Schilling's Best make gen
erous business. Your grocer
is generous with it. Moneyback
costs him nothing; costs no
body anything.
Only One License.
Tho county clerk issued one marriage
licenso May 3lBt, permitting Edward
to Sheldon and Miss Maud McConvllle
to marry. A stranger, like the roporter,
cannot help but wonder, from tho beau
ty ho sees on the streets, that tho coun
ty clork isn't kept busy issuing that
kind of glory tickets.
Courts ln the Drydock.
Both departments of tho district
court aro practically out of business
today, and will not get busy before
Monday, Somo minor maters aro being
attended to, and arguments and law
digested, and, whllo the lattor is easy,
tho formor awakens sympathy for the
Revolution Ended.
Bcunos Ayrcs, June 2. Tho revolu
tion against tho local government in
the province of Santiago del Estero hat
been quelled. The revolutionists wero
put to route by tho federal troops.
Thousands havo
beon eonvlncod
of the great cur
ative powers of
tho Bitters dur-
in the past 50
.years. Wo
irant to con
vince you, too.
That '3 why wo
"urge a trial at
once. It cures
Poor Appetite
Sick Headache, Vomiting, Cramps. Cos-
tiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia or Ma
larial Fever.
r9tfsiMwBV niUl I ' I
Judicious Publicity Shows a
Large Percentage of In
crease In Business
Tho average banker will tell you that
theirs is a business that does not neod
to bo advertised, tho business comes
thoir way naturally, and moro than
that the naturo of the business is such
that it cannot bo advertised to any
extent, anyway.
During tho past flvo years a num
ber of advertising campaigns have
beon conducted by banks in the East
ern stales, nnd the recent checking up
of results in Pitsburg, Pa., show during
the time in which the experiments used
publicity an increase of 38 per cent in
assets and an increase of 85 per cent In
deposits, and tho banks tbat wero not
advertised show but 27 per cent , in
crease in assets and 11 per cent increase
in doposlts, proving yety conclusively
the value of advertising for banks.
An investigation of the results show
that the advertising was instrumental
chiefly in increasing the -small de
posits or savings accounts. Advertis
ing of this sort fosters prosperity, and
is of great educational value to tho
workingman In economical directions.
It Is only a few years since advertis-
A Fearful Fate.
It is a fearful fate to havo to en
dure tho terriblo torture of Piles. "J
can truthfully say," writes narry Col
son, of Masonvillo, Ia.( "that fox
Blind, Bleeding, Itehlng and Protrud
ing Piles, Bucklen's Arnica Salve, is
tbo best euro made." Also best for
cuts, burns and injuries. 25c at J. O.
Perry's Drug Store.
To Consider Salem Day at
the Portland Exposition
There will bo a meeting of tbo Srinl
Commercial Club this ovenlne Ttiivl
at 8 o'clock at tho city hall p
court room, to tako steps for the pwf
rcprosontatlon of this city at the to
on Salem dny, which has been set I
Wednosdny, Juno 14th. 8peclal train
will bo run, nnd it Is thought mtw!
thousand pcoplo will go down t
vlnco tho fair manngemont that BiM
has moro than 4218 population. Ik"
expectation Is that a special rt rf
bo granted on that day, and it li
likely thnt tho trains will hold all
will want to go.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always
Bears the
Signature of
Books by William J. Long
Ways of Wood Folk 75c
Wilderness Wats 75c
Secrets of tlie Woods 75c
Wood Folk at School 75c
Beasts of the Field $ i . 75
Fowls of the Air $1.75
School of the Woods Net $ i .50
Following the Deer Net $1.25
A Little Brother to the
Bear Net $J,50
Trade Department, 29 Beacon St., Boston