Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 17, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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.i"" hi mw ri n m a.
Vegetable Preporaiionror As
similating UicFoodnndncguIa
Ung the Stomachs andBavrcls of
Promotes DigcslionJChccrful
ncss andncstContaliu nclllicr
(Mum.Mofplilne norlhwaL
Apctfccl Remedy for ConsUpn
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncssnntl Loss of Sleep.
FacSimilo Signature or
Burglars at Medford.
Somo timo Saturday night thieves
broko into tho hardwaro storo of Hob
erts & Gnrnett nt Medford, nnd stole
cutlery, ammunition, etc., to tho amount
of about $2000. Thoy also broko opon
-'Wn M WTll
Is put up in neat glass packages without extra cost
to the consumer
B Tj
8? B
hA W""-
8 Bit as r
CM I A44
Ft O U R
Paclflo Coast Factory, Baa Joie, ol
. wmm"
For Infants and Ohildron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
TMf ciHTavK o-mht. mw o cmr.
tho cash tills, but wcro disappointed,
ns they, wcro empty. They did not
bother tho safe, which stood closo to
tho front window. Suspicious charac
ters have been arrested nt Grants'Pass.
My Ladies' Ornaments
Deserves the closest core in their so
taction, If you mnko tho selection
at Pomeroy's Jewelry storo you can
mnko no mistake, as tho stock thoro is
most oompleto nnd up to-date, and in
cludes tho nowost and best article at
tho lowest prices nt O. T. Pomeroy's,
it 318 "Stato street. Kverything you
buy there you can depend upon as be
ing exactly ns represented,
Jeweler and Optician
38 State Street
Bears the I
Signature fixr
h ifif
iAj fu
Ordinances Introduced and
Passed Slot Alachine Res
olution Introduced
The regular mooting of tho city coun
cil took placo Inst evening with all pres
ent but Alderman Wallace. Tho rend
ing of tho minutes of tho provious meet
ing was dispensed with on motion and
the reports of tho various committees
hoard. Tho report of tho committee on
current expenses on bills ngnlust tho
city was road and warrants ordered
drawn for tho respective amounts. A
petition to Improve Oak street nt nn
expend of $150 was read and nftor!
some discussion tho nmount was re
duced to $23 nnd tho request granted.
The commltteo on streets reported
favorably on the construction of a cul
vert on Sixteenth street between B nnd
0 streets. Tho roport was adSptcd.
Tho committee on firo and water re
ported that 8teInor nnd Bcrgcr hnd
submitted plans nnd specifications in
accordance, with tho order of tho coun
cil In respect to tho proposed construc
tion of n corrugated iron building with
in tho flro limits and tho committee
also reported thnt Mr. Foley had with
drawn his previous objections to tho
construction of tho building. In view
of all this tho commltteo recommended
thnt tho request of Stelner k Uergor
bo granted. This was accordingly
dono. '
Tho above mentioned commltteo nlso
reported favornbly on tho necessity for
tho building of n cement sidewalk on
tho west side of tho city hall, lending
to tho flro towor. Tho report was
adopted. The request of tho flro chief
that repairs bo mado on tho flro en
gine to the amount of $30 was granted.
The commltteo on fire nnd water was
Instructed to purchaso 80 bushels of
oats nt n prlco not to exceed -IS cents
per bushel.
Aldornlnn Oesncr of the special com
mltteo on bridges th.cn submitted a
communication from tho Taxpayers'
league In regard to tho proposed re
pairs to bo mado on the different
bridges In tho city, Tho report is hero
with appended In full:
Siloni, Oregon, May 10, 1006.
To tho llonornblo Mayor nnd Common
Council of the City of Snlcm.
Oentlemen: On behnlf of the Tax
layers' Longue of the city of Salem,
Oregon, I nm requested to acknowledge
receipt of your communication of the
l.th Inst., enclosing formal resolutions
of thovoounell relative to proposed re
pairs to tho bridges of tho city, nnd
to communicate, to jou a statement of
the action taken thereon by said league
nt a meeting held on Monday the 18th
lust., mid to submit n brief statement
of the reason for such notion,
There In evidently a misapprehension
upon the part of tho council as to
tho action which has been tnken by
the league In submitting in detail tho
views in regard to tho prosent condi
tion of tho bridges of the olty, and the
probable cost of needed repairs. Its
net Ion Wat bed upon tho report of n
committee of its members who were e
looted bcenuSe of their supposed expe
rience in tho matter of street nnd
bridge building. Thin committee made
h careful examination of the bridge
in rompany with one of tho best kiftiwn
bridge builders In the state. Upon the
completion of lis examination the eom
mlttee submitted n detailed report t
ting forth that "After nn examination
of the piling, bents, stringers and floors
of the various bridges, we find that
Utey n be placed In safe, services
ble condition at nn expense not ox
siding the following wmi and total.
This Is followed by a detailed state
ment Indicating thnt the bridges speei
fled can be placed in good condition for
the Jptol m of $1010.00,, Thh report,
wbiah wa adopted by the league, nnd
by it submitted to tho council, closed
with the following werds: "In our
opinion, If the sums wo have estimate)!
are Judicially expenueu upon i
bridge derignated, they wll I be made
ged andMJe. tet the next four or five
The report has been coniuue.1 as a
"prepoeltlen" upen the part of tlu
league to enter upen the contract for
deUg the work proposed, and it has
been invited to at once file a bond in
tho sum of $4,000 00 to earry out inch
ttsntraot, and to report the action taken
at a meeting of toe council to be nem
this Tuesday evening. The construc
tion net upon the aetion of the league
U unwarranted, and tho decision of the
UBil U Ignore ho fuggectloni of tho
leagao unless it shall at once bind ttselt
in the ram of $6,000.00 to enter into
a contract to bnild the brldgei certain
Jy has not tho appearance of meeting
the suggestions of the League In the
same spirit la which they are offered
Tho league cannot engage to giro any
bond for the reason that it is not en
gaged In ,tho business of contracting,
and for the very simple and suflktont
reason that it has no financial interest
in tho work other nnd uTeater tlmn thn
I o -
entire body of taxpayers for whom tho
work Is to bo done.
The league, lion ever, whoso member
ship Is believed to represent nearly two
thirds of tho taxable property of tho
city, still adheres to the opinion al
ready expressed that the work covered
by its report can bo done for the sum
suggested, and It has tho repentod ns
suranec of n competont bridgo builder
thnt ho will contract to do tho work
for the sum named, and I am rcquostcd
to notify ou that it has by formal
resolution requested that tho council
ndvcrtlso In tho usual way for tho sub
mission of bids for tho work of plno
Ing the defective bridges covered by
Its report in good nnd substantial con
dition. In submitting this resolution
tno iMRlle llealrM t0 mnko jt clear lnnt
Its 01joetlons to bonding tho city nt
tllg t lino In tho sum of ovor $30,000.00
for new bridges nro based primarily
upon the fact that tho taxpnyors of this
city nnd school district nro nlready in
debt to tho nmount of nbout $230,000,
that our tnx levy amounts to 40 mills,
and that over one-third of our rovo
nues nrc consumed in tho pnymcnL of
interest nlone. Under other conditions
the cxtemlvo plnns contemplated by
tho council fur tho building of perma
nent concrete bridges would not bo
open to the objections thnt appear In
tho minds of many tnxpnyers at this
time to be Insurmountable.
Itcspeetfully submitted,
The Tnxpnjcrs Lcaguo of Salem,
By CHAS. B. MOOIttiS, Socretnry.
After this communication from tho
Taxpayers' League had been real, Al
derman Hughes moved, and It was car
ried, that tho city recorder bo instruct
ed to acknowledge tho receipt of tho
communication and thnt it bo referred
to the special bridgo committee, nnd
further that tho Taxpayers' Loaguo bo
requested to meet with this commltteo
and eonV with, them. SteusloiT of this
special committee then moved nnd tho
motion nns likewise enrried that tho
cominittoo bo Increased from its pres
ent membership of thrco to a member
ship of flo. Tho Mnyor then appoint
ed Aldermen Cchurchlll and Crossan to
net on tho committee.
A, West nnd K. 1'ugh woro appointed
ns hntcmen to All tho vacancy left by
tho retirement of two members of tho
tenm. A rosolutlon to Improvo Twelfth
street nt tho oxpenso of tho abutting
projwrty owners was read nnd ndopted.
A resolution Introduced by Alderman
Bay no relating to tho suppression of all
slot machines not mentioned In tho city
ordinance caused n lively discussion,
and finally wns Indefinitely postponed
on motion by n voto of 7 to 0. In n,n
opinion rendered by tho city nttornoy
at the renuest of tho council n few
weeks ngo rogarding the licensing of
Hint machine, hn stated thnt in his
opinion any slot machine other than a'
nickel-In the-Mot machine, could not bo
ornted legally In the city of Salem.
This cuts out 2ff cent innahhiM. Thoro
fore tho notion of the eounell Inst oven
ing in Indefinitely postponing tho no
tion nn the renolutlou to suppress thp
machines seemed to some of tho abler
men to be casting reflections upon tho
ability of the city attorney to Judgo,
correctly In the matter. Tho argument
which hnd grown aoincMliat heated, was
put to a stop by Mayor Waters, who
seemed to think tho dlseussion had gono
far enough.
The application of P. I". Tiilklngton
aud A. Sehrleber for n liquor license
was referred to the commltteo on II-
renses. There wore six bills that oame
up for their first and seeend roadlng
and referred to their proper committees.
Aa nmendment to the bieysle ordlnanco
piuhlbtting the riding of bicycles on
the oast side of South Commercial
street bridgo, was jmMed. Tho only
bill up far final postage was one for
in ordinance to regulate tho construe
tioii of crosswalks by the adjacent
property owners. This was also passed.
The ooulell then udjourncd.
Wonts Big Money.
John Fletcher, who wat shot in tho
face by John Branton, near Cottage
firevc, ono night In March, while tho
two men were going from Coitago
Crove to Branton ii farm, has begun
suit in the circuit court against his as
smlant for 10,000 damages.
If the ulood
impure you .
can rest as
sured that
Is wrong with
the stomach
and liver. For
these organs
tho Bitters
is especially
adspted. Try
bottle and see
tot yoarwlf. It
cures Torpid Lirer, Inactive Kidneys,
Indigestion, OosUreness and Dyspepsia.
s sB1ls sHtit
I"or Sale. Sovcn-room residence, barn,
large half block, clectrlo lights, bath,
hot and cold city water. B, Hofer,
Journnl office.
For Bale. Small dry flr wood, at $3.25
por cord. . Phono Black 2001, T. L.
Davidson, Jr., Mornlngsldoi 1 20 tf
For Sale, Five or ten-acro placo, first
class improvements. Close to school,
ehurcb, postoOlco nnd railroad. Ad
dress "X.," caro of Journal. , -
For Sale Ono horso nnd good second
hand delivery wagon, Inqulro of J.
W. llnrrltt, successor to 1. Btetncr &
Co., Stato street 5-12-lwk
For Salo, Sovcn fresh cows. Como
"early nnd get your choice. Prom $20
upwards. I'ntrick Feoloy. Three
miles from Liberty. 0-13-lwk
For Salo. Good open buggy. Apply
over P. J. Larson's shop, Liberty
street. 13-18 3t
For Salo Ohoap. About flvo squaro second-hand
corrugated building Iron.
Inqulro of J. VT. llnrrltt gTOCory or
J. II. Campbell. C-10-3f
For Sale Six full-blood Poland China
.sows, with pigs flvo weeks' old. Also
four Shcpnrd pups. A. F. Bcnrdsloy,
ono mllo west of tho Kolzor school
house, It. F. 1). No. 8, B-10-lwk"
Wonted. Lady agont wonted to sell
nn article of great morit. Big seller.
Call at Scott Hotel aftcr3 p. m.
Wantod. To buy, a gentlo driving
bono, a buggy aud harness. A, W.
Prcscott, 641 Mill St. 0-lS-3t
Young man from 10 to 20 years old,
to work in Dr. Stono's drug etoto nnd
learn tho business. Apply at onco.
For Eent. Furnished rooms, for $5 por
month, nlso light housekeeping rooms.
Mrs. J. H, Daniels, comer Court
nnd Liberty streets, Dr. Ilowlnnd
house. 0-10-St
Musical Eocital. Tho pupils of Dr.
I'nrvln nnd Miss Wlnslonr will glvo
n grand recital at tho Unitarian
church Wednesday evenlug, May
17th. All nro invjtcd. 6-10 3t
Wanted. Team weighing about 1300
pounds, suitable for n piano wagon.
Must be sound and in good condition,
l.llcrs Piano House, room 7, Mc
Cornnok building, Salem, Or. 6 10 3t
Money to Loan. I can placo a reason
nblo nmount of money on good securi
ty nt low Interest. J. A. Finch, at-torney-at
law. Hoom 2, Bush bank
building. 5-J(J-2wk
Public Bpeaklng. On corner of Htoto
nnd Court streets, Friday, May )0th
at 2 p. m. and 8 p. m., by Arthur
Morrow Lewis, of San Francisco, a
noted speaker. Subject "Social
Ilevoluelton and Labor Unions nnd
Strike Questions." Everybody In
vited to hear him. 6 10 3t
Found, A large, yellow colored Shep
herd dog came to my placo Saturday
morning. Owner can havo same by
paying charge. W doodrleh, Clio
mnwa. Phone 148.
Hotel Ocott -Newly furnished, orory
thing clean and first class. Booms
at reasonable prices. In Cottle
block, Balem, A. Scott, prop. 7-6-tf.
Salem Iron Works Founders, ' maehlht
ists and blacksmiths. Manufacturers
of all kinds of sawmill machinery.
Hop nnd fruit drying stores, eta,
Manufacturers of the O. K. Qrubber,
Bhand ft Marcus. 11-29-lia
Davey ft Savage, Beal'Hstat'e, Loans
and Insurance, Conveyancing and
Exalnlng' Titles, Notary work done.
Bring us list of your property for
sale, 4I2 State street, near High.
3 8-tf
Bay-Havo you tried H, 11. Pauls for
meatsf He has the best sausage in
town. Come and try it, and bo con
vinced. 410 East Stato strct.
Wo Are Now paying JOe for eggi.
Commercial Cream Co. 3 11 tf
Thoo, M. Barr Successor to Barr ft
Petrel, tinner and plumber. Hot sir
water and steam beating a specialty,
Salem, Oregon. 3-2-
Highest Cash Prico-PalTlf or cbiekens,
geese, docks and all kinds of farm
produce at Capital Commission Co,
Tolepbono 2231 Main, 177 Commer
cial street, Salem, Or. 1-4-tf-dw
Cleaning and Dyeing And repairing
neatly dono. Four suits pressod by tho
month $1.00, at tho Capital City
Steam Dyeing nnd Clonnlng Parlors.
Miss Eflio M. Anderson, proprietor.
Opera Itouso block. B-l-tf
-tho Salem Dye Works when you
"want your clothes cleaned, dyed, re
paired or pressed, rellned, volvot col
lnrs on; also suit pressed by tho
month. You can get anything clean
ed, from a pair of gloves to tho most
olaborato silk Downs. Mrs. O. 1L
Walker. Prop.. 106 Commercial street.
A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of all
kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood
work, houuo finish and office fixtures.
Estlmatos furnishod. Cor, Milt and
Church strcot. Phono Bod 11.
Frank M. Brown Manufacturer of
sasb, doors, mouldings. All kinds of
houso finish and hardwood work.
Front strcot botweon Stato and Court
Capital Bakery Ullom & Huthcri'ord,
proprietors, 430 Court street, Fresh
bread, pics nnd enkos dnily. Macca
roons, lady fingers, nngol and dovll'l
food enko, candles, nuts, otc. Dellv
rlcs made to any part of tho city.
Phono Whito 821. 6-1-tf
Dr. O. J. Korlnek Votcrlnnry Surgeon
and Dontist. Oraduato of Ontario
Voterinary Collcgo, Honorablo Mem
ber Ontnrlo Modicnl Society. Office
nt Lowo's Capital Stablos. Phone
Main 1001, Calls attended, to prompt
ly. ,4-18-1 m
- -
W. D. rugh Architect and superin
tendent, plans furnishod tot all class
es of building and structural work.
Ofllco 110 Stato street, Tioga block,
Salem, Oregon.
Whlto & Oummln.1. do a general dray
and transfer business, meet all
trains. 'Pnonoo, down town, MaJa
2181, residences, Bluo It, red 07l.
Btand 218 Commorslal strt 8-IJ-Im
Salem Oamp, No. 118, Woodmen of U
World Meets In Holman Hall every
Friday at 7t30 p. in. L. B, Btlnson,
consul; P. L. I'rnser, cleric
Foresters of America Court Bbcrwood
Foresters No. 10. Meets Friday in
Turner block. Irn Jorgenson, O. R.J
A. L. Brown, See.
Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle
Hall in Holman block, corner State
and Liberty streots. Tuesday of eaob
week at 7:30 p, m, T. J. Cronlie, C.
C; W. I. Staley, K. of B. and 8
Modern Woodmen of America. Ore
gon Codar Camp, No. 6340. Meets
every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock,
Holman Hnll. K. K. Matten, V C
A. U Brown, Clerk.
For water servlco apply at ofllco.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Mnko all complaints at the ofllco.
A Pleasant Way to Travel
rho above Is the usual verdict of
the traveler using the Missouri Paclflo
railway between the Paclflo coast and
the east, and we believe that the serv
lco and accommodations given merit
this statement, From Denver. Colora
do 8prlngs and Denver there are two
through trains daily to Kansas City
and St. Louis, carrying Pullman's lat
est standard electric-lighted sleeping
cars, chair cars and up to-date dining
cars, Tbo same excellent service Is
operated from Kansas City and St,
Louis to Memphis, Little Bock and not
Springs. If you oro going east or
south, wrlto for particular, and full in
W. C. M'BHIDE, Oen. Agt.,
124 Third St.. Portland. Ore.
Creeping Upwards
That's what we are doing tttty
day. All admit that our meals are
even growing better, and the crowds
are growing larger dally.
209 Commercial Street