TP- to '- The scourge Up man has been cut down in the prime of life, or his health so impaired by this vile disease that usefulness is destroyed, aud he becomes a burden to himself and an object of pity to tile rest of mankind. Contagious Blood Poison is the most annoying, humiliating and degrading of all diseases. It is as treacherous and elusive as the serpent. Under the mercury and potash treatment all external evidences of it may disap pear, and the victim misled, be buoyed up by false hopes of a cure, while the disease may even then have fastened its fanes in some vital spot within the system, where M it is doing its destructive work .uu- vjli seen. Mcrcury has arrayed against it thousands upon thousands of wrecks and chronic inva- fule wlin hnvn Wn rlnsrvl for vefirt offerers, sincerely believing that If It Is taken according to directions 11C1S WHO Have DCCn ClOSCCl lor years nnd R,V6n a fa,r traJj u w thoroBhjy eliminate every particle of virus, and their systems saturated With no matter how severe the case may be. tllCSC powerful drilgS, Ouly to be Oreensburg, Pa., June 10. 1003. JAMES CURRAN, harassed by constantly returning symptoms aiiH confronted with unmistakable traces of blood poison years after. As long as your blood is tainted with this awful virus you are a source of infection and danger to all who come in contact with you, and your children will carry in their veins the same dreadful coutarrion. As lontr as there is life in the serpent there is danger in its fangs, aud so long Mill ns any s,ns Contagious Blood Poison remain there is danger of infection. Safety lies in crtlSlling out Hie lire or mis joauisomc uiscusc anu Kiuiny me aurpcm, unu uu itiuuuy known docs this so thoroughly and permanently as S. S. S. It is an antidote for this peculiar virus that spreads through the system, defiles the blood and contaminates all healthy tissues and threatens every organ and part of the body. liealthy tissues and threatens cv sss an excellent tonic and appetizer and helpful in restoring strength and activity to all parts of the system. Kill the serpent, crush out its life, or you arc apt to feel the bad effects of the disease all your life. If you will write us fully about your case, our physicians will gladly advise without charge, and mail you a copy of our home-treatment book telling all about Contagious Blood Poison, its different stages and symptoms, and a lot of interesting information about this formidable and much-dreaded disease. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. WALNUT GROWING IN OREGON The Oregon Walnut Is Much Bitter Thai Those Grown in California One by one the pro luein of other stater lire Mug ill-warded liy tho peo ple of Oregon. Up to this time tlio market men have been foreed to pay tribute to ootnlde nut growers Cali fornia secure! moat of the trndn. niimi wRiiiuiA were wnmeu, h was WWI,I0I1, w,, nluIlt (0 ki, was re always outside growers who rped the tlmiwI ,v tjlt, KrilMll jllrv, it,,0I1 vial's Jiarvosi or go in en uoiium, .nw tilings are going to happen, Orvgon is in tho walnut raisiNg bnlno.i herself, unit ex periments how that she will iimiii out strip competitor, There are growers of almonds in the vicinity of Portland who are coining a tfw dollars on the side by tho growing of these nuts for tho market. In the vicinity of Vancouver nro Mvorul ul niond growers who have been shipping regularly to the Portland mniket the past few years, but up to this time tho trade has been in the nature of uu experiment. To those who iipprouiato quality In n nut, tho Oregon almond is in great ilenmnd. Bttveml small shipments were made from .Southern Oregon the past season, but they, too, wero in the nn tuttf of uu experiment. The Oregon til mond Is not so largo us those rulsed in California, but it is sweeter, nnd has more of tho good nutty taste than those from the south. As in almonds, tho Oreguu agricultur ists nvo just beginning to renllro that this stato can produce just as good, if not better, walnuts of tbo soft Eng lish vorioty than any imported. Tho only difllculty in tho way of n suc cessful walnut raising business in this state Is that it takes sevornl more years for tho trees to come iuto bearing than It does in places farther south, OuUlda of this, everything is in favor of waV nut growing in Oregon. Climatic condition, according to ex perts, are such that a better flavored nut can be raised here, aud after tho trees once bear they will show a rapid DATCT JrVlJLJL 1 worst disease the world has ever known, and tlie greatest to the human race, is Contagious Blood Poison. One drop of the virus of this loathsome disease will pollute and vitiate the purest and healthiest blood, and within a short time after the first little sore appears the system is filled with the awful poison ; the skin breaks out in a red rash, the glands of the groins begin to swell, the throat and mouth become ulcerated, the hair and eyebrows drop out, and often the entire surface of the body is covered with copper-colored splotches, pus tular eruptions and sickening-looking sores and abscesses. Many a you of vx. t-w m. w avawjm; SIP"' b. o. o. contains no mineral or any description, out is guaranteed entirely vegetable, aud we offer $1,000 for proof that it is not just as we represent it to be. It.leavcs no bad after-effects, but purifies the blood and at the same time builds up your general health. In chronic or long-standing cases of blood poison, where the stomach and digestion have been damaged by the use of minerals, S. S. S. will prove liiercane. The life of a hearing tree in said to be longer in thin stnto than in the lotith. Mr. Prlnco of Dundee, is tho largest walnut grower in Oregon. In nil, lio hns 100 neroH planted to walnuts and nnminlly gather!) a good paying crop. Among other who raise walnuts in this statu is Mrs. It. M. Shannon of Albany. At present who him only a kiiiiiII output, but It is quite likely that the produc tion will bo Inuroascd. Mtulo Himself Scarce. Leon L. Vail, who shot but not fatal ly wounded Mrs. Louis (1, Dmiihloton, at her home, at Winchester, on March 21st last, fnllo-d to appear Monday af ternoon in tho wlrcuit court, which con vened at Itoschurg Monday morning in regular sosslnn. An Indictment chnrg- ' lllf Vtnl 1l-lt)l d.lllllt U'lfll ll ilnllnAhillil -,. ... ill..- .vmi.t.. i.,.. .. -M.itjv. Ulll fuiluro to appear for arraignment Judge Hamilton ordered his Kill of $1)000 for fulted, nud a bench wnrruut Issued for his arrest. Judge Hamilton ulso in creased Vial's ball to $4000. Correct Clothes for Hen OutingSuits Labelled are always given first place in the outfit of every fashionable sum mer man. The miktr' guarantee, and ouri, With every garment. We ate ex clusive agents here. ,G. W. Johnson Co. (Incorporated.) MAKERS A.EWyRK CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OEF.OON, JTlCW I nmoompellod by n sense of gratitude tote11, the great good your remedy lias done me. Among other symptoms l wai several)' afflicted with Rheumatism, and pot y'ost pat going. The disease got a firm hoH upon my system, my blood was thoroughly po'coner' with the virus, ns oharaotorlzec Ly tho irurl symptoms. I lost In wolght, wai r n cvn had sore throat, eruptions, splotch.'P.rf rSr evidences of the dlseaso. I was tin'; li 1-sd shape when I began S. S. S., but the n.-Js!3t use of It brought me out of my trouble, ife nna sound, and I have tho courage to pubi.a'y tes tify to the virtues of your great blood remedy, 8. S. 8 and to recommend It to all Blood Poison PLENTY OF PBOOF From Peoplo You Know From Salora Citizens, Tho greatest skeptic enn hnrdly fall to 1)0 convinced In tlio fnCO of CVi - denco Uko this. It is imposslblo to produce better proof of merit than the testimony of resldonts of Salem, of peo ple who can be seen at tho time. Head the following case of it: O. 8. Cooper, fnriner, living threo miles northeast of Snlem, on tho Oar don road, says: "I wns rnlsed in the wheat district nnd when a good lump of a boy I prided mysolf ns having ns much strength as any other boy in tno iioignuoriioo.i, nml wiion n iium- ,,ort is K,u,erally conceded to hnvo tho ber of us got together wo often tost- biggeM nnd ilnest collection of pheos wl our strongth by lifting. I very ,,, j ti,n or(i. J(o possesses a ofton lifted two bags of wheat, but number of these birds which nro tho hnvo slnco regretted having done so,l0lli. known memi)0r 0f thobr speolos as tho rosult was thnt I strained my j existence. Imek and cvor after had more or less I Mr. ' Davenport has 30" varieties of trouble- from dull aching pains across imoaiM,Dri yMoh variety hns its pocu my loins nnd othor symptoms of kId.jllurlt0St Thore nre ln)evnn pheasant ney complaint. In omo -way Boon's from , MgU tanRoa of' lhp jn,lial. Kidney Pills were brought to my no-; hxyni. Kreen laVft mx fowl from In. tlco.and tho first I wont to town Ii,Un llml Javn. Versl-oolor nheasant. dropped into Dr. Stone's drug store and inquired nbout them, I was told they wero highly recommended and ad vised to give them a trial. I did so. And while I did not follow tho treat ment as regularly ns I should have done, being n poor hand to take any kind of medicine, tho benefit I derived from their use stamps them as a rem edy which acts fully up to tho repre sentations mnde for it." For salo by all dealers. Trico 50 cents. Foster-Mliburn Co., Buffalo,, New York, solo nge'nts for the United States. Kemember the nnme-Boan'.-and take no other. Restaurant Change, The undersigned has purchased tho Ferguson restaurant, at 333 Stato street, and will hereafter conduct the same with renewed energy and lm proved service. Old and new patrons invited. E. LEWS, 51Mw Great Values Offered by Buren & Hamilton in lace curtains this week, 2t To the Country People When In town take your meals at the -Star Restaurant, 339 Cqurt Street, .d- joinine Wade's hardwaro store. Heals at all hours, 15 cents. Phone 301 Bod. ' WEDNESDAY, MAT 17, 1005. WILL HAVE A LARGE ' EXHIBIT Homer' Davenpott's Bird Col lection an lie Fair Will Be Interesting Nearly 18 years ngo Homer Daven port, living on mi Oregon farm, stnrtod nut !u t ho world 'to innko his wny. Ho had ninilc iwme picture op tlio old sto Mo iloor nml lie 'limt n tnto for draw ing. Leaving his lioino on t lie farm nonr Sllvorton, lie went to Portland nml became nnoeinted with n local jmpur ns Its artist. Later lie went to San Francisco, nml In n few yonrs liecnnio I tlie lender nf newspaper artist there. t'01" "tl" ,"' w'n sninmoncd to Now York, the Mecca of successful newspa per men. There, in tho course of a few years he established himself an tho greatest cartoonist of tho country, if trot nf the entire world. His nnmo nnd fame became known to every person who redn n newpnper, and hi cnrtooni on question of nntlonnl Importance ex erted a strong Influence, During nil this time the spirit of the farm was with him. it took the form of a passion for fancy breeds of poul try nnd animnls. Every rare bird ho could hear of was purchased by him, nnd ho mnde many long pilgriningcs in quest of rnro species of fowl.. He was also successful in getting hold of nn Arabian horse, n rnrn avis to tho Occi dent. Gradually his collection increas ed until it begnn attracting attention, ns wldo ns his pictures had attracted. It soon reached such dimensions that n large ncrongc hnd to bo provided for its mnlntnncncc. Tho owner purchased a ranch at Morris Plnlns, New Jersey. All his spnrc time wns given to study ing the habits of his collection, nnd his observations resulted in many impor tant nddltious to existing knnwlcdgo on the subject. Ono dny ho got to fig uring up what his collection had cost him. Tho totnl wns a trlflo better than $82,000. Mr. Dnvcnport is coining'bnck to Or egon, lie is going to bring bis farm with him. No part of it will be left behind, from the Arabian steed to tho Angora goats nr from the vulturine guinea fowls of Africa to the Red Dorkings of Sussex. Itecontly, the experimental gardens were thrown open to niniiHenient fea tures, nnd Mr. Davenport was awarded the choicest 'site of tho Exposition grounds, ns well ns tho largest of any individual exhibitor. Mr. Davenport then placed tho mutter In tho hands of his friend. Goorce L. linker, tho well- .known thontrleal nmnncor. nnd under 'Mr. UnWi.r'a .llrnMInn iilnm w..r ...... --,..., .. ....,,...... ........ ..... drawn up for the new Davenport farm. Ho argued that a farm typical of the Western country was preferable to an Eastern fnrm, nnd this Idea tins been worked out into n picturesque farm In closure and furni buildings. There is variety enough to tho col lection to afford Interest to nil classes. The portion nf the exhibit that will probably attract the widest attention it the pheasant section. Mr, Davon- !nlro from .!,,. riH,1Mk pheasant' from China! English pheiisnnti Cheer pheasant from Asia; Bornean Fire buck phenMin't from Borneo; Siamese Firebuek pheasant from Slam, and so on through tthe whole list, in which every Bcetlon of tho globo is fittingly represented. Howover, the pheasant exhibit is only ono portion of tho fnrm nnd by "r ""-"- "7" "" " "'" " k,ml,f ju"';,e J?"1' f'om Ju"'08 n" 7 t',e -r,h: Thn there are Tn.Ro- jf ' fivu ,,!clf J t,hom' a,,'r ih 'U '"" of eJB Central .China. Those rare birds nre, in them- nn hinuni tlin Inntoci TIiava ua nil selves, a study. Of them all, the Sin ters vurioty is the most peculiar. In a separate part of tho farm Mr. Davonport has hia water-fowl eollee tion. A great deal of work and no end ot Paln w,n b necessary for the In stallation of a suitable habitation for theso birds at the Exposition, but Mr. Baker has set about the task, and ho intends to havo every provision for the collection, which is the best in Amer ca, containing as it does 10 varieties of -wild gceso out off tbo 25 species known to ornithologists. Leaving tbo "aviary and going to the corrals, there is an unusually attrae tive drove of Angora goats. Its foun dation stock has been gathered by Mr Davo'nport regardless of 'price. There nro in tlio herd several imported Afri can bucks. Tho wool of his Angorns hns run as high ns nlno pounds to the goat, nnd has brought $1.C0 n pound. What will probably arouse ns much curiosity nnd Interest as any other por lion of the farm is the Arabian horses. Thoro is nn imperial edict in Turkey that none of these horses may be nl lowed abroad, but tho Sultan allowed it number to bo taken to tho World's 'nlr, nt Chicago, nnd through tho mis erable financial inanngomont of some of tho custodians of tho equities, they woro sold to pay tho debts of tho ag gregation in chnrgo of them. Mr. Davenport succeeded in buying sovornl of tho finest nnlnmls, which ho yet possesses. o o .a. jew aureus.. Brs tt 9 "'' lUMAhrays BodjM Signature of W.&&1 UK MARKET QUOTA TIONS TODAY "Make Salem a Good Home Market" Poultry at Rtelner's Market. Eggs Per dozen, lCc. Bucks 1012c. Chickens 010c. lions 0c. Frys 1210c. Baker & Son. Eggs Per dozen, 10c. Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. Potatoes COc. Onions 514c Tropical Fruits. Bnnnnns 50 lt. Cocoanuts, $1.00 per dot. Oranges $2.002.G0. Lomous $2.7C3.B0. Live atoclt MurtuV Steers SfJpS. Cows 33M. Sheep lc. Bressod veal Cc Fnt hogs OVtdS'.&o. Hay, Fd, DC. Bnlcd Cliont $10. Baled Clover $0$10. Bran-$22.00. Shorts-$24.60. Eggs, Gutter and Cream. Dy Commercial Cro.ira Co nutter 27c. Butter fnt 20c at station. Grain, Hops and Flour. Oats Choico white, $1.30. Hnrley-$2323'.00. flour $1.40. Wheat rt'K f JRTLAND MARKET. Whent-Walln Wnlln, SOc Volley 8788c. Flour Valley, straights, $1.10; grn ham, $4.00. Oats Choico whi'c, $l.:Ui1.40. Mll'lstuff Iltuii, 41U0O. liny Timothy. $14.50. Potutoes 05$1 05. Poultry Mixed chickens, per pound 12l2lc; springs, llr15c; hens, 11 15c; fryers, 1820c; broilers, 22 25oj gcoso, 7Se; turkeys, live, 15f(p 17c; turkeys, dressed, 1722e; ducks, old, dozen, $7(J8; spring ducks, $0 0.50. Pork Dressed, 7',48e. Beef Dreasod, 2Vi5c. Veal 3 Vj 8c Mutton Bressod, 57c. Hops 1004 crop, 2223c. Wool Vnlley, 2021cs Eastern Ore gon, 1418c; mohair, 3031c. Hides dry, 10 pounds nnd upwards, 1010VjC. Butter Fancy creamer, 1820c; dairy, 1018c; cooking, 1314c. Cheese Young America, 17c; Oregon full cream, 10c. Eggs Oregon ranch, 180. Gold Dgst Flout Made by THE SIDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore gon. Made for family use. Ask your grocer for It. Bran and shorts always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT HMIMIIHHMMHHIM Jtfst In Our now line of 1005 wall pa per has just arrived. All latest patterns at reasonable prices. Call and see our stock and be convinced that our paper and prices are right. Bemember the place. E. L Lemmon 299 Liberty St Phone 2475 as& " "llWsasjMBsii. imohPao- ma rnree Trains to the East DaiTi Tttrnnirli Oi1lnM .. , . .u.wUD . mmuu omuaara tat tourist sleoplng cars dally to Omtii. Chicago, 8pdknno; tourist sleepii, cars dally to Kansas City: throatf Pullmnn tourist sleeping cars fa sonnlly conducted) Weekly to CMc go; reclining chnlr cars (aeats tt to 'the East dally. 70 huuks rr PORTLAND TO CHICAGO U No Chaste of Cars DKIM1VT TIMEBOHEDULCS Turn rcnUnil, or ARWVI 7R0M UltOSJin Portland Brenlsl 0 IS I. ID ri Hum lninou Ml te, I)iitm, Ft. Cltr, Ht lnl, omcibi t( uibti utasuii. stunt ti AtlalltU tfHlS l:tl p. m flAUuni Innon "mri-sol t'tat Mill 0 1' i, m,. fi ttpflkant. It It Le, Dtnter Ft. Aortb, Omaha, Kauut Itj, nv, nn. ( liirrKi TiTiiT'Walia, Unitwn. ijioksne. WslliM. roll- 7Ui,a una, umnoirous 81 "nl. nnitith.ifiiwmk... : a OtiIe;o, snd Kui. Ocean and River Schedule. For San Francisco Every fire din at 8 p. m.. For Astoria, way pohU and North Booch Dally (except 8m day) at 8 p. m.; Saturday at 10 p. n. Dally service (water permlttlnj) oa Wlllomotto and Yamhill rivers. For fullor information ask or irrlU your nearest ticket agent, or A. L CRAIQ, Qenoral Passenger Agent Tho Oregon Hull road & Navlgatloi Co., Portland. Oregon. TIME CARD NO. 28. No. 2 for Yaqulna Loaves Albany 12.45 PJ1 Leaves Corvallls 1:45 ?X Arivos Yaqulna 6:10 P.M. No. 1, Returning Loaves Yaqulna 7:1R A.H. Leaves Corvallls 11:30 A.M. Arrives Albany 12:15 P.M. No, 3 for Detroit Leave Albany 1:00 P.M. Arrives Detroit C:00 P.M No. 4 from Detroit Leave Dotrolt 8:30 AJL Arrive Albany 11:15 Ail Train No. I arrives In Albany la tlino to connoct with tbo S. P. soati hound train, as well as giving two ot three hours in Albany beforo deput ure of S. 1 north bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the 8.?. trains at Corvallls and Albany glrlti direct servlco to Newport and d cent buHches, Train No. 3 for Dotrolt, Dreltenbsta and othnr mountain resorts letvei AV Imny at 1.0') p. m., reaching Detroit about ti:00 p. in. For furthor Information apply to T. ir. CUUTIS, Acting Mswgff. T. COCKKELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CIIONISB, Agent. Corvallli, New Blacksmith Shop Wo have purchasod a new shop Jan west of tho Y. M. O A- building. Wwi of all kinds done promptly, firil-tl" and reasonable. SOIIULTZ & MAVE3, Formerly located near Rarnes' Cs Store. Htiic Wing Sang Co China and Japanese Fancy Goods, M tings and Dry Qoods, Silks, Ea- broidery laces. Mako up new "" dents' and Ladies' FuroMiing ue Suits, Wrappers, Skirts, Wsuu-b at low nriees. Sale cheap, oj ". Court street, Salem, Origon. Black 2155. Pkwt Pound Masters Sale. Notice is hereby given tbat ' t'-o pr lisions of "rJinanco No. -" will on Thursday, May 18, 1003, ut 1 o'clock p. to. at the pound In tie city otSaloui, Mil at publ c MielttJ the following dewrlbed impouncw animal, to-wiu . i Sorrel horso, four white feet, ui brnnded C-4. Unless the above 'described " claimed before, said date, sale win wltlinut reserve. Dated Salem, May 13. 1905 J C. MAB3i Deputy Found Master Ward N - HTpillT fefSijMi. i- Vjimi'!!!z.TSiaUtM ruiriw:rr-'- i... MI (t uarrip MioieAt CO.. T "dlaSalembyaO.StoB.