4-" 0AK.Y OAtfttAL JOftSKAly flAiEJu, 0B2CC-tf, SKUM0AV, A1AV 11, 1800.. T .' .' urilliiHillr-" " Mil iSUMMu rtlnmtw xtUhfej. hi 4I M Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which lias been iu uso for over 30 ycnrn, lias borno tlio Hirrnntiiro of mid lias been mndo under IiIb pcr- sjtyjTpC, Bonal supervision slnco Its Inlhncy. mf7rt i-cUCAlK Allow no ono to dccelvo yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-os-good" aro but Experiments that trltlo -with and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience ngalnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA CAstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops i.nd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic . substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Fevorislmcss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, gh lug healthy and natural sloop. Tho Children's Panacea- Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tlio (avTcUcZi The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI Of NTUn COMMNT, TT MUHHAY aTMtT. KCW f 011 OlTV. WHEN IN NEED Of corn for plttntltig, remember that wo Imvo n cholco stock of both lOregou nml Hnstorn grown corn, which can bo hail nt reduced prices, nt (ho Old Reliable Feed Store. Say age & Fletcher 322-324 Commercial St. 4 I 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 H I II H II H lit I I New Langc Hotel;; Corner Sixth nml Washington streets, Portland, Or., (next to '. Imperial). Strictly fireproof and ; modern. Rotes lowest for firat- ; ; class service. Steam boat nnd . clovator, elegant cafo and bar '. lu connection. On direct line to ; ; fair grounds. F. Lango, proprio tor; Bam Baumnn, manager, for ! '. morly of Omaha, Neb. ' itinniiiiiiitniimii Would Yon ,' Worry" for Five Cents an Hour Your work Is probably hard enough -after you havo subtracted tho "worry" from It. It will bo n bit too'.hnrd for ypu if l-you cultlvato tho luxury of worry ing Bucauso you need n new clerk, or new servant, or partner, or sten vographer, or more business capital none of these thlugs need to worry I y- (A, Wont Ad. big ouough to bo eiTec Ktlvo VU ?o,3j5u, lew-, than twelve' Jiours of worry at flvo cunts an hour. And tho chances nro that your want 'can bo filled in twelve hour or less. Is is worth flvo cents an hoiir to Secure immunity from worry? PLACE YOUR WANT AD IN Tim JOURNAL It will bring results. When you wout Hop Hnstcts, Fruit1 Boxes, Tray .for fruit Dryers, call on G. F Mason Jollier Street, South Salem, Phono 1 2101 Ilod. its)MMslitlltlilliM Siguaturo of WELFARE OF BOTH The managers of this bunk dovoto their tlmo, skill nnd capital to pro moting tho welfare of tlio bank and Its rustomnrx. Tho long successful axporleuco of tho olllcprs of this bank is sufliclout guuriintco of n high degrco of snfety. Salem State Bank L. K. PAGE, President F. W. HAZARD, Cashier Elbow Grease Will always, bo employed in house keeping, but the days of scrubbing over tho washtub nro n thing of tho past. Tho inventor hns brought about tho ev olution. Sco our almost human laundry machinery. Wo havo tho latest of all makes. Your family work nnd rough dry, S cents per pound; finished, very llttlo more. Salem SteatnLaundry COLONEL J. OLMSTED, Prop. D0110US D. OLMSTED, Manager.! 250 Liberty Street. Phone 411. O. 0. T. GO'S rASSENOEB BTEAMKES POMONA And Altona lcavo for Portland Monday, Wednesday nnd Trl day at JO n. in., Tuesday, Tours day and Saturday tt 7 u. m. Corvallls, Tuosdsy, Thursday and Saturday at 7 p. m. Dock Foot of Trade street M. P. BALDWIN, Afft. tnrvtti. Edison FnouosTapli Agency. Gasoline Lamps, Mantels, Gasoline. Typewriters, New, Soeoud-lland. Rent, 214 Com '1 St, Phone Main 401. Tp the Country People When in town take your meals at the Star Restaurant, 339 Court Street, t.d joining WauVa hardware store. Meals at all hours, 15 cents. Phone 301 Bod, 4M i ill 1 H H M M"H-"M-H I STATE SOCIAL NEWS? 1IIIIIIHII1IHHH HlHI Woodbuni. Mr. and Mrs. flrnnt Corby Wero Sn loin visitors Tuesday. Miss Ilnrlngcr, of Dallas, is visiting Mr. I'miiees Teller nnd fnmlly. Miss Flora Liveslcy Is visiting rela tives nnil friends In Portland this week. Miss Kthel Too7C, who In nttcndlng school in Portland, spent Htmdoy nt her homo in this city. Dr. II. L. Bancroft, of Salem, wns n business visitor to Woodburu, Monday nnd Titosdny of this week. Mr. .T, T. .lanes, of Eugene hns been visiting his dnugliter, Mrs. F. W. Settle mler, for it few ilnys this week. Miss Millard Bird, tlio ll-ycnr-old daughter of W. M. Bird, died nt her linma near this city Snndny night. Miss Mlnnlo McICeo wont to Portland Tuesday, whoro slio will visit for n short tlmo with friends nnd rclntlves. Mr. Hiigcno Moslibergor left Sunday night for Los Angeles for n short visit. It Is reported that ho may bring back n "better linlf" with him. Mrs. C. M. Tout mid granddaughter, Lois Clement, of Portlnnd, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. 0. W. Water bury, nnd family In this city. The detail from Company I, Third regiment, O. N. (., infantry, for servleo nt tlio Lewis and Clnrk fair, ns appoint ci I by Cjptnln O. I). HomJornon, nro the following oulixtml men: I'rlvntos Amos ltnmoii, A. Moshberger, Cliiiton J, Tut tie, Eugciio Hubbard, William Bnrrott, Kltou A. Stark nnd Archie Fin7or. Tho inngellst, Dr. D.itilnl B. Toy, nnd his slngor, Dr. Frank "Dixon, .closed tliclr very successful series of union re vlvnl sorvlcos nt tho nrmory hall Titos day evening. About 150 persons havo been converted slnco- tho meetings be gun on the Sflth of April. Strong re liglnus.fecllngs'wcro pruvnlen't through out tlio sitrli'M, nnd Dr. Toy's sorinons bristled with startling fuels that left his hearers for matorlnl for thought. Several resolutions wero extended, ex tending thanks to tho Union Light & Power Co., for donation of lights; to Cnptulii O. I). Henderson, of Company I, (). N. (!., for donation nml uso of tlio armory; also to tho citizen of Woodluirn and vicinity for tliclr liberal donations of tlmo, monoy nnd talent A resolution wns also n flop tod Tiy tlio peo ple extending thiinks to Drs. Toy null Dixon for tho great good they had done. Tlio evangelists left Wodnosduy morning for Astoria, whoro they will hold a series (if meeting. Marion. Mrs. I'asHott nnd children left for Eugene toilny. Mr Ilndley moved his fnmlly to tho farm yesterday for tho summer. Tho Sunday (school of both churches will unite iu having a children's day progron. Mrs; litnt and Mrs. Davidson will IIB FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. miyh wtn T3 fail ! nri r i niu: drluotx 1 mbJ Urwbiiir 41 tttiftilrr vktartir 4t Mirw lCwr dru44tdM4 tort fttt iam p. jjur ron i 1am UNITCP MC0ICALCO.,OT4.LAN0sBTKR. PA Sold in Salem by S. 0. Stone. l$h Jai:"!0u;' I s3r.) air Item 1 IwnrirLiGHT mKK' .ajHBiWBa-'HB.JM m. nliwr Jbbbbw JR .saVai Jam JK JK r Increases the light W yet decreases the cost because it consumes eight parts air to one part Gas giving four times the light of any burner, made. In Use in Ovar a Million Homes All Genuine Block Lights have the words BLOCK LIOHT stamped on burner as well as mantle. DbtrlsVutcd by YOKOHAMA TEA STORE Satan Agents Pain in the Head Is a danger signal, warning you that the brain nerves are exhausted irritated, and are undergoing an unnatural strain. Frequent and prolonged at tacks of pain weaken the gen erative power of the nerve cells of the brain, and lead to loss of memory, melancholy, spasms, epilepsy, and' frequent ly insanity. When the brain nerves arc weakened they arc unable to supply sufficient nerve force to the nerves that control the lungs, heart, stomach and other organs, and these organs arc thus robbed of energy, and unable to meet the. demands upon them.and they get sick. Stop the head pains with Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills, and the influence upon your general health Will be greater than you can realize. "I want to Ml ymi bow thankful I nm for Dr. MIIps" Antl-Paln rills. From u clilld I have been subject to slclc licrtilncbc. nnd neir found any Instlni? rrllcf until I received a Hiunplo of Dr. Miles' Antl-1'aln I'M shlle In Clenova kIx years ago. Ily tnkln ono It usually throws oft my nalri, so I can Bo about ".""Jft J'A,l3ATM. It. P. D., No. 4. aonovn, Olilo. Dr. Mites' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druofllit, who will guarantee that the first package will benefit. If It falls he will return your money. 73 doioi, 23 cents. Never told In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind organize n junior Christian Kndenvor on Saturday nftornnon. Mr. nnd Mrs. .Tones, of Ashland, nro looking for n loentlon for n store. Mrs. .Tones is nt present under the doctor's enre. Mrs. Hobbs, who hns boon nttcndlng her dnnghter, Mrs. Ttlchnrdson, of Jef ferson, Is nt homo now. Mrs. Ttlchnrd son is quite low. Mr. nnd Mrs. T'llsworjh Ilyntt have been visiting nt .T. D. Harder', Mrs. Harbor is Mr. Hyatt's mother. Thoy havo gone to Salem looking for :i locu tion. Among thoso attending tho excursion Buiidny to Portland was Mr. l'ord, WI1 Ho Unnta, Cliarlio Lee, (leorgo Hmall, George and Wesley Btoven and .Tohn Housor. Thoso attending tho show nt Snlom wero Mr nnd Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Ashby and 1'dith, Mrs. Tord and Lorno- Ship py, Mr. Holtou nnd Lorain, Mrs. Unit nnd Nora, Mr. Kullivnii, Mr. Dunn, Art Morgan nnd John Hull. Hnby sleeps und grows wlillo mam my rosts If ITolllstor's Tloolcy Maun tain Ten is given. It is tho groat ost baby modielno over offered loving mothors. .15 cents, Toa or Tublots. Stono's Drug Store. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIH f H-t- I Ice Cfcam j pint in paper pail ...... 10c 1 pint In paper pail 15o 1 quart in ptpor pall "3c Vj gallon in paper pall ....50a At Zititi s nminniminimmn that is needlessly large and a positive lossthe Gas Bill.' CLASSIFIED FOR 8ALE. For Salo. Soven-room residoneo, barn, largo half block, electric lights, linth, hot and" cold elty water. H. Hofer, Journal office, For Sale. Smnll dry fir wood, at $3.25 nor cord. Phono Black 2001. T. u. Davidson, Jr., Mornlngsido. 1-20-tf For Salo. Flvo or tcn-ncro place, first- class Improvements. Close to scuooi, chtuli, postotllco and railroad. Ad dress "X.," caro of Journal. For Sale... Nice, gentle driving horset 0. AV. Johnson, Silent. 0 8-3t For Salo. Household furulturo nnd carpet this week only, ltesldenco ono block north of Asylum nvctnio store. John W. Lyons. fi-7lwk For Salo. Two completo bed room sots, In oik; good ns new. Mrs.Hookcr, Commercial street, over Patterson furnlturo store. C-0-3t For Sale Six full-blood Poland China sows, with pigs flvo weeks old. Also four shepard pups. A. 1 Heurdsloy, ono mllo west of tho Kelzor school house, II. V. D. No. 8. CO 3f WANTED. Wanted. To liiro n horsn. Inquiro of Kingston Bros. 430 l'orry street,' or phono 2021 Mnln. 5 0-3t For Eont. Convenient' barn nnd wagon shed, central location. Address or sco Gideon Stolz. G-8 3t For Ucnt. Furnished rooms in jirlvnto family during fnlr, eloctrlo lights, phone, enr line. Anna Vcntch Pape, 20 Hast Ninth nnd Hurnslde, North, Portland. -5 l)-lwk MISCELLANEOUS. Hotel Scott Nowly furnished, ovory thins clean and first class. Rooms at reasonablo prices. In Cottle block, Salem. A. 8cott, prop. 76-tt 3alom Iron Works Foundors, machtn Ists nd blnckxrtfith. Manufacturers of nil kinds of sawmill machinery Hop nnd fruit drying stoves, oto. Manufacturers of tho 0. K. Grubbor Shand & Mnrcus. 11-29-lm Oavoy tt Savago. Hoal Kstato, Loans and Insurance, Conveyancing nnd llxuinlng 'Titles. Notary work dono Hrlng us list of your proporty for salo, 402 Stnto stroet, near High. 3 8-tf Say Have you tried lSdwarus & Luech tr'u for meats. Wo bavo tho best inusago In town. Come and try It and bo convinced. 410 ICast Stat street WE Aro Now buylug eggs. Call on us for prices boforo you soil. Com morclal Cream Co. 3-11-tf Thco, M. Barr Successor to Harr & Petzcl, tinner and plumber. Hot air water and steam heating a specialty, Salem, Oregon. 3-2 Highest Cash Price Paid for chickens, gocse, ducks and all kinds of farm produco at Cnpltnl Commission Co, Tolephono 2231 Main, 177 Commer cial street, Salem, Or. 1-4-tf-dw CLEANING AND DYE WORKS. Cleaning and Dyeing And repairing noatly dono. Four suits pressed by tho month $1.00, at the Capital City Steam Dyeing nnd Cleaning Parlors. Miss Kfllo M. Anderson, proprietor. Opera Houso block. 6-1-tf CALL ON YOUlt STKPMOTHEIi AT tho Salem Dye Works when you want your clothes cleaned, dyed, re faired or pressed, rellned, volvet col ars on; also suit pressed by the month. You can get anythtug clean ed, from a pair of gloves to the most elaborato silk gowns. Mrs. 0. II. Walker, Prop., 105 Commercial street. 8ASII AND DOOB FACTORIES. A. M. Hanson Manufacturer of nil kinds sash, dorrs, mouldings, wood work, houso finish and ofllco fixtures. Estimatos furnished. Cor. Mill aud Church street. Phone Bed 211. Frank M. Brown Manufacturer of sash, doors, mouldings. All kinds of house finish and hardwood work. Trent streot between State and Court BAKERIES. Capital Bakery Uliom & Rutherford, proprietors, 430 Court street. Fresh Tjrcad, pics and cakos daily. Macca roons, lady fingers, angel and devil's food cake, candies, nuts, etc. Deliv rlc made to any part of tho city. Phone White 321. 5-1-tf VETERINARY SURGEON. Dr. O. J, Korinelc Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Honorable Mem ber Ontario Medical Society. Office at Lowe's Capital Stables. Phone Main 1001. Calls attended to prompt ly. 418-lm ARCHITECT. w. xj. x-ugu Arcuitoct and sun.i.C -w--- v - - -v-w-wvirsrvv tondont, plans furnished for all claw es of building and structural work. Ofllco 110 Stato streot, Tioga blot Salem, Oregon. ' DRAYMEN. vrz$nrmxrssr$ ana ir&nsior rjusineaa, meet all tratno. 'Phones, down town, Mala 2181, residences, Bluo IB, rod 207. Stand 218 Commorslal streot HMb TODqEbT Salem Camp, No. 118, Woodmon of tit World Meets in Holmnn nnll ever; 1'rldny at 7i30 p. m. L. R. Btlnun, consul P. L. Frnsor, clerk. Forostors of America Court Bhori-ood i'orostcrs No. ID. Moots Friday la Turner block. Ira Jorgonscn, C B i A. L. Brown, Sec. Contra! Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Caitli Hall In llolman block, corner State nnd Llborty strcots. Tuesday of each wcok nt 7:30 p. m. T. J. Cronlie, 0, C; W. I. Staloy, K. of R. and a Modern Woodmen of Amcrica-Ort- gon Ccdnr Camp, No. 5240. MmU nvnrv Thnradnv nvntitnr nt Q il!.. H.H. ...M... ,.....,, ... w V blU(ft iioimnn nan. a. jj. Aiattcn, V, C.j A. L. Brown, Clork. WATER COMPANY. iw SALEM WATER COMPAMi OFFICE CITY HALL. For wator sorvlco apply at offita. Bills payable monthly In adraaee. Muko all complaints at tho office, A Pleasant Way to Travel, flio nbovo is tho usual verdict cf the travolcr using tho Missouri Fcli! railway botweon tho Pacific eoait ail tho oast, nnd wo bollovo that the terr ico nnd accommodations given merit this statement. From Denver, Colora do Springs nnd Denver there are tit through trains dally to Kansas' Ci!; nml St. Louis, enrrying Pullman's lit est standard eloctrlc-lighteil ilcepb cars, chair cars nnd up-todate dlalsj curs. Tho samo excollcnt sendee it oporatod from Kansas City and El Louis to Memphis, Llttlo Rock and Hot Springs. If you aro going cut or south, wrlto for particulars and full l formation. W. 0. M'BRIDE, Gen. Act, 124 Third 8L, Portland, Ore. New Blacksmith Shop Wo havo purchased a now shop j west of tho Y. M. 0. A. building. Wori of all kinds done promptly, firit-elw and reasonablo. SOHUX.TZ & MAVES, Formerly located near Uarnei' Ciu Storo. U. J. LEHMAN Sash and doors. AU kinds of Um flnlshlnir Phona 131 black. A1W floors of warehouso for rent; elmU and switching facilities. Qeeping Upward That's what we are doing efJ day. All admit that our meali v oven growing better, -and the ere are growing larger dully. COFFEY'S RESTAURANT 205 Commercial Street COP1RI0MT . p RPBBf I THE AIUUVAii v. - rf . primitive method U the I imativo methods in i" WI xenoruuur T; HW, rri. S-ilnl W" ..m tuo uesi uuw it f any that over was -"- u, m 1 the nutritious a- .., n.it of tho vexj v . j ,.. --.--- fitTW is BWWiesv " "" a.aa1 fnnA nroductS. BALEMrLOXnUNO Wv 22! 'i MlliiV