Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 10, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Young Girls
Avoid The ftancforc atisiv
Suffers of Womanhood
Many a girl who graduates
from high school or female
college with a brilliant record
and hl(?h stanrilncr q hml-nn
down before she Is twenty.
Nowadays girls are pushed
to the limit of their endurance
both In school and society.
They must make a success
even If they are forever
unfitted for the larger school
ui me ana aeoarrea irom
wedded happiness and the
bliss of motherhood.
hlf,11!16 f ,lfe heP !ust entering upon womanhood, nature makes
heavy drains upon the vitality, especially at each monthly period,
LydiaLPinkhainlsfegef aMe Compound
the most wonderful of all tonic restorative medicines for women, will tide a
young girl over this trying time and bring her safely into strong, noble,
beautiful womanhood.
Experience of a Beautiful High School Girl
iiin.11rEi Mna' P'NK"M: I wits to iee If you cansuegeit some means tVcur" me! A
k..n ?l t fu" a.,yMr. "co ' WM Ilck wlLh "ensrutlon for the first time, end since then I have
been tick all the time In some way or other and suffered with painful and Irreeular menstrua
tion. I went to a summer resort for my health and was doctored all summer, but to no effect.
i va "ui"?.' 'uat.ed '? ,W0.ri10n,han1 ,nouen, ' would see If you could do me any pood.
h .1 a j h .S.cheo1 and would not llko ,0 mlM "y ,lme " P0MbIe. Marion Barbeh.
North Adams, Mass.
Miss Barber writes again after two years
Mr Dear Mm. Pinkham:
Sometime, ago I wrote to you for advice, belne troubled with Irregular and painful menstrua
tion and womb disease. I began taking Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver
Pills and uslne the Sanative Wash, and I am glad to say I am completely cured and have not
had any sickness since. I wish to thankyou for your kind advice and shall recommend your
medicine to my girl friends. Marion, Barber, 101 Bracewell Ave., North Adjims. Mau.
Free Advice for Young Girls
AH young girls are earnestly urged to write to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for advlca.
Thousands of women are well, strong, and beautiful to-day becauso they made a confidant of
tmo. i-uuuiam ana louowea ner instructions at tnis critical Mmo of their lives.
How Reasoning Power Has Been Devel
oped in a Dumb Brute"
HnVo niiiinnls tho reasoning power
which 1ms been nssumed to lio tho pre
rogative of mankind, their masters!
Somo of tho foremost scientists of Ger
many linvo boon quiirroling over his
question for tlio past six months, writes
hUwaril C. Heyn in tho Moy number
of McCluro's Mago7.1ne. Tlio crintro
very, which has becotno ono of tho
I'uuinr iujiics oi gossip in lierllii, hns
been stirred up by tho nmnzlng nchlcv-
monta of tho stallion "Klugo Hans,"
or "Clever Hnns." To visit tho mil
mal In his muddy stablo yard linn bo
conio n fad. Socloty women nnd no
blemen have paid their respects to him;
eciucntors nnU psychologists havo stud
ied him. Ofllcial commissions have
even experimented upon him, with tho
most reinnrkablo resulti. Baron von
Ostcn, for many year a Prussian no
blemnn schoolmastor, la tlio owner nnd
teacher of Hans. Ho insists that tho
nnlmal is cnpablo of Individual thought
nnu nn independent process of reason
"What time is Itf" naked tho baron,
holding out his wnteh, which marked
1 o'clock.
Hnns stamped once.
"On what number in tho largo
linndf" nnd Hani said, "twelve."
Then tho Imron borrowed n watch
which wni five minutes slow and snld:
"Tell mo, Hnns, how iniihy minutes
nro lncklng to mako It 1 o'clock accord
ing tn'liiis wntch."
"Five," wild Hnns, ami received
another carrot.
Then enmo a lesson in reading.
Upon ono numbered blackboard tho
word "J'rugel" (whipping) was writ
ten, upon a second tho nnmo of tlio
Hpanlsli Ambassador, Di Itlotn, nnd
upon a third tho nnmo of tho writer,
Jloyn. when Hnns was nRkcd what ho
received when ho was naughty, ho
walked up to tlio "Prugel" black
board; when ho was asked upon which
board "Heyn" wns written ho stnmpod
Correct Qotics for Men
"The Broodway"
A c Spring
Bearing this label
Ing. Nothing can offend tho grlzrlod ?,T' , , q"M""" htnth
i ...... . n tnnt number. Til tllntn'a ---.
that number. 1)1 IHotn' nnmo wns
mid SOedv nlil hnrnn mnrn limn tA ...
wrt that Hans' tricks nro merely tlio n," l;,0Bl",1 ni1 whn tho boards
remarkable results of patient training. WM0 nMtirA ,nto othcr l,n,ltlon nn8
Mo him not trained Hans, ho will de-i "uv" """""
elnre, with profnno emphasis; ho hns
"educated" him with the samo process
by which tho children In tho lower prl-
Tho horso then proceeded to distin
guish colors nnd Indlcnto them bv name.
- -- "' ,.-.
mnry gnules of Trussian public schools llnKH ot varloiiH lines wcro suspended
nro taught.
Hut, strangely enough, Baron von
Ostcn does not consldor Hnns particu
larly clever. Ho rniys that an nvorugo
coach horso can bo oducnted to tho
samo degree of proficiency, nnd that
ho onco owned a horso which wns fur
moro intelligent than Hnns. Ho re
jects with Indignation nil theories of
suggestion, hypnotism and tolonnthv
by which tho explanation of Hans' acts
is nttomptfd, nnd stubbornly proclaims
on a lino and their corresponding
names written on blackboards Hans
distinguished tho colors ns cnslly ,as
tho nnmo. Then In a lesson upon tlio
rudiment of goomolry Unit Identified
drnwings of a clrclo, n squnro nnd an
arrow with perfect ease, Tho baron
noxt nsked: "Now I should llko to
know how ninny corners has a clrclo,"
nnd tho nudionco enjoyed n hearty
laugh at tho nianncu with which Hnns
wagged his head to thi left for "tin,"
Twenty-four hour i-fter Mr. Heyn
Expresses the "last
thought" of best Fifth
Avenue Tailors, for the
conservative dresser.
The makers' guarantee, and ours,
with every garment We ore ex
clusive agents here. '
G. W. Johnson Co.
Popular Headquarters,
(Marshfleld Mall, May 7.)
fMrH. F. X. Hofer will leavo on the
Ext northbound Alliance for Portland
i furnish nnd prepare tho Coos county
Ilglng house, which she nnd Mrs. P.
Wilbur will run during tho fair.
rs. Wilbur, who is n teacher In tho
wrslifiold school, will bo unublo to
fvo until the present term is com
eted, uftcr which she will tuko chnrgo
: tho establishment, whllo Mrs. Hofer,
bo hns been uppointcd matron of the
us county building, will devoto her
no to caring for tho exhibits.
tMuny of tho rooms lmvo already
Ing letter. dnlly from their friends In
other parts of tho county nnd stnte,
nnd a few oven from the Knst, asking
them to roorvo rooms. This would
indicate that tho venture will bo u suc
cessful ono nnd that tho ladles will
reap a deserved rewnrd for their enter
prise. Both Indies nro very popular in
tho social circles of this city and will
no doubt receive tho patronage of the
ontiro contingent of Marshfleld visit
ors to tho fair.
E, D.
Hume Wants J5000
Wrecked Del Norte.
for the
tti Kind Yoa Hm Alwars Bnj
Bin Francisco, May P. H. D. Hume,
who owned tho schooner Del Norte, that
wns sunk in a collision with the steam
er Htx roam April 21st, ofT the Coqulllo
river, hns libelled the steamer for $5000
Tho 8ea J-'oam is owned by Boodle
Bros., of Sun Francisco, but was built
on drays Harbor, und was equipped In
Portland. It was on her first passage
down tho coast that tho collision occurred.
thnt the liorsd'a mental processes do '""' 'con fomtnlly presented to Hans
not depend In tho slightest degreo up-',v tM0 '""'" leson In spelling wni
on himself. And, nlthouch few of tlm K,VWI ''' moans of n blackboard upon
many scientists who hnvo oxnmlnod w',',,h wn" drnwn nn nlphnbetlcal nnd
Hnns agree with tho bnron upon this n"or'cl ehnrt. "Now, Hnns," snld
point, tfw also lmvo tho lenst doubt , "l0 ljnro,1t "what Is this gentleman's
tnnt Hie old schoolmaster Is wholly innmo'
sincere In his belief. Hnns stamped once, nnd then after n
-Mr. Jicyn writes, thut tho first day hoi I'nuso, 'or times. At the Intersection
weni 10 mo tlio wonderful horso ho of tlio first vertical nnd tho fourth
found an nssemblnge strangoly out of horizontal lines wns written tho let
keeping with tho squalid surroundings, Iter "h.'O" By tho samo method Hnns
including the Turkish mid Spanish kj'11imI out "1," "I" and "n," tho
nmbussudnrs, tho Chilean consul, ofil-. substitution of the "I" for tho "y"
cers of the (lormun nrmy, reprcsentn-in tho nume being explained by tho
tlvei of tlio learned professions, scion- fnct that the horso hud been taught
tlsts of high Htandlng nnd several In-j to spell phonetically, Hans had been
dies of noblo blrtd. Tlio baron led introduced to Oenurnl Koorlmr tan .ln
jinns nno i no ynnl uml explained hi
their number on tho ncnlo tlio nnsworn
wero glvon successfully,
Chnrges of fraud wero mado agnlnst
tho baron, nnd accordingly n cnmmti
lon the membor of which wero scU
ontist, nnimnl ipccinlistn nnd educa
tors, wn njipolnted to investlgnto
Hnns and his muster. In reporting thnt
tho nccusatlon wns groundless, thin
body stated: "Another scrlc of ex
periment wn enrried out whero tho
answer to tho questions nsked by Horr
von Oston could not possibly bo known
10 mo questioner lumseir. Tlio ma
jority of tho undersigned, however,
have personal knowledge of many In
dividual ensos where, In tho nbicnro
of Her von Ostcn, enrrect answer hnvo
been given to other person. Among
these cases wero nomo whero flio quo
tlonor was himself in Ignorance of tho
answer or mistaken n to tho propor
.Then tho emlnont Prof. Stumpf, with
Ills assistants, doHcendod upon Hnnl
nnd conducted an clabornto series of
experiments. Herr Stumpf contradict
ed tho other invostlgntor by nssortingp
"Tho experiment failed In those enson
whero the nnsnor was not known to
nay of tlioso present, us, for instiinco,
when written figure or articles to bo
counted wero so placed before tho horso
n to bo Invislblo to tho persons' pres
ent, nnd especially to tho person ask.
ing the question. Tho horse, therefore,
ran neither count, rend nor roekon."
Horr Htumpf nccount for tho horso'
eorreet nnswers to questions put by
tho bnron or by upeetntor by tho fol-
I Liens riled on Property.
It. 1). Itoberts yesterduy filed a lien
upon a foundry building situated in
Woodburn, and owned by J. II, Settle
mler, together with one acre of land
upon which tho said building is 'built,
Jtoborts claims performed work upon
the building, and says that tho amount
of $3.1.30 is now duo him in payment
thereof. Tho monoy not being forth-
aoinlng, he has tbereforo filed tho lieu
on tho property.
O. II, Llvosley and Martin Forbes
hnvo also put in their claim for u
lien on the same property on oteount
of tho non-pument of money.
The latter two state that they are
owed tho sum of $34 and $0.'l respee
method of spceoh by stntlng.that to in
dlwite iiumbtr tho horso stamped hU
forefoot for every unit, tumod his head
to the right for "yes" und to tho loft
for "no." Then in response to nues-
before, but remembered ami spelled ,owlntf tlieoryt "In tho course of tho
hi name with perfect accuracy. Then ,rn,,nff I" reckoning which tho horso
Huns, In reply to tho baron's questions,
informed hi visitors thnt the person
standing nearest tho blackboard wn it
boy aud that next to him wero ladles.
tlons put by the baron, Han proceeded When flvo moii wcro placed in a row
to count, nnd nubtrnct, divide, mult I- and numbered from loft to right Hnns
ply, spell and read which nccom-Jtold which was Oio tnllest, which th
plisliments nro beyond many n (Jcrmnn stoutest, which had his arm in u sling,
or Kusslan peasant, and which in u
human child of tho samo ago 8 years
old would bo regarded us certain In
dications of genius.
"What is tho knlser' birthday f"
demanded the baron. (It I January
Haas stamped 27 times.
"What monthl"
Hans stamped once and wns reward
ed with a carrot
J how many wero officer, which of thorn
had umbrella and which had swords.
Ho was never mistaken.
Then the baron proceeded to show
ttiHt Hans', education inoluded music.
A sealo was drawn upon the blackboard
has had ho must have count to observn
those slight, unconselouH movement
of tho body of the teacher, and to
hnvo Interpreted these a signs. Tho
movement which thu produce, n c
responding action on tho pari of tho
horso ore, In tho case of Herr von Oa
ten, so Infinitesimal that It Is ni wot
der thnt they should escape tho at.
tendon of trnlncd and experienced ob
server. Horr Pfungst whoso powora
of observation having been sjieelully do
vIopd by laboratory work embracing;
facial expression of even the shortest
duration, has, however, been able to
and tho note wero numbered. When "e,m v"r,0 movement of Hor von
tho schoolmaster blew eeral note' H,"' wlllcl' ,,oni,ll"t,' tho condition
upon u harmonica and nsked Huns to I'r,"'a"',"t " horso' achievement,
tell which they were by Indicating v,,rt,,'r""",n. tho same result wa at-
For the season of 1905 we quote the following prices in cash.
In quantities less than 100 po unds le per pound.
In quantities of 100 pounds, 70e per 100.
Wo allow 5 per cent discount on all coupon books for cash payed
to driver or at office. Special rates to creameries, ieo cream parlors,
butchers, hotels, restaurants and grocery stores. Free delivery within
city limits. All order received before 4 o'clock p. m. will bs deliv
ered the samo day within old city HmiU. Parties living outside those
limits must order ono day ahead. Wo furnish regular customers with
ice cards. Ask the driver for one.
;alem ice co.
Phone 151 Slack.
Offleo on Alley back of Hotel Willamette, near lee Plant
Man's Unreasonableness.
Is often as great as woman's. Hut
Thos. II. AustiD, manager of the "no-
publican," of Leavenworth, Ind., was
sot unreasonable when be refused to al
low the doctors to operate on his wife,
for female trouble, "Instead," be says,
"wo concluded to try Electric Bitter.
My wife was then so sick, she could
hardly leave her bed, aud five (5) phy
sicians had failed to relieve her. After
taking Electric Bitten, she was per
fectly cured, and can now perform all
her household duties." Guaranteed by
J. C. Perry, druggist, price 60c.
86M7 Indiana Avenue.
Chicago, iix,, Sept. 27, 1002.
I harebesn a sufferer with almost every kind
of female trouble for years, but as long as I
could get around and do my work 1 would not
try patent medicine as I had no faith In them.
About eight months ago I bail to take to
my bed, suffering with prolapsus of the uterus,
with bearing down pains and intense pains
in the back. My aunt.wlo came to nurse ma
told moot Wine of Cardul and sent forabot
tie, I am Indeed glad that she did, for that
first bottle started me on the road to recoT
ery, In a few weeks I was out of bed and in three months I tu
in better health and stron
ger than I bad been
years. I take a dose now
occasionally, of Wine
Cardul and am kept
perfect health.
Ml- I
' M st a a m si
Beo'y. Woodman's Circle No. 70.
A Sam. Curium tiuu fla
IVII flWlTllllf. ftthl IsMlliMiiii
WlUst CuiuinsriMMf gmmi p9fm!4 I
; WfUMtMiiiirtJnM(4
vmntm tiroiCAL CO., T4. UHumc r.
Sold In SiUra by & O. Stone,
Wine of Cardul brings certain relief to women mfferlnff any s'
torn of female weaknesj and nerfectlv rrirula.ta tlm mmilnul 7lr,w t
oi Cardui stODS bearing down ualna bv nennanenilir llirlnT (d lr.li.iu.
which wraiens the ligaments holding the womb in place. You need not
suffer ertry month itvou take this medicine. The periodical dlscharg
will be painless and healthy without continual weakening drains. Wino
of Cardul will make your health right and yoa may treat yourself privately
in your own home. Becura a $1.00 bottle of Win of Cardui from yow
ruggit today.
Italned when Herr Pfungst made no
conscious movemont at all, but simply
, concent rated hi mind upon tho desired
'number, slueii tho upproprlato move
mem iiius occurrcn iineoneiously. '
N. A. Foster, a well-known timber
cruiser nnd locator of Oakland, was ar
rested at Oakland Huturday uf tor noon
on n chargo of erlmlnal nssuult on his
lfrycarold daughter, nay tint Albany
Herald. For several week oltir.cn of
Oakbtnd havo been asking Diitrlot At
torney Hrown to make an luvestlgutfon
of tho ease. Upon hearing tho ovidencu
Just lew of tho Prtico Stephen, of Oak.
land, bound Foster over to appear bo
foro the circuit eourt, which wnivnnei
la Hosoburg u week from Monday.
Tho longest electric power wire for
Oregon 1 that now being strung from
tho power plunt of the Condon Water
& Power company at Gold Ituy to tho
Greenback and Martha mine uu Gravii
creek. Tho distance from Oold Hay
to Greenback 1 -IS miles, all mountain
AV. II. Lucy, city marshal of Prulrlu
City, who was arrested on tho chargo
of killing Krnost Hickman jn Ln
Woods' aaloon on the moralug of April
20th, ha been bound over in the sunt
of $2000 to appear before tho gramj
jury on the charge of manslaughter
' f