Tonight and Thursday, partly i cloudy. AILY CAPITAL JOWBN AL VOL. XV. SALEM, OREGON, WEPNEflDAY, MAY 10, 1005. NO. 110. ITRIKE JUDGE ANARCHISTS MAKE THREATS ESTATE HOWARD F00TE COUNTY COURT ADJOURNS TEDDY'S BUSY GROWING WEAKER BELLINGER VERY ILL DAY old Weather and the President are in Town The morning papers announced tlio serious Illness of Federal Judge 0. D. llclllngcr, at his homo In Fortlnnd. At noon lio was some better, but still very ill. ie colored Min Wa'TShot. Another ( ut With a Razor Chicago, May lO.-Thc visit of fosldont Roosevelt to Chlcngo was the Ivortlng fenturo of tho strlko today. (cognizing tho Importance of showing o peaceful conditions, tho labor union Odors mndo strenuous efforts to pre- Int their following from bclnc re- pnslblo as tho originators of any ills- Ibanccs. Tho wot. cold weather aid TODAYS FOREIGN NEWS Tho Birmingham Post states that proposals by a German syndlcato to American financiers to participate In tho now Russian loan of fifty million lias been rejected., Secretary of State John Hay is re ported much Improved In health, and is materially. Tho plan, of Presidents , CXvetieA in P"r" w,tWn ft few Id nnd Shea, of tho labor unions, to get the President in Iowa, nnd nsk bi to mcdlato tho strlko, was oban- nod. Tho two labor leaders will sko bh effort to see tho President dtir- 1 his visit hero today. Tho employers they will not bother tho President th striko .nfTnlrn. Die plan to seek nn interview' with President hns been abandoned. It Is decided that no good would bo uc- npllshed by n further effort to lay iforo tho President the lnbor side of situation. There wns not a singlu lions disturbance reported to tho po- up to noon. Other than perhaps ) extra number of police about tho pets, tho Prcsidont will probably wit- no umisunl scenes in Chicago. crowd gathered about n wagon of i Wtilsh IJoylo Co., at Clurk and Lake (Sets tills afternoon, and began throw- ' missiles at tho non-union drivers. 'police t-hurged nud disporscd tho 'd. No now strikes woro declared !' Miortly after noon six nlleged strlk- fnnd two uon-uulon recruits to their kg nttemptcd to raid a boarding to of colored men nt 0(). Htnte ct. In tho ensuing mclco Joseph vnrt, a colored non-union man, wns in t no leg ami sluslioil with a '. John Nothow, colored, was bad- cut. V, M. Hubbard was seriously tficd. Beforo this affair Charles sler, uon union, colored, was shot In 5 thigh. Fifty policemen woro re- red to disperse tho crowd which hered. RUSSIAN JAPANESE NAVAL NEWS Tokio, May 10. Itepresentativei of English Arms aro at Toklo to secure orders for the construction of two bat tleships and six largo erulsors, which Japan hns decided to build nbrond, St. Petersburg, May 10. It is report that tho crulsor Almaz has eluded tho Japaneso vessels which have been keep ing watch for tho Itussiau fleet, nnd hns renched Vladivostok. Tho Kusslnii cruiser Zcmstchug 1ms also reached VlndlvnMok, Tho two cruisers belonged to lt'itr-Amiral Voel kcrsnmss' division of Hojcstvensky's squadron. Huinburg, May 10. Tt is reported that agents of tho ltusslnn government hnvo completed arrangements through tho secrutnry of tho German Captains nnd ofllcers of the Commercial Marine, for tho enlistment of olllcers nnd crows for the transport ships which will ac company tho fifth division of tho ltus slnn second Pacific squadron to tho Far Armenian Uprising: In Ottoman Empire Is on Time the Rcvnl, Europenn Russia, May 10. A three-days' strike, in connection with labor day, May 11th, was decided on nt a largo meeting of workmen hero today. Further, it was decided to'mako fresh demands upon employers, with a threat t lint if not. complied with ius'ldo of 12 hours, tho factories will bo burned. Constantinople, May 10. Advices from Itltlls, Arcmnln, sny a number wero killed ns tho result of n clash be tween revolutionists nnd Turkish troops in tho neighborhood of Mush. It is reported that bands of Armenians aro preparing to iuvndo Ottoman territory. TJioy hnvo already crossed tho 1'ertiiun frontier. CARRIED BROKEN ARM A mnti who gnvo tho nnmo of Alfred Woolen, and elnlmlug to have, come Hastings, Nebraska, by way of Port land, wns arrested in Woodburn yes terday afternoon on tho statement of Trney Poormau, tho assistant cashier of tho robbed bank, that lie looked llko one of tho men who did tho job. An ivcnmluutlnn of tho Individual did uot bring anything of nn incrlnilnnting nature, to light, and he was later re leased. Tho man, upon arriving nt Woodbury inquired for n physician, wying that his arm wns broken, nud Hint ho -wanted tho injured member set. Marshal Cornelius, -of Snlom, says that last Monday this same person was in tills city begging, and that his arm was then bandaged. Cornelius took him in charge, and, after questioning him as to his business in town, told him tn leave town, Tho fellow did not leave, however, Contest Oyer Guardianship Before Probate Judge Tho objections to tho final report of A. A, Johnson, as guardian of tho cs tato of Howard Footo, a minor, wns heard In Judgo Bcott'a court today, Tho guardian was appointed in 1002 nnd received monoy duo tho minor amounting to $025. Tho monoy wns n pension duo tho minor under tho Unit ed States laws and tho guardian, who is tho mother of tho minor, was np pointed by tho court to enro for tho funds. The guardian, it is alleged, expended tin funds of thu ward without nn order of tho court nnd now tho minor objects to tho final account. An eastern sure ty company insured tho estnto against loss, nnd figures in tho transaction, and it is said that nn action will bo brought by tho wa'd, who tins now renchod his mnjorlly, hgninst tho company for tho full ntnount. Tho en so promises to attract somo Interest on account of tho fact that If tho soa ttlns It may result In tho mother having to nnswer to nnother court for jho funds, ns tho surety com pany wllll prnbnbly insist on it settle ment from tho guardian. FINED7" FIFTY , DOLLARS East. The erews will bo assembled nt' "'"' Tuesduy morning was nguln arrest- AND ARMY REUNION nrysvllle, Cnl., May 10. Tho 38th nl encampment of tho Grand Army lalifornin and Nevada opened hero Commauder Chan, ltieo and del es wero given a reception last night ibo citizens. There will be a big io tomorrow, revlowod by Nation- Dmmandcr Blackmar, Governor Par- tnJ Itico. Candidates for command- o Dr, Russell, of Marysvlllo; A. . tt. of San Francisco, and II. . pl-el, of Stockton. Llbnu. MARION COURT ( ed, and given nnother opportunity to depart, of which ho took advantage. At tho time tlmo tho qhlof, did not place iinielr, stock In the truth of the tnle thnt his arm wo broken, and mi thin ac count linn no sympathy for the miwr. The statement that he mndo to the Woodburn nollce. of ImvliiL' lust eonie DEbTmDFiC '"" Portlund, Is thereforo untrue. I 1jUVM mJ Vj What tho man's object wns In lying is not known, o men at Fhilomr th were fined $50 jfor giving liquor to a boy. Other Is are looked for for tho samo A complaint was filed this morning in department No. 1 of tho circuit court by J. T. Aufrance, plnintlff, vn. P. Levy, defendant. Tho plaintiff alleges that tho sum of 252.83 is duo.hlm for various articles jmrchaied by defend ant from him, ami asks judgment against the defendant for that amount, Brief Telegrams. A San Francisco grand jury is taking the ovldenco of Collins, in tho alleged bigamy case. Indictments probably will follow. At Marquette, Kan., two additional deaths, ns results of the cyclone, aro ,r lliut ...uuui, ,!. nt ,!, vlHm. with interest on said sum, together with thg nftcr00ni . costs am, u..r.n.... . i sue -.. . fc Q SraUJl wag WMf d nml A petition wa today filed by y ' , d b he Dumas, executor, u the Mar on county ' J J prooato court, ubkiuk iik io jvmu Woodburh, Mny 10. (Special) Con stablo Amot lleacli went to Albany Tuesday morning, and returned with C'llf MosLkwIio wns arrested on tho charge f nssuult nnd battery on Mr. Allen Simpson, of this place. Mr. Simpson's testimony was that ho was standing on tho depot platform Suit- day evening ns the excursion trains were going through, and, seeing n crowd of boys talking, he wont near them. One of tho boys shoved another over on Mr, Simpson,, stopping on his foot, Mr. Simpson said nothing, but merely pushed the fellow off his foot. At tins, one of his companions, Mosier, nlio wns intoxicated nt tho time, reuehod over and struck Simpson on the nos), just betwmui tho oyes, knoeking him down mid bruising his face very liudl.v. The act was unprovoked and uncalled for. Moslor was tried before Justice Overton Tuesday, and plead guilty to tho churgo of assault and but tery on Mr. Simpson. Ho was fined '$30 nnd costs, lie failed to have tho nH)oMir.v funds, and wits committed to the county jail. A l ford Wolleu, claiming to ho from Hastings, Minn,, who was arrested hero yesterday morning ns u suspect for thoj Woodburn bank robbery, wap released after examination, and jumped tho , "blind" on tho northbound passenger train today. Tho Marlon county commissioners' eourt was In session yesterday morn ing. Tho time wns consumed In the granting of petitions nnd tho Investi gating and allowing of claims present ed by tho different claimants. Tlio petition of Ichnbod Barn gar for tho construction of n rond 30 feet wldo from his premises to the public high wny wns granted. Tho appointment of William Esclt ns deputy sheriff in this county by Sheriff Culver wns approved, H. P. Hidings, who lives In tlio vi cinity of Aurora, had filed his claim with tho county court asking thnt ho bo allowed tlio sum of $5000, for nlleged Injuries received sometlmo last Octob er, while crossing a bridge over Pud ding river. He clnimed thnt he was riding horseback nt tho time, nnd, in attempting to cross tho said bridge, tho nnlmnl stepped through n hole in the bridge, throwing him violently to tho ground, dlsloentlng his right rrm nt tho elbow ami wrist, and permanently 'disabling him. After due consideration tho court decided to disallow Hilling's claim for dnmnges. TuoMiloy afternoon tho court did not meet, but Judgo cott and Conimissionr or Mlley spent tho tlmo driving over tho different roada lit the county nnd Inspecting thorn, taking note of the plncos most In need of repair. Tho coun ty rock crusher was paid a visit, and tho spots-where tho crushed rock has been used looked over and Inspected. Tho court adjourned yesterday sine die. Willamette vo. Oregon. Tho Wlllnmotto I U .-orsity baseball teuni will play tho team front Univer sity of Oregon noxt Frldny afternoon, Mny 12th, on tho University grounds. A closn and exciting gumo is expected. Chicago Markets. Chicago, May 10. Cash wheat, 01 Vj fctlUOti corn, !8lK((348)i; oats, 204 30. Tho city council of I,nkoviaw has ordered n strict qunrantino on nil tho smallpox cases there. Spends Twelve Hours in the City of Chicago Leaves at Midnight by a Spec ial Train for Washington Chicago, May 10. Tho President ar rived nt noon. About 150 patrolmen kept tho crowds back. Chief O'Neill led tho procession In a carriage, fol lowed by 50 mounted pulico. Then catnei nn escort of cavalry, suromiding ttior rarrlago in which were tho Prcsidont, Governor Ooncen nnd Mnyor Dunno, Tlo President wis ropentodly cheered along tho route. After slinking hands with tlio recep tion committee tho President walked) to tho eitglno nnd shook hands with tho engineer and fireman, nnd thnnhed the crow for tho safo trip. About 16000) peoplo followed tho President 'a car riage, all, trying to eatoh n gllmpso of tlio executive. Tho procession hnUtxl 15 minutes at tho Hush stroot bridge, to await tho possngo of a lako steamer. This gavo tlio crowd n good ehaneo to look at tho President, who did not soeni nnnoyed byttho delay. A few minute nftor ho lunched with tho Merchants' Club. Tho President will bo tho guest of tho city for l"l& hours. Three recep tions, one luncheon und ono bnnqunt jure, included in tho program. At raid ttlght tho President leaves for Washington. A "High Jinks" party waa recent ly given lit Dnfur, but up to 'data Dm editor of tint Dufur DIsiNitch has beer1 tinnhlo to locato the parties who pultod off tlio affair. The county court of Dougfaa county has lidded $1000 to their former appro priation for a proper exhibit nt titer Lewis und Clark fair. r STATE NEWS sion to sell the real property belonging last night. The elevator was struek by a high wind and demolished. to tho estate of the late Joseph Duma.,, y which consists of 10 acres of land .,,,', t Wn.t,!nin. section 0, township 8 south, rango 3 ' , Tlirt ATOjititnr I uarfazouu, u really pay for privilege of ts cheap goods. anso you have to buy them so oftener that they cost moro In ad. ' quality lsa't In n article It !s eive at any price. (?ou want to ba economical, the real em to solve is: Where can you jte best quality at the lowest price. panda of customers have thorough festigated this matter, and their tt is BARNES' lSH STORE tho most reliable merchandise rer prices than "regular store.' west, in Marlon county. has just completed the sale of the per sonal projKrty, from whUlt ho realUed tho sum -of $1500. Tho following is a list of th real cstato transfers filed with the Marion county recorder for the last two dayst H. P. and It. L. McNary to P. H. Southwick, land in Roberts' add to Sa lem, 1000. B. M. Smith, et ur,, to J. P. Smith, land in t 4 , 2 w, 11050. A. P. and C. D. Schintger to L. nnd J. Shulr, land in t 7 s, r 2 w, $0300. O, H. and P. H. Sroat to K. W. Moore, land in block 5, University add to Salem, $350. L, c. and L, D. Sherwood to Rubin Ewey, 2 acres, t 5 , r 1 w, $000. O. "W. Vinton to H. B. Mellwain, land in Capital City Pruit Farms, $1. H. P. Gile, et ux., to E. V. ilaUar- nack, lots 2, 3 and 4, block 15, Pleasant Home add to Salem, $10. If, E. nnd O. E. Mellwain to trustees of Pruitland church, land in Marion J county, $1. P. V. and E. Kramer to Wm. Hoeller, land In t 6 $, r 1 w, $450. A. C and N. Murray to Perry Burcn, 40 aeraJ, t 7 s, r 1 t, $320. Now Mexico, j(e was on his way to Port Stanton ,on department business. Au oporatlon was performed on Prince Adelbcrt, third son of the Kaiser, or blood jiolsoolng. The prlnco waa stung by a fly, and symptoms of blood poisoning developed. It is re ported that the operation was successful. Jack Tar in Trouble. Jack Robertson, who said bo was it retired sailor, and was now engaged in the race track business, Imbibed too much liquor last night, and this morn ing, when, he sobered up, found himself in the elty jail. Police Judge Moores collected the sum of $5 from Mm to pay for tho night's lodging, and al lowed him to go. Mr. Skinner had recover! sufficient ly from his Tuesday' "lark" to tell bis tale to the judge this morning. He said be came from California, and was bound north. Being very penitent, and also "broke," be was permitted to go, upon his promise to continue going in that direction. 'Die Albany chief of police 11 rod 21 hobos nut of that city Sunday, intuits. Strawberries aro scarco at Astoria nono in the market there ono day last week. Baker City paya 39 0-10 cents per hour per team for having tho streets sprinkled. Pour registered. Angora goati on o runsh near Independence, wero recently killed by dogs. . A sven-pound black bass, 1814 inches long, was caught In a llko oast of Albany last week. Madras will soon have tho distinction of having the only rural freo mall do livery in Crook county, A federal quarantine station is to be established at flardlner near the mouth nt the Uinpqua river. A big 40-horso power automobile will soon run between Madras and Prlne vlile carrying passenger. Lakevlew is to havo a riproarlng Fourth of July celebration, and tho iaglo will scream all day. Chinese pheasants are more numerous this year in Jackson and Josepblno counties, than ever before. The Cottage, Qtovo band ba closed a contract with the Arnold show for a three days' exhibition there. Thornton Williams, of Burn, one of Aurora will soon have a large opera the best known lawyer in Eastern Ore- house and hall, modern in all appoint gon, died at his home last week. Today is Petticoat Day WEDNESDAY SPECIAL SALE, NO. 227 For todny's selling wa offer n fine lino of Taffeta Silk Petticoats In color Black, Blue and Garnet 5 somo with nccordian plaiting, other made with threo rows of ruffling. Every ono a grand value ut tho regular prico of $0.50. TOMORROW ONLY $3.98 Morning Sale of Petticoats Our entire lino of silk and morcerlred petticoats at special price during tho forenoon. Bo among the early ones sale closes ut 12 o'clock, -noon. $.25 values $.50 values $.75 values $2.00 valves $2.50 values $3.00 values $3.50 values $1.05 $1.23 $.39 $.68 $2.0 $2.48 $2.98 $5.00 values - $4.48 $8.50 values - $7.35 $0.00 values $8.98 $2.50 values - $0.65 $3.50 values - $,85 $5.00 values -$3.25 $6.50 values - $4.35 Garments Cut Fee AH goods purchased hero costing 80e or moro per yard will bo cut nnd fitted freo by the original Miller & Miller, expert designer, euttora and fitters. SHIRT WAIBT BTJXT8. TAI10B 8UITS. HEW PLAITED SUITS. BI0RT WA1BTS Shop in the Mornings And take advantage of the special bargain that are everywhere through out tho establishment. Everything redueml, except contract and special ale good. t i