I frfi&tl -""ST ' 'n rr??;rWW?7Ft, DAILY CAPtTAlTJOtmnAL, 8At..OMKIO'JWiDNi:0DAr, MAY 3, 1000. "ft "- "" niiiimmiiiiiniiiiii AMUSEMENTS. WlllimilHIIIIIIIlli; TomanT. lidlion Vandorlllo. Keeping rattH With the Public. Tho patrons of tho Edison theatre 9.(0 bolng well entertained this week. Tho three Thompsons aro very clover, littlo Muzlo scoring n decided hit. Har ris & Davis are furnishlng'much nmuso mont by their comedy ncrobatlc act, their ropo skipping being a feature. Frod Mack Opens tho bill with a lively diverting monologue nnd buck and wing dancing. Helen Vanco sings tho beau tiful lllustrntcd songs, "Tho Girl I Loved Out in tho Qoldon West." Tho Edlsonoscopo shows soldiers of all nn tlons on dress parado, and a littlo of everything, with many n laugh. Per formances starts promptly at 7:30, 8:30 nnd 0:30 p. m. Mntlneo today. New Edison Theatre E. P. Starkcy, Manager. Week commencing May 1, 1905. Vnu dcvlllo notables. Initial appearanro of 3-TIIOMPSONO 3 In tho jolly comedy "A Widow's Troubles." Watch tho littlo one. Tho clever Easterners, JIAIIBIS & DAVIS, Lady nnd gont In a comedy acrobatic performance. Now comes FI1ED MAOK, In ono of his lnughablo tnlkologucs. Fcnturo as usunl, EDISONOSOOPE. Hew motion pictures Chango of nets Tliursday. Matinees Wednesday nnd Saturday. Admission, nny scat, 10c. Watch for special mnti nces. Long Leaping With tho Norris & Eowo Greater Circus , an International Tournament of Champions. Ono of tho oldest nnd most pleasing nets in n circus Is n leaping tourna ment. The sight of men flying from a spring board over the bucks of horses, camels nnd clephnnts nnd other high objects, in 'nlwnys spirited nud inter esting. Tho clowns who follow tho leapcrs In n burlesque of their flights nlwnys supply ubuudnut fun, and alto gether there is not a numbfr on tho ontLro program thnt Is more thoroughly onjoyed by tho entire audienco. Tho leaping tournament hns been rovived this season by tho Norrls & itowo great er circus upon n scalo in keeping with their now great ahows. All tho great leapcrs of this country nnd Europo linvo bcon engaged to tako part iu It. A tournament on tho same order bus bocn nrranged for tho acrobats in which tho Hollford family, tho Gard ner family, Melnotte, LaNolo and Mjl nottc, tho Vlctorolla troupe, tho Tra violin troupe, tho Tnsmnnlun troupe, tho McDonald Hros., Druco Sinclair, Paul Zoro, Slgnor Pernlta and other noted gymnasts will participate. He tweon tho leapcrs nnd tho acrobats, considerable rivalry has developed nnd -just nt present tho most spirltod nnd dnshing foats of skill nro being accom plished. Vor tho first timo In tho his tory of tho white- tents, a corps of lady lcapers have been enguged. Ten of tho most nglle lady acrobats bavo signified their Intention of competing for tho purso of gold and tho diamond modal Norrls & Howe nro offering for thoso who show tho most skill, daring nnd graco in leaping over the high bar riers. These porformers will bo seen here with tho Norrls & Itowo greater circus at Salem Monday, May 8, at 2 nnd 8 p. m. o A Disastrous Calamity. It is n disastrous calamity, when you loso your health, because Indiges tion nnd constipation have sapped it nway. Prompt relief can bo had In Dr. King's Now Life Pills. They build up your digestive organs and euro head ache, dizziness colic, constipation, etc. Guaranteed nt J. C. Perry 'u drug store; 23c. Men like Acheson and Penland should bo fined, anyhow, for improving their streets by hook or orook. It Is nn out rngo to stir up strife by changing things from tho way they havebeen for a thousand years. Estray Notice. Notice U hereby alien that I have taken up and Impoonded th following doacrlbeU animal found running at Urgo within the City of Ba enj, to wit 8orrel horse, four.whito feet, unshod, branded C-J. Tho owner of alJ animal can bare the same by proTlng property and paying the lgal charge, mil expenses of taking u and keeping etc and in default thereof for fire days. I U proceed to eeUthaaald animal at public auction ma provided In ordinance Ko. 200 of too afore said city. Dated Salem, May 1, 1005. J. C. MABSII, Deputy Pound Master Ward No. 5. BEWARE OF THE FAKERS The Lewis and Clark fnlr nt Portland causes Oregon to swarm with fako nuV vcrtlsing schemes, nnd they como to Salem as the readiest field for their , harvest. The business men generally give them tho go-by, ns thoy nro well sattsdod to uso tho dally newspapers thnt employ 15 to 20 people, nnd pay .them good wages, that, In turn, nro (spent nt home. Of course, thcro nro some who prefer Ito patronizo fako propositions, ns thoy nro n littlo on tho fako ordor them selves, and hnvo no uso for tho news- paper unless they finvo n collar on it I for their particular game. As n rule, I the faker works tho faker, and tho level-headed business man employs lo gitlmnto advertising to sccuro 'legiti mate business. How would it do for youj grocer to sell poor stulTor dcat stuff as he sells Schilling's Best? MoneybacU. WE'RE STILL HERE don't lose siairr or urc faot THAT EILEES PIANO HOUSE IS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN SALEM. Best Pianos at Lowest Prices Always Within tho Roach of the Purchasers of Tills Vicinity Our Object is to Pleaso in Every Instance. Wo want tho pcoplo of Salem to ful ly realizo tho ndvnntngcs which wo offer nt nil times to tho piano buyer. Tho lovo nnd appreciation of good mu sic Is not confined to tho wealthy and accomplished. It has becomo a part of tho homo lifo of overy Intelligent Amorlcnn, nnd no home ikt now complete without n pinna iu it. Ellcra low-prlco policy and moderate terms of paymont mnko It possiblo for cultivated homes, whether they pos sess large incomes or not, to securo n piano entirely Iu keeping with their taste. There. Is to bo found nt our storo u representative line of highest grade pianos. Wo invito nn Inspection of them, and a comparison of prices with those ou pianos of tho snmo grade sold by any other dealer In Sulem, or nny where clso In this country. Tho result of such Inquiry will convince you of your advantage In buying here. Wo study to pleaso our patrons, nnd to en nblo them to nave In cost und gniu in quality, whether their ptirchuso bo one of tho highest grudo and most costly makes, it Chlckerlng, of lloston, or n Webor, of New York, or n good piano of more moderate price. Iu addition to thoso famous makes wo now liuvo on hand iu Salem a splen did Hobart M. Cubic, bountiful eases In mnhogany, nnd nnother of tho same iHinular style, eleimutly cused In oakj u Story & Clark, superbly eased In ono of their now nnd original stylos,. a love ly Schumann in funey oak, a Jucob Doll nnd n number of others, among them somo good used pianos, recently tnkou in exchange for now ones, nmong them n Mathushek, which wo will sell for $75 on easy payments, Don't Forget tho Pianolas. If you havo a silent piano In your hnua. lot us show you the pianola. It will cnnblo you to have inusle In your home, whether you nro n muiIan or not. Wo nro always glad to show how slmplo an instrument it is, how easily mastered, uud what perfect music it will produce, Visitors aro always wel come. KILKRS PIANO HOUSE, ltoom 7, McCornack lllock. A. L. Lovelaee, Monuger. Wasco County Taxes, State Treasurer Moore yesterday re ceived the sum of $12,000 from Wuseo eauuty to apply on tho 1005 state taxes. Man's Unreasonableness. Is often as great as woman's. Hut Thou ir. Austin, manager of the "lie- publican," of Leavenworth, Ind-, was not unreasonable when lie reiusou 10 ni inr tli doAtors to onerate on his wife, for female trouble, "Instead," bo says, "wo concluded to try Electric miters. Mr wlfa was then so sick, she eouiu hardly leave her bed, nnd five (5) phy sicians had failed to relieve her. Alter inline- Eleetrie Hitter, she was per fectly cured, nnd ean now perform all her household duties." Uuaranteca uy J. a Perry, druggist, price 50c Tako Your Sapper At the Unitarian church tonight. SALEM , COUNCIL SITS And -Hatches Out Quite a Brood of Chickens The regular meeting of ihc city coun cil was held last evening, with nil pres ent but Alderman Wallace It was moved by Alderman Dokor that the; reading of tho minutes of tho previous meeting bo dispensod with. Tho mo tion wns enrricd. Tho coinmltteo on wnys nnd means reported unfnvorobly on tho bill for nn ordinnnco giving tho mayor power to grant pardons to per sons sentenced by tho recorder to terms of Imprisonment or tho remitting of fines Imposed by him. Atdermnn Downing, of tho commit too ou ordinances, to which commlttco wns refcrrod tho bill for nn ordlnanco to rcgulnto nnd tax the express compan ies nnd nlso n bill for tho rogulntlon nnd tnxntlon of telephone nnd telegraph companies, moved thnt tho section in both ordlnnnces, stating thnt the amount of tho tnx bo fixed nt $00 per quarter, bo changed to rend $50 In stead of $(10. Tliis amendment wns Inter adopted, and tho bill was thon re ferred to tho recorder for engrossing beforo coming up for passage. Tho commlttco reported unfavorably on tho bill for nn ordinnnco requiring tho city pollco to wear uniforms nnd helmets. Tho report was ndoptcd. Hills h gainst the city wero read nnd npproved, nnd wnrrants ordered drnwn for tho rcspectlvo nmounts, Tho com mlttco on streets having reported fnl vorably on tho petition of Harry Thomas to erect n stand plpo on Lib erty street near 8tato strcot, tho ro port was ndoptcd. Tho report of tho city engineer regarding tho establish ment of monuments fixing tho grndo of tho city streets wns referred to tho comiiiltteo nn streots. Alex Cornoycr a petition for n sa loon license, was reported favorably by tho committee nnd tho llc'cnso wns ordered granted. Itegnrdlng tho ro qnost of tho Yew Park hoso toam for tho purchnso of firo extinguishers for the use of tho team, tho committee on firo nud water, to whom tho matter was referred, ropnrted favorably on tho po tltion, nnd tho report was ndoptod. It wns moved by Alderman Gcsncr that tho recorder be instructed to advertise for bids to furnish 120 cords of body fir wood for tho uso of tho city hnll noxt winter. Tho motion wn carried, Tho streot commissioner reported that tho plunking of tho steel bridge over the Wlllnmctto river wns In need of repair nnd it wns moved nnd car ried that the coinmltteo on brldgos con fer with Marlon nnd Polk counties with referenro to repairing tho structure. Tho special committee to whom was referred tho matter of advertising fur nnd receiving bids for tho construction of u six-foot cement sidewalk on tho east side of Marlon square reported that thoy had done according to instructions nnd hud received n number of sealed bids. Alderman Stcusloff moved that the bids be opened nnd rend, which was curried. Tho following persons submit ted bids: J. P. Vcateh, two separate bids; John Nelson, O. C. Holmnn nnd 0. A. Kehrborger. O. C. Holmnn ' bid wnB the lowest roeolvod, stntlng thnt ho would do tho work for 814 cents per squaro foot. It wns moved nnd carried that tho matter bo referred to tho com mlttoo on sewors with power' to let the contract for construction. The mntter of tho Saginaw street im provement whlsh wns referred to a spe cial committee of six, empowering tbem to invnetlgate the charges mado by Al derman Mayno, vim that Alderman Acheson had caused tho street In front of his property to be improved at con slderuble expense without first obtain ing permission of tho council, came up Sabi;? Hied Cus bonder?! Send more businoss to tho Printcrman than a dozen solicitors, who worry tho life out of you at all hours of the day. When you want Good PnumNa rlngup2953 and the worry ceases, the work promptly done and de livered. ELLIOTT Phone 2953 217 Commercial St WASTING AWAY It's the small but constant loss of" flesh that indicates physical waste the gradual flipping away pf healthy flesh, pound by pound, which no ordinary food seems to re store. Scott's Emulsion will restore it. This Emulsion is the greatest flesh builder ob tainable. Scott's Emulsion first stops the wasting that's one gain. Then when it sup plies new flesh and takes one back to normal strength and weight, that's another gain and a big one. We'll lend you a utnple, frte SCOTT & DOWN E, 409 Pcirl Strut. New Votk. at this time. Alderman Hayno had claimed that 'the cxponso wns unwar ranted, becnuso of tho littlo traffic upon said strcot. Tho commlttco consisted of tho following persons! Aldormen Downing, Churchill, linker, Gcsnor, Stcusloff nnd Jacobs. Tho committee met, but were unablo to ngrco, so both sides prepared scparato reports on tho subject. Tho first report exonerated Alderman Acheson from any lntontlon al wrong-doing when ho cnused tho street abovo named to bo improved. This report was signed by Aldermen Downing, Churchill and Baker. Tho second report was signed by Aldermen Cleaner, Stcusloff nnd Jacobs, nnd blamed Acheson for what ho had done, Censuring him soveroly. A voto was taken on which report to ndopt, nnd tho first report pnssod, thus frcolng Al dcrmnn Acheson from tho cbnrgo of any Intentional wrongdoing. Hecorder Moores report of tho collec tion of tho city for tho month of April wns read and ndoptcd. It was no fol fel fol eows: Fine $ 28.00 llond fund .... 100.00 Rent .. .' 00.00 Poll tax 185.70 Licenses 2-20.00 Justice fees .'... 1.00 Totul $733.7S Alderman Frailer moved that tho pu-j tltion of Stcincr It Hcrger for tho con struction of a corrugated iron building bo referred to the commlttco on firo and wnter, nnd thnt Stelner & Dcrgor furnish plans und specifications to tho commlttco for their inspection. Tho motion wns carried. A petition nsklng tho council to pro hibit the riding of bicycles on certain streets wns read and referred io tho commlttco ou ordlnnnces. A bill-providing for tho cleaning nnd Dr.Stone'sDrugStore does a strictly cash business, owes no' one, nud no one owos it; carrlos largo; stock; its shelves, countors and ahowj enscs nro loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines nnd liquors of all kinds for medical pur poses. Dr. Stone is n regular gradual In modiclne and has bad many years of oxporlonco in tho practice. Consulta tions aro freo. Prescriptions are tt9, nnd only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can be found at his drug store, Salem, Oregon, from 0 in the morning until 0 at night. This is Our Hundred Ether Stick Scat or Panel Seat. With jttl ill 1 II I If If II till If ' Hl 9KsMBBlllsHsflilSBlllSBlllllKk JP I frisHa1ia9LiaHssiiiHsBsBiiiiiisiHslsiHsk X. m sBskin?i8 s2iSfii$ffis$fe ?7ltiNretiJiUsBslsBflsBiassssBiife M A gentleman was in a day or two since who had looked at every hike wagon in Salem, and he said that "without question this la the nattiest rig and the fcest vatae shown i& the city." He is only one of many who have arrived at the same conclusion. Come tat and see for yourself. B&MgL IBACGAOE .aooMtT BXi3 mtW$ , If you think aright, your footsteps Tho best of everything in Ciothcs, prices to pleaso - The Shift Stoe Of tie Town 'Tls by reason of our lmmonso shirt trade that wo lay tho claim to the distinctive torm, "Tho Shirt Storo of tho Town," Wo know that no concern gives the study of shirt fashions and shirt making moro serious thought than wo do. The rosult is a high acblovemont In tho shirt business not equalled die- whore In our city. Como to tho Shirt Storo for Shirts, r Salem Woolen Mill Store rcnnirlnc of crosawnlks nnd sidewalks nt tho expenso of adjoining property owners was read tho first and second times nnd referred to tho committee on ordinances. Tho ordinnnco to prohibit tho ruut nlng of bllllnrd halls and places of amusement ou Sunday was read the first nnd socond times, nnd ou motion wns roferrcd to tho commlttco on plumbing. Aldermnn Stcusloff moved thnt tho warrants to pay for tho new hoso be withheld, ns it was found that three sections of tho hose wero slightly dam aged, nnd tho committee asked for timo to Investigate the samo. On motion the council ndjournod to meet Tuesday evening, May Oth. at 8 o'clock. ' Tho nrlce of a pretty face Is $1. three parkngos of HollUtcr's Itocky Mountain Tea. Hrlngn red lips, bright eves nnd lovely color. 35 cents, Ton or Tablet. Stono's drug store. HOLLISTCn'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nugrjots A Dtir Mtdltla far Bniy IWla. DrUji OolJn HstltU 10J Rintvoi Vigor. A np-vlflo fnrCaiKllimtlon, Iiidljoitlon, Urn ami Kidney Tronhtn. rlmplca, IX'ttm. Import Uloo.1, Hail llreatli. Hlutilti IkweU, Ilradacliti ami llAckaelM. It's Kooky tloiintaln Tra In tali Irt form. 1 cDI a tn. (Ii-numc mad by ItoMJsTaa Hneo CoKMxr, )Ui1Ihu, YU. GUUIEM IIU0GET8 FOR SALLOW PE0PLR VI ft I m4W Clothes Good breeding and good clothe go hand in hand. Every man will dross anew at spring timo. It's tho "coming out" timo for tho young men, and for tho men of riper years. Thcro is no one so dreary that his soul and spirits are not warmed up with spring sunshine. Think out your wardrobe, neods think of tho store that's best ablo to fill thoa. will bo guldod to this store. Hats and ITnbcrd&sh'ory await you at SEYEN YEARS PRISON, In Connection With t Ltttte Strenuous Rook Keeping: Cleveland, Mny 3. Cashier A. B, Spcer, of the defunct Oborlln bank, was arrnlgnoU before Judgo Taylor in tho federat cdurt this morning,- and pleaded guilty to falsifying tho book! of the bank. Spear wns sentenced to seven years In tho penitentiary, under n previous indictment lu connection with President Heckwlth nnd Mrs. Chadwlck. Hpear whs nt once sentenced to sev en years In tho penitentiary. ; It Is reported that Aslsstnnt Cashier (loll, wanted lu connection with the de-" fnlcntlon of tho Into President Illgelow, nt Milwaukee, was arretted this after noen: Dollar Bike or Without Fenders F. A. Wiggins Implement Home, 2W-237 Liberty aH. Para Implements, Wheels, Avteai, tiles, Sewing Maciines and. SnyyUec V' iLy'vs ..jrWt4laLjf ..i.ja. -ti,-.t,-.SAi. A , ''..-AIBt., , nta